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Teenage Girl 22/09/17(Sat)09:48 No. 25249 ID: a4b271

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Does anyone else have some semi-nostalgia for the early 2000's even though they weren't alive then. I was born in 2003 I have a good memory listening to stuff like Deftones, some other rock native to where we lived, Red Hot Chili Peppers in the back of the car. I imagine some millennial losers skating all day unemployed and couch surfing, smoking pot, and doing other drugs while one of their friends are recording a skate compilation that got thrown away when everything went to shit in 08. I remember sunny days most vividly just cruising with my parents, the sun is always so bright in these memories. Of course my semi-nostalgia is influenced by being born in California. My life has been fucking shit. I like to blame my parents or maybe I should blame the whole capitalist system, my family went to total shit in 08 when the market crashed, dad lost his job and we were able to luckily get on section 8 soon after when we couldn't afford rent. Suddenly I was living in an upper middle class white conservative area, and I was the son of a fucking pothead skateboarder bum with an alcoholic and abusive manipulative mother. So yeah I never fit in with anyone around the area and I was never liked or wanted around, I've had zero friends and only got invited and attended one birthday party when I was like 9. Now I'm 18, still lonely, surprisingly intact, they way the world is going though I think I'll be dead in 10 or 20 years.

Teenage Girl 22/09/17(Sat)12:40 No. 25250 ID: 09200e

You're fucking 18, you haven't even experienced 25% of your life. Hang on for like 8-10 years and you'll grow out of this woe-is-me bullshit.

Protip: Everyone always tells you things will get better but they also leave out the part that says "but only if you try to make them better".

t. 26 year old who had the exact same mindset at your age.

Teenage Girl 22/09/17(Sat)16:10 No. 25251 ID: f1db12

>you haven't even experienced a quarter of your life
>life expectancy is 80 years.
>is also 26

Lemme tell you. You'd be surprised how many people over 25 still have this woe is me bullshit mentality. Alot of Millennials are now 35 and still are train wrecks unable to afford a house or get a proper bf/gf and they're socially/psychologically stunted.

Teenage Girl 22/09/17(Sat)16:14 No. 25252 ID: f1db12

Also, it sounds like you're dismissing his life story just because of his age.
Meanwhile, people over 30 whom have no problems in their life can whin about minor emotional inconvenience and get applauded just necause they're not young?

Teenage Girl 22/09/19(Mon)00:53 No. 25255 ID: 3a2d49

I did not mean it like that, nor do I mean that I have everything figured out. I might've been too harsh. I wasted a good handful of years feeling sorry for myself and kick myself for it every day. Pretty much wasted those years on bitching and doing drugs. I don't want others to fall to the same fate. There's a lot of good out in the world but you have to really seek it out to find it.

OP, if you're still here, don't give up, my man. You're young and the whole world is open to you. Don't be afraid of failure, it's the only way we learn. I recommend picking up a combat sport as a starting point, you'd be surprised how much it helps.

op 22/09/21(Wed)03:16 No. 25258 ID: 63debb

There is no lot of good in this world. It's all shit and only getting more shit. Especially in America, what is good anywhere else for the poor is only for the rich here. I can buy a rifle but not even a handjob or some pussy, working hard would be bearable here if I could buy a whore afterwards, but you can't. Humanity really consists of two very different races, the rich and the poor... It did not take me long at all to find out, everyday I was in school since kindergarten it was rubbed in my face. I learned faster than most people to stick to your class. Well I haven't seen the worst of it yet in 10 or 20 years I will much more to complain about. I have never been the complaining type but maybe I will grow into it, depending on how much loose... I will work a little, maybe I'll find a true friend or companion during that time, I am interested in what they'll say.

op 22/09/21(Wed)07:00 No. 25259 ID: 63debb

Thank you.

Teenage Girl 22/09/21(Wed)22:45 No. 25260 ID: fbc659

This is exactly the kinda shit I mean, OP. Don't obsess over the negative, focus on what you can do to improve your situation. Will you fight or will you perish like a dog?

Teenage Girl 22/09/22(Thu)00:40 No. 25261 ID: dd09ae

We are nothing but a projection on a plane, our consciousness is 1 and is in the higher number plain. Expire and return to the 1. Fighting will keep you here and you will be punished in the next life with a horrible ugly crippled flesh prison in a crowded nation where none may be happy.

