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Chemistry Anonymous 18/10/22(Mon)12:42 No. 16713 ID: eb4831 [Reply]

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Alright, so some dude is trying to determine the atomic mass of 3g Tellur and ends up with 3,475 TeO2. How big is the relative atomic mass of Tellur (atom. mass of O = 16)

Anonymous 18/11/25(Sun)08:56 No. 16730 ID: d40656

> 3,475 TeO2
3475 g? mol? molocules? Need a unit to solve

silver fulminate Anonymous 18/10/13(Sat)03:31 No. 16705 ID: 418128 [Reply]

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It is not called a "high explosive" for nothing. I Saw a video on YT of a guy gripping a chunk and throwing it.. I was not so lucky. Mine just blew up on my desk from the slightest friction!

Anonymous 18/10/13(Sat)03:45 No. 16706 ID: b5377a

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You should blow up a police station.

Anonymous 19/03/04(Mon)17:22 No. 16755 ID: bafe83

it is interesting for me too

Anonymous 19/03/04(Mon)17:24 No. 16756 ID: bafe83

You can use silver fulminate for your laboratory research. But now more popular became using nanomaterials in science. For example, graphene, fullerenes now use in electronic, chemistry and other fields of industry. For example, many of them you can find on http://mstnano.com/

Starting Math Major soon, how to approach? RedRobin9688 18/07/14(Sat)11:25 No. 16675 ID: 241c58 [Reply]

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I move in 8/5/18 and intend to Major in Mathematics, there are four options (Pure, Applied, Applied Stats, Actuarial) which should I formally choose to actually succeed? Should I double major? and if so what in? I'd appreciate the help, I don't want to move in with the parents after school.

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 18/09/28(Fri)21:03 No. 16697 ID: 4f487e

Acturials are the end boss of accountants.

Anonymous 18/10/22(Mon)09:24 No. 16711 ID: 848b2c

Actuarial are accountants for companies, rather than for individuals. They deal with statistics, mostly, to determine what might happen with a given set of starting variables. Most visibly, actuarial tables are what these people produce for life insurance companies, so they can guess at what age you're likely to die (based on sex, height/weight, blood tests, diet, lifestyle, and increasingly: genes) and adjust your rate accordingly so that they are most likely to profit.

Anonymous 19/03/02(Sat)06:44 No. 16754 ID: 13825c

Applied if you want to work on real world problems.
Pure if you want to work on problems we couldn't possible test or might not happen in reality.
Applied Stats if you hate life and are boring.
Actuarial if you don't mind having no soul for a lot of money.

What Would Happen if You Didn’t Sleep? Anonymous 19/02/17(Sun)13:43 No. 16748 ID: 099d2a [Reply]

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Sleeping is not just nice but it is healthy as well. Lack of sleep can cause some serious health issues, like depression, memory loss, increased blood pressure and risk of stroke, so make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Here is what happens to the body if you do not sleep.

What Different Blood Types Mean? Anonymous 19/01/23(Wed)22:32 No. 16741 ID: 175ba2 [Reply]

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The first experiments with human blood donation happened in the early 19th century. Did they even know what blood types were back then? Wait, what are they?
You can read more here: https://bit.ly/2DtOqs7

Experimental Gravitational Physics Anonymous 19/01/14(Mon)01:57 No. 16738 ID: b72b93 [Reply]

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Any postgrads here who do this stuff?
I've always been more of a mathy guy but now I'm considering joining the group at my uni. They do stuff with LIGO mostly.
Just wondering if there is promise in this field. Cause I'm hesitant about continuing with theoretical physics.

Genetic Philanthropy - Genetophil Anonymous 18/09/29(Sat)17:53 No. 16698 ID: ed3f35 [Reply]

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Why not create a charity to raise IQs in third world nations? Some leading experts say genetics account for 80% of IQ by the time you're 18. The average IQ is dropping worldwide. Would it be ethical to increase IQ through genetic engineering?

4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 18/10/08(Mon)20:26 No. 16704 ID: be6f8f

I think you have cause and effect inverted. It's not that rich people want poor people so they can apply certain economic policies, it's that certain economic policies applied by rich people cause other people to be poorer. Basically, a society where some participants believe they should get wealthier without end inevitably leads to economic inequality.

Anonymous 18/10/22(Mon)09:20 No. 16710 ID: 848b2c

IQ is largely irrelevant to economic productivity and almost COMPLETELY irrelevant to social power; just look who we have in the White House if you're tempted to disagree (or who we MIGHT HAVE HAD, if you still do). Take a black child out of poverty and stick them in a wealthy Western household with a proper education and a diet composed of more than literal garbage, and they will grow up to be a productive adult.

