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Teenage Girl 22/03/29(Tue)02:16 No. 24482 ID: ff3844

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Elliot Rodger? Millennial.
Seung-Hi Cho? Millennial.
Adam Lanza? Millennial.
SJWs? Millennials.
"Sex work is real work"? Millennials.
Incels? Millennials,
Femcels? Millennials.
Wokeness? Millennials.
Anti-whiteness? Millennials.
Radfems? Millennials.
Most mass shooters? Millennials.
Most ISIS recruits? Millennials.
Refugees welcome? Millennials.
Brandon Tarrant? Millennial.

Why are millennials always at the forefront of every fucked up thing in society? How did a generation raised on the Attitude Era, classic Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead and the like grow up to be even worse than the religious right?

Teenage Girl 22/03/29(Tue)02:28 No. 24483 ID: ff3844

For all their talk about how bad the religious right was, I don't see them trying to be any better. That's their problem, these millennials. They're emotional and mental cripples. You look up any batshit hot take online or wherever and look up the birth year and there it is: it's a millennial. Try it sometime. Millennials also are behind every destructive force in our culture today. Shitty game devs? Millennials enable them. No one reads anymore? Millennials enable publishers putting out total dross. Everything today is a reboot, retread, whatever? Millennials are the ones demanding it. The millennial cannot create, it can only destroy. And you watch, in a few years, as zoomers take the rest of the spotlight, millennials are gonna get even more batshit insane. The blue checks are gonna start talking about "trans-ageism" and the like. You just watch. Twitter is going to be so much worse when the blue checks have their midlife crises. My hot take is that 10 years from now ageism will be the next big thing as the current blue checks in media/academia get replaced by future zoomer blue checks. Twitter is going to be full of today’s blue checks but even more insufferable due to menopause hormones and the well known decline in happiness in middle age, as well as future zoomer blue checks who will be in an arms race for the most absurd and novel niche identities to get attention/jobs/funding/etc. Millennials will try to play catch up by larping as those identities once they get made up, but zoomers will be given priority in terms of hiring and exposure in media/academia and other industries as they will be the trailblazers of these new oppressed identities, causing an outpouring of millennial rage over not having the spotlight any more, leading to ever more intensely absurd identities being manufactured by millennials to compensate for their increasing invisibility and irrelevance due to age. I also predict that there will be trans-age people, mainly women (as aging will make a bigger difference to the attention they’re used to getting than it will for men), so don’t be surprised when 45 year old women come out as identifying as 22 year olds and demand to be treated as such. Much like pronouns are mentioned in bios today, their bios will mention the year they identify as being born in. And, as it does today, the nonsense from Twitter will permeate other aspects of society, so it won’t be contained there. If you think it’s grim now just you wait. If you thought boomers were bad, millennials will be even worse. I can only imagine the suicide rates once they hit old age and look back at all the shit they wasted their time on.

Teenage Girl 22/03/30(Wed)07:59 No. 24484 ID: 5d431e

Because its not the oldest of the millennials that are the problem, its the ones born much closer to 1990 than 1980.

Teenage Girl 22/03/30(Wed)19:04 No. 24485 ID: ff3844


I find that hard to believe, considering the birth years of a lot of these so called "influencers" and "agitators" are just as plentiful in the former range as they are in the latter. I have yet to see any boomers, zoomers, Gen-Xers, etc engage in the deliberate attacks on the sociocultural fabric as millennials do. And then millennials pin it all on zoomers. Are there some cringy kids out there? Sure, but name me a single zoomer who has done anything comparable to anyone on my list. You can't.

The boomers were right all along. Millennials really can't amount to anything, and they can't even be funny about it too like Randall and Dante were.

Teenage Girl 22/04/09(Sat)05:48 No. 24503 ID: 51e493

Believe it or not the world was always full of shitty people doing shitty things.

There's no landmark, it's a continuous stream of shit that goes back to the beginning of human evolution.

Teenage Girl 22/04/10(Sun)21:37 No. 24513 ID: ff3844


>Believe it or not the world was always full of shitty people doing shitty things.

That's true, but millennials like to act like they're immune from this, that it's everyone else but 'em doing it, and if you dare point what you just said out to them, they think you're problematic or anti-white. And that's why I post what I post about them. Because millennials are insufferable. They don't create, only imitate. They don't contribute anything. Gen Z has Greta/student walkouts, Boomers had 'Nam protests/May 1968, Gen X has OWS. And what do millennials have? Comparing everything to Harry Potter and whining about how you can't see little girl panties on a kids' toy...I mean, a video game anymore?

