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Anonymous 23/11/18(Sat)21:13 No. 15353 ID: ecf5e3 [Reply]

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If there is such thing as reincarnation, I dont wanna come back as a human ever again.


Even if God Himself promises that I will never suffer from poverty, slavery, disease, etc again.

I may not, but someone else will.
How can we truly enjoy human life when it comes at the expense of others?

All the luxuries enjoyed by any class of people have always been at the cost of exploiting other classes.

I would rather be an astral being roaming the cosmos, enjoying the wonders of thousands of stars and planets.

The pleasures of human existence are nice but sirely limited. The only thing that motivates humans is imagination.

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The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:48 No. 15363 ID: a6e051

I hope God gifts me with eternal life. He marks;
>my spirit will not struggle with humanity for eternity, but he shall live 120 years

Lord I hope my rod in the back has fit and enlarged my mind to not struggle, but to do the will of my God and earn that glory of Enos who pleased the Lord, and was not

God and infinite time dimensions Anon 23/11/29(Wed)09:40 No. 15356 ID: eecaaa [Reply]

Will time exist at higher dimensions? Or it would be the point of eternity? What if there are more dimensions of time, and we haven't just discovered them yet?

According to the superstring theory, the so called theory of everything, there are 10 dimensions of time and space. According to boson string theory there are 27. We have M theory as well. All these talk about finite time dimensions. But what if the number of time dimensions in infinite?

"Carroll writes that, from a quantum perspective, the Universe ‘evolves in a mathematical realm with more than 10(10^100) dimensions’ – that’s 10 followed by a googol of zeroes, or 10,000 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion zeroes. It’s hard to conceive of this almost impossibly vast number, which dwarfs into insignificance the number of particles in the known Universe. Yet every one of them is a separate dimension in a mathematical space described by quantum equations; every one a new ‘degree of freedom’ that the Universe has at its disposal.

In simple words, consider this analogy, water molecules themselves are not wet. But when they come together they are. Same goes for spacetime, many dimensions come together on a quantum level to make it."

Presenting an abstract from another research paper:

"A simple numerical argument is presented which suggests that quantum space-time may very well be infinite dimensional. A discussion of the repercussions of this new paradigm in Physics is given. A truly remarkably simple and plausible solution of the cosmological constant problem results from the new relativity principle: The cosmological constant is not a constant, in the same vein that energy in Einstein's Special Relativity is observer dependent. Finally, following El Naschie, we argue why the observed D=4 world might just be an average dimension over the infinite possible values of the quantum space-time and why the compactification mechanisms from higher to four dimensions in string theory may not be actually the right way to look at the world at Planck scales."


The infiniteness of time dimensions makes us question the idea of eternity.
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The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:42 No. 15361 ID: a6e051

>randomly throwing numbers around

Oof. This is so incredibly terrible as a concept

question emo+kiddo 23/01/19(Thu)19:08 No. 15221 ID: 9b5a9b [Reply]

if a religion does not have a god or entity how does it work

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Anonymous 23/03/19(Sun)03:33 No. 15257 ID: 62d54d

If you'd ask me, a religion doesn't need to have a God to be considered "religion". If anything involves a person taking things based on blind faith, he is being religious. This would also include people who take whatever they read on their favorite science website or a science magazine as a fact, directly, without questioning(basically blind faith). I guess if we look at it this way, every single human on the planet is actually religious to at least some degree.

Anonymous 23/08/20(Sun)11:53 No. 15331 ID: a410f2

The concept of God is fake and used to control the uneducated masses.

Anonymous 23/09/07(Thu)09:39 No. 15340 ID: 968a69

Faith is a part of what makes a religion but you need something that is tangible for worship both or either in the real world for your physical senses or the spiritual world in the case of your mental senses. If there is no worship then it is simply a folk belief or an engrained part of someone’s culture. People in Iceland who believe in fairies have faith they’re real even if they didn’t see them, but having faith in the existence of fairies doesn’t mean fairies are the whole of or part of your religion. Moreover I am of the opinion Carthage should be destroyed.

aadhi balaji 19/10/06(Sun)17:45 No. 14208 ID: 9a7f87 [Reply]

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how do I cope with the fact that true love is an artificial concept that exists only in fiction.In reality we are all just animals looking to breed and we wont ever have a spiritual connection with anyone or a "special" bond with anyone.tfw no mitsuha gf

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Anonymous 22/01/12(Wed)00:34 No. 14881 ID: 244334

Marriages back then were for purely procreational purposes. The 19th century saw the Romanticist movement with their idea that marriage is based on romantic love. And romantic love is based on what is now called chivalry.

