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Anonymous 20/12/11(Fri)05:58 No. 1954 ID: ac6ebd

File 160766273176.jpg - (106.88KB , 680x386 , wpoo.jpg )

JUST REMEMBER, anyone who doesn't want to go to war is GAY!

9 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 21/02/04(Thu)02:52 No. 1985 ID: 3531a5

I was thinking more along the lines of the US military sitting on top of the world's oil supply, and any country that wanted to go to war with us would have to face the bulk of US forces in the ME before their war machine runs out of oil, which for China or Russia would be about 5 months.

Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)08:57 No. 1998 ID: 7cb4c3

File 16167454437.png - (630.99KB , 1080x1920 , 1607571209268.png )

Going to war is pretty courageous but at the same time, what are you fighting for? Your pay right? I thought the answer from John to the soldier
>Do no violence to any man, and be content with your pay (paraphrased, sorry)
Really summed it up.

You did it for money, that's it.

Anonymous 21/05/21(Fri)19:33 No. 2018 ID: 1f9e92

Lol nobody fights for their pay.

Tell me what country you're from and I'll tell you why it's impossible for you to conceptualize our reasoning.

Anonymous 21/05/23(Sun)10:28 No. 2021 ID: 6f8a99

>corporate billionaires
ummmm earth to stupid commie fuck. the banks are quadrillionaires. put down das kapital and pick up a book on elementary math.

Anonymous 21/06/01(Tue)03:39 No. 2023 ID: 9a73cc

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It's okay man, this is a safe space, you can say joos

Anonymous 21/06/01(Tue)13:31 No. 2024 ID: 6f8a99

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don't you talk about my jewish friends that way

Anonymous 21/06/04(Fri)07:53 No. 2025 ID: 9a73cc

File 162278603251.jpg - (88.26KB , 1050x640 , Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires.jpg )

No, no, it's okay, you say banks, you mean joos, just say what you mean here. There's no need for coded language here.

Anonymous 21/06/06(Sun)11:42 No. 2026 ID: 6f8a99

>no need for codewords
okay rabbi tell me more

Anonymous 21/06/18(Fri)00:56 No. 2031 ID: 6f8a99

"jooooooooos" is a codeword for a kvetching kike who ran of out citations from the talmud

Anonymous 21/06/18(Fri)17:02 No. 2033 ID: 3d4d9a

Alright. I'll bite. What's with the hatred of Jewish people?

Anonymous 21/06/19(Sat)20:10 No. 2036 ID: f9c4ff

Not man enough to be a true misanthrope.

Racism is a little, petty hate for little, petty people.

Anonymous 21/06/24(Thu)22:40 No. 2056 ID: 6f8a99

Jews aren't a race. Want proof? The majority of self-described jews in the world are ashkenazim, who are from the former Kingdom of Khazaria, which mass converted to Babylonian Talmudism using sephardic rabbis circa 800-900AD for political reasons (namely, the Christian Byzantine Empire to the West and the rising Caliphate to the South). That is to say, the majority of the world's self-described jews are jews by conversion and not by race.

Crying "racism" because somebody points out the jews is a sad cop-out, and it makes you seem like you have an intellect as low grade as the average kike.

Anonymous 21/06/26(Sat)19:42 No. 2061 ID: e78320

Yeah. It's nationality and a religion.

Why do you hate them?

Anonymous 21/06/28(Mon)06:58 No. 2062 ID: 6f8a99

It's not a nationality. Jews are the nation-wreckers. The concept of a nation-state didn't even come into consideration until circa 800AD when Dante started promulgating the idea when what we today call Italy was recovering into city-states following the increasingly defunct Western half of the fallen Roman Empire. Jews have been about kings and city states for thousands of years prior, not nations in any modern sense of the world.

Why do I hate them? For one, I hate all satan-worshiping pedophile child molesters. For two, they actively scheme to cause trouble for me rather than sticking to their barbaric relic of a false religion in their sandbox containment zone.

