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Amoral money-making schemes? Modern Mom 21/10/16(Sat)01:47 No. 3556 ID: 3837e1

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Inspired by a couple articles I recently read, I want to ask you what schemes minorities pull in your countries. Minorities being gypsies, jews, africans, arabs, mexicans, and so on.

Here are the articles:

Beware, they are very long.

I'm considering changing my name to a girl's name and changing my gender via paperwork so I can sue people who misgender me.

Modern Mom 21/10/17(Sun)02:32 No. 3557 ID: 06a4ca

Articles like those are written and read by retards who think they're geniuses, which includes you. Not only is that an incredibly immoral way to make money, it's also incredibly inefficient and stupid.

Modern Mom 21/10/18(Mon)13:32 No. 3560 ID: 3837e1

>Articles like those are written and read by retards who think they're geniuses, which includes you. Not only is that an incredibly immoral way to make money, it's also incredibly inefficient and stupid.

Where do you think you are?

Modern Mom 21/10/25(Mon)01:12 No. 3571 ID: 06a4ca

Fair enough, although it's ironic considering how moralfaggy those articles are. The second part still stands though.

Modern Mom 21/10/25(Mon)04:38 No. 3572 ID: 3837e1

I don't see how "it's okay to betray those who've betrayed you" is moralfaggery. If anything it's good ole realpolitik.

Modern Mom 21/10/25(Mon)04:41 No. 3573 ID: 3837e1

I wouldn't say it's inefficient. If blacks and mexicans do it, how hard can it be? And imagine what you can do when you don't spend it all on foh-teez and menthols?

Modern Mom 21/10/26(Tue)04:06 No. 3574 ID: 06a4ca

Blacks and Mexicans taking advantage of a broken system is different from suing people for misgendering you. The latter takes way more time and effort than it's worth and will end with everyone hating you.

Modern Mom 21/10/27(Wed)06:30 No. 3575 ID: 3837e1

>Blacks and Mexicans taking advantage of a broken system is different from suing people for misgendering you. The latter takes way more time and effort than it's worth and will end with everyone hating you.

1. Why should I support a system that hates me, and forces me to pay for my replacement by people who hate me?
2. If everyone hates me and I'm larping as a tranny, wouldn't they also hate trannies? How is normal people hating the social equivalent of school shooters a bad thing?
3. While I didn't say so, I would focus on suing libtards and other fuckheads who enable such a malignant system. I want to turn the system against it's supporters, like an autoimmune disorder attacking it's own cells. And if they don't misgender then I behave like cancer - growing, reproducing, and spreading until the whole system falls apart. Once it falls apart, then I can use the resources I've accumulated and the hidden allies I've maneuvered into useful positions to purge the people who made this thing.

Modern Mom 21/11/03(Wed)04:01 No. 3577 ID: 06a4ca

So you are a moralfag. You're also out of your goddamn gourd.

Modern Mom 21/11/03(Wed)05:02 No. 3578 ID: 06a4ca

>If everyone hates me and I'm larping as a tranny, wouldn't they also hate trannies?
That's not what I meant.

Provided your plan actually goes anywhere, you're going to be under way more scrutiny than you think you are. You can only get away with suing people for misgendering you so many times before people catch on. At the absolute best you'll be seen as a dickhead trying to make a few bucks off of the fact that they're a tranny and thus someone to be wary of.

Also, I've seen people try to pull stunts like this for years, and it never works. Even if the plan hypothetically *could* work, you need to deal with the prerequisite of living the lie, which is a massive commitment and incredibly easy to fuck up, especially in your case since, again, you're going to be in the public eye.

Modern Mom 21/11/14(Sun)08:01 No. 3589 ID: af1d7e

Moralism is truly dead. The system is against most of us whichever way we look at it. So, I completely understand. Everybody knows shit's fucked!

Modern Mom 21/11/24(Wed)01:41 No. 3593 ID: 3837e1

How is reciprocating the treatment I get crazy?

Public eye? Almost no one pays attention to law suits. Just wear a bodycam and wait for someone to misgender you in a jurisdiction that makes this illegal, then sue them. I never said anything about posting it online, just abusing the system's rules.

You'd do a lot better if you read what I actually write instead of what's in your head.

Take everything you can, give nothing back.

Modern Mom 22/01/28(Fri)06:02 No. 3619 ID: 603d97

I know a lot about scams, don't ask why but I do.

Most of the time the scammer is not making money in the way you think they are- they are pretending to scam people, acting rich, then trying to bring in rich assholes who think they are clever.
Some guy is running a rubbish disposal scam by illegally storing rubber tires.
He claims to be part of the local mafia and claims to be rich.
You see him making thousands every day- but really he isn't.
What he can make illegally disposing tires is a pittance.
What he can trick YOU into investing is a thousand times more.
He convinces you to buy a piece of land for more than it's worth from the mafia, tells you it's how you pay off the mafia for the illegal dumping and this is why you can't "go it alone".
You buy the land and he vanishes, you lost $50,000 on the land and can make $50 a day illegally dumping car tires on it until you are caught.

Often "scammers" aren't scammers at all- they simply pretend to be for the sake of their own ego- 90% of the time these people are clinical narcissists.
Regardless of whther they actually have a scam or not, like gamblers their motivation is entirely ego driven.
If you are serious about beign a con artist- consider if you yourself are simply trying to inflate your ego, gain self awareness.

Sometimes "scammers" are actually other criminals- typically rapists.
They are trying to lure someone into a difficult situation simply to physically rape them.
There is no financial gain in the scam, it's simply to compromise a series of people to discourage them reporting having been raped.
It's very common to trick young women into running drugs that are of no real value, simply to get them to turn up alone at an apartment at 3AM.

I have seen a tremendous amount of ugliness in the world, don't be a part of it.

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