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Historian 12/06/07(Thu)01:08 No. 12470

File 133902408191.png - (52.85KB , 180x182 , eser.png )

So is the Islamic invasion of Europe an intentional act being perpetrated by a multitude of interest groups in the Arab world.

Or they are invading Europe because the laws are so lax, Africans are too poor to do so, and Asiatics are in their own realm.

The dude in germany getting beat up by turkish immigrants for wearing a german immigrants got me thinking. Plus this issue started late 90s and just seems to be rolling out of control.

10 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Historian 12/06/08(Fri)21:44 No. 12486

>Islamic invasion of Europe
Don't make me laugh. Anyway, this relies totally on the Muslim women. And there are only two types of Muslim women, it seems to me anyways.
Those who've been brought up in a strict religious background are humble like Arab Muslims and will practice their religion til they die.
Those who've had a more lax approach to religion are super-mega sluts. No joke. They'll act pious during the holy month of Ramadan or whatever but after that, they're back to sucking dicks.

That's how it goes, just observe how you see some shy Muslim girls who don't have many friends while there are others who bounce on the chance to get dick. The latter is the majority.
Europeans aren't being invaded by Islam, they're being invaded by ignorance. This isn't restricted to any ethnic or religious group. Europe's turning more liberal by the day.

Historian 12/06/09(Sat)01:57 No. 12488

What's with those thousands marching random streets burning flags of the nations they live in then?

Seems to me an ethnic group is trying to defy whatever sovereign territory they're in to make it more fundamentally islamic. Still though it's almost all unemployed men in their 20s and 30s.

Americium!Metal3G/gs 12/06/09(Sat)05:22 No. 12491

It's a vocal minority (though it is slowly growing).

I think the problem with Europe is that politically correct politicians pander to them in an attempt to be "fair". Either hoping that by being nice to Islamic extremists, they'll see the errors of their ways. Or they truly are mistaken and believe that all belief systems are equally valid, and that truth and morality is relative or something. It's all idealistic bullshit.

Historian 12/06/09(Sat)15:59 No. 12492

Yeah and the London riots in August last year prove that England only has chavs and that's it.
Those Muslims burning flags will die down, all those movements will die down. Plus, most of them are men, they cannot spread Islam through breeding Muslim children without having a wife to first have the baby, and to help teach the religion.
They need to have a Muslim wife who actually practices the religion, and there really aren't many women who do.

Historian 12/06/09(Sat)22:55 No. 12493

Replace "Muslim" by "Irish" or "Chinese", and you have the exact same theories that proliferated in the 19th century United States.

Besides, most European Muslims are Turks, and they are above all secular Turkish nationalists, not Muslim extremists. To view all Muslims as a homogeneous group who do not hate each other more than they hate "the West" betrays great ignorance.

Historian 12/06/10(Sun)03:10 No. 12497

Portrays or betrays?

Historian 12/06/10(Sun)10:44 No. 12498

not that poster, but what would have clarified his statement would have been "Betrays a great ignorance", asthough one has given the position of their ignorance away, or revealed themselves to be ignorant.

ex. "The belief that 'Novus Ordo Saeclorum' means Secular Order of the Ages betrays a vast misunderstanding of the Latin."

Historian 12/06/10(Sun)15:09 No. 12505

Surely it would betray a *good* understanding of it?
Because it shows that there is a bad understanding, therefore to betray it would require the opposite which is a good understanding.

Unless betray means something I'm not familiar with.

Historian 12/06/10(Sun)16:54 No. 12509

be·tray (b-tr)
tr.v. be·trayed, be·tray·ing, be·trays
4. To make known unintentionally: Her hollow laugh betrayed her contempt for the idea.

Historian 12/06/10(Sun)21:22 No. 12513

Ahhh, si, I seee.

Historian 12/07/27(Fri)18:09 No. 12896

Western civilization is dead.
The reason is simple if someone thinks that they can not destroy every other belief system and establish world dominance for their group they are dead.