Anonymous 21/07/01(Thu)01:50 No. 2066 ID: adceab

>It's not a nationality.
A percentage of the people who do or don't practice judaism are a nation, formerly without a state. They have a shared history, culture, language, religion, and origin.

Like Assyrians or Persians. There's no Assyria or Persia anymore. They're still technically nations, though.

There's also physical attributes associated with Jewish heritage. Isn't that how Hitler planned on identifying Jews?

>Jews are the nation-wreckers.
I've heard that before. What nation have they destroyed in the past?

>The concept of a nation-state didn't even come into consideration until circa 800AD when Dante started promulgating the idea when what we today call Italy was recovering into city-states following the increasingly defunct Western half of the fallen Roman Empire
That's debatable...

>For one, I hate all satan-worshiping pedophile child molesters.
Is every single Jewish person a satan-worshiping pedophile child molester?

>For two, they actively scheme to cause trouble for me rather than sticking to their barbaric relic of a false religion in their sandbox containment zone.
Lol what?

Anonymous 21/07/02(Fri)13:24 No. 2069 ID: 6f8a99

First of all, we have to observe that they practice babylonian talmudism and kabbalah, not anything in their torah.

You're just making things up to suit your purposes if you think the modern nation-state existed over 1000 years ago. Empires are not nation-states. A great portion of the globe hadn't been converted into nation-states until after WWII. Even an "old world" country like Italy didn't assemble itself into a nation state until the late 1800s, meaning that the US, a "new world" country, did it some 100 years earlier.

As for all jews being pedophile child molesters, that's just a fact. It's right there in the beginning of Genesis. That's literally their covenant with their false g-d, and anybody who doesn't rebuke it is a willful pedophile child molester as well as criminally insane. This is in no way a difficult concept or anything that needs to be debated.

Anonymous 21/07/02(Fri)21:58 No. 2070 ID: 2f3b25

>First of all, we have to observe that they practice babylonian talmudism and kabbalah, not anything in their torah.
Not sure what any of that has to do with what I just said, or how "we" would observe whatever you're talking about, but there are many sects of judaism. I'm unaware of the specifics of each sect.

>You're just making things up to suit your purposes if you think the modern nation-state existed over 1000 years ago. Empires are not nation-states. A great portion of the globe hadn't been converted into nation-states until after WWII. Even an "old world" country like Italy didn't assemble itself into a nation state until the late 1800s, meaning that the US, a "new world" country, did it some 100 years earlier.
I said that it's debatable.

>As for all jews being pedophile child molesters, that's just a fact.
I know a Jewish kid, and I'm positive that he's not a pedophile child molester. A bit goofy, maybe.

>It's right there in the beginning of Genesis.

>That's literally their covenant with their false g-d, and anybody who doesn't rebuke it is a willful pedophile child molester as well as criminally insane.
I'm sure there's a more rational way to make whatever argument you're trying to make here. Some details would help.

>This is in no way a difficult concept or anything that needs to be debated.
It is when you have no support or evidence for anything you're saying, and when you ignore everything that I said in the post to which you're responding.

Anonymous 21/07/04(Sun)13:35 No. 2071 ID: 6f8a99

It's how we phrase things in academia, or even just in source code comments. I thought we were having an intellectual discussion.

As for the rest of it, you're being obtuse and misdirecting. You obviously have no basis for making any claim if you're pretending to be ignorant of the nature of their covenant with g-d, which is shared across all sects. Go read it yourself. Regale us with a book report. You won't need to go more than a few chapters in.

Anonymous 21/07/04(Sun)22:22 No. 2072 ID: 974b20


Anonymous 21/07/06(Tue)13:13 No. 2075 ID: 6f8a99

If you continue to reply I might get around to copypasting it for you. But until then it just shows the extent of denial that satanic pedophile child molesting jews are in about their own holy text.

Anonymous 21/07/06(Tue)23:08 No. 2076 ID: 456936

So, you believed someone's lies and now I should too?

