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Lucius 13/01/29(Tue)09:52 No. 4218 ID: 22099a

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Growing up on an Iowan farm, I know how to both hunt and grow plants (this will come into play later).
A buddy and I were dicking around on the computers at school during our yearbook class, since we filled our quota of pages that day, and found this island in canada. Since we were talking about zombies, we bot knew that this was a perfect place to go to in case of zombie outbreak. We figured since the lake(?) is about 2 miles wide at it's least wide part, we'd be relatively safe. We decided on it for sure since it was a nature preserve, so it has plenty of meat producing animals on it, and it's in canada which has a rather low population density. We could either harvest the raw materials of the forests to build shelter, or drive 8 hours to the nearest city and scavenge for supplies there. When the time comes, we both go to save a select few of people that we trust with our lives, who are very few in number, but also provide necessary skills such as cooking, scouting, building and fighting/hunting. What do you guys think?

Shambler 13/01/31(Thu)23:02 No. 4237 ID: 6080d3

could most definately work, but it seems too big to be controlled by only too persons. Things can somehow come over there at night and you will not be able to discover it due to the sheer size of the island.

Lucius 13/02/01(Fri)00:21 No. 4238 ID: 22099a

I'm too lazy to reread what I posted, but I will (re)state it. If and when it an outbreak occurs, we go to collect the people who we believe will be most useful in the situation. Still, considering the island is 50 miles in diameter, it's still far to large for us to manage it. What we'll do is build fortifications, and, at least try to, salvage radio equipment and broadcast our position. Have guard detail set up, require people to relinquish all firearms and other projectile weapons. As more people come, we'll try to expand the walls, but the walls may be more for keeping out animals rather than the undead, as we picked canada for it's low population density.

Shambler 13/02/01(Fri)01:33 No. 4239 ID: 9a5f16

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just bring some supplies like a gun for bears, some friends and an inflatable boat and all will be fine.

Shambler 13/02/05(Tue)17:02 No. 4282 ID: 435599

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That's a very interesting island. Chances are at that size it will have at least a minor zombie population. On the upside, I doubt that number would grow much; doubtful many new undead would show up on the island.

Shambler 13/02/06(Wed)17:54 No. 4284 ID: c503d2

That lake is a crater and the water freezes in winter, so zombies could walk over the ice to fuck your face. On a plus note there's a hydroelectric dam there so you could charge your fleshlight.

Shambler 13/02/06(Wed)19:04 No. 4285 ID: a190a0

>>4284 Well I dunno, I mean it's nearly 2km-10km width of the water around the island. so if the ice breaks the zombies are fucked and also

-because there are hardly any people nearby there will hardly be any zombies
-if its cold as you say it is, there will hardly any zombies there because thy will be frozen

Lucius 13/02/07(Thu)00:42 No. 4287 ID: 22099a

Actually Shambler, we put that into consideration. The fact that the undead do not produce body heat, we figured that they might start to freeze at and limbs start snapping off. If the water does freeze the zombies will have the damnedest time trying to cross, unless of course they have boots with spikes on them

fastbluefire 13/02/07(Thu)01:39 No. 4288 ID: 6ba70d

in that case hammer's, would come in handy

maninahat 13/02/08(Fri)05:50 No. 4301 ID: 2d4129

The biggest considerations are food and heat. It's going to get damn cold there, and you're isolated and exposed on an island, for long periods of time. That'll be the biggest long term threat if you haven't constructed substantial shelters.

As for food, you say it is a nature reserve, but what actually lives in it? If it turns out its just a place for endangered eagles or something, your fucked. The fact that it is isolated by all that water could mean that the animal population could be tiny.

Shambler 13/02/08(Fri)07:02 No. 4304 ID: bec3a6

The satellite view makes it look green, but what is the actual soil composition up there? What's the topography? Why is the nearest city eight hours away?

Unless you go there and examine the island, you could be headed to a grass-covered tundra for all you know. There's a reason why people didn't settle the area in the past, despite ample water supply and plenty of connecting rivers to facilitate transportation and commerce.

I'd say it's too early to base any plans on what little information you have now.

Shambler 13/02/08(Fri)16:45 No. 4311 ID: 435599

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I've been scouting a spot myself. It's a prison. Chances of exploiting its resources and making it into a compound are slim, but what can I say Im a dreamer. Wouldn't hurt to have my men keep an eye on it and hope its 'resident' population was terminated by martial law.

Lucius 13/02/08(Fri)18:25 No. 4313 ID: 22099a

Well, like I said, we chose the place souley on the fact of the low population density in canada. we could always just clean out the city south of it and save a shit ton of time. Could we die doing that, yeah, but the the fact that my friend is going to a place that only has one or two people there and a huge stock pile of guns and bullets, and that I come from a family that raised me around guns and the more cost eficiant bow and crossbow, I'd say we could make do it, so shelter building level you could say is Red Neck.

maninahat 13/02/09(Sat)18:35 No. 4314 ID: 2d4129

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My preferred location. This is Strid wood, a picturesque piece of countryside.

