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/jew/ - Thrifty Living

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Making Cash With Zero Fundage Biff 14/02/08(Sat)05:35 No. 1890 ID: 3e2241

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Let's talk about ways to make cash online, it can really help out and once you get efficient with it and have a good group then you're golden.

I won't lie, I'd like to find a person or two from this board to be in a new group. You wouldn't believe how fast and simple things get when you get everyone working together well and can make the money on nearly autopilot, depending on what method you are using. Also tips and resources are always good.

Modern Mom 14/02/08(Sat)21:11 No. 1891 ID: 841eda

I'd like to get in on this. What will we be doing?

Modern Mom 14/02/09(Sun)19:26 No. 1895 ID: 0ffa5a

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im in aswell
long time lurker
first time poster btw

Modern Mom 14/02/11(Tue)05:13 No. 1898 ID: a9a501

And op never returns to be heard from again...

Biff 14/02/12(Wed)04:17 No. 1900 ID: 3e2241

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Sorry about that, I've been pretty busy the past week. One thing that will be really important for a later step in this process (getting paid to post stuff on your blog) is to have a blog. It doesn't have to have it's own domain name or anything(although you'll want to get your own later on, but we're not there yet). I would suggest a free wordpress blog, that's how I started out and it worked very well, blogger works too but I prefer using wp.

Now then, the blog can be about anything at all, general stuff, making money online, etc. I made my first one about reviewing ppc websites and traffic exchanges and it worked well.

IMPORTANT: Make a post schedule and KEEP TO IT, don't say you're going to post every day, you wont and you'll burn out, don't do it. Twice a week is the bare minimum, thrice a week is much better. If you miss one day then IMMEDIATELY make up for it, missing more than once will get you canned from the group, if you can't stick to something as simple as posting thrice a week then you won't be able to do any of the later stuff either.

Now then, after your blog is made and you've got it looking nice and have your first post up there then you should post a link to it in this thread. Everyone should bookmark everyones blogs and then get morning coffee which is an addon that opens a list of sites that you routinely go to with one click.

That's it for now, these blogs are too new for any companies to pay to put stuff on them so we need to let them age for a while and build up a post count and some comments. Oh right, I almost forgot: COMMENT on each others posts! That's really important. When you do, don't put "saying hi from /jew/" or anything like that, nothing mentioning this place, some companies don't like that for some reason.

If anyone feels they won't be able to keep posting new stuff then let me know and I'll make a post with some resources to help give you ideas and some stuff you can rewrite and post.

Modern Mom 14/02/12(Wed)05:41 No. 1901 ID: a9a501

Alright, I'll do this tonight.
Would like if you could post those resources about what to post as i can write about pretty much anything as long as I have a good idea going in my head.

Also, how effective has this been for you in the past?

Modern Mom 14/02/12(Wed)11:35 No. 1903 ID: dff87a

Can these blogs be about anything? I've been writing music articles for years so that's what's natural to me.

Biff 14/02/12(Wed)13:20 No. 1904 ID: 3e2241

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When I can't think of a topic I just rewrite a PLR article or merge a few together. Search for "Whatever your blog topic is"+PLR and you should find plenty for free, don't pay for them, they're never worth the money.

>Can these blogs be about anything?

>Now then, the blog can be about anything at all

I will say this though: having a niche blog will pigeonhole your options as far as sponsored articles go so that might not be the best choice.

Modern Mom 14/02/13(Thu)07:54 No. 1906 ID: a9a501

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Ok I made my blog.

Here it is

Doesn't look too shabby if I do say so myself.

What are the next steps?

Biff 14/02/13(Thu)22:46 No. 1907 ID: 3e2241

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Way to go matey, I commented on your post. The only thing I would suggest is putting your reflinks throughout the post and maybe linking one or two of the pics to them, other than that great job!

Modern Mom 14/02/13(Thu)23:39 No. 1908 ID: a9a501

Ok i'll do that right now. What are my next steps? Just keep posting regularly and try to advertise my blog?

When do I start making cheddar

Modern Mom 14/02/17(Mon)08:28 No. 1911 ID: a9a501

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biff please return ;_;

Modern Mom 14/02/19(Wed)21:57 No. 1915 ID: 52ec6c

This is a pretty good idea. I'll be back after I make meself a blog. How about some brainstorming about blog topics that are good for ads to keep this on the front page.

