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Civil war Shaman 22/08/21(Sun)23:13 No. 6840 ID: 7eed0e

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Do you believe that America us on the verge of a civil war, what side would win?

BEAN BANCULUS BUTTERBUTT 22/08/22(Mon)01:17 No. 6841 ID: 838b0b

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No, but we will see a high ramp up in violence. People are really really angry. However you know progressives will kill themselves either by suicide or in-fighting, and radical conservatives won't do anything.

The CIA and FBI want to radicalize me but they can't get me to do it. I want to VX gas large black ghettos when it's windy. IF they can't get me to do it, other conservatives won't do anything just a few crackpots will kill their family.

Eeyore 22/08/22(Mon)01:56 No. 6842 ID: 726e97

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Don't you retarded nazi fags ever fuck off? Do you have to infect every board with your cancerous retardation?

You are correct though that we will see more retarded hogs and hoglets mindlessly throwing their self off the cliff like lemmings. The real issue is you can't put your spooks aside and come toegther for anything other than your own selfish interest. You will allow things to go to shit and cry about it the whole time cause you don't think in terms of groupings of individuals but in terms of your own myopic self interest.

You will own nothing and be happy, etc etc etc.

Shaman 22/08/22(Mon)03:39 No. 6843 ID: 7eed0e


Eeyore 22/08/26(Fri)05:23 No. 6846 ID: f45bab

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a civil war in the US is inevitable. the two political oppositions are too polarized. the political climate will only get more and more polarized until the entire situation breaks into chaos and violence. i would like to believe the right would win, but they're in nothing but a losing position, with no ability to organize.

may we pray for nationalism to rise once again, and liberalism to fall. for feminism to be displaced, and for families to become whole once again. may we pray for racial purity to become a global priority, and for communists to fall. for we have experienced the pain and suffering that neo-liberalism provides. being so far off our natural paths, that everyone is mentally sick.

the war is coming, it will be no earlier than 2028. 2024 will shift the overton window even more extreme, and 2030s will be littered with violence.

Eeyore 22/08/30(Tue)14:08 No. 6850 ID: 9c5fba


"The two political positions are so polarized"

They only change color. It's like if in Cuba one party was led by Castro and the other one by Che Guevara.

Eeyore 22/09/30(Fri)23:43 No. 6866 ID: 85fee6

Americans are too fat to fight a civil war. Worse thing that will happen will be the Years of Lead but in America.

Eeyore 22/10/13(Thu)11:48 No. 6876 ID: ba5f6e


>a civil war in the US is inevitable. the two political oppositions are too polarized.

Oh, God, shut up. You're talking about terminally online faggots who pretend to be le hardcore natzee/le woke freedom fighter to get attention. If you honestly believe there's a civil war on the horizon, you need to get out more. The vast majority of people get along so easily. I've yet to meet any of these so called "political oppositions" in real life - sure, I may meet someone who voted for Trump or Biden, but none of them have ever tried to "cancel" me or call me a "groomer supporter" or whatever the fuck when I disagree with them. >>6842 is right too - the vast majority of "muh civil war is nigh!" crowd is a bunch of self-absorbed dweebs. >>6846 is one such dweeb. This dude is literally waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting so he can stroll on in and pat himself on the back for being on the winning side. Sad, many such cases. >>6866 makes a good point too, but there won't even be a YoL in America. Nothing will happen. We've been hearing about this shit for decades, and nothing's happened.

Eeyore 22/10/13(Thu)12:17 No. 6877 ID: 24387b

What do you think of the school shootings though?
I would say this is a "years of lead" type scenario. Maybe not exactly the same thing, obviously, but I would say, in much th same way, this is an outgrowth of wide social issues that have been largely ignored or the blame has been shifted over. "gun violence" for example.

Eeyore 22/10/13(Thu)17:14 No. 6878 ID: cfbab8


School shootings are an entirely separate problem, and have nothing political about them other than desperate attention whores stooping to new lows to grift. If school shootings were as you'd say, then we'd see the kids of politicians/big business types being kidnapped like Patty Hearst. You are right, though, that they are the outgrowth of wide social issues that have been largely ignored.

Eeyore 22/10/14(Fri)05:02 No. 6879 ID: 313287

I dont think school shootings are real. In other words, they are as real as the moon landings. It's just the glowies trying hard at convincing people to remove weapons.

Eeyore 22/10/14(Fri)13:36 No. 6880 ID: 24387b

>Being an infowars retard.

Eeyore 22/10/14(Fri)21:45 No. 6881 ID: 3caccc

>No arguments provided.
>Ad hominem.
>Actual retard.
Thanks for making me the smart guy and winning the quick debate.

