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Anonymous 19/07/14(Sun)00:00 No. 1540 ID: 1f3c8e

File 156305523244.jpg - (131.17KB , 1024x687 , 1563048487198m.jpg )

HEHEH Why are leftists so stupid?


Anonymous 19/07/14(Sun)00:12 No. 1543 ID: 1e5fb7

"Let's judge an entire political spectrum based on an individual even though his political beliefs are never even mentioned."

Took a lot of effort to come up with this troll I'm sure.

Anonymous 19/07/14(Sun)02:46 No. 1544 ID: 09c695

File 15630652099.jpg - (160.29KB , 988x1280 , Toner.jpg )

There's a reason ultra right wingers are anti-intellectual.

Thinking for yourself is hard.

Anonymous 19/07/31(Wed)05:33 No. 1582 ID: 989fe1

If you regularly frequent twitter, you are anti-intellectual.

Anonymous 19/07/31(Wed)07:10 No. 1583 ID: 73d62c

Nah, Twitter just makes people stupid. It's not quite the same thing, but I see how it looks that way.

Anonymous 19/07/31(Wed)09:23 No. 1584 ID: 17612a

File 156455782518.jpg - (34.49KB , 750x746 , Cat.jpg )

If you think the only place to get images featuring twitter is twitter, you're not nearly as clever as you think you are.

Anonymous 19/08/01(Thu)08:04 No. 1585 ID: 247651

It's not just stupidity. Stupidity would be fine. They, also, flout deductive reasoning and perspective. It radicalizes most to the point of no return.

Are you telling me that you don't need to use twitter to be told what to think and feel because you can get the same effect looking at screenshots on other sites?

Anonymous 19/08/01(Thu)13:20 No. 1586 ID: 78e491

File 156465843787.jpg - (37.34KB , 544x519 , Anti-Intellectualism.jpg )

Oh ho ho I bet you think you've really got me now. Boy how ever will I get out of that incredible trap you laid.

This from the guy who parrots GOP talking points down to the fucking letter while claiming his "independent research" led him to those conclusions.

Shouldn't you be busy trying to get a mathematician shot?

Anonymous 19/08/02(Fri)10:02 No. 1588 ID: e43bc5

File 15647329753.jpg - (98.94KB , 571x1024 , 1564713670197m.jpg )

You only think they're GOP talking points because you're a fucking brainwashed zealot.

You're not enlightened. You're just as retarded as the retards you so adamantly oppose.

Turn your fucking brain on.

Anonymous 19/08/02(Fri)21:13 No. 1589 ID: 78e491

File 156477319768.jpg - (140.50KB , 640x901 , How Reaganomics Worked.jpg )

>You only think they're GOP talking points because you're a fucking brainwashed zealot.
I think they're GOP talking points because they're always on the list of talking points the GOP sends out to politicians and PR flacks daily.

Turn those steely eyes of individualism upon yourself for a change, because you've been doing a far worse job of it than anyone you've ever criticized.

Anonymous 19/08/03(Sat)21:40 No. 1590 ID: 9c4564

>really got me now
>how ever will I get out of that incredible trap
1. Dig a six-foot deep hole.
2. Get in it.
3. Stay there forever.
4. ????
5. I would say profit, but your beloved leader's policies are tanking the global economy.

Anonymous 19/08/03(Sat)21:53 No. 1591 ID: 5453c2

I basically use twitter for news

Anonymous 19/08/04(Sun)03:55 No. 1592 ID: c80dcf

File 156488374099.jpg - (110.36KB , 919x768 , Loony.jpg )

Considering a certain shaved orangutan has chosen to announce public policy on it, anyone who doesn't is technically out of the loop.

Anonymous 19/08/04(Sun)07:44 No. 1593 ID: 9ec674

You say that as if every little dump he takes on the internet weren't rebroadcast by every news outlet in the country.

I would love to be out of this loop.

