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Remember: Eeyore 19/10/07(Mon)07:20 No. 6209 ID: 94cc22

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You will die.

You are not forgiven. You will find your end, regardless.

Your pain will end.
The world will end.
The universe will end.

It will be an absolute end. There will never be anything after it. No rebirth, no potential for life to occur again.

It will take longer than you expect.
It will be a lot quicker than you think.

Not a single thing in your life has mattered, not even the few moments you hold close. Nothing you may ever do will matter.

It will all end.

It doesn't matter what you find. It doesn't matter what you do or think.
You already know this.

You already know the end.


Eeyore 19/10/21(Mon)17:43 No. 6231 ID: 602775

It can't come fast enough, honestly.

Eeyore 19/10/25(Fri)11:53 No. 6242 ID: 13fa1c

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I don't see it that way. Sure, this will end, but you have to find meaning in your life and actions. No one can give it to you. Take some time and admire anything and think about the chain of events that lead to you and what it is that you are admiring being in this time and this place in the entire universe. The world of man will try and break you down until you become a tool for those in power by convincing you that your life has no purpose but to serve them, but they are selfish and petty and can only bring your physical form, you have to allow them to break your soul. Reminding yourself that you are more than just flesh and every moment you have is for you and you alone to behold will protect you from their influence. I've been in the pit before, quite a few times too many, where i get so close to just taking myself out, but I remember that I don't have to. I can make the best out of my time here and nature, time, and any other fucker will have to do that job for themselves. I don't do other people's jobs.

Eeyore 19/10/25(Fri)12:00 No. 6244 ID: 13fa1c

The fact that it ends doesn't remove all meaning. It can only gain greater meaning from being so brief.

Eeyore 19/10/26(Sat)00:08 No. 6246 ID: e5b2ff

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You faggots are fucking gay. Personal and subjective meaning is annihilated I time like everything else.
Nothing is permanent, nothing will last, everything is subject too entropy; none are exempt.

Nothing matters, we exist to suffer, this optimism is gay.

Eeyore 19/10/28(Mon)15:32 No. 6252 ID: be0a99


You were not alive for an infinite amount of time. You will be dead for an infinite amount of time. Even if you live to be a 100 years old, infinity + infinity - 100 = infinity. Mathematically, life is completely negligible.

Eeyore 19/10/28(Mon)17:13 No. 6253 ID: f32430

That's a bit on the bleak side. Why not change it? A new perspective can be uplifting. It's a low risk action. lol
Are you having a hard time at this point? What are you spending your day with? Surely there are varying outputs from chosen activities. Positive outcomes might be a good idea to seek, it's an idea. lol


Eeyore 19/10/29(Tue)13:26 No. 6255 ID: 296915

Technically speaking infinity is a mathematical and philosophical concept that has no bearing on physical reality. The Universe has not existed for an infinite amount of time before now, rather some few billions of years. It will not exist for an infinite time after now, rather for a mind-fuckingly huge (though finite) span of time as the black holes slowly dissipate via Hawking Radiation and spacetime cools to it's final state of absolute entropy. Before and after these events, "time" did not exist, so describing it as being capable of passing would be inappropriate.

However, the important thing to note is not the scale of time, but the scale of entropy. This is the only real fate of existence, as well as the only true measure of the passage of time. It's the answer to the question, "Why does time move forwards, and only forwards?", which is: "Because entropy always increases." But the scale of entropy is extremely slow when life is not involved. It takes billions of years for clouds of gas in space to coalesce into stars, millions of years for dust and gas spinning around those stars to clump into planets, tens of thousands of years for mountains to form and be eroded down. And, as previously mentioned, it will take stupendously large numbers of years for those lonely black holes to while away their existence once everything else has gone cold and dark.

But life, and especially humans, defy that. Humans accelerate entropy REALLY REALLY quickly. The delicate balance of Earth's climate has settled in over the last 50,000 years or so, but humanity has kicked it into disarray in about a hundred. By scraping together some dirt, processing it, spinning it, assembling it, and then detonating it, humans can make a mountain go away in a few milliseconds.

It is entirely probable, given the insatiable human desire for consumption, for a humanity unbounded by a single planet to consume all matter and energy in the Local Group of galaxies (the only bit we can possibly reach due to the constraints of the speed of light) in a VERY short period of time, relatively speaking. Exponential growth (which the human birthrate is, unless restricted by war, famine, or disease) is a powerful thing. Perhaps as little as a few million years, and humanity can consume the reachable Universe as a fat man consumes a buffet. Compared to the uncountable trillions upon trillions of years it would take things to reach their end-state if left to their own slow devices, it's nothing if not IMPRESSIVE.

