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Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/07(Sun)20:59 No. 3801 ID: c485d0

File 13496363772.jpg - (16.44KB , 480x640 , 417227_359536240789476_2076931258_n.jpg )

I'm back. I'm still working on getting down to two percent body fat and making myself an elite survivalist while preparing for any hostile scenario; zombies included. Ask me whatever you want and it will be answered by an expert.

Shambler 12/10/07(Sun)21:11 No. 3803 ID: ef8fbe

Hey Sgt., been a while. So what have you been getting up to IRL that's kept you AWOL? Your troops need a leader, you can't just disappear like that.

Shambler 12/10/08(Mon)20:00 No. 3806 ID: 559552

How are you planning on getting along with food shortage with only 2% bodyfat?

Shambler 12/10/08(Mon)20:51 No. 3807 ID: c14ba7

The human body breaks down muscle tissue in starvation mode before it'll break down fat so as long as OP is getting rid of that fat by turning it into muscle he should be better off since he'll have useful muscle rather than burdensome fat.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/08(Mon)22:20 No. 3808 ID: c485d0

My girlfriend and I broke up and after I just focused on training for a while. After I got into a fight I shouldn't have at a bar I looked at how angry I had become and how I was breaking the rational thought patterns that made me a good man and decided to just rebuild the better things of myself and move on.
If you are aware of the battery of food preparation and farming tactics I already utilize, then you know that I am not planing on going with out. If not, I will just express that I have a smattering of plans all with redundancies and being at 2% is to cultivate a way of dealing with being a type 1 diabetic if I am to ever be in a pandemic situation. It's also why I am nearly vegan so that fats, proteins, and carbohydrates aren't poisoning my system.
You are referring to catabolism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catabolism
I do not plan to go into this state but am well prepared for it from water fasting and so on. If you can prepare for a situation by living nearly with in that situation's perimeters, you will not feel a stark difference or feelings of withdrawal; at least nearly as much.

Kage-Hi 12/10/09(Tue)21:40 No. 3809 ID: e324e9

vehicle of choice that can be scavenged (details sales options, purchasable modifacions that others might add to said vehicle, post apoc mods you would do)

base of operations and should you need to bail where would you go

what weapons would you carry on scavenging or other trips outside of your base details if neccesary

if bitten without cure what do

what hobbies might you hold on to to keep yourself sane

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/10(Wed)08:44 No. 3811 ID: c485d0

Have you ever encountered a prepositional? If you are asking a question or further a series of them, giving it/them with an obvious structure of inquiry may yield a less begrudging reaction from others; including me. I'm going to answer these after taking a step back because I am focusing on not allowing my mood to make bigger issue of smaller things.

Shambler 12/10/12(Fri)02:43 No. 3814 ID: 2e2538

You can live with only 2% bodyfat?

Damn son

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/12(Fri)09:09 No. 3815 ID: c485d0

File 135002579361.jpg - (27.25KB , 367x404 , Ryan_Reynolds_blade3.jpg )

This is Ryan Reynolds at 3.8% body fat.

Anonymous 12/10/14(Sun)20:46 No. 3821 ID: 73ac84

I have worked in the fitness industry for a number of years.

ALL of the ripped bodies you see in the media, on stage, and at the Olympics are using performance enhancing drugs. Lots of drugs. You just have to accept this.

You will never achieve 2% body fat without the use of:
- testosterone injections
- growth hormone injections
- clembuterol tablets
- capsules of anavar and/or winstrol

all IN ADDITION to a high-protein, low-carb, low-calorie diet and working out 6-12 times per week.

Also, 2% bodyfat will make you very poorly prepared for long periods of starvation. You should be shooting for 8-12% to ensure you a few weeks of energy reserve in case you find yourself without food for a significant period of time.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/15(Mon)10:14 No. 3826 ID: c485d0

One of those guys, huh?
Alright, I get why this is your opinion, at least to a point but I see it very differently. Anything that any human does, has done, or will ever do is something any other human can do... That's a personal truth I live by often and one I ask you to scrutinize as I type further. I am vegan and I eat about six to ten small meals a day of almost all living food. This is also how I eat to work down to the target while I train almost every single day. The diet alone works well for my specific and current body and condition. I posted the image of Ryan Reynolds only as an example so let's not argue our opinions. I'll post more on this later as well as on the other post.

CandleJack 12/10/16(Tue)07:33 No. 3836 ID: 2f260d


You maintain this body form due to a combination of ridiculously careful dieting and exercise routines.

How is this not going to be a big disadvantage if the shit hits the fan? When your schedule is annihilated and you don't get to eat for, say, days, and can't do your usual workouts because you're doing a lot of running and hiding?

Because with most people, if they're on any kind of strict schedule for a long period, deviating seriously from that schedule throws their body into chaos. This has nothing to do with mental fortitude or discipline, either.

Shambler 12/10/16(Tue)08:30 No. 3837 ID: 102c77

You will never be able to get to 2% bf drug free even with eca or even clen you wont get below 7% while still being healthy. a show ready professional bodybuilder will only get down to around 5% and that with a huge amount of mass

Shambler 12/10/16(Tue)08:34 No. 3838 ID: 102c77

no, not even close that is around 10% bf. at 3.8 % you would see very visible muscle striations.
you look to be well above 18% bf in that pic, just judging from your jaw and fat neck prolly closer to 20%

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/17(Wed)04:34 No. 3839 ID: c485d0

I get what has to be done for me personally. I know my previous threads on nutrition and fitness aren't up after the months I've been away so I won't go into it all in one burst; I will chip away at it with reminding you of my rigorous training of myself with things like water and vegetable juice fasts, going into catabalic shock for extended periods of time, and living off of survival rations in and out of survival scenarios. I have great authority of and on what my body can handle and have striven to push posters here to garner the same for themselves.
In addendum to what I have just typed above, that is your opinion and I believe it to be inaccurate. I have wrestled at 2.7% in high school while on the weight lifting team. EVERY OUNCE of what was on my body had to be functional and performance ready to captain two teams at the same time. If you have what you consider proof, post it. If not, dig your petty hole else where when in a man's thread.
See above and double it. Being an idiot is tolerated but not becoming; unless that's all you have to bring here.
Remember, this isn't about being correct or whom is more right. It's about being ready and knowing your personal limits while being ready to bring death to the dead.