Teenage Girl 22/04/27(Wed)03:58 No. 24550 ID: 31abfb

There's a reason millennials are called Generation Y.
Y as in "WHY?"
"Why do I have to adult?"
"Why boomers do this?"
"Why do zoomers do that?"
Millennials are called Gen Y because all they know is to ask "Why?"
They don't bother to fix the why. They don't wanna.
Adulting is the curse of living for them.

transageism Teenage Girl 22/05/01(Sun)05:19 No. 24551 ID: 29fa1b

that trans-ageism thought...im gonna lock that back in my brain noodle and see how accurate your prediction is in 10 years. Im pretty sure youll be 44billion % accurate.

Teenage Girl 22/05/01(Sun)14:15 No. 24552 ID: 47f8a4

We already have trans-age people. Middle age people saying they identify as elementary schoolers.
Mind you, the trans craze isn't exclusively millennials, although they did push it to he forefront and will deny it.

Teenage Girl 22/05/07(Sat)07:12 No. 24557 ID: b4258c

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>Mind you, the trans craze isn't exclusively millennials, although they did push it to he forefront and will deny it.

Millennials are always doing this. Go on any rightoid site (Kiwi Farms, 4chan, etc) and you'll see countless millennials insisting it's all Gen Z who started all this shit, nevermind it was millennials who created Tumblr et al. It's pic related, basically. Millennials are guilty of cultural gentrification 'cause they can't create a goddamn thing that isn't le milquetoast, inoffensive PC for the sake of PC shit or glorified cunny/shitposting that's as long and pretentious as Infinite Jest. Seriously, name five great millennial movies, novels, whatever.

You can't. You just can't.

Teenage Girl 22/05/07(Sat)12:58 No. 24558 ID: 9b2a6e

I think shit's gonna get real grim 10 years from now, when all these "identities" millennials have adopted start to crumble. How long can all these trans-whatever retards keep up the charade before they finally realize it just doesn't work?

Teenage Girl 22/05/07(Sat)19:38 No. 24560 ID: dfea78


>How long can all these trans-whatever retards keep up the charade before they finally realize it just doesn't work?

You could say the exact same thing about you imageboard dorks. How long can you be based and redpilled before you finally realize you wasted your prime years on trying to own random people you'll never meet? It goes both ways, and you're all gonna end up on the same policeman's blotter when you blow your brains out after shitting one too many diapers when you're 50+ and you realize what you've done.

Teenage Girl 22/05/24(Tue)02:56 No. 24590 ID: b5f341

>even worse than the religious right
The religious right is still fucking it up for everyone abusing their positions of power in the government and corporations.

Teenage Girl 22/05/26(Thu)02:01 No. 24596 ID: 6f8a99

>I'm a huge fucking commmunist and everybody who's not even dumber than I am is what's stopping the glorious revolution

Teenage Girl 22/09/17(Sat)20:51 No. 25253 ID: f1db12

Since when is criticizing the religious right a commie thing?
And why do you think communism means transgenderism and antimasculinity?

Teenage Girl 22/09/19(Mon)23:38 No. 25256 ID: e67d3b


>why do you think communism means transgenderism and antimasculinity?

Simple orders from above told them.

Teenage Girl 22/09/20(Tue)04:52 No. 25257 ID: dd09ae

I take it you have missed all the examples shown of the modern communists? Also who was the one to flood the schools with LGBT and race mixing propaganda?

Teenage Girl 22/09/22(Thu)09:48 No. 25263 ID: 864809

Apparently another brainwashed neocon whose never studied Marx, Lenin, Stalin.

No, SJWism isn't communism. If you read basic history about communism, you'd realize they're more closer the ideal of conservatives than conservatives themselves.

Marx believed in firearms for all civilians. Marx believed in overthrowing tyranny.
Stalin and Lenin thought reformation and labor for prisoners was a must.

Meanwhile, the good liberal North America thinks reform and labor for prisoners is bad.
They think people having guns, cars, houses need to have license and tax.

Americans talk about freedom, yet they cannot fathom the thought of forming their own communes and growing their own food and making their products like the Amish. No, they'd rather rely on government and corporations.