The coming years will be hilarious. I cant wait until the Muslims start killing homosexuals and liberals on the streets while the liberals defend Muslims.

Historian 12/08/05(Sun)12:46 No. 12917

If "the muslims" decide to invade Europe it is going to be way more detrimental to their power-hungry fascist leaders than to European society. It will breed a group of "european muslims" that will feel more at ease with European society than any arab thinga-majig and thus stand in opposition to it. If there is a masterplan to out breed ethnic europeans they should do the breeding in the home countries and only send their kids away when they are in their 20s. Most kids brought up in a European country (obviously meaning Western or Central Europe, eastern europe is a sham) will adopt more of European ideology than any redneck arab values from central asia. As some of you have touched upon, women's rights is one such important item (In short, the individual's right to self-determination).

Historian 12/08/05(Sun)14:03 No. 12918

This is true. I read a piece the other day about Belgian Turks returning to their native lands in some Turkish backwater for the holidays, and being annoyed about how non-European everything was. Then it talked about a town where the majority were returning immigrants. The mayor was a man who had been living abroad for decades, and ran on a platform of creating a European town: clean, with modern streets and parks, and a zero-tolerance approach to typical annoying Turkish habits like illegal parking, reckless driving, noisiness, littering, loitering etc. Elected with an overwhelming majority.

They might not make for the greatest Europeans, but real Muslims and Turks/Arabs/Berber/other culture, they are neither anymore.

Historian 12/08/05(Sun)14:51 No. 12919

The amount of those types of Muslims are in the minority. Also, if they're stupid enough to be swayed be so called Western European culture (which died completely after WW2), then they're definitely going to be stupid enough to be swayed back to the Islamic culture (which has lasted for over a thousand years).

You do realise Turkey is a secular country?
Arabia is the land of the Muslims. The Arabs have also migrated westwards into N.Africa and Islam as a religion has spread northwards into the Caucasus and C.Asia.
Turkey = 'Westernised' country.

Historian 12/08/11(Sat)08:10 No. 12946

islam will not dominate the west, an increasing number of muslims may exist but the history of those countries has always been separated, conversion to the local views occurs often and the traditions behind are relevant to this day

furthermore, even if they were making good progress in some sort of social blitzkrieg, the end result would be a bigger bad would emerge in absolute fury and rage, in the case of germany, the checks on militaristic nationalism would be very strained even possibly, and one might see a re-emergence of 1800's-1950's dominant stereotyping and witch hunts

since they aren't immigrants, they see no other place to really go, and this will make them very aggressive if they start thinking they're getting pressed on because they feel absolutely trapped

victor davis hansen sums it up basically as "in wars of option the western way tends to lose, in wars of necessity/survival, the west tends to dominate, and nobody's killed more westerners than other westerners"

people think we're wishy washy because we have it easy, what they forget about is dresden and tokyo firebombings, and that even the nazis were a western society

for those who like freedom, there are two threats, the constant threat, those who don't know freedom and don't like what comes from it (freedom itself is misunderstood but not hated really by too many) and those who know freedom but see their survival so threatened they turn from freedom even

israel is predominantly a western civilization, most of the jews are from european regions, eastern european regions but they still have most facets of western civilization

the yom kippur war is an excellent way to put the situation between islamism/sharia and the west

Historian 12/08/11(Sat)11:48 No. 12947

More or less this. Even if things came to a head, we would just see the Israelization of Europe. And if you think Europe's socialist context would prevent this, I urge you to take a good look at Israeli history and the collectivist trend that occurred there in the first decades.

Historian 12/08/27(Mon)16:21 No. 12984

Son of two Turkish immigrants here. I'll try to clarify some things with the extent of my knowledge. N.B. I grew up and live in the U.K., so some of my points made on German Turks are based on from what I usually see on the news on satellite Turkish T.V.