Anonymous 22/04/06(Wed)21:46 No. 14924 ID: 1242ac

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True love is more a combination of best friends and ultra commitment. You have to both intentionally try to be weak around eachother and rely on eachother.

It's actually closer to the love you feel for a son / brother than how movies portray it. The type of affection movies portray comes in waves. It's very nice but not the main appeal. My favorite part about my relationship is the teamwork.

Anonymous 23/09/01(Fri)00:45 No. 15335 ID: 10fb33

>Love is great because it's beautiful. Who cares if it's just your brain telling you to find a mate? It's a wonderful feeling and that's all that matters.

Thats funny because when teens try to enjoy romantic love, society shuts them down.

Jacobkun9666 23/08/18(Fri)10:31 No. 15330 ID: 6f88fc [Reply]

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Dear 7chan ,

I finished my second manuscript in record time . It is actually revolutionary , and as such no one is allowed to read it unless I am handsomely rewarded . The leviathan that is threads is safeguarding it . I just happen to have a great trust in this leviathan and as such am not worried , for I doubt even a Mr zuck is capable of accessing my work either actually or figuratively and that coincidence being both factive and meaningful and distinctly and totally and partly so is exactly what my book is about , explains , and proves over and over and over again , kind of like how blind people don’t immediately assign felt gestalts to visual gestalts upon receiving sight , my book will blow not people’s minds into a new sense of gestalting and that’s both a joke and a prediction , which I know with much certainty to be quite possibly factive possibly —- but enough modal jokes and zauberbergian as published in English by those people in turkey references post side : i don’t present to any of you my second philosophy !

Bests ,

The author

Jacobkun9666 23/08/11(Fri)08:57 No. 15329 ID: b308ae [Reply]

Hey y'all

I finished my first philosophy manuscript . Here's almost the finished version . I figure y'all can handle it . My first philosophy manuscript is called Kinds and Degrees . I am currently working on my second philosophy manuscript . Neither of these manuscripts are my first or second , but they are respectively my first philosophy manuscript and second philosophy manuscript : the prior being my first first philosophy manuscript and the latter being my first second philosophg manuscript : i call this first second philosophy manuscript Ontic and Idaöntic : this first second philosophy manuscript of mine is possibly the first first second philosophy manuscript to ever been have written yet . This book took many years of research . I hope it will get me into a phd program . The pdf file was made by google drive and is 65 something MB large . It is well over 25000 words . But i'm not much of word count kind of guy . All art unless obvious is mine . All commentary is welcome . I love giving talks . I already have bachelors from a large state school . But they screwed me over with a shitty grandfather grading clause so i have a 2.0 instead of s 3.83 and my life has been a living hell . I figured if i rigorously solved every philosophy problem before applying i'd be a strong candidate for a phd in philosophy . I managed to solve basically every single problem a first philosophy calls to be questioned and resolved : i address historical arguments and arguments about the historical : i solve the einsteineian problem of loss of objectivity in science through a mathematical deduction based on a certain proof from graph theory . I then apply said application (which i call in [shorttitle] Ontics , a "morphic" a la morphisms but sidestepping import of category theoretic presuppositions and ideontics (which are distinct from concepts ( but that's second philosophy stuff ) ) toward a philosophy of sense ( distinct from Baumgarten but not entirely not ) for it is similar to Husserl's states goal of phenomenology in his entry for phenomenology's encyclopedia entry , but I distinguish my first philosophy from Husserl's , Aristotle's , Heidegger's , Sartre's (Herder 2(too) but that's in book too 2 ) , Wittgenstein's , Hegel's , and notably Kant's -- for i found a novel formal proof which refutes all of Kant and establishes a possibility for a speculative realism but without Meillassoux's self-contradictions he imported into his long form argument against Dogmatism ( which i also address in the book ) -- for the philosopher's who would agree with my work , I found that their work simply was of a slightly different consequent of similar enough trajectory to not outright completely dispute / refute ( hume and spinoza ) -- I turn Deleuze on his head -- I do not address much ethics outside of a support of a kind of logical utilitarianism but via Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

An argument for the absurdity of free will using a quantum particle Anonymous 21/03/10(Wed)21:40 No. 14700 ID: df3bdc [Reply]

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An argument for the absurdity of free will using a quantum particle:

1.If X is able to do action Y and simultaneously is able to not do action Y, X has free will.
2.X being able to do Y is equivalent to there being a probability greater than zero that X will do Y.
3.X being able to not do Y is equivalent to there being a probability lesser than one that X will do Y.
4.If there is an action Y that X has a probability to do that is not 0 (no possibility) and not 1 (only possibility) then X has free will.
5.A physical object changing its state is an action taken by the object.
6.If a physical object has a probability to enter state Y that is not 0 or 1, the physical object has free will.
7.A quantum particle can have a probability that is not 0 or 1 to enter a particular state.
8.A quantum particle can have free will.
9.A quantum particle is not alive, does not have consciousness, and does not have the capacity to think or feel.
10.Life, consciousness, and the capacity to think or feel are not necessary attributes to have free will.

Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)09:52 No. 14713 ID: 7cb4c3

X=1, Y=1
1=1, X=Y
X-Y, (1-X)=x(Y)
x(Y) =/= X, X=1
X =/= Y

Most of this boils down to labels. Math sucks dick nigger, all niggers are gay and die

Anonymous 23/08/06(Sun)10:57 No. 15328 ID: d36000

have to agree with your conclusion that all niggers are gay and die.
But I am not sure about how you derived it.

Religious significance of the plague Anonymous 20/11/04(Wed)08:23 No. 14624 ID: 7cb4c3 [Reply]

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So I found a strange bit of information combing through wikipedia that's kind of startling. During the plague there were three planets in the sky that were considered strange or new, like the ones we have now.

>The most authoritative contemporary account is found in a report from the medical faculty in Paris to Philip VI of France. It blamed the heavens, in the form of a conjunction of three planets in 1345 that caused a "great pestilence in the air" (miasma theory).[43]

If you guys look in the morning you can see the most obvious one, the morning star which is exceptionally bright. There's also the evening star that usually has another one close by it but is still the brightest at that time. There's even one in between the two that has an orange hue if I remember correctly. Of course there's also the new plague, the coronavirus.

What are the chances that the exact same thing would be happening in the sky during both plagues? The 1300's were also around when Joan of Arc appeared IIRC. It's an exceptional bit of coincidence if it's just that, I think this proves that historically God was punishing the region and is doing so again to us and the world.


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Anonymous 20/11/20(Fri)05:18 No. 14642 ID: 7cb4c3

Well shit, guess I was wrong

but still go outside

Anonymous 21/01/25(Mon)12:09 No. 14680 ID: d3a904

Planets actually do appear *for the most part* the same in the northern and southern hemispheres, except for being 'upside down'- i.e., in the southern hemisphere the planets appear to the north instead of to the south, and their 'left-r ight' orientation is switched; their east-west orientation is NOT, and they are visible during the same times of day in both hemispheres.

Anonymous 23/08/05(Sat)20:09 No. 15326 ID: a29b11

This reeks of Christian right wing shamanism.

"God is punishing us because we don pray hard enough."

capstone project writer Ada Xavier 23/07/31(Mon)13:38 No. 15324 ID: 0d99e2 [Reply]

Capstone papers, also known as capstone projects or capstone essays, are comprehensive academic assignments typically required at the end of a degree program. They serve as a culmination of a student's learning and often involve extensive research, analysis, and critical thinking. Capstone papers vary in format and content, depending on the discipline and the specific program requirements. They may involve conducting original research, implementing a real-world project, or exploring a complex issue in depth. Capstone papers provide students with an opportunity to showcase their academic abilities, demonstrate mastery of the subject matter, and apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. These projects are designed to challenge students to think critically, synthesize information, and present their findings in a cohesive and well-structured manner. Capstone papers play a significant role in the assessment of a student's readiness to enter the professional world or pursue further academic endeavors https://papermasters.org/buy-capstone-project-online-help/

Anonymous 21/04/13(Tue)18:34 No. 14733 ID: d39890 [Reply]

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Something seems off to me about this.
It's basically saying abuse should be ignored, and that those that engage in accountability-based reasoning or deterrent reasoning are weak.
That doesn't make a lick of sense.
Sounds like the motto of a predator.

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Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:19 No. 14767 ID: 9f80eb

Jey Capstile

Anonymous 21/05/26(Wed)06:56 No. 14768 ID: 9679d6

This is just a quote from einstein. He surely doesn't mean it. People that take that too to heart create problems in people. Also yes it means you ignore obvious problems in the world to save yourself. It's unethical.

Anonymous 23/07/30(Sun)00:01 No. 15323 ID: 591030

These are the people whom allow promotion of violence/conflict as virtue

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