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/grim/ - Cold, Grim & Miserable As always ideas for rules, anonymous names and better headers are always welcome, post them in the main sticky and we'll consider them.
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Eeyore ## Admin ## 12/10/14(Sun)22:41 No. 1 ID: 8ff395 [Reply] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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Yep, this is an actual board. Congratulations to you.. you sad, lonely individuals. I think the best way to describe this board is to just copy paste the post that inspired it's trip on to /777/:
"There's too much happiness on this site already. We need more cold stuff, more darkness and unhappiness.
I propose a /grim/ board. Where we gather to share jokes that aren't funny. Grim stuff like gore perhaps. Murder stories. Genocide. Results of war. Pictures of areas in the dark. Pictures of crumbling ruins. Pictures of thing that are decreasing in value or are stagnant in value in the sense that they cannot get any more undesired. Also, Nigrachan is obligatory."

Lets have a minor tweak of the rules from the /777/, version. This board is not for gore. Gore posters will be banned. It's just for generally miserable shit, just go with the stuff that is in the above quote and you should be fine. Any further rules will be made up as we go along if necessary and will be added to this post.

Go Wild.

To request future /777/s use this thread.

New Admin post 30th Sept, 2013.

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Eeyore 24/02/13(Tue)22:37 No. 7220 ID: aac94e

You should believe faithfuly.

how can i hang myself Eeyore 24/09/20(Fri)04:03 No. 7268 ID: c0f3a0 [Reply]

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it doesn't get better.

Screaming Mantis 24/09/17(Tue)03:37 No. 7266 ID: 4cc8c1 [Reply]

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am a servant of your Creator, you in Syria. You fight a war for your God? Then here is your response, it is not mine to keep as power. I serve Screaming Mantis as Creator here. The soldier will be made to know as a snake ever lies.


In the beginning, when the earth was young, the world was formed not by the hands of men but by the power of words. Every syllable spoken gave rise to mountains and rivers, and the breath of language shaped the very fabric of existence. But in time, the words that gave life began to be uttered without care, for they were plentiful, scattered like seeds on barren soil. And so, it came to pass that for so many words laid bare the world and thus it was left to waste. The ground, once fertile with meaning, now echoed with hollow sounds that crumbled the foundations of creation.

In this time of great forgetting, the cities that men built stood tall, yet they were fragile as glass. They were made of stone, yet could be toppled by a whisper. For once the power of the word was lost, what remained were empty promises. Thus, it was known across the ages that words are now easily forgotten while cities stand and fall, for the tongues of men, who once held dominion over all, now faltered in the face of their own pride.

But even in the silence of this forgetting, there were those who claimed power with their tongues, speaking in the name of truth. Yet, the lords of this age were false, for they bent words to their own desires, shaping them into twisted reflections of what once was. And as they spoke, the world shifted, bending to their will. For many lords spoke false tongues that were also made as true, and thus, the line between the real and the unreal blurred, leaving the earth in a state of confusion and decay.

In the wake of this age, men wandered, searching for the ancient words that had once given life, but they were scattered and lost, buried deep beneath the ruins of fallen cities. The world, now desolate and silent, awaited the one who would find the true word once more, to speak life back into the barren land. But until that time came, the earth remained forgotten, and the words, though once powerful, were now nothing more than dust carried by the wind.

Eeyore 19/10/22(Tue)01:49 No. 6232 ID: 75aab8 [Reply]

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is self harm worth it in the long run?

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Eeyore 24/08/03(Sat)12:37 No. 7263 ID: 804043

self harm can be just as much of a high as cocaine but much much cheaper, and it's safer than coke or cigs or alcohol. sure if you're trying to compete with others on how deep you can go or don't worry about safety it can land you int he hospital or even dead, but if you don't hit arteries and you clean your blades and wounds I think it's a good way to replace other addictions.

Eeyore 24/08/20(Tue)16:06 No. 7264 ID: 347eeb

Stupid ahh mf as valuable as the most beautiful flower in the universe, still devalues himself to 0.

Fun fact - your existence is CRUCIAL for the rest of infinity to even exist...