>They can barely control their own populations let alone take over Europe
100% true.
>[Turks]are above all secular Turkish nationalists, not Muslim extremists
Not completely true. You see, what I have observed of many mainland European and U.K. Turks is that they are the dumbest, most worthless sacks of shit I ever came across. Therefore, many of them have a religous slant. This may be a small minority of the total population, but they are a very vocal minority, alike any religous extremist group. By religous extremism, I don't mean shit like al-Qaeda and religous terrorism, just being a backward fuck and opposing any rational thought in favour of religous doctrine. With Pakistanis, Somalians and others, both forms of extremism are probably true, but this falls out of my area of expertise.

Historian 12/08/27(Mon)22:43 No. 12986

File 134610018175.png - (842.15KB , 1785x950 , coudenhove_babel.png )

In the case of Germany, it was the Americans who forced the Turks on them:
>The first Gastarbeiter were recruited from European nations. Turkey however pressured the Federal republic to allow their countrymen to become guest workers.[3] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, was opposed to such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too big and also held the opinion that Germany needed no more labourers, because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany, who could fill these vacancies. The USA however, put some political pressure on Germany. The German Department of Foreign Affairs carried on the negotiations after this and in 1961 an agreement was reached.[4]

Historian 12/08/28(Tue)10:51 No. 12991

Youtube  already posted this in a different thread, as a historical resource (I'm an avid fan of studying the method of fighting as a form of insight into the society)


but it adds a lot more fuel to the fire in this thread

it's not really anything new per se, but it clarifies the position of legitimate islam-ists, as in, those who believe in islamic supremacy

Historian 12/09/07(Fri)04:18 No. 13036

OP is a retard/troll, they are allowed into europe by europeans. There are many conspiracies but I hold the globalism mono-race theory to heart.

A one-world slave caste of consumers, identical in their skin and culture (american style consumerist identity). This has been dreamed of since the 18th century by self-hating/elitist nobles so it is far from a 'modern' idea.

Ethnicity and culture are the main enemies of a one world government, so why not destroy them? Experiments are already being carried out.

to put it bluntly... there is no islamic invasion of europe. The masters of europe and the americas could wipe much of the islamic world out at a whim, but it is not in their interest to do so. Their world is a world of masters and slaves, the tiny few who command and those who obey. This is not so different to the past except their desire for a global each

Historian 12/09/11(Tue)14:45 No. 13047

The problem isn't that they have a weird religion, it's that they are a very different people from the hosts.

It is not an organized effort from the immigrants, they are just coming because we give them good lives for free here. And the reason that we even let them in is because of lobbying from another group who feels most comfortable in diverse countries because they blend in better than in homogenous countries. In Sweden much of the lobbying was done by people like David Scwartz, Inga Gottfrieb, the Ascheberg family and people with names like Sarnecki and Wolodarski.

Historian 12/09/15(Sat)23:58 No. 13052

dem jooz wanna mix all muh pure blud wiff dem mongruls lololol

Historian 12/09/27(Thu)19:06 No. 13071

why do morons need to has this fucking victim complex about ISLAMIC INVASIONS or whatever retarded right wing shit? Who even cares?

Historian 12/10/03(Wed)04:15 No. 13085

File 134923051637.jpg - (605.33KB , 1544x1000 , US Immig.jpg )

>Immigrate have a better life.
>Have children.
>Take shitty jobs.
>Euros don't bother to have children coz price of living apparently.
>Euros don't bother with the city jobs.
>Rail about unemployment.
>Rail about outbreeding,

Extremist class as fucking usual.
>pic related, UK confirmed for developing world.


Historian 12/10/03(Wed)04:16 No. 13086

>Euros don't bother with the shitty jobs.*


Historian 12/11/30(Fri)11:25 No. 13305

Why would you write that?
There is no refuting of what i wrote in what you wrote, here is just baseless insults. What is so wrong with what i wrote? All of it was true but you just had to come and insult my text, me and my fight for my people. Do you think that you wage some kind of holy war or why would you do something like this? Are you just plain evil?

