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Anonymous 17/06/20(Tue)02:16 No. 340 ID: 53a76e

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Has anyone else noticed that people are becoming generally more belligerent and less concerned with reality outside their point of view?

It seems to me like more and more I hear comments that sound like his tweets; get into arguments against opinions based on nothing more than hearsay; etc.

Anonymous 17/06/21(Wed)23:41 No. 344 ID: 913c4a

I blame social media. People get insulated into little pockets of like-minded individuals and immediately exclude anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Anonymous 17/06/22(Thu)16:51 No. 345 ID: 913c4a

Personally I just want Trump to stop holding campaign rallies and golfing and start doing his goddamn job.

Over 80% of the positions he's required to appoint to manage agencies are unfilled simply because he hasn't gotten off his fat ass and sent candidates over to the Senate to rubber-stamp.

Anonymous 17/06/23(Fri)15:14 No. 346 ID: 7e897d

I agree. It's like we've industrialized high-school.

He has no idea what he's doing. Hard to believe anyone doesn't know it; but I guess the purpose of those rallies is to gather the shit-brains that still love him so they can refill their brains with shit before they run dry. If he doesn't keep pouring a stream of fresh rhetorical diarrhoea into them, who knows where they'll turn for a refill.

Anonymous 17/07/02(Sun)12:30 No. 356 ID: e339bd

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Looks like the reason Trump hasn't hired the rest is because he's blown the budget on the existing staff.

Guess he's not very good at math.

Anonymous 17/07/05(Wed)11:17 No. 357 ID: eb8421

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To think, we douted this guy's competence even more.

Anonymous 17/07/05(Wed)16:54 No. 358 ID: e339bd

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To be fair, he would end meetings rather than be subjected to topics that couldn't be summarized in 30 seconds or less. He was a serious fuckup as a governor as a result of that, and he'd be dealing with a lot more that couldn't be dumbed down.

What the Libertarian party needs to do is get a legitimately popular candidate who's not afraid to knife your party's precious babies. Until you drop an ideologically pure meatheads like him off the ticket you're going to be stuck sucking wind.

Anonymous 17/07/06(Thu)06:54 No. 360 ID: 0de6b9

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Honestly, I would be a little concerned if the president were high on tetrahydrocannabinol while on duty.

Anonymous 17/07/06(Thu)14:14 No. 362 ID: d6b4f1

Hopefully you're okay with the president being high on cocaine.

Anonymous 17/07/07(Fri)22:36 No. 364 ID: da930e


More like high on unresolved rage, megalomania, serious mommy issues, with a tad bit of "daddy loved money more then me" syndrome tossed in. He is the very model of a affluent white, baby boomer, American.

Anonymous 17/07/07(Fri)22:51 No. 365 ID: d6b4f1

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He was also a well known coke fiend in the 80s.

Whats the chance his well documented decades of meglomania originates from a perpetual coke high?

Anonymous 17/07/19(Wed)20:07 No. 375 ID: 2460d3

On the other hand, why not, especially since shouting louder than everyone else seems to work at least in the short term.

Anonymous 17/07/20(Thu)06:49 No. 376 ID: 73f57f

He isn't causing it. It's been progressively going in that direction for years. But like the frog in the pot, no one really notices because the change is gradual. He sure as heck isn't helping though.

Anonymous 17/07/20(Thu)09:58 No. 377 ID: 1f9e1b

You're probably right.
>He sure as heck isn't helping though.
As George Carlin said, the circles get smaller and smaller, faster and faster, and then down the drain we go.
>seems to work at least in the short term
Short-term solutions seem to be the Don's speciality.

Anonymous 17/07/21(Fri)12:32 No. 379 ID: 3b265d

Unless the solution is personally enriching himself and his family, he's not particularly big on solutions.

Anonymous 17/07/21(Fri)18:07 No. 382 ID: 5a17f7

You have a point; of course, it may be that he sees that as a solution.

Anonymous 17/07/22(Sat)21:20 No. 386 ID: e4210a

And the Democrats needs a Teddy Roosevelt. Someone who's a manly man but not a dipshit. Someone who has an illustrious career but isn't vomiting everything he has heard.

Case in point: When Clinton had some kind of meeting/rally/whatever in an ice cream parlor, she couldn't even answer the harmless question on what ice cream she prefered. That is the wage of relying on focus groups and over-analysis.

Anonymous 17/07/23(Sun)06:07 No. 387 ID: 73f57f

I haven't seen this. What did she say? "I prefer whatever flavor the people prefer"? I wouldn't put it past her. She was basically a real-life Simpsons caricature of a politician.

Anonymous 17/07/23(Sun)15:30 No. 388 ID: a7146f

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Yeah, because what we need is an asshole in the office who just does whatever the fuck he wants and ignores everything the majority of citizens want him to do, instead of actually listening to them and forming policy based on their desires. My god what a fucking nightmare.

The only people yammering on about what flavor of ice cream she wanted is Breitbart and similar political hacks. If that's where you're turning to for news, you deserve every last minute of Trump and the raping of the country that comes with it.

Anonymous 17/07/30(Sun)19:50 No. 390 ID: 9fd7e5

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Who cares what people need? Elections are (theoretically) based on what the people (think they) want, not what they need.

Anonymous 17/07/30(Sun)20:49 No. 391 ID: b4bf87

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Did you see the word need and get triggered? Do you want a space safe? (since you obviously wouldn't need one)

Here, let me rewrite it to avoid your trigger:
Yeah, because what we want is an asshole in the office who just does whatever the fuck he wants and ignores everything the majority of citizens want him to do, instead of actually listening to them and forming policy based on their desires. My god what a fucking nightmare.

The only people yammering on about what flavor of ice cream she wanted is Breitbart and similar political hacks. If that's where you're turning to for news, you deserve every last minute of Trump and the raping of the country that comes with it.