Anonymous 19/08/06(Tue)07:48 No. 1594 ID: 39b834

File 156507049288.jpg - (99.82KB , 1024x768 , Loose Cigarettes.jpg )

Forgive me if you happen to be someone else, but isn't the entire schtick that nobody but you is going to the source for their information, its only due to your extensive research conducted on... CSPAN... and unnamed internet sites... that you, and only you, know the truth.

That the truth just so happens to be an exact word for word parrot of whatever the GOP's latest talking points is simply a coincidence.

No, seriously, I can't make this shit up. The argument is just that fucking stupid.

Anonymous 19/08/06(Tue)17:41 No. 1595 ID: 126453

That's definitely somebody else.
Probably several other somebodies else.

Anonymous 19/08/07(Wed)09:52 No. 1596 ID: f14178

File 156516435714.jpg - (31.16KB , 480x480 , Texans.jpg )

Nah, if you dig around on /civ/ you can find one of his shitshows where he lays that all out (except duplicating GOP talking points, obviously) in a single post.

Anonymous 19/08/08(Thu)17:43 No. 1598 ID: 130475

I'm pretty sure you're making that up.

Anonymous 19/08/09(Fri)04:32 No. 1599 ID: 5fe66c

Do you double check though?

If someone claims something happened then later deletes it after it's proven false or it's false and the news of it never reaches you, do you still believe what they said happened on twitter?

Our media should be accountable for the news they give us.

You're a rabid zealot that will attack anyone whose observations or ideas conflict with your beliefs.
I looked all day yesterday for a term to describe your mentality but couldn't find it.

Ignorant while claiming reason is ignorance.

You're a leftwing nut. Not everyone with a nationalist or conservative viewpoint is a crazy evil Nazi militant taking notes from the NRAGOPBlackWaterContraCheney Corporation. Calm down.

Also, those people aren't me.

Anonymous 19/08/09(Fri)07:47 No. 1600 ID: 7c140a

Sounds more like Donny Two-Scoops, to me.

Anonymous 19/08/09(Fri)11:22 No. 1601 ID: 9924f3

File 156534257868.jpg - (50.42KB , 550x367 , Racist Bone.jpg )

Not entirely. Though he didn't lay it out in a single post, he did pretty much come out and say it in a single thread. If it's a group of people they're being far more organized than usual at keeping to the same mentally impaired narrative and condescending tone.

Don't believe me? Don't care. You too could have found it in Google if you'd have only lifted a finger to search for it.


Anonymous 19/08/09(Fri)13:40 No. 1602 ID: 4f682f

Whoever that poster is, he also claims to read books.
If that's true, then his opinions are more informed than (I'd say) 60% of the US population--including its president.

Look at what's going on here though: none of us know who each other is, and yet we are debating whose point of view is more or less valid based on identity politics. This is a sick state of affairs; mentally sick.

It is the state of affairs that keeps Republicans and Democrats in power, the reason no progress is ever made in regard to mass shootings, and the basis of every ugly political thing going on in the United States right now: the people cannot debate.

Neither side is willing to accept compromise; neither side is willing to see the other's perspective. Everyone has to win because losing means you have no right to exist. That's wrong.

We need to cast off these overlords and their divisive rhetoric. We can't use one side against the other because both are against us. Vote for the right of the people to organize (peacefully, meaningfully, and constitutionally) against the government--vote to remove Republicans and Democrats from power.

Anonymous 19/08/10(Sat)05:08 No. 1603 ID: 5fe66c

Do you realize how crazy you sound?

Anonymous 19/08/10(Sat)16:45 No. 1604 ID: 163fe9

File 156544835573.jpg - (112.38KB , 640x815 , Mindless Drones.jpg )

I know exactly which guy this is because there's only autistic dipshit in /civ/ who keeps telling everyone that Republicans and Democrats are the same so we should all throw our votes away on third parties, even if those candidates don't represent our interests.

Republicans are unwilling to compromise and have been since 2000, when anyone who didn't vote with them was unamerican or with the terrorists or whatever other line of bullshit they came up with that week. The Tea Party solidified this behavior into law.

