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Anonymous 22/07/06(Wed)04:33 No. 14985 ID: e60093

File 165707483499.png - (348.83KB , 649x670 , average_millennial.png )

The point of life is to grow up.
So why are humans so obsessed with childhood? And while being misopediac?

Why does society go at great lengths to patronize the youth for developing any sense of individuality?

Whenever I hear an adult say "I wish I was a kid again", what I see is "I suck at adulting and I hate responsibility".

Most people are plagued by childish desires but instead of reconciliation and growing into true adulthood, they'd rather pout and moan inwardly.

It's no wonder why midlife crisis is blending into quarter-life crisis.
It's no wonder why adolescence is being lengthened.
In fact, adolescence is artificial.

I'm dramatising, but I'm not joking when I think that there's an undercurrent of fear/contempt for maturation.

Most of our definition of maturity is purely aesthetic.
Just collect any fancy relics from a couple centuries ago with no further information about said historical period. Or adapt the cool kids styles from your parents' heyday.

Anonymous 22/07/06(Wed)18:52 No. 14987 ID: 838b0b

The adult world is slavery and boring in the West and women ruin it with their inability to let go of jealousy.

Anonymous 22/07/07(Thu)15:59 No. 14992 ID: 88d3e6

Take your Ritalin.

Anonymous 22/07/07(Thu)17:39 No. 14993 ID: 838b0b

>does not refute
>uses 1 liners to insult the poster
Did you even need to post what you did? It's worthless.

Anonymous 22/07/09(Sat)21:25 No. 15000 ID: 9989e1

How is the adult world any more slavery than childhood?
Don't be fooled by the colorful, loony media aimed at children.
If you were to look at childhood, objectively, without the cartoons and toys, you would realize that childhood is boring and imprisonment.
There's a reason why we have teenage rebellion.
Because teens are adults by right .
Our industrialized society made the mistake of extending childhood to young adults.

Anonymous 22/07/10(Sun)03:37 No. 15003 ID: 838b0b

>How is the adult world any more slavery?
Suffering to achieve production, as a child you are not expected to produce and your suffering imposed to get said production. This is ofc barring from the fact of how parents are to act
>There's are reason why we have teenage rebellion
Children eventually get old enough to understand. Upon these ages their parents aren't always wrong, yet the child most always must rebel. It is the inherent nature of the animal to strike out for its own benefit and that is rebellion
>Our industrialized society made the mistake of extending childhood to young adults.
Indeed. The voting age is lowered ever lower to get the egalitarian and inexperienced youth to weigh their vote in favor of progressives.

Anonymous 22/07/10(Sun)19:44 No. 15004 ID: 9989e1

>Indeed. The voting age is lowered ever lower to get the egalitarian and inexperienced youth to weigh their vote in favor of progressives.

Most young people don't vote. Also, they're raising the age of driving, alcohol and cigarettes. They're forcing young people to stay in school for longer.
Society is now saying 18-24 is too young for marriage or dating older people.

>Children eventually get old enough to understand. Upon these ages their parents aren't always wrong, yet the child most always must rebel. It is the inherent nature of the animal to strike out for its own benefit and that is rebellion

Wrong. Adolescence is artificial. In the animal kingdom, when babies are old enough to walk, parents send them to go hunting/foraging
When they hit sexual maturity, they're sent off to find a mate.
Humans have had coming of age ceremonies where the new adults were INITIATED into adult society.
Teenagers were gallant tradesmen and we're married with children.
That all changed by the mid-19th century.

>Suffering to achieve production, as a child you are not expected to produce and your suffering imposed to get said production. This is ofc barring from the fact of how parents are to act

Apparently, you forgot about bullying, the hyper focus on liberal arts and negligence of technical skills. And who can forget zero-tolerance policy?
Kids are now criminalized for telling dark and edgy jokes.

Apparently, you are of the typical sophomoric adult mindset that thinks growing up is a punishment. People like you are why we have post-pubescent crisis in the first world.
The reason why adulthood sucks is because most people are too immature to overcome worldly lusts for money, sex, and politics. They chase after high paying jobs that they think will save them from elbow grease, chase after romance because they want to Materialise their childhood Disney fantasies, and big mansions and fast cars.

