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The history of the Jews and their role in slavery OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:11 No. 15329

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Since it was brought up in an /elit/ thread, I figured I'd share some historical information someone was curious about.

17 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:35 No. 15347

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OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:40 No. 15351

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I've had several images that exceeded the file size limit, and thus couldn't be shared.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:41 No. 15352

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OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:43 No. 15354

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Again, each image includes historical sources, most of them from Jewish historians, so you know this isn't neo-nazi propaganda.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:44 No. 15355

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OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:54 No. 15359

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In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned slaves.



So a little over 1% of the total US population owned slaves.

While 40% of the JEWISH population in the US owned slaves.


There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.


40% of 200,000 = 80,000

So 80,000 jews owned slaves.

393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.

80,000 jew slave owners

313,975 non-jew slave owners

80,000 is 26% of 313,975

Thus 26% of US slave owners were Jews, despite being less than 1% of the US population.

Other sources have the percentage of slave owners being Jews as much higher.

90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.









OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:58 No. 15360

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Newport and Bristol being the primary slave markets in the American colonies: http://slavenorth.com/rhodeisland.htm, http://archive.is/Tgsor.

"Jewish Newport": http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3000446/jewish/The-History-of-Jewish-Newport-Rhode-Island.htm, http://archive.is/QSpiH

"In fact, the cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them."

http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/910-agriculture, http://archive.is/1IkWV

Jews living in the Virgin Islands, starting from around 1655, and around 1850 on one/some of the islands they made up around 50% of the local 'white' people, according to this seemingly Jewish source:

http://archive.is/pezdJ, http://www.jewishvirginislands.com/templates/articlecco_cdo/aid/291284/jewish/Jewish-History-on-Island.htm.

Note that some of the islands were colonized and controlled by Denmark for several centuries; Denmark outlawed slave trading in 1802, and Denmark outlawed slavery in 1848 (see for instance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danish_West_Indies, http://archive.is/KAFEG). There were definitely also non-Jewish Danes on the islands, however.

Jewish Involvement In
Black Slave Trade
To The Americas

By Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:00 No. 15361

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Of course, neither whites nor Jews were roaming the jungles of Africa with nets to catch blacks to enslave; they were buying slaves from African slave dealers.

Africa’s role in slavery
When France and Britain outlawed slavery in their territories in the early 19th Century, African chiefs who had grown rich and powerful off the slave trade sent protest delegations to Paris and London. Britain abolished the slave trade and slavery itself against fierce opposition from West African and Arab traders.

When the Slave Traders Were African

African chiefs urged to apologise for slave trade
The shameful history of some traditional leaders remains an awkward subject on which many politicians prefer to maintain silence.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:04 No. 15362

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>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711-1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition

Re: Slavery

Postby swindle1984 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:54 pm








OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:11 No. 15363

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White cargo : the forgotten history of Britain's White slaves in America by Don Jordan, Michael Walsh
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2455819.White_Cargo (Goodread's Synopsis)
https://b-ok.cc/book/2644592/8883ed (PDF)

White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and Islam's One Million White Slaves by Giles Milton
https://b-ok.cc/book/2374611/f642f5 (EPUB)

Irish Slaves

“During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. In 1656, [Oliver] Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers.”

There does exist indentured servitude where two parties sign a contract for a limited amount of time. This is not what happened to the Irish from 1625 onward. They were sold as slaves, pure and simple. Children by definition can not be indentured. They can't sign a contract.


"in 1699 Father
Garganel, S.J., Superior of the island of Martinique, asked for
one or two Irish Fathers for that and the neighboring isles which
were 'fill of Irish' for every year shiploads of men, boys and
girls, partly crimped, partly carried off by main force for the
purposes of slave trade, are conveyed by the English from

Maurice Lenihan, History of Limerick, Cork,

"More that "100,000 young children who were orphans or had been taken from their
Catholic parents, were sent abroad into slavery in the West
Indies, Virginia and New England, that they might lose their
faith and all knowledge of their nationality, for in most
instances even their names were changed... Moreover, the
contemporary writers assert between 20,000 and 30,000 men and
women who were taken prisoner were sold in the American colonies
as slaves, with no respect to their former station in life."