If Republicans are unwilling to compromise it doesn't mean everyone else is unwilling to compromise too. Compromise means give & take. They change their position so I change my position. The modern GOP doesn't compromise. They demand that they get everything they want or they just sit in their office and draw a salary. Mitch won't bring a bill to the Senate unless it's everything he wants and more.

Anonymous 19/08/11(Sun)07:15 No. 1605 ID: 752e61

You are talking about politicians.
I am talking about people.

Both sides have manipulated the public to turn it against itself.

So long as three fourths of the people can never agree on anything, the two major parties have control of not only the active government, but the constitution upon which it is based.

I do. No one likes to hear the truth when they've been taught to ignore it.

Anonymous 19/08/11(Sun)09:37 No. 1606 ID: 163fe9

File 156550903847.jpg - (58.67KB , 719x748 , Easy Peasy.jpg )

the problem is you never leave your basement and are basing your opinions on chats you've had in minecraft

you're talking about fantasies not reality

whataboutism is not a valid philosophy no matter how much you want it to be true

Anonymous 19/08/13(Tue)07:09 No. 1609 ID: c5352b

All you have are identity politics. Everything you know is an abstraction.
Have some respect for yourself, rejoin the human race.

Anonymous 19/08/13(Tue)15:21 No. 1610 ID: 6e9ed6

Have you not heard me saying this?

These people are animals that must be put down. There will be a civil war to do this. America is a powder keg right now. Stay tuned.

Anonymous 19/08/13(Tue)15:48 No. 1611 ID: 160aea

File 156570413038.jpg - (37.06KB , 354x766 , NRA Bans Never Work.jpg )

All you have is a weird belief that political groups aren't compromised of people.

Which is why I told you to leave your basement and participate in a campaign. Any campaign. Could be some Libertarian candidate you think is right up your fucking alley.

It will force you to confront these fantasies you've built up in that warmed up burrito you call a brain. Which precisely is why you won't do it. You prefer fantasy to reality.

Best to get it over with quick and just kill yourself as soon as shit starts, because you're not going to survive the revolution with the ability to maintain a tight anal seal.

Anonymous 19/08/13(Tue)21:50 No. 1612 ID: c5352b

File 156572582977.jpg - (22.68KB , 353x281 , watchtheworldburn.jpg )

Oh, I'm ready; pic related.

I am a campaign, for your right to participate meaningfully in democracy, dipshit. Every time you restate your reasons for surrendering your will to parties too large to have your personal interests in mind, the stink of your bullshit gets a little stronger. You don't have to accept the way things are, you just think you do.

Anonymous 19/08/14(Wed)15:49 No. 1613 ID: 64b555


It'll be your own friends that kill you, dipshit.

No sitting this one out I'm afraid.

Anonymous 19/08/14(Wed)19:43 No. 1614 ID: e16968

I have to admit I haven't completely given up. I know I probably should, and I'm resigned to the fact that we are living in the era of the dum-dum. Idiocracy is happening now, not in the future but right now. However, I spent most of my life in a United States in ascendancy, and it's a little difficult to watch it all go down the drain.

tl;dr: I'mma vote independent, but if it comes to watching my homeland implode, I'mma make popcorn.

Anonymous 19/08/16(Fri)00:50 No. 1615 ID: c431c2

File 156590942148.gif - (950.46KB , 245x215 , Felicia Day GFY.gif )

>I am a campaign
Oh, so you're on the ballot in all 50 states are you? You have signature drives to get you on the ballot in all 50 states?

No? Then you're not really a campaign are you? And that means you're at least as idiotic as the people you claim to be smarter than.

Which isn't surprising. You are autistic, after all.

Anonymous 19/08/16(Fri)01:25 No. 1616 ID: 6ad923

I tried, but you want nothing other than Republican dicks in your mouth and Democratic dicks up your ass. Enjoy life as political spit roast.

