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I have a question . 19/09/06(Fri)20:41 No. 15219

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In your opinion, if u.s had sided with germany in ww2, how would the world be today?

Historian 19/09/06(Fri)21:05 No. 15220

Wouldn't happen, and if it did it would end up fucking Germany in the ass later because the US makes decisions based on personal gain, and would pull out the instant Germany started doing things it didn't like

Historian 19/09/06(Fri)21:28 No. 15222

Atlantic Side:
Without the economic powerhouse that is the USA backing Europe Hitler would have likely been able to push the front further and we would have seen a protracted land war in the United Kingdom. In all probability though the Russians would have succeed in taking Germany before the Germans could conquer the UK, rendering their effort nullified. So, not much change except for a few border changes which would result in a very different Cold War given there would be no NATO.

Pacific Side:
Without the Japanese going Pearl Harbour on their asses America wouldn't commit to the war effort in military forces and would remain an economic player. So when Germany goes under, they'd promptly down play their role in the war. Borders wouldn't change much, they might sell off Alaska/Hawaii to keep peace with China/Russia.

The USA:
Now this is the only place we'd see a real change. Why would the axis leaders flee to a 3rd world country like Brazil when they could go to America.... this would lead to the rise in nationalism and "white" supremacist mentality we see today, only decades earlier, probably cold war era.


The Cold War:
Now this is where SHTF! Without Nato, Russia are free to steam roll Europe and all those proxy wars of the cold war era would go in Russias favour, communism would run rampant across the globe. The USA being the last bastion of capitalism would be brought to its knees economically due to a lack of trade, the "us vs. them" mentality would run rampant bringing about the aforementioned supremacist mentality. Kennedy would pick up a copy of Mein Kampf and the Nazi party would be reborn on American soil.

Basically. North America would become North Korea, isolated, economically drained, nuclear-armed and massively xenophobic.

The rest of the world would have free health-care.

Historian 19/09/06(Fri)23:42 No. 15224

Not really, the state Maine has the highest percent of whites have the lowest murder rate of all states. Plus all the jews would be gone, so there would be no lobbyists or income inequality because there wouldn't be any greedy rats making the rules. Our country would be 100 times better.

Historian 19/09/08(Sun)01:04 No. 15228

That's a leap in logic.

I never said the Jews would be running America, rather the opposite. It would be under Nazi rule. It would be the attitudes of the rest of the world that would lead to their economic blockade and fervoured xenophobia. You citing Maines crime stats only adds weight, they're on par with N.Korea's which is also noticeably less than the US as a whole.

Historian 19/09/12(Thu)08:59 No. 15232

It's also hard to commit crimes when you're freezing your ass off most of the year.

Historian 19/10/02(Wed)01:56 No. 15235


Historian 19/10/13(Sun)00:30 No. 15237

We'd have landed on Mars by now.

Historian 19/10/16(Wed)20:52 No. 15238

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Such a retarded hypothetical

Historian 19/10/23(Wed)03:24 No. 15243

The idea is if though. If the US did, Germany would have easily won. Heck even the US just staying out of it they would probably have won by having at least an additional 1/3 of all resources and troops available for taking Stalingrad and then Moscow.

Advancement of technology would have been unimpeded, effectively bringing about the space age 30-40 years earlier.

Historian 19/10/25(Fri)12:30 No. 15246

I think PK Dick wrote something close to this with Man in the High Castle", but that was more of if the axis powers won the war.

I would say that US would have done shit a lot sneakier then Hitler did seeing as eugenics was developed in the states. A bit more chemical sterilizations hidden in free vaccines for ethnic neighborhoods. US would have needed go at that jew problem really fucking hard to do any kind of damage. This means no Einstein, which means to bomb. US would most likely have helped in the development of the advanced Nazi tech and we would have seen a lot more crazy shit with air travel and culture. I mean, I think it's Sweden that has the highest abortion rate for retards out of the rest of the world and if the left in the states had their way only people that can't or don't want to have kids would be allowed to be born, so the idea of genocide isn't a hard pill to swallow as long as you're not mistaking humans that aren't white for pizza. The jew, however, would need to be black bagged and exterminated as soon as they reached the facility. That was the mistake that the Nazis made. They expected Jews to work. Stream line it and have Henry Ford develop the killing machine. If the US when all in with Germany the rest of the world would have been super fucked. As long as Germany didn't move into Russian territory and got Japan to build PlayStations UK would have folded like laundry. Get some spec ops guys in there to assassinate the top members of the British royal family and the resolve of the Brits would drop like a sack of potatoes.

Historian 19/11/06(Wed)02:11 No. 15256

There would be no, or less, kikes, niggers and spics.
Which means that the world would be a more prosperous and better place for everyone. Especially Europe and the USA.

Historian 19/11/09(Sat)03:39 No. 15262

The nazis denied the existence of scientific laws because jews discovered them. There's no fucking way we'd have even left earth.