Teenage Girl 22/09/22(Thu)09:51 No. 25264 ID: 864809

Also, if you think race mixing is inherently bad, Itake it you never studied real history, let alone had a ancestry test.

Alot of your renowned patriarchs race mixed.
Race wasn't even seen as a matter of skin color. It was more about tongue and tribe.

Teenage Girl 22/09/22(Thu)16:47 No. 25265 ID: dd09ae

You must be European. The races that mixed in the pass were all 1 race but considered different at the time. They're all white, they're all European. Or, they're all Arab, or they're all East Asian.

Now it's low IQ shitskin with a European or East Asian. The low IQ shitskins have been breeding for centuries to make their modern product as are the Europeans and East Asians. When these all mixed it makes mutants and the brown slogs.

History was never like this. 100,000,000 niggers didn't come pollute a home of 35,000,000 non-niggers. I swear to fuck you commies don't see what's going on and pull out examples from the past in your arguments for transexual bullshit and miscegenation and think they apply to now.

Teenage Girl 22/09/23(Fri)16:53 No. 25269 ID: d8ac5f

Americans have frequently formed their own communes in the past. This is entirely possible under our system of freedom. What on earth could you possibly be talking about?

Teenage Girl 22/09/24(Sat)19:57 No. 25277 ID: f0ac70


>you must be European

Nice way of outing yourself as a dumb Amercan, which BTW is racemixed for four centuries.
You really don't know much about history do you?
Even bkacks and East Asians frequently integrated with the Mediterranean folks.

Also, "you commies", you mean neolibs. Because communism never cared about idol.

I think you're kust another passive aggressive sheltered "white" boy whom has failed at life without even trying.

Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

Teenage Girl 22/09/24(Sat)21:18 No. 25279 ID: dd09ae


Teenage Girl 22/09/24(Sat)22:44 No. 25280 ID: 61ba65

Nobody cares. Go start your own commune or move to the EUSSR. Oh, the EUSSR isn't taking? Put shoe paint on you face.

Link to your subscribe channel so we can watch how nice your life is.

Teenage Girl 22/10/21(Fri)05:08 No. 25341 ID: d09366

Keyword: in the past.
Nowadays? Try forming your own commune and see what happens.
You get thrown in jail for "trespassing".

Teenage Girl 22/10/21(Fri)16:52 No. 25342 ID: 049bc8

Only if you do it on someone else's land, dipshit. Pool your money and buy some cheap rural land and get a lawyer to set you up with a contract for shared ownership that fits your goals, it will be fine.

Teenage Girl 22/10/23(Sun)02:13 No. 25343 ID: d09366

Not even on someone's private property.
In the woods, away from houses or parks, if you're found out having a commune, you get thrown in jail for "trespassing."

Even abandoned houses that haven't been brought by any realtors.

Teenage Girl 22/10/23(Sun)02:46 No. 25344 ID: 049bc8

What you've described is literally someone's private property, it's just private property without an owner that is actively exercising control over it. You don't have a legal right to just grab any land that isn't being guarded, that would defeat the whole point of the system. There is, of course, an exception in adverse possession, but I'm willing to bet you don't know what that is.

Land out west is cheap as hell, even free in a few niche situations. Just go out and make it happen instead of whining about there not being a perfect opportunity to do it like your ridiculous fantasy version where you steal from 'the man'. Or better yet, just join an existing commune.

Teenage Girl 22/10/27(Thu)16:21 No. 25354 ID: 43e318

So you're saying that undeveloped land that hasn't been claimed by realty groups is private property?
That's your justification?

No wonder people are so cucked.

Teenage Girl 22/10/27(Thu)19:14 No. 25355 ID: 049bc8

Yeah, I'm saying it because it's literally how the system works. It's just a fact, no justifying required.
>that hasn't been claimed by realty groups
lmao you have no idea of the very basics of this. The system is not run by "realty groups", they're just a middle man who handles the transactions. Abandoned houses are not 'no mans land' in the way you seem to imagine them, they are usually still owned by whoever had them to begin with, or their heirs. If they don't pay the taxes on it then it will eventually be reclaimed by the government, who will decide what to do with it (usually, they will sell it).

At no point do you personally have a right to take it for free, not unless you go through the long and arduous process of adverse possession (which, again, you don't know anything about).