CandleJack 12/10/17(Wed)06:12 No. 3843 ID: 2f260d


Okay, fine, that's some good preparations for difficult scenarios. I can respect that.

I really wonder, though. Are you the only person on here who takes this whole... apocalypse thing... THAT seriously? I mean, I got the impression that most of us our here for fun and laughs, and aren't nearly so paranoid as to devote their entire life to this kind of thing. Now, I'm not about to tell another man what to do with his life, but still.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/17(Wed)23:53 No. 3844 ID: c485d0

It's not paranoia, it's a complex mixture of want, fear, control, and drive. I used to fight and fuck to feel alive and after a marriage that didn't work and a serious relationship that took a toll on me because I allowed it to; I realized that I can control so much more of my life than I did. So I do... Not because it's going to happen and that I'll need to be ready for it but because I can be ready for anything so I am. Death to the dead.

Shambler 12/10/18(Thu)10:26 No. 3845 ID: e4b847

What are the odds of an infection-style zombie gaining relative intelligence?

Not to the point of mastering doors or computers, but to the point of being able to work together, set a trap, other forms of short term planning to help them gain food.

Sort of like animals, like wolves, while hunting.

On the chance that it does happen, what other behaviors can be expected from them, and would it be possible to ally with/tame them temporarily?

Shambler 12/10/19(Fri)13:24 No. 3854 ID: fdb911

A vegan survivalist that wants to get to 2% fat...

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/19(Fri)22:40 No. 3856 ID: c485d0

I feel this to be an excellent question.
Our more commonly know and touted sciences in terms of anatomy, life/death, and cause/effect do not show any likely scenario or grouping of scenarios in which it would be possible for zombies as they are depicted in a movie like "Dawn of the Dead" to happen or a capability of any mammal and/or non mammalian grouping. However we do not have a single absolute in terms of medically of what constitutes the definition of what is life and/or death; all helping if not leading how these matters are debated. With that, there is what people in a general sense would consider "death" and with post-mortem comes conditions. Things like the ceasing of motor and cognitive functions as we define them, rigor mortis, and so on. These things cement the body and make it incapable of reanimation in terms of viability in most used forms of what we consider life so there for, "undeath" is that much more unlikely. So being able to give a scrutinized and cohesive odds table is more than purely speculation.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/19(Fri)23:08 No. 3857 ID: c485d0

If we're dealing with entities that are anything similar to the first versions of say "Dawn of the Dead" or "Night of the Living Dead", I would guess their ability to make noises close to patterned speech a possibility bot not one of active communication. Much like how when the "dead" are as we see death; how could their bodies process anything they eat? Even throwing that kind of logic out of the window, I would have to see them do so ("talking") to speculate on their actions in that way actively. so seeing them gather or group, totally possible to me. Making plans that are simple to elaborate; highly doubtful. I would liken it to the degrees in which people in a coma are rated on a scaled number towards the severity of their condition. This also squelches the likelihood of a pecking order or pack configuration. When I train in terms of bull pin fighting, I do so because it takes away the act of a phalanx while still garnering a cohesive and/or compounding measure against me. This is much how groups fight when not in a structured way with order and balance. Taking away that, takes away an average of over all damage while making the ability to be hit with "lucky" blows increase. Being ready for both makes me feel ready for almost anything tactically. As for allying with an overt hostile, anything is possible but likely comes down to how lines are defined and compromise is measured. If zombies did not eat us but still attacked in a way that made them more than pests but hostiles, I still would not see any reason to group with them over simply destroying them as they come and even making hunting parties. This is one of the many things I plan on changing in the minds of survival tactics mentality in the movie I am writing. There are so many movies, shows, and stories where the survivors accept that they live in a world with zombies while not actively killing as many of them as they see. I'm talking about Shane from The Walking Dead show not having Rick pull over as they are driving and take out the walker he sees coming and going. One of the possible same that may have become a part of a "herd" later that could overwhelm them. Fortification and not living a divided mentality of saying you live "day by day" one hour and worrying about the coming Winter the next is all part of having readiness that is more sound. That's their over all down fall much like when a lazy person says they want better in their lives while doing nothing to obtain it. Death to the dead.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/19(Fri)23:18 No. 3858 ID: c485d0

Nearly vegan while in training. I never typed that I was against eating meat or animal products but am personally while in my training schedule of which I have almost nine months left on. Why not ask rather than express when you don't see as much of the larger picture next time?

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/20(Sat)12:18 No. 3860 ID: c485d0

I typed those replies in a hurry so I apologize for the errors made in them in spelling and syntax. I know this not to be my usual but it does not make it much better that I made them and allowed them in my answers.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/26(Fri)05:03 No. 3908 ID: c485d0

The vehicle depends highly on availability and the terrain of the location I would plan operating it with in. I understand that this is a bit of a non answer at this point but it's a big part of what I would have to operate within. If it were in an area like Texas, I would have to concentrate on fuel economy and reliability. I mean if I load down a vehicle with more than I need and it's not a vehicle I can depend on I could find myself stranded and more vulnerable than I would like. A recreational vehicle fitted with fuel and supplies while being heavily fortified would be a good choice if the world was taken almost completely but how fortified can it be against a desperate human that hasn't turned? The scope of this question leaves the spectrum of answer very vast. If you want a more concise answer(s), ask more specifically with what area and such I would have to work with.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/26(Fri)05:23 No. 3909 ID: c485d0

If I had my choice of what to fortify as a base of operations, it would be a hospital that is recent enough to have an array of medical equipment and old enough to be made with solid materials. Think about the importance of a solid structure full of medical supplies... I'm diabetic as I've expressed but there are other goodies to use that having would be well worth taking that structure and securing it room by fucking room and some even have spaces for gardening and other valuable commodities for long term survival and success while even being happy in many 'normal' ways.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/10/26(Fri)05:41 No. 3910 ID: c485d0

In addition to "b-", I would just go to any other structure I felt would be in direct to semi direct path of the hospital so I could spread the wealth of the main outpost with out making either more vulnerable or dependent on each other.

