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Natalie Gashnaw 24/07/23(Tue)20:47 No. 28007 ID: 8e243f

Tags: Rape, underage, Lesbian relationships, prostitution, modern.


My name is Natalie Hawthorn, or at least for the purposes of this story it is. My name actually is Natalie, but I am using an alias for my surname, it will eventually make sense as to why. Too many people involved who I would prefer not end up in prison. I don’t really hate any of them, or those who I feel should be behind bars have a little too much dirt on my friends and family. Lesser of two evils in my opinion. I am twenty four and this story began pretty much exactly ten years ago. It was summer vacation. But it didn’t feel like vacation.
Some people stay home on their vacation, I was no different. My family didn’t have a lot of money, so when we went away, it was saving up for a few years beforehand. I remember Disney world a bit. I was eight. But I still do recall some rides here and there. Like the Teacups or the god forsaken It’s a Small World. That thing was an hour and a half of my life I will never get back. I still have PTSD from that song.
But as I said I stayed home most summers. Some days skateboarding but usually I took the chance to be lazy and watching TV. At school I ran track, and I was fast, like really fast. I won’t reveal how many state records I have as it will be a little too easy to find me, but I will say that I have at least one. That speed however did get the attention of a talent scout. It was our final meet of the year, and after getting a good four seconds between me and the next girl, i was approached. I was offered a position at a prestigious sports academy, the catch, it was literally across the country. I’m a New York girl, born and raised. The school was in California. Anyone can tell you it is far.
As I said my parents did not have a lot of money, and and the offered position was not a scholarship. You had to be good to get into the school, but it wasn’t a free ride. While this was an awesome opportunity and I was pretty excited, I also knew there was a slim chance it would come to fruition. I wasn’t expecting it to work. Even if my parents could find a way to cover tuition, it was in Cali, which meant I also needed room and board. It was not like I could just take a bus home each night and have a home cooked meal. So we were trying to think of an option that would work. I tire dto help my selling lemonade, but apparently a fourteen year old girl selling lemonade was not as cute as s ix year old doing it so I only made fifty cents, and only after Kelly offered to spike the drink.
Okay let me tell you about Kelly, She is supposed to be my brother’s girlfriend. I mean they fuck, that is not really disputed, but really she was not in love with him. She was dating him for a different reason and I will get to that in a second. Now during the summer she lived with us. This was mainly due to her parents being out of the country, claim it was business, and Kelly would pull her eight. Having a part time job. She also went to college so the job was half to save up and half to pay her way. My brother on the other hand worked full time, but usually had a late shift, meaning he would miss dinner most nights.
Now I told you Kelly was dating m Brother for a different reason, that reason was me. She is six years older than me, if you can do the math that means at the time of this story, I was fourteen, she was twenty. And she had been dating my brother for nearly three years, so we stated screwing when I was eleven. Yeah, she never really wasted time before getting to me, and I am not dumb, I know she was grooming me and I know it was pedophilia. Tough shit, I enjoyed it, I was into her, she was into me, people fuck. So I found my sexual partner earlier than others, age is just a number right? Well I know the amount of time she made me climax is just a number, and the only one I am counting. Elevem fourteen. Eventually I would have been eighteen and bale to fuck her all I wanted. Sure my parents would throw her out but I would follow.
So if I was so happy being in New York, with a girl who could make me cum multiple times a night, why would I be deviated if I could not go to Cali? Well for starters, It is California, I mean who doesn’t want to go? Secondly, Kelly went to North Dekota for university. North Dakota. I mean may as well just line up a bunch of hillbillies and give them diplomas at that point. Who even knew there were universities in North Dakota? I mean if she at least went to Arizona state it would make sense, party all day and fuck all the ladies. Oh well, I guess I was kind happy she wasn’t just screwing every pussy that walked by, after all, she was mine.
“Call Jade” Nathan said one night at dinner. He managed to get the night off. Of his name changed it is because eI am using an Alias again. He has a pretty uncommon name. I mean my parents went for rare when it came to him, and I thinking only like ten thousand people in the US have his name. And even less have his spelling. So why Nathan, because my name is Natalie, NAT, that is the only reason. Now, as for Jade, she was my cousin. A girl who I later found out took my brother’s virginity when he was sixteen. I did not know this at the time. Jade and my family were not really that close. She was on my mom’s side and we didn’t have her number. Luckily my mom did have our aunt’s number and would be able to get Jade’s. So Why is Jade important? She lived in California. See My mom and dad had managed to find a way to cover tuition, but were scaping by on find ways to pay for room and board.
”We can’t just ask her to take Natalie in”

Of course my dad would deny the suggestion. My dad was support and hard-headed, but he also seemed to catch some details other would often look over. I mean I was ninety percent sure he knew Kelly and I were fucking. he never said anything or did anything to stop it, but if Kelly and I were ever getting a little too cozy watching a movie, he would sit down and join us. Which would force us to have to move away form each other. If he was aware, he may have known what Jade did to Nathan. Well if he did he did. I don’t think that was his concern though.
“Well I can still call, talk to aunt Betty, and get jade’s number. It is an option” my mom retorted. Yeah, sometime it was like an angel and devil aspect, one set in their ways and the other being a voice of reason. My dad didn’t really want me to go. I knew that, we all did. I didn’t blame him, I mean I would be in Cali, I was still giving him a hug before going to bed. I got it, he wanted me going to high school in New York. He did however also understand this was a golden opportunity, this wasn’t some no name school. I mean, for the sake of argument, I won’t name the school, no need for the bad press or for an investigation to be done, but yeah, the school was a pretty big deal, this was a school that future Olympians would attend. I didn’t plan to be an Olympian myself. I mean it would be cool but just wasn’t me. I ran track because I enjoyed it.

My mom did call Aunt Betty and while Nathan was showering was in my bed. Usually after dinner I would head up to my room and play video games, unless I had begun watching a movie before dinner was served.. If I wasn’t in the middle of a movie, I would spend a couple hours gaming. Well not that night. Instead I was in bed, I wasn’t sleeping, no, Instead I had Kelly’s head between my legs. This was actually pretty common. See, Nathan knew his girlfriend was not exactly loyal. She fucked him and he enjoyed the sex, but also knew she was going after me. You think he would have wanted to protect his little sister, but after jade violated him, he would have gone after me too. Incest did not seem taboo to him. I should probably also mention I am gay. It is not me experimenting or being a victim of lesbian pedophilia, I am indeed gay. Not one hundred percent there stipulations, like strap ons, but I am gay. I this was an average night, go up to claim I was gonna play games and then fuck Kelly. Or get fucked by Kelly, I mean usually she at me out, would suck my developing tits, give me what was called a “rim job” I will be honest, I learned that I am not a huge fan of tongues in my ass. I am actually not a huge fan of anything in my ass, but once again, we will get there when we get there.