Thomas Addis Emmet, Ireland Under English Rule, NY & London,
Putnam, 1903
Page 101

The settlers began to breed Irish women and girls with African men to produce slaves with a distinct complexion. These new “mulatto” slaves brought a higher price than Irish livestock and, likewise, enabled the settlers to save money rather than purchase new African slaves. This practice of interbreeding Irish females with African men went on for several decades and was so widespread that, in 1681, legislation was passed “forbidding the practice of mating Irish slave women to African slave men for the purpose of producing slaves for sale.” In short, it was stopped only because it interfered with the profits of a large slave transport company.

Neither Black Nor White Yet Both (Cambridge: Harvard university, 1997) Page 196 Appendix B

In December of 1681, Lord Baltimore, with Irish Nell’s help, induced the Maryland legislature to revoke their peculiar 1664 law and adopt Virginia’s system instead. In the same session, Maryland also made it illegal for masters to order European female servants to marry African male slaves against their will. Nevertheless, for seventeen years Maryland and Virginia had enforced contradictory laws regarding the heredity of slave status. The ensuing confusion spawned a series of lawsuits that continued even after independence a century later, as individuals tried to prove that they were not hereditary slaves, and masters tried to prove that they were, based on matrilineal or patrilineal ancestry.

African slaves were very expensive during the late 1600s (50 Sterling). Irish slaves came cheap (no more than 5 Sterling). If a planter whipped or branded or beat an Irish slave to death, it was never a crime. A death was a monetary setback, but far cheaper than killing a more expensive African.

In 1681, it passed a new durante vita law which superseded the one of 1664. The first two provisions of the new law were virtually the same as the first two provisions of the earlier law. Africans were to serve for life and pass their condition to their offspring via paternal descent. But, the provisions bearing upon mixed marriages and children of mixed parentage were altered significantly. Beside the "disgrace" of mixed marriages mentioned int he 1664 law, the 1681 law lamented the connivance of masters who exploited the terms of the earlier law and forced freeborn female indentured servants to marry slaves:

. . . for as much a[s] diverse Freeborne English or Whitewoman sometimes by the instigation Procurement of Conievance of theire Masters Mistres or dames, and always to the Satisfaction of theire Lascivious and Lustfull desires, and to the disgrace not only of the English butt allso of many other Christian Nations, do Intermarry with Negroes and Slaves. . . .

After the Battle of Kinsale at the beginning of the 17th century, the English were faced with a problem of some 30,000 military prisoners, which they solved by creating an official policy of banishment. Other Irish leaders had voluntarily exiled to the continent, in fact, the Battle of Kinsale marked the beginning of the so-called Wild Geese, those Irish banished from their homeland. Banishment, however, did not solve the problem entirely, so James II encouraged selling the Irish as slaves to planters and settlers in the New World colonies. The first Irish slaves were sold to a settlement on the Amazon River In South America in 1612. It would probably be more accurate to say that the first recorded sale of Irish slaves was in 1612, because the English, who were noted for their meticulous record keeping, simply did not keep track of things Irish, whether it be goods or people, unless such was being shipped to England. The disappearance of a few hundred or a few thousand Irish was not a cause for alarm, but rather for rejoicing. Who cared what their names were anyway, they were gone.

On 14 August 1652, Cromwell began his Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland, ordering that the Irish were to be transported overseas, starting with 12,000 Irish prisoners sold to Barbados. The infamous Connaught or Hell proclamation was issued on 1 May 1654, where all Irish were ordered to be removed from their lands and relocated west of the Shannon or be transported to the West Indies. Those who have been to County Clare, a land of barren rock will understand what an impossible position such an order placed the Irish. A local sheep owner claimed that Clare had the tallest sheep in the world, standing some 7 feet at the withers, because in order to live, there was so little food, they had to graze at 40 miles per hour. With no place to go and stay alive, the Irish were slow to respond. This was an embarrassing problem as Cromwell had financed his Irish expeditions through business investors, who were promised Irish estates as dividends, and his soldiers were promised freehold land in exchange for their services. To speed up the relocation process, a reinforcing law was passed on 26 June 1657 stating: Those who fail to transplant themselves into Connaught or Co Clare within six months Shall be attained of high treason are to be sent into America or some other parts beyond the seas those banished who return are to suffer the pains of death as felons by virtue of this act, without benefit of Clergy.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:12 No. 15364