I would suggest anything exercise or diet based because the market is so over saturated with products. Bonus you may be encouraged to get healthy.

Modern Mom 14/02/20(Thu)03:18 No. 1916 ID: a9a501

Ok great. Patiently awaiting your return!

Any tips on how to get blog more views and start earning some dough?

Biff 14/02/24(Mon)15:49 No. 1927 ID: 3e2241

also here's a link to my own blog...my second one, it sucks but I don't care, godaddy tried to ransom me my first domain for 80$ like a greedy shady ass lowlife.
You have to treat it like you would a job, if you can't do that, then treat it like a plant you wish to grow.

Modern Mom 14/02/24(Mon)23:52 No. 1928 ID: a9a501

Ok i get that but I'm not understanding how we are suppose to get lots of traffic to our blogs and then the moneymaking part of the blog. Do advertisers eventually just end up giving you offers?

Modern Mom 14/02/25(Tue)00:23 No. 1929 ID: 3e2241

It's kind of a combination of several things plus what you mentioned.There are sites that you signup for and then show your blog to, then THEY turn around and show it to THEIR clients, who pay money for anything from sponsored articles, reviews to guest posts.

Modern Mom 14/02/25(Tue)00:30 No. 1930 ID: a9a501

Ok then. What I was also wondering is, where does the group part come in?

And I was just wondering how much you have earned in how long of a timeframe.

Bfff 14/02/25(Tue)07:32 No. 1931 ID: 3e2241

Come on folks, this won't do much until we have at least five to eight folks, then we can set up an irc channel and go into some more specific stuff, swap guest posts and set up rotators, you've got to take the first step and start learning, let's get this going here.

Modern Mom 14/02/25(Tue)19:33 No. 1936 ID: a9a501

a lil surprising no one else wants to join in...

Bfff 14/02/25(Tue)22:05 No. 1937 ID: 3e2241

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Here is the payment info for the past three years when I was barely doing it at all, I felt a lot like some of you might, like there was a catch, something would go wrong and whatnot (I browsed /grim/ a lot back then) but you have to just grab your balls, jump in and learn as you go sometimes, you won't ever learn if you don't do it yourself. YES it's annoying to have to read a bunch of peoples blogs you don't care about and post comments on all of them, YES it's a bother to have to somehow make a post about hello kitty birthday party supplies fit into the theme of your blog, NO I don't always feel like writing a post about whatever, YES it takes a long time comparatively to start generating income and YES there ARE problems sometimes, I got one client who wouldn't pay me for an article for no damn reason, but I called and did my best to be kind, polite and hopefully somewhat charming to the lady at the company I deal with and I got paid for it.

Modern Mom 14/02/25(Tue)23:36 No. 1938 ID: a9a501

What is the site where you submit your blog to? In the meantime do I just keep making post after post...? I got like 30 views all from /jew/ only.

Modern Mom 14/02/27(Thu)13:49 No. 1939 ID: 091521

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ill join in. im excited!
ive created a blog:
I couldn't think of anything good to use this blog for, so I did the most generic thing I could think of.
What do now, OP?

Bfff 14/02/27(Thu)19:25 No. 1940 ID: 3e2241

That's jumping ahead a bit because there are a whole lot and deciding which one/ones to use is a pretty big decision. I'd tell you the main one I work with, but I'm currently deciding whether or not to drop them due to some problems I'm having and I wouldn't want to send you to them when they're doing nothing but pissing on my hands and telling me it's raining. And yep, in the meantime just keep slammin em out. I'll put some posts on my blog about ways I keep content ideas coming in and soon we'll talk about rotators and some other tricks to generate traffic.

Nicely done! Throw an introductory post up asap though, it's no good for a big "Nothing Found" to show up when someone goes to your site ;)
I'll do a guest review for you once you get to five posts, you should crosspost your blog on /eh/ since it's relevant to the tone over there!

Keep it going folks, if >>1938 got 30 views then that means that there are at least 6-8 more people out there. Be creative with your blog titles and remember to make a POSTING SCHEDULE: Putting it in the tagline helps people to remember to come back. "Updates tuesdays and thursdays" or whenever will almost guarantee that you'll get some hits every tuesday and thursday as long as you stick to your post schedule.