So the night pressed on, I muffled a scream of pleasure, I had pretty good at keeping my pleasure sounds at a very low decibel, my room wasn’t soundproof after all, When it was just Kelly and I, well I coul be as loud as I wanted, but when it was not an empty house, I had to keep myself quiet. I finished, and was out cold. Never even got a chance to game. The next day my mom called Jade and while I only heard one side of the conversation apparently Jade would have to speak with her roommates. I had expected her to say no, my dad expected it. Nahan apparently knew she would say yes as longa s her roommates said yes. Apparently he had been speaking with her on facebook. During work he had been looking and decided to hit Jade up, he already knew she would talk with her roommates if we called her, which was why he told my mom to do so.

“A WEEK?” I asked dumbstruck when we got the answer form Jade. See, her roommates said yes, but before committing to four years of me staying with them so I could go to this school. They wanted to see if they could tolerate me for a month. Since we were approaching the end of July, had a week to back my bags, which would not take long, and hop on a flight down to Cali. This also meant that it would be a month less time with Kelly. Yes, I was in love I would miss her. I was not happy about it, I was almost going to tell my folk to forget it, but ended up agreeing. See even without Kelly, in a month I would not see her against until winter break as it was. And that was only if she came back. Usually, she didn’t. she would spend time with her family. She was also a college girl, so she did go to spring break in Florida, so I did not see her then either. The year would be little change. One month would be lost but I did want to go to this school. No don’t get me wrong, it was not like I had been dreaming of this school since I was a little girl, fuck, two months ago I didn’t even know it existed, but now I wanted to go. We found a way for it to work, all I had to do was impress Jade’s house mates. Throw in some hawthorn charm, there was a reason I put my fake name at the beginning of this, so I could look in case I forgot what I used.

Everything was gonna work out, I knew I could win them over, I had good grades, I had impressed the talent agent. It was going, as my brother would say “Naturally Natalie”. One final thing I should mention, I was a pretty lucky girl. So things often did work out in my favor, which was why Nathan would use the Term “Naturally Natlie” basically, if it was a beneficial outcome for me, it was expected and thus natural. I figured one day Karma would catch up to me and my luck would run out, but not today.

So, I am Natalie, and this is my story.

Gashnaw 24/07/24(Wed)14:55 No. 28008 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 1

I hate planes. I have only been on a few in my life and I never enjoyed them. I know it is one of the safest ways to travel but is till did not like it. I pretty much white knuckle from take off to landing. Now my stigma about them has changed slightly, as I found one way to relax but overall, still not a fan.
“You look like shit” I heard a voice when I got to the carrousel to grab my bags. I looked over to see Jade with a gleeful smile. I probably felt as bad as I looked, I felt sick just from being on the plane. Some people get sea sick, others get car sick, I was in that small group that got air sick.
“Welcome to the sunshine state.”

Now I am gonna have to pause here I never understood why it was called the sunshine state, at least originally, I didn’t. But it never rains. That was unfortunate for me as I am a girl who likes the rain. The chance to cozy up on the couch, a late night slasher film, the lights flickering slightly as the wind slams the rafters, lightning, thunder. I remember one night while my folks were out Kelly and I were screwing in my bed when the power had gone out. She was “baby sitting” me at the time. I never complained about Kelly sitting, but that was because it always ended in my favor. Ms. Johnson, who live down the street, well she wasn’t as much fun to have around, the old bag hated me. Mainly because I was a tomboy. She expected a pretty princess, instead she got a girl who would skateboard, and dress like a guy. I liked being comfortable. She probably wanted me to dress in a dress and act ladylike.

Don’t get me wrong, it was not like I never worse those things, just I seldom did, my wardrobe did not consist of many skirts. That however would change. The school had a dress code. I would be wearing a pleated skirt every day. I was going to have to take some photos to send to Kelly so she had something to masturbate to. She had always wanted to see me wear a schoolgirl uniform. She even had gotten me one but it was too small. I am not this tiny girl. I am actually pretty big. I am not a giraffe standing at over six feet, only five foot six. But it is still tallish, for a girl. I mean I towered over my mom, and I was just an inch taller than Kelly who shood at fiv- five. Even now, face to face with Jade, she barely stood taller at five seven.

“Nice to see you too” I finally responded. My stomach was still doing flips but I was thankful to be on the ground. My bags finally showed up and I grabbed though before Jade led me to the parking garage. Jade was a good ways older than me. twelves years older in fact, almost. See I said that Kelly was six year older than me, which was true, but I would be turning fifteen in September and she would still be twenty. Jade was already twenty-six, and while I would turn fifteen before she was twenty-seven, it would be for like, only a week. Her birthday was October third where as mine was September twenty-seventh.
“You have a lambo?” I asked when we got to Jade’s care. Nathan was obsessed with them. Like instead of models on his bedroom wall, he had cars. A Lamborghini was his top. I think maybe rolls Royce may have even been above that, if you brought up cars around him he could go for hours.
“Yep, cost me a pretty penny” Jade sighed as we put my bags in the trunk. I will be honest, a lambo is no meant for travel. It is a really nice car, but the storage space, not quite up to par. I mean we succeeded but it was not easy.

I though I was in LAX, I didn’t know California had multiple airports, It made sense that they did but I was unaware. Going to Palm springs though was a little too far to justify landing in LAX, I think it was like four hors by car. Even in a comfortable Lambo that was too much. Yeah, I am gonna say Lambo a lot, my brother may have been the car nut, sorry, car enthusiast, but I still liked sexy cars too. Sports cars, primarily imports, were cars I could admire. A Ferrari would have been nice too. Now I will mention that I didn’t get my licence until I was seventeen, so no, I am not gonna be driving to the mall on the weekends.

Ade and I did not talk much though, we didn’t have anything to talk about, there was more than a decade between us. Like, she was old enough to remember the twin towers. I wasn’t even a year old.
“Don’t talk much huh?” Jade asked after we finally pulled up to where she lived. I was expecting maybe a house, a a few rooms, living quarters, kitchen. I did not expect a mansion. I decided to count the rooms one day, eighteen. And that was excluding the three bathrooms,
“Nothing to talk about” I responded still trying to take in the sight. “How many people live here?”
Jade thought for a moment.
“Officially, four, but we have a girl Emily who lives with us, and with you that will be six people. The owner also comes by now and then.
“And he sleeps over?” I asked. “Must be creepy to have an old guy around.”
“SHE does. And she is only a year older than me.”
Turned out Jodie, the owner, was lucky enough to win the lottery at eighteen. Instead of spending it all she was smart and invested it. Now she owned several big houses around Cal and surrounding states, she made good money in rent too. I mean you would expect it, but Jodie made about eight grand a month just on this house alone. You could get out of paying rent, but had to make it up to her in a different way. I didn’t have a job, so I never paid rent. Turns out rent was not based on the house but for each member living there. Emily got out of rent as well, but only because officially she did not live there. I will explain more about Emily in a minute.