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Although it was not a crime to kill any Irish, and soldiers were encouraged to do so, the slave trade proved too profitable to kill off the source of the product. Privateers and chartered shippers sent gangs out with quotas to fill, and in their zest as they scoured the countryside, they inadvertently kidnapped a number of English too. On March 25, 1659, a petition of 72 Englishmen was received in London, claiming they were illegally now in slavery in the Barbados'

The petition also claimed that "7,000-8,000 Scots taken prisoner at the battle of Worcester in 1651 were sold to the British plantations in the New World, and that 200 Frenchmen had been kidnapped, concealed and sold in Barbados for 900 pounds of cotton each."

Subsequently some 52,000 Irish, mostly women and sturdy boys and girls, were sold to Barbados and Virginia alone. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were taken prisoners and ordered transported and sold as slaves. In 1656, Cromwells Council of State ordered that 1000 Irish girls and 1000 Irish boys be rounded up and taken to Jamaica to be sold as slaves to English planters. As horrendous as these numbers sound, it only reflects a small part of the evil program, as most of the slaving activity was not recorded. There were no tears shed amongst the Irish when Cromwell died in 1660.

The Irish welcomed the restoration of the monarchy, with Charles II duly crowned, but it was a hollow expectation. After reviewing the profitability of the slave trade, Charles II chartered the Company of Royal Adventurers in 1662, which later became the Royal African Company. The Royal Family, including Charles II, the Queen Dowager and the Duke of York, then contracted to supply at least 3000 slaves annually to their chartered company. They far exceeded their quotas.

There are records of Irish sold as slaves in 1664 to the French on St. Bartholomew, and English ships which made a stop in Ireland enroute to the Americas, typically had a cargo of Irish to sell on into the 18th century.
Few people today realize that from 1600 to 1699, far more Irish were sold as slaves than Africans.



Irish Slavery by James F. Cavanaugh



England's Irish Slaves.
All thoroughly referenced and footnoted


OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:14 No. 15365

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OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:15 No. 15366

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OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:18 No. 15367

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>white people decide to end slavery in Britain
>Jews own the majority of slaves
>Jews are also the majority of bankers and money-lenders
>take out massive loans from the same Jewish families that own most slaves, in order to pay slave-owners to free their slaves
>debts to Jewish slave owners/bankers weren't paid off until 2015 and British whites were paying taxes to do so the entire time

What a racket.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:19 No. 15368

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>be Jewish slave owner
>whites want to end slavery
>agree to stop owning slaves if the government buys all your slaves from you
>government doesn't have enough money
>loan the government enough money to buy your slaves, but they have to pay interest on the loan
>get free money for the next 200 years

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:27 No. 15369

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I hope this satisfies the curiosity of the poster who wanted to know about slavery and its relationship to Jews, whites, and blacks.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:30 No. 15370

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And yes, slavery was legalized in America by a black man. And one of the largest slave owners in American history was also a black man, who financially supported the Confederacy during the Civil War.



OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:31 No. 15371

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OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:37 No. 15377

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I hope this answers all questions regarding historical slavery and how it relates to the story in /elite/.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)10:38 No. 15378

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Historian 20/07/21(Tue)10:33 No. 15383

>Only about a quarter million Africans were purchased from slavers in West Africa and disembarked to America in the 300 years of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Triangle Trade (the majority went to the sugar plantations in the Bahamas, Haiti, etc.)

Estimations in contemporary historiography confirm that about 12 million indigenous people of African nations were shipped across the Atlantic over 400 years (not 300), but the number of purchases of those who traded slaves was certainly greater because the passage had a higher mortality rate due to wars, famines and torture of the slaves themselves. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/6445941.stm)

Your context is incomplete since it ignores those who used the Atlantic slave trade:
- British
- Spaniards
- Portuguese
- Dutch
- French
- Dutch
- Danes

Source: Ronald Segal, The Black Diaspora: Five Centuries of the Black Experience Outside Africa.

If you don't know who Ronald Segal was, it's a great opportunity to learn something new.

