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Atheism Spectrum Disorder Anonymous 24/04/20(Sat)17:24 No. 15387 ID: 01d296

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>Religious believers intuitively conceptualize deities as intentional agents with mental states who anticipate and respond to human beliefs, desires and concerns. It follows that mentalizing deficits, associated with the autistic spectrum and also commonly found in men more than in women, may undermine this intuitive support and reduce belief in a personal God.
>...it is possible that the autism spectrum is associated with interest in math, science, and engineering (IMSE), which in turn reduces religious belief.

If autistic people lack the ability to understand other people's feelings and desires, then obviously there can be no moral imperative for them to care about anyone other than themselves. If your life is based on numerical values in a graph, calculations using formulas and looking at the world through a mechanistic lense then you become sociopathic.
I've never met an autistic person that wasn't socially awkward and giving off creepy serial killer vibes.

Anonymous 24/04/20(Sat)20:30 No. 15388 ID: 4bda4d

Makes sense to me.

Anonymous 24/04/23(Tue)13:14 No. 15389 ID: d34dfe

Being autistic means you can't see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous 24/04/26(Fri)16:25 No. 15390 ID: e00345

I always get the feeling that autists are disconnected from everything that's innately human. It's like talking to a machine sometimes. A machine that only lives on stimulus from its surroundings.

Anonymous 24/04/29(Mon)10:44 No. 15392 ID: 91d9f4

There is a piece missing in their minds so obviously their behaviour is defective by nature. You can't blame them for it but you also don't have to care about them or take their wellbeing into consideration. I rarely see autistic people that treat others with dignity or have a basic understanding of compassion because it's all just repetitive rituals to them that make it easier for them to blend in.

Anonymous 24/04/30(Tue)14:45 No. 15393 ID: 052a4b

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>I believe that to understand neuronormativity, we must first understand Solipsism. Solipsism is the belief that only the self and its experiences exist. A solipsist would believe that their experiences are the only experiences, essentially reducing others and their experiences to sub-human automations.
>In my opinion, while neurotypicals have been using ideas such as theory of mind to accuse Autistics of lacking the ability to know another’s mind, neurotypicals have been so unaware of the existence of neurodivergent experience that they will inflict pain on us to “help” us conform to their standards.

You can tell that autism is a huge problem for society. The majority of autistic people have alexithymia which means they’re unable to know what feelings are and that makes them mentally unstable. If an individual with these kinds of issues gain political or monetary power it will always be disastrous. Think of it as involuntary psychopathy.

Anonymous 24/05/01(Wed)19:44 No. 15394 ID: 0c3784

Gotta love the "understanding" on here.

I hate the glorification of autism but this whole pathologising autists as sociopaths is ironically projective.

Fuck all of you.
I bet you all have a level of autism and you dont even know it.

Also religion amd science arent mutually exclusive in pursuits

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)09:03 No. 15395 ID: 52f22c

Quite scary.

It's true, though. Due to autists lack of understanding they also misunderstand social context and more damage can be done in any situation.

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)12:41 No. 15396 ID: 5a87f7

Autistic people can hold grudges over nothing. The danger of not being able to comprehend normal daily interactions is that you get angry and vindictive over absolutely ridiculous comments or banal conversations.

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)15:25 No. 15397 ID: bea32b

They grind their teeth all the way down to the pulp because of some random woman asking about directions in the street and she just happened to put emphasis on one syllable which made the entire sentence a sarcastic, verbal assault against their pride and self-esteem.

Anonymous 24/05/07(Tue)09:44 No. 15398 ID: 52f22c

They are way too sensitive compared to normal people.

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)16:15 No. 15400 ID: 30f9d0

I think the autistic people ypure referring to are the more "social" ones.

Theres autists that dont have any sense of ego or worldly desire.