Teenage Girl 22/09/22(Thu)09:43 No. 25262 ID: 864809

If I was God, I would make positivity a gateway sin.
I'm really tired of people offering cliche pep talk about "perception" or "fighting the good foght".

Fuck all that shit. Most of human history is people being serfs wallowing in shit to make produce for their lords.

I'm tired of people condemning those whom reject idealism/innocence in youth. It never helps anyone. Last time I checked, people think idealistic youths are delusional.

Yet elders insist, if not coerce the young into joining a cause.

Teenage Girl 22/09/22(Thu)22:48 No. 25266 ID: c70db3

2001 and I can relate.

Teenage Girl 22/09/23(Fri)00:58 No. 25267 ID: dd09ae

2001 what? Dissa when youssa born or dissa when youssa have notstalgia for?

op 22/09/23(Fri)06:34 No. 25268 ID: cae662

I'm going to wageslave for decades, no retirement, that's the same as dying. And everybody dies like a dog at some point. Some things never change it seems, whenever someone young isn't extremely positive or they gripe anyone a little older comes out and says "your best years are ahead of you" I guess I'm not entitled to get mad about the shit deal the future has laid out for me.

Teenage Girl 22/09/25(Sun)08:52 No. 25282 ID: a232b2

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Like playing Asterix and Obelix XXL 2 and Reading Boomerang magazines.

Teenage Girl 22/09/25(Sun)12:12 No. 25283 ID: f4bb2b


Y'all could learn a thing or two from Herzog.

Teenage Girl 22/10/02(Sun)03:49 No. 25299 ID: db7574

Retirement is a modern invention. Back then, people toiled until they dropped dead.
I think the real problem is having no community to rely on, no willing mentor wanting to sit down and teach you about adulthood.
No artisans making crafts, no fresh produce,nor homecooking.
That's the real problem.

Teenage Girl 22/10/02(Sun)04:30 No. 25300 ID: dd09ae

Yeah that's what it seems like to me to. The pay game and everyone polarizing because of the internet is what made it worse.

Teenage Girl 22/10/02(Sun)21:51 No. 25301 ID: dc88d6

Mostly. The idea of having some kind of company pension or compensation for injury or whatever in the US goes back I believe before its colonization. But it really went wild under the communist Franklin Rosenfeld with all the government intervention into prices and wages and the rest, under which corporations had to come up with extra "benefits" to tack on because obviously communism fucks up the economy and then the jews have to invent all sorts of loopholes to get around the rules. And nowadays, retirement plans are in an uncomfortable marriage with the stock market and hedge funds, wherein both need the other to survive and it careens ever further into a nasty sort of mutual parasite style of symbiosis.

Most like I left out some steps around the 1900s when the progressives were really taking over hard that built the steps needed to get to the use of wartime emergency to jump permanently further into a centrally planned economy. Doubtless the casual researcher would find a lot of blame to lump on the advent of the federal reserve bank, bucket trading, great depression tomfoolery and all the rest.

Teenage Girl 22/10/04(Tue)18:50 No. 25302 ID: 105b6f

Ummm, FDR is not a communist. Stop confusing Democrat policies for communism.

Actually communism was pro-retirement funding.

Democrats and Republicans are both liberals. And liberalism is the foundation of our proud "le white civilization ".
Liberalism is the enemy of leftism.

Also, centrally planned economy isn't exclusive to communism. Our neoliberal economy is centrally planned.

Also, Roosevelt was a Dutch family from New York. Lastly, "da Jews" is an overused strawman.
Especially for Anglo problems. Blame the British monarchy. They still own the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other former colonies.

Teenage Girl 22/10/05(Wed)00:35 No. 25303 ID: bab4e8

He was a radical hardcore communist, as was his wife, who drew up the self-contradictory bill of universal human rights for the communist organization known as the UN. Party affiliation is utterly irrelevant.

And yes, Roosevelt is the Dutch variant of Rosenfeld. Herpty derpty doo.

Teenage Girl 22/10/05(Wed)04:05 No. 25304 ID: 105b6f

How is he communist? Do you even know what communism is?
If Roosevelt was communist, capitalism wouldn't exist in America at all. People wouldn't be able to munch on burgers as much as they want.