Eeyore 22/10/15(Sat)15:40 No. 6882 ID: 049bc8

I have finally accepted that all the talk of civil war is a wishful cope, and a lazy one at that. All of this alt-right "theory" is. It's just a bunch of unhappy young men trying to come up with a 'deep' explanation for why they're unhappy (and one that validates their video game addict fantasies of violence), because they're too scared to acknowledge even to themselves that most of the causes are personal and individual. The truth is that most of our issues literally just come down to how our parents talked to us growing up, and to a lesser extent teachers. But no one wants to be the "whiner" who vents about their dad, so they opt to just go on about more colorful meme issues like Jews. If you'll look into this you'll see that I'm completely right, every time you meet one of these guys they have serious personal issues that clearly stem from their upbringing, but they've adopted this silly 'trad' ideology that tells them that parents are always right and growing up just means respecting them for their abuse even more.

What's more is the smaller part of our generation's issues that are systemic and politically-driven are fucking boring as hell and don't offer anyone worth blaming. Corporations have figured out how to exercise a lot of leverage over you so you have to beg for a job and walk on egg shells once you have it, and wages are low compared to the cost of living. It's just something that happened through a bunch of subliminal shifts in economics and culture over the years, shooting someone won't change it.

America is going to deal with some rough situations for the next few years and decades, but they won't cause a civil war, not even close. Things are quite stable in the way that they suck, we're just going to live in it. It's hard to accept that some problems don't bring about a boiling point where a resolution gets forced, but that's the reality.

Eeyore 22/10/16(Sun)00:02 No. 6883 ID: 63c261

Not everything deserves a response retard. Especially some dipshit who buys Alex Jones snake oil online. You need a psychologist not a debate.

Eeyore 22/10/16(Sun)22:10 No. 6885 ID: 864d7d

Still making up excuses because you have no arguments? You mentioned Alex Jones, not me. IDGAF about that idiot.
Instead of butthurting with strawmans, read some books, like "Nobody Died At Sandy Hook". Thank me later.

Eeyore 22/10/21(Fri)04:20 No. 6889 ID: 9d9c43

>shitty book
Not an argument.
>braindead facebook browsing boomer like myself
Ad hominem.
>bro you mentioned him
Plain lie that anybody in the board can see.
>I just mentioned the conspiracy he is responsible for spawning
Another lie. Inform yourself better.
>and raking in billions off
IDGAF, but you do apparently.
>gullible dick heads like myself
Ad hominem.
>Bro read a book
Not an argument. Also, you think staying ignorant is a virtue? I see.

Please, continue this non-debate with more insults and zero arguments. You don't look like a complete idiot. /s

Eeyore 22/11/11(Fri)12:57 No. 6900 ID: 52cec3

>doesn't give any retort to my argument just texas sharp shoots me arguments and says nothing but personal attacks all the while calling the fallacy police on me for shit I didn't even commit.

Damn nigga, what a bitch.

Eeyore 22/11/11(Fri)16:24 No. 6901 ID: 049bc8

The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy is about interpreting statistics, I think you meant Shotgun Argumentation (throwing out a long list of random appeals and hoping one works).

Eeyore 23/02/11(Sat)03:07 No. 7034 ID: ffcffc

The Jews.
The rest of you fight for scraps and crumbs.

Eeyore 23/02/11(Sat)03:09 No. 7035 ID: ffcffc

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I will rebuild the Great British empire, I will fix all the worlds problems and I will destroy all the people like you.
I refuse to let our flags fall, you kikes and whites can catch a fucking steel toe to the mouth.

Eeyore 23/02/11(Sat)03:11 No. 7036 ID: ffcffc

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Communism is shit, National socialism is better, GET A JOB BUM.
I pray every day war comes to the US shores.

Eeyore 23/02/11(Sat)03:13 No. 7037 ID: ffcffc

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Communism is shit, National socialism is better, GET A JOB BUM.
I pray every day war comes to the US shores.
No, talk to real Americans, we hate Commies and Nazis, I will hand personally hunt both you little faggots down as long as the Police department gives me a pardon for my war crimes.
I will have my commie and nazi scalps.
I will fly the SPQR over these lands and rally my army to build America.
For the Empire.
For America.

Eeyore 23/02/19(Sun)04:19 No. 7048 ID: 96cddc

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National socialism is for bootlicking cuck boys who want nothing more than to get rammed up the ass by whatever political, or, economic figure head has the reigns.
Cope and seethe.

Eeyore 24/04/05(Fri)02:46 No. 7233 ID: d78774

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2028 will definitely determine the fate of America more than the 2024 election will. It will be an election that changes the state of things forever. If there is ever violence in this country, it will be after that election. Not this one coming up.

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