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)16:18 No. 15401 ID: 30f9d0

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Anonymous 24/05/17(Fri)08:31 No. 15402 ID: 62090e

>Paraphilic Disorder in a Male Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder
>This case details the history of an 18-year-old Caucasian male, with a past psychiatric history of ASD
>These fantasies included being aroused by "anthropomorphic animal characters" and were self-described as "furry". He had a self-reported history of having a violent sexual fantasy in which he "had sex with a girl and then cut off her head."

Autistic people seem to be extremely deranged to the point of being a danger to themselves and everyone else.

Anonymous 24/05/17(Fri)14:06 No. 15403 ID: 1445a0

Not surprising that an atheist would indulge in any kind of depravity so long as it "feels good".

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)09:24 No. 15404 ID: 52f22c

I've read that there is an overlap between schizophrenia and autism so if you're autistic you're probably also schizophrenic.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:19 No. 15405 ID: 30d984

Irony is thats also alot of theists.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:21 No. 15406 ID: 30d984

And neurotypical people arent?

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:22 No. 15407 ID: 30d984

Autism was thought of as schizoohrenai until recently.

Bit the brain patterns are differemt.
nia is more "consistent".

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:25 No. 15408 ID: 30d984

Such thibgs are also common in non autostic people.
But its more fun to blame autists because mocking Down Syndrome is not cool anymore.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)14:05 No. 15410 ID: 659ed7

I have read that too. I have seen one autistic guy that walks around and talks to trees so he obviously hears voices that aren't there.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)15:46 No. 15411 ID: bc3cca

The worst part is that he can’t grasp how detached from reality he is.

Anonymous 24/05/23(Thu)11:17 No. 15412 ID: 52f22c

They have extremely similar pathology.

Anonymous 24/05/24(Fri)11:58 No. 15415 ID: fd94ab

Autists are probably the most devious people there is. Their whole outlook on life is so warped that they treat everything as a game.

Anonymous 24/05/24(Fri)16:28 No. 15416 ID: e00345

The evil manchild syndrome.

Anonymous 24/05/25(Sat)01:05 No. 15418 ID: 8502c5

I think you guys suffer from projection.
Alot of armchair philsophers tend to suffer from this.

Anonymous 24/05/25(Sat)16:04 No. 15419 ID: 4f149d

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You are right in a sense that autistic people are like evil manchildren because autistic people are innately immature way past their childhood age, but when you say evil I think you mean that they are indifferent to everyone around them. A small child can pick up a kitten and play with it roughly, causing its death and then have no remorse whatsoever when the kitten died because children are naturally self-absorbed and have not really developed a sense of empathy or understanding of the world around them. Autistic people suffer from mindblindness and so their way of thinking revolves around their own needs and desires.

Evil manchild is a good description, though.

Anonymous 24/05/27(Mon)08:49 No. 15421 ID: 428a5e

I will never understand why autists get a free pass.

Anonymous 24/05/27(Mon)10:06 No. 15422 ID: fd2f5a

Infantilization. They take advantage of this and use their mental defect as a shield. If you call them what they are (autists) they get offended and suddenly want you to treat them differently.
I've seen this first-hand and it's the most sneaky rat behaviour ever.

Anonymous 24/05/27(Mon)18:00 No. 15423 ID: 970175

Is this the thread where we roleplay as neurotypical as if any neurotypical person would ever visit this site?

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)11:02 No. 15424 ID: 52f22c

Yeah that's true. Autists are always victims in the eyes of everyone.

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)18:57 No. 15426 ID: dae4d5

im not sure about that.
Small children may not have developed advanced empathy but to say they dont feel remorse?

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)19:24 No. 15429 ID: dae4d5

irony is the way you describe children is how children were treted by adults in historic times.

They were seen as nothing more than test subjects for whatever creed they were born into.

Anonymous 24/05/30(Thu)08:49 No. 15430 ID: 52f22c

It's true, though. Small children (2-5 years old) don't cry because they killed a kitten. They cry because their parents yell at them when they get caught.

Anonymous 24/05/30(Thu)10:32 No. 15431 ID: c587f6

Anyone that has spent time around small children knows they cannot control their impulses and that makes them dangerous. Indirect harm is always a risk because they couldn't care less about everyone else.

