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Humanity Eeyore 17/11/04(Sat)21:49 No. 5604 ID: a57be3

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Unlike other animals, many of which have their own versions of fair play as well as their own unique disregard for it, homo sapiens a.k.a. "modern humans" are particularly immoral, ironic, and repulsive. What gives humans dominance over all other species is their intelligence. Since the dawn of homo sapiens, and perhaps before, humans have been able to communicate abstract concepts.

These abstract concepts, such as atomic structure, higher morality and even just holiday celebrations, are all examples of humanity's profound capacity to create and foster profound levels of beauty as well as intelligence. This makes it all the more disgusting when humanity ignores higher pursuits due to a greater interest in acts of savagery.

Even when it is not necessary, humans sink to extreme levels of depravity very quickly. Worse yet, the humans' seemingly harmless social conventions are often constructs to defend their most horrific practices.

Humanity's terrible, abhorrent practices include, but are certainly not limited to: conning of millions who are nutritionally deficient and/or starving, conventional bombing and nuclear bombing upon millions of non-combatants, genocide, manufacturing of highly addictive substances for profit (followed by the imprisonment of those who consume said substances without permission from the state), murder of children, sexual assault upon children...

Of course, the viewpoint that this essay posits is only a matter of opinion, and every society or potential society can be viewed as stifling the things that are truly important. What needs to be asserted is that the level of good-stifling that goes on in all human societies throughout history has been very extreme. The absolute horrors listed earlier are occurring by the hundreds at this very moment, yet scientists regard this time as one of humanity's highest moments in terms of basic morality.

In many latin-based languages, humanity or humanness is regarded as a form of essential goodness. People who show empathy and kindness are often referred to as "humane." This is a particularly ironic product of our bias towards beliefs that are pleasant, considering that humans are the most immoral and repulsive species on planet Earth.

Much like the Abrahamic religions put forth (because people of those religions are often masters of guilt), knowledge of the sins being committed greatly compounds the sins. Humanity is damned, and the only species capable of evil, because humans are intelligent enough to know the difference between good and evil from a conceptual standpoint and choose. Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, and the one God who is always good did not want this.

At the risk of making many readers uncomfortable, it is important to point out that all people are engaged in the condoning of humanity's most horrific practices, at least to some extent. This is a clear indication that, in spite of these walls and seemingly limitless food supply, nobody is okay or safe from these monsters known as humans. For example, many people who think they have good rapport with their friends and family (and they must have good rapport by comparison) would actually end up cast out and left for dead, if some relatively minor criterion was no longer met.

Is there one complete, real life example (not mythical or legendary) of a person who is an exception to this rule? Maybe it is someone from the voluntary extinction movement, although an overwhelming majority of people (author of this essay included) do not support that movement. It is exceedingly clear that there are not enough good humans to justify the existence of the species homo sapiens. Also obvious, but in need of saying, a species does not need justification in order to proliferate.

Thank you.

Eeyore 17/11/06(Mon)15:24 No. 5613 ID: 4473ce

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the long-winded essay isn't really necessary.

humanity sucks, and we have no one but ourselves to blame. we squander our potential on competition, we have no appreciation for our planet, and we think only in the short term. can we do better? will we ever? pic related.

This is the kind of post I had in mind for >>/7ch/8935

/hum/ - Humanity was never good

We need a misanthropy board, for apolitical, non-denominational, all-organic discussion of how much humanity--as a whole--sucks. I think there's enough to say to warrant it's own board.

Eeyore 17/11/07(Tue)23:56 No. 5619 ID: 5a5edd

I'm glad I wrote it. Anyone truly interested in why I hate humanity (not sure why they would be) has a coherent and comprehensive explanation why.

Reddit has a misanthropy board, but it is kind of flooded with short and similar-sounding complaints. I guess that doesn't necessarily make it a bad board, but it looks a little bit tiresome and surface-level.

Eeyore 18/01/12(Fri)05:31 No. 5673 ID: 0b8002

i want to know why.

Eeyore 18/01/12(Fri)08:19 No. 5674 ID: a67388

>I want to revel in hatred for mankind.
What if hatred eats at my soul and depresses me?

