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Anonymous 17/05/08(Mon)13:47 No. 288 ID: 995628 [Reply]

File 149424406555.jpg - (216.96KB , 1440x1440 , Baby-Holding-IUD-Birth-Announcement.jpg )

If it really is meant to happen, it will happen. You don't have to get all political about it.

Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)07:11 No. 291 ID: e83956

>You don't have to get all political about it
That may be an impossible suggestion in a time where "the personal is political" is a common meme in some circles.

Anonymous 17/05/03(Wed)19:55 No. 279 ID: 94696d [Reply]

File 149383415260.jpg - (76.85KB , 1200x800 , 170502-hillary-clinton-mn-1415_2506b293bc3fdc8eb1d.jpg )

That's a whole lot of delusional in a whole lot of hag.

Anonymous 17/05/05(Fri)10:54 No. 281 ID: 2194e8

File 149397447379.png - (55.73KB , 497x279 , Delusional.png )

Could be worse. Could be a morbidly obese elderly man who can't sleep because he thinks his wife is taking trains from the security detail, making him go off on spastic twitter posts at random points during the night and day.

Anonymous 17/03/12(Sun)16:57 No. 209 ID: d4ae80 [Reply]

File 14893342203.jpg - (13.39KB , 780x438 , 170310145845-01-park-geun-hye-career-restricted-ex.jpg )

What better time for Best Korea to step forward and say,
"See, 'Republic of Korea', what we have been trying to tell you about demoracy and westernization all this time. It's all true. Just look at where it got you. Let us help you, let us free your government from corruption and intrigue. Accept the Kim family into your heart, and work for the best of all Korea."

14 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)09:53 No. 269 ID: 80a7cb

In theory it should be just the opposite because the premise of the movie was that in the future stupid people would outbreed smart people. One obvious solution is to beat the stupid people at their own game.

In practice the results might be skewed by the Dunning-Kruger effect. Everyone will think "hey I'm one of the smart ones," even--or rather, especially--if they're not.

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)03:28 No. 273 ID: 8e1588

Which would lead to the futility of the whole thing. This is why genocide happens. The best way to ensure a gene becomes more dominant is to make sure the competition doesn't reproduce

Anonymous 17/05/03(Wed)11:56 No. 277 ID: 2194e8

Except genocide is ultimately futile now, humans are too numerous to effectively commit genocide anymore. You can kill a particular tribe of people from a region, but they've spread far beyond that region, to areas where you can't possibly kill them.

This is why anti-globalists hate globalism. The thought of genocide coming to naught because families have spread themselves across the globe fills their primitive monkey brains with dread. They go to bed at night fondling their automatic weapons and the thought that they have no ability to do anything except make the area they live even more of a shithole keeps them awake long into the night.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)07:54 No. 276 ID: 94696d [Reply]

File 149370447182.jpg - (22.92KB , 750x1096 , edwards1n-1-web.jpg )

He was comin' right at me!

Anonymous 16/11/21(Mon)04:12 No. 45 ID: 1e535c [Reply]

File 147969797145.jpg - (77.61KB , 960x549 , BRICS_leaders_meet_on_the_sidelines_of_2016_G20_Su.jpg )

What does /civ/ think of BRICS?

10 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/04/16(Sun)14:04 No. 252 ID: 7337c5

You can also substitute "globalists" with "joos."

Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)19:09 No. 270 ID: 4dadc4

One of the ways you can spot a nonsense conspiracy theory is how easily the boogeymen can be replaced, and how inevitably they are.

Baseless conspiracy theories evolve with the era in which they are being discussed, usually inserting antagonists that presented an immediate or perceived threat in a previous era but have since gone dormant. Free Masons, the Russians, the Jews, neo-conservatives, globalists; in a couple of decades people will be saying that radical Islam had a hand in the assassination of JFK.

Anonymous 17/04/24(Mon)20:42 No. 272 ID: 1da0d2

Pretty sure they're already claiming it.

The internet is where mental illness goes to spread.

Anonymous 17/04/22(Sat)17:20 No. 265 ID: f66611 [Reply]

File 149287442284.png - (423.95KB , 780x438 , merci-isis.png )

Au revoir, France.

Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)05:29 No. 266 ID: c9b63d

Invest in cement companies.

They will build a Maginot line completely around the country this time.

And it will be just as effective.

Anonymous 17/03/12(Sun)06:44 No. 208 ID: 395df9 [Reply]

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Joe Biden is following me. I go to lunch at Mickey’s Diner and he’s sitting two stools away, wearing a stocking cap and a fake mustache with a fake nose and glasses but he says, “Hey, how’s it going, fella?” It’s Joe Biden. So pathetic. Sad. He is conducting a destabilization campaign against me, putting chemicals in my food that make me behave erratically. Why? Because he and his secret cabal are terrified of what I represent.