Anonymous 24/05/30(Thu)16:23 No. 15432 ID: 940839

Do you remember that 6 year old who killed his teacher last year? A good example of what happens when you let children do as they please. As far as I know the child in question never showed any remorse when they asked him why and he had no signs of mental illness or odd behaviour.

Anonymous 24/05/31(Fri)08:53 No. 15434 ID: 62090e

Fun fact: you cannot accurately diagnose children with psychopathy because, what you call antisocial or psychopathic behaviour in adults is normal among children.

Anonymous 24/05/31(Fri)13:56 No. 15435 ID: ff359a

Call him pathetic, a manchild, crazy snd it runs off him like water off a duck's back. But call him autistic and you'll be amazed how hurt he is, how he recoils in shock, gasping "I've been found out!"

Anonymous 24/05/31(Fri)15:48 No. 15446 ID: e00345

Children can be extremely ruthless so just think about what an adult evil sperg can do.

Anonymous 24/06/03(Mon)09:03 No. 15447 ID: 53dfdd

Most autists are really obnoxious and that's mostly because they're so egotistical that it devolves into a parody of the Truman show.

Anonymous 24/06/03(Mon)15:38 No. 15448 ID: 7fc6d6

Jason Beckman was autistic and he killed his father. Angry manchild revolt against his parents in the most aggressive way.

Anonymous 24/06/04(Tue)09:12 No. 15449 ID: 52f22c

Adam Lanza too. It seems to be a common theme for autists to sperg out to the maximum and kill everyone around them.

Anonymous 24/06/04(Tue)19:00 No. 15450 ID: 3633de

I think you all misunderstand what psychopathy is.

No, chikdren arent normalised to psychopathy.
Just because they havent developed greater moral awareness dosnt make them psychopathic.

Also surprisingly, alot of things we condemn kids for are more common in adults.

Anonymous 24/06/05(Wed)07:09 No. 15451 ID: f168b2

Children are psychopathic but it's not malign. You can't diagnose them because their development depends on going through an overtly self-centered period in life and then shed that behaviour.

Anonymous 24/06/05(Wed)08:32 No. 15452 ID: 52026c

It's kind of scary when you think about it. What you call innocence in children is actually a totally uninhibited form of egotism where you do as you please without any consequential thinking. A human being that lack restraints.

Anonymous 24/06/07(Fri)10:34 No. 15453 ID: fd94ab

He only shot his teacher, he didn't kill her. However it still proves that children can murder with intent albeit less malicious like an adult.

Anonymous 24/06/07(Fri)13:55 No. 15454 ID: 50f5ba

Ignorance is bliss they say, even if it means you can't comprehend your own actions.

The thing about the whole situation is that it was planned. He took time and effort to find his mother's weapon and bring it to school to cause harm so it was all premeditated. That's not a crime of passion, that's calculated volition.

Anonymous 24/06/07(Fri)15:50 No. 15455 ID: e00345

>it was planned

Exactly. A child trying to kill someone isn't based on some vengeful behaviour that is rooted deep in their mind but because of childish reasons. It's immature.

Anonymous 24/06/10(Mon)09:32 No. 15456 ID: 582194

Children can't really rationalize murder in the same way adults do either. If someone calls them stupid or ugly then they just retaliate in the most primitive way possible, just like in a schoolyard fight. Children use violence all the time. They hit each other from a young age if something is displeasing to them (a brother or sister stole a toy or didn't obey their commands) but it's not malevolent. It's simply empathetic detachment and they lack everything that make it possible for humans to coexist with one another.

It's psychopathic but it's necessary.

Anonymous 24/06/11(Tue)09:49 No. 15458 ID: 52f22c

Autists on the other hand are overgrown infants.

Anonymous 24/06/11(Tue)13:02 No. 15460 ID: 358684

That's why they are so dangerous.

Anonymous 24/06/11(Tue)15:11 No. 15461 ID: 302984

Mentally unstable manchildren with zero understanding of the world around them? What could go wrong! Nothing whatsoever, lol.

