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Anonymous 17/02/22(Wed)12:28 No. 187 ID: 5f02d5 [Reply]

File 148776291140.png - (136.84KB , 1363x1470 , Safety Squad.png )

The Hillary Shills spent a lot of money to attempt to silence /pol/ BUT the more they focus on the internet the less eyeballs watching CNN.
Anyhoo here's the plan....https://8ch.pl/4chon/

Anonymous 17/02/22(Wed)23:13 No. 189 ID: 5a53ee

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Conspiracies, conspiracies, everywhere conspiracies

Anonymous 17/02/25(Sat)05:44 No. 190 ID: 1258da

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/civ/ == /x/
00110111 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101110
01101001 01110011
01101101 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101110
>☑I'm not a robot
hue hue hue hue

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)08:53 No. 193 ID: e030ca

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>/civ/ == /x/
It does when the post contains
>Hillary Shills

Anonymous 17/02/11(Sat)13:11 No. 181 ID: 7ab90e [Reply]

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I am not in the least surprised. The moment I heard he wanted this stupidity to last four years I thought "yeah, good luck with that". However, I do feel it made something of a statement--in a how redundant is this when we already have youtube sort of way. People danced, got in fights, posted memes, delivered nazi pizza, etc.

Was it worth it? Was anything achieved?

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)22:01 No. 182 ID: aaca54

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>Was anything achieved?
snl's portrayals of trump and co. get pissy responses from trump & co. in the exact same style they're being made fun of, so for nothing to be achieved trump & co would have needed to not hear about it, which is a virtual impossibility given how mind boggling weird labeouf is.

>we already have youtube
group demonstrations in public are far more effective than any youtube video. only conspiracy theorists who've gone off their meds think youtube videos are worthwhile. them and preteen girls.

Anonymous 17/02/09(Thu)08:51 No. 178 ID: ddc2e8 [Reply]

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If she plays her cards right, and her party doesn't give in to its massive incompetence, I think she could ride this to a substantial challenge against Trump as the Democratic nominee in 2020.

I'm still going to vote third-party, because fuck this false dichotomy, but if there were any woman in the present political landscape capable of being a decent president, it's probably her.

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)05:50 No. 179 ID: 5a53ee

Did you catch that the GOP tried to expunge the letter from Coretta from Senate history, only to have them turn around and try to expunge it again?

The GOP failed to place her letter into the official record of Sessions nomination to the federal bench. That they would then turn around and try to expunge it again using rule 19, a rule created using the existing framework of gag orders long used to prevent discussion of abolition in the senate.

So racists attempt to hide commentary on racist nominee's past from historical record, fail, then use rule steeped in racism to try to bury it again. But once men start reading the commentary they aren't silenced.

Tell us again about how you like the blacks. And respect women.

Also, calling another senator a liar or cancer on the senate floor is apparently not ascribing conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator. I suggest next time she point that McConnell has small hands and feet, which you may note does not fall under rule 19, since a senator is not required to have a large cock (or, in McConnell's case, come out of their shell).

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)12:03 No. 180 ID: 72a922

>Tell us again about how you like the blacks. And respect women.
And then the GOP and Trump pretend they don't like each other, and their values are different, and that he's going to "change things" for the party.
>calling another senator a liar or cancer on the senate floor is apparently not ascribing conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator
If I were speaker of the house, I'd address every member as "Cancer from [State]". It would be true for the majority.

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)12:38 No. 50 ID: 75c683 [Reply]

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People who are celebrating Castros death are fucking idiots.





It's amazing how little we understand about people so close to us.

46 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)11:13 No. 175 ID: 1d7577

>Shit, I didn't know that political views were like waifus.
Political views are worse than waifus, waifus don't claim they are better than other waifus.

Welcome to politics.

Anonymous 17/02/02(Thu)06:15 No. 176 ID: ef4fff

>waifus don't claim they are better than other waifus
Elswhere on the internet, there's actually a meme of waifu fighting. Weaboos claim their waifu and exhort her virtues over the other "inferior" waifu, insulting them in any way they can. It makes me sad that I know about it.

Anonymous 17/02/02(Thu)20:49 No. 177 ID: 80a7cb

I didn't think that "your waifu a shit" was that obscure.

Earth and Lucia (2132-2218) Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)02:05 No. 153 ID: 70f084 [Reply]

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In 2132 AD, Earth’s population reached an untold 10 billion, overpopulation and nearly drained resources forced one-third of its people to move away out of the Solar System in cryostasis to reach a new world in 55 Cancri named Lucia. Located in the Constellation of Cancer, this lifelike planet is unlike any other Earth-like destination human colonists ever seen like it, not long after their Alpha Centauri discovery.