>whereas four times that many Irish were shipped to America as slaves (and, ironically, free Irish immigrants were treated as expendable since you could just replace one immediately with another fresh off the boat, whereas actual slaves were so expensive to buy and care for that you didn't let one get injured or killed if you could help it).

Unfortunately, you reported a notoriously false and discredited information from various sources both academic and information agencies:


I quote:

"... Notorious Irish historian Liam Hogan has rewritten extensively about myths surrounding Irish people and slavery and traces many recent examples of misinformation as racist ahistorical propaganda.

>Another fun fact? Blacks in America have an average of 20% white ancestry. In the early 1800's, slave owners tried a selective breeding program by having black slave men take Irish slave women (most Irish slaves were female) as 'wives'. While enslaving the Irish and treating them as disposable was apparently ok, miscegenation was apparently where people drew the line and the practice was banned in nearly every state.

Can you give me your source?
In-depth studies deny your extrapolations, including the sex bias (women) you mentioned that has no relevance from a chromosome analysis:

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4289685/

>Whereas you'll notice there are very few, if any, blacks in modern day Turkey and other remnants of the Ottoman Empire, despite 12 times as many African slaves going there as to the Americas. Remember the discussion about castration and mass graves? Yeah. Ditto for the white slaves, of which there were about 10 times as many as African slaves throughout the 1300 year-long continuous war between Islam and the West.

There are a lot of historical inaccuracies at the basis of your speech, probably the result of your basic stinginess due to your Islamophobia (I don't judge you, I think I'm saying what transpires from what you write, if you are not, I apologize). Islam and the West (I assume you mean Christianity? Since millions of Muslims have lived, and still live, in the West) have not been in perpetual war for 1300 years as if there will be only one winner at the end, this is a narrative born from political propaganda that does not interest me because I consider it boring and superficial.

I also refer to the etymological discourse of the term slave (as you said derives from the Slavs, they teach it since middle school), but obviously present in the practical act since the Neolithic according to the contemporary dominant anthropological theory, and then branching out in almost all cultures of the planet, namely an ancient custom where the strongest overwhelmed the weakest.

>The Circassian people originated in modern day Russia; today, there's only a few thousand in Russia. Most of them live in Turkey or Syria. Between Jewish slave merchants capturing and selling entire villages to the Ottomans and the Russians later deporting most of them by force, the Circassians have nearly all lost their original culture and pagan religion, though many still speak a dialect of their original language. Most are Sunni Muslim and live in the lands their ancestors were sent to as slaves to the Ottomans. They managed to survive as a people, rather than going extinct, because the Ottomans realized how small the source population was becoming and wanted to keep the Circassians in existence so they could continue taking Circassian women for their harems (another fun fact: most Turkish sultans had Circassian ancestry because they were the most popular concubines), so the Circassian men were allowed to keep their balls so they could keep making more Circassian women for high-ranking Turks to fuck. Literally the only reason they aren't all but extinct today is because the Turks wanted them around for sex slaves.

I don't understand why you continue to make cherry picking towards a specific culture, slavery has occurred in almost all of human history, easily proven by western and eastern historiography.

Historian 20/07/21(Tue)14:51 No. 15384

Also, I would appreciate if you could properly reference all your research material. Most of it is unsourced. Even worse, some of it are memes straight pulled from Facebook.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/07/22(Wed)20:26 No. 15386



Next you'll expose yourself as a redditfag too.

Nearly every image posted cites the source referenced, dude. Start researching.

Historian 20/07/23(Thu)12:58 No. 15388


Start giving reference to this statement "Blacks in America have an average of 20% white ancestry". Once I have the time, I'll seriously review your other "sources".

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/07/25(Sat)02:22 No. 15389


>black Americans have an average of 20% white ancestry

Literally the first result in Google, dude.

>The average African-American genome, for example, is 73.2% African, 24% European, and 0.8% Native American, the team reports online today in The American Journal of Human Genetics. Latinos, meanwhile, carry an average of 18% Native American ancestry, 65.1% European ancestry (mostly from the Iberian Peninsula), and 6.2% African ancestry.

This has been common knowledge since the 80's. And the article links to the study it references.

