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Hitler did nothing wrong? Historian 14/11/08(Sat)06:59 No. 14456 [Reply]

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My purpose in posting this is not to incite a drama filled thread - what I'm looking for are people who can confidently denounce the claim that the Holocaust did not happen.

It's political suicide to see Hitler and the Nazi party as anything but evil, so I'm hoping someone can help out.
Embedded is a youtube link to a 6:30 hour long documentary entitled 'Hitler: the Greatest Story Never Told'. It's banned in a substantial number of countries, so VPNs at the ready if you want to watch it.
It lists many atrocities committed by allies during WWII, the ethnic cleansing of the German people following it, and shows research into the 'death camps' that Soviets liberated, this and more suggests the Holocaust story was a fabrication by the allied powers to support the existence of the state of Israel and justify WWII itself. My problem is that is rings of truth. After a read through of anti-denialist material I'm not happy that this event occurred as claimed in our popular history.

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Historian 14/12/16(Tue)11:42 No. 14485

I urge you to take a look at the list of sources that documentary provides. It's a bit disturbing when a documentary purporting to have the truth, despite having access to a dearth of German primary documents capture after the war, barely references any of them, choosing rather to reference mostly websites and hardly a book.

I recommend you read Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich for a well researched account of the war.

Historian 19/06/29(Sat)16:47 No. 15163

>what I'm looking for are people who can confidently denounce the claim that the Holocaust did not happen.

If you're gonna troll at least make a good effort. You could quite easily go down the path of the Jews creating the 'Caust themselves as a result of the 1918-19 Civil war when Jewish Communist tried to overthrow the German government, pushed Hitler into power and by extension made themselves the enemy during the rise of Nationalism.

Blaming them for their own demise is going to generate far more luls. You need to think like Kanye when he said that blacks chose to be slaves...

Historian 19/06/29(Sat)17:08 No. 15166

OP's post is literally an argument that goes nowhere since you can't prove a negative, but then again I probably put more effort into this shit reply I'm typing than he did in his original post.

Historian 12/08/09(Thu)21:35 No. 12933 [Reply]

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Why are Confucian societies so non-religious nowadays? At first, I guessed communism, but it turns out that Nice Korea and Japan are also pretty non-religious. They constantly rank low in religiosity polls, and are among the few societies where it isn't correlated with wealth.

(Confucian sphere is more or less China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam).

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Historian 18/12/19(Wed)02:02 No. 15120

That sounds pretty cool. I wonder if we had something similar.

Historian 19/04/22(Mon)11:37 No. 15146

>they deny gays even exist,it's a capitalist thing
Holy based

Historian 19/06/08(Sat)05:01 No. 15152

I know one thing.

Casey Kasem was born in 1932. That kid must have been amazing to have his own Top 20 radio show before he was a teenager.

rome roma invicta 14/08/02(Sat)16:24 No. 14361 [Reply]

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Some Roman images please!

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Historian 14/09/10(Wed)09:12 No. 14396

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Morituri te Salutant

Historian 14/09/30(Tue)08:34 No. 14427

Wouldn't it be
Muturum te saultant?

Historian 19/01/12(Sat)16:34 No. 15125

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do Eastern Roman images count?

Possible People's Liberation Army involvement in Syrian Civil War Historian 18/02/28(Wed)01:01 No. 15068 [Reply]

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With the Syrian civil war escalating despite several attempts made by the UNSC and now Russia enacting ceasefires, a new major player may be on the rise. I have heard that the PLA would be deploying their troops apparently to combat Uighur extremists there, but could they might as well stir up the situation as NATO did?

Historian 18/08/29(Wed)23:16 No. 15092

I thought the chinese were non-interventionists in regards to military afairs, did something change?

Yourgay!!EwZ2AzBTIu 18/09/01(Sat)21:59 No. 15093

The military attache at the Chinese embassy stated that the PLA would offer assistance to the Syrian government if ordered by the Chinese government.

So it's a statement made by the attache not the central government. IF (and that's a big if) the PLA did deploy it'd probably be in the form of SOF or military advisers, not a large conventional force. China's making inroads where they can, and offering an oil-producing country who has been thrown aside or actively targeted by the entirety of the West would offer serious advantages.