Back when I was with a dedicated group of folks I cleared 80$ in one week with adsense alone. That went bad because some jealous idiot reported the blogs as using methods that went against the adsense TOS (we weren't), which got my account frozen for 6 months, but the point is that it's possible, you just have to treat it like a job, which it will be if you water it long enough!

I'm excited too, you guys stay cool!

Modern Mom 14/02/27(Thu)20:39 No. 1942 ID: a9a501

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Looks like a exaggerated a little bit.

Should I just be paraphrasing plr articles or making my own? How many words is ideal? Would copying other articles word for word be a good idea?

Also, how did adsense make you that much money? Nowadays since everyone has a means to an adblocker doesn't it defeat ads for the most part?

Modern Mom 14/02/28(Fri)05:39 No. 1943 ID: 6d31a7

K /jew/s you dragged me in, for anyone still interested.

Modern Mom 14/02/28(Fri)07:12 No. 1944 ID: a9a501

Let's get this happening!

Modern Mom 14/03/01(Sat)05:27 No. 1945 ID: 3e2241

A bit of both, most are only partially usable and they can always be improved upon.
As for word count, I try to stay around 300 or ao for normal articles, but that's for this blog specifically. Nope, that will actually be pretty bad for you because there are a lot of low level blogs that do JUST that and ONLY that, endlessly posting PLR when they're all out there over and over. There are a lot of sites that will sell you a bunch for a ridiculously low price, but its never worth it, find them yourself.

Those adsense earnings were the results of having a good group, all helping to promote each others blogs, guest posting in each others constantly and helping to keep things fun.

Modern Mom 14/03/01(Sat)06:48 No. 1948 ID: a9a501

Ok thanks. Looks like we got 4 or 5 people now. Can't wait

Biff 14/03/03(Mon)16:49 No. 1950 ID: 3e2241

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I only see three blogs listed, mine doesn't count.Besides that, only one of the blogs has more than one post thus far, one has one post and one has none, let's get the post count up folks!

I said I'd talk about rotators/autosurf sites so I may as well do it this morning. Today I'll talk about an autosurf site I use that has gotten a lot of traffic to my sites: Miamihits.com

It's part of a network of autosurf sites that all use the same rules, basically you open a window that will automatically cycle through the sites that other members want traffic for and earn "credits" for doing so. These credits can then be spent to get hits for your own sites. You can also buy them in bulk if you want to, but given the nature of the traffic you get from these types of sites I wouldn't recommend it. Why? These sites are perfect examples of mechanical traffic, the sort that isn't nearly as useful as organic traffic. When someone has their surfbar open and sites are whizzing by, the chances of them noticing yours and then staying there is slim, so paying for that to happen isn't a sound investment. Nonetheless, mechanical traffic has it's place, it keeps the traffic counters growing and you CAN get a new reader from there every so often, it's just not something to bank on.

Here are my referral links to miamihits as well as some of their other similar sites, you'll notice that they are all just about exactly the same lol


Remember, these things don't mean you don't need to promote your blog by browsing others and leaving comments; far from it!

Modern Mom 14/03/07(Fri)14:20 No. 1959 ID: 877a02

say you're banned from adsense because of whatever reason, I get it you'll change ISPs or some shit, but you still need to provide the same address for your money and the same real credentials, isn't that checked?

Biff 14/03/08(Sat)01:34 No. 1960 ID: 3e2241

Well, there are ways around that, but it's far better to not get banned in the first place, G is really hard to get with or trick in any way and if you DO pull something there's a chance you'll get permanently banned forever. Just check their TOS and watch your wording and you should be fine.

Modern Mom 14/03/23(Sun)01:47 No. 1979 ID: eda054

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I'm not going to make a blog as it seems like to much work. I made this file a while ago as I felt passionate about, anyone could use it as a blogpost royalty free:

It is important to preserve the original file name of certain files but is also important to have a clear description of what the file IS.

If you have ever downloaded Linux software it is a good idea to keep "7zam-2.9.0.tar.bz2" as the original name instead of "7zip archive manager 2.9.tar.bz2" as having spaces in the name will require extra steps to install it. If you are involved in the online anonymous flash community the filename is a certain identity that if you search for that particular file using the original filename you likely will find it! Example, if you downloaded "lolicatgirls.swf" and later changed the name to "anime men dancing.swf" then looked for it later you might be able to find the same file on the web. It is the same deal with plain text files. By text files I mean most stuff written around 1998, like anarchist cookbooks, information, ascii art, basically these files have dedicated writers.

