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We are in the process of fixing long-standing bugs with the thread reader. This will probably cause more bugs for a short period of time. Buckle up.

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

WebM is now available sitewide! Please check this thread for more info.

Free hosting remedy? Anonymous 20/01/17(Fri)00:18 No. 22736 ID: 85f60f [Reply]

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I registered a domain for my e-mail hosting a few years ago, and when I did register I had the option of hosting a one-page html page for free (basically a custom landing page). I went looking for this option last thursday and apparently it's been discontinued (mfw).

What can do?

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Spaceballs+the+Signpost!ikwaNLFmBo 20/02/09(Sun)07:32 No. 22743 ID: 880fd4

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Are you completely unable to distinguish a profile report from a person brother?>>357057
Cat got your tongue or just switching nicotine patches while suppressing a scream for help agent vermin?

Get a CAT Scan, skimp the radioactive metals.

Anonymous 20/02/09(Sun)09:18 No. 22744 ID: e63e17

404: Brain Not Found

Anonymous 20/02/20(Thu)15:12 No. 22748 ID: 3bd082

Nah, he's just paid to post links. Notice the completely out of place youtube video.

The rest of the post is just randomly copy & pasting things that makes sense to him because he's a filthy paki with a faint grasp of the English language.

Help. I am new to this website... Anonymous 19/09/10(Tue)14:19 No. 22702 ID: 00eb5f [Reply]

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I've been using 4ch*n for the last 4 years or so and I've always used it in catalog mode... My question is, How do I turn on the damn catalog mode here?

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Anonymous 19/09/10(Tue)16:26 No. 22704 ID: c5f7da

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Also: use 7chan.org/frames.php for a taste of the premium experience.

Anonymous 19/09/12(Thu)21:11 No. 22705 ID: ab7a2c

Too bad, there is no catalog.

Anonymous 19/12/05(Thu)09:33 No. 22727 ID: 643a0e

just do what anon said in >>22704
or add /catalog.html at the end of the URL

Been hacked need help Amonas 19/03/11(Mon)08:29 No. 22651 ID: 34a006 [Reply]

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Hi all my iPhone has been hacked for more then year and I don’t know what the want from me and the don’t give up I need some help to find them let me know if anyone can help me

Anonymous 19/03/11(Mon)23:19 No. 22652 ID: a870df

More than likely they've hacked your Apple ID. Change your Apple ID password. If you can't login to change your password, guess what, you found their "hack." Call Apple and go through their verification & reset procedure. Once you get back in change your security questions since they probably guessed them - I recommend changing them with incorrect information, that way they can't use Experian or similar data breaches to gain access to the information they need to get past them. Who knew your mother's maiden name was Billy Jo Bob? Not the overconfident hackers, that's who. Even if you can get into your Apple ID, change the password & security details anyway, since that's the most likely avenue they'll use.

Once you get your Apple ID back under your control, perform a DFU reset of your phone and - using a computer with iTunes installed - set it up from scratch. The steps for getting into DFU vary depending on your exact model but they're documented on a lot of sites, like here:

Note that after you do a DFU reset it will likely ask you for your Apple ID password as part of initial setup, which is why you must regain control of your Apple ID first.

Contact Royalblade Instamadman 19/06/14(Fri)15:24 No. 22670 ID: a4db08

Contact Data scientist and Hacker called Royalblade. He’s the ducking best ( mind the typo) @Royalblade on telegram.

Anonymous 19/12/05(Thu)09:43 No. 22730 ID: 643a0e

dont mind the bot :)

Destruction of old harddrives Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)22:32 No. 22687 ID: a625df [Reply]

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How would I go about making everything on my old hard drive (western digital 1tb) completely gone and irreversible? I've heard using something like the program dban then completely disassembling the drive

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Anonymous 19/08/21(Wed)21:10 No. 22693 ID: a625df

Thanks for the help guys. Appreciate it :)

Anonymous 19/08/22(Thu)03:58 No. 22695 ID: a115ac

I usually just disassemble drives down to their component bits then toss individual platters into different dumpsters I stop at on my way to or from work. However I don't have anything worth recovering on the drives.

