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Liru Fanboy 24/07/14(Sun)21:36 No. 828920 [Reply]

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you guys like his new piercing?

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Spider Expert 24/07/19(Fri)17:40 No. 828995

>That's the wrong ear, now everybody will think he's gay!
Ah, yes! Schrödinger's Fag Ear where the spider expert ear is both left and right - SIMULTANEOUSLY!

OP 24/07/19(Fri)18:53 No. 828996

Yeah, I FW with that

Liru Fanboy 24/07/24(Wed)20:04 No. 829054

Anon you aren't a multi billionaire.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/07/21(Sun)20:44 No. 829025 [Reply]

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Weeabot 24/07/22(Mon)13:50 No. 829036

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poe 24/07/22(Mon)22:24 No. 829039

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O.P. 24/07/24(Wed)15:32 No. 829051

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poe 24/07/22(Mon)02:26 No. 829032 [Reply]

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>:kfc: embarrassed himself in the first debate
>it was clear from the polls that he can't win
>:kfc: tried to assassinate :nigra: as a last resort but his plan failed
>:kfc: dropped out of the race
The democrats have no options now and the DNC is in four weeks, they NEED to have picked a person before the DNC, the DNC is when they decide who is running against :nigra:.
It's most-likely going to be Kamala Harris, the funny thing is, nobody knows anything about Kamala Harris. Not a single democrat nor republican came name 5 things she has done since becoming VP, lol.

Miku Fanboy 24/07/22(Mon)13:33 No. 829035

Name 5 things Mike Pence did as VP. And you can't use the dumb ahit he did like make creepy homophonic children's books, be a weirdo around women, almost get lynched by his own party, those don't count.

Anonymous 24/07/22(Mon)14:04 No. 829037

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>>:kfc: tried to assassinate :nigra: as a last resort but his plan failed

No one can prove anything yet and I doubt ever will
That's the point of the trick distract as many as possible so you can do worse shit

Only VP who did anything in the last 75 years was
George Bush snr.

He was head of the CIA, Crucified J.C., wrote Old Ronnies scripts for two terms. Did his one term, then put Billy Boy in (An Old Ookee Cokey Dance pupil since before 1977).
Then his son get the job

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/07/14(Sun)01:30 No. 828877 [Reply]

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RIP Donal Rump

22 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
symbion 24/07/18(Thu)06:33 No. 828971

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poe 24/07/18(Thu)23:38 No. 828977

How you make that wiggly niggly?

Bill 24/07/19(Fri)13:00 No. 828991

Kanada special animations airline. Hop on to our transport today and we will take your ass farr farrrrrrrrr away

*Physical experience guaranteed, actual physical movement will be provided through Kanada legal department and legal actions inc

Steve 24/07/13(Sat)15:44 No. 828866 [Reply]

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Where's Willy?

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h 24/07/19(Fri)02:16 No. 828983

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Sittig on his arse in Leeds

Marisa Kirisame 24/07/19(Fri)04:43 No. 828984

Carrot bro?! Have I been missing your posts or have you been away?

4chan user 24/07/19(Fri)12:57 No. 828989

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No, I've been posting, I've been sober for coming up to 3 months. I When straighten up. The weak drug addict, people used as door mat is gone. What replaces it, well...
That's IRL, I guess must have change my posting still as well. >>828983
"as me, I guess I should of put it >>828928 Thread as
Live riot p0rn, ah the old days of submedia? was that right? I don't know now so long ago
Police Visible lost control of a square mile of a city call Leeds in the UK. Did not turn into much, now white no go area for police. They just sat on their arses till 1am.
gosh that so boring I should of sent that to John over on
Though we should keep a scared place to talk about cheese
and make fun of the french
Its been a long time since i've been this sober
Its alien world man
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Conductor Cat 24/07/14(Sun)10:58 No. 828894 [Reply]

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If you took liberals seriously before tonight:

1. Why?
2. Don't, any longer.

8 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Lorf 24/07/14(Sun)16:02 No. 828909

This is not your chan. Go home.

Optimus Prime 24/07/14(Sun)16:52 No. 828914

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Cryomancer 24/07/18(Thu)22:53 No. 828975

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Okay. I now believe that Kennedy will come back any moment to declare :nigra: king of the USA.

4chan user 24/07/15(Mon)07:29 No. 828926 [Reply]

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So there is a concept some people have that rebellion equals freedom. But rebellion by it's very definition can never be the same as freedom. I mean rebellion means doing opposite of the mindset/ideology/whatever one has chosen to "rebel against". In quite a weird way, the rebel has his eyes constantly set on the thing he is rebelling against but only with the intention of going against it. So the rebel is constantly "enslaved" by the thing he is rebelling against, if the things or the ones he's rebelling against moves right he'll move left, if it/they goes up the rebel will go down.