Do you see now how your response makes absolutely no sense in the context of a response to this?

Anonymous 17/07/31(Mon)19:22 No. 392 ID: e93a47


How mad you are aside, this is actually true:
>what we want is an asshole in the office who just does whatever the fuck he wants and ignores everything the majority of citizens want him to do

We chose this; we knew exactly what kind of person he was the whole time and we did it anyway. Sure, you could argue our own election system fucked us, but if we really thought it were so unjust we couldn't live with it there'd have been a revolution. This is what the people wanted, a bully who'd ignore them, ignore other countries' leaders, ignore decency and etiquette, and bring America back to the 19th century.

Anonymous 17/08/01(Tue)00:17 No. 393 ID: f77716

The problem with this sentiment is that there is a clear "devolution" of social norms occurring as soon as most start explicitly expressing a disinterest in "what people need"

It's still better to strive for an ideal, even if it's difficult, misguided or unreachable. Even if you were wrong all along, at least you learned in the process

Anonymous 17/08/01(Tue)05:29 No. 394 ID: d9030c

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>We chose this
Technically the majority of the voters didn't choose this, we just got fucked over again, except by an even wider margin this time.

Its time to abolish the electoral college. We haven't had slave states for the better part of two centuries now.

Anonymous 17/08/01(Tue)05:47 No. 395 ID: f2346a

Did you read the whole post?

>Sure, you could argue our own election system fucked us, but if we really thought it were so unjust we couldn't live with it there'd have been a revolution.

Maybe it's about time all those right-wing conspiracy theorist gun nuts found out if their personal firearms are sufficient to protect them from corrupt governance.

It would be great to find a peaceful means to change things, but you'll never untangle this mess with talk or voting. In the end, people will still want a system that prevents states with larger populations from deciding the outcome over states with smaller populations and no one's proposal--however valid--will ever be accepted over the system in place for fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Conservative propaganda will sway the majority idiot population to do what isn't in their best interest as usual; progressive propaganda will confront the conservative with ultimatums and shame, driving their own supporters away and weakening their position as usual.

Anonymous 17/08/02(Wed)06:34 No. 397 ID: 73f57f

>The meeting was about Russian adoptions
>But anyone else would have done the same
Anybody else would have had a meeting about Russian adoptions? What's so bad about having a meeting about Russian adoptions? Trump logic...

Anonymous 17/08/02(Wed)17:40 No. 398 ID: 42625c

uh... yeah.. i guess....

In this thread, we are discussing the growing belligerency of statements people make and whether or not that is relevant to the rise of Donald Duck.

Anonymous 17/08/03(Thu)07:18 No. 399 ID: d9030c

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I find the suggestion
>you could argue our own election system fucked us
objectionable, in that there's no doubt that two times in 16 years the system perverted the clear intention of the voting public.

Anonymous 24/02/22(Thu)17:25 No. 2365 ID: b0b51c

High school is already industrialised.
social media is an overused diagnosis.

People were far more barbaric in the old days.
People used to have swordfights or gunfights over arguments

Anonymous 24/03/02(Sat)10:38 No. 2368 ID: 66157b

Gee, how could that have happened?

Oh yeah, we elected a blithering buffoon to the most important office on Earth and he made an absolute shitshow of it, for which we're going to thank him by putting him back there simply because we don't care as much about the other guy and we can't get over our bipartisan programming.

We deserve for our society to implode.

It was fun while it lasted.

Time to learn Mandarin.

Anonymous 24/03/02(Sat)10:45 No. 2369 ID: 66157b

As opposed to drunk on his own ego?

Anonymous 24/03/02(Sat)10:48 No. 2370 ID: 66157b

That would be one of several arguments supporting the theory that that it fucked us.

Anonymous 24/04/06(Sat)06:26 No. 2379 ID: 7edbd7

Americans say 20 million people were killed in the Soviet Union because tyranny keeps you safe.

Anonymous 24/04/29(Mon)00:58 No. 2381 ID: a9f7b6

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Dear OP,

Do you think the USA election may not happen this year?
Also, what would the fallout be if there is no election?
I feel this still on topic

Anonymous 24/05/19(Sun)05:52 No. 2383 ID: 92753a

The elites don't need you.

All the infrastructure has been built and the globalists will soon have robots.

Anonymous 24/06/23(Sun)18:04 No. 2385 ID: c338fc

They why do the owners keep pushing natalism if the work force is going to be replaced?

Anonymous 24/06/23(Sun)23:00 No. 2386 ID: eee9e0

have you seen The Matrix?

Anonymous 24/07/09(Tue)17:14 No. 2388 ID: f6410f

I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are a human being and either so far away from the US or so poorly educated in it that you had to ask this question.

The US constitution does not allow for the election to be skipped, bypassed, forgotten, or thrown out. It absolutely must occur, as the president's term ends after four years.

If, for any reason, there were not an election, there could not be a president (or vice president, who also serves a four-year term).

That said, we are going to have an election in 2024 for no purpose at all. Everyone knows what is going to happen. It is possible it will be the last presidential election in the US, because there will no longer be a United States to elect its own president after Tr‍ump's second term.

Anonymous 24/07/17(Wed)13:21 No. 2390 ID: 725114

>J.D. Vance once compared Trump to Hitler. Now they are running mates
Can't JD Vance change name to Chuck E. Cheese? Because it will both rhyme with "cuck" and "please".

Anonymous 24/07/24(Wed)15:41 No. 2391 ID: 113b28


thank you for making laugh
have a beautiful day anon

Anonymous 24/09/01(Sun)06:45 No. 2400 ID: 92026f

Americans want to have a civil war over homosexuals, abortion, and illegal immigrants, but no one cares that the USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

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