Anonymous 24/06/12(Wed)12:52 No. 15462 ID: 5a87f7

Scary and sad at the same time.

Anonymous 24/06/12(Wed)14:19 No. 15463 ID: d7e80c

Most children do not murder people; it's not normal for a child to kill a person or even an animal.

Anonymous 24/06/12(Wed)14:24 No. 15464 ID: d32116

The point is that they can if they're allowed to. Normality has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous 24/06/13(Thu)13:02 No. 15465 ID: 940839

Carl Newton Mahan is another example.

Anonymous 24/06/13(Thu)15:05 No. 15466 ID: f68b67

Children usually settle disputes with violence and it only becomes deadly if they have access to weapons since they lack brute strength.

Anonymous 24/06/14(Fri)10:37 No. 15467 ID: 62090e

Mahan is a tragic case. He kills a boy, sits and laughs during the trial because he is not able to comprehend the seriousness of the whole ordeal and committed suicide later as an adult. It’s like children that get molested when they’re young. They grow up and slowly develop heavy mental issues.

Anonymous 24/06/14(Fri)15:31 No. 15468 ID: 1445a0

The only language they understand.

Anonymous 24/06/15(Sat)04:41 No. 15469 ID: 52e652

Are you sure about that,? All this sounds like moral projection.

Then how do you consider adults using physical punishment on kids for non-physical offenses, like speaking out of turn?

And you think the bast majority of petty crim by adults isn't the same?

Ignorance is not bliss. That's a patronizing sentiment use by bitter disgruntled adults who don't like basic responsibility.

Anonymous 24/06/15(Sat)04:49 No. 15470 ID: 52e652

Have you seen the way adults handle conflicts when they have no personal luxury or rights?

Adults overestimate age numbers (especially the own) as a moral compass.

Men especially are guilty of abusing their seniority to overrule basic decency.

Only because we patronize children as pets.

Anonymous 24/06/17(Mon)09:03 No. 15471 ID: 53dfdd

Murder is a game to them and understandably so. Another extension of the self-absorbed mind.

Anonymous 24/06/17(Mon)10:36 No. 15472 ID: 740fe1

All is fun and games so long as they are not affected.

Anonymous 24/06/17(Mon)14:10 No. 15473 ID: 915276

Tit for tat is the golden rule among children and it has no real threshold.

Anonymous 24/06/18(Tue)09:37 No. 15475 ID: 52f22c

Autists often exaggerate all of their experiences due to being too sensitive so when they get angry they lash out with greater force than is necessary. Think of it as a 7 year old on steroids.

Anonymous 24/06/18(Tue)13:38 No. 15476 ID: a1422b

I've met plenty of autistic people that have no awareness when it comes to what is proportional or what is harmless. They sperg out hard and always have this sense of entitlement and think the world should let them do whatever they like.

Anonymous 24/06/18(Tue)14:28 No. 15477 ID: 3137df

They obsess over all the irrelevant minutiae in their lives so of course they think they matter more than others.

Anonymous 24/06/19(Wed)08:04 No. 15478 ID: ebad54

This all sounds like misopedia.
All these pathologist aren't limited to prepubescence.
Look at how adults handle their affairs.

Anonymous 24/06/19(Wed)09:18 No. 15479 ID: 52026c

That is their biggest issue: pointless details that make no difference.

Anonymous 24/06/19(Wed)15:14 No. 15480 ID: 1cef5a

It's useless to engage in a conversation with them. They can't express an opinion without writing a 9 page essay on a trivial situation. It's like communicating with a human compiler that see everything as a long sequence of code that has to be deciphered.

Anonymous 24/06/20(Thu)08:27 No. 15481 ID: 52f22c

Must be frustrating going through life with compulsive thoughts about observing every little detail that has no real importance in the long run.

Anonymous 24/06/20(Thu)12:58 No. 15482 ID: beef8f

Their whole existence is to systematize everything.