Given the technology that far surpasses today’s standards, humans living on Lucia perform much better, build structures of illogical design, and dream better than on Earth. It also comes down with a price. Weather patterns on this mythical world are very dynamic and eerie, more intelligent species, various new diseases that can kill in minutes, and an intergalactic spot for invading forces that come and go from all over the galaxy. The time of day seems to move five times quicker than usual, and their orbital year is as short as Mercury. This may indicate that despite the same gravity, eccentricity, and density, it rotates and orbits too fast around its star, baffling astronomers.

The first war took place in 215x AD; some colonists have disputes over the new resources. They cannot be sure exactly where they want to farm, mine, or grow their own due to the exotic properties that change so fast, scientists were mystified. Then, they started fighting one another for territory, but quickly put down violently.
Then, in 216x AD, a second war took place, this time, social issues with the new species that inhabit there. The Lucians and colonists do not agree each other and felt that their visitors have overstayed. The native inhabitants have far better technology, and the people seem to have similar characteristics of every colonists’ favorite creations, particularly with an interest with Eastern cultures. The colonists’ were driven back and evacuated into slip-space for five decades.

In what would be a coronation event for their matriarch named after the planet itself, it yet struck again in the spring of 2203 AD. The invading force was not colonists, but rather Chasers, monsters invented from peoples’ fears that pursue them in their imaginations. They caused minor damage to the Lucians’ home capital, and casualties estimated in the hundreds, but ended in roughly a quarter-hour with a cease-fire to tell the matriarch’s would-be husband, and everyone else living there to not dream indefinitely in exchange for peace. Anyone that died violently is left to wander the White Desert, home to the Monochrome Tribe south of the capital for all eternity.

In the most unexpected turn of events, in Izanagi Retreat, an insomniac man after many years of hardship, kept the promise to see her again only by dreaming in sleep, or so it seems. The king of the Chaser legions in Yerivia to the northwest, psychologically enthralled at the man’s wish he is about to fulfill, launch a direct all Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)18:27 No. 156 ID: 70f084

Let me make this clear: It is a dream world, anything can happen there, like other planets we create when we fall asleep, whether we like it or not. As for the planet itself being life-like, humans terraformed it the moment they discovered it, thus awakening the native species by the 2140's.

By the 2100's, we might be able to dream much better than this generation, but because of the instability of the planet humanity can bring, that is where all kinds of extraterrestrial species we don't want to invade a colonized planet, but too late.

The planet makes one year roughly equal to that of Mercury, so the change of seasons does not give humans time to have a consistent schedule, resulting in sleep-deprivation on a grand scale, followed by two wars to the point they have to leave everything behind. We may not see them again until around the 2220's to retake it. This story is a history simulator through a presentation that will turn into a non-profit animation that will be released into the public.

Yes, being a colonist with a job in astronomy on a foreign planet can be a big screw up, because Lucia makes one rotation every 4.8 hours, and completes one year in roughly three months. To make things even scarier, there is no moon, so tides can go much higher in case of earthquakes.

I am a lucid dreamer just like my dream people, and I would undoubtedly challenge you personally inside my dream world, 1-on-1. The only time I was killed comes from my only dream that took place 15 years ago by a Chaser army whilst serving the matriarch as a prince. I may be a good storyteller and listener, but the moment I go fight-or-flight mode, it will be settled only in my dreams. I will protect Lucia, the people, and the matriarch with my life. I am the last line of defense between anything evil and the queen. If I fail in my duty, Lucia will be destroyed in the blink of an eye with everything in it, including you, and your fellow Chaser or Dormilian fiends. I am not afraid of violence, but I must preserve my reputation with my chivalry. Next time you dream, you will encounter me there, waiting patiently to start the duel. If I win, you are kicked out for good.

I just hope this soon-to-be animation series will not attract any more “enemies of the planet”, and it will go smoothly.

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)18:44 No. 157 ID: 1a1ca1

>Let me make this clear
You have a vivid imagination, but no rhetorical skill. For example, "life-like" does not mean what you think it means and cannot be used to mean what you want it to mean. The planet appears to be alive, or (does things) as though it were animate. Feel free to practice all you want, but I seriously recommend you get this shit out of /civ/.

Anonymous 17/01/21(Sat)14:40 No. 161 ID: 70f084

I will leave peacefully to settle all my disputes on lemonparty.org. This map isn't going anywhere, though. I will let the moderator take care of it while I am away, not coming back. I apologize for hurting your comment.


short Anonymous 17/01/21(Sat)01:52 No. 160 ID: c78427 [Reply]

File 148495996767.jpg - (140.55KB , 1281x780 , freenet-over-trump.jpg )

Short fingers, short ...,
Trump will check your ... pic,
Protect yourself! Click:


Share it while it exists:


Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)18:52 No. 158 ID: 1a1ca1 [Reply]

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You had a civic duty to act in the best interest of your country.
Now you have a civic duty to bear witness: >>/777/1073

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