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BEAN 22/01/28(Fri)06:42 No. 3621 ID: 603d97

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I am a traveling anon, and wish to offer /jew/ knowledge about BEANS.
What follows is an "iron diet" specifically for people who live in western countries, and face poverty due to cost rather than lack of income.

BEAN+ 22/01/28(Fri)06:43 No. 3622 ID: 603d97

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>An American came make more a day begging than an Indian labourer can in a month working, the American's problem is cost of living.

>why eat BEANS
A. they are the cheapest source of protein typically available, by adding a significant ammount of BEANS to your diet you can radically reduce your consumption of meat, eggs and dairy with no ill effect.
B. BEANS are high in fiber, which most western diets chronically lack and this causes many serious problems.
C. BEANS are a dry good, you can buy them in bulk and store them without power.
D. BEANS have a ton of vitamins in them where other staple carbs do not; notwithstanding the protein and fiber.

BEAN+ 22/01/28(Fri)06:52 No. 3623 ID: 603d97

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>How to eat BEANS
Start with canned beans. All the recipies I post are for canned beans, and you can substitute dried beans when you are confident in preparing them
Canned BEANS can be eaten straight out of the tin, I always keep a tin of baked beans handy to avoid buying expensive take out food.
Canned BEANS are the easiest to store and prepare- so this is the natural starting point.

There are two hard rules.
A. never eat a raw bean
B. never try to cook a dried bean
C. always boil dried beans, slow cooking is not sufficient.

Beans contain toxins and cannot be eaten raw- if you eat 5 raw kidney beans you will become ill.
Most BEAN poisoning occurs because people who do not know how to prepare BEANS eat them raw,
Other common causes are trying to cook dried beans without first rehydrating them, and a more recent problem is people trying to use slowcookers to both rehydrate and cook dried beans.

As you follow the way of the bean you will begin buying dried BEANS and rehydrating them because it is far cheaper.
Some will reach advanced BEANing, sprouting, fermenting, frying, drying- but simply steps first.

BEAN+ 22/01/28(Fri)07:19 No. 3624 ID: 603d97

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The IRON diet.

This is the short version, explanations will come later.

1. Drink water, stop drinking sugar and alcohol.
2. Get carbs that have fiber. Fiber is not optional, that means BEANS
3. get protein, that means BEANS.
4. get the nutrients you need, that means BEANS, eggs, fish, pickles, liver.
5. eat all these foods medicinally if you have to, just eat a tin of tuna my itself.

Now you have to work out where and how you get these critical food sources.
You may well find that tinned sardines, mayonnaise, baked beans, lime juice and vitamin A supplements are the cheapest sources.
We are now thinking in terms of dollars vs. nutrients.

Modern Mom 22/01/28(Fri)15:05 No. 3626 ID: 8a52b2



Modern Mom 22/01/28(Fri)15:13 No. 3628 ID: 504335

Thank you for the BEANS.
I've often thought about buying red kidney beans but I never know what to cook them with. I always thought sugar was added to baked beans so I avoid buying them, am I wrong about that?

Modern Mom 22/01/28(Fri)15:53 No. 3630 ID: be4e77


Cooking oldfag here. Most recipes for baked beans include a small amount of sugar/honey/syrup/molasses to balance out some of the other flavors, as well as slightly bind said seasonings to your beans. Look on recipe forums to find more styles, and adjust your sugar to taste. Best practice is to use molasses or raw sugar with moderation. I haven't tried other sweeteners (agave, stevia, monkfruit) so experiment to your liking.

Modern Mom 22/01/28(Fri)16:19 No. 3631 ID: 504335

Thanks. Making them myself seems like a better option than buying them canned.

BEAN+ 22/01/29(Sat)09:07 No. 3632 ID: 6b1933

Sugar isn't good for you because it speeds up your metabolism
WHile it won't kill you, the amounts added to things are often pretty extreme.
There might be as much as 10% sugar in your baked beans.

You can buy plain kidney beans in a can and make boston beans, that's what I normally do.
Dice and cook onion and bacon, add spices and a tin of beans and tomato- cook for a bit.

BEAN+ 22/01/29(Sat)09:26 No. 3633 ID: 6b1933

I find the onion is quiet sweet and the worsestreshire sauce often has sugar.
Americans always had a sweet tooth.

Sometimes it's just an issue of volume, if you are using a regular tin of baked beans but adding a whole white onion and a tin of other beans it is reasonable.
The real advantage is cost, and this is why I /jew/ this recipie.
Two cups of dried beans, two white onions, smoked ham or bacon of any kind- if there was ever a recipe that called for pigs feet this would be it.
I often used the cheap bacon offcuts, or bacon that's almost expired or has expired- as you are actually frying then boiling the bacon in sauce.

It freezes well and making it without meat is a distinct option- you might add some barbecue sauce in this case.
It's a colonial recipe, still very relevant.
If you've got even more people to feed just add bread.

Currently making falalel, which in a similar way produces far more food than you ever really intend it to. Using parley seeds in stead of parsley because it is cheaper and having only vegetables in the oil you can re-use the oil readily

Modern Mom 22/01/29(Sat)15:00 No. 3634 ID: 896a9e

>the amounts added to things are often pretty extreme.
Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. It's insane how much sugar is in some food, like 5 to 10 grams.
Those boston beans you mentioned, is it possible to make them in a pot/pan? I don't own an oven. Your pic says that red kidney beans are toxic when raw, are the canned red kidney beans toxic as well? Your post said that canned beans can be eaten straight out of the tin but I just wanted to make sure.

