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John Smith 18/11/22(Thu)14:17 No. 46772

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Hello John,

I'm just doing my usual once every two years stop by to see how things are with you.

My life hasn't changed that much, I may have different people around me but I am still the same.

What about you, John?

John Smith 18/11/22(Thu)17:26 No. 46775

Everything changes but everything remains the same, John.

John Smith 18/11/23(Fri)22:13 No. 46776

well john i've been out on the lake

John Smith 18/11/27(Tue)13:50 No. 46778

You tell the truth John

John Smith 18/11/27(Tue)18:21 No. 46779

Hello again John,

I checked this site for the first time in a year or two myself, today. I'm doing alright, university has been as intense as usual but it's still treating me well overall. One more year after this one and I can begin my wonderfully average life as a working class 20-something.

John Smith 18/11/28(Wed)20:59 No. 46790

Two years ago I was happy. I'm no longer happy.

John Smith 18/11/29(Thu)18:17 No. 46793

I'm doing pretty good. Nothing's really changed for me recently, or in the past 3 years. Everything's still the same but I anticipate that there's going to be change in the near future

From, John

John Smith 18/12/01(Sat)11:34 No. 46799

Ah yes, those exhausting university years which are now looked back to with nostalgia.
I can relate to that, John.

John Smith 18/12/04(Tue)08:55 No. 46805

Welcome back, John.
I too am stopping by for my yearly check of this website.
Not much has changed for me, as is to be expected.
I hope you enjoy your visit here.
Say hi to Dave for me if you can.

Yours truly,

John Smith 18/12/26(Wed)23:16 No. 46829

Dear John,

I've been stopping in every year or so or what feels like 4 or 5 years now. Since the last time I wrote you quite a bit has changed. Many interesting and exciting things have happened in my life. But I don't want to overexcite you so I'll leave them unspoken. The sky stays the same in winter, and the roads of my hometown, which I am now visiting, don't seem to have changed much either, outside of a few extra cracks. That's to be expected though, everyone gets wrinkles as they age.

Yuri Gagarin could probably testify to that if he were living and given a chance to fly through space once again; I doubt what he saw looking down on us will look all that different today from what it did when he looked at it then.

That many things don't change is comforting, even while you are living excitement. And so I'm happy to see that here remains mostly the same. And I will write you again sometime next year.


John Smith.

John Smith 19/01/18(Fri)20:41 No. 46847

Dear John,

All and all, good. Dealing with stress and figuring out what to do with my life, as always. Dad passed away too. We weren't close, but I miss him.

Regarding your situation, and most of ours, is that we don't allow ourselves to change. But anyways, hope things are looking up on your side.



P.S.: Don't forget to come around more often, you're always welcome.

John Smith 19/03/03(Sun)23:12 No. 46894

I'm not here to rewrite the laws of society. I believe those to be largely unexplored to begin with. Best I can personally hope to do is to attempt to aim for a particular boundary and even if I were to somehow reach it I'd want to see whether it's a thin membrane that I'll fall through as I touch it, or a wall which I'd demolish with a bulldozer, and see what kind of people end up falling through with me.

John Smith 19/03/04(Mon)05:11 No. 46896

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Hi John,

My life is in something of a standstill at the moment, I'm afraid. It has been a long while since I have last checked in with you, and I do rather distinctly remember once checking up on you a good four, maybe five years ago myself, so being back here is something of a trip down memory lane.

I'm currently unsure as to what direction I should take my life on, and I feel that perhaps what I should first do is leave everything and everyone behind and begin anew; what do you think? Too exciting, perhaps?

No matter. It is always a pleasure talking to you, John. Please do not hesitate to get back to me so that we may catch up on our otherwise uninteresting lives.

Dearest regards to you,
John Smith

John Smith 19/03/28(Thu)02:02 No. 46915

Hello John,

It is indeed a pleasure to hear from you. I remember we talked many years ago, and we used to talk more frequently, but, alas, life changes. Although we can use this opportunity to meditate on how things come to be and pass away, including things as precious as our inspired correspondence, I shall turn our attention to the matters with which you occupy yourself in your current epistle.

If you are unsure what path to do life, recall the words of the Yaqui man of knowledge: take the path with heart. I humbly remind you that the sands of time stand still for no man. While we breathe to live, we are born to die. The winds that dance with the trees shall soon carry the dust of our bones off to eternity as our existence fades with the passage of time. The coffin stands next to the cradle and we are destined to occupy both, regardless that we are John, for we are bound on an irreversible journey from that which is, to which was, passing between what could be and what cannot, ultimately changing states from becoming to nothingness.

There are many paths, John. But all lead to the same place, so take the one with heart and structure your life along a meaningful practice that can fulfill you. What is meaningful? that which provides nourishment in some way and consequently allows your existence the growth it needs. How ought you to discover this? By trying out many things and seeing how it goes, and trying in earnest. It matters not whether you are proficient at the activity, but the sensation the activity provides and the nourishment that only a life-structuring practice can allow you to enjoy.

Should you leave your friends? That depends, John. Do they nourish you? Are you lovers, in the sense that you love each other's company, and you are there for each other? I find that it is foolish for a man to leave his friends because friends provide a wealth that no other resource can. So, I discourage you from leaving your friends, unless their conduct is so abhorrent that you, as a virtuous man, simply cannot exist around them and it is time to allow the relationship to close on its own terms.