For now I am using this syntax:
orginfilname......New descriptive filename
I use six periods between the 2 in 1 filename to make it ABSOLUTLY clear.

The importantce of having a clear descriptive filename is obvious. Imagine you have a ton of Window installers, shit like this:

You really don't have a clue wtf these files are. For windows I'd just rename them to what the software is called in "clear text". Like "ytinstaller-" to "Youtube downloader" remember to include the version as if you get a new install and want to still keep the old version you can differentiate the too. If you have software that is portable, meaning a .zip that you extract and launch the .exe right from the folder you extracted it to that DOES NOT include a readme.txt, then make one! Renaming "fastrun-3.3.0.zip" to "Fastrunner 3.3.zip" would enough info for those who have minuscule amounts of files/don't use the computer that much but it is a great idea to make one yourself. Maybe name it "End user made readme.txt" just copy a brief overview from the web and save it to the text file. If you think this is to much work than get ride of the software if you don't care about it that much. I had to repack around 30 PSP homebrews with self made readmes. It is worth it as you would later know what the game is basically about.

Modern Mom 14/03/23(Sun)01:49 No. 1980 ID: eda054

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hnd-4.9.0.exe jhyu-.1.9.5.exe ytinstall- fastrun-3.3.0.zip

Modern Mom 14/03/23(Sun)01:50 No. 1981 ID: eda054

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tab and 6 spaces don't work


Modern Mom 14/04/15(Tue)00:29 No. 2031 ID: 38864c

I got a website, but it's a wordpress design, I'm going to remove the wordpress design and build it from scratch myself. Problem is, it will take a while and I'm completely new to web design, just started XHTML courses this week.

You wont be able to leave a comment just yet, how important is that though?

Modern Mom 14/04/18(Fri)15:44 No. 2033 ID: f3345b

Anyone looking to do this, email me at thepassivecircle@gmail.com. Write your blog name and whatever info you want us to have.

Modern Mom 14/06/23(Mon)09:25 No. 2144 ID: 567cb7


Modern Mom 14/06/23(Mon)17:11 No. 2145 ID: af9696

I'm interested in this.

I have a blog already, but will start filling it with content a bit later.

Is this thing still happening?

biff 14/07/14(Mon)22:30 No. 2178 ID: 3e2241

I can't believe this thread came back from the dead!

I'm so happy, that's even better than a new thread being made if you ask me.

As for me, my blog is still up and I'll be happy to help anyone else out with theirs, I had a big problem with the service I was making money blogging with though, so that part went tits up, not that the site is bad, it may have been my own fault for accidentally registering twice.

Blogging is getting harder in some ways to profit from but in other ways easier; with almost anything (except women...sort of) more people makes the whole thing pick up steam faster, especially if everyone is dedicated to helping the blog to their right, so that the whole thing goes fill circle.

I'm an erotic writer now myself, so keep on working hard and building your talents, when you find what you're good at then don't be afraid to charge for it, quality over quantity.

Modern Mom 14/07/18(Fri)07:08 No. 2197 ID: 800849

I don't think I'd be too good at blogging, but I've got a lot of time to kill. Anything to do that might help, and maybe make a bit of capital?

Modern Mom 14/07/20(Sun)01:07 No. 2199 ID: 7dfa38

I am also still here. Was thinking of making a blog and writing 60+ 500 or so word posts for starters, then devote time to learning SEO.

Is OP still the contact person?

Modern Mom 14/08/02(Sat)12:03 No. 2223 ID: 8cbf0d

This doesn't make any money. You're going to be working 12 hours a day "marketing" (spamming) your shitty blog every where to only make at most - $100 a month and that will be considered a huge success. I don't give this criticism to be a douche. I'm in the same situation as everyone here but I've already failed enough to know this is the wrong direction.

Modern Mom 14/08/02(Sat)20:39 No. 2224 ID: d58bf4

Can you describe what you're having difficulties with and what your niche is?

