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I'm pissed Teenage Girl 19/11/07(Thu)08:24 No. 22318 ID: e0eda8

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all my fucking bitch-ass dad does is complain about how unfair I make his life. I get done with my goddamn 8-hour wageslave shift and he complains that he has to pick me up at 10 pm. he wonders why I can't just take a morning shift and just generally yells at me for existing. I'm not a fucking morning person and I've offered to walk home but nooo... he has to have it his way. I've tried working mornings but I kept sleeping through my alarms (I use two). I can't afford to buy a car because he charges me $500 fucking dollars a month for 'rent'. okay... I'm 19 bloody years old and I don't have anywhere else to go.

ive got no other goddamn options. fuck him—fuck that cunt, I hate him. all he does is gaslight me and yell at me like my birth was the worst thing to happen to the world. I've got no friends I can stay with...

fuck,fuck,fuck, FUCK...!
I want him out of my life.


thanks for listening. I need to vent.

Teenage Girl 19/11/07(Thu)12:58 No. 22321 ID: 2e6cef

>he charges me $500 fucking dollars a month for "rent".
Would he really kick you out for saving up your money for a car?

Teenage Girl 19/11/07(Thu)15:46 No. 22322 ID: 528d7a

What does the $500. include?
Do you buy and prepare your own food?

Teenage Girl 19/11/09(Sat)16:39 No. 22328 ID: c6e683

Get a bicycle.

If the distance is short enough you think you could walk, and he thinks it's far enough he has to give you a ride, it's probably a short trip by bicycle. Bother him a little less, save up for moving the fuck out of there. If you can pay your dad $500 rent, you can pay a landlord $400 rent for your own place, or to split a place with a roommate. Do something with yourself.

JUST DO IT 19/11/10(Sun)17:46 No. 22336 ID: 892559

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honestly this
bicycles are comfy af
dont buy some cheapshit, buy used one in good condition (there are plenty of them)

if you dont know how to repair bike (if youll need it) then theres a ton of youtube tutorials and shit

youll make it anon. bless you

Teenage Girl 19/11/10(Sun)17:57 No. 22337 ID: 06d78a


Teenage Girl 19/11/15(Fri)09:18 No. 22362 ID: 85987e

There is basically nowhere where rent is $400/mo, unless you have seven roommates. Maybe in Horse Cum, Nebraska or wherever the fuck you live. Not in anything like civilization where the actual jobs are other than farms and factories.

Teenage Girl 19/11/15(Fri)11:27 No. 22365 ID: 4e423a

I live alone in a city with a population density of 950/km2 and I pay $240/m.

I also ride a bicycle or take public transportation everywhere; I have no need for a car and do not own one.

Teenage Girl 19/12/12(Thu)05:56 No. 22417 ID: eff71a

So you live in Europe. Therefore your experience is invalid in this topic, and has been entirely dismissed. Move along.

Teenage Girl 19/12/14(Sat)03:43 No. 22421 ID: ea6401

Sounds like a pretty clear case of co-dependency to me. You need to give up and live on the street for a while buy a car and live in it like every other hipster out there.

Teenage Girl 19/12/17(Tue)02:26 No. 22425 ID: 30cbc3

Incorrect, but I see that you prefer being utterly wrong, so I won't bother trying to tell you the truth anymore.

Teenage Girl 19/12/21(Sat)17:11 No. 22438 ID: bd04fb

Yeah, get it right, he lives in Russia.

Teenage Girl 20/07/01(Wed)13:28 No. 22903 ID: 16404b

move out with a roommate fuck your dad fucking scum charging his own child to live

Teenage Girl 21/02/14(Sun)21:58 No. 23410 ID: dbf4e7

Male infallibility (in parenting) is a wonderful thing is it?
If women fucked up like this in parenting, she'd be shunned and maybe killed.

Teenage Girl 21/02/15(Mon)19:24 No. 23421 ID: 8a58de


>If women fucked up like this in parenting, she'd be shunned and maybe killed.

Nah. Look at Marc Lepine's mom. She ended up being seen as a victim just like the young women he murdered in cold blood. This is in contrast to, say, the mother of a drunk driving victim who confronted her son's killer and got shat on by retards on YouTube because how dare she be angry! It's funny, isn't it? Fuck up your kids, get rewarded. Don't fuck up and actually give a shit, and get condemned.

Teenage Girl 21/02/15(Mon)21:00 No. 23427 ID: 8b58e1

Alcoholism is taken too lightly in the west. Meanwhile, video games are condemned, labelled as a symptom of arrested development.

Teenage Girl 21/02/15(Mon)21:37 No. 23430 ID: 8a58de


Exactly. Just look at Marco Muzzo. Guy obliterates an entire family save the mother (who wasn't there at the time), and gets mollycoddled. Some kid plays video games a lot during quarantine and his father says "I failed you as a son" to the MEDIA and paints him out to be a loser. I wish I had the screencap of the article on hand, but suffice it to say that it really shows the pedophobia these days:

>Kids, stay inside and save lives.
(kids stay inside and play vidya)
>No, not like that!!!!!11111

Teenage Girl 21/02/16(Tue)07:37 No. 23445 ID: 13daad

It's bc "tech bad."
Anything with wires and circuits and used for fun is "evil."
Yet anything that uses plain biochemical reactions is "good."

This is the sentiment being used to demonize children with Internet.