My guiding principle from the beginning has been Make Earth The Center Again. Not the sun. Earth First. Ever since Pope Urban VIII failed to shut down Galileo and the fake science of Copernicus, Judeo-Christian civilization has been in steady decline. It’s the plain truth. That’s why the Pilgrims came to the New World, to escape solar-centrist ideology. Solar power is killing us. This country is on the verge of collapse. We are up against powerful forces. Did you know that James Comey is actually Jimmy Hoffa? People are surprised when I point this out, but it’s true. Same first names, last names of five letters. Just a Coincidence? No way. “Comey” was Hoffa’s code name in his Teamster days, short for “Comrade.” He knew the only way to beat the FBI was to join it, and now he’s part of the secret cabal.

So are Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi — note that their first names have five letters — and what is even more shocking: They are the same person. That’s why you never see them arm in arm. S/he has a dream: to become the first transgender president of the United States and take the “Men” and “Women” signs off every toilet including the ones in your own home so that anyone can come into your home and use the toilet for as long as they please, no matter who else needs to use it, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. That’s why Biden and Jimmy and Schelosi are after me. Because 50 million people read my column every week. Fifty million. It’s the most-read column in American journalism since Robert Ripley’s “Believe It or Not” — that’s why I am paid $500 million a year and travel in a private train and am surrounded by heavy security at all times. Everywhere I go, people tell me they love my column — black people, Mexicans, Jews, women, people of all ages — and everyone I meet asks me, “Why not the front page? Why are you stuck back in Op-Ed? It’s so sad.” I’m in Op-Ed with all the wackos because the Deep State is out to undermine my credibility. But the fact is: I have been right all along. About everything. It all happened exactly as I said it would.

The Holy Father wrote to me recently, “You are molto perfecto, mio babbino caro. Infallibilissimo!” He knows the church made a big mistake not cutting Galileo’s head off when they had the chance. Liberals have always wanted mankind to feel marginal, an accident of evolution, not the center. The whole environmental “movement” is based on instilling a s Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/03/31(Fri)10:25 No. 227 ID: e7035a

Almost like Donald's money is his imaginary friend.

His only friend.

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)01:39 No. 236 ID: 6fd65d

Spends so much time on a 7chan post

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)04:29 No. 237 ID: 5a53ee

>doesn't realize its a copy & paste

Anonymous 17/03/18(Sat)14:21 No. 221 ID: 4f054f [Reply]

File 148984326221.jpg - (12.81KB , 158x100 , Graphic_on_Fake_News_by_VOA.jpg )


>This article is part of a series on Misinformation and disinformation

Anonymous 17/03/18(Sat)15:14 No. 222 ID: 80a7cb

“The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

You just linked to a template that has articles describing the various methods of misinformation and disinformation that exist, but present it in such a way as to say "HURRDURR WIKIPEDIA IS FAKE AND THIS IS PROOF." While very real consequences flow from Wikipedia being, as it calls itself, "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit," the best way to fight them is to change the respective articles and have screenshots and archives ready to go if someone maliciously reverts the article to a less factual version.

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)04:35 No. 223 ID: 4e9551

Actually I was thinking this template is the perfect excuse to create nonsense articles.

Anonymous 17/04/05(Wed)03:11 No. 230 ID: 5a53ee

Because you need an excuse?

Anonymous 17/03/12(Sun)06:03 No. 207 ID: 010515 [Reply]

File 148929501795.jpg - (25.66KB , 1100x824 , trickle-down-economics.jpg )

If any children survive this generation to evolve and adapt, they will lend a new meaning to trickle-down economics--as a demographic.

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)09:47 No. 154 ID: dabd0b [Reply]

File 148490204811.png - (25.72KB , 600x754 , 0120-web-LIBYA2map-Artboard_2.png )

This is a friendly reminder that when they tell you they bombed an ISIS training camp, they don't tell you how many child soldiers were killed.

11 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)15:14 No. 199 ID: d70750

>GWB was declared a war criminal
>The Tribunal recommends to the War Crimes Commission to give the widest international publicity to this conviction
I never heard about this; not even a rumour. I wasn't really following the news in 2012, and I haven't been living in the US for a decade, but it's not really much of a surprise to me that this was a complete non-event.

The History books should record him as the first, and so far only, US president convicted of war crimes--but they won't. Not even in Malasia, and once that administration is out of office no one will be around to confirm this ever happened. Once the online news articles get archived, there will be no publically-accessible proof anywhere but the records of the court in Kuala Lumpur, where no one will ever look because no one cares about Dubya anymore.

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)03:32 No. 201 ID: 448961

>I never heard about this; not even a rumour.
You should watch something besides Fox News. They were the only news channel to not report that it happened.

Online, of course, it went down the usual partisan lines of right wing sites refusing to acknowledge it and everyone else reporting it, with the left wing sites laughing hysterically while doing it.

Anonymous 17/03/11(Sat)12:35 No. 206 ID: a91bdd

File 148923211367.gif - (32.85KB , 328x200 , 200_s.gif )

good. i dont care.

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