I'm just a complete newfag and curious.

biff 14/08/02(Sat)21:43 No. 2225 ID: 3e2241

You are incorrect sir, both fundamentally and otherwise. Firstly, saying that this doesn't make any money and then saying an amount is silly, and yes, you can put in as many hours as you like, but everybody is different in their skill and the most important thing in this business in particular is attitude. I have failed myself many times as well, but it was my own fault every time, as it has been your own fault when you failed.

It's unfortunate, but putting in long hours when working for yourself doesn't have to mean anything at all, it's not like an hourly job where each hour worked gets you something, no matter what. To be successful at blogging, you'll also need to understand and acquaint yourself with a great many other things as well, from affiliate marketing to SEO to backlink building and so on, and it IS mostly a lot of garbage, spam and idiots, but that's the field and you have to slog through the junk if you want to make something out of it.

Saying you can't make money with blogging is like saying you can't make money with youtube: it entirely depends on your abilities and level of commitment.

I'm not insulting you, I can very much empathize with both your attitude and your words, it's just that they are ultimately negative and will only harm you and whatever you are trying to accomplish.

Modern Mom 14/08/03(Sun)17:11 No. 2230 ID: 750724

i have a blog i made a few months ago but i only made 3 posts then decided against continuing it

im thinking about starting it up again and making 3 posts a week, just wondering if it'd be better to delete the posts and repost them (maybe as reserve posts for when i don't feel like writing) or if i should leave them and just start writing new ones regularly on the same blog.

also i never linked it anywhere so the whole blog has 6 views total

biff 14/08/04(Mon)08:33 No. 2231 ID: 3e2241

I've been there myself so many times as well, it can be difficult to find a good posting schedule and stick to it, but it's really important to do so. It's not so bad if you miss a post, but if you get lax then it's like letting your blog fall into a coma lol

When you are still in the beginning stages of it, to get more views you have to be active in the blogging community, which wasn't fun for me at first because I loathed going to other peoples blogs and posting superfluous comments, but it worked and was undeniably necessary. In this case if we get a big enough pool of people and everyone is diligent with daily viewing and commenting on each blog in the list, it flows in a big circlejerk of views, clicks and whatnot. You just have to do it correctly and not break any TOS.

Modern Mom 14/08/04(Mon)14:37 No. 2232 ID: 750724

so are there still people here involved in this? if so how do i get involved? and is it worth the while? i deleted my old posts to be reused at a later time and made a new one today.


thats the link if its needed/anyone is interested

biff 14/08/09(Sat)04:33 No. 2238 ID: 3e2241

Hello folks, I am glad to see interest still at this point! I think /jew/ crosses over into /eh/ a lot and that a lot of us have things that sap our ability to care about doing something so schedule intensive as a blog, but I'm glad that any of you have posted your already existing blogs or even started new ones.

I still have my blog, but like I had said in a previous post, I've moved on because I found something I could put my writing skill to use in and get paid for it.
Despite that there are still a lot of things that a group of like minded individuals can accomplish, be it in blogging or in other areas, like ref-chains and offer-stacks, which can be very lucrative, but again, it takes a concerted effort on a persons part to stick with it; since there is no hourly pay for things you do online to make money, if you aren't efficient then you can waste tons of time, which is another reason groups help, more info sharing.

I don't recall if posting emails or other contact info is allowed or not, but with ref-chains and O-stacks all it takes is five people to make headway and everyone gets something out of it.

May you all find success!
My email is admin@starbrobiz.com if anyone is interested, stay cool!

Modern Mom 14/08/09(Sat)09:41 No. 2239 ID: 746fa0

it doesn't look like too much activity is going on with the blog plan, but I'm interested in making money behind a computer.

If you have any plans or new ideas on how this can be accomplished I'm very interested and would love to hear back.

Modern Mom 14/08/11(Mon)15:08 No. 2256 ID: 05b8ef

>I've moved on because I found something I could put my writing skill to use in and get paid for it.

So what you're saying is you don't get paid for blogging.