See the four girls that lived there were Jade, along with Melissa, Amy and Mackenzie, henceforth known as Mack. Though I may still use Mackenzie or shorten even more to Mac. Just know all three refer to the same girl. Now Emily was the one who would soon give me a tour of the building. Also show me to the pool house which turned out to be where I would live. I know it seems kind of tacky but Jade figured I could use a quiet place to study. A bit of my own space. Well what she didn’t know was that I was smart. I may have been an athlete, but I was also smart. Well at least when it came to academics. Naturally Natlie, remember? Brains brawn and Beauty. Now I never really though I was all that beautiful, but turns out I was wrong many people found me attractive. I figured the guys I went to the skatepark with only took interest because I was a girl skater. Finding out that I was not only sought after because of my cunt but because I was hot was kind of an ego boost.

“Wow this place is fucking awesome: I gleamed when I finally met the women of the house. I was sweating a bit from the heat. I was not use to it. While New York was by no means a stranger to heat, the school I went to and my home were both gifted with air conditioning, so most of the time you did not feel the heat. I would skate obviously but when it got too warm out I stayed indoors. I felt that would be what I ended up doing here as well. While it was warm outside, the air inside was nice and cool, it was actually cold to think about it. I know why but at the time I didn’t.
“I’m sorry what did you just say?” Melissa, a tall black woman turned her head to me. Her eyes narrowed.
“This place is awesome?? I responded questioning what I may have done wrong as she did not look happy.
“No, how did you describe it, you used an adjective.” Melissa added
“Oh, you mean fucking?” I asked which got Melissa to all but snarl.
“Don’t cuss in front of her.” Emily Whispered leaning over before dragging me by the hand out of there.

“What’s the big deal?: I asked once we were out of ear shot “It is just a word, fuck, no different than shit or bitch.”
“Yeah, Don’t say those either in front of Melissa” Emily explained. “Also ass, damn, basically any from of cussing is best to avoid.”
“Why?” I asked as we stopped in front of the pool house.
“Because she hates it. I mean the other girls are old enough to use those words but a fourteen year old. I mean I am eighteen and a still get scolded for speaking like that.”
At first I thought she was joking but when there was no punchline my face dropped. She was serious. Well what exactly did Melissa do to stop it. I mean I spoke like that a lot, maybe not in front of my folks but I think I had said fuck over a thousand times just with Kelly, never mind how I spoke without adults around.
“Anyway this will be where you will stay. Your cousin thought it would be best to give you your own space. We cleared it out, there is however no lock on the door. DO you have anything atht is worth stealing?”
“Probably just my laptop” I responded calmly. “Speaking of which, I am gonna need the wifi password.”
“I will get it for you” Emily responded. “But tour is not over. You can see the pool, always a nice cool seventy degrees, hot tub is at one oh two, but if Mack is in there you will be feeling a bit hotter. She cranks it up to just below scalding. It actually helps her relax her muscles.”
“What does Mack do? Actually what do they all do? I know Jade works with kids.” I asked

Emily explain their jobs, Jade did work with kids, but primarily teens and my age. Basically, she was a correctional officer for troubled youth. Mackenzie was an amateur UFC fighter and an Onlyfans model. I won’t like I look at it form time to time, even now. Amy was a tattoo artist and graphic designer. Emily had actually removed her shirt to show me a pair of beautiful angel wings on her back. Both done by Amy.
“What do the feathers look kind of ruffled?” I asked
“To show a lack of purity” Emily responded “I mean, I am kind of a slut, so they represent that. Plus it is just cooler than boring plain feathers.”
She had a point. If I had an angel wing tattoo I would probably want a bit more than straight feathers.
“And Melissa?” I asked
“She is a chef. She also cooks for us most nights. Not Fridays, we do take out or pizza,” Emily explained. I shrugged. We went back inside through another door and she showed me the basement It was dark and had a lot of junk in it, and despite being piled up Emily seemed to be able to maneuver around it with ease despite the dim light.
“So wha that storage?” I asked.
Emily look over at me “Um, sure” she said and opened another door leading back to the main building, hoever we were still downstairs. “this is Mack’s room. She is the only one on the bottom floor. Everyone else is upstairs.” She then opened a door showing me one of the washrooms. It was massive
“So this is the smallest washroom in the house. If the other two are occupied you can use it but usually it is reserved for Mack. The stainless-steel tub is used only for ice baths.”
I was amazed, if that was the smallest I was not prepared for the bigger ones, especially since it already dwarfed the washroom I had back home, at least twice the size.
“That is small?” I asked.
“Diminiative” Emily responded without even a slight tone of sarcasm. Her family must have been loaded to think that was tiny by any stretch of the imagination. Then I remembered that she lived here with the girls and was used to the sizes as well.

The next was the main floor washroom. She also gestured to the kitchen. She explained the fridge was open to anyone at any time, but to stay out of the way if Mell or really anyone was cooking. As for drink there was a fridge just for that and she showed me the drink fridge and offer me a soda. I waved it away. I didn’t drink sugar. In fact the only sugar that entered my body was natural stuff, like that found in fruit. I wasn’t really into sweats. As for the washroom, it was also huge. Bigger and I was informed the top floor washroom was even bigger.

We passed by the living quarters on our way upstairs, Emily explained that it was a first come first serve. Biggest TV in the house, though pretty much every girl had a TV of their own in their room. She showed me Melissa and Amy’s room, then Jades. I was taken aback by it. Unlike every other room it was dark, and even the lights were dim. It looked a bit like a dungeon given the décor. However didn’t get to ask questions as Emily pulled me towards the final washroom. It was like a rainforest, the middle a massive open shower where Amy, the Asian girl who had apparently tattooed Emily’s back was showering. She noticed us enter and rinsed the shampoo from her hair.
“Showing her around?” Amy asked Emily. Emily simply nodded. “Probably should have checked if anyone was indie first” Emily shrugged “not like it is nothing she hasn’t seen before.”

I was taller than Amy. I was also taller than Emily and Mackenzie. Only Jade and Melissa were taller than myself, and since i was only fourteen, I had a couple years left of growth meaning by the end I would be taller than Jade.
“The pool house has a shower too you know.” Amy spoke “but if you are wanting to use this one, it is a big shower.”
Private shower sounded better.

