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Give it your best show Anonymous 24/07/14(Sun)14:44 No. 15542 ID: 343db3 [Reply]

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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Anonymous 22/02/20(Sun)17:56 No. 14904 ID: 805cea [Reply]

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I'm starting to think that adults are the ones with a penchant for make-believe rather than children.

Seriously. Ask the average adult about natural science and see how much they know.
Some will even deny it as "NWO bullshit."

But, they somewhat seem to know about every and any urban myth under the sun.

If kids are laughed at for believing in Santa and the tooth fairy, how are grown ass men applauded for believing that the earth is flat?

Adults seem to care more about metaphors and abstractions rather than the technical/physical world in front of them.

How many counselling books about marriage, work, and family must be written and collect dust on boomers' personal shelves?

Anonymous 22/02/20(Sun)18:50 No. 14905 ID: 273d68

are you experienced? have you ever been experienced? well I am.

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)19:13 No. 15428 ID: dae4d5


Anonymous 22/07/06(Wed)04:33 No. 14985 ID: e60093 [Reply]

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The point of life is to grow up.
So why are humans so obsessed with childhood? And while being misopediac?

Why does society go at great lengths to patronize the youth for developing any sense of individuality?

Whenever I hear an adult say "I wish I was a kid again", what I see is "I suck at adulting and I hate responsibility".

Most people are plagued by childish desires but instead of reconciliation and growing into true adulthood, they'd rather pout and moan inwardly.

It's no wonder why midlife crisis is blending into quarter-life crisis.
It's no wonder why adolescence is being lengthened.
In fact, adolescence is artificial.

I'm dramatising, but I'm not joking when I think that there's an undercurrent of fear/contempt for maturation.

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Deleuze+Student+ 22/09/15(Thu)14:31 No. 15145 ID: e0f8fb

Becouse Childism is based .
We shuld think like child
Truley only the wonderfull tougths can begin there .

Anonymous 22/09/15(Thu)16:18 No. 15146 ID: fce29e

People use children as metaphors of faux pas. Also, children aren't inherently innocent/idealistic.

They have the same drives for money,sex,politics, and toys like adults do, but it's beaten out out them.

It's a shame because I think society would benefit from worldly awareness in youth.

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)19:10 No. 15427 ID: dae4d5


Virtues produce freedom of mind and soul Anonymous 24/05/24(Fri)08:08 No. 15413 ID: 15a35d [Reply]

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Virtues produce freedom, sins enslave you to externals

Let's take an example for this. Let's say you are sitting on a park bench and you are solving a lengthy math problem in your head. Remember your will is only to solve that math problem going on in your head. Now let's say a car passes by and the driver gives you the middle finger. If you get angry, your mind is off that math problem and on to the man who flipped you off, your will is lost, but if you forgive that man instantaneously, your solving of the math problem remains undisturbed. An attractive women passes by, if you lust after her, again the math problem is off your mind, and that woman is now in your head, the lust consumes you and kills your will. You see a beautiful car and you desire it(materialism/greed), now instead of the math problem that car consumes your mind. Solving the lengthy math problem will take time, but if you become impatient, things like frustration will fill your mind and you will never be able to solve that problem, patience would keep you unperturbed.

Now let's come off this example. Vanity is a rather obvious one, in vanity a person thinks he/she is "better than others or the best", now those terms "better" and "best" are comparison terms, hence your whole existence is defined by those around you, so you are obviously a slave to externals. Pride isn't so obvious, let's say you are proud of your math skills while in 3rd grade, and biology is about to be introduced as a specialized subject in grade 6. Now biology might be the love of your life, but since you have already defined yourselves by math due to pride in the past, you won't be able to freely move on to biology and ditch math altogether. Pride in something now kills your options and free movement in the future. Envy is rather obvious, your being is defined by feeling bad for someone what has or has achieved, your being is a slave to something external. Addictions to anything also obviously enslave you.

Now on to love, if you give up your will out of love for others, you become freer than before. It is almost a paradox, but if one applies this they can learn this through experience. That is all I can say about love, you gotta try it.

In short, virtues are the only way to produce freedom of mind and soul, if you have any sin it means you are a slave.

Anonymous 24/05/24(Fri)08:13 No. 15414 ID: 15a35d

I'm OP, how love produces freedom can be explained through the Christian God but I don't know if that would be categorized as preaching (which might not be allowed here), so I have omitted that discussion from the original post.

Anonymous 24/05/25(Sat)01:00 No. 15417 ID: 8502c5

The biggest enslaver is idealism.

The desire to change the world fucks things up even more.

Also define "love"

Anonymous 24/05/26(Sun)07:29 No. 15420 ID: 520390

Also define "love"
For this I'll end up giving the Biblical description of love, visit the following link for it,


>The biggest enslaver is idealism.
This isn't about idealism, to be mentally free one needs to be free from or stay away from mental cages (like you'd stay away from "idealism"). The original post is an attempt to describe what cages your mind and soul, and what sets it free.

Just thought of this lol shademocker12 21/12/31(Fri)23:33 No. 14877 ID: b414be [Reply]

Yo, I'm a normal retard and I just thought of something I think is cool. I wrote it down. Here it is.

"Humans have free will, and are simultaneously determined. This determination is outside of their perception, which is why they have free will. The proof for why we are determined is in the fact that every reasonable or tangible thing requires a reason to exist. This text file would not exist if I had not typed it. Human beings themselves as well as their physical and mental states and thus decisions would not exist either without reasons.

Despite this determination, the human race in each individual experience is ignorant of it. This is why we have free will. It is not an illusion. It is real to us, and the reason for why it is real is not something we can describe. But just because we can't describe it doesn't make it not real. We know it is real on the basis that we can perceive it. It does not need to be described.