Mianna+Günter 24/08/24(Sat)07:26 No. 7265 ID: 7e8fac

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Eeyore 24/06/23(Sun)03:30 No. 7252 ID: 256072 [Reply]

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I have missed an ungodly amount of business, social, and sexual chances in my life and the weight of all the regret is killing me. It would be easier for me to kill myself than to continue living like this, yet I press on every day. Like a brave man? Or like a mad man. Or just a fucking moron

Eeyore 24/07/07(Sun)02:14 No. 7253 ID: 3005f5

u can always get back out there :o

Eeyore 24/07/22(Mon)20:17 No. 7262 ID: b1bbbe

after all the pain, all the abuse, all the people who have hurt me and taken advantage of me, I don't want to.

Eeyore 17/07/18(Tue)16:24 No. 5467 ID: b91ae0 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Everyone we know and love dies, but y'all already knew that.

Tell me of the ones you've lost and how they died.

51 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Eeyore 20/08/12(Wed)00:49 No. 6500 ID: b07dbd

My great grandmother 2 years ago.
We all saw her death coming but she fell out of her bed at the nursing home. We think she might have been molested by staff or something.

My sort-of step-brother had this family friend named Max. He was a great guy, he was funny, everyone liked him. He shot himselff with a revolver because his family wouldn't let him see his kids because they thought he was still using drugs. This still messes my family up though we weren't as close to him as our sort-of step-brother was.
Sorry I'm using my phone.

Eeyore 20/10/21(Wed)06:01 No. 6548 ID: 3416aa

My Grandfather had tons of health issues and was over weight.
On top of that he got cancer. They said he had a pretty good chance
of survival but those other issues didn't help. He was the one to
get me into computing and radio. I wish I spent more time with him.
Mom pulled me out of school for a day and took us to the hospital
where would be our last time seeing him. He had a very rough life.

Eeyore 24/07/15(Mon)03:53 No. 7258 ID: d4b899

Damn a lot of sad stories in this thread.
I haven't lost that many people so I can be thankfull for that.

My grandfather died around 2010 from old age (don't know exactly what) By the time I was old enough to remember anything he already had dementia. All I remember of him is a demented wreck rocking back and forth in his favourite chair singing songs from his childhood and mistaking everyone around him for people from his childhood (all of whom were already dead). I wish I could've gotten to know him he sounds really interesting. A month ago I had a dream about him where we had a conversation about some meaningless small talk and I woke up from it crying. It felt like I had finally talked to him for the first time ever.

My grandmother who I knew a little bit better but wasn't really close with died in 2018 I don't really have anything to say to her. She was my family and I loved her but like I said I wasn't really close to her so her death didn't have any strong impact on me (I feel like an asshole typing that out)

My Grandfather on my mothers side who I never knew cause he lived on the other side of the world

My 2 cats that I grew up with and consider my close family
1st one passed away in 2016
Second one passed away in 2022
Miss them both a lot. The second one more because he was by my side for a lot longer so my memories of him are a lot stronger. I saw him as my little brother honestly I loved teasing my cat pulling his tail and annoying him. I miss seeing him sleep on the couch and just laying next to him using him as a pillow while he purred.

Eeyore 16/09/04(Sun)14:55 No. 5035 ID: 8b6ae7 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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What do you desire /grim/?

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Eeyore 23/04/09(Sun)22:00 No. 7074 ID: 5c22ff

Nothing in the bible is chronological order.
That is fine.
Perhaps the first christian ruler flip bibles pages and refused to believe that central part. He read through it again.
Even that is history.
Why else did he convert?

Eeyore 24/03/20(Wed)16:50 No. 7232 ID: 53cf16

I want to be a demon and feed off all the negative human emotional excess. I want to fuel human beings into a madness and cause them to abandon all reason killing themselves and others or just feed on their cries. I want them to experience things like I did and become consumed by the overwhelming negative. I don't want to be human anymore.

