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John Smith 20/04/18(Sat)21:59 No. 47279

File 158723997527.jpg - (19.34KB , 567x370 , klimt-masturbation.jpg )

Hey John.
I've been addicted to masturbation for a while now, started at an early age and it has now become a daily thing. I really want to put an end to this cause it's unethical and I feel disgusting afterwards. Has anyone been through the same situation? Were you able to put an end to it?
I'm a woman btw if that's relevant

John Smith 20/04/19(Sun)15:02 No. 47280

>I really want to put an end to this cause it's unethical
Why is it unethical? Who does it harm? If god didn't want you to frig-it, he'd give you a man.

>I feel disgusting afterwards.
That's a product of your upbringing.

>I'm a woman btw if that's relevant
It's not and we don't care.

John Smith 20/04/20(Mon)09:23 No. 47281

I too lay hands on myself daily. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that but I do feel like it's a waste of time.

I believe - or perhaps moreso, hope - that it would be solved with a fullfilling sex life. Past relationships I've had never got to that point. They were always... eh.

John Smith 20/04/20(Mon)21:51 No. 47286


John Smith 20/04/22(Wed)13:22 No. 47289

You're not wrong.I just spent years being taught that it's bad and immoral so it's hard to let go of that guilt now.
With my social skills and the current situation finding a partner seems almost impossible.

John Smith 20/05/03(Sun)21:07 No. 47312

At least you're self aware. Realizing your problems is the first step. Now it's time to work on those issues.

John Smith 20/05/11(Mon)07:27 No. 47319

I've always hated masturbating, knowing the only reason I turned to it was because of not having a partner. I tried cutting down but then I'd end up doing it several times in a row when I started and it was still hard to control myself. The thing that helps me keep it to a minimal is actually something I started doing to try and follow Levitical law, washing my clothes and whole body afterward. I jerk off, cum into some clothes and then toss them in the washer and have a shower. By the time I'm done with the shower the urge to have a marathon at it is gone so I could more easily keep it at the level I planned.

I realized though that it is actually pretty healthy to masturbate, even Levitical law doesn't count it as a sin but as something unclean that can be fixed. Now I try to masturbate every day except the Sabbath and even give myself a day buffer on each end if I don't get too horny, skipping Fri-Sun and starting Mon-Thu doing one per day.

I actually feel like I have a better grip on it now, I view it as something to help stave off loneliness much more than a disgusting compulsion which is likely where you are, so that's my advice. Take a shower and wash your clothes afterwards and skip Saturday. You should feel much more /eh/ with the whole thing by the end and not be so guilt-stricken you'll do something you regret out of spite.

John Smith 20/05/11(Mon)07:57 No. 47325

I wack off naked so I dont have to deal with jizz in muh pants

John Smith 20/05/11(Mon)08:00 No. 47327

Cum into a shirt or towel! Easier to clean up and gives you something to ritualistically wash

Kind of satisfying in a weird way as well

John Smith 20/06/20(Sat)02:54 No. 47418

You're not alone in masturbating daily. It's more normal than you think. especially with the pandemic isolation.

It's only unethical in your mind. Your body, your choice. I suggest taking a warm shower afterward if being sweaty and sticky bothers you

John Smith 20/06/20(Sat)02:58 No. 47419

And to answer your question: Yes. I have. I stopped feeling guilty and just worked on eating healthier and doing more exercise to just keep things up. Keep the body running.

John Smith 20/06/22(Mon)04:32 No. 47420

I've come to accept masturbation as just another part of my routine, really. There's no use denying yourself the pleasure by making of it an evil or dirty thing in your mind. You should also make the most of it - I take happy pills so my sex drive is somewhat mute all the time and they legitimately make it harder for me to orgasm by my own hand, let alone anyone else's.

John Smith 20/06/22(Mon)07:55 No. 47423

If you're really female please don't exercise too much

A little is good but too much muscle looks terrible on a lady IMO

Also might I suggest a kosher diet?

I could probably use those pills

John Smith 20/06/28(Sun)20:40 No. 47432

John, you are overreacting. The amount of effort it takes for well defined musculature to appear on a lady is far above what the average person just trying to stay in shape will achieve. No one accidentally turns into a body builder. The most appearent effect excercise has on women is a firmer pair of buttocks, which is generally considered attractive, probarbly even by you. Let the lady excercise. It's good for her.

John Smith 20/06/29(Mon)12:20 No. 47433

Even a little exercise is too much for a fair lady

John Smith 20/07/01(Wed)22:37 No. 47436

Now you're just being demeaning, John.

John Smith 20/07/06(Mon)12:15 No. 47439

I don't think it's demeaning to promote femininity in a woman, expecting such is how beauty is grown

John Smith 20/07/07(Tue)02:27 No. 47440

Feminity is not always looking slim and frail. Please take your paternalism elsewhere.

John Smith 20/07/07(Tue)09:32 No. 47441

>I don't think it's demeaning to promote femininity in a woman, expecting such is how beauty is grown
It's not. Your opinions and expectations are nothing to be offended by, the offence comes from those who either force their expectations on others and/or demean those who do not live up to it.

The arguable exception is when your expectations are based on false information, but even in those situations the blame does not lie on your shoulders but rather that of the source. It's akin to calling a child an idiot because his teacher taught him 2+2=5.

John Smith 20/07/08(Wed)05:01 No. 47443

>It's akin to calling a child an idiot because his teacher taught him 2+2=5.

If only people were more understanding about kids getting wrong answers or differing opinions based on influences.
God forbid a child should not know about "le epic cultural product from 20+ years ago" bc he was never exposed to it.

John Smith 20/07/13(Mon)09:22 No. 47459

Nigger eat shit

John Smith 20/07/13(Mon)09:49 No. 47462

After you my dear

John Smith 20/07/14(Tue)07:51 No. 47465

I certainly have, your turn

John Smith 21/02/18(Thu)05:56 No. 47721

Well, I guess you'll have to eat in my stead then.

John Smith 21/02/22(Mon)01:06 No. 47726


Ok, this has been puzzling me for many, many months now
>it's unethical
What's unethical?
(Wanking is unethical?, well that is real /eh/?)

And seeing how I'm asking a question I'll answer one of your's
>Were you able to put an end to it?
Well rubbing one out is way easier and fast for women and I can't say, I had as bad problem as bad you say you have.
Yes I have total control over my wanking.


John Smith 21/03/27(Sat)04:35 No. 47746

Agreed, what do you find unethical about wanking as a woman? You can't even say that you're wasting life, because the fact of whether you cum or not doesn't change whether an egg will get fertilized or become blood in your panties(many women can attest to this, sadly), nor does a thought of whatever you fap to really do anything. Unless you're somehow using kids or animals to get you off, I don't really see the issue here. Perhaps fapping in itself is not the issue here?

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