We headed back downstairs. “This is so cool. I mean it makes my house look look like a shit shack.”
“A what?” Emily asked.
“A shit shack, you know, piece of crap home. Like liveable, but crappy.”
“Natalie” I heard melissa speak and turned
“Yeah?” I was greeted with a handful of coffee grounds being shoved into my mouth and Melissa clasping her hand over it so I couldn’t spit them out.
“Let me make this clear” She said as my eyes began to tear up “That language is going to stop. If I catch you cussing again, punishment will become more severe.” She finally let me go and pointed to the sink so I could wash out my mouth.
“You know Mel, you are not her mother” Jade sighed taking a sip of beer.”
“And I do not plan to treat her like a daughter, but I will discipline a spoiled brat.” Melissa answered to which Emily sad down and grabbed a beer as well.
“Em, what did we say about beer?”
“Only one a day and not before dinner.” She frowned and placed it back n the fridge. “I’m eighteen, In Canada I can drink”
“We are not in Canada now are we Mackenzie said calmly grabbing the beer Emily had just put back in the fridge. She took a big swig and then locked Lips with Emily. I noticed Emily swallow wand I smirked. Were they disobeying Melissa or was the woman even aware.
“Are you a drinker?” Melissa asked. I shook my head. “I mean I drink water, maybe fruit juice or a smoothie with some frozen berries ground up in a blender. I tend not to drink sugary drink and not even sure if I will like alcohol.”
“Well same rule applied to you. One a day, and not before dinner.” Melissa explained.
“I’m fourteen” I said calmly
“Which is why that rule is in place, no overdoing it.” Melissa explained and pulled out a pot “Do you like Spaghetti and meatballs? Cause that is what I am doing for dinner.”
“Oh cool, what brand?” I asked. There was a pause.
“Hun, I make it from scratch. Sauce, meatballs noodles.” Melissa explained
“Yeah,” Mackenzie began “you just walked into a casino and won the jackpot, You are about to have some of the best meals of your life.”

Gashnaw 24/07/25(Thu)09:43 No. 28009 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 2:

Mackenzie wasn’t lying. For the next week I was on cloud nine. First off it was the best pasta I had ever eaten. I mean it is tough to compare but fresh past was better than store bought. However it was not just the pasta, I had eaten things I never even heard of. Melissa was making things from France and Germany. She was making Scottish dishes. One night was lobster. Th only shellfish I had ever eaten was crab cakes from a Chinese buffet. Which I didn’t like that much, but digging into the lobster, I was amazed.

Had also held my tongue around the woman. While I want to say fuck as a compliment I remembered the taste of the coffee grounds and figured a punishment worst that that would not be worth it. I wondered what would be worse and figured dish soap or something, really wash my mouth out.

The rest of the month was pretty relaxed, no major incidents with the girls. I did cuss in front of Melissa again but instead of punishing me like she claimed she would it ended up just being a slap. A hard one but overall I feel the coffee grounds was still worse, even if her ring had cut me slightly.

“So, what do you think?” I asked the final Sunday just before school was to begin. I tried on my uniform to model it a bit.
“I think you better be careful” Mack was the first to respond and walked over to fix my tie “Or I might tie you p and not let you go to school” She added giving my butt a quick spank. I had learned all the girls were gay or bi, and each one was into me. I didn’t mind the attention, after all they had behaved, even if they were getting a bit more ballsy. Mack had spanked me a few times, and Emily had been able to get the furthest just cuddling with me. I knew eventually one of them would crack, and I had hope if any of them would it would be Emily, I like her the most.
“You may want to change out of that” Melissa said as she stirred the sauce of her meal “Don’t want to stain it.”

I made an attempt to leave but Mack held onto my tie preventing my escape.
“Mackenzie, let goi” I said half heartedly. “Mack let-“ I was cut off as she slammed be against the wall, Not hard, but there was a bit of force, then grabbed my but with both hands and lifted me off the ground.
“What the hell are you doing?” I grumbled before she pressed her lips against my own. My eyes went wide in surprise but slowly I relaxed and parted my lips allowing Macke’s tongue to enter my mouth. Like I said i enjoyed the attention.
“What the fuck? I thought we said we were gonna wait” Amy Spat when she caught a glimpse of Mack and I making out. “I could have railed her a week ago”
“Shut up” I groaned “It is not like we are screwing” I added when Mack broke the kiss.
“Do you wat to? We can head to my room and skip dinner.” Mack asked with a coy smile.
“I like your Moxie, but no, you agreed to wait, you should be.”
I had no idea what their agreement with each other was. I later learned that I was off limits until my birthday. I was not quite sure what the difference between fourteen and fifteen was but that was the boundary Jade had set. At least for sex, there had been no boundary for kissing and hugging or even fondling. Mack had taken advantage of it and that night Amy had taken advantage of the bend in the rules. Ambushing me after my shower to get a chance to play with my still budding tits. I had something there. Not massive but I wasn’t flat either. I knew this was illegal, I had looked up California law, but I didn’t hate it either. Was I consenting? Yes. Was I legally able to? No. this one of the main reasons why I have kept most of it a secret. I feel some things are wrong, like, okay, in some states, the age of consent is eighteen, like California, but there are other ages, like seventeen in New York. In Georgia, it is sixteen. In Germany it was fourteen. So I ask what is the major difference between that and eighteen? Even as an adult you can not drink until you are twenty-one.

After playing with my body Amy handed me a plastic bottle with what I assumed was water. It tasted a little funky but a drank it anyway. I mean I still trusted them to play by the rules they had set so I didn’t expect to pass out from it.

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when I finally came to. Something wa sin my butt and I went to take it out only to be met with metal. I quickly uncovered myself to see I had on metal underwear with a lock. I couldn’t recall the name immediately but knew this was what men did to their wives in the medieval times. I quickly put on a long shirt and marched into the house. Everyone was asleep still. I was fuming, especially with something in my ass that I could not remove. Quickly I grabbed Amy’s lighter and tripped the fire alarm to wake everyone up and they rushed downstair, only to see me sitting at the Island.
“Natalie, I am tired, you better have a good reason for-“ Melissa began before I hoped up and raised my shirt revealing the chastity belt.
Jade began to laugh as did the rest of them.
“EMILY! GET UP HERE” Mack hollered back down. It took about a minute but Emily sheepishly poke her head up the stairs.
“Did you do this?” I snapped
“Well yeah, they said you were off limits until you are fifteen, figured I could protect you.”
“Well what did you put in my butt?” I asked
“Nothing.” Emily responded wiping her eyes a bit.
“No that was actually me, guess she didn’t take that out before strapping you in” Amy responded.
“Well take this damn thing off” I snarled to which had Melissa interrupt.
“No wait, that mouth of yours. This is gonna be your punishment. We will take off when you get home” I mean it is not gonna be an issue.”
“I RUN TRACK” I cried out “I am gonna be wearing spandex. People will see.”
“Emily, Key” Mack snapped and Emily disappeared downstairs. When she retried and handed it to Mack she was given a quick smack. Amy and Jade headed back upstairs to get back to sleep. Melissa Just poured me a bowl of cereal before sitting down across the island from me.