Anonymous 24/06/22(Sat)18:11 No. 15483 ID: e7d901

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Insufferable and delusional.

Anonymous 24/06/24(Mon)08:05 No. 15484 ID: 428a5e

Wow. How annoying.

Anonymous 24/06/24(Mon)09:21 No. 15485 ID: b178e5

The biggest reason why autistic people do more damage than good. They think they're more special than they actually are. They're "special", not special.

Anonymous 24/06/24(Mon)15:19 No. 15486 ID: 67f937

Yet their own thoughts only orbit the miniscule and petty.

Anonymous 24/06/25(Tue)11:02 No. 15487 ID: 52f22c

Autistic people are like little microcosms of useless sensory experiences and overloads.

Anonymous 24/06/25(Tue)13:55 No. 15490 ID: 3302e0

Not only are they self-absorbed but also cruel.

Anonymous 24/06/25(Tue)15:08 No. 15491 ID: a1fc11

Cruelty is natural for them.

Anonymous 24/06/26(Wed)08:29 No. 15494 ID: 6bf015

Atheism is something suited for pedantic people and when you are autistic there is no room for heuristic gaps.

Anonymous 24/06/26(Wed)12:37 No. 15495 ID: fc3baf

To me autism is a brutal form of mental gymnastics. The mind becomes a prison full of "nuances" that you can't ignore.

Anonymous 24/06/26(Wed)15:46 No. 15498 ID: 77cd87

Perpetual overthinking.

Anonymous 24/06/28(Fri)08:13 No. 15505 ID: 62090e

Contemplating something so ordinary and dull that you assign extreme value to it.

Anonymous 24/06/28(Fri)11:02 No. 15506 ID: 81c0c2

Trapped in an imaginary world.

Anonymous 24/07/01(Mon)08:14 No. 15516 ID: 53dfdd

Hypothetical thinking multiplied by a billion which amounts to nothing.

Anonymous 24/07/01(Mon)13:49 No. 15518 ID: 915276

Living in a fantasy world so that it becomes detrimental to everything else you do.

Anonymous 24/07/02(Tue)09:28 No. 15521 ID: 52f22c

Don't forget how their sensitivity leads to misanthropic hatred of the world around them.

Anonymous 24/07/02(Tue)13:09 No. 15522 ID: 1a904b

No compromises due to high need of control and constant safe space.

Anonymous 24/07/02(Tue)14:31 No. 15524 ID: 3137df

Unshakeable conformity that has to be in line with your own desires.

Anonymous 24/07/03(Wed)15:38 No. 15528 ID: 1445a0

Autism without medication always ends in failure.

Anonymous 24/07/04(Thu)14:11 No. 15529 ID: d23dc9

It's like they can't function properly at all.

Anonymous 24/07/15(Mon)11:06 No. 15543 ID: 52f22c

Autism is a burden and doesn't contribute anything to the world.

Anonymous 24/07/18(Thu)04:30 No. 15552 ID: 3781ef

the way yall are talking sounds ironically like autism.

Anonymous 24/07/27(Sat)21:55 No. 15560 ID: fd6509

>If autistic people lack the ability to understand other people's feelings and desires, then obviously there can be no moral imperative for them to care about anyone other than themselves.
Autists don't lack the ability to understand others feelings, they have a harder time doing so than non-autists. Psycopaths on the other hand lack the ability to understand other peoples feelings, and usually lack yhe moral imperatives you speculated about. You also seem to confuse sociopathy with psychopathy

Anonymous 24/08/05(Mon)09:27 No. 15574 ID: 59c8ad

Autists have alexithymia so no. You're wrong. If you can't identify feelings then it's pretty much as if you lack them.

Anonymous 24/08/05(Mon)14:12 No. 15575 ID: e4de8c

Also there tends to be a flattening of emotions among autists. They become desensitized.

Anonymous 24/08/07(Wed)11:37 No. 15576 ID: 1ef628

Autists are face blind so it becomes harder for them to understand emotions.