Teenage Girl 22/10/28(Fri)18:08 No. 25358 ID: c1af1d

I said UNDEVELOPED. As in, natural land that hasn't had any houses or businesses or plants built on it.

Not mere abandoned property.

Teenage Girl 22/10/28(Fri)20:01 No. 25359 ID: 049bc8

We were clearly talking about abandoned houses. But as for undeveloped land, some of it belongs to private owners who bought it as an investment are more than happy to sell it to you and your (non-existent) buddies for pretty low price, and some of it is public land and is open for temporary camping but you can't live there permanently as it would take it away from the rest of the public. It's also worth mentioning that a lot of undeveloped land is still being used, just not very noticeably (grazing).

Teenage Girl 22/10/30(Sun)15:00 No. 25362 ID: 946ae6

Living on government-owned land depends on the kind of government you have. It doesn't depend on it "taking away" from the rest of the public. It depends on what the laws are. It also depends on the going standard of law enforcement. Sometimes law enforcement officers are under orders to not enforce certain laws, and a person would not face any consequences until some other law is violated and the judicial system is brought in to the mix.

Teenage Girl 22/10/30(Sun)20:12 No. 25363 ID: 049bc8

>It doesn't depend on it "taking away" from the rest of the public. It depends on what the laws are.
Yeah, obviously. I was just explaining the rationale for the law, but the cold facts remain the same whether or not you agree with that rationale: you cannot just build a house on public land without permission, and this is the sort of law that will actually be enforced if the government catches wind of it. The government is pretty lazy and selective about enforcing the more interesting laws everyone loves to talk about (drugs, weapons, sex, even violence), but they will almost automatically enforce any laws that uphold the structure of the system, such as property rights and taxes. It's just self-preservation.

Teenage Girl 22/11/01(Tue)13:09 No. 25365 ID: 946ae6

There are people doing exactly this in san fran, except with a lot more flair and style than your typical bums.

t. sometimes hang out with local bums. The cops don't care as long as it's mostly out of sight.

Teenage Girl 22/11/01(Tue)13:52 No. 25366 ID: 049bc8

There are indeed hilarious exceptions to this rule in lefty areas, just makes the point that this kid could basically go out and live his dream but conveniently is only willing to in the few ways that happen to not be available.

Teenage Girl 23/01/30(Mon)23:39 No. 25507 ID: 3e05e9

It also depends on what kind of "public" land it is. It's not unsual for BLM land to be nearly a free-for-all, and that's one of the ways people out west live in trailers and tents out in the middle of nowhere, among other sensible and wholesome activities.

Teenage Girl 23/02/08(Wed)08:26 No. 25525 ID: f70d80

>millennials act like

You’re fucking retarded enough to think a generation that enormous acts one way. Every one of your dipshit cunty posts on here reveals how mentally crippled and opinionated you are. You sound just like every other sad old fuck upset that no one cares about them and their dumbass opinions anymore bc you’re not 20 and cute, which is the only thing you ever had going for you.

Teenage Girl 23/02/08(Wed)15:33 No. 25526 ID: 049bc8

>You sound just like every other sad old fuck upset that no one cares about them and their dumbass opinions anymore
Umm wow sweetie, you think every single sad old fuck is exactly the same? Touch grass and have sex.

Teenage Girl 23/02/08(Wed)17:17 No. 25527 ID: 2aae79

You sound a little obsessed with being 20 and cute. This degree of vanity suggests to me that you are not cute. Don't worry. I was ugly, too. It gets easier with age most people stop being cute, and a lot of them really turn awful.

If you are concerned about someone caring about you (which is only normal) then I suggest you get to work on a potential long term relationship before your socialite party days are over, since the playing field has a way of evaporating before you notice compared to what things were like in and around being school aged.

Teenage Girl 23/02/14(Tue)16:06 No. 25546 ID: b2c5f3

Ok boomer.

Teenage Girl 23/03/10(Fri)08:56 No. 25580 ID: de528b

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>You sound just like every other sad old fuck upset that no one cares about them

That's the PERFECT tagline for 4chan, 7chan, Kiwi Farms, Lolcow Farm and every "NORMIE BAD" shithole. Seriously. I couldn't think of a better summary of their collective userbase. Thanks, anon.

