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METALMORPHICUM, by yours truly Author Jim Slim 13/08/17(Sat)18:23 No. 16958

File 137675650563.gif - (2.90MB , 290x189 , 11514+-+animated_gif+charlton_heston+laughing+plan.gif )

I've FINALLY written my 3-part fantasy journey, /lit/.. I'm already looking for a publisher of adult adventure novels!

But before I get to the business part, I'd like to hear what you think on the series premise.. If /lit/ is interested in reading, I'll be more than happy to post the first 2 chapters as a preview.

It's a book series I started in high school titled 'Metalmorphicum'

Basically, the setting is a steampunk Earth where every human is born with the ability to bend/manipulate (like Aang) 1 substance that exists on the planet. The substance that you can control is determined by the last thing your laboring mother touched before your umbilical cord was cut...

So if she touched blood, then you can manipulate any form of blood outside or inside someone's body. You could easilly kill one with blood-bending.

If she touched skin, you could (for example) rip the skin off your enemy's body strip by strip.

If she touched bone? Yikes, then I wouldn't wanna mess with you.

I almost gave up writing since there were so many characters and so many 'bendable' substances to remember. These included :

Metal, Wood, Brick, Glass, Sand, Rubber, Shit, Earwax, Piss, Barf, Teeth, Tears, Sweat, Boogers, and last but not least, (the main character's substance...Cum...

So... Would you read my story on a Kindle device for a mere 0.99 when I put it on Amazon this week?

Hipster Slut 13/08/20(Tue)08:59 No. 16960


starbrother 13/09/11(Wed)00:18 No. 16977

I wouldn't read it, the premise is quite shallow and the low brow stuff is exhausting and I've only read your synopsis.

Hipster Slut 13/10/07(Mon)21:37 No. 16994

>Basically, the setting is a steampunk Earth where every human is born with the ability to bend/manipulate (like Aang) 1 substance that exists on the planet. The substance that you can control is determined by the last thing your laboring mother touched before your umbilical cord was cut...

You pretty much broke the steam-punk and pushed it into high-magic with that. If it was only inorgancic substances you might have been able to pull it back to low-magic steam-punk. You could have even had the BBG/evil cult be oddities who can affect organic matter and still maintain the scenario.

All it takes is some BBG to condense oxygen and pour it on a mother (so what if she dies during the process (the BBG's evil)) and viola, a super-bender who can control the very air you breathe, hell if the mother died before birth you'd probably end up with some kind of necromancer!

Hipster Slut 13/10/10(Thu)07:28 No. 16995

No . . . firstly because I don't read that kind of literature, secondly because I think the story sounds a little lame based on your synopsis.

Also, if you want a publisher to seriously consider publishing your work I suggest you do not put it up on Amazon and instead focus on finding a publisher suitable for your work.

Hipster Slut 13/10/12(Sat)08:07 No. 16997

>Basically, the setting is a steampunk Earth where every human is born with the ability to bend/manipulate (like Aang) 1 substance that exists on the planet.

i am speechless

Hipster Slut 13/10/12(Sat)08:08 No. 16998

>touch private parts

Gender bending would be possible too. Your world would be a LGBT paradise!

Hipster Slut 17/04/07(Fri)01:54 No. 17801

well i for one am fucking interested. good for you OP, would love a preview

Hipster Slut 17/08/11(Fri)22:54 No. 17828

Does the ruling class try to exert control over what the mother touches? I mean, if they strictly policed and supervised childbirth they could effectively control the population - the upper echelons would touch something like bone or blood or whatever, thus making them the most physically dangerous class and helping them retain power (the same way European knights were all wealthy elites, or how only the rich could become Japanese Samurai. Throughout history, the military power has always been kept in the hands of the rulers). Furthermore, they could control the labour force. If they needed more lumberers, they could make the mother touch wood. If they need more smiths, they could make her touch metal, etc. You could have a Brave New World style caste system but maybe a few newborns inevitably slip through the cracks, forming the basis for conflict between the society and our protagonist.

What type of tone are you going for? From the description it sounds kinda psychological and metaphorical, in which case you probably don't need to flesh out the world in as much detail.

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