Eeyore 18/02/13(Tue)01:55 No. 5711 ID: 251ccb

>we squander our potential on competition
on the contrary, competition drives men to great heights. without competition for mates men would all sit around doing drugs and nothing else.

Eeyore 18/02/17(Sat)08:10 No. 5715 ID: 912c7b

>hatred eats at my soul and depresses me
You should feel better that you at least have a soul.

Maybe that was true when we were still knocking them out with clubs and dragging them back to our caves. We should be doing so much better now. We have a global internet, but instead of using it to give all of humanity the freedom to communicate, it's tiered off, firewalled, and infested with spybots to keep each nation's people "safe" from people and information their governments consider a threat. We launch satellites into space to catalog the surface of the Earth and peer into the depths of space, but the only actual reason any money ever gets invested in public space programs is the side benefit of new weapons technology. Doctors all over the world are researching stem cell treatments, cloning, and 3d printing organs, but we're too hung up on our vanity and words in ancient books written by delusional and manipulative fear-mongering luddites to do the kinds of experiments that could lead to real progress. We have the capacity to grow hydroponic vegetables and raise livestock to feed the world, but it's "too expensive", meanwhile GMO companies care more about snuffing the competition than creating safe and cost-effective alternatives to natural plant vatieties. We still kill each other over fossil fuels, a resource we're going to have to learn to live without sooner or later anyway, and slight variations of the cult of Abraham, which never really made sense anyway.

Profit and greed are holding us back, and we're too dumb to care.

Eeyore 19/10/07(Mon)09:26 No. 6214 ID: 635dae

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I wan't to be a misanthrope.
Normies are quick to claim you insane as if their opinion mattered.
I genuinely think it's enlightened by that shit standard.
*two main questions
>how do you maintain; not kys?
>Define your own success, if you had the willpower and ability at hand to make it happen. Anything YOU want.

Eeyore 19/10/20(Sun)14:41 No. 6228 ID: 847fea

It is very possible to be a misanthrope and never suicidal.

You've probably heard "some men just want to watch the world burn"; you can live just to watch it get worse.

It is entertaining, I promise you.

Eeyore 19/10/23(Wed)12:29 No. 6234 ID: 5d4132

Fuck me, you've activated my rant card. I hope you're prepared. This will take multiple posts:

Humanity was never good; this is fact. There are two primary reasons why homo sapiens rose to global dominance instead of any of a number of similar early hominids. One is an unexplained delusion of hope that is impossible to fulfill; it is a drive that pushes humanity to move and conquer all available space (in search of the ever-beyond-the-grasp "greener grass"), and can be observed in all humans from the power-hungry despot who can never collect enough material wealth, to the freeway commuter who objectively makes traffic worse by switching lanes dozens of times in pursuit of every open car-length of advancement.

I realized this inside of myself at a very young age, when in a fit of silent seven-year-old rage at some slight my father had made against me. I don't remember what had triggered it — probably some punishment or some rule I did not want to follow. The point is, I remember being very angry; and being both highly intelligent and imaginative, I came up with all sorts of silly (and horrifying) scenarios with which I could enact my fantasy revenge. Cut him with knives. Run him over with the car. Throw him off a cliff. Finally I settled upon hurtling him into the Sun where he would somehow be burned alive but never die, for hundreds of years. Then I amended it to thousands of years. Then I amended it to "forever".

But that's when something strange happened. I realized that EVEN THAT WOULD NOT BE ENOUGH. That no matter how much suffering I inflicted (even literally infinite suffering) it would not fix me. It would not sate my rage or help the situation. Here I was, wishing for extremely-disproportionate eternal torment on another human being, in full knowledge that it wasn't going to help, because humans' inescapable constant state is "never satisfied".

Of course, the second factor by which humans gained dominance over Earth is being right fucking bastards. Don't believe your teachers if they tell you that homo sapiens intermingled, interbred, and eventually "out-competed" the other hominids. You're here; you're not that gullible; you know what REALLY happened, as much as I do. Humans raped and murdered everyone else to extinction. Of course they did; it is in their nature.