“What?” I asked
“You do know how hard it us to wait, right?”
it was a shift in personality. Mack had dragged Emily back downstairs after she remove the butt plug. I figured Emily was about to have to endure what I had just been through, and probably all day.
“I get it, I mean Kelly and I, well there were times we wanted to fuck but couldn’t, so it was a little depriving. But that just made sex better when we could.”
Melissa stepped her fingers on the counter and sighed “Who is this Kelly anyway?”
I swallowed what I ha din my mouth.
“Don’t you want to go back to sleep?” I asked.
“I’m awake now, so Kelly, who is she?”
I wasn’t sure how to answer.
“I guess she is my girlfriend, or ex girlfriend. I am not sure where she stands. She was actually Nathan’s girlfriend, we have just been screwing since i was eleven.”
“She is a predator” Melissa sighed.
“Are you claim you are not?” I asked taking another bite of cereal :You have outright said I am off limits until I am fifteen, not eighteen. All five of you want to fuck me. I MEAN HAVE SEX WITH ME” I quickly added to which Melissa wave her hand.
“I’ll give you a pass for that one. But you are right, we are not exactly angels ourselves. That grace period is only for us. We are not allowed to make a move on you. You however can invite us in.”
I was a little confused.
“So, if I were to invite Emily to have sex with me, she could?” I could see Melissa’s face drop when I said Emily but she nodded. “You want me to invite you into my bed.” Melissa gave me a coy smile. “I could do that. But not right now. I mean I don’t want to get too worn out before school.” I took another bite then paused
“WAIT, Amy drugged me.” I looked at the counter “That bottle” I said pointing to the plastic bottle Amy had given me. Melissa got up and grabbed a glass emptying the contents, it was pink. Wasn’t water at all. Melissa took a quick sip before spitting it into the sink.
“That tastes off.” She tough fo a moment before opening the cupboard over the sink and pulled out a box of pills.
“What is that? “ I asked reading the box.
“Well Jade is friends with a medical examiner. They both work with troubled youth. So she gets prescription drugs. These are to help you sleep.” Melissa explained. “There are about six missing. Amy probably mixed them in with the water.”
I took another bite of cereal.
“Do you have a piec of paper?” I asked. Melissa grabbed a page probably used fro a grocery list and handed me a pen. I quickly wrote down the gril names and next to them what they had done. I crossed off Emily due to the chastity belt, Amy was drugging me. I crossed off Jade due to being my cousin and making this whole waiting until I was fifteen game. I tapped the pen trying to find a fault for Mack. I couldn’t then I wrote down “Punishment for language” next to Melissa’s name. Melissa w it and quickly defended herself
“I only do that because you are too young to be swearing.”
I tapped the pen again and then crossed that out. Then I wrote down “Contempt with Emily” next to Mack and crossed her name out.
“Guess you’re the lucky winner,” I said finishing my cereal. I got up to head back to the pool house and Melissa was following.
“What are you doing? I have school”
“Hun, it’s not even five AM yet, we have time.”
She did have a point, but I wasn’t sure how long we would be. Kelly and I could go for hours some days. One time we screwed for four hours straight, but my parents had been antiquing so we had time. Usually, we stopped because we had to. At least Kelly always got me off before we were done.
“I have to invite you right?”
“I am not going to touch you until you give me permission.”
She did have a point, we had three hours until I had to catch the train. Besides I was awake now so not like I need more sleep.
“I am gonna need time to shower, and catch the train.”
“I’ll drive you to it myself,” Melissa smirked.
“You have to make sure I get off too.”
Melissa smiled again “Is that an invitation?”
“As long as you don’t tell the others it is.” I responded.
"Deal" Melissa grinned.

Gashnaw 24/07/26(Fri)13:43 No. 28010 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 3

Okay I though Kelly was amazing but Melissa, holy shit. I was in bliss for most of it. She even had to tie me to my bed at one point as I was curling up a bit too much just from pure ecstasy. I was crying out in pleasure as she sucked my clit, a finger in my ass, which felt weird yet nice. Sher hot breath on my neck. I really wish I knew how to convey the pleasure i got form her into words. Kelly had the advantage of me never having anything to compare it to, but Melissa blew her out of the water with ease. A talents woman who was able to hit every pleasure spot. My stomach hurt, my arms hurt, all just from muscles convulsing. Not to mention her tickling my ribs as I was tied down. I was crying from how good it felt. Melissa had been concerned until I confirmed that I was not in pain. I am pretty sure she was also impressed with what I was able to handle. The sun was coming up higher now liting up the poolhouse completely through the glass panes.

Meliss kissed my pussy again and began trailing kissed up my body, Giving a longer kiss on each of my tits, giving them a quick suck. When she met my lips she kissed me roughly and I complied allowing her to invade my mouth with her tongue. I kissed back. My eyes fluttering up and I quickly closed them. The kiss eventually broke after a few minutes.
“You have endurance girl” Melissa finally said noting that my pussy was not dripping wet and slid a finger inside. I was wet but she had expected me to cum by now. To be honest, I was holding back. Kelly had taught me to hold my climax as it would be better when I let it go later. Holding out however also meant Melissa had to work longer which only led to more fun. She went back to eating me out, her tongue forcing its way inside my naked pussy.

One thing I really liked about my body was being naturally hairless. I can’t remember what the condition I called, but it happens. Sometime it affects the whole body, sometimes just the pubic region, sometimes the pubic region is the only place you get hair. I had a what they call a swimmer body. No hair anywhere except for my head. Kelly had enjoyed the lack of hair as well. Even when puberty started hitting harder, she was glad I had no pubic hair. I could tell Melissa was glad as well but I think she may have though I shaved.

Finally, I relaxed letting my climax arrive and I came hard. Melissa glad to see me soaking wet. My bed itself getting drench as she stood back up. She walked to my head bord and smiled down at me. “Now it is my turn.”
She then raised a leg over and sat down on my face. I kicked trying to buck her off but with my legs tied my like my arms I couldn’t do much.
“Come on didn’t you ever eat out Miss Kelly?”
She shifted just enough so I could breath and I quickly did through my nose. I stuck out my tongue which Meliss was happy a about and started grinding her cunt against my mouth. I never tasted pussy before and I didn’t really like it. I wasn’t about to start sucking dick, I mean I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t like the flavor of cum either. I never at sugar, so I feel my juice probably taste better than most, Meliss a was a little stale. Not really sour or anything, just kind of salty. I though her being black had something to do with it, but that only lasted a second. I understand how racist that is and I am not racist. Everyone has a moment of poor judgement. That was mine. I mean we had a black president and if I could I would have voted for him.
It didn’t take Melissa long to cum, maybe ten minutes, tops. I was just licking her cunt. She was grinding however and when she did climax, well it was a good thing I was about to shower.
“So, how was it?” Meliss asked getting off and undoing my wrists.
“Best fucking sex of my life” I was slapped. “Seriously, we just screwed and you are gonna hit me for swearing?”
“Well that smile of yours, I don’t think you hate it, and it wasn’t that hard.” That was true. I mean she didn’t hit hard. Then I thought for a moment.
“Do you want to spank me?” I asked smiling.
Melissa smirked “you still want to go?”
“No, no, after school I am talking bare ass, panties around my knees, skirt flipped up, over the lap spanking.”
“I’m listening” Melissa said undoing my ankles.
“I am gonna come home and say seething you don’t like. As punishment you give me a spanking.”
“Why make it a punishment, I can just spank you anyway.” Melissa suggested.
“yeah, but I don’t know if I like it yet. So how about we pretend it is a punishment and experiment a little.”
Melissa gave me a kiss.
“You are a kinky little girl.”
“Kinky little fourteen year old girl.” I corrected her. She pulled back for a second, probably remembering just how young I was. She was twice my age. She smiled and sat.
“I guess I am a cradle robber after all. Preying on the young.”
“Look at it this way. You got first shot at me. They are all waiting till my birthday, you got me before then. You are gonna get me again. By time they start fucking me you will have been doing so for a while.” I thin heading to have a shower, giving my ass a quick shake to tease Melissa a bit as I did.