Modern Mom 14/08/12(Tue)00:02 No. 2257 ID: 948038

so you're talking about adsense? I heard it's a bitch, almost a god damn fulltime job just to get a website accepted by those fucks, let alone not get immediately banned for trying to trade clicks with other people

Modern Mom 14/08/13(Wed)16:04 No. 2265 ID: 3e2241

Not anymore, no. Like I'd said in a previous post, the company I dealt with that DID pay me to blog (Blogsvertise for any that don't mind risking things by dealing with them) randomly stopped paying me and it happened to a fellow blogger as well, so it wasn't just me, and since that was my sole source of income from the blog I let it go once that dried out. I still HAVE the blog, but I use it for other things and work on it when I have downtime, so if enough people wanted to then I could start posting again and do the whole thing, but the topic I chose isn't one that gets organic traffic, so there's no point in me spending time working on it for others, I instead have been using it to learn about php and wordpress and html5 so I can add those skills to my freelance profiles.

Ehhhhh, if you ask me it's not really worth it to use as a main source of income when you're part of a blog group due to the inscrutable methods that G uses as well as their amorphous definitions of 'fraud'. A group of bloggers that visit each others blogs is certainly not fraud, but sometimes if it gets too big then they bring the hammer down evilly for no given reason, and that hurts. I don't recall if I said it in this thread but the very first time I made money blogging it was through them, 80$ that went down the drain when they gave my account the Rodney King treatment, so I'm pretty wary of them. They are far from the only option though.

Modern Mom 14/09/20(Sat)05:04 No. 2323 ID: 17b5c3

Low because the group is done in tiers. At the ground level where you do basic writing and freelancing there isn't any circlejerk to speak of, you're just getting into a team. As you make your freelance profiles and get your skill up, you need a portfolio for whatever you do, then you make a blog, which you can fill with reflinks and other things. Once you reach the second tier of the group then you meet and connect with others who have things similar to yours, so you trade. It's simple and just takes a bit of organization.

Modern Mom 14/09/20(Sat)05:45 No. 2325 ID: 263f02

If you have a brain, and aren't shit, you can still be an online journalist if you know how to write.

Modern Mom 14/09/20(Sat)17:30 No. 2329 ID: 17b5c3

No, unless you mean freelancing. The traffic to your blog could come from several potential sources, most of which are discussed in earlier posts in this thread. You're not going to make a living from the hits you get from people in a group, you have to promote, do SEO on your articles and diversify, there are always different ways and being creative is the best way to hit on new methods.

That's not what I'm going for and I don't know much about it, are you an online journalist or something?

Modern Mom 14/09/21(Sun)13:12 No. 2333 ID: 2a9a9a

Ive been using this app called featurepoints for past few weeks and referred many people online you can make 25 $ a week if you put some effort into it.

Modern Mom 14/09/27(Sat)04:12 No. 2354 ID: 17b5c3

It's exactly the same as any other endeavor, you will get back what you put into it. The more you upsell yourself, make connections with clients, branch out etc, the more work you get. When you do whatever work you decide to try for, whether it's a skill you have or one you are looking to build, doing research beforehand, having excellent customer service and thinking outside the box is going to get you far, talent alone is good, but you need more to excel at freelancing because you are your own boss and the only motivation is going to come from yourself.

I've been doing okay at it, I've branched out from writing only erotica to non erotic books and I recently got a story I wrote green-lit to be made into a game. I would rate myself as an intermediate level freelancer so far, if anyone has any questions about it then I'd be happy to try to answer them.

Modern Mom 14/11/01(Sat)03:00 No. 2433 ID: 17b5c3

Except for the strangely out of place "CEO" thing, you answered your own question pretty much, all I'd add is to get your advertising going as well and diversify with it.

Biff 14/11/27(Thu)09:54 No. 2478 ID: dcff67

File 141707848180.gif - (35.17KB , 720x501 , optical_illusion_black-white1.gif )

I'm not in any right now, but I was in the past. It was totally legal but Big G clamped down on us anyhow, they just didn't want us doing that. I made 80$ in my first week, but never got to withdraw it, couldn't get to the payout level fast enough. It was such a messed up time for me lol.

Anyhow, in your first month there is no way to tell how much you could make, it depends on the qualia of the scheme, how many folks you have with you, how hard THEY work, etc. I'll say it like I tell girls who want to try findomming because they NEED money:

If you NEED the money, don't do it, you'll mess up due to stress. Start when you have free time and can pay your bills.

I love this board so much, let's keep talking folks. My erotica is moving forward well, same with my vidyajame design because I have more time now. I'm always looking for new recruits for my retinue as well.