People act like asociality is "only an Internet disease." In fact, electronic media is being overestimated as the cause for all social/mental disorders.
Yet, these same people ignore or are ok with social/mental blankness in secluded environment

Teenage Girl 21/02/23(Tue)02:03 No. 23460 ID: e8369a

Move out, it can seem scary but you have to move out. I lived with well meaning but psychologically abusive parents until 33, then I quit my job and moved to another country. Had no money, no job, no friends, but suddenly I could feel that I own my life, and that I can do things that will make it better. Ten years later things are going pretty good, I have a job, a family, friends, a house, and I talk with my parents once in a few weeks on hangouts. So yeah, as long as you are capable of getting and keeping a job, any job, move, for the sake of your sanity.

Teenage Girl 21/02/24(Wed)19:12 No. 23466 ID: 6ee382

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I found the screencap! Tech bad indeed.

Teenage Girl 21/02/25(Thu)06:04 No. 23470 ID: a15884

Ironically, adults will waste a good half day watching television. Yet kids who play video games for at least two hours a day are "at risk".

Teenage Girl 21/02/25(Thu)14:12 No. 23473 ID: 950625

It comes down to brain development.

Same thing with tabacco and alcohol, their effects are more pronounced on kids.

Teenage Girl 21/02/25(Thu)17:35 No. 23474 ID: 8567b3

That kid better put his shitbag of a father in the worst possible nursing home. "I failed you" because of video games? Holy shit, the fucking arrogance!

Teenage Girl 21/02/26(Fri)03:49 No. 23475 ID: 74d85f

When "muh brain development" is being used as an excuse to disenfranchise young people from gun ownership, driving, employment and dating, then it's complete bullshit.
With the way this is going, age of majority will be moved to 35 by mid-century. I hear they're seriously considering making college compulsory.
If people are so concerned about brain development, why not obsess over the elderly?
They do some questionable things yet they're let off the hook.

Teenage Girl 21/02/26(Fri)16:26 No. 23476 ID: 6dab7d

>When "muh brain development" is being used as an excuse to disenfranchise young people from gun ownership, driving, employment and dating, then it's complete bullshit.
Are you proposing that giving a child a fully automatic SMG (because I'm sure gun restrictions are crime in your mind), driving a Pickup Truck and expecting them to labour in a full-time job to pay their rent and taxes is a responsible thing to do?

>If people are so concerned about brain development, why not obsess over the elderly?
>They do some questionable things yet they're let off the hook.
Development and deterioration are different sides of the coin:
When developing you have a whole lifespan ahead of you. Stunting them when they're young is going to have a knock-on effect for the next 60+ years
When deteriorating, you're in the end game. Then ain't a whole lot of time left. It's a kindness to be lenient because they're 'wolfed anyway.
What I do disagree with, and expect you to agree with, is the elderly should be required to complete competency exams to determine whether they're still in their right-mind to own a gun/drive a car.

Teenage Girl 21/02/27(Sat)00:07 No. 23477 ID: b26127

Why are you imposing this straw man again? I'm talking about how society smothers young people from doing basic adult tasks.
Like what the the fuck is wrong with allowing teens to have full-time jobs to help their parents pay rent instead of wasting away at school?
We have new generations of adults that thanks to helicopter parenting and liability laws are clueless about basic survival tasks. Humans are the only species with the longest maturation rate relative to their lifespan. And most of this "maturation" nowadays is wasted away on "liberal arts" classes.

And yes,elderly people should have comptency exams. And no they shouldn't be excuses about their vices because they're often in the care of nurses who are wrongfully blamed for anything that goes wrong. Morality isn't exclusively a child restraint.

Teenage Girl 21/02/27(Sat)14:00 No. 23478 ID: 6dab7d

>Why are you imposing this straw man again? I'm talking about how society smothers young people from doing basic adult tasks.
If you're going to scream straw man you're going to need to expand on the case you're stating rather than making a short statement fuelled by emotion. Currently all you're doing is moving goalposts. You've by no means made an argument for smothering beyond "Mom won't let me play XBox all night!", when in reality the solution to your personal dilemma has already been presented, move out. If you do happen to be a 12 year old child, you may not legally be permitted to live independently where you reside in which case we now go back to questioning.

>Are you proposing that giving a child a fully automatic SMG (because I'm sure gun restrictions are crime in your mind), driving a Pickup Truck and expecting them to labour in a full-time job to pay their rent and taxes is a responsible thing to do?

Teenage Girl 21/02/27(Sat)21:32 No. 23479 ID: df1852

I have presented presented case but you already just wanna refute with more bullshit.

> Currently all you're doing is moving goalposts. You've by no means made an argument for smothering beyond "Mom won't let me play XBox all night!",

If only smothering ended there.

Teenage Girl 21/02/28(Sun)01:15 No. 23480 ID: 6dab7d

>If only smothering ended there.
I don't see you elaborating on much else.

How else do your parents control you and why haven't you moved out?

Teenage Girl 21/03/02(Tue)19:07 No. 23481 ID: c6f67c

Buy an ebike, or if you can find one cheap a used moped

Teenage Girl 22/04/06(Wed)18:41 No. 24496 ID: ff3844


>What I do disagree with, and expect you to agree with, is the elderly should be required to complete competency exams to determine whether they're still in their right-mind to own a gun/drive a car.

Jennifer Tolliver would agree with you. I'm sure her kid currently fighting for their life in the ICU would also.

Teenage Girl 22/04/06(Wed)18:42 No. 24497 ID: ff3844


>How else do your parents control you and why haven't you moved out?

It's funny how disingenously contrarian you lot are. One moment, it's boomers are the death of the white race, being nigger loving ZOGbots, and the next moment, you're spouting the same bullshit rhetoric that you seethed IRL about before finding fellow copers online.

Teenage Girl 23/06/03(Sat)11:31 No. 25693 ID: 88736e

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Just Do It, man.

Teenage Girl 23/06/09(Fri)03:42 No. 25695 ID: fb573d

Be respectful

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