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homemade weapons? Sarah Palin 14/07/26(Sat)07:38 No. 15001

File 140635311397.jpg - (44.45KB , 704x469 , medium.jpg )

1.A heat source (hot plate, stove, etc.)
2.A hydrometer, or battery hydrometer
3.A large Pyrex, or enameled steel container (to weigh chemicals)
4.Potassium chloride(sold as a salt substitute at health and nutrition stores)
Take one gallon of bleach, place it in the container, and begin heating it. While this solution heats, weigh out 63 grams of potassium chloride and
add this to the bleach being heated. Constantly check the solution being heated with the hydrometer, and boil until you get a reading of 1.3. If
using a battery hydrometer, boil until you read a FULL charge.
Take the solution and allow it to cool in a refrigerator until it is between room temperature and 0øC. Filter out the crystals that have formed and
save them. Boil this solution again and cool as before. Filter and save the crystals.
Take the crystals that have been saved, and mix them with distilled water in the following proportions: 56 grams per 100 milliliters distilled
water. Heat this solution until it boils and allow to cool. Filter the solution and save the crystals that form upon cooling. This process of
purification is called "fractional crystallization". These crystals should be relatively pure potassium chlorate.
Powder these to the consistency of face powder, and heat gently to drive off all moisture.
Now, melt five parts Vaseline with five parts wax. Dissolve this in white gasoline (camp stove gasoline), and pour this liquid on 90 parts
potassium chlorate (the powdered crystals from above) into a plastic bowl. Knead this liquid into the potassium chlorate until intimately mixed.
Allow all gasoline to evaporate.
Finally, place this explosive into a cool, dry place. Avoid friction, sulfur, sulfides, and phosphorous compounds. This explosive is best molded
to the desired shape and density of 1.3 grams in a cube and dipped in wax until water proof. These block type charges guarantee the highest
detonation velocity. Also, a blasting cap of at least a 3 grade must be used.

Sarah Palin 14/07/26(Sat)22:17 No. 15002

Good post. I'm saving this.

any more Sarah Palin 14/07/27(Sun)00:57 No. 15003

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any more homemade weapons of mass destuction? btw use a m80 fire cracker for the blasting cap.

light bomb Sarah Palin 14/07/27(Sun)03:33 No. 15004

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use a lighter to heat up the seam between glass and metal on a lightbulb untill the glue melts then carefuly unscrew the glass from the metal add gun powder untill it touches the filliment (part that lights up) then screw glass back to metal glue it and screw it into a lamp. wait for someone to turn on the lamp.

Sarah Palin 14/07/27(Sun)22:06 No. 15005

Non explosive things like trench knives or trench clubs are easy homemade weapons. Easy and cheap.

You can make a rifle for about $200 to $300 with weapons parts kits, if you have the equipment or know someone who does. It's not that hard, just gotta use the right measurements. There are tons of online tutorials. Shotguns are even cheaper and easier.

Sarah Palin 14/12/27(Sat)13:17 No. 15106

I heard you can turn urine into explosives, is this hard to do?

Sarah Palin 14/12/27(Sat)13:22 No. 15107

I used to make smoke bombs out of ping pong balls.

Cut ping pong ball in half
Cut one half into tiny bits
place tiny bits into the other half of the ping pong ball
roll the half ping pong ball full of tiny ping pong bits into a tube
wrap it up with tin foil leaving a little bit of the ping pong ball exposed
light end and throw
smoke everywhere.

Sarah Palin 15/03/10(Tue)08:27 No. 15132

Urine by itself? Impossible. Urine is chock full of... wait for it... UREA... which can be used to make urea nitrate (from pretty much any other nitrate). Urea nitrate is good (and dangerous) stuff. Be careful and have fun.

Just googled it.


So here we see Aluminum powder (as a fuel) mixed with urea nitrate (oxidizer). Pretty damn powerful explosion. You'll have to google precisely how to get pure urea from urine and then how to chemically combine the urea with potassium nitrate (or sodium nitrate if that's what you have).

