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Eeyore 14/09/05(Fri)17:14 No. 3737 ID: 591d42

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How do i hide with my facial expressions that i am sad or is in a state of anxiety?

Eeyore 14/09/05(Fri)17:40 No. 3740 ID: 545ebe

Why hide it? Let your grim shine.

Eeyore 14/09/06(Sat)13:56 No. 3743 ID: 591d42

because one of my greatest fears is to appear weak or be embarrassed irl and in most cases it is actually the fear of those things which triggers my facial expressions.

And whenever i am in a situation where i think that that the people around think that they i am sad they start to appear.

Eeyore 14/09/07(Sun)00:08 No. 3747 ID: 545ebe


I see. Well, the way I see it which is based on my personal experience, it is very hard to hide a state of anxiety and insecurity. The core problem being the brain has been conditioned and trained to apply various defensive mechanisms in the form of reflexes. In other words I see anxiety/insecurity/shyness/whatever as instinct, you can't reason with instincts or wish it away with just talking. The reaction to a situation to which your brain interprets as a threat to itself is instantaneous and faster than any thought. It is because of this why I recommend a pharmaceutical and therapeutical approach to deal with the heart of your problem that is quite simply brain chemicals gone wild. I am telling you this because I myself suffered from what I suspect is the same conundrum. Tried as I might, I could not find a solution outside of drugs or more specifically anti-depressants. It quieted the mind from self-deprecating and anxious thoughts leaving room for constructive and positive ones. The brain is the crux of it all, despite what some might tell you about how the mind and the body being separate it is in fact one whole organism. Your thoughts are as much of a biological result as the hairs growing from your skin, to which end a disease of the mind is in fact a disease of the body and should be viewed as such.

Eeyore 14/09/07(Sun)13:37 No. 3749 ID: 591d42

During the last months this phenomenon has intensified and it really sucks because when you have it like that it means that the persons who are the closest to you become your worst enemies.

Eeyore 14/09/08(Mon)00:41 No. 3753 ID: 545ebe


Indeed, emotional closeness can be very painful to a person suffering from anxiety. I wish I had a better solution to it other than get drugged up but I haven't found any. If however you do, let me know.

Eeyore 14/09/17(Wed)17:23 No. 3794 ID: 012931

You can't. Well you can for a while, but then you end up crying on a public bus.

Eeyore 14/10/14(Tue)23:20 No. 3891 ID: 066af4

Honestly I just go for complete neutrality all the time. Just think of it like lying or your playing poker for 500000000 dollars

Eeyore 14/11/13(Thu)21:40 No. 4010 ID: 545ebe


Yeah I'm like that as well. I try to be jolly because I like myself more when I'm happy but often I just don't have the energy and so I simply adopt a more passive and neutral personality, siphoning the good mood from others like an energy vampire. People sometimes ask me why I'm so serious and quiet, I don't mind, I simply tell them not to worry because I am content and comfortable like this. Not everyone likes this though, some people have flat out told me to my face that they don't enjoy spending time with me because I appear so serious on the outside. I don't take it to heart though, not anymore, I'm done trying to change who I am to please others. Some types of people just aren't meant to get along, the only thing we can do is be confident on who we are regardless how others feel about it and simply push on, it is only then we can find the people we can connect with on a deep primal level. Never doubt yourself, it's all over when you do. This turned into a weird pseudo-motivational speech, oh well.

Eeyore 14/11/15(Sat)13:13 No. 4014 ID: 7a576f

But how do i learn to mimic the face of absolute neutrality?

Eeyore 14/12/12(Fri)18:35 No. 4055 ID: 01ec8c

Don't. More people care about you than you'd think

Eeyore 14/12/15(Mon)02:32 No. 4061 ID: 9457b3

if only

Eeyore 14/12/15(Mon)08:19 No. 4062 ID: 1b02b6

I'm the opposite. I don't care if people care about me or not. I'm miserable because everyone else is bringing me down with them. Society is so different from me and they're forcing me to be like them. Fuck 'em! I wish people cared not about me, but about making this world a better place by caring about everyone. When that happens, the Venus Project will finally be considered.

Eeyore 15/01/05(Mon)20:32 No. 4111 ID: 8860da

OP here i agreed with you until you brought up the Venus Project.

Eeyore 15/12/05(Sat)22:23 No. 4663 ID: 4363ea

brute force.
try eating a lemon without changing your expression.
try lying to someone without changing your expression.
get to the mental state where your expression is not depending on what you feel.

Eeyore 16/09/16(Fri)14:07 No. 5063 ID: cbe71d

Spies such as Katia Zatuliveter learn to meet everything with a straight face isn't there a declassified CIA manual somewhere?