Wooden handled axe or just handle is my main; my go to. Other than that I would pick a heavy wooden oar, and probably a quiet range weapon if possible. some kind of entanglement weapon like a lasso or length of wire but not both as they both have very specific traits that aren't easy to mix in my training and styling with them both. A blade is often a good weapon to have available but carries with it a lot of burden if you get tunnel vision with it.

Kill myself if no one else will or if anywhere near close to spreading the ill effects of what causes(d) the issue as well pushing to take as many of them out in a less reserved manner if in that predicament.
The same ones I do now; art, music, working out, speculations and planning, farming, and utilizing what I have to work with.

Shambler 12/10/31(Wed)03:23 No. 3931 ID: 23ee02

Good to see that you're back, I've been off the forums a while to (went and got a job). I always regard your advice with the highest degree of authority. My question to you is this; I don't have a lot of time to work out, but I need to build endurance across my entire body with a minimum of time (about an hour a day, maybe hour and a half) and equipment (I have an treadmill, and a chin-up bar) What would you recommend for quick work outs, and what about some exercises I can do on the move, like in the car, or at work? Also, do you do any exercises to help your brain, like puzzles, math problems, or chess?

Shambler 12/10/31(Wed)03:58 No. 3933 ID: 9cc748

OP is an idiot. Pro bodybuilders only stay at 3-5% during their competition and feel like shit the whole time. One possible explanation of Bruce Lee's death was that he had too low body fat. Sure low body fat looks good on camera, but you'd be running on an empty tank and die easily. By being vegan, you also increase your chance of having your body reject any low quality foods you may scavenge.
With all the exercise you'd be doing to ensure survival, your body would preserve the muscles, because it knows that you need it, but you have no fat to burn, meaning that you'll lose strength fast. Ideally, you want to be 8 to 15% body fat. Athletic and mobile, not carrying junk weight and not running on fumes either.
Good luck dying early when the apocalypse arrive.

Shambler 12/10/31(Wed)14:52 No. 3936 ID: a67261


Shambler 12/10/31(Wed)17:37 No. 3937 ID: 23ee02

Well, I can't speak for pro bodybuilders, but when I was in high school, I had under 2% body fat (measured 3 ways) my teacher actually used me as an example in health class to point out muscle groups. I wasn't particularly athletic, I just had a really high metabolism, my mom fed me mostly low, or non fat organic foods, and I walked 2 miles every day to get home from school with all my text books. My brother is even thinner, but my family is naturally thin. I felt great by the way, never had any hunger complaints or low energy.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/02(Fri)11:59 No. 3944 ID: c485d0

Thank you. If you give me more to scrutinize I can give you a more tailored answer than this but with what I have; I define being fit as being trained to your personal bests in attributes you excel in AND are less endowed in. Things like running flights of stairs are exercises that can be down almost anywhere there are stairs (of course noise complaints and tedium are factors so keep that in mind). I look at treadmills as great things for when you are in shape already or need to pepper in cardiovascular training in a more controlled measure. They can be great to have! Also pullups to me are to me, the number one upper body exercise! But to reiterate, give me more to work on and I would be happy to give you a detailed potential plan. Also, Tetris, Super Puzzle Fighter, and configuring obstacle courses and running them (to stimulate a mental and physical union of gaining prowess).
Let's break down your post, I'm somehow an idiot because a term of people I'm compared to but aren't are the measure of survival. I mean why bring them up if they aren't the people that you think would survive the best, right? Oh, professional body builders aren't the champs of a zombie apocalypse? Then why bring them up? I have lean and dense muscle that's flexible and adaptive from years of training, so they feel like shit to go from a bulk cycle to a cut cycle and that keeps a body in a consistent cycle of maintenance. I keep mine regulated, I train in cycles but ones that last halves of years or more and have at the very least more than insinuated that. You are fighting this like there's something to win with a revolving door of issues that don't pertain to the direct subject matter, but there's more. I have more than stated over the years (fucking plural) my ideals of preparing for the best AND worst. So stockpile and fortify when one can and be ready for falter in as many ways as possible. Any structure can be turned into a long term base with the right mentality so if I am planning on long term survival, why go into short term so much? I've more than posted about what measures for both are but you are choosing to not read them or make accusations in hopes of what? Making yourself FEEL better about how you're not as ready? Your whole argument is like saying tacos aren't as good as hamburgers because the tacos you've had sour cream on them... If you see the problem with arguing something like that, then you see the flaw of what you are posting. Of course you can get tacos with out sour cream so how does that prove anything about how one is better than the other? But I'm the idiot here?
Aw man, you're right, I mean I was going to get down to zero percent but thankfully taking that firetruck deep into my firetruck holes made me realize how dumb I've been. Thank you, friend.
Fuckin' A, ^5!

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/02(Fri)12:08 No. 3945 ID: c485d0

While posting, a co-worker said if I was anyone of these guys, I'd be him-

Shambler 12/11/04(Sun)08:47 No. 3953 ID: d52491

Do none of you realize that your brain uses your fat? It's EXTREMELY unhealthy to be under 7% bf. You start experiencing schizo-like symptoms as your brain slowly erodes.

Also, you will need clenbuterol or something if you plan to dip below 10%. The amount of calorie cutting it would require naturally would push you into starvation mode. Keep in mind it won't be permanent. Your body does not want to be that low if bf.

This is maybe 9& bf, don't listen to what anyone tells you. At 7%, you would see extreme striation.