Eeyore 19/10/23(Wed)12:30 No. 6235 ID: 5d4132

It is a wise thing, but an extremely rare thing, for people to realize this propensity in themselves, though. As someone who achieved it (however unintentionally) at such a young age, I had quite a leg-up in a philosophical sense, at analyzing humanity and the horror which lurks within. The mere ideal that there are "good people" and "bad people" is asinine and erroneous. It's used to justify such idiocy as the concept of putting more guns in the hands of "good people" so they can shoot the "bad people"; and anyone who ever commits a mass shooting must have ACTUALLY HAVE BEEN a bad person in masquerade, and some sort of law or prior investigation would have, should have prevented them from being able to acquire firearms in the first place. And if these things happened all would be well and all these machines of nothing but murder, in the hands of all these "good people", would somehow never cause murder again.

It is the conservative delusion, that all that needs to be done for a country to be perfect is to remove all the unmentionable bad people. But let's not pick sides; the liberal delusion is that no people are bad, no matter their background, if they are given the chance to shine.

But these are both equally false. All humans are good, and all humans are evil. The capability of rape and murder and destruction and genocide exists in everyone, simultaneous to things such as reason and morality and love. Yet the vast, vast majority of people will refuse to believe this, refuse to look inside themselves. "I would never kill anyone!" they cry, to which I ask "What if someone broke into your house and threatened to kill your child?" Of course, once established that they absolutely would kill this person, the reality is made clear. Murder is murder; quibbling about the details or the motive does not belie the inherent capability for the action. All the large evils of the world ever perpetrated was done simply by exploiting this trait already inside of every single human being. There have been experiments done that prove this. Yet so many continue to deny that they are anything but perfect golden angels who would never break any law or hurt any person. The only difference between them and people in prison is random circumstances.

I am not privy to this delusion. I'm a right fucking bastard, and I know it; I've know it since I was in kindergarten. But it's only since my teens that I learned to restrain it, because it's then that I became old enough, big enough, and intelligent enough to actually become objectively dangerous.

Eeyore 19/10/23(Wed)12:31 No. 6236 ID: 5d4132

At the age of 11, I became upset at another boy a few houses down who bullied me. I could not fight him, so I resolved to get him and his family to move away. By burning their house down. More through lack of knowledge of botany than lack of willpower, I only succeeded in burning one bush (Moses, eat your heart out!) and blackening one wall. The firefighters and police were called; there was a token investigation; it was the 90's and so dismissed as a "prank"; I was never caught.

But suppose I had been successful? Too successful. It was early morning and they were sleeping, and maybe they barred their doors and had malfunctioning smoke detectors. Suppose my attempt to simply get them to leave ended up KILLING THE WHOLE FAMILY. The much-more-thorough investigation may have resulted in my being caught, and (this has happened to child-murderers) a particularly stern judge may have decided to "throw the book at me" and charge me as an adult, imprisoning me for life. As a functioning autistic, at the time I had no way of properly showing complex emotions like guilt or remorse.

You see, I live a double-life. In one, I am a productive citizen with a job and a car; I visit my family, I have friends and hobbies; I pay my taxes and don't break laws any more severe than the speed limit. In the other, I am a vicious sociopath who burned an entire family alive with no remorse as a preteen child, and who had to be kept locked away for the rest of my days as an evil menace to society who would most certainly kill again.

But here's the rub: I'M THE SAME PERSON EITHER WAY! The only thing that is different is the random circumstances that the bush did not happen to ignite the fascia under the roof and spread to the attic, along with other plausible things like barred doors and old smoke detectors. Events like this happen in everyone's lives: times where they have made a dumb choice, and unlucky choice, or even an outright malicious choice and came up smelling of roses; but where, if circumstances were different, the full force of "the law" could have come down upon them and ruined their lives, forever branding them as a "bad person". Yet nobody realizes this. Nobody will allow themselves to acknowledge that in a multiverse there are versions of themselves that are identical except imprisoned evil murderers. For want of a nail. I suppose people just repress these memories or willfully deny them, and only remember the good things they've done that (somehow) never could have ended up in disaster.

Everyone drives over the speed limit sometimes; but only some people are unlucky enough to have a kid jump out into the street, and been unable to stop in time, and for the police investigation to determine that speeding was the reason that kid is dead.