Anonymous 19/08/16(Fri)15:54 No. 1618 ID: dff24f

File 156596368248.png - (211.06KB , 750x707 , One Way Or Another.png )

And yet you won't get off your ass and work for an independent campaign.

You think occasionally posting on a virtually dead website counts as a campaign. It doesn't.

If you don't understand why, you're why the first person to develop a medication for autism is going to become a multi-billionaire overnight.

Anonymous 19/08/16(Fri)18:01 No. 1619 ID: 49e694

You assume this is all I do, because it is all you do.

Believe it or not, some of us actually participate in democracy rather than just arguing about it and sleepwalking into fascism.

Anonymous 19/08/16(Fri)19:08 No. 1620 ID: dff24f

File 156597528676.jpg - (120.02KB , 768x768 , Our Stupid President.jpg )

>You assume this is all I do, because it is all you do
I simply read what you wrote in response to my suggestion that you work on an actual campaign.
>I am a campaign

That thing you loathe so much, leaving the house, is required for you to actually participate in a democracy. Which is why I'm pretty damn certain that you're not doing it.

Otherwise you would work on an actual political campaign. But, apparently, in your crazy fucked up world, only republicans and democrats are allowed to have political campaigns, therefore you won't do it.

Please, for the love of fucking god, see a goddamn psychologist and work out whatever weird fucking mental disease you have before you end up in a clock tower shooting at republicans and democrats.

Anonymous 19/08/17(Sat)03:41 No. 1622 ID: 53732b

Wow, you must have some really shitty friends if you expect them to kill you.

Just how bad is it getting in those red states? Are your welfare-run trailer parks going feral?

Anonymous 19/08/17(Sat)15:56 No. 1634 ID: 49e694

You already lost, bro.

Anonymous 19/08/17(Sat)20:51 No. 1636 ID: eb2ff2

File 15660679097.jpg - (141.43KB , 1023x575 , Troll Factory.jpg )

>You already lost
Whatever you say, Vlad.

Anonymous 19/08/18(Sun)21:25 No. 1637 ID: bd04fb

File 156615630498.gif - (93.22KB , 480x480 , Surely You Cant Be Serious.gif )

The internet doesn't work the way you think it works.

Anonymous 19/08/18(Sun)21:33 No. 1638 ID: 9f0737

You must be talking about the Internet Debate Miracle: no one ever has to lose, you just keep trolling drolling on like your fallacious arguments, endless whataboutisms and circular reasoning are holding up your point of view.

I get it, just pointing out that >>1620 did lose; probably loses a lot, has lost the same argument several times before right here on this board, and is a loser.

Not that I expect him to recognize this fact.

Anonymous 19/08/18(Sun)22:26 No. 1639 ID: bd04fb

File 156615996880.jpg - (167.36KB , 844x495 , Difficulty.jpg )

You seem to feel very sure about yourself.

Do you have a hard time understanding other people's points of view?

Anonymous 19/08/19(Mon)05:10 No. 1640 ID: d70c1a


Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)08:26 No. 1644 ID: 077fba

File 156628240231.jpg - (50.30KB , 750x743 , Turnabout Is Fair Play.jpg )

This thread and the many, many, many others like it indicate otherwise.

Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)08:42 No. 1645 ID: 2ec585

They indicate that you fail.

Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)21:15 No. 1650 ID: f14178

File 15663285446.jpg - (98.48KB , 1024x767 , Thoughtful.jpg )

The ironic thing is every time you think you're being witty you're posting evidence of your disorder.

You don't believe in Libertarianism yet you vote for Libertarian candidates. When its pointed out that you're not voting for candidates who represent your interests, you insist that you're voting for people who represent your interests. Because they represent "anybody else."

That's how Trump because president you know. He represents the "anybody else" you think is your mythical solution.

Your plan is full of flaws, yet you're unable to grasp anyone else's point of view. Only your point of view is valid. Everyone else's views are invalid. You don't even try to explain why anyone else's views are incorrect. You just repeat what you already wrote like somehow this time it's going to be absolutely correct.