You are not a special little flower. You cannot get to 2% bf, no matter what you do. It would quite possibly kill you. Even with drugs, it will be extremely difficult. If you are going to survive, lose the ego.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/04(Sun)16:03 No. 3960 ID: c485d0

Instead of stabbing into this beast with back and forth claims post something to back it up! American medical has plenty about not going that low while Indian and Asian medical do not agree. Yes, at that low I would be taking flax seed oil at maybe ten to fifteen capsules a day to nourish my brain as I have had to do when I fucking reached it before a few times previously! You can disagree, down right call me a liar, but what proof do you have that I haven't? Oh, your ego and your guesses? Even if they are what you consider educated ones, there are billions of people on this planet that aren't you; that aren't what you think they are. I'm one of them and have proven myself over YEARS of posting and almost all my threads have images of me and where I'm at physically and how I have gained and lost weight and what I have done almost every step of the way, along with me posting twice my youtube channel of my work outs and training. You want more? there is barely anything else to give so I'm at my limit functionally but at least I have all of that on my end while dealing with a nobody that posts idiocy like "You are not a special little flower." Expressing that while typing of ego is a bit showing of what drives your comments, don't you think?

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 12/11/04(Sun)18:15 No. 3961 ID: f322df


That's doug miller at 7% body fat I believe. 2% would look ridiculous. At any rate, you WANT some fat to keep warm during survival. No telling where you might have to sleep, and what little clothing/supplies for shelter building you might have. We could have a situation like in the Day After Tomorrow where everything gets cold as fuck, and you'll be missing the fat you need.

Also, you might find yourself in a situation where you're short on food and have to hack it for a day or two without food. You need bodyfat for that. You might not die with 2% body fat, but if you're starving and your body is burning muscle, you'll feel weak, and want a layer of fat to stave off the elements.

At any rate, it's just unhealthy to be at 2%. Essential body fat is 3-5% for males. Why would you do it? 2% body fat isn't really aesthetically pleasing, and it doesn't provide many advantages for survival.

Fat also acts as buoyancy and protection. With more body fat combined with your muscle (I dunno how much you have) it provides better physical protection than just muscle. Fat is handy if you get in a physical fight, which would fall under your category of "hostile scenario". If you're ever forced to swim a long distance to escape, you need that fat for buoyancy and to keep warm in the water. When you get tired you can just do a dead man's float, but you can't do that if you have almost no body fat.

I understand that you've prepared so that you don't end up in a situation like I've mentioned, but keep Murphy's Law in mind. Anything that can go wrong will, so you should be prepared for when your preparations fail.

And overall, it's just better to have some fat in general. Not saying overweight is good, but some fat (maybe 10-20%?), you know?

Also keep in mind that in a post-apocalyptic/emergency survival world, you won't have access to the flax seed oils or whatever you were talking about.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/04(Sun)18:45 No. 3963 ID: c485d0

Ahwww, the aloof approach... "flax seed oils or whatever you were talking about"; the casual "take my opinion because it is more correct or don't". You at least took the effort to not berate and that is appreciated so I will do the same but none of my posts or threads are ever ones telling you or anyone else to do anything exactly. Looking over my posts, I have noticed that I do have to spell this out so I will; that what I'm doing is getting down to that and staying there, maybe for years with constant care and maintenance. Now how would that benefit me, you may be wondering. The answer is the longer my body is used to being a machine, the longer it will act as one when the shit hits the fan. The image of that body builder is still not a lean man in the shape I'm in. Women find me most attractive at about 5-7% but power trumps looks. Looking like a 7-8 and being powerful will garner what I want from women more than being a personal 9-10 and being less than what I can be ever will. We aren't facing a global pandemic any time soon it seems, so why not work while the sun is shining? IF the world went to shit after my living at this for a long time I'll adapt faster and slower in the over all better ways of my body fighting of ailment and rigor better AND processing the foods I plan to eat. Am I not ready to eat chips and premade salsa? Well fuck, eating all that other junk like Ruffles and so on is not hard on the plan I'm utilizing but I'll use those calories a lot more efficiently when I ingest them than a fatter and less athletic version of myself. Take that how you will but again I am posting about how I have found things to work for me.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 12/11/04(Sun)19:40 No. 3964 ID: f322df

well I mean, if it works for you, it works. I take the "aloof approach" cause even though I have my own opinions, it's not my place to berate others for their goals and preferences. Me and most people I know have a threshold for a certain body fat. That is, many people have a bar for what is considered too ripped and "gross". But like I said, if women like you like that, and if it's your personal goal, go for it bro. That, and I don't berate you cause I don't know you as well; you seem to have frequented /zom/ for years, so I don't have much of a reference to go by as I have only been here for a bout a year and a half.

On the other hand, if you were some anon going "DURR HURR HURR CHAINSAW IS BEST WEAPONZZZ" I would find it appropriate to berate you.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/04(Sun)20:19 No. 3965 ID: c485d0

Fair enough.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 12/11/04(Sun)22:05 No. 3966 ID: f322df

that being said, what would you suggest for packed foods? Canned food is heavy but theres a wide range of food, MREs are light but they take up a lot of space and can be somewhat expensive.

And what specific foods? I was thinking dried pasta/noodles for carbs, dried meats for protein. I figure fruits and vegetable can be found in the wild, just have to look for edible ones.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/05(Mon)00:02 No. 3969 ID: c485d0

The issue is properly packing foods that you know sustain you. While in service, I found M.R.E.'s to be good for primarily the allusion of flavor, the semblance of eating a meal, and calories. These aren't quality calories with enzymes and vitamins that will be taken in as readily unless the body is in a place of near starvation. Keep in mind that while deployed I was becoming diabetic, so my experience is maybe different then some in this way alone; beyond my will power or ideals. You can eat almost anything in survival and I have typed this many times but I would eat anything that wasn't human if it meant survival. I know that's a lot to take in but once that is absorbed it makes the next part make more logical progressive sense. Foraging and eating edibles from nature are the best bet for survival in situations and having a catalog of what is edible and the amounts of items that can eaten before reaching toxicity are crucial when pickings are slim. Things like knowing what flowers you can eat or even in some cases long grasses can sustain someone. So having a big book of familiarized data that you have learned almost well enough that you don't need it will be a lot lighter than any food stuff you can carry. Next to that there are dense breads that can be made with protein powder and such that are light and well worth having made as long as you are determined enough to make do with having this and water, you will do well with it. Lastly having a water purification system is a much better plan than carrying water with you in large amounts. If you can make almost any water potable, there is plenty that can be extracted or scavenged as long as you are prepared for it. I take three months of every year to live solely on rations and scavenged foods. This means traveling to a remote location for a month to three at a time and living off the land so that the differences from day to day life versus living off the land aren't as harsh. This prepares me so maybe it would prepare you or others.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/10(Sat)07:39 No. 3993 ID: c485d0

I'm in the process of moving and that means my dietary restrictions are out the window for a little bit. It also means that I ate Taco Bell for the first time in three years tonight and ravaged a toilet after... Not my normal post but I thought it was worth going into while I post about food and fitness often. Five days of near vegetarian left and then five days of near vegan and then right back to months of all vegan eating for me.