Historian 19/11/12(Tue)15:29 No. 15265

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The only reason we even landed on the Moon was that America kidnapped enough Nazi scientists and engineers to build a working space program for them.

Historian 19/11/24(Sun)17:08 No. 15273

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The reason the russians blew up so many rockets and kept blowing them up for so long is because not only wouldn't they put the nazi scientists in charge, they refused to listen and sent the few russian scientists who did listen to gulags.

Hundreds of dead cosmonauts would still be alive today and russia would likely have beat the US to the moon if they had simply learned Godwin's law.

Historian 19/12/17(Tue)04:44 No. 15277

There's a difference between "people who fought under hitler" and "people who are fighting under hitler".

Historian 19/12/28(Sat)22:00 No. 15282

>Hundreds of dead cosmonauts would still be alive today and russia would likely have beat the US to the moon if they had simply learned Godwin's law.

And yet the Russians are currently ahead in the space game. Americans are piggybacking on their rockets.
Russia> Nazi's>America

Historian 20/01/03(Fri)07:54 No. 15288

They're taking a massive loss on every ISS launch because of their soviet-era equipment. Remember, the US got rid of the shuttle program, Russia is still using their old antiquated designs. And they're absorbing those massive losses to try and slow the US private launch program. Once SpaceX gets the major kinks worked out Russia's launch program is going to completely implode, nothing they have on the drawing board comes close to competing on cost.

That being said the US is still sending billions to keep the antiquated relics of their old space industry alive, but since the SLS is a platform without a payload it's ridiculous economics will never really come into play. It just exists for Republicans to play porkbarrel politics and keep the myth of American Exceptionalism alive for the rubes who keep voting for them. Right up until they strip their right to vote away.

Historian 20/05/19(Tue)22:50 No. 15322

Pretty much this

Historian 20/05/21(Thu)08:43 No. 15323

Probably incredibly similar. From what I know about the Nazis (little) they usually just set up an office in the countries they took over to handle killing jews and the countries they sided with in the war they really didn't ask much of. They likely would have remained a Nazi state for much longer but the US politics wouldn't have been affected much from a truce with them.

If they helped them conquer Europe which would be unlikely, the world might have changed a bit more. The war certainly would have lasted a lot longer and been more brutal but the Nazi state was really set up to fail IMO, I think even the top leaders wanted to eventually lose.

Historian 20/08/04(Tue)15:43 No. 15402

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Then it's the best possible timeline. Except I'm American, so maybe not so great for me.

Historian 20/08/05(Wed)23:12 No. 15403

Wow! For initially confessing that you don't know much about the Nazis you sure were right about how much you don't know. There are whole books and if that's too much, movies, tv shows, hell video games about the Nazis that could at least give you a clue.

Historian 21/01/19(Tue)05:25 No. 15439

Pretty much the same as it is now. The British Enpire collapsed anyway, the EU is essentially the de facto German Empure as it is, and the US wasn’t just on board with German culture, it’s largely comprised of pre-war German immigrants who learned the opposite lessons over two world wars that Germany did, and has been trying to out-nazi the nazis ever since, promoting practically every facet of that culture compatible with its leftover British empire culture.

Everyone looks to the Nazis during expansionism as the way it would be forever, but once they exterminated Eastern Europe and realistically enslaved & thinned the uncooperative populations of Africa & North & Central America out to better make use of the resources, what they’d have been expanding would be industrialized, ignorant/aggressive, mercantile, hierarchical German culture circa 1940s/1950s Germany, which almost everyone got anyway, whether they fucking wanted it or not, the ungrateful urchins, and we had to blow up their elected officials and their families to convince them.

Historian 21/04/13(Tue)23:45 No. 15521

Adolf HAD the war won at least three times...before the U.S. stuck its big nose in...and he threw away victory on each occasion with his amateurish micromanagement (and over the strident objections of his superb Generals).

And how in God's name could the States side with Germany, especially with an obvious madman like Hitler in charge of the nation? We shed a great deal of blood supporting the U.K. in 'The Great War', our media (if anything even more influential then than now) hated Der Fuhrer's guts and were openly agitating for American entry into the war, and FDR was determined to get us into the action because of his direct, personal ties with the most powerful and wealthy members of the Limey aristocracy.

Historian 22/03/17(Thu)05:52 No. 15542

Holy fuck I remember writing this. And it’s still on the front page here. Wtf people.

Historian 22/03/21(Mon)21:42 No. 15546

It's been a rough couple of years

Historian 22/05/18(Wed)20:31 No. 15557

man nobody ever uses this board huh

Historian 22/05/21(Sat)23:56 No. 15558


Historian 22/12/08(Thu)09:09 No. 15613


Historian 23/02/23(Thu)10:13 No. 15631

The Man in the High Castle shows this alternate history

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