This place has a few advantages:

1) the local caravan site provides a bunch of prefabs and vehicles. The paths into the woods are wide enough to take vehicles down, so all one has to do is drag a few of the caravans into the woods, out of sight of the main road.

2) This isn't any old wood. The river Strid is infamous for being one of the most dangerous streams in the World. No person has ever swam it and survived. None. As such, it is a perfect barrier, stopping anything from coming from the north.

3) Being a forest, it is hard for things to see very far into it. The other benefit is that the Southern portion of the base can be cordoned off with wire fences. It is quite possible to create a basic perimeter from fencing wire, provided by the local farms, within the space of a day. This fence will be enough to deflect the occasional wandering zombie, whilst being hidden from the view of passing bandits.

4) loads of farm land all over the place. The place isn't known for its hunting, but following the river for a couple of miles in either direction leads to safe fishing spots, and there may even be orchards in the northern part of the map (I can't quite tell). The surrounding land is full of sheep, so wool and mutton are other viable sources of food.

5) Strid Wood is located in North Yorkshire, only two hours drive from my home. The fields and surrounding area are surrounded with shoulder high stone walls, some having existed for centuries. These will inhibit zombie movement ten fold.

6) The northern part of the map is elevated, providing an excellent view of the surrounding area, as well as the main road, passing south of the woods.

maninahat 13/02/09(Sat)19:07 No. 4315 ID: 2d4129

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Whoops, here are some annotations for the surrounding area.

I forgot to mention that there is an 87 mile long foot path passing through the area, providing a long term cycle route. There is a school and a couple of cottages near the caravan site. Also, off to the west, there is a ruined abbey. Probably useless, but it's a nice landmark.

Shambler 13/02/15(Fri)07:32 No. 4332 ID: 39770f

Nope. Zombies are dead. They do not need to breathe. If they pick up on your location, they will just walk in your direction, even if it means crossing underwater, until they reach the opposite shore, or pile up trying, and then crawl over each others piling up writhing submerged bodies, in your general direction, until they reach you.

You need to be in a boat, always moving, so by the time they pile up underneath you trying to reach you, you've drifted off.

Lake Superior. Fresh water, lots of fish, lots of space. Southern tip of Lake Michigan in the winter. You could probably fill those lakes with all bodies of the entire population of North America, and they still wouldn't reach you at the surface.

maninahat 13/02/21(Thu)16:59 No. 4350 ID: f9b6ae

That's the advantage of the Strid. As innocuous as it looks, people tend to instantly get dragged under the moment they step into it. Even Cracked did an article on it: http://www.cracked.com/article_19705_the-5-most-spectacular-landscapes-earth-that-murder-you.html

Realistically, if a zombie where to wander into it, he'd probably get dashed to bits underwater and stuck down in a deep cavern for the rest of his days. Even if his crushed corpse manages to float down stream, it's not going to be in any condition to be going anywhere.

Shambler 13/02/22(Fri)19:07 No. 4355 ID: c09980

viva canada.
so fucking amazing country

Shambler 13/02/23(Sat)06:38 No. 4358 ID: 435599

Read that article. I give you the stream...zombies won't be crossing that. Do you really think a wire fence is going to stop a small horde if it wanders thru your territory? What other defense plans do you have?

maninahat 13/02/26(Tue)14:02 No. 4367 ID: d4b529

Quite simply, yes. If a zombie really wants to get through a wire fence or over a stone wall, it will. But the concept is to not give them a reason to. Staying out of sight and sound, placing yourself within an expansive network of innocuous stone walls and wire fences, the average wandering group isn't going to try and force its way into anything. Assuming zombies are as dumb as usually depicted, they'll simply shuffle up against these boundaries, discover their route is blocked, and change direction.

Of course, you could try a much heftier defensive structure, but that shit takes time. Most people here talk about building ten foot high, mile long walls of steel and earth; the sort of thing that can't be accomplished without lots of time, people and construction vehicles. In the meantime, how are you stopping these zombies swarming down on your incredibly noisy and incomplete construction project? Whilst trading off on strength and security, mine has the advantage of subtlety, speed, and economy.

Shambler 13/02/28(Thu)10:49 No. 4382 ID: f8b1ad

Yeah, building anything but the most rudimentary defenses from scratch is a waste of time.

I personally plan to just get the fuck out of Dodge asap. While you can scavenge in cities you are also living in Zombie Central; not a good idea imo. Hunting rifle, sidearm, compact fishing rod, general survival gear, a crowbar and first aid + antibiotics, then I'm off.