Shambler 12/11/11(Sun)00:05 No. 3996 ID: 699e8c

Armyfag/fitfag/kommando here

You are crazy OP

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 12/11/11(Sun)20:46 No. 3997 ID: f322df

Ate an MRE on a backpacking trip this weekend. Oh God they taste so good.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/12(Mon)19:42 No. 3999 ID: c485d0

What kind, brand, and how hungry were you?

Aeronthedestroyer 12/11/13(Tue)03:35 No. 4002 ID: bcbba1

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you fat fuck, you'll be the firrst to die, i'm gonna waych then steal all your food and supplies/b/

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/13(Tue)10:28 No. 4006 ID: c485d0

Right... So if I die first, then how will you benefit from watching or "waych"ing me? *jerk off hand motion into a 'this fucking guy' point*

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 12/11/13(Tue)17:47 No. 4009 ID: f322df

US Army MRE, bought from an army surplus store. Menu 2, Pork ribs. They say MREs are shit, but I thought it was really good and I wasn't even that hungry. The sauce on the ribs were good and the bacon&potato soup was also delicious.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/13(Tue)19:03 No. 4010 ID: c485d0

Hey, fair enough man. I think what bothers me about the taste is how i has that over all lack of vibrancy that cooks/chefs call "dead food". Like if a server doesn't take food that's been sitting in the window between the kitchen and the pick up area for a while, they cause a ruckus because the food is "dieing". It means that the food is not going to be taken in as it's meant to be enjoyed from it's exposure to the world (cold air and so on). Now that's what is wrong with these M.R.E.s in general, they are more preservative and packaging than food and it's like saying a Hungryman microwavable meal isn't bad. No, it's not "bad" but should you be eating them as part of your regular diet? The answer is clear that they aren't bad to pepper in from time to time and I think you are trying to emphasize they are receiving a bad wrap when the one you had was tasty to you, it doesn't mean I hate them but I do think of them as a signal to utilize different tactics if I'm eating more than one a day. Also given that their packaging is very harmful to the environment, I don't condone eating them unless you have to and then burning the films and plastic/metal wrappings that will lead to being able to be tracked and so on. If you burn the unusable parts (like some of them have a metal portion container that can be used to drink from or so on so saving that is light and junk that can be turned into treasure) and only keep the parts you can use, you lesson the impact and of course do not as easily reveal your patterns, how and what you are doing, and locations/paths.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 12/11/13(Tue)22:32 No. 4012 ID: f322df

insightful advice. Thanks man

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/18(Sun)02:48 No. 4016 ID: c485d0

Hey, so many of you may recall that I am proficient in many forms of fighting and tactical arts and have had several weapons choice threads. I've brought up things like a grocery carts, or a lasso, or whip for use for incapacitating them and stopping them from being as directly dangerous. I am starting to look into boomerangs as an option and wanted to post of that but also get ideas flowing again while at it. So post away with your thoughts!

Shambler 12/11/22(Thu)03:03 No. 4026 ID: 8e3f17

sure is troll in here

Shambler 12/11/24(Sat)10:47 No. 4037 ID: 48230b

Speaking as someone who will inevitably become a zombie, I feel the need to berate you for your 2% target because overly lean meat is just a pain in the ass to chew on and isn't nearly as tasty as meat with a little marbling going on.

All you survivors and your "me, me, me" approach. Think about the zombies you have to feed for once.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/12/01(Sat)23:49 No. 4052 ID: c485d0

Or I could just punch you to death now and save us both some hassle...

Shambler 12/12/02(Sun)20:53 No. 4054 ID: 5511a6

not gonna be much of a survivor when you're trapped in prison bro

Shambler 12/12/03(Mon)03:28 No. 4057 ID: 48230b

An inelegant solution, but a solution nonetheless, I suppose. However that does not change the fact that you won't taste very good. I would suggest carrying a bottle of Worcester sauce in your bug out bag.

Even if it does not benefit me, I'm still thinking about other victims of zombification. I'm magnanimous that way.

Shambler 12/12/03(Mon)04:57 No. 4058 ID: aa67ac

I hope that picture isn't really you

Shambler 12/12/03(Mon)04:58 No. 4059 ID: aa67ac

Caz you look like a FAG

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/12/03(Mon)09:39 No. 4061 ID: c485d0

Yeah... Or maybe it's all part of my plan! Dork Patrol in full effect.
It's me being all fucking man all the fucking time, yeah be jealous... My gay dink getting slathered with cunt while yours; not so much. Living the dream, brah.

Shambler 12/12/08(Sat)01:39 No. 4092 ID: da515f

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>Ask me whatever you want and it will be answered by an expert.

what sort of technique and training regimen would you use to to reach the goal of deepthroating a 10" cock.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/12/08(Sat)11:14 No. 4095 ID: c485d0

What always happens when someone can not muster an appropriate construct of opinion or question; name calling and/or insinuation mixed with dumb... Good ol' fashion dumb. There's not really a regiment I'm aware of for this but I'm sure you're well on your way to taking every inch your mouth comes into contact with, handsome.