That said, an IQ test measures little more than your proficiency at taking IQ tests. It was NEVER a measure of intelligence; it was a measure of educational achievement as a tool to focus on struggling schoolchildren with poor learning ability, and at best has a tenuous connection with adult intelligence except in extreme cases (like profound retardation: <20IQ). Studies have shown that people with higher IQs don't achieve more as adults but for statistically insignificant amounts.

So you could do this, sure, but nothing would change. The only thing that will is waiting for most of them to die, and then raising the living conditions up to a Western standard for the survivors. Doing it BEFORE letting them die is more humane, sure, but will probably collapse the global economy by the end of the century, likely leading to widespread war and the end of civilization. There's just too fucking many of them.

Anonymous 18/11/10(Sat)12:56 No. 16719 ID: c6e9b2

I cant' totally agree. Yes, most westerners wouldn't just breeze trough the life in the average african village. Stirling paints in Islands in The Sea of Time a vivid picture of the back-breaking work needed to grow your own crops.

Their intelligence may help them work more organized, but the raw strength is what matters. - As in all agrarian societies.

But in modern societies general intelligence (g) is more important than raw strength. And there's no link between general intelligence and industriousness (i).

I score high on g, but really low on i (just ask the tax authorities). And you can never disregard the society someone lives in.

Deductive, inductive or abductive? Anonymous 18/07/24(Tue)12:27 No. 16679 ID: c6e9b2 [Reply]

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Hello /sci/!

Yesterday when I took a walk, I saw a bunch of huge plastic containers by the roadside in a shallow natural pit.

I considered it to be a trash dump.

What kind of reasoning did I use. Deductive, inductive or abductive?

And if I used the other two kinds of reasoning, would I reach the same conclusion? And how would I use them?

5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 18/10/29(Mon)10:50 No. 16715 ID: be674a

>I assumed OP was talking about plastic dumpsters
There is no such thing as plastic dumpsters. They make them out of steel because plastic in that size is not structurally sound enough. Also, why would there be dumpsters on the side of the road in the first place? It still raises the same question of who put them there, and for what purpose.

Anonymous 18/11/01(Thu)22:02 No. 16716 ID: 80b009

>There is no such thing as plastic dumpsters.
All you needed to do was search "plastic dumpster" in Google Images to fact-check yourself.

>Also, why would there be dumpsters on the side of the road in the first place?
The point of a dumpster is that a garbage truck can pick it up and empty it. Garbage trucks generally drive on roads, so the logical place to put a dumpster, if it's desirable that a garbage truck can reach it, is as close to the road as possible.

Anonymous 18/11/07(Wed)07:46 No. 16718 ID: dc714c

>they actually do make plastic dumpsters
Color me surprised Pedantic: they have a plastic shell and steel reinforcement. And while you're technically correct, it doesn't change that those that I saw are smaller containers, generally for household rather than commercial/industrial use. Most people do not BUY dumpsters; they rent them from the garbage company who picks up the garbage from them on a set schedule, and those dumpsters ARE made of steel. 99% of the dumpsters you're going to see are made of metal; personally I've never seen one of these plastic ones. You're begging to put holes in the fucking thing because people throw concrete chunks and shit in there.

I'm sure there's some retard online out there selling dumpsters made of wood or who has made one of papier mache as an art project. But that changes nothing. OP never stated "dumpsters" to begin with, which would be fairly obvious given that they have a distinctive shape. So one could conclude these "containers" likely were not dumpster-shaped.

>the logical place to put a dumpster, if it's desirable that a garbage truck can reach it, is as close to the road as possible
But not randomly on the side of a road where there's nothing else! There's no trash sitting around there to put IN the containers in the first place. If there were a warehouse or a restaurant right next to it, then it would make sense. But that definitely would not be a "trash dump", it would be "a little concrete pad on their property where sit the dumpsters".

dtyjhty HELP yutyjtry 18/11/03(Sat)21:11 No. 16717 ID: c2ed95 [Reply]

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Error: An OpMode with the name 'Pushbot: Auto Drive by Encoder' is already registered; ignoring duplicate opmode.

EXPERIMENT Anonymous 18/10/19(Fri)20:34 No. 16708 ID: 9166cf [Reply]

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Anonymous 18/10/20(Sat)04:16 No. 16709 ID: 1e5fb7

God be with you on that shit man.

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