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Sarah Palin 12/09/22(Sat)06:46 No. 14274

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Concealed carry, home defense, range shooting, you name it.

Sarah Palin 12/09/30(Sun)15:22 No. 14277

I have to say that revolvers give me a big fat gun boner.
I prefer to use a revolver on the range as they are more accurate than most automatics. I like to cc revolvers too, because i know how safe and reliable they are, and i like the weight of them to remind me that its there. I also love the .44 and .357 rounds.

But if i had to bring a handgun to a battle id probably bring an automatic, simply because their superior mag capacity.

Sarah Palin 12/10/02(Tue)05:29 No. 14278

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Concealed Carry - Revolver

Home Defense - Neither, shotgun every time

Range Shooting - Semi autos are more fun, revolver if you are courting a lady because they look nicer

Niggering - Semi-auto so your crew knows your shit's fly or whatever them kids say these days.

Pic related, its my CCW.

Sarah Palin 12/10/19(Fri)05:33 No. 14305

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Love me a revolver. I grew up shooting my dads Colt 1911, then when I was old enough I went out and got a Ruger .357. I love the gun.

Personally, I'm split. I like large caliber guns (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tku8YI68-JA ), and prefer a revolver in at least .38 Special for carry, but will take any gun that feels good.

Sarah Palin 12/10/31(Wed)10:52 No. 14327

Concealed carry: Have to give it to a snub nose .357 or .38 simply because of the compact size, easy carry and superior reliability.

Home Defence: I'm a huge fan of the 1911 style pistols, and the .45ACP is a great round for short ranges, ie the home. This is where I would want it.

Range shooting: As much as I love shooting revolvers as well, I recently fell in love with the 557. Accuracy beyond belief at range, low recoil, pretty good stuff there.

Social+Haze 13/11/21(Thu)00:25 No. 14836

I sort of want to hook-up a crossbow and other boobie traps to an alarm system of some sort.

I hate leaving my place knowing other people can let themselves in.

Sarah Palin 13/11/21(Thu)03:45 No. 14837

I wouldn't a snub nose for a 357.
Nothing wrong with it at all. But I like to get the most out of the cartridge.

So a 4 inch barrel for me. Maybe a three inch.

Am I the only person that feels like carrying a back up semi auto isn't insane?

Then again, It might be a bit heavy having those things strapped to me.

Sarah Palin 13/12/13(Fri)16:03 No. 14859

Concealed Carry: I agree with using a snubnose .38 here... Though you could just as easily get a vest holster and wear it under a hoodie or jacket. Semi auto holds more rounds, but if concealability is your goal than a snubnose revolver...

Home Defense: Again, stating the obvious, a shotgun for the home. Or even a rifle. I guess really any of them would do the trick, but if I had to pick between the two pistols I'd go with the semi-auto. I think that would be more practical here.

Range: whateverthefuckyouwant. That's kind of what they're for, just practicing with whatever you got.

Sarah Palin 14/01/14(Tue)01:37 No. 14882

Enjoy your jailtime. Any kind of boobie trap that will harm an intruder is completely illegal. But a sound-based alarm would be fine.

Sarah Palin 14/01/21(Tue)11:04 No. 14886

revolver>semi auto

-revolver has no chance of a jammed slide that a semi auto has. While one may argue a properly cleaned semi auto won't jam, there's always a chance, not so with a revolver

-revolver is quicker to load. While lacking clips, its easier and quicker to load a few bullets into the revolver than it is to load bullets into a clip.

-revolver looks better, which is a plus for someone buying a gun for recreational shooting (target range)

-revolvers have a smaller kick for the same round, due to the expanding gasses leaving the sides.

-revolvers are fucking awesome, no bones about it. They look good, they feel good in your hand, and they are functionally better.

the only real drawback with a revolver is bullets held in the gun at once, but its not really the issue it seems to be. A typical revolver holds six rounds, sometimes seven or five, depending on the gun, but it isn't as much of a drawback as you'd imagine. In a fight, if you can't kill whoever you're shooting at with six shots, its unlikely you'll kill them with more than six. On a range, it doesn't matter, as you can simply reload your gun.

Sarah Palin 14/02/12(Wed)05:16 No. 14900

So on the suject, what would be a good snubnose revolver? I'm looking into getting my first CC pistol sometime soon, preferably small (I'm pretty thin) as well as cheap (I don't have much of a budget.) Looking into 9mm or .357

Grips like the one shown in >>14278 are highly preferred, none of the other grips feel right to me.

Bonus points if it's one of those double actions without the hammer poking out.

FPOB!!R1ZmxlMzD4 14/02/12(Wed)05:44 No. 14901

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Sarah Palin 14/02/21(Fri)04:59 No. 14906


Sarah Palin 14/03/16(Sun)18:09 No. 14923

Depends a lot on where you are. Booby traps generally are bad though, never know who might be letting themselves in (assuming no family/friends/girlfriends/boyfriends, since , you know, neckbeard, but maintenance/rescue workers/law enforcement wouldn't like that at all).

