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Plato's Democracy to Tyranny Anonymous 18/04/19(Thu)19:20 No. 13503 ID: 8bdadd

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In the United States and other western democracies (see it's in the phrase). We are currently in a degenerate cosmopolitan democracy that values wealth, possessions, and sex over virtue and intellectual pursuits. From here individuals are atomized. They begin to hate their situation and they demand the rule of a tyrant. This explains the phenomena of Trump, the support for Bernie Sanders, and even some of the youths support for Jeremy Corbyn in the UK.

As an American, I was surprised by the vociferous response of virtually any progressive millennial to brexit. I couldn't understand why they cared. Until it dawned on me, we have become so cosmopolitan that people want an all powerful supranational entity to rule over their quasi-bohemian lifestyle.

Anonymous 18/05/01(Tue)00:09 No. 13512 ID: 1bbee6

Progressive millennial don't think. they are just as dogmatic as a right-winger without the balls-to-the-wall fun.

I'm not sure what about our society suggests a rule to a tyrant. Look at CIA Black ops, like Operation Condor, Iran Contra, Extraordinary Rendition, etc. Seems like we already have a group of benevolent tyrants running the place.

Anonymous 18/05/07(Mon)19:49 No. 13516 ID: 9746ef

Democracy itself is such a laughable concept to be honest. The problem with democracy is simple really. Nobody knows shit for about anything.

Nothing about political issues
Nothing about science or math.
Hell, we even the attention span less than that of a goldfish- A GOLDFISH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD-this should tell use everything about the declining of western civilization.

Anonymous 18/05/09(Wed)19:13 No. 13518 ID: 4089f6

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Isn't that the problem with all government systems?

Anonymous 18/05/10(Thu)04:36 No. 13519 ID: 534dcc

I find that image to be absolutely ridiculous. How could two groups with totally different ideas of what constitutes a state work together to do away with them? It's like if Lenin and Schumpeter had tried to work together against imperialism. They were both against something they each called "imperialism," but they defined the word in totally different ways.

Anonymous 18/05/10(Thu)16:01 No. 13520 ID: 9ab02c

You can't understand why folks in one country care about what happens in another? Really. Hm.
1: Euroland has been trying since the end of WW2 to solidify a continental Euro block, specifically to prevent a WW3 from occurring. The idea is that if all Euroland were in one basket, a trilogy of continent-wrecking wars could be avoided. And also, a solidified Europe makes it easier to repel Russia, whose imperial ambitions from the late 19th Century are alive and well today. Britain was cool with this concept in principal, BUT...
2: Britain does not really consider itself a part of Euroland, because English Channel. Rather, since the Age of Exploration Britain considers itself the New Atlantis and so views the rest of Europe with a sneer. This is why we even have the phrase 'Continental' in the first place: there's Britain, and then those THOSE people.
The EU did not help the situation by beginning to exceed its original mandate in terms of micro-managing the internal affairs of the member states, and that was all the pretext the Brexit folks needed to cut out. But now with Britain out, the EU has lost a big part of its punch, and Putin is licking his chops over this reality.
>Until it dawned on me, we have become so cosmopolitan that people want an all powerful supranational entity to rule over their quasi-bohemian lifestyle.
This sort-of right. People want tyranny because it's easier to live when someone does all your thinking for you. How do you think institutional religion has lasted so long? Conservatives, in all their rigid social conformity are just as desiring of iron-fisted domination, because life is so much simpler when all you have to do every day is STFU and GBTW.

Anonymous 18/05/13(Sun)15:35 No. 13522 ID: 9a8723

Its more than that democracy also promotes division it promotes say an us vs them mentality while a monarchy promotes unity between the people. This is why in history Monarchies have shown consistently being more stable than democracies.

Anonymous 18/05/17(Thu)02:24 No. 13528 ID: eea1c2

Monarchy in the modern age would more likely than not )just like most totalitarian dictatorships) would fall at the hands of corruption, the rich would thrive even more than they do today, the lower middle class and the poor would be forced to deal with high prices, the way most monarchs are so stable is the same reason most dictatorships would last, on top of that now you have a populous that know about democracy. Which is why I would think that the problem doesn't lie at the type of government, but at the ignorance of the people to nationalism and pride in their nation (Probably why people don't have that much of a problem with immigrants)
Surely if people wanted to follow and be lead by an all powerful entity, they would follow the what the media says, right?

Anonymous 18/05/19(Sat)18:25 No. 13531 ID: 1e4c65

>implying they don't follow what the media says unconditionally today

Anonymous 18/12/24(Mon)06:56 No. 13831 ID: 7270ce

The best part of a democracy is everyone gets a vote.

The worst part of a democracy is everyone gets a vote.

