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notetaking reading a newbook Hipster Slut 23/11/25(Sat)17:25 No. 18412

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I like to shit post so what better way to motivate myself to read a book than reading it to shit post, this is amazing. Time to read.

our first book is going to be 《Arrest-proof yourself : an ex-cop reveals how easy it is for anyone to get arrested, how even a single arrest could ruin your life, what to do if the police get in your face》, recommended by an vet military officer

This is especially useful because how much of a shithole 4chan is. Going to read book and write down some note to share with you all, have any resources please do share.

Even if you aren't feeling threaten but DOJ essentially works just like that, FBI NSA collecting your informations charges can get drop on you in secret court next thing you know radar weapon system shot at you 24/7 sleep deprived tormented skin and body melting tooth gum burn bloated and bleeding from microwave burn, IQ went straight to below60 under infrasound disruption, memory reduced to nothing, can't focus can't keep your job, irritated by shots after shots of radar beams, or even get abused till you're disabie, all because we don't know how it works. We'd be meeting officers on the internet without knowing anything, stuff you wrote could get you in trouble for attitude, anonymous and freedom of speech aren't going to help.


A law enforcement doctrine called proactive policing has spread across the land. It calls for zero tolerance of petty offenses, including such things as jaywalking, loitering, and drinking a beer on the street. Proactive policing has reduced crime—no question—but to do so it requires huge numbers of arrests of petty offenders who in years past would never have seen the inside of a jail.

The volume of arrests has caused a boom in jail and court construction and the creation of a criminal justice system that employs hundreds of thousands and requires ever more arrests to justify its existence.

The near universal installation of computers in police cruisers, and their ability to access law enforcement databases instantly, allows police to make more arrests for what I call administrative crimes. People have worse manners than in the past. Whether this is due to less effective parenting, a decline in church attendance, increased use of drugs, disorder at public schools, or the pervasive influence of TV shows where everyone is “in your face” is a topic best left to the talk shows. All I know for a fact is that people don’t know how to behave. They act out in front of cops and get busted for being obnoxious.

The effects of radar infrasound&heat shots evocations on the human body can be so strong, that it easily makes people becomes incredibly irrational, agitated, aggressive for apparently no reasons, thus charge for attitude or even loses control get push into a criminal commit actual crime when frontal cortex shut off agitated.stressed panic threaten and in immense chaos these can all quickly turns it into road rage or anger outburst people loses it so quick like you wouldn't believe it, Prevention is going to be really important.

Hipster Slut 23/11/25(Sat)17:27 No. 18413

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A big chunk of system funding comes from defendants’ families. By and large this means women are paying thousands of dollars to get the men they love legal representation, reduced sentences, and freedom.

The system devours the investment capital of poor Americans and is one of the major reasons the poor stay poor. Elected officials love to describe how much money they pour into poor neighborhoods and community services. They never, ever, discuss how much is drained out by the criminal justice system. Ladies, the best way to keep your savings in the bank and your folding money in your purse is to keep your men away from cops and out of jail. So read on and prosper.

electronic plantation. This is the lifetime restriction on jobs and opportunities that derives from the instant accessibility of arrest information. Increasing use of background checks and widespread access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the federal government’s database of every arrest made in the United States and its territories, means that the record of your arrest follows you around for life. Even if your arrest record is expunged or sealed or adjudication is withheld or the charges were dismissed or you were acquitted at trial, the arrest record is permanent. Worse, it’s easily accessible. Because employers tend to regard an arrest as tantamount to a conviction, a single arrest can deny you job opportunities forever. The electronic plantation restricts them to a lifetime of low-wage work once they’re free. Their only hope is to avoid the system long enough to grow up, get educated, and get on with their lives.——This destroyed one of the greatest features of American life: the opportunity to get a second chance. In the age of paper records, once you paid your debt to society, you were done. An arrest should not be a life sentence, but it is.

***(Same thing with all types of charges, survallence acts too)

Increasing use of background checks and widespread access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), record of your arrest follows you around for life. Even if your arrest record is expunged or sealed or adjudication is withheld or the charges were dismissed or you were acquitted at trial, the arrest record is permanent. Worse, it’s easily accessible. Because employers tend to regard an arrest as tantamount to a conviction, a single arrest can deny you job opportunities forever.

Arrest proofing is all about not attracting police scrutiny and about allaying suspicions when you are confronted by police.

REASONABLE SUSPICION. This means that police suspect that you are about to commit a crime. Reasonable suspicion is the standard that allows police to stop you on the street or pull over your car. PROBABLE CAUSE. This means that it is more likely than not that a crime has already been committed. Police require probable cause to make an arrest.

