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Arandista 23/06/25(Sun)22:22 No. 7134 ID: b692f9 [Reply]

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Anons I have a problem, I was exposed to pornography at a very young age, at the beginning they were "normal" things as far as possible but each time I saw more horrendous things until I ended up seeing bestiality and other aberrational things, all this while being under 14 Currently, I have reformed my life after the pandemic, I began to exercise and diet (although I never became that fat) and I am currently less than 7 months away from applying to a military academy in my country (Peru). , but no matter what I do I feel dirty, like a degenerate, the things I've seen and done (thank God I didn't manage to do anything really strong) haunt me every day and I notice that they affect my sexual preferences, causing me a certain attraction to guys who are very young people 11-14 (which tortures me every day)

This hell has a solution, is it possible to forget it or get over it? or am I doomed

Eeyore 23/06/26(Mon)04:38 No. 7135 ID: 8791e7

lots of people have disturbing fetishes. just don't be a nigger and act on it. idk if your fetishes are trauma generated but just don't repress or reject it. it's just a fetish and not something that defines you or actions, that's fucking retarded and anyone who says otherwise is virtue signaling

Eeyore 23/07/13(Thu)01:35 No. 7136 ID: 8c824e

>is it possible to forget it or get over it?
I once saw on the internet that a guy was undergoing psychiatric treatment to treat his fetish to little grilss, but I don't know if it works.
Meditation can help you figure out why you have these desires.

Eeyore 23/05/03(Wed)23:02 No. 7093 ID: 2672ae [Reply]

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I abandoned my previous life.

I gain.

I lose.

They leave one by one.

The people.

The life I have built then.

Crumbling down now.

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Eeyore 23/05/17(Wed)04:45 No. 7095 ID: 19b3ea

Nice poem.

Eeyore 23/01/15(Sun)20:58 No. 6996 ID: 33db42 [Reply]

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Today would have been my Dad's 68th birthday if he hadn't died at 56. I don't tell anyone that I cry about him every day and haven't felt genuine happiness since. I miss him and hate that he's not here. I wish he sucked so I wouldn't care but he was really great.

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Eeyore 23/03/11(Sat)17:47 No. 7053 ID: 28c3e7

I wish you were not dominated with affliction so you may not wish a nice man to have been a bad one

OP 23/04/26(Wed)17:02 No. 7087 ID: 3943aa

Its been 13 years man. You have wasted a good part of your life grieving. Time to move on and live the good part of your life.

Eeyore 23/04/27(Thu)07:15 No. 7089 ID: f8cf79

You gotta let it go man.
My mom died 5 years ago and I fucked my life up getting a DUI and it's still fucking with me to this day, Let it go man, it's not worth it. They gave you a lot of wonderful years. Don't regret that they are gone be thankful that they happened.

Eeyore 23/02/17(Fri)06:39 No. 7046 ID: ae255c [Reply]

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I'm trying.
Seriously, I'm trying. I'm doing my best, which is not much but it's still better than nothing.
I'm trying and nothing changes.
Actually it gets worse.
I'm trying, and I will keep trying.
But I don't know what for.

Eeyore 23/02/18(Sat)21:18 No. 7047 ID: d932e2

good luck anon

Eeyore 23/03/27(Mon)13:05 No. 7061 ID: ce4316

I've been feeling like this all month. I find myself thinking about killing myself a lot more often these days. Even this afternoon I was in the garden and thought "that would be a good place for it" before I even realised what I was doing. But for now killing myself would still be more effort than it takes to stay alive, so I guess I'll keep trying.

Eeyore 23/04/09(Sun)22:16 No. 7075 ID: 5c22ff

Warum snorkel?

Eeyore 19/12/13(Fri)21:04 No. 6299 ID: 60a5ed [Reply]

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how do I get a job for the first time at my 20s?

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Eeyore 21/01/20(Wed)20:32 No. 6604 ID: 835021

Why is flipping burgers an insult? Working in a kitchen takes a lot more from a person than sitting in a cubicle surfing reddit and pretending to do "work" like 99% of office drones do.

James+Franko 21/02/25(Thu)14:21 No. 6615 ID: 9f8811

Hey! You know that many employers now refuse their candidates when they see an illiterate resume. Of course, this also applies to the field of medicine, because getting a job as a nurse is not so easy. But I know one good option https://edureviewer.com/best-nurse-resume-writing-services/ that will help you!

Eeyore 22/01/17(Mon)19:51 No. 6725 ID: 182caf

You might need a car or at least driver license.
Some courses, may be.

Not much beyond that.

Humanity Eeyore 17/11/04(Sat)21:49 No. 5604 ID: a57be3 [Reply]

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Unlike other animals, many of which have their own versions of fair play as well as their own unique disregard for it, homo sapiens a.k.a. "modern humans" are particularly immoral, ironic, and repulsive. What gives humans dominance over all other species is their intelligence. Since the dawn of homo sapiens, and perhaps before, humans have been able to communicate abstract concepts.

These abstract concepts, such as atomic structure, higher morality and even just holiday celebrations, are all examples of humanity's profound capacity to create and foster profound levels of beauty as well as intelligence. This makes it all the more disgusting when humanity ignores higher pursuits due to a greater interest in acts of savagery.

Even when it is not necessary, humans sink to extreme levels of depravity very quickly. Worse yet, the humans' seemingly harmless social conventions are often constructs to defend their most horrific practices.