Why don't you use a search engine and five minutes of your life to look shit up instead of trying to start shit in an erotic fantasy thread? Most of the pics in this thread have the sources cited; start there. You can find the books in question on Archive, Guttenerg, or the local library if you're not willing to buy a copy. I'm not doing your work for you. I majored in history and had to do my own research, now your lazy ass can do it too.

Historian 20/07/27(Mon)16:39 No. 15390


You're 244 years late, Adam Smith realized the supply and demand law before you in 1776.
Pointing the finger only at the demand for slaves or towards the supply of slaves is the essence of the political bias that you obviously do not realize you have, since they are inextricably linked together.

Historian 20/07/27(Mon)17:28 No. 15395


I suspect that what you think is funny is your allusion: "... black American slavery was legalized by a black man, not a white man."
Unfortunately this fact is also notoriously false and there is ample academic documentation about it: the University of Oxford can help you with "History of Slavery in Virginia", where Anthony Johnson worked:
h t t p s : / / a c a d e m i c . o u p . c o m / a h r / a r t i c l e - a b s t r a c t / 8 / 2 / 3 5 6 / 2 9 8 3 2 4 ? r e d i r e c t e d F r o m = f u l l t e x t

(I apologize for the spacing, I'm getting banned for "spam")

James Ballagh (1866-1944) was a historian who provided many analyses in this regard where it is evident that "... Anthony Johnson: not the first slave owner", but this is not my point.
The historical context we are talking about is that a part of the population with more power has exploited a part of population without power. I don't think it is a concept too complex to understand. Maybe it is too complex to be accepted but you can find comfort in the narrative of the new confederates, alt right and white supremacists since they have a point of view very similar to yours (again, I don't judge you) .

Historian 20/07/27(Mon)17:33 No. 15396


I think your thinking is essentially about this fact: Irish Slave Myth, essentially a politically motivated pseudo-history.
I apologize if I use Wikipedia, I usually prefer academic sources but I'm in a hurry today:
h t t p s : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / I r i s h _ s l a v e s _ m y t h

"... The Irish slave myth is a pseudohistory that falsely conflict the penal transportation and indentured servitude of Irish people during the 17th and 18th centuries with the hereditary chattel slavery experience of Africans. Some white nationalists, and others who want to minimize the effects of hereditary chattel slavery on Africans and their descendants, have used this false equivalence to promote racism against African Americans "

Further details are provided by a well-known expert in the field, Bryan Fanning, Emeritus Professor of Social Policy on Immigration, University College Dublin, a coincidence that should not be surprising:
Here his Essays and white papers: h t t p : / / w w w . d r b . i e / e s s a y s / s l a v e s - t o - a - m y t h
You also focus on a period (1600 - 1699) and ignore the 265 subsequent years until 1865 (XIII amendment), I don't think it is credible as an analysis if you consider North American slavery as a whole.
Perhaps your apriorism can be anesthetized if you analyze this historical period synchronously and diachronically, but you should use a scientific method to reach conclusions; while you seem to do the opposite: you have a pre-established point of view and through the internetz you are looking for confirmations, just "the first google search" as you stated above.


Maybe I did not say it clear enough. I don't understand where you want to go with this speech. Did the Europeans who emigrated to America, after exterminating pre-Columbian civilizations, have been "infected" by African genes?


So whites have ended slavery, but not blacks. Culturally, we have proven to be superior and mature.
Is that what you want to tell us? I ask because I don't understand the sense of your dialectic.
On your alleged Islamophobia I think I have already said everything in my previous reply, I don't think it is necessary to repeat myself.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/07/28(Tue)01:09 No. 15397

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Wikipedia is not a valid source of academic information. We have plenty of contemporary sources to draw from, and they disagree.

>You also focus on a period (1600 - 1699) and ignore the 265 subsequent years

False. Citing the beginning of an event does not ignore the rest of the event, particularly when this thread is full of plentiful sources about the 'subsequent years'. Cherrypicking and then lying aren't going to win you points. If you want to talk about ignoring things, why are you ignoring the fact that I go all the way back to the AD 600's in this thread and include Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, instead of focusing solely on black slaves in America?

>Maybe I did not say it clear enough. I don't understand where you want to go with this speech.

"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about."

There will be none of that.

>Did the Europeans who emigrated to America, after exterminating pre-Columbian civilizations, have been "infected" by African genes?