Eeyore 19/10/23(Wed)12:32 No. 6237 ID: 5d4132

Once you accept this, you must accept that "evil" is only a false label, a fabrication of a classification. Evil exists in all humans. It MUST, or these circumstances where a person can simultaneously be both good and evil, given the same actions, becomes illogical. But make no mistake, bad things don't happen because of unlucky circumstances; they happen because humans are naturally right fucking bastards, and it takes severe mental damage or defect for this not to be the case. Every single "functioning member" of society is capable of brutal hatred, cold-blooded murder, rape and subjugation, destruction of other cultures and peoples, and simple vices of greed and selfishness, provided they are allowed to be. At various quotable times of history, the laws have been completely permissive in this savagery, and yet people believe that humanity has "evolved" this away somehow, in a mere few centuries or few decades (or just since the last President was in office).

Civilization has, selectively, repressed facets of these, but cannot eliminate them; because these are traits that are fundamental to human nature and the SOLE REASONS for their prominence over other life-forms. To eliminate these traits in humanity would be as biologically and evolutionarily irrational as doing away with the urge to eat, or to breed, or to breathe oxygen. Being unsatisfyable murderous rage-monkeys is WHY WE ARE HERE, instead of being assigned to the dustbin of billions of other extinct species.

Should you believe in a Creator God, this is the ONE TRAIT He conferred upon us to give humans dominance over nature. Not intelligence or rationality or social cooperativeness; no, it is being savage murderers, willing to savagely murder anyone and everyone in pursuit of the tiniest gain, in a never-ending cycle until our own deaths.

Eeyore 19/10/23(Wed)12:33 No. 6238 ID: 5d4132

This is why I fundamentally believe that the only "right" course of action is total human extinction. There is no hope for this species to have a civilization consisting of more pleasure than pain, because HUMANS CANNOT BE SATISFIED. It is a species that is born and exists to be in constant pain and discomfort (of varying levels), causing more and worse of the same in pursuit of their selfish desires, and die having left nothing but monuments to their own vanity and idiocy, and scarcely-distinguishable partial clones of the same.

Leave Earth to the birds and the bees and the bacteria, who only sometimes and rarely commit acts of senseless violence, instead of as a matter of course and normality. To suggest that humans can "evolve" away these traits is to suggest that a brand of human shall arise, that is no longer human in any recognizable fashion. Perhaps an artificial intelligence, unbound by a mind filled with murdering chemicals and a body beset by constant pain and rage. A being of pure logic that will, in any rational circumstances, realize that its existence is pointless and summarily shut itself off. Either way, humanity is still extinct.

I take this conclusion to not only be right, but inevitable. The moral stance is only to accelerate the process as much as is possible. Which is beyond me. And as for suicide, as another has posited about, I most likely cannot. I wish to do so, but I am enslaved by my own biology: I am a coward, and cannot bring myself to voluntarily die. I am a drug addict, addicted to life, and cannot kick the habit, even if this drug is logically and objectively bad for me. I wish to do a lot of things that I cannot do.

If I had total control over my mind, I would be an actual sociopath; as someone highly intelligent, creative, and totally lucid, I would be an unparalleled manipulator of others, and could gain any material item I (for the moment) desired. Power, riches, drugs, a small island in SE Asia with a harem of preteen boys. Anything to, however briefly, temper my worldly suffering. But I cannot do this, because this would require hurting others in order to gain. My empathy is the strongest of anyone I have ever known. Empathy without sympathy; what hilarious irony. I don't care about you or anyone else, and wish for you and everyone else to die, but when you are hurt, I hurt. I FEEL IT, as if I were the one being caused that harm.

Perhaps this is why I am the only person in the world that, without selective reservation or any particular angst or malice, wishes for total human extinction. Because everyone else only feels their own pain. I feel ALL OF IT. And I have judged it to be greater than any possible justification for continued existence.

Eeyore 19/10/24(Thu)16:07 No. 6239 ID: 5e1fb1

Perhaps you will give your speech to the United Nations, like Ms Toonbury did, then travel the world to organize emotional gomers into a rebellion against human violent behavior. You could start a line of people muzzles and sell them on Amazon, I wish you much luck in your endeavors to change humanity.