All you bloggers that said you were in, where you at? Holla at me here and we can get crackin.

Biff out!

Dale 15/01/09(Fri)11:14 No. 2517 ID: 6e1165

Alright guys ill comment on all of yours and add you to morning coffee

Here's mine, anyway I can improve this?


bIFF 15/01/15(Thu)12:29 No. 2521 ID: d509a6

well you've gotta make at least one post to get momentum going, also make a posting schedule and post it and stick to it!

Modern Mom 15/01/22(Thu)04:50 No. 2524 ID: e02171

My blog is at http://cinnamonsnibs.wordpress.com if anyone is still interested.

Modern Mom 15/02/10(Tue)08:48 No. 2533 ID: 3f037a

i feel like it'll be great to start a blogger circlejerk on /jew/ however, this thread is 6 days from being a year old.

bIFF 15/02/12(Thu)11:20 No. 2534 ID: d509a6

wowza, so long! i am happy to make a new one, but id rather rez this one better than ever!

Bitcoins Ike + Kyle = Kyke 15/02/20(Fri)21:31 No. 2543 ID: cbe673


I use this site to make a little bit of money its like a euro or 2 a day extra so thats pretty nice
you can earn even more but im scared to put money on there but it looks legit

Has anybody done this before and if so got any tips for me?


Bitcoins Ike+++Kyle+=+Kyke 15/02/22(Sun)08:23 No. 2548 ID: cbe673

I just bought the 20 euro upgrade and now made 12 Euro back already in 3 days its really good i believe its legit some people called it a bitcoin faucet or something i really suggest taking a look at it

Biff 15/04/13(Mon)06:46 No. 2571 ID: 8dfbd7

Sure, why not. Here is an excerpt from my recently published work: Littlebuns and the Forest of Fornication

Littlebuns had stopped alongside a stream and was resting and eating her lunch, a juicy peach. She was eating it slowly and soon had to take off most of her clothes to keep from getting peach juice all over herself, and was lying back on a blanket as she enjoyed the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the stream on her naked feet and the taste of the peach. She soon felt tried all of a sudden and slept, not noticing the tendrils of mist that curled around her from the large purple cocoons that filled the tree she had decided to stop under. Several naughty slutterflies crawled out of the cocoons and flitted onto the sleeping girl and her peach, tasting both and infusing them with secretions that increased arousal and aggression, not really knowing WHY they did what they did, but doing it nonetheless and flying away once they had their fill. Littlebuns soon awoke and continued eating her peach, getting upset that she only had one and laying back while pouting. As she laid there she wished her Daddy was there to eat with her and pouted even more. She imagined Daddy feeding her another peach, holding it in his teeth and leaning close to her, wished she could feel his beard, his tongue, his big hands roaming over her body.Soon she had her eyes closed and was playing with her clit as she moaned loudly, feeling the heat rising in her body as her legs twitched and she tugged her nipple, imagining Daddies rough fingers doing so and pushing herself over the edge, crying out as the orgasm rocked through her and made her lose her breath for a moment. She became embarrassed at how quiet the forest was after she finished and hurried off from the spot near the stream, not noticing that she left her peach behind, as well as quite a bit of smells that were a big come here sign to any wandering predators.

A few minutes later, the Thickdick wolf came upon the area Littlebuns had just left and his fur stood on end as his dick slid from it's sheath, dripping precum onto the ground as he began to drool and pant as smells overwhelmed his nostrils, telling him a story. “*SNFFFFF SnfffFFFF...Girl...eating...fruit. Then...got fucked? SNFFFF...no...played with herself...then left...east...moving slowly...not a hunter...met the cougar before...it's HER!*” And with that he was off, pulling his dick inside of himself so he wouldn't trip over it as he followed his nose, gaining quickly on his unknowing target. Soon he crouched low and saw her walking slowly, looking around as she realized how lost she was.

“This is going to be fun, I'm going to enjoy those little cheeks, yes indeed...awww, she's so worried, crying for her Daddy...don't worry you little morsel, I'll be your new Daddy.”

With that, Thickdick Wolf prepared to complete the easiest hunt he had ever been part of...

I could make a coupon code for /jews/ but this is a board full of /jews/, so I may as well do a giveaway if there is any interest.