Historian 12/12/03(Mon)06:56 No. 13313

>my fight for my people
LOL, racists are so funny when they get angry when you point out their racism. They always find a way to come back with more racism, like it's going to justify their backwater inbred antiquated belief system.

Historian 12/12/03(Mon)15:11 No. 13320

the world outside the basement is a scary place, best never go out there again... you're doing great so far, though.

Historian 12/12/03(Mon)16:02 No. 13321

analyze their genetic makeup
write a virus that identifies it and attacks their cells

win the race

Historian 12/12/03(Mon)18:51 No. 13322

virus mutates, kills everyone, including yourself

discover that reincarnation is real, and you've come back as a cockroach

Historian 12/12/03(Mon)22:15 No. 13327

>discover that reincarnation is real, and you've come back as a cockroach

three steps forward, two steps back

Historian 12/12/04(Tue)16:32 No. 13335

I hear thats how opposites attract.

Historian 12/12/04(Tue)22:54 No. 13342

but it really helps if one is a hot dancer

or a cartoon cat

Historian 13/12/03(Tue)17:00 No. 14051

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When Islam refers to "Western society", does this include all of western Europe too? I'm pretty sure they don't have the same amount of hate against third world countries in South America as they do to the United States to use such a broad term, and I don't believe Canada, Mexico or the other third world Central American countries could be such a target either. If they really mean just the west hemisphere, why don't the just say "United States"? Pic unrelated...

Historian 13/12/05(Thu)17:57 No. 14056


I'm pretty sure that Muslim ire extends to everyone who is not Muslim. They have no love of Buddhists or Hindus, but neither group ever occupied the third most holy city in Islam or overthrow Muslim dynasties...Christendom DID. Islam has an almost pathological hatred of Christianity, and that includes all nations whose culture, heritage, and society have been molded by Christian tradition and values. Yes, that includes Latin America (the last great bastion of Roman Catholicism...the Muslims have not forgotten what their brethren suffered in the Inquisition and the Reconquista).

It is true that the brunt of Muslim hatred is at this moment borne by the United States; we are the nation that continues to kill Muslims, including numbers of innocent civilians, in our misguided and naive efforts to interfere in the domestic affairs and tribal squabbles of the Islamic world. Don't be fooled; the Muslims have hate in plenty left over for the rest of Christendom (which is ironic, since The Prophet taught that the Christians, like the Jews, were to be shown mercy and tolerance, as they too were Peoples of the Book. Of course, Jesus said we were to turn the other cheek, forgive those who harmed us, and love our enemies...before we judge the Muslim too harshly, Christians need to ask themselves how well THEY are following the words of their own Lord).

Historian 13/12/20(Fri)14:29 No. 14071

I don't thing the problem is with the Muslims; they're just the only part of the equation driven to change the world and their own lives for the better (in their mind). The europeans are the ones who consciously made the decision to let this happen.
I don't know if it was because of WW2 which turned national pride into a taboo, killed the British empire and turned the central Europeans into cold-war pawns; or if it was the ideological battles of the cold war that replaced religion, man, and freedom as the sources of greatness and potential with the collective and powerful modern governments and organizations. One thing is for certain: europe has lost its spark and thus its will to live.

Historian 13/12/20(Fri)14:43 No. 14072

Europe today is a nihilistic land living off its former achievements. Disdain of religion/spirituality, distrust of the individual, and a dying morality that views right and wrong as relative to one's perceived privilege, are symptoms of this problem. There european future and its potential, in the eyes of the people, is nothing more than a long campaign of fighting every real or imagined act of human power and oppression; from sexism to nationalism to religious intolerance;by harnessing the power of popular government to wash away their sins.

Here's the deal: europe is a weak, hopeless, land and the fall of the USSR, coupled with growing tension in the middle east and north Africa, has made immigration both easy and necessary. Muslims are just moving where the natives are weak, social mores dead, and assimilation unnecessary.