I'd most most likely aim for some nearby hydroelectric power stations within a few days march. Easily fortifiable buildings in isolated mountain locations sounds good to me. Sustainable food supply from fishing and hunting caribou. Free electricity as long as something doesn't break.

Lucius 13/03/01(Fri)05:10 No. 4385 ID: 22099a

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If you are like me, you live within driving distance from a prison. Now in the even of zombies, that may be one place that is going to be over run, or a hive where it will spread quickly. Going here will definitely be dangerous, however, clearing, securing, and making necessary fortifications would be most valuable, and might be more convenient than building your own. I highly doubt that the zombie outbreak will be like resident evil (speak of the devil, as I type the 7chan banner for umbrella corp is at the top) and have those super boss zombies that carry around rebar clubs and such, so it shouldn't be to hard to defend it, or clear it if you have sufficient manpower. Wouldn't you agree that this is better than having to build your own shelters and a fortifications from scratch, or traversing large distances to find areas that require little work to secure? While this does seem dangerous, which it is, don't get me wrong, having your own little mini fortress with plenty of space for housing, weapons caches and food storage, you'd be set for a while. And plus, since I'm sure the prison has some sort of transportation means, you could travel into the city itself (which is where the one I live near is located) and go to, say, a radio station. IF there are other survivors in the area who could pich up the signal, FM or AM, you could start building a little crew, I mean, you do have the room for it right? And since your in a city, there must be a gun store? Maybe a walmart with a sporting goods section? Actually, now that I have taken the time to explain all of this, it sounds a lot more efficient to do this plan than my original plan to go to Canada. I don't know, just my thoughts.
inb4 walking dead

maninahat 13/03/01(Fri)15:54 No. 4388 ID: d4b529

The problem with prisons is the prisoners. I kind of doubt the guards are going to have the constitution, desire and ammo to execute thousands of prisoners. Nor do I believe the prison guards would be keen on letting the prisoners out into society. What I think would happen is that most prison guards would abandon their posts to protect themselves/their families, whilst the most zealous ones will stay behind and keep the place locked down, in case the zombie apocalypse blows over quickly.

With that in mind, you'd probably have to share the prison with many many angry prison inmates and desperate (heavily armed) guards. Riots are likely, and if you are unlucky, the prisoners will have already taken over before you arrived, having swarmed the few remaining guards and turned the place into their own fortress.

If you want a secure building that lacks weak points like windows, a factory or warehouse is a good bet. The ones in cities are nearly always walled off, and have high vantage points. As long as you can figure out a way to make it sustainable...

Shambler 13/03/01(Fri)19:17 No. 4389 ID: 435599

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I have HEARD that the govt has plans to institute martial law in the case of serious national threat AND that part of enacting martial law is killing all of the prisoners. The idea, so Im told, is that the local civilian population can then be moved into the prison for their own protection and guarded by military forces like the National Guard. But I can't substantiate any of this.

Lucius 13/03/06(Wed)00:26 No. 4411 ID: 22099a

Implying that they are going to be able to hold off a huge wave of zombies that will rape their shit

maninahat 13/03/09(Sat)03:31 No. 4426 ID: 654057

Sounds like utter bullshit to me. It would be counter-intuitive for the US government to waste resources, murdering what is essentially a free slave labour force. Plus it's pointlessly evil.

If the government wanted to get hold of emergency housing for large numbers of displaced people, they would simply move the folk to large halls, stadiums, or military compounds, building simple structures to keep civilians away from the main base of operations and the munitions. That's generally how it works during major disasters.

Shambler 13/03/09(Sat)05:31 No. 4427 ID: 470a39

Man, the government can't even get its collective ass in gear to agree on how to save the economy, how in hell are they going to agree not to use something as wildly illegal as a federal plan to execute state prisoners and forcibly relocate civilians (even under martial law) without having at least ONE politician spill the beans for their own political gain?

Seriously, conspiracies are essentially accusing the government of hypercompetence when they keep showing signs on incompetence.

Shambler 13/12/03(Tue)05:09 No. 4924 ID: e16fb6

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Shambler 14/03/27(Thu)01:15 No. 5039 ID: 27464e

Go here during a zombie outbreak and you will meet half the canadian population.

In time of zombie, high human pop mean high chance of SHTF again.

Shambler 14/04/15(Tue)09:38 No. 5054 ID: 61cbc2



You really think you could grow much anything in that wintry hold?

Shambler 14/04/16(Wed)12:44 No. 5058 ID: 27464e

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Plants natural grow here, but it don't seem good for an intensive plantation.

Husbandry should work, some sort of extensive agriculture if we find the good plants but in this case, we have to remove trees and that's a lot of work.

Shambalabarber 14/04/24(Thu)01:01 No. 5078 ID: 9c1726

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Give this man a cookie. Doesn't have any bridges, which is good. Bridges may seem like easy enough to defend, but really, I call bullshit on supply runs.

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