Also, UN isn't communist.
You need to snap out of that habit of calling everything you dont like "communist".

Teenage Girl 22/10/05(Wed)06:41 No. 25305 ID: bab4e8

Capitalism had ceased to exist in America by the time he came around.

Teenage Girl 22/10/05(Wed)09:37 No. 25306 ID: bab4e8

As usual, we see the example of the radical hardcore communist who can't explain anything other than yelling
>but it was capitalism!
without any productive modalidty of discussion, even after admitting that he's trying to defend jews.

Teenage Girl 22/10/05(Wed)23:55 No. 25307 ID: 1d39ce

It's particularly important to continue making fun of obvious communists after they run away because they also run away from defining communism after accusing you of calling something communist because apparentely it's "something you don't like."

Does anybody like communism? That's such a stupid question.

Teenage Girl 22/10/06(Thu)00:38 No. 25308 ID: 937540

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Teenage Girl 22/10/06(Thu)14:42 No. 25309 ID: dafc37

He cannot help it. Like I say, they call anything they don't like comunism.

Teenage Girl 22/10/06(Thu)22:53 No. 25310 ID: 1d39ce

Define communism for our listening audience. You should be able to solve this.

Teenage Girl 22/10/06(Thu)22:55 No. 25311 ID: 1d39ce

For bonus rounds, do not ask anybody from the tranny my mother's fax machine to arrive and state the same exact rolodex of talking points. Or maybe post a picture of your personal rolodex with something on top of it in order to establish street cred so we believe you.

Teenage Girl 22/10/07(Fri)03:40 No. 25312 ID: 1d39ce

Did you want to define communism and set the record straight, or just throw useless words at anybody who doesn't go along with communism? Should have been long enough by now to get a new set of talking points from david brock, blackrock, the clinton foundation.

Alternatively, you could decry any of the above because you're paid by somebody else.

Teenage Girl 22/10/09(Sun)21:30 No. 25314 ID: c32e3f

Why can't you buy a whore?

Even if prostitution is illegal in your state, I guarantee you someone is doing it. Either turning tricks on the street or selling an "erotic massage" service on the internet.

You can buy a whore. Drive to Nevada if you have to.

Or, like, just maybe, get over this pathetic incel self-pity and learn some social skills. Believe it or not, even destitute poor people have romance: you can find someone if you go looking.

Teenage Girl 22/10/15(Sat)14:19 No. 25320 ID: 049bc8

I sincerely understand this complaint about prostitution bans but lack of sex really is not your issue. Sex is nice in the right context and it can be upsetting to go a long time without it, but it's really not going to provide you the meaning for your suffering that you're looking for, least of all prostitution. Sex is all about the circumstances that brought you there, the relationships and the 'narrative', and prostitution is very empty in this regard.

op 22/10/19(Wed)22:33 No. 25335 ID: 00916b

Medieval peasants in Europe had way more time off than modern people. I would honestly rather have lived in that time of civilization, like what do we have that makes up for our wage slavery? For me shitty internet memes, music, and computer games doesn't cut it. Here is the source https://archive.ph/5xlaB
The only people who rage this hard about communists or whatever are usually nazis or deranged and out of touch boomers, and both of them can fuck off.
Don't know why you called me a incel or whatever, there is a decent chunk of people my age who have never had sex or want more. Maybe in the future I will try to buy some, I don't really care if I get in trouble with the law, I'm wasting away anyway.
I'm not an anarchist, but prostitution still being illegal in this shithole called the USA is pretty terrible. Well not as terrible as restricting the right to get an abortion. But I would rather chose to have more drugs be legalized than prostitution, weed/green is good, but I want more ways to sedate myself.

Teenage Girl 22/10/19(Wed)22:40 No. 25336 ID: 049bc8

It's always fun to talk about "misconceptions" about medieval peasants but their lives still fucking sucked, and it's silly to envy them. You're not even bothering to differentiate the somewhat better-off ones from the rest. England established some rudimentary rights for them early on and they had some amount of leverage with their lords, but that was not the case elsewhere.

op 22/10/19(Wed)22:53 No. 25337 ID: 00916b

*Shouldn't have said time off, more like subsistence farming doesn't require 9 to 5 labor.
My life sucks right now. Personally I would choose to live with medieval peasants than live where I am now. Well whatever The research is out there, anybody can read up on it if they like.