Notice how I'm explaining why your point of view is wrong. I'm not just repeating what I already wrote. This is how people with normal functioning brains have a discussion. I realize you're completely unfamiliar with the concept but that's why you should go back in therapy.

Anonymous 19/08/22(Thu)06:05 No. 1652 ID: cfd027

>He represents the "anybody else" you think is your mythical solution.
No he does not. He marketed himself this way, and enough people were dumb enough to buy it that it got him elected, but it was never the truth. He does not get to call himself an "outsider" while also bragging about how many politicians on both sides he has given money to over the years. He has friends in politics and big business all over the world. He is the furthest thing from an outsider.

Gary Johnson represented my interests in the 2016 campaign: have a president that isn't a Republican or a Democrat for the first time in over a century. It helped that, unlike most of the other third parties available at the time, at least the Libertarian platform was fleshed out enough to imagine they had a chance of running the country with a degree of competence. On top of that, having a third party president (knowing congress will still be mostly Republican and Democrat, because of course change takes time) is the only way to restore the system of checks and balances. The president isn't supposed to be deciding what congress does; the constitution very clearly spells out that it is the other way around.

>anyone else's point of view
Your point of view is that we have to maintain the status quo, because this is the way things are and have been since your great grandfather was a baby, and change is too hard.

Fuck that. Fuck you. Change is hard? Deal with it. The status quo has failed the American people. How many recessions will it take? How many inconsequential foriegn wars? How many mass shootings? How much homelessness? At what degree of class division will you realize they're playing you?

These parties have divided us beyond the point that we could ever exercise our constitutional right to amend the constitution by a 3/4ths referendum. That's not by accident; the people have been divided and conquered.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)21:40 No. 1657 ID: 77da28

File 156658923181.jpg - (89.68KB , 672x900 , Dont.jpg )

>Your point of view is that we have to maintain the status quo
Jane, you ignorant slut.

I told you to leave your parents basement and work for an independent campaign.

If you think I can say that and believe
>we have to maintain the status quo
then you are seriously mentally ill and should be under the care of a medical professional.

Anonymous 19/08/28(Wed)21:23 No. 1663 ID: 6a7ae1

File 156702019228.jpg - (569.64KB , 2048x1536 , A National Disgrace.jpg )

>Gary Johnson represented my interests in the 2016 campaign: have a president that isn't a Republican or a Democrat for the first time in over a century.
So, in other words, you're a member the most simplistic and idiotic of all voting blocs: The Single Issue Voter.

You're exactly like an Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians who voted for Trump, even though he's abhorrent to every value they hold dear, because they thought he'd overturn Roe v. Wade.

You're afflicted with the exact same mental disease as they are. I suggest you start attending megachurch sessions, you'll find a lot of like-minded simpletons.

Anonymous 19/08/29(Thu)04:17 No. 1664 ID: ee2f87

>You're exactly like an Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christians who voted for Trump, even though he's abhorrent to every value they hold dear, because they thought he'd overturn Roe v. Wade.

Did he not? Kavanaugh is on the bench.

Anonymous 19/08/29(Thu)08:10 No. 1666 ID: 077fba

File 156705902953.gif - (150.78KB , 950x433 , 2007-07-08-gaymarriage.gif )

>Did he not? Kavanaugh is on the bench.
Kavanaugh knows how to play the game.

If they overturn Roe v. Wade conservatives can't fundraise off it anymore.

Similar to how if they actually made homosexuality illegal they couldn't fundraise off it anymore. Instead they made it completely legal and let the outrage grow.

Single issue voters are the easiest marks.

Anonymous 19/08/31(Sat)01:31 No. 1668 ID: c684ca

Pretty good point, but why would kavanaugh care about conservative fund raising?

He's been appointed a justice for life.

Anonymous 19/09/01(Sun)11:34 No. 1669 ID: 03e989

File 156733048770.webm - (479.95KB , 444x250 , Suddenly Got Real.webm )

Nonsense, he can be impeached and removed.