Eeyore 16/09/25(Sun)21:30 No. 5073 ID: 3e4a64

Eat only McDonalds for a week, then shit your pants in public. Proceed with the rest of your day acting as though it never happened. I propose to you a challenge, one that if completed, you shall have mastered the art of stillface.

Eeyore 17/08/05(Sat)08:27 No. 5517 ID: 925eb9

practice every day not showing emotion where you normally would. Being able to do this can actually be a skill when used right.

Eeyore 17/08/13(Sun)11:51 No. 5522 ID: 63b666

You... Get used to it.
The, soul crushing relentlessness of life.
Sure, some people may be happy, but, why should you be?
What did you do to deserve happiness in life?
Are you some Jesus figure? I'm not saying that you have to be as good as Jesus or some such person to be happy, but atleast they did something in life.
And what are you doing? Are you even trying?
Well, if you want to truly hide your facial expressions, quit trying, truly give up on life.

On the other hand, if you aren't the kind to give up hope, be sad, my friend.

Eeyore 19/08/21(Wed)02:41 No. 6172 ID: a802d1

Practice a thousand yard stare, that is what you will end up with. then practice a fake, yet politically correct smile. that is what you will use to manipulate people into thinking you're happy and normal.

Eeyore 19/09/05(Thu)14:06 No. 6181 ID: 304bc4

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look into the mirror and make happy. faces learn how to keep the expression for a long time. voila

Eeyore 19/09/13(Fri)09:54 No. 6186 ID: e6fdee

I don't exactly smile or frown, no one could tell if I feel ill or not, I'm both lucky and unlucky, I can't hide my feelings because it just won't show

Eeyore 20/04/23(Thu)09:59 No. 6443 ID: 72d4d3

The secret is disdain. Disdain for the worthless sad filth that are human beings. Go kick over an anthill and watch the ants scurry around as their pathetic little lives are so violently disrupted. Realize what kind of look you have on your face. A quiet disdain. Visually, it's mostly a neutral look, but a little downcast; you're simultaneously looking downward as if in condescension, and looking downward as if in depression. Because it's both sad and pathetic; no matter their struggles, they're just stupid fucking ants.

Do that all the time. Anytime you see someone else, have that feeling and you'll have that look. Realize how pathetic and depressing their lives and their struggles, and yet how they still try so hard to accomplish nothing at all. You can feel superior to them, not because you are better in any way, but because you've at least realized this truth, while they continue to believe in such maudlin propaganda nonsense like the value of hard work, meritocracy, karma, and destiny.

In my experience, this look tends to have one of two effects on people. Either they see it as smug superiority and therefore respect you, or they see it as dangerous instability and therefore fear you; and in either case this is subconscious behavior, the only result is that they do whatever you want. After all, the rich businessman and the serial killer are both the exact same type of sociopath; the only difference is their execution.

I feel I completely mastered this the other day when I went shopping for groceries. My country suddenly (and, might I add, several months LATE) decided to implement rules that everyone has to wear masks in public. I had not heard of this, so I was literally the only person not wearing one. And I really felt that disdain, more than ever. I felt like walking up to every single one of them, patting them on the head and saying, "It's okay. Don't worry. This isn't something like the Black Plague. Your pitiful little species won't go extinct." I have to imagine half of the people who saw me thought I was somehow so above the rules that I didn't have to do what they did; the other half thought I was so crazy that I was deliberately trying to infect them. I was a criminal, definitely, but nobody was sure whether I was Batman or The Joker. Either way, the result was the same. Nobody called me out. Nobody asked why I wasn't following the directives. Nobody told me "you can't do that".

I accomplished what I meant to do with no difficulty, and nobody got in my way except for the people who were required to do things for me, and they did so unquestioningly. This is the secret to everything in life. If you have that same attitude, it doesn't matter if you're telling someone to bag your fucking groceries or sign the fucking papers; they will do it. Because you look like you're greater than they are, either greater good or greater evil. Subconsciously, they cannot think ill of you.

DO. NOT. Eeyore 22/01/17(Mon)20:40 No. 6731 ID: 182caf

Instead of that, let the consequences (of not doing so) fear you instead of you being afraid. Or rather embrace them.

Why in the world are you hiding? Is someone out there scaring you? Stop giving excuses. Be as your heart needs need you to be. Hide your power, not your misery. Destroy incoming predators instead of preventing them.

>At least that's what I used to do

Eeyore 22/01/17(Mon)20:42 No. 6732 ID: 182caf

>not fearing karma
This is not about what we may chase, but about what we run away from. When you taste real issues, you are in a hurry.

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