Anonymous 24/08/08(Thu)08:53 No. 15577 ID: 69c0c2

The don't even know how to smile like a normal person.

Anonymous 24/08/08(Thu)10:24 No. 15578 ID: 376b01

They look like they are constipated.

Anonymous 24/08/09(Fri)09:00 No. 15579 ID: f4c4d7

It is impossible for them to adequately connect a facial expression with a certain emotion. They're like shitty animatronic dolls that have exaggerated smiles and raised eyebrows.

Anonymous 24/08/10(Sat)11:51 No. 15580 ID: fd6509

Only around 50% of autists have alexithymia. Furthermore, not being able to identify one's emotions is not at all the same as not having emotions at all. Lastly, as I said earlier, autists do understand other's emotions, even if they might have a harder time doing so than the average population. It' astounding how you lack the ability to formulate a valid argument, considering we're on a philosophy board.

(Source for my claims: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-with-autism-can-read-emotions-feel-empathy1/)

Anonymous 24/08/10(Sat)11:51 No. 15581 ID: fd6509

Only around 50% of autists have alexithymia. Furthermore, not being able to identify one's emotions is not at all the same as not having emotions at all. Lastly, as I said earlier, autists do understand other's emotions, even if they might have a harder time doing so than the average population. It' astounding how you lack the ability to formulate a valid argument, considering we're on a philosophy board.

(Source for my claims: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-with-autism-can-read-emotions-feel-empathy1/)

Anonymous 24/08/12(Mon)13:45 No. 15582 ID: 915276

That's what happens when you have no real emotions.

Anonymous 24/08/13(Tue)13:09 No. 15584 ID: c358e9

It's like they try to act emotions instead of feeling them.

Anonymous 24/08/15(Thu)09:56 No. 15589 ID: 77929d

I think that the reason that autists are so socially awkward is because they're so alienated from themselves. They can't handle their own inner self and are unable to understand anything that has to do with the human condition.

Anonymous 24/08/16(Fri)08:53 No. 15591 ID: 75425f

Same here. Science is the pacifier they need.

Anonymous 24/08/17(Sat)22:36 No. 15592 ID: 171aab

you say that like science is some sort of impersonal toy

Anonymous 24/08/19(Mon)09:22 No. 15596 ID: 4aec4d

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Science is the only anchor that autists rely on. It's their crutch.

>Research scientists are under pressure to get published in the most prominent journals possible, and their chances increase considerably if they find positive (thus “impactful”) results. For journals, the appeal is clear, writes Philip Ball for Nautilus: they’ll make a bigger splash if they discover some new truth, rather than if they simply refuted old findings. The reality is that science rarely produces data so appealing.
> The quest for publication has led some scientists to manipulate data, analysis, and even their original hypotheses. In 2014, John Ioannidis, a Stanford professor conducting researching on research (or ‘meta-research’), found that across the scientific field, “many new proposed associations and/or effects are false or grossly exaggerated.” Ioannidis, who estimates that 85 percent of research resources are wasted, claims that the frequency of positive results well exceeds how often one should expect to find them

>Science is facing a "reproducibility crisis" where more than two-thirds of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, research suggests.
>"It's worrying because replication is supposed to be a hallmark of scientific integrity,"

Anonymous 24/08/20(Tue)09:03 No. 15597 ID: 52f22c

Your opinion is only valid if the autistic scientist says so.

Anonymous 24/08/20(Tue)15:56 No. 15598 ID: 052a4b

lol this

Anonymous 24/08/20(Tue)16:25 No. 15599 ID: 48a5f4

Idk man.
Alot of autists rely more on Sonic and MLP than actual science.

Most people, neurodivergent and neurotypical, look down on science as impersonal

Anonymous 24/08/21(Wed)09:59 No. 15600 ID: fc3baf

Alan Turing is a good example.

Anonymous 24/08/22(Thu)09:57 No. 15601 ID: 52f22c

The original computer autist.

Anonymous 24/08/22(Thu)13:43 No. 15603 ID: 4c2f96

The first incel.