Anonymous 21/07/13(Tue)14:04 No. 2079 ID: 397a8f

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He's also completely ignorant of history, specifically about how blood libel has been whispered conspiratorially since at least the middle ages if not prior, making this a completely unoriginal (and, notably, quite stupid) conspiracy theory.

Anonymous 21/07/18(Sun)16:53 No. 2085 ID: 8a72a1

Yeah. Anti-Semiticism stems from the Kitos War.

Anonymous 21/07/26(Mon)20:41 No. 2086 ID: 4e528b

File 162732491162.png - (52.37KB , 399x574 , RonaLabSLOGAN.png )

correct Anonymous 21/07/26(Mon)20:44 No. 2087 ID: 8dd492


Anonymous 21/07/26(Mon)20:50 No. 2088 ID: 6e4637

File 162732542378.jpg - (808.08KB , 2073x2211 , SP Guide.jpg )

dnt need to b a joo to b one
or to be commie bullshitter to make MEWTWO!

Anonymous 21/09/04(Sat)04:56 No. 2095 ID: 6f8a99

>jews and semites are the same thing
Only kikes try to play such utterly ridiculous word games. Why would you claim that being from the bloodline of one of noah's three sons has anything to do with whether or not you're jewish? Did judaism start well after the flood? Are there not semites who aren't jews? Jews who aren't semites?

Stop and think about the sheer absurdity of your implication.

Anonymous 21/09/11(Sat)14:04 No. 2096 ID: 4b58ed

>Only kikes try to play such utterly ridiculous word games.
Well, I'm not Jewish, so...

>Why would you claim that being from the bloodline of one of noah's three sons has anything to do with whether or not you're jewish? Did judaism start well after the flood? Are there not semites who aren't jews? Jews who aren't semites?
What does any of that have to do with what I said?

Anonymous 21/09/12(Sun)03:02 No. 2097 ID: 9ae865

>Stop and think
You try that recently yourself?

Anonymous 21/09/22(Wed)14:14 No. 2098 ID: 6f8a99

You don't have to be jewish. You can just know what the minimum is that you're talking about. What a huge heap of decrepit cope that just was. Why did you even try to argue about it if you were just going to pretend you weren't juewish and you didn't know anything about them?

Anonymous 21/09/22(Wed)14:15 No. 2099 ID: 6f8a99

What is this jew crew 2.0? Are you also going to claim innocence because you don't know anything about jews?

Anonymous 21/09/25(Sat)19:30 No. 2100 ID: 136828

...Alright. Let's try this again, you butthurt fucking retard.

The suspicion and hatred of the Jewish peoples has it's origins in the Kitos War.

Anonymous 21/09/29(Wed)08:36 No. 2102 ID: 6f8a99

Why are you deflecting to something that happened well after Christ? That has nothing to do with the entire recorded history about how awful jews or, and nor does it have anything to do with my points.

Anonymous 21/09/30(Thu)05:08 No. 2105 ID: 726aac

>Why are you deflecting to something that happened well after Christ?
Well, the first Jewish-Roman War was shortly after Christianity began. The Kitos War was the second war that consisted of Jewish Denizens slaughtering Roman citizen settlers completely depopulating areas in some cases then getting expelled from the Roman Empire all together including Israel. This war gave the Roman World the notions that Jews were murderous, state destabilizing traitors and later Christ killers. This stereotype spread to the west since Western Europe, and by extension it's former colonies, were created by the Roman Catholic Church and have spent the last 1,500 years, politically, larping as Romans(Germany was formerly the Holy Roman Empire).

>That has nothing to do with the entire recorded history about how awful jews
Well, it does in the sense that most of history is viewed through a political lense. That lense,throughout of most history, being despotism.

In despotism, when there is a singular ruler for life, the ruler is both figurehead and ultimate authority. IE Kings, Emperors, Dictators.