First, they did not exterminate pre-Columbian civilizations. Disease, spread by seals before Europeans arrived (https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-28871719), and which was hardly deliberate even when the Europeans did bring them to the New World, is what decimated pre-Columbian civilizations. Many of which had either collapsed or were in the process of collapsing before the Spanish arrived.

>have been "infected" by African genes?

Where the fuck did this come from? You asked for a source for the fact "African-Americans have an average of 20% white ancestry", and I provided it, including the study in question. You have the article and can easily read it, yet you waste time and try to divert the conversation with red herrings and fallacies that were never part of it to begin with and which have nothing to do with anything previously mentioned? As I said, there will be none of that. Either debate honestly, or slink back to your hole.

>So whites have ended slavery, but not blacks. Culturally, we have proven to be superior and mature.
>Is that what you want to tell us?

Yes. Western civilization is superior in many aspects. One of which being, we're the only group of people on the planet who decided slavery was wrong and ended it. No other civilization before us did this, and every other civilization refused to abolish slavery, so we had to force them to do so at gunpoint. There are still slaves in the Muslim world, particularly Saudi Arabia, India, China, and North Korea have slavery and forced labor, Israel is one of the human trafficking centers of the world, and there are more slaves in Africa now than ever existed in America.

>I ask because I don't understand the sense of your dialectic.

You understand just fine. Quit playing slimy games.

>On your alleged Islamophobia I think I have already said everything in my previous reply, I don't think it is necessary to repeat myself.

Are you expecting me to squirm and plead for you not to call me a racist or something? Fuck islam. It's a supremacist death cult that has the openly stated goal of conquering the world. They still practice slavery, refuse to ban pedophilia because their perfect prophet Muhammed was a pedophile, and they've spent 1,300 years invading, raping, murdering, and enslaving us. A phobia is an irrational fear, such as being afraid of heights; I do not fear islam, nor is my dislike of a barbaric religion/culture with the stated goal of enslaving all of humanity irrational.

Now quit resorting to chicanery and debate honestly.

Historian 20/07/28(Tue)09:45 No. 15398

>Wikipedia is not a valid source of academic information. We have plenty of contemporary sources to draw from, and they disagree.

Fine, then why do you use Wikipedia so much? See your previous posts.
I also quoted many academic studies that you probably didn't even bother to read. Or do you seriously believe that a post, without sources, on the "Race and History Forum" can seriously refute them?
(I mentioned the "Race and History Forum" because many other URLs don't even work...)
As stated, I seriously dispute the scientifical basis of you research. Your methodology seems more akin to a Flat Earther.

Historian 20/07/28(Tue)22:21 No. 15399

>"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about."

Indeed, you made me agree with Hitler for the first time. His description fits you incredibly well!

Historian 20/08/02(Sun)14:55 No. 15401


You are correct about Islam, but the same could be said about every monotheistic religion: to indoctrinate masses with hogwash beliefs so that a few elites could gain money and power.
Christians enjoyed killing each others for centuries, some crusades were even fought in Europe with no muslim involved. Another fun fact: Rome was sacked by the Landsknechts you admire so much.
And yes, Muhammed was a pedophile. Just like Saint Joseph who married an underage girl, or God Himself who got her pregnant. But I still don't understand your opposition, given the subject of your novel.

Historian 20/10/10(Sat)05:22 No. 15409


Islam as a religion is still stuck in medieval ages. Christianity is also an Abrahamic religion and sucked in the middle ages. But it reformed itself and Christian majority Western nations are mostly secular today. Whilst not a single Muslim nation is secular in nature. And the nos of splinter Muslim terror groups is quite significant in areas of Asia and Africa.

Historian 20/10/13(Tue)04:44 No. 15410

We are a mostly secular nation..are you kidding? Try telling that to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's cold dead corpse. See if it doesn't jump up and choke your wishful thinking ass

Historian 20/10/17(Sat)12:46 No. 15411

Anything "stuck" in the Medieval Ages is desirable.
Imagine unironically loving the modern age.

Historian 20/10/27(Tue)03:51 No. 15416

That would be amazing...

Historian 20/12/15(Tue)16:44 No. 15424



Historian 24/05/14(Tue)10:51 No. 15696



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