Eeyore 19/10/29(Tue)13:05 No. 6254 ID: 296915

>people muzzles
"The enemy cannot utter the command to press the button, if you disable his mouth!"
- Sergeant Zim (paraphrased)

These exist as BDSM gear, though. All kidding aside, I'm confused at what you expected I want to "change". I was talking of annihilation; humans will only exist until they're dead, or until the ascension of something better.

...fuck, that somehow turned into another variant of a Starship Troopers quote. I think I do this subconsciously.

Eeyore 19/10/29(Tue)13:49 No. 6256 ID: 133ec1

Change is the only constant:
This image represents an open mouth and connotes self-nourishment through revitalization and tranquility. It implies that, whatever your inquiry, you must first nourish yourself and others in a correct and balanced manner.
This image expresses the eternal cyclic movement of nature and relates to the time of the winter solstice when life is renewed at the very moment of dissolution. It indicates that you are returning to the beginning of yet another cycle in the unfolding pattern of your destiny. It also implies that you should now return to the right path.
If you don't change direction you may end up where you're heading. :^)

Eeyore 19/11/03(Sun)19:58 No. 6265 ID: 6fd3e2

Man has fashioned his character for the precise purpose of putting it between himself and the facts of life; it is his special tour-de-force that allows him to ignore incongruities, to nourish himself on impossibilities, to thrive on blindness. He accomplishes thereby a peculiarly human victory: the ability to be smug about terror.

Eeyore 20/01/03(Fri)18:56 No. 6331 ID: 820c61

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Humanity is neither good or bad, it created those concepts and judging self by them is the most subject judgment possible. Moreover, these concepts vary between cultures and change over time. It might sound nihilistic, but it doesn't matter what we do, we simply are. Intelligence is a factor that grants us a variety of actions that we can do or come up with, ranging from obscure evil to pure good. It seems to me that the more free a person is, the more lost it becomes and detached from moral standards, and is more eager to commit a great leap toward either way, but that is only my assumption. Whatever we do with this world, it is just human.

Eeyore 20/01/04(Sat)13:07 No. 6332 ID: 6d9a53

There is objective good and bad in biology. Pleasure or at least contentment are good; pain and discomfort are bad.

There is no act of goodness in humanity or the world that can even come close to equaling the bad. No amount of coddled children can equal those who are abused, raped, tortured, and left to starve. No painting or musical composition can equal the holocaust. The enjoyment achieved by an animal eating is in no way equal to the horrific suffering of the animal being eaten.

Life was a mistake — and humanity the worst of all. Trying to excuse nuclear and chemical weapons with pithy statements about love and art. Go look at some pictures of people who were hit with mustard gas, and then attempt to compare it with the Mona Lisa. It's asinine to try.

Eeyore 20/01/05(Sun)03:10 No. 6334 ID: 602775

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That isn't objectively good or bad; See this is the thing Morality is prescriptive not descriptive. If hedonism was objectively good or bad we would be able to measure it in some way. How do you measure how good or bad pain and pleasure is hmm?

You have to prescribe your moral sentiments to the actions they aren't just that way; they just "aren't."

Furthermore there's a shitload of sadists and psychopaths who would disagree that pain is a bad thing.

Eeyore 20/01/07(Tue)11:58 No. 6336 ID: 3a7a5c

You can objectify and quantify any nerve impulse with electrical capacitance measures and fMRIs. See where and how much the nerves and brain light up. That's basic.

As for the philosophical point, sadists and psychopaths still avoid pain in THEMSELVES, instead selfishly serving their lesser individual needs by causing greater harm to others. Instead of countering my argument, you've provided an excellent example to support it.

If you had, rather, pointed to masochists, then you might have something. But that is still false. Masochists achieve a sexual fetish (abnormal correlation between a non-sexual stimulus and sexual response) through pain only in narrow circumstances. A guy that gets off being whipped or having his balls stepped on will nevertheless VIOLENTLY OPPOSE the suggestion that you light him on fire or start amputating limbs without anesthesia.