ISIS Islamic State - Al Qaeda and Islam Muslims in Southern Mexico Historian 16/09/12(Mon)08:08 No. 14919 [Reply]

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ISIS Islamic State - Al Qaeda and Islam Muslims in Southern Mexico

In Southern Mexico 5 states that are Majority Maya Population like Yucatan and Chiapas. Most Mayans in Chiapas converted to Islam since the Last Maya Rebellion, the Zapatista Rebellion against Mexico in 1994. Also the Mayans in Yucatan Peninsula and Guatemala. Yucatan Peninsula is oil rich area, a migrant/smuggling routes, airports, harbors, narrow gap between Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and Cancun resorts. If the Islamic State of the Maya is establish in Southern Mexico and Central America. Islam is present in Maya dominated Verapaz and El Peten Regions in Guatemala.

Guatemala City will become the capital of the Islamic Maya Ajawate (Caliphate) once is conquered by Islamized Mayans in Constantinople 1453 style. Most of the 10 million Maya population in Central America will embrace Islam within 50 years and will challenge all countries that cover the Maya Homeland by Islamic Mayan JIHAD; Many Muslims from the Middle East, Turkey and North Africa will send Muslim combatants (Jihadist fighters) to Central America to help the Islamized Maya winning this incoming war bigger than Zapatista Rebellion and Central America Civil Wars of the 1980s and 1990s.

Hispanics especially Mexicans will become refugees going to United States like the Muslim refugees from the Middle East coming to Europe. It is also close to Panama Canal, Cuba and all Caribbean. Another Pirates of Caribbean will come. Oaxaca and Veracruz will be annex as a buffer zones to protect the Islamic Maya state against US-Mexico army counterattacks with Islamized Zapotecs and other Islamized Indigenous Mexico tribes that allied with the Maya.
ISIS Islamic State - Al Qaeda and Islam Muslims in Mexico

They (Indigenous Latin American Muslims) will declare Columbus Day as an Insult against Islam and the Indigenous Latin America Peoples, Reigniting Colonial Grievances against Europeans and Mestizos to convert more Indigenous Peoples of Latin America to Islam. They will destroy all the symbols of Western (Especially Spanish) Colonialism in all of Latin America that oppressed the Indigenous Peoples.

9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Historian 18/06/03(Sun)11:32 No. 15080

shit no one goes on this site

Historian 18/06/03(Sun)12:30 No. 15081

Yep dead site

Historian 18/06/06(Wed)22:57 No. 15082

Don't mistake the site being dead for the fact that you can't create a comment interesting enough for someone to reply to.

Historian 18/02/19(Mon)14:21 No. 15066 [Reply]

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Hey there.
Are japanese shools realy that oversexuallized as we know it from movies in our western culture? Or is it all fake?
Do japanese shoolgirls realy wear those sexy shool uniforms / gym clothes and swimsuits we all know? Or is it bullshit?

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Historian 18/03/03(Sat)11:24 No. 15073

>when was the last time you saw a school with a pool?
There's at least 15 within 25 miles of me. Elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, all have pools.

What kind of shithole do you live in? Better yet, why the fuck are you staying there?

Historian 18/04/13(Fri)03:16 No. 15076

Funny story about small city bullshit: when my home city was planning the high school, they originally had planned for a nearby park to be absorbed into the school's property so we could have athletic facilities, like a pool, indoor track, most importantly, a football field. Well, local residents complained about the loss of the park so they didn't have the land for us to have those facilities so they never got built. The high school has to use a public football filed that some local well to do football alumnus donated the funds. It's way across town, too. Fucking embarrassing.

Historian 18/06/03(Sun)11:30 No. 15079

Its bullshit. i talking to my penpal about highschool sex once and she says that some people have done it, but its more likely that people in the united states would do such things.
Oh and the sexualization is all fan service. its just to grab your wallets and run.
Think if Thiccy vickey was on all the time and Cosmo and timmys dad were trying to ram her? now amplify it to a bunch of other cartons and what would others think

What if it's true? Historian 18/03/03(Sat)07:05 No. 15069 [Reply]

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The Old Testament is simply the history of how satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the synagogue of satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God’s Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the system reached the stage that, to use his own words, satan controlled all those in high places. He exposed the synagogue of satan (Rev. 2:9; 3:9;) he denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the devil (Lucifer),whom he castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit (2 Cor. 11:14). He was specific in his statement that those who comprised the synagogue of satan were those who called themselves Jews, but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the Money-Changers (Bankers) the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the Illuminati of his day. What so many people seem to forget, is the fact that Christ came on earth to release us from the bonds of satan with which we were being bound tighter and tighter as the years rolled by. Christ gave us the solution to our problem when he told us we must go forth and teach the truth, regarding this system (John 8. 31:59;), to all people of all nations. He promised that if we did this,knowledge of the truth would set us free (Matt. 28:19;). The Luciferian system has developed until it is in its semi-final stage (Matt. 24: 15:34;), simply because we have failed to put the mandate Christ gave us into effect.