Sarah Palin 15/03/10(Tue)08:41 No. 15133


Black Powder

I know you can buy stump remove in the U.S.

Go to Lowe's hardware store.

Go to the weed killer and herbicide and fertilizer section (whatever the all encompassing term for plant chems is.)

Buy Spectracide Stump remover- about $7 a pound.

Get some thin lengths of fire wood... little sticks you know. Put them in a metal paint bucket or some enclosed metal can. Seal it tight. Make a campfire with some other fire wood. Stick the metal container in the middle of it for a good hour (2 if you can). Keep the fire hot.

Let it cool. Open it up. Charcoal... should just be black but not burned. The softer it is the better.

Buy sulfur online (or go find some if there's like a refinery nearby).

Now buy a mortar and pestle or a rock tumbler (rock tumbler is better).

Grind up all three of your chems to relatively coarse powder.

Measure out with a scale by weight: 75 parts stump remover (KNO3), 15 parts charcoal, and 10 parts sulfur. Charcoal is super light, so it will be almost as much as the potassium nitrate (stump remover) by mass. Now mix the parts up thoroughly and put them in a rock tumbler.

Get some steel ball bearings... the bearings should take up about 2/3rds of the space in the tumbler container by mass... grind only chunks of the total amount at a time if necessary.

Grind for anywhere between 3 days to a week. The entire mixture should be baby powder... and make sure all parts are mixed evenly throughout the whole thing.

Don't have a rock tumbler? You're a faggot. You're going to have to do this by hand. Mix up little parts of the whole mixture with a mortal and pestle until the entire thing has the consistency of baby powder. Please allow 2-3 weeks of non-stop grinding for these results to occur.

Don't have that much time? Ok, as a rule of thumb, the finer the powder, the bigger the boom so grind as much as you can.

Sarah Palin 15/03/10(Tue)19:52 No. 15134


Or just buy it. Gunpowder gun owners don't make it themselves usually and just buy it because in home conditions you'll never make it as good as from a manufacturer, and you'll spend a lot of time doing it by yourself.

Sarah Palin 15/12/06(Sun)00:19 No. 15204

It takes a long time:


Sarah Palin 15/12/10(Thu)02:58 No. 15210

>not providing heating temperatures
>not mentioning about toxic fumes

it's almost like you want to blow anons up

Sarah Palin 16/01/25(Mon)14:50 No. 15231

Chlorates? Seriously? What is this, the anarchist's cookbook?

This "recepie" is shit. And unstable over time. Poor explosive yield with only around 0.5 RE, and unreliable unless you have a blasting cap or the like.

Do what the professionals do and move on to AN-XX compositions. Some are cap-sensitive. And all are very stable.

70% ammonium nitrate
20% 400 mesh aluminium powder
10% nitromethane

1.1 RE. Cap sensitive. Just grind, mix and keep dry.

Or if you don't have the nitromethane -

80% AN.
10% Ethylene Glycol
10% Al powder.

Not cap-sensitive though. Still rather powerful of around 0.9 RE.

Sarah Palin 16/02/06(Sat)08:45 No. 15235


He does.

Sarah Palin 16/02/26(Fri)19:34 No. 15248

That's why the FBI published the "Anarchist's Cookbook"; to route out revolutionaries and cultists by the trail of their own bodies.

Acroth+Nilsson 16/04/18(Mon)19:08 No. 15277

For a real farmer is a self-made weapon a hijacked chain from a chainsaw.
In folded at one end with electrical tape to handle.

Acroth+Nilsson 16/04/20(Wed)23:27 No. 15278

You can also mix the chemicals but it is not Poppular here at all.
But acytylen and oxygen in the weld in a plastic bag is fun.
Busting a light bulb and filament ignites.
With a conventional battery.

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