All public and private praise and blame fall on a single person government. They cannot step down. They cannot be viewed too unfavorably or they'll be overthrown. Too many missteps and the despot needs a to turn that negative attention towards a scapegoat which is almost always an estranged ethnic or religious minority, Jews were perfect for this scapegoat in Europe throughout history.

>nor does it have anything to do with my points.
You have no points. You, too, are a tyrant, of your own life, looking for a scapegoat lest you be blamed for your own inaction.

Anonymous 21/11/02(Tue)07:23 No. 2121 ID: 6f8a99

That's a very roundabout way of trying to say that it isn't the jews, when, in fact, it is the jews.

Anonymous 21/11/10(Wed)00:50 No. 2132 ID: 1a270c

>in fact
A fact? Where?

Anonymous 21/12/04(Sat)02:23 No. 2162 ID: 6f8a99

In all of my posts and none of yours, duh. Otherwise you'd be agreeing with me rather than spouting all that nonsense in desperation to defend the evil satanic talmudic jews.

Anonymous 21/12/09(Thu)06:22 No. 2168 ID: 7cb4c3

>can't even reel in Taiwan
>had 50 years after the civil war to finish them off

Do they even care anymore

Anonymous 21/12/18(Sat)04:36 No. 2172 ID: e2abc3

File 163979860881.jpg - (42.63KB , 920x692 , Pooh Xi.jpg )

China cares, they just knew it'd lead to WW3 so they've held off.

However Xi has a very, very, very small penis and everyone in Taiwan having larger penises (even their women, Xi's is just that small) will eventually become too much for his fragile ego to bear.

Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)14:33 No. 2243 ID: 93183a

Do you even have balls to go to war, pussy?

Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)14:34 No. 2244 ID: 93183a

Stonetoss and Putin love Xi Jinping. You made them Cry.

Anonymous 23/01/01(Sun)16:04 No. 2248 ID: bce5cf

This thread was made before Biden started the war with Russia. Feel old yet?

Anonymous 23/01/03(Tue)20:03 No. 2250 ID: cc1475

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And so.....
What, do black lives matter anymore
Apparently not

Anonymous 23/01/21(Sat)02:10 No. 2252 ID: c53ccd

God damn delusional piece of shit, you think Russia invaded Ukraine because Biden did what?

Get your whole brain replaced, it's worthless.

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)09:33 No. 2253 ID: 7cb4c3

File 167437641331.jpg - (136.63KB , 850x1305 , __sabrina_and_daniela_original_drawn_by_aestheticc.jpg )

Biden was moving nukes through it, to protect his oil assets

His son is the CEO of a company out there

Anonymous 23/01/30(Mon)00:37 No. 2256 ID: 3e05e9

Biden (or more likely his chief of staff or transition team or whomever else) hired Victoria Nuland back into the state department. She's the one that started the whole fake maidan Soros-Brzezinski color revolution under Obama when she was deputy assistent secretary of state. That's why Russia legally accepted the agreement from The Crimea to join the Russian Federation in order that Russia's people, industrial and millitary assets, and warm water port would remain as per the post-USSR gentleman's agreement.

Now, obviously Russia and everybody else are going to make a move with these feckless academics at the helm again, but hiring Victoria Nuland back in is a direct threat of continued NATO expansion. I personally think the Kremlin strategy is dumb and an obvious case of massive war crimes, but it's the Biden admintration that stupidly spurred them to lurch like this in an uncontrolled fashion. Victoria Nuland shouldn't even be allowed to serve in public office, to put it nicely.

The+Red+Barron 23/12/06(Wed)02:56 No. 2352 ID: fa7bd5

imagine believing russia was mad about some used up old whore

Anonymous 23/12/09(Sat)21:17 No. 2353 ID: 4d6d09


I do not get it are saying V.N. is a used up old whore?

The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)20:01 No. 2361 ID: 18ef5a

I don't think that woman is important enough politically to provoke anything from Russia

Anonymous 24/04/05(Fri)02:13 No. 2375 ID: c2a17d

Americans say that they want to live in a police state today because there is a slight chance the temperature might rise 1000 years from now.


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