Melissa was two knuckules deep inside my cunt as we waited at the train station. I wanted to get out, just so I wouldn’t miss it, but I was also cumming. She had set a towle down on her car seat and had ordered me to take off panties before getting in the car.
“Shit: I shuddered as I came, my whole body twitching, still sensitive from earlier. Melissa brought her finger to her mouth tasting my fluids.
“This is probably due to your diet.” She said calmly “You are actually delicious.” I figured part of it was just to pay a compliment and another was because Melissa liked the taste of pussy, but it was uplifting.
“Maybe soon I will like how you taste too: I said with a snark.
“Put your underwear back on and go wait for the train.” Melissa laughed give me a soft slap. She liked hitting, she may have not even realized it but given how instinctive it was for her, I had picked up on it.

The tarin ride to school was, frustrating. Mainly because ei ould have rather been back in the pool house with melissa violating me again. I regretted letting her screw me. Not the actual act but ding so before school. I had not been looking forward to it so I could have done a full day of school without nay distractions. Now I would be. I was also looking forward to the spanking, to see if I would enjoy it. I was just hoping Melissa did;t go overboard, the idea of my ass be swatted, it was kind of a turn on. Then pictured all five girls spanking my ass. I didn’t even realize it but I was moaning.
“What are ya thinking about?”
I opened my eyes to see this Girl with big classes looking over the seat.
“Padme, gymnastics” She sad holding out a hand.
“Natalie, track” I responded shaking her hand.
“You know, masturbating on the train is usually frowned upon, but if you want to go ahead.”
I found that to be a weird thing to say, especially since i had not planed to, but I had bee moaning o she probably thought I was some weird degenerate.
“I’m okay, just fantasizing a bit. But Ilm good.”
My pussy was sore anyway from Melissa’s assault, so it was not even like I planned to masturbate had I been alone.
“Don’t worry, I masturbate too, but I use this” Padme said and pulled out a silver vibrator. I will admit I was curious about them. I had never used one myself, I probably could have asked Kelly to get me one, but I was still a virgin in the sense that my cherry was still in tact ad I didn’t want a vibrator to be the thing to pop my cherry. If anything was going to do that, a strap on. Or fingers, though Melissa was pretty deep inside my cunt and didn’t pop me so I doubted that was deep enough.
“You are pretty open: I said a little harshly
“Oh sorry, I get told that a lot, I have almost no filter. I tell people everything. Don’t ever tell me a secret.”
“Noted” I said calmly and closed my eyes.
“You’re new” This girl was going to be the death of me. “Like to town”
I raied a brow, how could she tell
“You have no tan lines but you are fit. Meaning you spend time outside. Where are you from?”
Thes girl was smart too.
“New York” I responded.
“Which part?” she asked
“Queens” I added.
“Queen Natalie” Padme laughed and gave a bad trumpet impression. “Al rise for Queen Natalie.”
“Knock it off” I growled. She di and recoiled in her seat slightly.
“Sorry I was just having some fun. You don’t have to be mean.” She pouted. I felt bad.
“Look I’m sorry just-“ I was cut off as Padme straddled my lap. “What are you-“ I was cut off by her hen covering my mouth. I licked her palm but she was unphased.
“You have a hickey” My eyes went wide “it is not splotchy either, this girl knows what she is doing.”
“What make you think it is a girl?” I asked Padme pointed to the gay pride flag pinned on my bag.
“Unless you just support gay pride and are not a member.”
I thought about answering, but se told me not to tell her any secrets. I wasn’t sure how the school would react to a gay girl.
“Okay changing topic” I began “One, Four, Nine, Sixteen”
“Twnety-five thirty-six, fourty-nine, sixty-four” Padme responded without missing a beat. She was able to tell I was counted by squared numbers.
“how are you with prime numbers?” I asked
“I counted to a million once just for fun.”
“What about science?” I asked
“I can name every element in order and also by atomic weight.”
I wasn;t that good.
“Foreign language?”
She started speaking in what I think was japanense.
“I watch a lot of anime” She laughed.
I never got into anime myself, I meant to, but it just wasn’t really my thing. I was more into gaming, I played a lot of World of Warcraft. I started as a blood elf but got hit on by a lot of guys. I learned quickly I was on a roleplay server and jumped ship heading a a PvP one. I now had a high level Night Elf. I didn’t think I would be playing much anymore so I had not renewed my subscription.
“What is your favorite anime?” She asked which got me to roll my eyes
“I don’t watch-“
“You look like an inu0yasha girl” Padme interrupted. “Are you Tema Inu-yasha or team Seshamaru?”
I had no idea who those characters were, but at least she wasn’t talking about twilight.
“Is there a girl I can vote for?” I asked
“Well there is Kagome, or Sango. Seshamaru is sexy though”
I rolled my eyes “I take it you are not gay.”
“No, I like both guys and girls.” Padme answered. She was still on my lap but I had stopped caring. She then pressed her lips to mine which caught me off guard.
“What the fuck was that for?” I asked
“Just wanted to see how good a kisser you were, you suck.”
That hurt, I knew I wasn’t a bad kisser.
“I wasn’t ready” Again Padme kissed me
“Nope you still suck” She laughed. I was annoyed and this time pushed her against the seat and planted a kiss on her lips, We made out for a few minutes and when I finally broke the kiss she nodded :That was, a lot better.”
“Don’t ever say I suck at kissing.” I laughed.
“I just was thk=nking of hooking you up with one of my friends. Are you into Asians or Redheads?”
I cocked a brow. This had to be a joke.
“Can I have both?” I asked thinking this would be the end of the topic. I figured asking for both would get me neither. Not that it mattered I had Melissa at home.
“I could ask if they want to share you” Padme responded :I mean they have dated in the past and although they broke up they are still friends.
“Why don’t you date them?” I asked feeling a little uncomfortable.”
“No way, my boyfriend wouldn’t like that. Well actually he probably would, but only if he could screw all three of us, and well, they won’t go for that. But a threesome with a third girl might not be out of the question.

The train pulled into the station and Padme smiled.
“I’ll find you at lunch and introduce you.”
I have a weak smile. Great, first day and I already had girl problems.