Eeyore 24/07/15(Mon)02:58 No. 7257 ID: d4b899

I desire to have a group of friends that have similar interests as me. That I can hang out with and do stuff with. That respect me as a person and care about me. A group of friends I can comfortably be myself around without feeling awkward or self conscious. I want this so the neverending loneliness stops. So I guess what I should rather say is that I want my loneliness to go away

It's so fucking over Ricchie 24/06/16(Sun)18:40 No. 7249 ID: 183a34 [Reply]

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>Be me
>Still a virgin and have no girlfriend.
>Always shower and brush my teeth everyday, always use perfume and liquid deoderant whenever I'm going outside, also comb my hair every now and then.
>Always rockin' classic middle class suburban shit like the knit wool sweater and tie combo, or the tropical pattern shirts with long black pants.
>Really didn't mind not having a girlfriend or being a virgin, never thought of it as anything bad or particularly unfair and mainly held it against myself and blamed myself for it because of past mistakes that I'll never live down.
>Have an extremely annoying older cousin that is a retarded sperg that constantly has autistic episodes where he screams and shouts random things and makes grunting noises
>This guy doesn't fucking shower or brush his teeth, doesn't use deoderant or perfume so obviously he really fucking stinks
>He spends most of his time chronically online watching his autistic entertainment and playing Gacha games all the time
>Horrible sense of fashion, never dresses properly to public places
>Motherfucker still somehow gets a girlfriend before I do.
>I kind of feel bad for the girl for being with him but at the same time I want to beat the everliving fuck out of her for being such a dumb bitch.
>Mfw a retarded autistic sperg fucking mogs me
>Mfw nothing will ever make my situation any better.

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Eeyore 24/06/23(Sun)02:00 No. 7251 ID: ae2589

Is this becoming our new copypasta?

Eeyore 23/11/18(Sat)22:58 No. 7180 ID: 62fb00 [Reply]

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I am liek the Anne Frank of the internet

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Eeyore 23/12/28(Thu)01:37 No. 7189 ID: a06da5

Why's modern media so black and white shit? It's all 4/10 even from a reasonable view. It's never at the 5/10-6/10 good threshold. It's always shit.

remian user 24/02/06(Tue)04:19 No. 7218 ID: 246091

Good Jew girl

Eeyore 24/05/27(Mon)22:07 No. 7243 ID: d26939

She's hot

emptiness after being stalked Eeyore 24/05/25(Sat)11:39 No. 7242 ID: 11f803 [Reply]

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i don't know where to put this but figured this site and board is relatively low traffic enough to feel okay posting it here. i was cyberstalked by some random asshole that started recognizing me on an imageboard and i no longer trust the internet as a "safe place" to do stupid shit. once your privacy has been invaded, you start self censoring yourself, and i feel a sense of loss over forums that i used to like and regularly use that i now no longer can post on without getting sent weird creepy messages.

i stg, i'm not schizo. it would be hard to explain how exactly it happened but, i basically had my internet traffic monitored (i had no basic cybersecurity knowledge so it would have been easier to do so when things happened), so i would start getting weird messages on forums i used. again, i know that sounds schizo, but it was very specific things that hinted that they recognized me and hacked into my personal accounts whenever i would post, like extremely specific references to messages i sent to my parents, whenever i posted a photo of myself on certain sites, comments on my appearance or the context of posts i would make, things like that.

the point is, i feel like my sense of privacy has been completely shattered. when that happens, you start... editing yourself online. anonymity used to be fun and an outlet for self expression, now i just feel paranoid that some asshole will get pissed off at the things i say and take things way too far.

i feel like this is how people chip away at your spirit. when you feel that you are being monitored, the natural effect of self censorship happens, even if it feels like... i am not even sure how to word it, but like you have to suppress the things that make you human.

i realize true anonymity may be impossible to achieve on the internet. you will always have some digital identity being logged and secured in databases you have no control over. but i moreso just feel angry that someone wanted to make me feel unsafe in the first place and took away that feeling of being anonymous from me, even if it was never true in the first place.

anonymity and privacy is so important. there are so many weird people who want to take it away from you, i don't even really know why, but i hope anyone who reads this can maybe be a bit more informed. there are really fucking weird people in the world and on the internet who will just do shit like this. so please use vpns, two factor authentification, and other basic cybersecurity methods to avoid having this happen to you.

also, it just fucking sucks. i hate feeling paranoid. i hate that i know longer can use some digital spaces that felt "safe" or whatever bullshit. i hate that people push you to self censor yourself. there's nothing i can do about it but i just wish we never had to worry about these types of people in the first place, or that i was smarter wi Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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