Modern Mom 22/01/30(Sun)15:16 No. 3635 ID: 535274

finally tried preparing dried chick pea & other bean over the pandemic and it was like...WHERE HAVE U BEEN ALL MY LIFE.
Way superior for hummus, 1lb dried yields 3-4lb cooked, and the water from boiling the chick peas is a great vegetable stock, don't pour it out.

BEAN+ 22/02/01(Tue)13:32 No. 3637 ID: 6b1933

Based, I find the water from chickpeas gives me a ton of gas- it's got a whole bunch of soluble fiber and starch and god knows what else in it
Tinned beans are pre-cooked, so you can eat them straight out of the can.
I make boston beans simply by dicing onion, frying it until clear.

Modern Mom 22/02/02(Wed)02:29 No. 3638 ID: 668a45

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i'll soak em' overnight, then pour that out & boil in fresh water.

besides it's SO satisfying to wake up in the morning and rip one like Peter

Modern Mom 22/02/02(Wed)04:22 No. 3639 ID: 251a1b

I'm going to the store in the morning. I'm gonna buy bacon and onion to make these Boston BEANS of yours. Probably some sausages too to go with them. Thanks for the thread, beans anon.

Modern Mom 22/02/16(Wed)15:26 No. 3641 ID: f6dd26

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Beans anon, check it.
First attempt at Boston Beans. The taste was a bit flat but otherwise it came out well. Very filling. I might've added too much bacon and not enough bean. Next time I'm also gonna add more onion.

Modern Mom 22/04/05(Tue)06:32 No. 3650 ID: f3a803

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Traveling BEAN anon here.
I have returned.

The way I make my BEAN based diet work is that I cook batches of base sauce and freeze them; thus I have three on hand at any given time but only have to cook one a week.
Base sauces freeze much better than the actual dishes.

It's a simple dish, to lift the flavor consider using a better mustard.
You can use powder, wholegrain, djon or hot English.
Typically the dish is made with a dense brown sugar if not treacle or molasses- typical colonial food.

I'll be honest it's not the most exiting, but it's rich in nutrients and protein- if you make it with dried beans and leftover or offcut pork it is very cheap

Modern Mom 22/04/05(Tue)06:43 No. 3651 ID: f3a803

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Here's a sort of overflow of the cooking cycle.
Cooking from scratch is how you save money- batch cooking is how you get your time back.
Don't pay too much attention to the brands, these are all primary ingredients so pick whatever brand you like.

Depending on where you live in the world you may find a similar local product which is cheaper or which you prefer- you're the one eating it.

Modern Mom 22/04/05(Tue)07:16 No. 3652 ID: 22235d

>I'll be honest it's not the most exiting
It's still mighty healthy and cheap to boot. That's what's most important in my book. Welcome back btw.

Modern Mom 22/06/07(Tue)08:11 No. 3668 ID: 329c22

Today I picked all the beans I planted, it is a good day.

Modern Mom 24/01/28(Sun)16:06 No. 3940 ID: 108660

Been cooking lots of Charro beans. $3.49/5 lbs bag feeds us for several meals. First batch we make charro beans then fridge the rest and make refried beans with cheese for lunches. Dry beans and rice are a cheat code

Modern Mom 24/02/03(Sat)01:34 No. 3941 ID: 1b0a3e

Anyone know how to make them cause less gas? Every time I eat a lot of beans in any form I get really bad, painful gas and horrible smelling farts. I know beano exists, but I can't be fucked to take a pill 30 minutes before I think I might eat something.

Modern Mom 24/03/17(Sun)01:55 No. 3958 ID: 35f29c

If you said that the government was wiretapping your phone in 1999, everybody would have called you a nutjob.

Now if you say that the government is wiretapping your phone, no one cares.

How can Americans sleep at night now or look in a mirror without feeling disgusted and ashamed?

Modern Mom 24/03/18(Mon)14:14 No. 3960 ID: b41cb6

I'll usually cook them slow and low all day when im just staying at home. I don't think i get much gas. cook em with minced onion, garlic, jalapeno. Many people online will say you need to soak them before cooking but i think you get the same "de-gassing" effect by cooking them slow and low over a long time. usually i bring a big pot of everything to a boil then simmer for hours.

so good. hopefully that helped

Modern Mom 24/05/08(Wed)07:59 No. 3990 ID: bdf9d8

Is Rand Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?

Modern Mom 24/05/25(Sat)22:09 No. 3994 ID: b41cb6

neocon shill
might make baked beans soon.
green pepper
some jallepeno
little brown sugar
little w sauce

BEAN_ANON 24/07/18(Thu)19:29 No. 4054 ID: eb1fa6

I have returned

Over the last 12 months I've distributed more than 300 kilos of BEANs, I have been busy. Things got ugly around here and demand for BEAN has never been higher.
Cars and trucks just throw bags of vegetables into my yard every day, I no longer know who sends them, all I know is that I must produce BEAN.

Modern Mom 24/08/20(Tue)05:59 No. 4081 ID: 10f38b

One wonders if Snowden regrets throwing away his life to warn ungrateful Americans about unconstitutional NSA wire-tapping.


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