May we withstand the wind and water that erodes the earth evermore. May our spirits grow wings and fly with the gods.

Yours truly,

John Smith 19/09/04(Wed)21:59 No. 47088

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Hello again, John.

'Tis me again. I should preface this letter by saying how beautiful your words are to me, followed by a perhaps not-so-profuse apology regarding the untimely response which I am now sending your way. In a rather ironic fashion, I find it astonishing how swift time has flown since I first wrote to you - six exact months to the very day if I am not mistaken.

At any rate, I must admit that my situation has changed little since I first dedicated myself to explaining my rather drab situation to you. I have felt rather forlorn this past year, and I am still very much unsure as to what steps to take so as to leave this hole of a situation.

Make no mistake, your words are of the utmost inspiration to me; my lacklustre ability to move in life lies solely in my as-of-yet undecided direction to take. I simply know not where to go, or how to go about doing whatever it is I choose to do. Still, I shall do my best to channel your kind advice in whichever so direction I end up following in the near future.

I hope you are in good health, John. And as always, I wish you the very best.

Yours kindly,
John Smith.

John Smith 20/07/16(Thu)12:40 No. 47466

Dear John,

It is I, John, stopping by yet again to see how everyone is doing.

I am happy to read that this thread has brought together some oldcomers and therefore has served its purpose.

While I do, personally, have my own doubts about where my life is heading I try not to think about it too much, rather than that I look to have a good time while I am still alive.

I hope you are doing OK John.

All the best,


John Smith 20/08/04(Tue)08:25 No. 47497

Hi John,

Things for me have not gotten very much better, but I have learned to smile in the face of my troubles. I have taken up the daily activity of journaling my thoughts in a notebook. I feel this gives me some sort of clarity of mind and allows me to hone in on what I really want in life. I know we occasionally write eachother, but I wonder if you have ever written to yourself?

Things may seem pretty chaotic with the current political climate, but it's all we can do to stay true to our loved ones and keep our family and friends close, for they are the ones that truly matter in life. Yesterday, I bought my little boy Johnny a DS Lite for getting good marks on his math quiz. It's been pretty hard what lately with the coronavirus and I felt it was the least I could do. He loves that thing little Johnny. Remember to do generous things for your loved ones every now and a then, they'll remember and love you for it.

Thanks a million,


John Smith 20/08/05(Wed)16:09 No. 47498

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Hello john!
It's good to hear from you, again.
Not to much has changed for me either.
it's been one year since my mom passed away and that has been rather hard on me, but, hey it happens I guess.

I finally got my actual own place; no living with mom no roommates. The ac doesn't work and it can get hotter than shit.
But, it's nice. It's small, but, it's something and that's more than most people can say.
I got fired from my graveyard shift for stealing, oh well, fuck em. How bad could a fortune 1000 company really hurt from a cheese burger. I mean, in honesty I forgot to pay for it, but, they don't care and are not interested in that. So, now I ended uyp working at a carwash. The jobs is pretty much shit and I am looking for better work, but, It pays the bills right now.

I love in a right to work state , so, I am not allowed to do anything that the higher ups deem "Unreasonable." (I have nearly been fired for advocating for wages that are higher than 7.25) you know me, always the trouble maker.

anyways, it;s early john, it;s good talking to you again. I have to get ready to work at this hell hole. Hopefully I will finish school soon when all this covid stuff is over; hopefully it's over, lol.

Yours truly, John.

John Smith 20/08/06(Thu)17:35 No. 47499

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Hello John,

I'm trying to study for an IT certification and after a couple of hours I find myself unable to keep my mind on the task. Once I'm at that point, it feels as though I'm done for the day and won't be able to set my mind to continue with it until tomorrow morning. I'm not very pleased about my current pace of 3 hours a day at best. I hope I nonetheless persevere.

It's a lot of dry material to take in; most of the concepts I'm already familiar with in a broader sense (which makes it less exciting), but not to the autistic attention to detail seemingly required for me to pass the certification. I'm good at figuring things out and can easily understand problems, their solutions and potential tradeoffs, but am terrible at memorising dry facts. Hopefully I can figure something out that would help me in this regard. In any case, this certification is probably one of the better things I can dedicate my time towards, while there aren't many job opportunities.

Real life interactions have mostly stopped. Apart from my girlfriend (who lives with me), I don't think I know any other people with whom I can interact and not feel like I'm forcing myself to do it. Imageboard interactions have also lately become strangely offputting. In a lot of cases, I notice any post that has any original thought behind it will, at best, receive a 1 to 4 word, ad hominem, flavour-of-the-day meme reply, which often doesn't even make sense on its own terms. It's a race to the bottom where all thought is abandoned for a comforting sense of familiarity.

Until next time,

John Smith 20/08/14(Fri)19:41 No. 47503

>broken AC, summers are hotter than shit
>Right to work state

John, you in Florida?

John Smith 20/08/19(Wed)20:04 No. 47504

It sounds like, despite some adversary, you're really moving forward, John. We're all proud of you here. I hope things continue to get better for you.

John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)22:27 No. 47676

Hello John,

I'm happy to see that my thread has kept going through the years. I have decided to stop by yet again to see how you are doing.
As I imagined, you are going through changes, which is something natural.
I do hope everything works out for you, John.
As for me, I lost my job and I am now studying for a Masters which will hopefully entitle me to get the job I need.
Times are rather rough, but other than that most things are still the same in my life.

I will stop by in some years to check on you, John.


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