Anonymous 22/07/10(Sun)19:59 No. 15005 ID: 9989e1

Society is doing EVERYTHING IN ITS POWER to smother and emasculate the youth as much as possible.
People nowadays think allowing kids to watch the news or talking to them about race is child abuse.
Kids get the cops called on them for walking down the street by themselves.
Teens are barred from working bc "liability issues."
People think childhood and adulthood are two separate spheres of reality that can be automatically transitioned to.
But, as the years go on, we are seeing modern society become more incompetent, more fragile, more ignorant.
Adults are indulging in childish entertainment.
They literally bully kids online for enjoying any kids shows that are revamped.
They rant and rave about how kids shows are declining in quality because there's not enough adult humor.
Most adults under 60 are adapting strange urban folklore with little basic scientific knowledge.
We are seeing more adults subscribing to lifestyle channels to learn about picking up chicks, cosplaying as children's show characters, or motivational seminars. Nobody knows how to cook, clean, do basic repairs, change tires, or even raise children.
Adults are becoming less skilled and less mature.

And it's all due to this parental philosophy gone horribly wrong; "youth is innocence".
Soon, 35 will be the new 18, if not the new 12.

Anonymous 22/07/10(Sun)20:28 No. 15006 ID: be9b39

It needs to be acknowledged that the sort of "morality" we teach to children basically puts pretending to be happy and stable no matter what as the highest virtue. When we say "be a good boy", we don't mean to be righteous and charitable, we mean to shut up and not be a problem. We teach kids that even if they're unhappy, even if they're unhappy for completely fair and tangible reasons, they have to repress it or else we'll make things even worse for them.

Many "adults" never grow out of this at all, they just let their mental issues fester so they won't be seen as "naughty" for being negative or obstructive once in a while, and they try to force this on others. They never develop a higher moral view based on doing the right thing for your peers and future generations, it's all about avoiding personal punishment. Obviously this also hinders development of any sort of interesting personality.

It's horrifying to realize the possibility that a huge percentage of people you meet who appear to be happy and positive actually just got really good at faking it due getting punished if they didn't.

Anonymous 22/07/10(Sun)23:28 No. 15007 ID: adfcbc

"Children are to be seen, not heard."
Nowadays it's "children are not be seen nor heard."

But it's not even that.
What it's really about is:
"Fuck you, I'm an adult, I do what I want."
This mentality is especially strong in men.
The biggest form of discrimination isn't race, gender, nor economic class.
It's age.
The older you are, the more rights you have.
The you get you are, the less
Ever notice that people always say "KIDS THESE DAYS" to any isolated incident involving kids?

Yet, never do they say "Adults these days" to the more common misdemeanors of post-pubescence.

Anonymous 22/07/11(Mon)01:29 No. 15008 ID: 53d1f9

Yep. Sometimes it's that simple, it's just unenlightened self-interest.

Anonymous 22/09/13(Tue)17:31 No. 15139 ID: 776662

If a child's worth is only their innocence, what's the point of having a child?
Kids grow up and shedding of innocence is necessary to mature. Our modern society think loss of innocence is automatically evil and they smother andeuphemize the world to the young, hence why we have arrested development.

Fuck all that positivity bullshit.
There's nothing wrong with being young and cynical.

Anonymous 22/09/13(Tue)20:06 No. 15140 ID: dd09ae

We have children because women are intensely hard wired for it despite societal barriers that keep her from having one. People in general need children to help the parent when older. There is also a very strong urge for the child to help too.

Anonymous 22/09/14(Wed)00:42 No. 15141 ID: fc1402

"Maternal predisposition" is mostly subliminal suggestion from patriarchy.
But the rest of your post is right. Despite the constant complaints about "kids these days", most of those complaints are because of societal smothering.
People think children should only belong in school, that partaking of labor and dating or politics and worldly recreation is child abuse.

There's a reason why society had rites of passage at 12-15. Puberty is the start of adulthood.

Adolescence is artificial childhood. It was made for schools, insurance policies, and entertainment to profit off of young peoples legal castration.

It was made also to get older adults to indulge in toys and degeneracy to appease their midlife crisis.

In the animal kingdom, when babies start to walk or fly, the parents take the offspring to hunt or forage.
Humans put their babies in playpen and psych meds.

Deleuze+Student+ 22/09/15(Thu)14:31 No. 15145 ID: e0f8fb

Becouse Childism is based .
We shuld think like child
Truley only the wonderfull tougths can begin there .

Anonymous 22/09/15(Thu)16:18 No. 15146 ID: fce29e

People use children as metaphors of faux pas. Also, children aren't inherently innocent/idealistic.

They have the same drives for money,sex,politics, and toys like adults do, but it's beaten out out them.

It's a shame because I think society would benefit from worldly awareness in youth.

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)19:10 No. 15427 ID: dae4d5


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