Biff 15/05/10(Sun)04:08 No. 2584 ID: fac0d4

Heya jews, I've finally sold a couple of books! I'm really excited and wanted to share that with you folks and also ask if there are any folks out there who do cover design? I NEED good covers for my books, the covers affect sales quite directly and I'm at like level 2 in my cover design skill, so I'm probably losing money by having the ones I made as the covers for my books, since I'm at like level 6-8 with my writing. I started and don't plan to stop until I get a check from this, even if it's like ten bucks, I'm disabled so it's not like I am scrambling for money, I just want to put in the work to make this a success. I hope someone out there can get an atom of inspiration or encouragement from this, I like this board a lot.

Book Art That Guy 15/05/28(Thu)17:03 No. 2606 ID: 25fc56

Howdy OP, I just found this thread and noticed a request for cover artists. I know a few people. The cheapest is a friend of mine who does most of the cover art now for Trinity Gateways. Here is an example of her work. In this particular piece, the painting was done by my friend, Blue. The photoshop and layout was done by the author, Doris.

Here is a link to some other cover art which Blue has done.

I forgot to upload the cover art That Guy 15/05/28(Thu)17:09 No. 2607 ID: 25fc56

File 143282574120.jpg - (36.89KB , 294x442 , He Begins.jpg )

Biff 15/07/24(Fri)19:38 No. 2634 ID: b97f11

File 143775949746.jpg - (667.17KB , 1920x2560 , image.jpg )

Nice, I'm working on a new series and I'll need cover art done, I just have to finish it.

Since I'm here, I'll also update you folks on the progress, successes and failures I've experienced!

I was doing ghostwriting for a while, and I still do it from time to time, mostly when I need cash for something and I'm in between my own writing projects. I've made a decent amount with ghost writing (a bit over 1k) within a couple of months, which felt pretty good, I guess I'm at least decent at it, though each time I go back and read my stuff from 6 months ago I laugh and think "Did I REALLY write that?".

I used Odesk.com, which is now upwork,com, but i had a bunch of personal stuff happen and I lost some good clients sinc eI couldn't deliver, so my rating went from nearly perfect to like 3.5 or something, which sucks. I use guru.com as well, but I got jewed out of a 350$ book series when the client up and decided to take my books and her shekels, then run off to Jerusalem, but I'll just self publish the books myself. I put out a lot of free stuff on smashwords and I'm trying to find ways to reach more people, any help there would be great. So far I'm on literotica, amazon and smashwords, but I want to be more places if possible.

Again, thanks for the cover art contact! I will contact them and see if they are interested!

Jew on my friends!

Modern Mom 15/07/29(Wed)15:09 No. 2637 ID: 8f4d82

I've tried so many things, affiliate marketing, livestreaming video games (twitch), youtubing (vlogging/gaming), writing, blogging (haven't tried ebooks on amazon, on a website or both yet which I will work on next most likely).

Creating an online store/business via shopify and Amway. So far not much success with anything, I get some money from referrals from affiliate marketing and supplement referrals I still get.

My twitch following is growing though slowly.

Modern Mom 17/05/05(Fri)12:43 No. 3010 ID: 21de63

This thread hasn't been active for almost a year but damn it's convinced me.

Modern Mom 18/11/02(Fri)21:40 No. 3237 ID: 7abbe6

I've made 300 USD online in one year using the porn re-upload method.

Modern Mom 19/01/28(Mon)04:21 No. 3259 ID: 58f80f

interesting. could you elaborate

Modern Mom 19/11/09(Sat)11:23 No. 3356 ID: 2e6cef

Is blogging even a way to really still make money online if you don't use social media?

I'm also interested in this.

Modern Mom 24/02/10(Sat)17:13 No. 3943 ID: cb9224

How do you generate revenue with it? I recall doing this like 10 years ago, editing my link into those vids that would redirect to chaturbate affiliate link. I got like 2 people to register but never anything worth cashing out. Sounds kinda interesting now that i could probably automate the process or parts of it.

Modern Mom 24/08/20(Tue)01:11 No. 4080 ID: 16c17e

Americans say freedom means free food stamps.

Modern Mom 24/08/20(Tue)14:16 No. 4082 ID: 57bb5b

social safety nets don't reduce freedom


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