What I'm trying to say is this: European culture is dead along with any form of national/ethnic/cultural pride. The apathy of the europeans towards their culture coupled with their proud disregard for religion, human life, national pride, and power has came at the price of self determination. When their war against privilege and oppression finally ends, they will realize too late that, of those privileges they spat on, the freedom to be nihilist self-hating shitbags isn't immutable

Historian 13/12/22(Sun)08:56 No. 14076

some people think that the cure to apathy and mere remembrances of past accomplishments is to worship those things

but noone who accomplished those things did either

moral relativism is best summed up in this video clip however, and it isn't the scourge of europe by any means :>


Historian 13/12/24(Tue)01:44 No. 14079

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Historian 14/01/22(Wed)04:01 No. 14108


But would it kill those who share genes with them but not religious beliefs?

Historian 14/10/15(Wed)06:07 No. 14445

Probably this. People spin it as a racial attack, of course, because they're dumb. The depth of devotion to football teams on the continent is almost unfathomable to Americans.

Historian 14/10/16(Thu)05:10 No. 14448

To be fair, the depths of devotion to American Football teams is equally unfathomable to Europeans. Some of those guys are equal members of the lunatic fringe...

Historian 14/12/16(Tue)11:48 No. 14486

I don't really agree. I'm the guy you responded to and American, and the football culture in Europe is infested with hooliganism and violence to a much greater degree than in American Football. It's almost a category of crime over there:

This isn't true in the US. Bill Bryson says it's because the cops would shoot you, I say it's because people don't go to away games as much, with the country being so big.

Historian 14/12/18(Thu)02:55 No. 14487

The US sports franchises are certainly better at covering up incidents. You have to dig through police blotters to even find mention of all the arrests that happen before, during, and after games.

Even when groups of fans charge onto the field nobody ends up up seeing it on camera thanks to time delays and editing. There's the occasional oddly-timed commercial break to cover up large incidents, while for small ones - that don't spread beyond the stands - the cameras just don't show the sections affected until after the fans get cleared out (there's never a shortage of fans milling around outside to take their seats).

The only time you hear about incidents is when the riots spill out of the stadium and into surrounding areas, with widespread looting, arson, and other serious crimes. Those are fairly rare but that doesn't mean that everything's just sunshine and rainbows in-between the crime sprees. There's a reason stadiums are never put into the wealthy parts of town...

Historian 14/12/20(Sat)09:45 No. 14490


While Marx advocated open borders, I doubt he expected the type of mass immigration of Turks/islabomb refugees expecting western social welfare state handouts, that then repay the EU with 17 kids and acid attacks and shariah law protests we see today

Historian 14/12/21(Sun)07:46 No. 14492

I think, the thing is, if we from the outset just said, "WOAH", or "WOAH + GTFO", then we'd have every other nation on earf and the UN and every islamic wacko in the world saying we're the new Nazi's and how dare we discriminate and oppress well-meaning religious people and blah blah blah. But if we say, "ok, fine, come on in." and then they fucking flood in and wreck the place up and start chopping heads off, well then we can respond with "WOAH + GTFO + TRAINCARS + FIRE THE OVENS" or whatever we need to.

What I'm saying is, we can't just open with that. We need to give Muslims enough rope to hang themselves with, which we've done, and they seem to be getting quite comfortable with putting around their necks.

So I think it's going quite well, in fact. The worse it gets, the better off we'll be for it when push comes to shove.

Historian 15/01/06(Tue)01:51 No. 14499

during the last few years muslims have started to use imageboards and they are everywhere now.

On niggertits kc and even 8chan it is really annoying.

This seems to be one of the few muslim-free imageboards left.

Historian 16/04/23(Sat)16:41 No. 14852

> > >

Historian 16/06/02(Thu)21:21 No. 14858

File 146489530012.jpg - (9.99KB , 180x240 , 180px-Can't_Mossad_The_Assad.jpg )

They're even on this very board right now.

Historian 16/06/17(Fri)03:49 No. 14876

And THIS is why we can't have good things?


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