Humanity's terrible, abhorrent practices include, but are certainly not limited to: conning of millions who are nutritionally deficient and/or starving, conventional bombing and nuclear bombing upon millions of non-combatants, genocide, manufacturing of highly addictive substances for profit (followed by the imprisonment of those who consume said substances without permission from the state), murder of children, sexual assault upon children...

Of course, the viewpoint that this essay posits is only a matter of opinion, and every society or potential society can be viewed as stifling the things that are truly important. What needs to be asserted is that the level of good-stifling that goes on in all human societies throughout history has been very extreme. The absolute horrors listed earlier are occurring by the hundreds at this very moment, yet scientists regard this time as one of humanity's highest moments in terms of basic morality.

In many latin-based languages, humanity or humanness is regarded as a form of essential goodness. People who show empathy and kindness are often referred to as "humane." This is a particularly ironic product of our bias towards beliefs that are pleasant, considering that humans are the most immoral and repulsive species on planet Earth.

Much like the Abrahamic religions put forth (because people of those religions are often masters of guilt), knowledge of the sins being committed greatly compounds the sins. Humanity is damned, and the only species capable of evil, because humans are intelligent enough to know the difference between good and evil from a conceptual standpoint and choose. Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, and the one God who is always good did not want this.

At the risk of making many readers uncomfortable, it is important to point out that all people are engaged in the condoning of humanity's most horrific practices, at least to some exten Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Eeyore 20/02/21(Fri)02:36 No. 6368 ID: 1f6c42

Still waiting for you to provide something of meaning and substance.

Eeyore 20/04/10(Fri)05:00 No. 6416 ID: f9f56c

Still waiting.

Eeyore 23/02/24(Fri)10:56 No. 7050 ID: c9d146

Do better or die trying.

Leafy 23/02/11(Sat)18:31 No. 7040 ID: bdf678 [Reply]

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>watch uncanny video
>people say youtuber you like is a pedo
>freak the fuck out
>look it up on google
>look it up on youtube
>i freaked out over somebody lying

Leafy 23/02/11(Sat)18:33 No. 7041 ID: bdf678

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I never freaked out so much and they went silent when I asked for proof.

kill kill kill Eeyore 20/01/17(Fri)09:10 No. 6345 ID: 55bc07 [Reply]

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HOw R u doIN toDay???

Eeyore 23/02/11(Sat)03:18 No. 7038 ID: ffcffc

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Pretty good.
Gonna bride the Local PD to let me scalp nazis and commies and then I will fly the SPQR over these Americans and Forge a new Army.
I will rebuild my Empire and there FUCK ALL you can say to me.

Eeyore 22/04/25(Mon)14:38 No. 6788 ID: 1b0157 [Reply]

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>be me, 19, kissless, weeb, lonely
>dad doesn't care enough to beat me, just ignore me
>sister 10/10, brilliant, dad cherishes her, she pretty much hates me because I looked through her underwear drawer once
>constantly daydreams about suicide or fucking whatever hot girl is in my sight
>fuck it, I'll try to meet someone
>decide to join a fencing club
>get partnered up with a 10/10 chad
>Ass proceeds to get beat each time but Chad constantly encouraged and throws friendly shade
>we start to hang out outside fencing club going to bars and checking out chicks.
>feels envious when he talks to cute girl
>realizes I am actually crushing hard on him
>Now everytime we hang out I get nervous and say worse and worse shit
>"Anon you're getting better at fencing and I'm pretty proud of you"
>He's hard straight and now I'm apparently a faggot
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Eeyore 22/05/02(Mon)20:30 No. 6790 ID: 562a04

lol. don't be delusional. you're happy with a friend. something that hit you hard as it's an extreme feeling compared to your deprived former state. hit on chicks when you guys are out. make mistakes. learn. mature. don't whine. don't fantasize about being special

Eeyore 22/05/07(Sat)07:07 No. 6792 ID: b4258c

>Now what

You stop making up stories like a faggot and get over your pasty suburban ass self and get a life. Muh Chads! Get a grip, will ya? You're 30+ for God's sake and you're pretending to be some misguided Gen Z kid? I honestly can't wait till I see y'all in a nursing home bitterly complaining to Shaniquah and Catalina how you wasted your lives on trying to impress people you will never meet online. Muh Chad! I totally looked in my sister's underwear drawer! Based AND weebpilled! The only thing you looked into was the bottom of another bag of Cheetos.

Eeyore 23/02/11(Sat)03:05 No. 7033 ID: ffcffc

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That Chad here, Stop talking to me, stop touching your sisters panties you fucking fruitloop.

sageinallfields 20/09/17(Thu)12:11 No. 6531 ID: 8c2966 [Reply]

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Greetings grim, wanted to try to get a poetry thread started. Happy and sad poems or whatever lets just try to make something. Original is preferable but feel free to post anything that stood out to you

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Eeyore 21/08/21(Sat)19:05 No. 6677 ID: 7e8d41

To Live
To try to fly
Only to Die
Life is a lie

Eeyore 23/02/08(Wed)14:53 No. 7027 ID: 9c9d1a

I wondered through old Vicki's green
A wretch and only half a thing
My quest to shine the marquis specs
Boots full of puss and rank with sweat
Saw the girl sat in the booth
Stopped and pondered at her youth
She gawker and shot a shit faced grin
That bitch was full of heroin
Conscious of the finely clothed
Noble folks on London Road
I found my place and settled in
Paid tribute to the sovereign

Eeyore 23/02/11(Sat)02:54 No. 7029 ID: ec3e78

To get to heaven, go up at least seven*.

*90% of falls from a seven story height are fatal. So if you're looking to commit suicide by fall, you'd have to fall from at least the seventh floor to do it.

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