Teenage Girl 23/03/20(Mon)14:01 No. 25590 ID: 70feb5

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Stupid take that goes back to The days of Socrates and the ancients. Old people always get pissed when they think they're becoming irrelevant cause they can't comprehend that, like it or not, the world will always change.
You just outed yourself as a scared old man or self hating kid.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/21(Tue)02:43 No. 25593 ID: 2ab722

Source: Editor's anus

Those fonts look awful repetitive *magnifying pepe*

That's bullshit.

Teenage Girl 23/04/13(Thu)07:13 No. 25628 ID: 63ad76

>You just outed yourself as a scared old man or self hating kid.

So you mean I'm the average imageboard user? Heh, I love how imageboards generalize every group under the sun, but suddenly you poke fun at millennials, and they're all like woah, dude, that's not nice, okay?

Teenage Girl 23/04/15(Sat)05:28 No. 25632 ID: fcdf7b

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>classic Simpsons

Yeah no...I saw this pinnacle of wholesome before fucking First grade in the 90s.

Teenage Girl 23/04/15(Sat)06:20 No. 25633 ID: 1fee4a

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Teenage Girl 23/04/15(Sat)14:59 No. 25634 ID: 6a8a53

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Yeah, and?

Teenage Girl 23/04/18(Tue)04:59 No. 25636 ID: 4fa68b

AND obviously MY generation is any better if it needs any further explaining - -.

Teenage Girl 23/04/21(Fri)16:58 No. 25640 ID: 049bc8

It is my belief that people get all of these ridiculous 'big idea' takes on what is wrong with society (jews, "white supremacy", capitalism, etc.) because they're too scared to acknowledge that the reason they are unhappy messes is just that their parents were pointlessly mean to them and screwed with their heads. That's literally it. If your parents were nice to you then you have a foundation of self-esteem and are able to brush things off and enjoy life, rather than subconsciously feeling like someone is going to try to humiliate you for anything you say or do.

Bonus points if they raised you in a place with access to a decent community with other kids in it and tried to teach you healthy ways to spend your time, but that can be sorted out later.

Teenage Girl 23/04/22(Sat)19:14 No. 25642 ID: 2dfe39

>It is my belief that people get all of these ridiculous 'big idea' takes on what is wrong with society (jews, "white supremacy", capitalism, etc.) because they're too scared to acknowledge that the reason they are unhappy messes is just that their parents were pointlessly mean to them and screwed with their heads. That's literally it.

That's what I've been saying for years. Surprisingly, a lot of folks off and online agree with this.

Teenage Girl 23/04/23(Sun)15:58 No. 25643 ID: 049bc8

I'm glad to hear it.

The evidence for this is pretty clear for anyone who wants to look into it, just go out and talk to people of all different ages about their parents. My grandmother and grandfather both had about the same socio-economic background but my grandfather was raised by kind parents who clearly valued him in spite of sounding like pretty simple working class people and my grandmother was raised by an abusive nutcase of a mother. He is a very happy and likable person, she is a miserable wreck who takes it out on everyone else 80 years later.

Teenage Girl 23/04/23(Sun)16:07 No. 25644 ID: 049bc8

Here's a more controversial point though: the current epidemic of this has a lot to do with society not valuing boys/white boys.

We hear all these stories from back in the 'chud era' of boys being put on a pedestal and valued just for existing. If that's reasonably true then it sucks for girls that didn't get the same deal, but it made a lot of happy and well-adjusted men. The solution is to give girls the same admiration, not to start beating up on boys of this generation to get even, but that's exactly what my parents did to me and my brother.

My early boomer dad benefited from being raised in that era, but due to his lefty bullshit he didn't see any reason not to talk to his own kids like they were pieces of shit who were automatically wrong for anything they said or did and should be 'humbled' at every opportunity, no matter who was there to witness. Hence, I will always have some pretty deep emotional damage no matter how well I do with my tangible situation in life.

Teenage Girl 23/05/02(Tue)04:05 No. 25660 ID: 36f4cf

The dirty little secret is the nobody wants equality.

Its demonized as some Ponzi scheme by the right.
By the left, its used to get back at whites, cishet males, and religious folks.

People dont wamt the isea of narrowing down the slice of the pie to the exact measure. Everyone thinks of themselves as too good to get the same treatmet. They either want more or want others to be inconvenienced.

Teenage Girl 23/05/02(Tue)17:10 No. 25662 ID: 049bc8

It's really not much of a secret.