If looked at philosophically, it means that Life is the Universe's attempt to commit suicide as quickly as possible. Because all Life is, once you boil away the maudlin fluff, is frightfully efficient entropy engines.

Eeyore 19/10/29(Tue)15:10 No. 6257 ID: 133ec1

Entropy explains the arrow of time, but not our perception of it. Memory does.
Time appears to move forward because we remember the past but not the future.
Assume time to be a linear quantity. A line. Assume you can move along this line in either direction in any speed. But you cannot skip points on the line. You can only move from point to adjacent point. Points A, B, C, D, E, F, G. With A to G being the direction of increasing global entropy.
Our perception of this is that you move 'forward' at a fixed speed. This is why we perceive it that way:
At each point you traverse, you record a memory of it as you pass it. A collection of these memories is what you call your past.
As you move from point A to point B to C to D, E, F and G, you only have a memory of all the points you have already been to, in the order you have been to them.
You start at point A, then move along B, C, D and reach E. If when you reach point E, the next point you experience is point D and then C and then B, you have the feeling of moving backward in time, only because you have already seen those points in the reverse order. If you had never been to B, C and D; if you had begun at point G and moved along F, E, D instead, you would still feel time to be moving 'forward', although you are moving in the direction of decreasing global entropy.

The entropy decreasing universe.

Imagine that you live in a universe where entropy always decreases. You start off as ashes, become a charred corpse, then an old man, and then grow younger and so on. But your memory does not start off with information and then lose it. You start off with a blank slate and then see new things.
When you un-drop an egg, you've seen the egg broken before you see it full. For a person in this universe who's never experienced an entropy-increasing universe, the un-breaking of the egg is natural. An egg that falls and breaks is what would be perceived as a reversal of time because it would involve a global increase in entropy, which is not natural in that universe.
It would seem unnatural because he has never experienced a scenario where he already had a memory of the egg unbroken before he saw it un-break. Similar to the way we, in our entropy increasing universe, never already have a memory of a broken egg before seeing the same egg break.
Entropy explains the arrow of time, but not our perception of it. Memory does.
When we say time moves 'forward', what we actually mean is that all processes progress in the direction of increasing global entropy.
When we feel time moving 'forward', it's because 'forward' is define as the direction in which new experiences occur and new memories are created in our minds.

If time moved forward, we’d move backward; it’s us who move forward, not time.
Time’s an accepted convention - a "dimension". We perceive ourselves as moving forward toward new events. They’re new because they’re unknown to us. They haven't occurred yet so they’re a surprise.
Events that have already occurred are known; these we accept as "past events".
Our forward motion in time is described by the theory of relativity where time is vector summed with our motion in space; thus time is variable but always positive and always “forward”.
Some people say that all of time exists as an infinite sequence of parallel slices of reality. In this model, we aren't really moving forward in time, we inhabit all of those slices and, in each slice, we imagine a future which is waiting for us and a past that has already occurred. I find that hard to accept but I’m not a physicist or a philosopher, what do you expect?

Eeyore 19/10/29(Tue)15:45 No. 6260 ID: dc03f6

"The left" are accused of being bullshit artists. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is here seen setting the record straight in a house hearing, by questioning an official from ExxonMobil - one of the six largest oil companies in the world - and him answering that yes, they knew that they were destroying the world, and they even predicted how much they would contribute to global warming, to this day and beyond, and that to cover it up, they started to lobby by sowing doubt against science, all in the name of profit:
This is why YouTube is flooded with climate deniers, and people stalking and picking on Thunberg: If they're not paid shills themselves, they're misinformed by said shills.

...and again Greta's words are ringing in my ears: "Are we evil? Of course not."
Yes, we ARE evil, Greta. We had sympathy with the devil, and so we let the psychopaths out to play, instead of keeping them locked up in mental asylums, and they took over the world, company by company, and government by government, and now they are destroying it and killing all of us, because that's what psychopaths do. They're not stupid, Greta. They're not misinformed. They're evil. Pure evil.

Eeyore 19/10/30(Wed)10:40 No. 6261 ID: fb747c

This is pointless. In a Universe where the laws of physics work ass-backwards compared to our own, that would be the normal state for that Universe. It is only through the Anthropic bias that it even is possible to seem "wrong". For the people there, it would be normal. And in fact, even though entropy appears to be flowing backwards by our perspective, since our perspective doesn't exist, it's STILL entropy.

Our memory has nothing to do with it. The laws of biology follow the laws of physics. As a matter of plain fact, as a human being in possession of a powerful imagination and a brain built around prediction and pattern-recognition, I can very easily have a "memory" of the future. If a hold a fragile glass object over a tile floor, I can imagine exactly what will happen when I drop it, before I drop it. I can see the sequence of events in my mind as it shatters, hear the sound it makes. Once the action takes place, the prediction becomes (very briefly) a reality, and then memory, but as both the prediction and the memory are inexact, they are both essentially identical.