Gashnaw 24/07/27(Sat)06:49 No. 28011 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 4

“Natalie” I was not enjoying that voce, It was Padme, her bubbly personality was radiant. I didn’t want to look but knew by not doing so she would get me to anyway. So I turned to look. Beside her was this Asian girl and sort of hiding behind her was a redhead. She was cute, obviously timid.
“What?” I asked standing up.
“She is cute” The Asian laughed.
“Natalie, this is Katana and this-“ Padme spun around to the redhead din front of her “this is, Codi, as you can see, she is a little shy.”
“Oh wow, I didn’t know you were serious, I kinda met someone I lied. I quickly grbbed a girlw ho was passing by. “We met in study hall.”
“I’m sorry?” the gril asked
“Look, just play along and I will give you twenty bucks, my name is Natalie” I said quietly so only she could hear.
“OH RIGHT, Natalie. Sorry about that. I was hoping to run into you again I completely forgot to give you my contact information.” She quickly wrote down her name on a piece of paper, and then also added her number. I read it, Ivy. It was a nice name
“Sorry girls, she is all mine. You can fight over her when I am done with her.”
Padme gawked at this and then pulled her friends away.

“Thanks” I sighed “Not really looking for a girlfriend right now.”
“You new?” Asked Ivy?
“Teah, first day” I said calmly. “Sorry about the ambush.”
“Hey don’t worry about it, but why are you sitting by yourself, come join my friends and I.”
So I manage to join a group of juniors. Ivy was seveneteen but would be eighteen in January. She had a few friends, one of which stood out given her hair color.
“Isn’t that against the dress code?”
“The rule is you have to wear the uniform, Which I am. So blue hair is fine. Look at her” the girl poinedt to another girl who loosened her tie to reveal a studded collar.
“Cadence by the way” The blue hair girl said shaking my hand. “And miss doom and gloom.” Cadence began gesturing to the girl with the collar
“Kendra” She said coldly.
“She is a pussycat when you get to know her” Ivy laughed. Then quickly pulled me into her chest as a hug.
“Okay, what was that?” I asked.
“Your friend was walking by. You want to sell this right?” Ivy asked, I nodded. “Then cuddle up to me.”
I obeyed then asked
“So what sports are you all playing?”
“Soccer” Ivy sighed.
“Same” Cadnece responded.
“I actually messed up my knee last year, tore my ACL. They are allowing me to do independent study” Kendra explained “But I have to do some stuff on soccer. Such as going to some practices, keeping stats. It is tedious but at risk of hurting myself further.
“What about you?” They asked in unison.
“Track, I actually se a record in New York so they-“
“WAIT, are you Natalie Hawthorn?” Kendra asked
I was surprised they knew me and nodded.
“Holy shit girls, we have a celebrity with us”
“Well I am not a celebrity just-“ I was cut off again.
“You have a news article about you. Do you know that record had not been broken since nineteen forty-seven?” Kendra quickly pulled out a laptop and scrolled through some stuff before turning it to show me “See. Natalie hawthorn, age fourteen, setting a new state record. You’re fourteen?”
“For only a month” I answered.
“When” Ivy asked
“September twenty-seventh” Kendra answered showing that she had pulled up my facebook page. “Mom dad, I guess that is your brother. What a strange name.”
I told you he had a rare name.
“Who is the Kelly girl? Brother’s girlfriend?” Kenda asked
“Yes” I answered a little too quickly. Cadence smiled “Okay, you have to check out this girl profile.”
“Yep, one friend” Kendra smiled. “So Natalie wan to try that again?.”
I wanted to melt. This was embarrassing, I didn’t want to tell these girls I have been sleeping with this woman.
“Oh my god, she is blushing” Cadence laughed

I tried to leave but Ivy sat me back down.
“Leave her alone you two” Ivy ordered which got Kendra to pack her laptop away. “She doesn’t have to tell us. I mean we want to know but it is her own personal life.”
“Thanks, look I’m gay” I responded.
“We figured as much” Ivy laughed.
“Do you want me to tell you or not?” I asked harshly Ivy gave a gesture zipping her lips and I continued “Kelly is my girlfriend, or at least she was. I guess a better term would be my predator. She is twenty. I am fourteen. We started screwing over three years ago. When I was eleven.”
I saw their jaws drop”
“Look I liked it okay, having all the attention on me. Being her world. It was nice. Plus the sex was good.”
“But you were eleven” Kendra spoke. “That is rape.”
“Well only if I say no.” I said.
“No” Ivy spoke “Even if you say yes, it is statutory rape. You are not old enough to consent.”
“I’m informing the cops.” Kendra snapped.
“NO!” I pleaded “You tell them, court has to be involved, I have to testify and show up. I really rather just not deal with that.” Kendra was steaming but calmed herself.
“You better hope I never find that bitch.”
“Well she goes to NDU” I snickered.
“North Dakota, oh god she is suffering enough” Cadence laughed.
They figured they could let her go and I laughed too.

The day continued on, Lunch ended, I went to the track field and began to stretch. As I was doing so I noticed Kendra in the bleachers.
“What are you doing?” I asked
“I’m going to do a report on the rise of a star athlete. You may not realize it but you are one of the biggest names in this school.” She pulled out a camera. I am gonna need a pose.”
I popped my hip and flipped the brid.
“Okay now how about something I can put in the article.” I decided to give a smile and the up tow fingers

After practice and I had finished showering I was heading toward the train when they pulled up in front of me. Ivy was driving.
“Hop in” Ivy said.
“I can’t I have to catch the train to get home.” I explained.
“Well where do you live, we will drop you off.”
I explained where i was and they were shocked. It was far and I knew that. But they stood by it saying that they could still drive me back afterwards. Cadence handed me her cell so I could call Jade and let he know I would be late. I quickly learned that these girls were loaded. Like, okay, Jodie owned the house I live in. Which I was lucky to still have not yet met. But the girls had to pay two grand each month to stay there. Well these girls could afford that on their weekly allowance. Ivy’s dad owned an oil company in Alaska, she was the only one of the three not native to California. She grew up there and moved to California when she was like eight or nine.

“I can’t afford any of this stuff” I said when we at the mall. I was looking at price tags and even the cheapest stuff was hundreds of dollars.
“Don’t worry we will cover food” Ivy said calmly as they brough their new Prada purses to the checkout. Food wasn’t what bothered me. I just felt left out since they were able to buy all this stuff and I was unable to buy anything.
“We have to get something for Natalie” Kindra finally suggested as we were at the food court.
“What are ya into, Shoes, bags? Sexy lingerie?” Ivy asked, I probably thought about the sexy lingerie a little too longa s all three burst out laughing.”
“kinky girl” Cadence said draping her arms over my shoulders from behind.
“What about a toy?” Kendra asked pointing to one store that had glass door and the windows were covered with stickers.
“There is a sex shop in here?” I asked
“Is that a yes?” Kendra asked.
“It is an okay, I mean, I wasn’t expecting to get anything, so I am not going to complain if you get me something.”
“Well we want to get you something you will like” Cadence said calmly.
“Yeah, so pick your poison, We will buy you anything you want from any store, as long as it is reasonable. We only get about twenty-five hundred a week”
they had no idea how much money that was to me.
“Can you get me a cell phone?” I asked
“With or without a plan?” Ivy asked
“Oh I don’t have money for a plan. I guess a cell phone is not worth it.”
“We’ll cover it.” Ivy laughed. :We already share a plan with each other, we can add you and just cover your cost.”
That sounded too good to be true.
“What’s the catch?” I asked
“You are our friend, that’s the catch you must keep being our friend. You’re stuck with us.”
You may be thinking that should have been a red flag, but don’t worry, being friend with them wasn’t a trap by any means. I did get a phone, it wasn’t amazing. It flipped up and had a keyboard but the touch screen smart phones were not huge yet, they were however getting there.