We have the choice to embody a wide selection of dualistic things. Good or evil, truth or falsehood, Half truth or half truth. Any mix of things can be embodied by a human, but all of these things are dualistic, including mixes of things like half truths.

The world is sick.

Humans can either be perfect or imperfect. More precisely, the components of a human being are fundamentally the following. Morality, Health, and Purity. People can be good or evil, unhealthy or healthy, or pure or impure. If someone is good, healthy, and pure, then they are perfect. Most children are this way. If someone is deficient in any one of these categories, they are imperfect.
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Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:28 No. 15409 ID: 30d984

Free will isnt really free.
We only have control over choices.
Not over nature.

Free will as some transcdent force over nature is Protestant idealism.

Heroic Doooze Anonymous 22/03/11(Fri)19:07 No. 14912 ID: 3b8fbf [Reply]

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Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)12:00 No. 15093 ID: e3da1b

According to McKenna hallucinogenic mushrooms come from outer space. Alien fungi, so to speak.

Anonymous 22/11/08(Tue)10:17 No. 15171 ID: 9eef2a

McKenna is a true tinfoil hat hippie.

Anonymous 24/04/14(Sun)11:00 No. 15386 ID: 2c672c

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McKenna is the result of what happens when autism meets drug abuse.

Anonymous 21/06/25(Fri)03:46 No. 14777 ID: fcc080 [Reply]

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It's scary sad how many people think this guy is actually intelligent. He's a good public speaker and has a highly polished script but any time he used to try to go off script to address novel rebuttals to his arguments and he sounded like an autistic NPC.

Anonymous 24/02/01(Thu)17:28 No. 15374 ID: 993934

Is he a Christian apologist?

Blind faith is inescapable Anonymous 23/09/26(Tue)13:39 No. 15344 ID: 9008d4 [Reply]

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If we come to think about it everyone is operating based upon blind faith to one degree or another. I mean, for a start, let's take what we all consider to be historical "facts". Let's consider two people arguing over a historical "fact". One sites one "source", the other sites another. Both are convinced 100% that what they believe(only believe) to be historically true is true indeed. But none of them were present/alive when the historical "fact" they are discussing happened, none of them observed it with their own senses, so in the end it is just "faith". They calculated in their brains a "plausible" reason to put their "blind faith" in whatever historical source they chose to believe.

Same is true for a lot of science and scientific "facts". People observe a few things mentioned in their science textbooks/websites/papers/whatever, and then choose to put "blind faith" in whatever other things mentioned in their scientific sources that they didn't observe themselves(through experiments or their senses). I mean I am a Christian, and I am sure the most of Bible deniers could find at least 1 or 2 things in the Bible they agree with, but they would counter, test, and try to confirm everything else mentioned in it(no problem with that, they should). But not with the historical and science sources. We observe some things to be true in the history or science sources, and then by nature consider everything else in them to be true, we all end up putting blind faith to varying degrees in our sources. I am not saying that those sources are invariably wrong, they may be right, but blind faith is inevitable.

Same with geographical "facts". No one has traveled the whole world for themselves, and confirmed things for themselves that what is shown on the maps is true, like let's say Asia is to the east of North America(just an example let's not get stuck at this point). Again, not saying that the maps are false, but we all do take them to be true blindly.

I'd go as far as to say, most of what a human being is composed of, what he is, is based on blind faith(which in no way implies that what we believe is untrue).

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Anonymous 24/01/14(Sun)19:52 No. 15366 ID: abb24c

sure Christianity is about having an undeniable personal proof that God is real, but still the other points mentioned by me in the original post are true for you too. Everyone has to rely completely on faith at some points in this earthly life.

Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)02:01 No. 15367 ID: 9e89af

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Christ demanded faith be the lesson

Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)17:55 No. 15371 ID: abb24c

faith is needed to reach Jesus, it is the starting point to go to Jesus, but eventually He gives you perfect personal proof that He exists, it is an undeniable proof tailor made for you(your unique personality). But even after that life still depends on faith in His goodness to obey Him, and even answers to prayers depends on faith, but He does give us clear proof that all 3 Godheads are real.

Anonymous 21/03/31(Wed)03:27 No. 14719 ID: 88916b [Reply]

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Does anyone talk about how neolib education is largely a racquet and way for owners and managers to screen out stupid and lazy applicants?

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Anonymous 22/04/27(Wed)14:48 No. 14935 ID: e4a0b8

Everything that is needed for a good understanding of the academic discipline can only be achieved through a long and detailed study of educational materials, because no one but you will drive this into your head. For example, not too long ago I was looking for the best college preparatory courses for my child, and this helpful comparison article https://edureviewer.com/prep-expert-vs-princeton-review/ helped me a lot. I am not going to overpay and it is important for me to know that the process of preparing for the tests will be really successful.

Anonymous 23/08/05(Sat)20:12 No. 15327 ID: a29b11

College is a markting scheme to enslave young people now that housing isnt readily available anymore.

Now theyre talking about maming college compulsory amd rasining the age of majority to 25

Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)02:04 No. 15369 ID: 9e89af

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get a job, chud

The most important advice i can give DotAddicts+Anonimus 17/12/27(Wed)15:49 No. 13401 ID: aeb2d6 [Reply]

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Learned from experience.... terrible ones, people were just not meant to live together.

Never, ever ever ever, pursue a relationship. It is never worth it.

Hire a prostitute but dont pretend its more than that.

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The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:43 No. 15362 ID: a6e051

You will find out

Anonymous 24/01/11(Thu)05:57 No. 15365 ID: 60ce5c

Isn't this pretty much just what Lacan said?

Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)02:02 No. 15368 ID: 9e89af

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