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Eeyore 18/04/07(Sat)23:58 No. 5756 ID: fe9887

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Depression and anxiety are some of the most detrimental things to your outlook on life. I had an extremely traumatic event (don't ask because I won't answer) that put everything in my brain out of balance. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and almost all of their symptoms I'm going through right now.

When I discovered undeniably that I was gay, I went through a severe clinical depression that lasted 2 weeks. It turned my world upside down, and my will to live was progressively going downhill until one day I woke up and realized the chemicals rebalanced themselves out or whatever agent caused me to feel better.

If there is a God, I beg and pray to feel good again. We don't realize what we have until they are gone. Be grateful always for what you do have, even if it is the bare minimum. If I make it out from this spell, I will never take for granted happiness again.

What are some views on tapering off all medication and battling all the anxieties and depressions head-on until the emotions resolve themselves? I was in the hospital for suicide-watch patients for nearly a month due to this trauma and one woman with psychosis said to never bury your experiences because they will come back to bite you. Is the opposite of this to try to face all the emotions head-on without medication until you feel better? Or is medication the only way out? Is a slow tapering from medication the best solution to rebalance things out again? Is time truly the healer of all wounds?

Please help me. :'( Any advice that worked for you is greatly appreciated.

Eeyore 18/04/10(Tue)06:53 No. 5757 ID: f7c90a

haha, fag

Eeyore 18/04/11(Wed)02:24 No. 5758 ID: cd0208

Dude, fuck off if you're gonna be a twat.

Eeyore 18/04/11(Wed)07:19 No. 5759 ID: 2c04ab

I am working on hating myself less just a little bit at a time and it helps. I don't view the "self" as being a consistent thing but rather a procession stitched together by memories, so I remind myself that hating myself is just creating a worse vessel for the future me. I know it sounds like spiritual nonsense but I don't mean it that way, just hate yourself a little less every day since in the end you will be around yourself the most.

Sorry for rambling but I hope you find something useful in there.

Eeyore 18/04/11(Wed)12:36 No. 5761 ID: a6027c

I see what you mean, however, I find that as time goes on my hate only gets more broad.

I used to hate it when I made mistakes or behaved shamefully, then I hated it about myself that I am prone to making mistakes and shameful behavior, then I hated myself for being a shit person. I also hated it when other people made mistakes or behaved shamefully, and then I hated it about certain people that were prone to that, then I hated humanity for being a shit species.

Everyone must experience hate in their own unique way. In my case it's like a cancer. Not that I don't get over things, but even when I do the hate grows around them. Eventually I'll have nothing left but hate and hard spots.

Eeyore 18/04/14(Sat)05:17 No. 5765 ID: 2c04ab

my hate has been much the same, and I'm still working on hating others less, but I think it's more important to hate myself less. It does grow like a cancer but hopefully if you can hate just yourself a little less then even if you aren't happy you can feel a little more at peace. Good luck Is all I can really say I guess.

Eeyore 20/01/04(Sat)22:33 No. 6333 ID: 6982c2

Youngest girls forums

Eeyore 20/01/18(Sat)09:05 No. 6347 ID: ee5e64

I've come to realize that, for most people, love is only a dualism that arises because of hate. People love their country because they hate other countries. People love their race or their religion or their god because they hate others. You can easily see that there is at least a correlation between how fervently a person hates the out-group, with how obsessively praising they are of their in-ground. People have children of their own, and love them, but this must of course come via excluding others. Indeed, in order to maintain the hero delusion of their own child in most circumstances, they must vilify the other party, whether that's the other kid in a fight, or a teacher who passed down a bad grade. The more they hate the other, the more they love their child. It's a dualism, and a zero-sum. What's the alternative? To love every child as equally as your own?? If that were possible, nepotism wouldn't exist.

So because of this, the best method to push away your hatred of yourself is to hate others, and therefore love yourself. That's what most people do. They think there is nothing wrong with themselves, and that everything they are is good, and everything they are not is bad.

As for medication, I don't really have any advice because I don't use any. Some people can get over mental issues without medication, some cannot. For myself, I have likely been depressed basically all of my life, and cannot necessarily say if it's a dysfunction because I honestly have REALLY GOOD REASONS for my poor outlook right now. I also do experience positive emotions, albeit rarely, so it's likely not clinical. Of course, in this country, I couldn't be diagnosed unless I suddenly found myself in desperate need to make about $10,000 disappear into the wallet of some retard who would most definitely call the cops if I told him the reasons I'm depressed.

As for anxiety, I'm actually a good example. I inherited it from my father, who has been on occasional light medication for it his entire life. For me, I had severe anxiety and panic attacks for a few years in my mid 20's. I never wanted to be medicated because a dose sufficient enough to, basically, tranquilize me, would turn me into a zombie. I suffered blackouts and memory lapses the three days (at least I think it was three) that they had me on lorazepam after I was hospitalized for panic, and after that I threw away the rest of the prescription. So as an alternative, I developed methods to control it, first through music and manipulating my emotional state to anger, and later through yogic breathing. That last one proved highly effective and has helped me ever since, but I couldn't possibly tell you if it would work for anyone else. You actually have to believe it's going to work, of course.

Anyone who believes that "time heals all wounds" is still under 30. On this side, you come to know that wounds, unless treated, tend to fester and get worse over time. The pain just gets worse. Both in a literal and figurative sense.

I know the pain Phyllis Evans 22/12/23(Fri)13:15 No. 6926 ID: 10b656

I have insomnia, depression and stress. My sleep is very bad and my mood is not good at all. I feel like I can't do anything because I'm so tired almost all the time, but I don't know what to do. I already take melatonin but it doesn't help me much. Can anyone give me advice on how to deal with this problem?

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