Historian 18/03/03(Sat)07:06 No. 15070


Historian 18/03/03(Sat)11:21 No. 15072

Youtube  What if Jesus was just the Antichrist all along?

3 Man Origin of the Nations Historian 13/06/03(Mon)22:13 No. 13780 [Reply]

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In here we discuss mankind's original 3 ancestors: Japheth, Shem, and Ham and the people who came from them.

Shem the Name and Renown ones
The Arabs, the Persians, the Jews, and the Babylonians came from him. He was the special one of the family. Shem's line gave way to all the Big Biblical figures like Abraham, Nebuchadnezzar, King David, Solomon, Moses, John the Baptist, and most importantly the Great Jesus Christ.

Ham the Hot ones
The Egyptians, Hittites, The Carthaginians, Pheonicians, The Libyans, Many East Indians, and the Ethiopians are primarily from Ham's line. Was kind of a trouble maker of the family. Famous members of his lineage are Hannibal the Carthaginian, Nimrod, and King Ramses.

Japheth the Fair ones and the Enlarged ones
The Celtics, the Germans, The Chinese, Slavics Japanese, Koreans, Mongolians, Barbarian Turks, Greeks, Anglos, and American Indians all come from him. Has perhaps the most numerous and most diverse bunch of sons in the family. Famous members of his lineage are King Alfred, Charlemagne, Geronimo, Charles Martel, Montezuma, Sun Tsu, Chief Joseph, Lief Erickson, Leonidas, King Richard, and Julius Caesar.

Combinations of 2 or 3 brothers occurred later in history. In East India, Aryans and Alexander's troop got with Cushite Indians making a Japheth/Ham combination. In Southeast Asia was another combination of Japheth/Ham.

Along the borders of the Middle East, Solomon and other Semite peoples were known to get many Ethiopian chicks. Thus a Shem/Ham combination.

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Historian 17/12/04(Mon)21:53 No. 15057

This was argued as represented in the bible
that Shem was the original black person, Ham, brown,and Japeth, white

Historian 17/12/13(Wed)19:25 No. 15059

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Only if you are completely ignorant of biology, genetics, archaeology, zoology, history, paleontology, linguistics, and any non-religious based historical accounts of ancient history should anything OP says here be plausible to you or considered a reasonable account of anything.

And to be clear Herodotus does not count as a reliable historical account.

Historian 18/01/10(Wed)09:48 No. 15063

Kike history is all lies to hide that they're the mongrel rapebabies of the overlord Malqarts of carthage.

News Today. Cheetah getting extinct Historian 16/12/28(Wed)16:39 No. 14961 [Reply]

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Historian 17/05/06(Sat)09:52 No. 15019

Youtube  >>15018
>So many ad hominem attacks.
What a surprise, another person who can dish it out but can't take it.

Don't like ad hominem attacks? Don't launch them.

>Do you feel validated now?
Well, I'll only feel validated once 1+1=3. Until that happens you're just another fool who tried to peddle his /x/ thread in another board and keeps crying about how horrible people are for not taking him seriously.

Listen, I get it. You can't admit you made a mistake. The entire fabric of reality has to have been changed. You are infallible. But what you need to realize that this isn't true. This is just a symptom an underlying mental illness. You need help to realize that you're not an infallible god who never makes mistakes. Please get the help you so desperately need before you start trying to kill all the lizard people or shooting at chemtrails or whatever other weird idea pops into your head.

BTW, if you want to include a YouTube video, this is how to do it, newfag.

Historian 17/05/06(Sat)11:54 No. 15020

so you're now going on with ridiculous strawman arguments

how special

Historian 17/05/08(Mon)05:51 No. 15022

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Poor snowflake, be careful you don't melt.

Meanwhile I'm not going to waste time paying any attention to conspiracy theories that anyone with more than 75 IQ points can see are patently false (not to mention idiotic).

Remember to post /x/ material in /x/, you don't want to get banned for shitposting.

Ali is in hell, so will go America Christ is King 16/06/11(Sat)05:22 No. 14860 [Reply]

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Ali burns in hell as an unrepentant Muslim vermin and those Christians who cry for him and America the most filthy country since Sodom will burn with that bastard.

Ali did nothing in his life, his works were meaningless. He was a filthy black Muslim and Christ hater in life and he now burns in eternal torment.

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Historian 17/04/29(Sat)00:49 No. 15012

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Historian 17/05/05(Fri)03:16 No. 15014

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Historian 17/05/05(Fri)03:17 No. 15015

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