Teenage Girl 22/10/19(Wed)23:06 No. 25338 ID: 049bc8

This is literally just 'the grass is always greener', you haven't experienced life as a medieval peasant so you don't have positive proof that it would suck, as you do with your current life. That doesn't mean it would be better.

I'm not saying it's completely impossible that in some wishy-washy sense of total happiness you'd have a better time, but by just about all objective measures you would be worse off. You mention the thing about them technically having more days off because it's just about the only exception, and a pretty questionable one when you look at the specifics.

>j-just go read a book, it'll tell you I'm right! No, the ones you've already read don't count!
yeah okay, retard

Teenage Girl 22/10/21(Fri)02:59 No. 25339 ID: d09366

That's the crux of the radical right. They always assume the previous era was better because "muh tradition". They don't understand that alot of those "traditions" aren't as virtuous let alone consistent.

Teenage Girl 23/01/31(Tue)20:59 No. 25512 ID: 4f5654

I'd say the same of the radical left. They seem to think communism was just fantastic when it very rarely improved anything, especially beyond a temporary upset of the status quo.

Teenage Girl 23/02/02(Thu)23:32 No. 25514 ID: 85cc99

Idealism is the heart of human egotism.

Idealism begets expectation..
Expectations beget entitlement.
Entitlement begets indignation.
Indignation begets insurrection.
Insurrection begets reformation.
Reformation begets regression.
Regression begets desperation.
Desperation begets Idealism.

Also, one thing I notice with both the radical left and right is their contempt for America and the Jews.

Teenage Girl 23/02/03(Fri)01:55 No. 25517 ID: 79d219

Even jews have contempt for jews. Who in his right mind wouldn't?

Teenage Girl 23/02/07(Tue)21:45 No. 25519 ID: e933e7

Response one:

Did you just wrongfully assume the hypothetical person's gender?
Very disrespectful!
You assume only masculine entities are people?

Response two:
Someone in his wrong mind?
Someone in his left mind?
Someone in his obtuse mind?
Someone in his acute mind?
Someome in his straight mind?

Teenage Girl 23/02/08(Wed)08:21 No. 25524 ID: f70d80

>every thread
>all I see are jews
>jews everywhere
Fuck off back to niggertits.

Teenage Girl 23/02/08(Wed)17:20 No. 25528 ID: 2aae79

No. That's simply standard English style. You might as well complain about how true Romance languages assume different genders for different nouns.

Is Esperanto gender-neutral, or did the communists fail to anticipate just how asinine their precious new world order was going to become?

Teenage Girl 23/02/08(Wed)20:10 No. 25531 ID: e933e7

I was being sarcastic.
And I know that English is one of the few languages to not have gendered verbs.

Also, communism isnt SJWism.
Thats neoliberalism.

Teenage Girl 23/02/08(Wed)20:55 No. 25532 ID: f6fbac

All different tenticals of the ongoing global communist revolution.

Teenage Girl 23/02/09(Thu)01:26 No. 25534 ID: 51db24

Thats like saying Republicans are fascists

Teenage Girl 23/02/10(Fri)21:10 No. 25540 ID: a4dfb6

No it isn't. The GOP is a corporate entity. Communism is an ideology.

Teenage Girl 23/02/16(Thu)19:04 No. 25548 ID: 2c1879

GOP is also manufacturing an ideology.
Where does all the Qanon shit come from?

Why is Kanye West crucified by the same white boomer conservative establishemnt for Nazi apologism?

The "communism is making your girls into dyjes and boys ibto fags" is John Birch society, an ideologue product of the GOP.

GOP is a corporate entity, but they manufacture ideology.

Teenage Girl 23/02/17(Fri)01:05 No. 25549 ID: 156a0e

Are you saying the Q shit comes from the GOP? I have no idea where it comes from and I don't care. As far as I can tell, the majority of the GOP wants nothing to do with it, a lot of them still hate blomf, are RINOs at best, and there's still a pretty strong neocon (trotskyite communist) wing raging along. Are all of those things "right wing?"