Anonymous 19/02/18(Mon)11:08 No. 13886 ID: 13ccd2

Technically the "middle class" is supposed to have wealth equivalent to royalty while not actually being royalty.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)22:11 No. 14102 ID: 0b0bf7

>wealth, possessions, and sex over virtue and intellectual pursuits
None of this is a problem, it becomes a problem when you try to get hardworking people to subsidize your lifestyle or force foreigners on local populations that commit crime.

>vociferous response of virtually any progressive millennial to brexit
You mean paid activists, twitter bots, and foreigners leeching off British welfare/education/health.

Anonymous 19/11/14(Thu)08:44 No. 14265 ID: ee3da3

It's too bad people don't value virtue. It's essential to society. But we cast it away. The worst of all casts in existence. lol Though were not often taught it where we go about things in our life. School doesn't emphasize it and many people's parents don't. A memo would be nice. Some information of any nature would be good. It's like virtue is a secret topic these days. Let's bring out the light! lol

Anonymous 19/12/07(Sat)18:16 No. 14301 ID: bd0879

I would've made a good emperor. I'd've been very lenient

Anonymous 19/12/12(Thu)05:47 No. 14307 ID: eff71a

EVERY system falls to corruption sooner or later, which is why the box needs to get shaken up by revolution every once in a while.

The real problem with the modern world is the lie of the self-made man. You see, in the older times, people who were rich knew they they did not earn it. They knew they they inherited it, that they were born in a higher caste, and that the poor were also born in their caste. Because of this, they were privy to something called "the burden of the rich", where they were obligated by their God-given station in life to do what they could for the lower classes. While many of these rich were, of course, corrupt and selfish, most were in contrast very charitable (even if oftentimes that charity was lip-service to the Church).

But the mother myth of self-determinism has destroyed this. Now every rich person believes that they deserve their absurdly inflated wealth because they are smarter, because they work harder, because they are better; and that the poor are simply lazy and stupid and deserving of neither charity or even pity. This is true corruption, and true selfishness.

It is far, far better to arbitrarily appoint someone into a position of power than the create a system where a person believe that any power they gain was somehow "earned", and thus deserved. Compare the personality of The Queen with that of Trump.

Anonymous 22/04/07(Thu)21:50 No. 14927 ID: ff3844


>This is why in history Monarchies have shown consistently being more stable than democracies.

Monarchy is the default government of mankind.

Anonymous 24/06/30(Sun)10:25 No. 15514 ID: 734dfa

We are living in the age of mass-individualism.

Everybody likes to think themselves a demigod denied of their bithright to change the world.

Also ironically, intellectual pursuits arent about virtues. Theyre about pondering virtues like theyre candy, but never actually following them.
Irony, the fetishisation of intellectual stuff is a key ingredient of materialism.

People use politics as a vehicle for consumer habits.

Hpw many political campaigms must be about sexuality or electronic media regulation?
People care more about teens messing with their genitals than actual starving children.

Mpst adults love to talk about whom was involeved in some secret think tank yet they know nothing about natural science.
Most adults are dumbfounded about what makes grass green and the sky blue.
But they have multiple theories about presidential scandals.

Politics is just lazy intellectual exercise for adults.

Anonymous 24/06/30(Sun)10:32 No. 15515 ID: 734dfa

This is also the same problem with the current idea of maturation.

Ancient society used to have children participate in industrial and political.affairs.
Most people nowadays lack the basic skills for propr adulthood.
They cannot cook, clean, fix machinery, etc.
But they feel entitled to have a spouse and suburban minimansion just because theyre "old enough".

People nowadays whine about being single amd lonely yet theyre still screwing around with booze amd drugs or binge watching TV and focusing on "get rich quick schemes".
They want to have a perfect marriage despite having a high body count, dietary-induced disorders, anxiety, paraphilia, overweightness,

Anonymous 24/09/01(Sun)00:01 No. 15616 ID: ffb737

my political opinions are simple:

- we should get rid of representitive democracy, elected leadership has got all the problems that arose under monarchy, but worse because the people are less willing to rise up against the system.
- i propose one of the three; either we go back to having absolute supreme leaders such as a monarchy or dictatorship, or we install a true (direct) democracy where legislative policy is made by a direct vote of the people, or we go full lolbert and establish some barebones set of minarchist laws that are necessary to keep a society stable, and count on covenant communities and natural consequnces to shape the laws of every region beyond the basic laws of ownership regard oneself and ones property (dont kill, dont steal, etc. - plus we can play the fun game of deciding who gets coverage under the laws of the nap), minimal law like those offered up under the principle of nonaggression are also good for eugenics as the dumbasses and asshats are permitted to cull themselves by way of their own inferiority.

- in any event, political change can only come through a circumvention of the system, and that means violent revolution. the goal of a good activist group should be the deatruction or nationalization of their country's (((central banking))) and (((revenue collection)).

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