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Anonymous 20/12/11(Fri)05:58 No. 1954 ID: ac6ebd [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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JUST REMEMBER, anyone who doesn't want to go to war is GAY!

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Anonymous 23/12/09(Sat)21:17 No. 2353 ID: 4d6d09


I do not get it are saying V.N. is a used up old whore?

The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)20:01 No. 2361 ID: 18ef5a

I don't think that woman is important enough politically to provoke anything from Russia

Anonymous 24/04/05(Fri)02:13 No. 2375 ID: c2a17d

Americans say that they want to live in a police state today because there is a slight chance the temperature might rise 1000 years from now.

No thread? The Red Barron 22/05/16(Mon)08:02 No. 2198 ID: 7cb4c3 [Reply]

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Pick your poison

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Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)14:26 No. 2241 ID: 31beea


Anonymous 23/01/30(Mon)00:42 No. 2257 ID: 3e05e9

I used to walk by Mr. Rodger's apartment building on the daily and for the longest time I had no idea. I'm traveling at the moment, but I was looking around the maps trying to navigate and it turns out I'm like maybe 5 or 10 minutes from his grave. I almost drove right in to the cemetary after taking a series of wrong turns.

I don't necessarily agree with all of his politics, but I very much respect his emphasis on keeping politics out of it and emphasizing what's important for the proper development of children to grow up to be good neighbors. Could probably design a quick visit into a day trip with the family if you're in the area and without much idea what to do with them. Something a bit different to talk about while admiring the scenery.

Anonymous 23/02/25(Sat)03:26 No. 2268 ID: e35293

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>keeping politics out of it

Is that a timeline variant of Mr. Rogers of which I am unaware?

ABORTION thread - Backalley Polydicks edition The+Red+Barron 22/06/26(Sun)11:07 No. 2214 ID: 7cb4c3 [Reply]

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So are you for or against abortion? I'm against it

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Anonymous 23/01/03(Tue)09:10 No. 2249 ID: a48a6c


Don't live in Yankland, so its different here and I've wtached it change for the last 35 years of my voting age, for the not just the worst. The most slow deliberate Evil.
Killing the poor, is the not common policy, it's the only policy. In my country and from the looks of it all around.
I'd have to say from the outside looking in Yankland is the same. Then you live there and I don't. Although have you live all over Yankland for last 35 years of your adult life.
Learning fisrt hand the different ways people are forced grow up through and then dump into adult life.

Hey these are just my early morning meanderings.

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)09:37 No. 2254 ID: 7cb4c3

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I live in a small town in the midwest, and even we have "warming centers," places for hobos to go be warm at night in the winter. In other countries I'm sure the poor have it really rough, but here you can even get a job the next day (a shitty one yes but a job) through a temp agency. If nothing else you'll get paid for training, which is like 200$ for nothing. Most people spend it on crack unfortunately

Anonymous 23/01/29(Sun)23:53 No. 2255 ID: 3e05e9

Yeah but they have to believe every lie told to them by the communists or else they'll realize that communism is made of lies and only lies. Take out one structural lie and all of communism falls apart. That's how to beat it, not by falling for more banker wars and communist revolutions.

I don't get the point off this board Anonymous 22/06/25(Sat)04:08 No. 2213 ID: 838b0b [Reply]

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I thought civics was about sewing and cooking?

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Anonymous 22/09/25(Sun)16:57 No. 2230 ID: 698ee6

My oh my! That sounds like some kind of domestic terrorist training camp! For me, that stuff was covered in such a fractured and piecemeal way over time that even silly PSAs on the TV between my cartoons helped fill in the blanks. How ridiculous is that? At least they put a big emphasis on reading and writing so I could go back and learn myself later on when it seemed like something was much, much worse than people seemed to suspect.

Anonymous 22/10/09(Sun)21:17 No. 2235 ID: c32e3f

This is deliberate. Public education has been under attack since even before my time. It's hilarious that there's always some reason why the budget has to be cut meanwhile spending on militarizing police in quiet rural towns is out of control...

It's easier to manage a population that isn't self-aware. For example, did you know that by petitioning (at least) two thirds of the state legislatures, the people can call for a constitutional convention? and that we can ratify an amendment by a three-fourths vote in all states conventions?

Of course, so long as we are split exactly two ways on every issue and more focused on hating ourselves than solving our problems, that's never going to happen.

Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)14:23 No. 2239 ID: 31beea

I'd love to learn more on the history of the cotton gin and such

Just like school civics

Dems and Reps are cucks Anonymous 20/09/13(Sun)23:15 No. 1924 ID: cf97d8 [Reply]

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What's the point? The dnc and rnc are corporate shills that care about their reputations and money more than the people?

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Anonymous 22/02/15(Tue)11:39 No. 2184 ID: cf35b0

I'd ask you to put your argument into words, but you're either an illiterate manchild or an automated postbot.

The nonvoting count was still around 80 million in 2020. Eighty million people who think their vote doesn't matter. If those people wanted to get anything done, they could get it done while every partisan voter cried about it.

Votes matter, instead of letting other people choose your life for you, vote third-party--at fucking random if you have to, but get registered and fucking vote.

The+Red+Barron 22/05/16(Mon)08:17 No. 2201 ID: 7cb4c3

Honestly the government is rigged, but I still vote just in case I'm being schizo about it and it matters ever

Anonymous 22/07/15(Fri)21:59 No. 2218 ID: 189249

Better than not voting.

Anonymous 22/05/15(Sun)02:45 No. 2197 ID: c53ccd [Reply]

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I have that hat.

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Anonymous 22/09/26(Mon)16:38 No. 2232 ID: 352765

It's hard to go wrong if you just call them slopes or slants, because they're all like that and then you don't run the risk of causing an international outrage by pitting one tiny little race against the one next door.

Anonymous 22/09/26(Mon)16:46 No. 2233 ID: 352765

Middle eastern is a weird term. I try to avoid it because even if you say "middle eastern" is "arabian peninsula" you might still wind up inciting jihad against yourself for no reason. So I just say "ayrab" in order to assert my colonialistic tendencies, and say "central asia" in order to sound like a geopolitical expert not to be argued with.

It also helps if you namedrop Kyrgystan or something like that because most people don't know where exactly that is, and thus it puts them off balance so you can maintain the advantage.

Anonymous 22/09/27(Tue)18:40 No. 2234 ID: ac8c44

Where I grew up some used it interchangeably with "asian".

Granted, none of them understand that "Asia" is not a country.

Anonymous 22/08/14(Sun)16:21 No. 2220 ID: 26b5ce [Reply]

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was he right?

Anonymous 22/08/14(Sun)16:46 No. 2221 ID: 1899ef


Anonymous 21/05/18(Tue)05:21 No. 2015 ID: 5c3e29 [Reply]

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If the US instituted heavy import tariffs based on the source country's equivalent environmental codes and practices... Maybe pride could save the world.

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Anonymous 22/04/16(Sat)13:35 No. 2194 ID: 6f8a99

Quite the opposite. He immediately shut down domestic production, just as promised on the campaign trail.

The+Red+Barron 22/05/16(Mon)08:11 No. 2200 ID: 7cb4c3

When this thread started, gas was 3$ a gallon

Feel old yet?

Anonymous 22/05/28(Sat)02:07 No. 2206 ID: 6f8a99

Nah gas used to be less than $1/gal when I was a new driver. I had to learn about banking and inflation on my own, of course, because obviously they can't let children learn anything useful in the public fool system.

Climate change Anonymous 21/10/22(Fri)22:11 No. 2115 ID: fae231 [Reply]

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Is bad, mmkay?

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Anonymous 22/02/24(Thu)23:00 No. 2185 ID: 8bcc12

Not that Anon, but then why are they trying to re-cycle communism with thirdie romanticism for the n:th time? :-/


Anonymous 22/03/16(Wed)12:16 No. 2186 ID: 94380b


What it feels like in that picture.

Anonymous 22/03/23(Wed)02:30 No. 2190 ID: 0dbae0


Shame on you posting music only nigger faggot losers like.

Anonymous 19/08/25(Sun)11:19 No. 1658 ID: 91069d [Reply]

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You know what's hilarious? All these alt-right, build-the-wall, lock-her-up, god-emperor-drumpf faggots who immediately turn into ignorant, worthless refugees that refuse to assimilate to other cultures the moment they lose their home.

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Anonymous 21/05/19(Wed)16:02 No. 2017 ID: 166371

It's one thing to be a retard, but do you have to be so smug about it?

Anonymous 21/06/01(Tue)02:18 No. 2022 ID: 9a73cc

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It's one thing for your parents to be brother and sister, but do you have to flaunt it?

Anonymous 21/11/02(Tue)07:25 No. 2123 ID: 6f8a99

Oh, I didn't realize you had TDS. I'm sorry for your loss.

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