And it doesn't come fromt he John Birch society, even if they may have had success in promulgating it. That would be like saying the NRA is repsondible for brainwashing people into not wanting to be disarmed. It's the typical communist approach of picking one figurehead to represent a much more varigated situation so that they can accuse everybody who doesn't want to toe their party line of having been lead around by the latest evil master mind supervillian. That way their useful idiots don't stop and think about anything else, and especially not that these knee-jerk accusations are not just absurd but downright silly.

I don't particularly like the GOP other than that it helps avoid a single monopoly party to the minor extent that it does. What corporations don't spread ideologies? Google wants you to use its products. Subway wants to make you think you'll lose weight by eating there. Cucchi wants to make you think you'll be just like a celebrity. The private jewish fedearl reserve bank corporation wants to make you think that its helping stabilize the economy for your own good. On and on.

Teenage Girl 23/02/17(Fri)17:22 No. 25550 ID: 2c1879

GOP denies Q for public image.
And alot of the condemnation agaibst Trump is all performative.

Again, you call anythung you dont loke communist and Im telling you that the GOP is manufacturing ideologue and youre just denying it?

>i dont like GOP but muh commies

Teenage Girl 23/02/18(Sat)01:17 No. 25551 ID: fa29be

So are you saying the GOP did Q? I don't really give a shit about it, but it seems you do, so if you have some kind of ground breaking an interesting proof to share, then please do.

As for commies, you might want to reread the part about neocons. Neocons are trostkyites, the offspring of the ones who fled to the new world to escape stalins purges. GOP and communist are hardly mutually exclusive. Why would communists only take over one party? Communists believe in "the" party. The question is how to get there.

Teenage Girl 23/02/19(Sun)00:10 No. 25552 ID: 2c1879

The trotskyites were disillusioned by the Democrats taking an isolationist stance against the Vietnam war.
Theyre not communist in the way of Stalin, Lenin, or Marx.

In fact, Leon Trotsky is considered a traitor in the communist community.

Stalin had him executed.

If anything, Trotskyism is to communism as American colonists were to British crown.

Teenage Girl 23/02/23(Thu)03:37 No. 25555 ID: 4ec564

And Stalin was wise to purge Trotsky and his followers after they had served their purpose pushing the revolution through. Typical Marxist revolution outcome. But you could also say that Stalin was not True Communism (tm) because he pragmatically opted for "communism in one state" or however exactly he put it, rather than the theoretical objective of global communism to which Trostky was more adherant.

But I'm not so interested in arguing about "true communism" as much as pointing out the ideological pedigree that shaped a lot of the typical neocon thinking, and to ask once again if there is any real reason to care about Q or to think that it was an elaborate ploy concocted by the GOP.

Teenage Girl 23/02/24(Fri)18:28 No. 25556 ID: 2b17cb

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Nice Quad's dude

F q, anyone could of been running it, phuk the dem's for shits and giggles. It catch a bunch not well and not to smart people and made them useful idoits, 'pasty cline's'
Anyone who now a days brings up this qrap, well irl i just tell them shut or walk. This is people I know.
Screw them, I could be watching anime.

Just think you ain't that clever and look around carefully...
Most people are fing dumtee dum, yet have jobs, quail's and believe they is whole smart than they might be

You have to really breed stupidity, it takes work.
I'll give those run the world that much cred

Teenage Girl 23/02/24(Fri)21:57 No. 25557 ID: 9f442d

Well, people could say the same about the right. The right wing is currently killing off their devout followers because of minute differences in opinion.

Teenage Girl 23/02/25(Sat)01:38 No. 25558 ID: 118cb8

Yep. It served some small purpose at the beginning keeping the energy and mistique going for an already rabid fanbase, but I can't even imagine why anybody would still care except for the FBI that staged the capitol breach and people like Pelosi and Schumer who gave the stand down orders.

I don't have a TV, but I don't particularly recall anybody mentioning that the capitol building was actually bombed at one point. By whom? Why, none other than the Weather Underground. Notably, the communist domestic terrorist Bill Ayres of the Weather Underground did not go to prison for his role in that but rather became a professor at Columbia University and launched the communist Obama further into politics from his home in Chicago.