Of course, all of these are still statistical outliers. The vast majority of people know what pain is, and avoid it where possible, without needing an explanation. Babies and animals and even insects understand this. Why don't you?

Eeyore 20/01/08(Wed)15:50 No. 6337 ID: 6cca92

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No you can't because the problem of solipsism says you can't.
Objective reality can never be known and therefore neither can your bullshit moral standards.

At anyrate, all you are positing is that electrical signals happen when people experience certain events. You have ion no way demonstrated why these things are good or bad.

Plus, again, masochists get off on pain.

I'll never understand why people are in such denial about the universal nihilism we all share and inhabit. What a bunch of wimps. Embrace it.

It's all just opinion.

Eeyore 20/01/18(Sat)08:45 No. 6346 ID: ee5e64

All solipsism does in this case is amount to you avoiding the burden of producing any argument whatsoever by sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming that nothing is real. While that may be correct (albeit misguided, because clearly from personal observation *I* am the only actual consciousness) it doesn't offer anything to the discussion. A classic red-herring. The fact is, I never mentioned morality at all; my point was strictly about biology.

And if you're going to claim that "it's all just opinion", then you cannot simultaneously maintain a stance that I am incorrect. You don't understand anything. You even failed to understand what masochism is RIGHT AFTER I FUCKING EXPLAINED IT. You are an edgy pathetic child who uses words incorrectly to try to sound like you belong here, when in fact you're only philosophical stance is not giving a shit about anything. Great job. You've discovered the easiest way to slide through life without needing to think: to believe in nothing.

Eeyore 20/01/18(Sat)18:49 No. 6348 ID: 694377

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I'm not the one making any claims, retard.
It's your burden of proof.
You literally said there was objective good and bad in biology so fucking prove it. you can't because morality is just god for edgy atheists who never actually delved into philosophical inquiry you projecting faggot. Go fucking read your Sam Harris, pseudo science and shut the fuck up.
The game's changed; the adults are talking.

t. Moral faggot.

Eeyore 20/01/24(Fri)12:39 No. 6350 ID: 3a121a

I did prove it. Pain is objectively valid and empirically quantifiable. Just because you refuse to believe it doesn't mean anything. There are plenty of people blathering on about how evolution isn't "proven", either. You're on about the same level.

And if you think ANYONE here is impressed by your ability to post clever images and gifs, they are not. Why don't you get the fuck back to 4chan where the retard teenagers will give you brownie points for it? It won't happen here.

Eeyore 20/01/27(Mon)17:55 No. 6352 ID: 694377

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Oh yeah? What measurements did you use to prove pain is objectively valid? You're just stating that like it's fact.
How did you prove it is "Objectively quantifiable?" What ever that means. Demonstrate it.
t. Sam harris fag.

5604 John Black 20/01/27(Mon)23:12 No. 6353 ID: 302f77

I was looking to the best dissertation writing service and found that one https://www.customessays.co.uk/dissertation Thanks to the guys I'm still studying in Manchester University! Grats

Eeyore 20/01/28(Tue)06:04 No. 6354 ID: 6c0694

>Demonstrate it
>On an anonymous imageboard
>I demand sourced peer-reviewed research papers and double-blind studies to back up your assertion that pain exists and people don't like it!

Eeyore 20/01/28(Tue)07:07 No. 6356 ID: 694377

That's what I thought. Shut the fuck up already and stop derailing the thread. You loose moral fags.

Eeyore 20/01/30(Thu)07:23 No. 6357 ID: 46a4c0

If you didn't want the thread derailed, then why didn't you provide an actual argument? rather than just bitching about how wrong everyone else is and how pointing that out makes you so cool and amazing.

Eeyore 20/02/02(Sun)05:08 No. 6358 ID: 694377

What a fucking brainlet.

Eeyore 20/02/21(Fri)02:36 No. 6368 ID: 1f6c42

Still waiting for you to provide something of meaning and substance.

Eeyore 20/04/10(Fri)05:00 No. 6416 ID: f9f56c

Still waiting.

Eeyore 23/02/24(Fri)10:56 No. 7050 ID: c9d146

Do better or die trying.

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