The path from reasonable suspicion to felony conviction is a slippery slope down which you slide to jail and a ruined life with amazing speed. This book is all about staying off that slope.

The problem today is not—repeat not—that police are untrained, incompetent, racist, or corrupt. It’s precisely the opposite. Because police are better educated, better trained, and more tightly disciplined, you're more likely to get arrested than ever before. Police generally make lawful arrests and are accurate and truthful in their reporting and court testimony. Fewer mistakes mean fewer chances for an attorney to set you free.

Cops today are generally honest and practically ubiquitous, and they'll arrest you for tossing a gum wrapper!

Nonetheless, police routinely use tactics, such as inciters, that provoke suspects to run, resist, and fight. Using these tactics is called putting a suspect in the trick box. They allow cops to transform a traffic ticket or misdemeanor into a felony arrest guaranteeing incarceration for suspects and impoverishment for the families who pay the legal fees, bail bonds, court costs, and probation charges. Although generally legal, these tactics are highly unethical.
these tricks, ranging from legal inciters to grossly illegal tactics suck as planting drugs and “throw-down” guns on innocent suspects. In ue gency Procedures,” you will even receive instruction on what to do in as worst of all circumstances—when you are being beaten or shot by police. If you survive, I’ll tell you what to do in the hospital before the bandages come off.

The criminal justice system often acts like a mindless bureaucracy and prosecutes cases that are absurd. For example, I once represented a 12-year-old boy who was arrested, and jailed, for throwing a pecan at a bus. charged with throwing a deadly missile, which is a third-degree felony, Today people like this nut-throwing kid are being shoved through the legal sausage grinder.

Had my client known how to behave around police officers, he probably would have received a warning and a trip home to his mother in the back of the cruiser. Instead, he got hammered.

Arresting organized crime figures is easy; prosecuting them is not. It requires interagency task forces, wiretaps, 24/7 surveillance, and gobs of government money. Almost all the investigations and arrests were made by the FBI, not local police. The state’s attorney (prosecutor), an elected official, seemed not to notice, amid a busy schedule of luncheons, speeches, and fundraisers, that the city was being run by a bunch of hoods.
police, in lieu of arrest, can issue a notice to appear, also known as a penal citation. This also requires the offenders to show up in front of a judge and get what’s coming to them (fines, anger management therapy, drug rehab, restitution, etc.) without getting busted and receiving a permanent arrest record and a lifetime sentence on the electronic plantation.
THREAT TO THE COMMUNITY. This is the most important criterion judges use in setting bail or allowing release on recognizance. Petty offenders, however, are generally only a danger to themselves. Once released, what a petty offender is most likely to do is go out and get stoned or drunk to forget all about it. This is stupid but hardly a threat. By arresting clueless petty offenders instead of citing them, police lump them together, in the minds of judges and the public, with career criminals and violent offenders. This justifies arresting them rather than issuing citations.
THEY NEED TO BE “IN THE SYSTEM.” this can be accomplished without arresting and jailing clueless offenders and consigning them to the electronic plantation for life.
CONDIGN PUNISHMENT. Most people think that an arrest and a few days in the sneezer is appropriate punishment for many of these offenses. however. When petty offenders are arrested and jailed, they have not yet been convicted of a crime in a court of law. They are presumed innocent. For this reason they’re called pretrial detainees.

The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:04 No. 18421

Reddit Laws

protip; they can arrest you for anything, the judge decides if you are guilty

Hipster Slut 24/01/02(Tue)19:28 No. 18426

Sounds like a really pointless book that just lays out a bunch of boring details without coming to a real analysis.

Hipster Slut 24/01/16(Tue)01:56 No. 18429

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they're promoting resisting arrest, which should be illegal

rpushurried 24/06/25(Tue)10:53 No. 18456

They need to get out of the system as soon as possible so they can finish school and start living their lives.

Hipster Slut 24/09/13(Fri)00:10 No. 18550

>The near universal installation of computers in police cruisers, and their ability to access law enforcement databases instantly, allows police to make more arrests for what I call administrative crimes. People have worse manners than in the past. Whether this is due to less effective parenting, a decline in church attendance, increased use of drugs, disorder at public schools, or the pervasive influence of TV shows where everyone is “in your face” is a topic best left to the talk shows. All I know for a fact is that people don’t know how to behave. They act out in front of cops and get busted for being obnoxious.

People use to e far more savage in the "good ol days."

Men used to have gunfights or put their wives in gallows for mere disagreement.

Also, irony is, most delinquents come from environments of excessive spanking.

And I lie how you assume church attendance is equivalent to a moral conscience.
Most civil offenders are churchgoers.

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