Shambler 12/12/09(Sun)23:53 No. 4097 ID: 2e1b7c

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis= FAGGOT

Quetzalcoatl 12/12/10(Mon)04:48 No. 4098 ID: d2f498

How are you going about to get down to 2% body fat? Thats a really damn low percentage..Thats actually in the 'world'-class bodybuilder range (anything below 10%)

What im wondering is, what are you an expert in? (That will dictate what questions I ask you. Ofc there's always the pitfall of asking an 'internet expert' so I'll have to take your words at face value)

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/12/10(Mon)08:54 No. 4103 ID: c485d0

Trying to find a logical pattern in an illogical statement like asking me to defend my opinion rather than just having them. What makes me a faggot and you not? Yeah, just fight with yourself to type some bullshit out in reply to that while the grown ups are typing.
Answers to everything in this thread have been typed out already. I've posted for years and proven every claim I've made of my self so after going through these posts, go ahead and ask away. It's not like my reposting my expertise will make anything I type anything more or less valid when I answer.

Quetzalcoatl 12/12/10(Mon)09:10 No. 4105 ID: d2f498

No hostility ment..I didn't read through the thread before I posted (violated lurkmoar didn't I?)

i have Questions about what exercises you're using in what form. Also nutrition, feeding your body (in terms of protein, carbs, calories, fats and sugars in a numbered amount. Not necessarily what you're eating, but what you're getting from it.

I recently ramped up my weightlifting/strength training regiment. I inadvertently did weight lifting for 3 hours across my entire body, when I got home I put about 80G protein in my body and ate two banana's the next day the only amount of soreness I got was in my upper pecks and teres major/minor. Despite having lifted well outside my established weight limits also somehow pushed myself to do anywhere from 3-10 sets of 8-'as many as I can muster' reps depending on what I was working out. In two days I made a measurement and noticed a 1/3 inch gain on my left upper arm (weaker/smaller arm), the size of my right lower arm now matches my lower left arm(as does the upper right). I can see added definition in my shoulder muscles, my lats are considerably bigger (actually noticeable), and my left leg is now, just a few millimeters smaller than my right leg (kicking/push off leg for jumping and running).

I saw as much growth in one 3-hour session as I did in 21, 30 minute workouts I did in the course of a month.

Is there any long term problem to this? Or would it actually be okay to do workouts like this? Also could you agree/believe that working to decrease the time it takes you to do a set amount of reps per set will create fast, strong and more compact(smaller, but denser) muscles?

Sorry for typing so much but you're a person that has exercised for functional strength, I to am doing the same thing. Also what are your thoughts on extended isometric exercises (going beyond just the 12 seconds, but doing the flex as hard as you can for as long as you can)

Shambler 12/12/12(Wed)00:08 No. 4108 ID: fa2bbf

You look like Mal Reynolds from Firefly. But you also sound a little crazy, so, you know... I wouldn't follow you, best survivalist, or not, you don't speak well like a natural leader should.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/12/12(Wed)07:41 No. 4110 ID: c485d0

I have got to stop posting after booze but I'm happy it was readable this time...
No worries, man and well articulated questions that are nicely layered! I'll be posting a reply with detail shortly in a few days as I will be away training for about three days (on my way tomorrow night).
Fair enough but I will ask if you've actually HEARD me speak? It's hypnotic and often one of my better talents. When I type here it's sometimes for effect or character but it's also usually in a more extremist tone as I do conduct myself that way often. However, I also have many friends and people that almost count on me being that; my obsessive compulsive behaviors and such being turned into positives rather then negatives. I don't type this in retort of your post rather than ask that you remember that you are only dealing with facets of me here and that you scale your thoughts accordingly as I often do.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/12/20(Thu)20:42 No. 4141 ID: c7b95d

For ease of reading I'll label each divided group in alpha so that I can better allow the answers to be cohesive while not mixing completely...

No worries, violating lurkmore is only shitty if you react like an asshole on being called out on it. You didn't so you're alright with me.
I've made my own TRX suspension system and I do a smattering of training on it but almost countless pullups (in almost every position I can think of because position matters and makes more of the muscle group work), a ton of cardiovascular training but all very specific and all in a structure that gives my body regiment with out plateau. Here are some links that I modify but use for some elements of my training.

I currently do 2 to 5 hours a day and will be at about eight in four months for four months with about five rest days each month. I am currently vegetarian but will be back to vegan by the 15th of January. Lots of juices made from good to great produce and soups along with lots of water and things like coconut and avocado, when I'm vegan.

The rest get lumped together with c;
Post an image of yourself and with it give the most accurate and honest length of your day to day you can, or if you'd rather not, I'll set up an email for you to send it to me personally BUT even if I'm spot on in most ways I'll be giving you a personal assessment online... Personal knowledge of yourself over time is pretty much the best way of getting this all answered but I'm proud of you for asking someone and your being so straight forward with it and there is never harm done in asking as much as how it's asked. You have questions and you are seeking answers in a way I respect so keep them up and I'll be happy to do what i can. This goes for all that read this! Further, isometrics are in how you define them, I feel the time is a construct of example more than an exact rule; much like the number on a scale representing versus exacting. I'll post more on this soon and I'm back to work but I'll be back soonish.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/01/16(Wed)09:39 No. 4170 ID: c06211

What the fuck have you done today?

Shambler 13/01/17(Thu)00:37 No. 4171 ID: a607b0

What I haven't done is post on an anonymous internet message board about how I'm a hardman vegan bodybuilder with expert knowledge in surviving imaginary zombie apocalypse scenarios and come across as a slightly psychopathic asshole who just might become another American tragedy when a little school kid shouts out "Fag" because I'm fighting imaginary zombies so I take that Assault rifle and obsessive paranoia to the nearest school and shoot the kids who might be zombies.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/01/17(Thu)12:14 No. 4172 ID: c06211

Sure you haven't...

Shambler 13/01/17(Thu)15:36 No. 4174 ID: 5ba601

Making zombie porn.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/01/19(Sat)07:37 No. 4180 ID: c06211

Gross... Enjoy that, I guess. SO I'm still pounding away at it on my end and I'm wondering how all those here are doing in terms of getting in shape and getting better at fighting, tactics, survival and so on. Let's ring some bells.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/01/25(Fri)21:03 No. 4198 ID: c06211

Alright gang, a few quick things. I'm not sure why this board has been moving this slow but it has been and I don't personally feel the subject's been exhausted or simplified; I just don't. SO let's bring it and I offer my thread to be utilized to express more than it's subject, flaming included.