Once gerrymandering and voter suppression goes into full effect after 2020, GOP majorities in congress will ensure SCOTUS jumps exactly how high they want.

Anonymous 19/09/01(Sun)19:34 No. 1671 ID: 921c8c

Effectively they already have. Drumpf has already replaced two justices in his first term, and is prepared to go into a second still holding the Senate. If he replaces another judge for life, we're facing a century of white supremacy, mysogyny, xenophobia, and rabid conservativism from the keepers of our Constitutional law.

Anonymous 19/09/02(Mon)04:27 No. 1672 ID: 56ba60

File 156739122469.png - (83.43KB , 550x395 , years.png )

The bright side is that GOP members are leaving the party rather than be complicit with turning the US into Russia. They've already lost 2 senators, more than a few representatives, and countless voters.

They're not lifetime appointments if they can be removed from the bench. It's happened before, it can happen again.

The Trump-At-All-Costs-Party is shrinking, not expanding.

But look on the bright side. We could have had 8 years of people shrieking about emails and cancer and pizza basements.

Anonymous 19/09/02(Mon)21:10 No. 1673 ID: d7afca

>It's happened before, it can happen again.

No, it hasn't.

Anonymous 19/09/03(Tue)20:26 No. 1675 ID: c0cff3

File 15675351703.jpg - (33.81KB , 750x334 , Never Tell Stupid People They're Smart.jpg )

The House impeached Samuel Chase. The Senate failed to convict him. If it had, he would have been removed from the bench.

That's why Abe Fortas resigned rather than face impeachment, because he knew he wouldn't survive the process.

That means they're not lifetime appointments.

Anonymous 19/09/04(Wed)01:47 No. 1676 ID: d7afca

Right... So it's never happened before.

Anonymous 19/09/04(Wed)05:03 No. 1677 ID: a115ac

File 156756618243.jpg - (48.69KB , 1220x813 , Pika.jpg )

Pika Pika

Anonymous 19/09/04(Wed)06:17 No. 1678 ID: c0cff3

File 156757066740.jpg - (56.36KB , 394x640 , Native Americans Are Immigrants.jpg )

Right... so they don't have a lifetime appointment.

What the fuck about this current state of government says what happened before has any bearing on what is currently happening and will happen if the GOP remains in power?

Anonymous 19/09/04(Wed)18:19 No. 1680 ID: 658b8a

Nothing has changed, except the president is a fool.
That is literally the only thing that has changed.
People are disagreeing and freaking out over current events because nobody has a life anymore.

Anonymous 19/09/05(Thu)09:36 No. 1681 ID: 24cc0e

File 156766899021.gif - (29.68KB , 300x316 , buttscoin.gif )

>Nothing has changed
Ah, yes, the "I live in a cave and haven't been outside for 2 years" theory.

A huge recession is about to start, currently estimated to fully drop off a cliff in April or May. Companies are laying people off to prepare for it.

Go back into your cave, roll that rock over the entrance, and don't come out for at least a couple more years. It's gonna be an ugly one, and perhaps the last one for all of western civilization if the stupid orange man with tiny hands is still in charge come 2021.

Anonymous 19/09/06(Fri)01:50 No. 1682 ID: 80d92d

I've been outside. Everyone seems to be getting along fine and the world keeps on turning.

I only ever hear about our impending doom online, which leads me to believe that the people who propagate these ideologies are either disconnected from society or trolling gullible users.

Anonymous 19/09/06(Fri)04:52 No. 1683 ID: b2d2d8

File 156773832070.jpg - (263.34KB , 1280x960 , 138431450644.jpg )

>either disconnected from society or trolling gullible users
Not mutually exclusive.

Anonymous 19/09/06(Fri)10:26 No. 1684 ID: 4e23b7

File 156775840547.jpg - (40.87KB , 402x289 , uncomfortable_place.jpg )

You might want to check in on economic forecasts once in a while.

Unless you think they're controlled by The Joos


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