Entropy means, however, that regardless of whether the vision of a shattering glass is bouncing around in neurons in my pre-frontal cortex, or in my hippocampus, AFTER the drop the glass will never again be not-shattered. Memory is mutable, but reality is not.

Eeyore 19/10/30(Wed)11:56 No. 6262 ID: 195bd8

Can you go into detail about the anthropic bias? I used to know more about it but I've forgotten about it. I will shrug off the ego blow of not remembering everything and try to learn what is the state of this anthropic bias. What basically is it? lol
I hope I don't trigger intense nastiness as a response for asking a question that may have a long answer. Ideally I don't get hit for doing nothing. By that I mean hit with words. Stick, stones, and words are all frightening. To be disconnected from all of them would be overly nice. lol

Eeyore 19/10/31(Thu)05:26 No. 6263 ID: 0c8865

Okay then have some more truth.

“Modern man is drinking and drugging himself out of awarness, or he spends his time shopping, which is the same thing. As awarness calls for types of heroic dedication that his culture no longer provides for him, society contrives to help him forget. In the mysterious way in which life is given to us in evolution on this planet, it pushes in the direction of its own expansion. We don’t understand it simply because we don’t know the purpose of creation; we only feel life straining in ourselves and see it thrashing others about as they devour each other. Life seeks to expand in an unknown direction for unknown reasons.

What are we to make of creation in which routine activity is for organisms to be tearing others apart with teeth of all types - biting, grinding flesh, plant stalks, bones between molars, pushing the pulp greedily down the gullet with delight, incorporating its essence into one’s own organization, and then excreting with foul stench and gasses residue. Everyone reaching out to incorporate others who are edible to him. The mosquitoes bloating themselves on blood, the maggots, the killer-bees attacking with a fury and a demonism, sharks continuing to tear and swallow while their own innards are being torn out - not to mention the daily dismemberment and slaughter in “natural” accidents of all types: an earthquake buries alive 70 thousand bodies in Peru, a tidal wave washes over a quarter of a million in the Indian Ocean. Creation is a nightmare spectacular taking place on a planet that has been soaked for hundreds of millions of years in the blood of all creatures. The soberest conclusion that we could make about what has actually been taking place on the planet about three billion years is that it is being turned into a vast pit of fertilizer. But the sun distracts our attention, always baking the blood dry, making things grow over it, and with its warmth giving the hope that comes with the organism’s comfort and expansiveness.”
― Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

Eeyore 19/10/31(Thu)11:17 No. 6264 ID: cca4e7

Anthropic principle basically means that the laws of the Universe seem to fit to us because this is the only Universe in which the conditions were right for humanity to arise. There could be, somewhere, countless other universes where the laws of physics are not the same as this one, where there is no life at all or where it is very different. That doesn't mean the Universe was "made" for humans; it means that this Universe just so happened to develop creatures able to analyze it.

Art_ 19/11/29(Fri)03:07 No. 6275 ID: 23abed

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why i excatly Tonight came to this Website.

Too easy Eeyore 22/01/17(Mon)21:09 No. 6737 ID: 182caf

Wouldn't I wish so. But things can always be worse.

Eeyore 22/02/20(Sun)18:55 No. 6747 ID: 86ead3

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idiot clown

Eeyore 22/03/25(Fri)18:52 No. 6764 ID: 568a48

Time is an illusion derived from the warping of space. Meaning is never destroyed. What has been done cannot be undone.

Eeyore 22/04/22(Fri)16:39 No. 6783 ID: 520a37

Thi sonly makes our lives more meaningless because time is just another dimension being played out.oru lives are determined for us according the general relativity.

Eeyore 22/10/16(Sun)21:19 No. 6884 ID: 6bfa5a

Oh thank fuck, everybody else was telling me I would have to do this shit forever.

Eeyore 22/10/17(Mon)15:21 No. 6887 ID: 049bc8

Rich people and corporate overlords are some of the most long term-minded people there are. The courts had to go out of their way to stop them from establishing wills that would set rules for their property hundreds of years in the future. They wouldn't sell out their children's future (and also their own later in life) just for a quick buck now, they're already rich.

Yes, the environment takes a good beating from humans. No, we are not in any respect 'killing' it, or even our own future with it. I see the claim that we are is a form of wishful thinking that something interesting and earth-shaking is going to happen, akin to what got so many people instantly believing covid was actually dangerous when it clearly was just another flu.

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