Now in personal news, have not been training or vegan for a couple months now and am starting back up the fifteenth of February. I'm up about 14 pounds of chub and some of it is muscle but not even a third. I'll be posting about getting back on track and being there as I do so and I invite anyone else that sees this to do the same!

Shambler 13/01/25(Fri)23:41 No. 4199 ID: 435599

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m/27/6'/180lbs/white/born and raised in tx. I am by no means a fat fuck, but I havent trained physically since I was 22. As such, I am by no means a front-liner. As a soloist I would have to rely more on stealth, wit, and terrain advantage. I keep making token gestures to stay healthy and get fit, but for the most part I know my intellect, skills, and preparations are my only saving grace.

I have been a medical technician of various sorts for the vast majority of my late-teenage/adulthood. My fields have been direct care (home health for the elderly and group-homes for the retarded/crazy), nursing (dropped out of the RN program), and I just completed a program for pharmacy technician. Generally speaking, I am the group medic. I plan on finishing my associates and applying to the UNT pharmacist program. If at that point there has yet to be an apocalyptic situation, I will consider taking EMT courses just for the hell of it.

As a texas native, I endure a harsh climate and highly conservative/rigid social norms. The area of my descent was well populated (large city plus surrounding country, 150K+ residents) though very rural and undeveloped. Subsequently, I am the progeny of an assorted lot of country bumpkins and backwoods hillbillies. They are rugged folk that love only 3 things beyond church and family: Fox news, BBQ, and prepping for the eventual collapse of American civilization. Even after forsaking most of their culture, I still found myself drawn to the notion of self-preservation, primitive living, and wilderness survival. Ive studies a shit ton of all that in an "academic" sense, and practiced maybe a tenth of it all on regular trips to the river beds, mountains, or isolated farmland (~2x a year my crew takes a trip overnight).

As a side-bar, I reiterate that my intellect is a saving grace. I don't often toot my own horn, but this is the fucking internet so hey, why not. Like many of the folks drawn to secluded socialization on the internet, such as this, I am of above average intelligence, especially in comparison to the company I keep in my day to day life. I relish opportunities to chat with my professors or senior officials at work; they are often the only course of intellectual stimulation I get outside of my course work and studies. Hopefully it will all be worth something when the shit hits the fan.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/01/26(Sat)10:52 No. 4201 ID: c06211

This has to be the 'best' over all reply I've ever seen; very well articulated while concise and conservative in it's over all approach. From this post I feel what you express to be seemingly accurate. What I would like to know is what you are doing to refine your fitness now (if anything, I mean there wasn't really an implication either way but I'm guessing you plan on doing so possibly) and if you train in any way that would be merited by your peers as 'extreme' (in terms of survival in general)? Of course this is not to type that you have to, to be considered ready as much as I am simply interested in your opinions and what you personally do beyond what you've typed. Thanks for the great post, either way.

Shambler 13/01/27(Sun)04:33 No. 4205 ID: 435599

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In terms of physicality, which seems to be the preoccupation of the conversation, I'll put my current state to you like this:

>Strength: 3/10
>Dexterity: 3/10
>Constitution: 2/10
>Intelligence: 5/10
>Charisma: 5/10
>Wisdom: 4/10

In years past the physical stats were higher and the mental stats lower...you can see how that's almost the natural progression of things. I've always had a fast (if not turbulent) metabolism. (Since we're being candid, I'll sidebar that the turbulent comment is a humorous poke at the fact I have an irritable bowel. Another important sidebar note is that I have asthma. Its like 5/10, could be worse but still gets the better of me pretty quick.

For most of my life my default weight has been 165lbs. I am tall and lean by default and as such my target weight during my prime years of athletic training was 180lbs. I am currently at my "target" weight, except that its all fat and not muscle. I realize there is so much more to the complexity of human anatomy and physical fitness, but the weight factors help spell it out. The side effect of my getting squishy is that my stamina (constitution) is suffering and I find myself fatigued easily. Also, my strength has regressed just a bit into what I would consider unacceptable or sub-par. My agility (dexterity) is also regressed a bit, though I don't find this to impact my daily life as much. I also smoke waaay too much weed, so my wisdom score is probably suffering a "chronic" -2 penalty.

My plans for this year are to begin the slow climb back up to a healthy body. I started several months back just forcing myself to be less sedentary. I get up and move around more, stand instead of sitting when the option arises, and take the longest route anywhere I have to walk. Now I've begun slapping the snooze on my alarm one less time in the morning and use that small bit of extra time to so some basic stretching. Soon I'll begin some cardio routines a few times a week like a short jog around the block (with ankle weights). I also have a few weights laying in the garage still that I will begin throwing around.

Shambler 13/01/27(Sun)09:49 No. 4206 ID: 5ba601

It's likely related to back when boards were being mashed together. I noticed a lot of people just bailed when /zom/ was merged into /x/ and haven't bothered coming back. Maybe they found a new board, or maybe they just took the merger as a sign to move on from repeating the same old topic every day.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/02/28(Thu)06:59 No. 4375 ID: d8ce4b

Fair enough, hombre.
So let's get on track?

Shambler 13/03/01(Fri)13:52 No. 4386 ID: fdb911

Maybe they just got tired of SBW's bullshit

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/03/01(Fri)20:30 No. 4390 ID: d8ce4b

Oh the butt-hurt is strong with this one.