Reinforced doors and barred windows are where it's at.

Sarah Palin 14/03/21(Fri)04:35 No. 14930

Clips? I'm sorry are we discussing an SKS here or something?

Also it's a myth that revolvers can't jam. Yes they can. They are more dependable, that much is true, but to say that they can't is an outright lie.

>revolver is quicker to load.

Also false. Less capacity is an issue as well. I see you mentioned that but that's more of a pain when you're just recreationally shooting. Or what you say could be true in self defense, but that's assuming you hit every shot. So yes, the capacity is a drawback whether you admit it or not.

I was considering getting a revolver of some sort, but you're just talking crap.

Sarah Palin 14/07/25(Fri)07:51 No. 14998

revolvers have a smaller kick for the same round, due to the expanding gasses leaving the sides.

And also lower muzzel velocity

>its easier and quicker to load a few bullets into the revolver than it is to load bullets into a clip

also, who the fuck preforms a combat reload by topping off a box mag? carry more than one mag you retard

Sarah Palin 14/08/01(Fri)05:55 No. 15006

These debates are always covered in AIDs and Cancer.

If you properly maintain your firearm by lubing and cleaning the chances of jamming is almost non-existent. At the end of the day it's all about aesthetics.

Sarah Palin 14/09/05(Fri)13:12 No. 15026

I prefer a pistol. Simply because they're far faster to reload - provided you don't only have one magazine for it. The down side is that you're not reloading a magazine mid-combat. With a revolver, if you simply have a few round rattling around in your pocket, your reload will be faster. But this simply comes down to preparation.

While hardly anyone in this argument has a necessity for combat-load on ammo, it wouldn't hurt to have three or four magazines loaded and on you.

Basically, it comes down to preference, though. I'm far more familiar with pistols than revolvers, therefor prefer them. The advantage that revolvers have is potential accuracy boosts from single-action; however, I have a rifle if I need long-distance precision.

I also like that pistols tend to be lighter than revolvers (please note the word "tend"). While the weight difference isn't anything immediately notable it can be if, for some reason, you're in an extended fight with the weapon readied up constantly.

Sarah Palin 14/09/23(Tue)04:28 No. 15041

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they're so sexy tho

Sarah Palin 15/09/24(Thu)08:09 No. 15175

semi all day

Acroth Nilsson 15/10/11(Sun)17:33 No. 15178

If the gun is sexy, it must be for a lady.
The only advantage revolver is that the bandits will not leave empty cases.
Ugly gun with a short barrel!
Teenage sausage!

Sarah Palin 22/08/03(Wed)22:04 No. 15632

Sexy for tramps

Sarah Palin 22/11/28(Mon)18:24 No. 15679

The advantages of semi-autos only come into play during serious shootouts. As far as just 'having a gun handy' and being ready to casually drop some moron who is trying to attack you out of nowhere, revolvers are better by far. They are very comfortable, very simple, and very reliable.

If you don't have some special reason to think you'll be in danger, I don't think it's worth dealing with the hassle of carrying a semi-auto every day. For home defense it evens out a bit but I think that stopping a home invasion once you have any loaded gun in your hand is so easy that it still doesn't matter, there's a good case to be made that it's worth keeping the benefits of a revolver.

Sarah Palin 22/11/28(Mon)18:28 No. 15680

I respect this attempt to appear like you have any idea what you're talking about, it was a good try.

Sarah Palin 22/12/01(Thu)18:25 No. 15681

>I prefer a pistol. Simply because they're far faster to reload - provided you don't only have one magazine for it. The down side is that you're not reloading a magazine mid-combat. With a revolver, if you simply have a few round rattling around in your pocket, your reload will be faster.
>The advantage that revolvers have is potential accuracy boosts from single-action
I know this is from more than 8 years ago but I just can't get over what a silly post this was. Not only does this person have no idea how a revolver works and clearly has no conception of one outside of "colt 45s" (you can tell from the nonsense about single action and top offs), but it bases the whole (already false) claim about them being faster to reload on a scenario where someone carries an automatic with only one magazine but a pocket of loose ammo to refill it with. I've known a lot of gun guys and I don't think I have ever heard of that even one time, in any context.

Sarah Palin 23/03/30(Thu)00:39 No. 15689

Rifles are for fighting. Shotguns are for shooting at birds and little clay targets. Handguns are for fighting your way back to the rifle you shouldn't have put down.

>The advantages of semi-autos only come into play during serious shootouts.
If someone's trying to kill you, and you are fighting for your life, the situation is pretty fucking serious, my dude.

Sarah Palin 23/04/16(Sun)19:55 No. 15694

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some infographics

Sarah Palin 23/04/16(Sun)19:56 No. 15695

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generic small arms

Sarah Palin 23/04/21(Fri)22:35 No. 15696

I can tell you don't own a gun.

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