The truly free person doesn't care what the people around or the ideology around him thinks or does and its opposite is one and the same to him too, to him everything holds equal weightage and he just chooses what he thinks is good/right for him or in his eyes and if it ends up failing (i.e., he's proved wrong in his choice), he'll just switch to another path without even thinking if it's conformist or rebellious or something new altogether (even the concept of "something new" doesn't excite him).

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h 24/07/15(Mon)20:37 No. 828941

true rebellion is testing positive for covid then going to the bar on karaoke night and singing your heart out

herp 24/07/15(Mon)23:02 No. 828942

Rejection is NOT freedom. To reject something is to pretend that you don't contain it. Neutrality is the key 🗝️ that unlocks all doors and opens all gateways. Allows choice.

If you deny that you're the same as the worst scum of the Earth - you're first of all fragmenting and compartmentalizing yourself, but more importantly - lying to yourself and if you're willing to do that you sure as hell are willing to be dishonest and act as an asshole towards others.

I'll be fully transparent with you and say what I actually think, which is that I highly doubt you even have the imagination to imagine... I've flipped more lids than a monkey... In the soup kitchen.. of the mind.....

Anonymous 24/07/17(Wed)01:02 No. 828955

Towards the end of his life, with those exact words, the Buddha converted a lot of his later followers. I've flipped more lids than a monkey ***insert meaningful anecdote here***...of the mind. Now tithe up the rice milk you stingy Brahman airwolfers!

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/07/15(Mon)19:32 No. 828934 [Reply]

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my friends, today i am here to inform and to serve you, please stay alert!

there will soon be *trade wars* because of the ongoing wars and their supporters, causing the USD to inflate, not many foreign currency to trade against at the current high usd printing rate and massive debt.

this is a result of the israel pasteline conflict and the 2-state-solution
which will be heavily favored by the US, israel and !important! only SOME european countries. SEA is against this hence the boycott and trade wars.

the usd will have been hit so hard even the EUR doesnt trade well against the USD anymore. The EURO also sinks in value due to its heavy trade reliance on the USD. the GBP a little less. the BRICS countries currencies strengthen a little upwards. the euro-us relations start crumbling.

trade wars start being implemented the day after the israel-palestina agreement was signed. (massive protests with many killed, then rest over time) the economy between the two are starting to lose 5% within days of the announcements. within weeks USD goes down over 65%. it does NOT look good. :kfc: holds a speech from the oval office announcing plans to save the USD. at this point, a US revolution starts to get :kfc: out of the office immediately as his announced USD economy rescue plans were not satisfactory to more than 50% of the US population. :nigra: becomes president early. BRICS and EUROPE agree to work with :nigra:. a new currency is created with canada and some other countries. under :nigra:, the trade wars are stopped. the new currency starts blooming and getting value (but far from the original USD). US BTC holdings are part of security of their own currency along with gold and some more stuff. the value of bitcoin rises to significantly in all major currencies as bitcoin is seen the gold standard in digital daving your money. the US economy is starting to recover and we have peace between the 3 major powers; the US/CA and some, the EU+GBP, and the BRICS countries

Cryomancer 24/07/15(Mon)20:02 No. 828935

PF Tek is the easiest way to cultivate cubinsis mushrooms.

Sazpaimon 24/07/13(Sat)10:47 No. 828864 [Reply]

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that's completely strawberryed

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[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/07/14(Sun)16:12 No. 828912

Artificial Unintelligence

This is something 7chan is actually very familiar with.

Too bad we haven't archived very well; we could feed them the most strawberried data that ever was.

h 24/07/14(Sun)16:41 No. 828913

>we could feed them the most strawberried data that ever was.
I wish we could get to see that IA in action

O.P. 24/07/15(Mon)01:36 No. 828921

If I had the slightest idea this was going to be the fate of altchans a decade ago I would have screencaped every other post. My data would be worth billions. It's all airwolfing lost, I cannot airwolfing believe it, what the actual airwolf happened?

r000t 24/07/10(Wed)17:58 No. 828820 [Reply]

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This is the first really hot summer we've had in at least four or five years. What are you doing to keep yourself cool? WHERE are you going to still stay active and avoid the sauna? Any spelunkers here?

9 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
He-Man 24/07/13(Sat)21:55 No. 828872

Nah fr mane I hear you

Spider Expert 24/07/13(Sat)22:38 No. 828874

>This is the first really hot summer we've had in at least four or five years. What are you doing to keep yourself cool? WHERE are you going to still stay active and avoid the sauna? Any spelunkers here?
Avoid opening windows that faces the sun.

Sonichu 24/07/14(Sun)06:58 No. 828889

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