Shambler 13/03/12(Tue)05:54 No. 4440 ID: 0982e8

He is obviously deluded. 3rd post says his body fat is at 2%. Professional triathletes normally have around 3~6% body fat and if you do a quick search, they all look lean and mean. Based on your face pic, I'd say you have about >15% body fat.
So let me say it again. You are obviously deluded.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/03/12(Tue)06:29 No. 4441 ID: d8ce4b

Learn to understand what you read, fella.
I have never posted my body fat percentage as being where my goal is and you are fighting to fight instead of just breathing calmly and understanding there is no fight here beyond the one in your head. Even now, choke back the urge of saying to yourself that you are breathing calmly and take some personal responsibility for the problems you have to over come and just over come them so you don't have to spend your time wasting it with proving, because you won't here. If there's one consistent thing I do here and have for years; it's post with accountability and no matter what typo or mistake I make, I always make sure my point is made of honesty, honestly. If your goal is to disprove me by pointing out the flaws in my method, you have an uphill battle ahead that you will likely not win.

Shambler 13/03/14(Thu)18:03 No. 4448 ID: d546ec

Still deluded bro.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/03/14(Thu)21:41 No. 4449 ID: d8ce4b

In what way, homie? Call me out on something real or keep lookin' a fool and shit.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/03/27(Wed)23:47 No. 4478 ID: d8ce4b

That's what I thought...

Well anyway, I have gained almost twenty pounds from the beginning of this thread and have not done nearly any of my survival training or even very much fight training in six months. I'm not done with it or anything but I live in a world where it's not necessary right now nor what I need to focus my efforts on. Five of the pounds are rock hard, impressive muscle while the other fifteen are gut and titty. I know, hot. This rest of the year is all fitness and personal and spiritual enlightenment/becoming the best me I can be. I've been working on growing stronger and healthier plants and I haven't been vegan in nearly six months as I have grown very happy with my very omnivorous girlfriend. So beyond that; as I start a new battery of fitness and not really on being specifically "zombie ready" as much as more "anything ready", I am considering starting a new thread on fitness readiness for survival and wondering if I should let this thread dwindle away. Look, I mean very little real questions have been asked here and the few that are asked are not long lasting or replied to after clarification. My girlfriend tells me that people probably look at this as escape, like reading a science fiction book or comic and I can intellectualize that. I am having trouble getting why anyone would fixate very real time toward very unreal ideology WHILE presenting their ideas and platitudes of conduct and such as the best and brightest AND being "the real deal". It's like the people that say all the survivors of zombie movies are dumb, ARE the very people that would be groaned at for being dumb zombie movie survivors. Let's be smarter and real if we're going to be or at least maybe in this thread or my next. Please, I welcome anything here because it all connects if you can see how. Death to the Dead.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/04/14(Sun)18:37 No. 4527 ID: d8ce4b

My roommate just told me his "If zombies happen" plan and man, it doesn't shock me but it sometimes surprises me to have someone's plan unfold and they not see the flaws in it. I told him the vehicle I would choose and the place I would take over as my fortification. He thought it was good but he had much different plans.
So I want to ask, what is the spectrum of YOUR plans? Not just your bestie but what would you do one one end of the spectrum and the other end? DO YOU have a back up and what is it?

Shambler 13/05/30(Thu)10:04 No. 4607 ID: d6e6f3

What would you do if you met me in real life?

wbe6 763huh du1mdvqk6 Hogan Outet random[a..z] 8vfy1vpagqqtr rvwf 3 juorwavt 13/09/13(Fri)09:03 No. 4792 ID: 1e3a86

Shambler 13/09/13(Fri)21:37 No. 4793 ID: ca12bb

I hear zombies love to eat bodyfat

you could have a lipovore procedure

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/11/12(Tue)11:12 No. 4886 ID: 074dd1


Need More Info Jack 13/12/05(Thu)02:17 No. 4927 ID: 1c3b58

Hey, I'm not going to jump to any conclusions yet. But I want more details on your training/diet schedule you've set out for yourself during your training period and why. I will give you a little background on me. Male 26yrs old. Been in the military for over 9 years. Army. Originally Air Assault Infantry then Combat Medic then Radio, Satellite and Computer Communications and I've had the pleasure of working and learning aside Psychological Operations, Navy Seals, Snipers, Generator and Auto Mechanics. I decided I was going to learn as much from the Military as I could for unforeseen survival purposes. Outside of the military I am a licensed Paramedic, with degrees in I.T. and Business Management<--Don't ask got bored. And I am a Bladesmith. I have trained in martial arts since I was 6 went golden gloves in boxing, second degree black belt in Taekwondo a black belt in Karate and then I went to MMA where I learned mainly Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo. I have several friends in the medical profession including a Nutritionist, Sports Therapists, Two Surgeons and the a personal trainer<-- kinda sorta medical. In my free time I do enjoy Urban Exploring and varied sports from rock climbing, scuba diving and even parkour/free running. I am one of the very very lucky few that not only has been able to train myself to extreme measures but have gotten to experience some real shit (two tours in Iraq accumulating just shy of 3 years over seas). Now not many people have had the chances I have to accumulate such a variety of real world training and experience. And I want to point out to EVERYONE that every single human is different... yeah for the most part we are alike and in general react the same way to disease, dehydration, exhaustion, starvation etc. But all handle it differently to one degree or another. So I want to know what you have laid for a training/diet schedule and why. In regards specifically to training yourself. What are your specific goals you are trying to accomplish with said diet/training.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 13/12/05(Thu)03:12 No. 4929 ID: 91e1f0

I haven't been training in almost a year now; at least not how I was but I plan on going back to it this coming year. Honestly, one of the biggest reasons I'll admit right now is I wanted to be at 2-4% functionally to win American Ninja Warrior. A possibly daft goal to others but one I feel I can make happen. I want this and have other goals but one of those other goals was to be the best me I could be. That definition has changed over this last year in some regards but not completely. Your training is fantastic if it's everything you typed so I want to answer at length. I'll post again later tonight after compiling the information for you and thank you for your detailed opinion and listing of your training.

Shambler 15/04/05(Sun)23:07 No. 5370 ID: f72f12

I think its really cool to see someone with downs syndrome working so hard to get active whilst taking on a hobby. I salute you friend.

Shambler 15/04/05(Sun)23:09 No. 5371 ID: f72f12

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Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 15/04/20(Mon)01:49 No. 5378 ID: ea7609

I know; I'm a champion. It's so cool that you can admit your jealousy like that over my excellence and how much better I am than you.


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