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Historian 14/04/04(Fri)05:25 No. 14242

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How much money does America and the EU give to second/third world countries to give people jobs in maintaining/developing their forests and such?

Imagine if we gave all our war budget to countries to renovate their shit and regenerate all the things that we are losing

Historian 14/04/05(Sat)06:43 No. 14243

Sweet idea, but painfully naive. If we donate our entire defense budget to the developing world, the developing world will simply invade us, slaughter half our population, and enslave the rest. Good night, Western Civilization, hello new Dark Age.

Sic Vis Pacem Parabellum.

Historian 14/04/11(Fri)14:59 No. 14258

the capitalist system imposed on most developing country does NOT favour them to catch up to rich countries, quite the contrary

Historian 14/04/13(Sun)04:39 No. 14261

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Its okay son, no need to live in constant fear of those dastardly third worldians.

We'd just send in the 101st cosplay division to take the first world back, and life would go on.

Historian 14/04/18(Fri)14:10 No. 14266

Nearly all the billions of "money" the US "gives" other countries, is actually credit, we lend, to those countries, by force. Credit in the form of taxpayer revenue, which those countries must "spend", only with us, to buy specific weapons systems, from our private companies. Usually outdated ones we don't have a need for anymore. Usually weapons those countries don't want or already have warehouses full of & can't afford, which leave them riddled with debt. & more often than not, weapons systems we later wish they didn't have or use. So that's how our "aid" actually works. Those countries don't actually see a dime, and eventually become racked with debt to us, and have to give us bases on their land and other political rimjobs in compensation. It's nothing more than a clever way to take money from taxpayers, let the gov skim a bunch off the top, funnel the rest to private companies, which then use it to lobby politicians to make more laws requiring more subsidies benefitting them, and flood the unstable regions of the world with weapons while making a game out of destabilizing everything. The excuse for this was originally that in case of war, we'd still have those weapons plants running, and could then easily gear up for our own war effort. That hasn't been a relevant argument in 25 years, due to the pace of technology. It's just more corporate welfare and further worsening the birds nest of foreign obligations that stereotypical meddling jew Kissinger has us tangled up to our tits in.

This is why the US will never do more altruistic things with its stash of the worlds old money. It's a pyramid scheme, not a charity. Acts of charity do not fit with the barbaric European Zero-Sum worldview. For USA to be good, everywhere else has to be made to suck a proportional amount. You want altruism and beauty and philosophy, try some eastern cultures. The west is all about clawing each others eyes out for a scrap of cheese, like rats crammed in a cage. This is our grand unifying "western" philosophy, on indefinite loan from the Middle East, whose culture replaced our own because our ancestors were just dumb and gullible enough to buy it.

But USA is Little Europe. The most aggressive lunatics in Europe, itself the most aggressive culture in the world, came here for a fresh start, and as soon as they got here, they immediately recreated exactly all the cultural problems they just ran away from and amplified them. These are not intelligent people with a plan for a better future. These are people either chasing after or sitting on the worlds Old Money, (thanks england & jewry) fostering a culture based on perpetuating the pyramid scheme at all costs to pathetic hippie shit like life and liberty.

Lower your expectations. USA's brief dream of being a force for good in the world died with JFK.

Historian 14/04/20(Sun)04:10 No. 14267

Never thought of it like that before. Nice post

Historian 14/10/15(Wed)05:34 No. 14443

Could you recommend a book to read validating what you said inre: "Aid as Credit"?

Historian 14/10/21(Tue)17:40 No. 14450

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I always find it really weird that Americans like JFK so much. What exactly did he do that was so different?

He wasn't interested in social reform - Johnson did that.

He wasn't interested in rational diplomacy, and pushed any aggressive angle he could in foreign policy, including violating missile treaties, which is playing with fire, and pursuing an escalation in the war in Vietnam to defend a nasty like dictatorship in the south.

Also, he was corrupt as hell, and only got into politics because of his family ties, which included a lot of mob money and union bribing, etc.

I may have been swallowing bullshit (its possible) but I haven't heard anything good about him. It seems at least possible that he is only applauded out of the idea that he died tragically young. "Oh, he would have done such great things!" Yeah, like what? We could speculate anything here.

I agree with most of the rest of your post though. Just the JFK bit that got me itchy.

Historian 14/10/23(Thu)04:32 No. 14451

but everyone loves griffith! or at least used to
he's got a shining city on a hill and doesn't afraid of monsters in the wilderness

nevermind that he's causing the problems half the time, and you know that kind of annoying JFK conspiray quote post? I did some research and found that he wasn't talking about some illuminati conspiracy blah blah blah but rather communist teachers


Historian 14/10/23(Thu)08:40 No. 14452

Relevant link from an economics thread here. Planet Money gives a handy overview of explaining our "Foreign Aid":


Historian 23/05/05(Fri)11:44 No. 15640

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USA and EU get more money from poorer countries than what they donate...

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