With multiplatter drives once you snap the spindle loose recovery is very difficult, typically it requires tools that were only available in the factory at the time that particular model was in production to put the platters back into alignment.

If its a single platter drive you could always drill a bunch of holes into the platter. Can't recover data from dust.

A zero wipe of the entire drive is generally sufficient from everyone outside of TLAs. TLAs are going to try and reconstruct your anime collection by reading from the periphery of the tracks where the write head doesn't normally reach. It tends to result in a very fragmented incomplete recovery. Perpendicular recording has made a lot of the older methods obsolete, like electron microscopy.

Combine zero wipe and drilling and disassembly and sprinkling parts across a city's dumpsters and you've made some TLA drones very sad and grumpy.

Anonymous 19/12/05(Thu)09:37 No. 22729 ID: 643a0e

dband and drill
and burn it if possible

Anonymous 19/08/26(Mon)21:19 No. 22696 ID: 79ff91 [Reply]

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Pretty much everyone here uses Linux on /g/ boards, so ima ask here...

I used Fedora GNOME for a while on my main PC, but now I'll be switching to this Macbook Air early-2014 I got from a relative (hasn't been used like ever). I installed Fedora KDE on it, but I just learned there are no FaceTime HD camera drivers for Fedora. I don't wanna lose contact with my FBI man, so I wanna switch.

If I listed some preferences, could you help me find an optimal and similar distro? Ty in advance!

- I have intermediate knowledge on Linux overall, and have used several other distros in the past.
- Will use it as my main machine for university stuff, browsing and playing some low-spec games.
- Specs are decent, but not excellent. So nothing resource-heavy please. GNOME3 bad.
- Preferably nothing bleeding-edge cuz that'll be my main desktop. So, no Arch.
- I dislike Manjaro. Also no Ubuntu because cool kids dont use Ubuntu!

pic was to get your attention obviously

Anonymous 19/08/27(Tue)00:54 No. 22697 ID: 899cdc

I settled on Mint.

Started with Ubuntu then quit it after the travesty of Gnome3 before moving on to Debian, Fedora, Arch and even went down the BSD road (free and open). Nothing felt right until I picked up a magazine with a LiveCD of Mint and have been hooked ever since. I should probably mention I was dual booting with XP all this time so it wasn't like I was lacking a functional desktop; except for that time Arch decided to install itself over my windows partition. Even today I dual boot with Win10 but it's mostly relegated to gaming and a few oddities.

And FYI, this month they released a new LTS so you're good until 2023 if you hop on now.

But as always, try a LiveCD first to get a feel for things.

Anonymous 19/08/28(Wed)02:20 No. 22698 ID: a115ac

I can't remember the last time I used Linux with a GUI. An ex-boss once insisted on installing GUIs on servers, I stuck with CLI. Ex-boss is now a member of the long term unemployed segment of the population.

Anonymous 19/12/05(Thu)09:36 No. 22728 ID: 643a0e

I know its Ubongo-based but the Mate flavor might tickle your liking.

Reliable Crack of Office [2016+] Anonymous 19/09/15(Sun)15:01 No. 22709 ID: a339b8 [Reply]

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Openoffice sucks.

Honestly, it used to be simple to get a cracked version of MS Office, but I'm having trouble finding a version that actually WORKS / IS AUTHENTICATED CONSISTENTLY, now. Auto KMS tools seem to have no effect.

Suggestions? What do you use?

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Anonymous 19/09/15(Sun)15:57 No. 22712 ID: 6fc248

Also, LibreOffice exists for Windows as well (and Mac), you don't need to trash your entire system on a fools errand just to get a goddamn word processor.

Anonymous 19/09/17(Tue)16:51 No. 22713 ID: 9ed737

nice one! thanks, faggots. libreoffice seems pretty useful. much better UI than openoffice shit.

Anonymous 19/12/05(Thu)09:31 No. 22726 ID: 643a0e

just ask you school to get you a key

Torrenting Anonymous 19/09/24(Tue)19:22 No. 22714 ID: a66c49 [Reply]

Bois, if I torrent Manga or Books, in which format will I get them?