Looks like jewboob is trying to memory hole it or something but if you look up larry grewal (I think that's how you spell it) interviewed about infiltrating the weather underground for the FBI, it's quite the brief watch. Right down to calculating out how they'd probably have to murder about a qurater of a million people in the US who wouldn't want to go along with their revolution.

Teenage Girl 23/02/25(Sat)01:40 No. 25559 ID: 118cb8

Both parties need a good fracturing and reshuffling. And they're both getting it, albeit slowly. Like blomf or not, one of the main objectives getting him or one of the similar alternates into power was to fracture the RINO/neocon stranglehold on the party and demonstrate that not only could there be a better game plan but that it could actually work. Far from perfect results, but it got the ball rolling.

Teenage Girl 23/02/27(Mon)23:50 No. 25561 ID: 73dbce

>I'm not a rightist, but muh commies and Trump was a good guy/wild card.

Trump is not authentic. He's not looking to destroy the system. He's only in it for himself. He took money from donors, he's friends with the Clintons and Epstein, he flopped on all his estates.

Teenage Girl 23/02/28(Tue)17:58 No. 25562 ID: 3ea031

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> he's friends with the Clintons and Epstein

U R joking, right?

Teenage Girl 23/02/28(Tue)22:43 No. 25563 ID: 4fe3ea

Of course he was. He's a NYC billionaire so of course he rubs elbows with all that crowd and it's no surprise he was a middle of the road democrat, generally, most of his life. You might as well act surprised that a NYC billionaire is up to his nipples in jews. Like holy shit, you really think so?

I don't know what the other guy is so uptight about. Trump derangement syndrome clouding any objective analysis I suppose. Many such cases.

Teenage Girl 23/03/01(Wed)04:45 No. 25564 ID: f88899

>Trump derangement syndrome

Yet, everyone blames Clinton or Obama for any inconvenience.
Trump is not virtuous. And he's not a good guy. He wasn't just friends with Clinton, he attended their wedding and endorsed Hillary Clintons 2008 presidential campaign, saying she was the best of the best.

Trumps war with Hillary is just for optics. He read the political atmosphere of the early 2010s and flopped to the Republican party to sell his red hats.

Teenage Girl 23/03/01(Wed)15:26 No. 25566 ID: 113b28

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the clit's,worked for the bush, coke, drug running.
who ever the bushes were working for, Grand da Bush was a Yatzee fanactic.

From outside your country it looks like the two ultra right wing isreal parties having a pissing contest all over the map of your country.
pretty much the same in mine.

Life if it was a joke would anyone laugh?

Teenage Girl 23/03/02(Thu)20:29 No. 25567 ID: 5d0c15

I often ask people if they sometimes feel like they're in a sitcom.

Which one do you feel trapped in?

Teenage Girl 23/03/02(Thu)23:45 No. 25568 ID: ac8857

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Not sitcom more English tv show The Prisioner

Teenage Girl 23/03/03(Fri)00:04 No. 25569 ID: fa29be

Depends how you define being "friends" with the Clintons. Think of it as more like palace intrigue. Just because his mission after entering politics for real was to hammer the clintons until he won and unseated the heiress apparent doesn't mean he didn't spend much of his former life hanging out in the same circles, and having at the barest least a cordial relationship with fellow democrats of power an influence.

Don't get caught up in the kabuki theater of party vs. party just because that's how it played out when he was urged to try to upset the status quo as the anti-americanism was reaching heighs of immediate peril.

Teenage Girl 23/03/10(Fri)08:54 No. 25579 ID: de528b

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>Depends how you define being "friends" with the Clintons. Think of it as more like palace intrigue.

Oh, God. Shut up. Palace intrigue my ass. >>25564 nailed it. It's all a show. You're not gonna be part of the Big Boys' Club no matter how much you simp, boyo.

Teenage Girl 23/03/11(Sat)21:26 No. 25584 ID: ba761a

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Hey it'sall good

The+Red+Barron 23/03/19(Sun)16:14 No. 25586 ID: b23312

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>crying soyjak screaming NOOO THE BANKS ARE FINE

Teenage Girl 23/03/20(Mon)09:03 No. 25589 ID: 5d3be1

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>the big boys' club doesn't play games for the fun of playing

Teenage Girl 23/05/30(Tue)13:09 No. 25691 ID: af22fd



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