The only reason people talk about "equality" so much is that it's one of these words that has become synonymous with "goodness", people just drop it as a hollow buzzword.

It's a very empty concept. First of all, it's meaningless with some kind of qualifier like "equality of opportunity" or "equal distribution of resources", and picking one negates the others and brings you to a place that is only equal in some very pointless way that has little to do with the reasons people thought equality was a good idea.

The deeper issue is just that you can't run an equal society, scarcity and the structure of our species requires having hierarchies. We can't make everyone upper middle class professionals because then there would be no one to support them and to provide all of these services that we've come to expects. What's more is lots of people genuinely don't have the talent and intelligence for more advanced work, and education would not make any difference. It's how we're built, evolution has made it so that every generation has a pretty diverse spread of traits so you have all of your bases covered.

Teenage Girl 23/05/02(Tue)18:22 No. 25663 ID: fa8541

>The deeper issue is just that you can't run an equal society, scarcity and the structure of our species requires having hierarchies. We can't make everyone upper middle class professionals because then there would be no one to support them and to provide all of these services that we've come to expects. What's more is lots of people genuinely don't have the talent and intelligence for more advanced work, and education would not make any difference. It's how we're built, evolution has made it so that every generation has a pretty diverse spread of traits so you have all of your bases covered.

This is why I advocate to abolish compulsory schooling. The only reason why adults obsess over education is because they think they can get their kid into high class society to bring fame amd fortune to the family name.

The average adult has little to no respect/appreciation for academia, yet they wanna make it a life-and-death matter for kids.

Also, the strive to make everyone upper middle class is creating envirnomental damage. It would take six to eight planet Earths to give everyone equal resources.

Teenage Girl 23/05/02(Tue)22:29 No. 25664 ID: 049bc8

My solution is just to build schools with respect to that reality, give kids a lot more time to learn social skills and have more training programs available for blue collar jobs.

Teenage Girl 23/05/03(Wed)15:25 No. 25665 ID: dbe3d9

Tbh, the sole reason for compulsory schooling was social skills. Why else are homeschooled kids atracked as being "maladjysted"?

Kids whom are introverted, loneky, soft spoken but smart are harrassed and criminalzed by adults.

Also, adults think industrial exposure is bad for kids.

"Thats child exploitation! What about their heckin studies?"

Yet, adults dobt respect their juniors whom are scholarly but unworldly

Teenage Girl 23/05/03(Wed)17:28 No. 25666 ID: 049bc8

It is my experience that adults are quite okay with introverts who keep their mouths shut, it's basically what they've been asking for the whole time. That's not being maladjusted, being maladjusted means not knowing how to talk to people without pissing them off.

Teenage Girl 23/05/03(Wed)18:12 No. 25667 ID: dbe3d9

Fair point But what im saying is that adults dont like introverted kids whom dont even converse with adults

Adults are offensed as well by extroverted kids, assuming them to be dumb delinquent-tier types.

All in all, adults are offended by kids having social lives independent of adults, ibtrivert or extrivert

Teenage Girl 23/05/04(Thu)15:34 No. 25668 ID: 049bc8

A lot of adults just beat up on kids no matter what, since they have internalized rage and kids are an unprotected target who other adults assume deserve it if they get chewed out.

Teenage Girl 23/05/05(Fri)08:03 No. 25669 ID: dbe3d9

Its more common in adult males,

I especially notice that male adults whom are fond of their own childhood, and if said childhood is rife with roughneck tendenices they tend to be more standoffish towards kids displaying social individuality.

These are ironically the guys whom whine the most about "kids these days."

Teenage Girl 23/05/09(Tue)12:33 No. 25673 ID: 306a74


Speaking of "adult" males?
>Neighbor shoots 14-year-old as kids play hide and seek outside, Louisiana cops say.
Why are kids on their screens all the time? In my day, we would play outside! Kids these days go outside to play and either get shot by a neighbor or get the cops called on them…I’d spend all day inside as well.

Teenage Girl 23/05/20(Sat)18:03 No. 25674 ID: b81493

Suburbia is becoming an exclusive luxury for single lonely people.

Teenage Girl 23/05/21(Sun)18:08 No. 25675 ID: 049bc8

I remember one time when I was in middle school I was running around and playing in my own yard (big, not next to another house) with my brother and some old fuck came up to us to aggressively ask what we were doing, he had naturally assumed we were committing some sort of crime.


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