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ALIEN-UFO INTELLIGENCE- The U.S. Government's Involvement With Extrat Anonymous 23/12/27(Wed)02:02 No. 18703 ID: 1b33ae [Reply]

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ALIEN-UFO INTELLIGENCE- The U.S. Government's Involvement With Extraterrestrials Download



Anonymous 24/06/16(Sun)18:34 No. 18760 ID: 2fe7e2

It was a nice work, but unfortunately the American government does not have any green-skinned, small-stature, big-eyed space species. I did not say there are no aliens, the results show that the alien type has not contacted us yet.

Transhümanizm Ray Kurzweil fan 24/06/16(Sun)18:17 No. 18759 ID: 2fe7e2 [Reply]

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What do you think about transhumanism?

Would you like to figure out and easy way Anonymous 22/07/07(Thu)04:55 No. 18291 ID: 838b0b [Reply]

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to find the hardest thing to do in horology? What is the length and function of curvature of D?

Have fun, stupids

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/07/11(Mon)17:58 No. 18296 ID: 38f731

The problem is insufficiently specified.

Anonymous 22/12/26(Mon)06:27 No. 18425 ID: c9d146

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Use parabolic arcs

John+Dent 24/06/02(Sun)13:55 No. 18740 ID: c5ea75

Easy. Circumference of D=2(pi)r^2

Captology Anonymous 24/03/25(Mon)20:28 No. 18722 ID: 64de16 [Reply]

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"Remember, it is my will that guided you here." -SHODAN

Captology is the study of computers as persuasive technologies. Here are some articles in regard of the ongoing and intensifying manipulation of human behaviour through AI-driven Captology (AI-assistants).

>Captology: How Computers Rewire our Minds—and Why We Let Them

>Writing with AI help can shift your opinions

>Predictive text systems change what we write

>The Power of Persuasion (“Captology”) in the Age of AI and Quantum Computing
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 24/03/11(Mon)08:40 No. 18719 ID: 9a3716 [Reply]

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Hi, /sci/


This article talks about how psychosis and sexual trauma can cause gender and sexuality confusion. I suspect I have that but I'm worried if I talk to a therapist about it (or anyone else for that matter) they will try to "affirm" it, which I don't want.

Does anyone here know a "renegade" psychologist who can help me?

Can it be reversed?

Parasite Theory of Homosexuality Anonymous 22/11/18(Fri)15:16 No. 18386 ID: ce4ee1 [Reply]

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I remember hearing about a theory that homosexuality is caused by intestinal parasites wanting to propagate themselves through gay sex.
Does anyone know anything about that? Is there any research on it?

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Anonymous 22/12/17(Sat)12:56 No. 18413 ID: 7d2104

What happens if this anus-worm enters a woman? does she become a lesbian?

Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)03:28 No. 18414 ID: 0ae2b4

You're asking the right questions.

Anonymous 24/03/08(Fri)14:25 No. 18717 ID: a72eb9

I've read that homosexuals taking does of Ivermectin have suddenly become repulsed by homosexuality.

Old Technology Thread Anonymous 21/02/10(Wed)07:42 No. 17263 ID: 2c3397 [Reply]

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ITT Post/discuss old technology.

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Anonymous 23/07/23(Sun)02:48 No. 18682 ID: e00e46

This was my whole child hood right there

Anonymous 23/07/31(Mon)17:36 No. 18684 ID: 64afbd

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user 24/02/06(Tue)04:28 No. 18711 ID: 246091

Youtube  Retro technology

start learning about computers Bigattao 16/03/10(Thu)06:19 No. 16297 ID: 00af9a [Reply]

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Hi sci,
I'm a noob about computers and going to do college of Computer Engineering. I don't know even how to start learning. Can somebody give a tip?

16 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/05/24(Wed)11:44 No. 18514 ID: 88736e

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Taiwan and South Korean are the manufacturer of the most advanced microchips

Anonymous 23/11/11(Sat)21:33 No. 18698 ID: 5fa0eb

The YouTube channel Asianomtry has a lot of stuff on making chips

Anonymous 24/01/20(Sat)17:14 No. 18710 ID: d878d3

Senior in electrical engineering here (computer and electrical engineering share about 50% of their curriculum at my uni)
What others said, building a PC is a good idea. I've never had enough money for a PC though and have been coasting through college with a ditched laptop that I fixed.
One hobby I took up when I was figuring out what to study was getting obsoleted PCs off surplus auctions or from family members, lobotomizing them and experimenting with linux distros. You can make your own servers for storage and mail etc.
Another thing to play with is RaspberryPi and/or Arduino projects. There's tons of resources on those and honestly should be the focus of practical teaching in universities (but often aren't)

HELP!! Anonymous 17/05/01(Mon)00:01 No. 16490 ID: e202d0 [Reply]

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Can someone explain a quadratic equation in a way that makes it more intuitively understandable? My algebra teacher just rambles endlessly about unrelated shit.

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Anonymous 20/05/19(Tue)20:48 No. 16923 ID: fc6c5f

sorry, in the 1st example I wrote (f(x)=0 when x=1)

Anonymous 20/05/20(Wed)18:41 No. 16924 ID: be6f8f

Whoa, I just saw this the other day while I was looking for a comment I made in the seventh page.

Dude, you're responding to a question from three years ago. I'm sure OP has since learned what a quadratic equation is, or they don't care anymore.

Your method seems a tad too complex for my liking. Why do you think it's better than simply remembering
x = (-b (+/-)sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
? That's a single formula that solves any quadratic equation in a single step.

Anonymous 24/01/02(Tue)01:28 No. 18705 ID: fb47ff

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Now it's even farther in the future and the quadratic formula hasn't changed a bit. I hope OP is ok.

Anonymous 23/11/11(Sat)21:39 No. 18699 ID: 5fa0eb [Reply]

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I have forgotten everything I learned about physics in secondary school.
Why does this not work?

Anonymous 23/12/11(Mon)17:51 No. 18701 ID: be6f8f


>The force between permanent magnets is conservative as the magnetic field follows a potential, so that there is no work done over a closed cycle.

In other words, the magnetic field is shaped like a valley. You can extract a bit of energy from it by falling into the valley (energy you stored when you climbed out of the valley previously), but if you're simple circling the valley without ever reaching the bottom then you're not extracting energy, and certainly not an infinite amount of energy.

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