Anonymous 19/09/25(Wed)00:02 No. 22715 ID: f614c1

In whatever format the torrent says they're in.

Anonymous 19/11/20(Wed)05:43 No. 22723 ID: a7f777

What the other guy said. The torrent will tell you. Mystery solved. Pretty basic. lol I think all types of people should be included amongst people in the world. I don't think people who torrent or don't torrent are beyond interaction in the human group. What makes you want to torrent? What incites that interest in you? I'd like to speak to you about it. I like conversation. There is no stranger interest. That's what's going on completely, in here. lol Based.

Is web browsing in Slackware meant to be this slow? Anonymous 19/07/08(Mon)04:47 No. 22677 ID: 4f8972 [Reply]

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Just installed Slackware, using b43 wireless drivers because broadcom's wl drivers need firmware files I can't seem to find anywhere on the face of the net. BCM4311 if that's of any help.

I've tried browsing on firefox, tor and seamonkey. All of them are slow as shit and it takes like 20 seconds or more to load a single image without enlarging it on any imageboard site. I can't load an imgur album under 5 minutes. This laptop has 4Gb of RAM. 4Gb shouldn't be this slow. It has to be software related.

Any idea why my web browsers are all seemingly cosplaying as netscape navigator?

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Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)01:19 No. 22685 ID: 56c2c6

Why are you using ipv6 on your home network? Also sounds like your router config was bad, not your card. But interesting if it worked on M$ and not Linux.

In case OP does try to change DNS, here:

>Because Google is an arm of US Intelligence and vicy-versy.

Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)21:33 No. 22686 ID: f14178

If you have an internet connection and you're sending unencrypted data out of it, Google doesn't have to work for the TLAs.

Your ISP's backbone is split and shoveled into TLA datacenters.

Anonymous 19/08/21(Wed)01:00 No. 22691 ID: 899cdc

>Why are you using ipv6 on your home network? Also sounds like your router config was bad, not your card. But interesting if it worked on M$ and not Linux.

IPv6 was enabled by default and every other device on the network was fine. The fact that windows was working fine (dual booting) is what inspired me to start playing with seemingly random settings. I have no clue as to why the DNS change fixed it but gift horses and all.

Anonymous 16/01/06(Wed)04:49 No. 22009 ID: beb2f9 [Reply]

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Hey /halp/, been long since I been here. Currently running a Lenovo Windows 7 laptop and my screen is fucked up. How do I fix this?

Pic related.

Anonymous 16/01/06(Wed)04:55 No. 22010 ID: 2df8ca

Plug into an external monitor.
Video good = Screen or cable is bad.
No Video = GPU or Mobo is bad.
Cable is the cheapest to replace but from my experience if you see anything on the screen then the cable is good.
Screens run about $40ish and aren't "too" hard to replace if you don't know what you're doing.
See if that model has a YouTube disassembly video to help.

I'd bet your screen is broken. ~$40 fix. EZPZ

Anonymous 16/01/06(Wed)05:13 No. 22012 ID: beb2f9


Guessing that I was right. Did think it was the screen that was the issue, lucky I kept my Windows XP monitor. Thanks Anon.

Anonymous 16/01/06(Wed)05:48 No. 22013 ID: 2df8ca

Np, have a good one.

ABOUT A REAL HACKER Melodazed 19/06/17(Mon)06:00 No. 22671 ID: e3ad54 [Reply]

Real hackers are corky and hard to find but if you’re lucky to find one you must be cautious in your relation with them. They will get almost anything done, you just have to not waste their time and yours. My testimony is about Royalblade, data scientist and revolutionary hacker who fix my score within 3 weeks. I’m currently sitting at 822 guys, after so many years of struggling to build my score. I met with a testimonial on YouTube which was a lot of people talking about this guy. Glad I tried cause now I’m in my new home all thanks to him. Contact royalblade@protonmailCom


Anonymous 19/06/26(Wed)10:35 No. 22673 ID: eabe31

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Two posts to /halp/?

You must be really hard up for "customers"

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