Anonymous 24/08/23(Fri)08:18 No. 15606 ID: 62090e

Autists can only grasp the world through the lens of science.

Anonymous 24/08/23(Fri)15:25 No. 15607 ID: e00345

A psychopathic materialist.

Anonymous 24/08/26(Mon)14:32 No. 15612 ID: 5968fd

It wouldn't surprise me if the majority of mathematicians and physicists are autistic.

Anonymous 24/08/30(Fri)08:38 No. 15614 ID: 75425f

You need to have some kind of spectrum disorder if you enjoy looking at zeros and ones on a computer screen all day.

Anonymous 24/09/03(Tue)06:23 No. 15626 ID: ba8a7f

You should e glad to have tech devices you can spout your opinions on

Anonymous 24/09/03(Tue)09:08 No. 15628 ID: 52f22c

Unironic automaton.

Anonymous 24/09/06(Fri)15:23 No. 15636 ID: e00345

Without real experiences.

Anonymous 24/09/11(Wed)15:29 No. 15645 ID: 6a0da8

Autistic people are scary to me. They seem inhuman.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)09:16 No. 15647 ID: 52f22c

Extreme egocentrism is what defines them.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)12:38 No. 15648 ID: dae3b6

They have no inner depth.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)13:37 No. 15649 ID: 52615e

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They are dead inside.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)13:39 No. 15650 ID: cdaec0

Exactly. A mechanized human.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)15:51 No. 15651 ID: 9cbb53

A quite sterile approach to living.

Anonymous 24/09/13(Fri)16:08 No. 15653 ID: e00345

That's right. It's all shallow.

Anonymous 24/09/16(Mon)13:52 No. 15655 ID: 5968fd

No genuine happiness. Only parroting.

Anonymous 24/09/18(Wed)12:26 No. 15656 ID: fc3baf

That's because they can't relate to other humans other than superficially.

Anonymous 24/09/19(Thu)09:15 No. 15657 ID: 52f22c

It's delusional arrogance coupled with zero empathy.

Anonymous 24/09/19(Thu)09:51 No. 15658 ID: a30731

That's always been the case their like ego incarnate a creature that does what it wants with no need to care for much else

Anonymous 24/09/20(Fri)16:06 No. 15661 ID: e00345

Like a cartoon villain.

Anonymous 24/09/23(Mon)08:08 No. 15668 ID: 087fa3

You rarely see autistic philanthropists.

Anonymous 24/09/24(Tue)16:33 No. 15672 ID: 6d40a6

Because they're all bitter.

Anonymous 24/09/26(Thu)13:19 No. 15675 ID: f4c4d7

More like a childish mental patient.

Anonymous 24/09/26(Thu)15:10 No. 15676 ID: 6002d2

Dead inside is a good description.

Anonymous 24/09/27(Fri)08:49 No. 15677 ID: 75425f

Ravaged by nihilism.

Anonymous 24/09/27(Fri)16:08 No. 15678 ID: e00345

They're Max Stirner on steroids.

Anonymous 24/09/30(Mon)09:28 No. 15682 ID: 50ff1d

lmao you're 100% right

Anonymous 24/10/02(Wed)12:28 No. 15685 ID: fc3baf

That says a lot since Max Stirner is the greatest fedora overlord.

Anonymous 24/10/03(Thu)09:15 No. 15687 ID: 52f22c

Anything that intrudes on absolute freedom is awful for autists.

Anonymous 24/10/03(Thu)12:57 No. 15688 ID: aa6243


Anonymous 24/10/04(Fri)08:19 No. 15689 ID: 62090e

I bet 99.99% of libertarians are autistic.

Anonymous 24/10/04(Fri)15:22 No. 15690 ID: e00345

I'd say 100%.

Anonymous 24/10/05(Sat)06:08 No. 15691 ID: f0dc15

idk i think cartoon villian is more accurate.

Anonymous 24/10/05(Sat)06:10 No. 15692 ID: f0dc15

Thats not such a bad thing.


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