They drove me home and Melissa had set aside food for me, it was getting a little late.
“You could have told us you were going to be late.” Melissa began
“I told you she would be” Jade responded
I cocked a brow. “You want to do this now or wait a few minutes?”
I saw Melissa’s look and rolled my eyes.
“Sorry, but check out this bitchin’ cell phone” Melissa smiled and grabbed me by the wrist escorting me to the couch.
“I told you what would happen if you swore again.” Had to give credit to Melissa, while I wasn’t fighting her hard, she was strong. Hoisting me over her knees with ease and ripped down my underwear. Her first swat stung. I don’t think she even realized she was supposed to hold back at first, The second swat on my opposite cheek also stung. The tears in my eyes were not fake. I think it took Melissa about four before she realized this was supposed to be fun not punishment and called down the power behind her spanks. They were still hard but not in an attempt to hurt. Cupping the full cheek instead of just smacking it. I did check my ass in the mirror, it was pink with two large handprint on them. Thing is, I didn’t hate it. I didn’t enjoy it, but aside form the sting it was okay. Melissa just needed to learn not to aim to hurt. It was supposed to be fun. She eventually did. I was into being spanked. I liked it. And melissa introduced me to it. Well I guess I forced her to.

Gashnaw 24/07/28(Sun)06:28 No. 28012 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 5

It was the weekend, I was over at Ivy’s house. The girls had introduced themselves to Jade and the others so I was clear to sped time with friends. I think Melissa was annoyed, but that was becasue she was the only getting to fuck me by this point. Of course what was going on she would have been even more pissed off. I was naked in a hot tup with the other three girls. Cadence had taken a great liking to my chest and had no problem playing with my tits. Ivy was more interested in my ass, She was fod of spanking me. After we had died off I was over her lap half the time. Kendra was another one that had grown fond of my chest, but for her, her weapon of choice was a camera. While I had not been to Kendra’s house she apparently had her own dark room. I was interested in seeing it. Ivy’s father was not home, he was in Alaska to do sme checks on his companies, meaning that we had the house to ourselves. Ivy’s mother had been ou of the picture for a long while. Wo shile we were in the hot tub she pulled out a bottle of scotch.
“Look who has come to play ladies.” She laughed as she took a swig and toss it over to Cadence who took a huge swig. Kendra grabbed the battle and then pulled me over.
“Tilt your head back” She said sternly
“Uh, I’m not really into alcohol. “I responded
“Natalie, you are not going to get in trouble, who is gonna tell, my dad isn’t home.” Ivy stated.
“No I’m not worried about getting in trouble, I just don’t like alcohol.” I explained. I think I may have killed the vibe as Kendra put the bottle down.
“Is it the taste, the idea of being intoxicated?” Kendra sked.
“I’m not sure. I mean I had a beer once and didn’t like it so that is taste, but the idea that I may lose my better judgement is kind of iffy for me.”
“Well we have other ways of getting you fucked up. Ivy laughed and hopped out of the hot tub, she was hot. Al three of them were actually. Kendra had that ice queen goth stuff going on, where as cadence looked like she belonged in a candy store, especially with her cotton candy blue hair. Ivy was your average popular girl blond hear, large breasts, tone thighs and abs. She wasn’t Mackenzie level in muscle but she had them. Especially in her thighs. Kendra was the only one who didn’t shave. She kept her pussy trimmed but there was hair. I like not being able to grow pubic hair, it took less time to maintain nothing.

Iby returned with a large glass and a bottle of soda. “we can mix it” She responded.
“Yeah you guys go ahead, I don’t drink soda either.” I stated.
“Well what do you drink?” Cadence asked.
“Water mainly, sometimes I will have apple or orange juice” I answered “I try to cut out sugars completely, unless it is natural”
“Well what do you eat for breakfast, fourteen year old girl, you are not eating froot loops?” Cadence asked.
I shook my head “Cheerios, special K, Corn flakes. Chex. No added sugars”
“And all the sugars you do take in from like apples or what not, you burn off running.” Kendra laughed.
“You probably taste delicious” Cadence stated. The three looked at each other.

Cadence ended dup being the one to taste me. I was over the edge of the tib on my back as she ate me out. T wasn’t as good as Melissa, she wasn’t as energized, but I think it was mainly to get my taste and not get me off. I men don’t ge me wrong, I did cum, after all I was stilling being eaten out, but it wsasn’t about the sex.
“Kendra Ome over here.” Kendra swam over and she too licked my pussy. “Hey Ivy” Ivy finally came over and partook, all three were taking turns licking up my cum, which to be honest was making me cum more.

It was an hour late when we were on the couch. Cadence had gotten me onto her lap and had been making out with me for about forty-five minutes. I like them, they were nice, they were giving me attention, and they were predators. Just like Kelly, Just like the girls at the house. I don’t mind about the predator thing, what pissed me off as that they made a big stink about Kelly and then turned around doing the same fucking thing, At least I think. They were seventeen, not twenty, they were only a few years older and also minors. I wasn’t even sure if they really were predators now.
“Is this illegal?” I asked breaking the kiss with Cadence, she quickly brought me back.
“I don’t think so, we are all minors” Ivy stated
For those wondering it is illegal. Sex between anyone under the age of eighteen prohibited. And if both parties are under the age of eighteen both parties can be charged. I think you may understand why I have been keeping my identity a secret. Most of the cases are still new enough to be taken to trial. I don’t want that.

Melissa, Jade, Emily, Mackenzie, Amy, Predators. Okay, without a doubt. Kelly, Predator, I mean she came after me when I was eleven and probably fucked me up for life, but Ivy, Cadence and Kendra. Well they were pretty much my age.

“Do you watch anime?” asked Cadence.
“No” I responded. I really didn’t. I tried getting into inu-yahha okay. Despite me meeting with Padme going the way it did, I gave the show a try. It wasn’t for me.
“Wel yeah, you started with that crap” Ivy laughed when I explained Inu-yasha. They introduced me to Avatar the last airbender. To be honest, it still sucked, I mean sure it was better than Inu0yasha, nut I just kept thinking that if you are a waterbender, could you not just bend the water in the blood? It just seemed dumb. I did mention a lack of enjoyment and Ivy swapped to another.

“I think I should head home”
It was getting late and while I didn’t really want to leave, the later I stayed the less likely anyone would be willing to drive. Sadly Ivy Candece an kendra had also been drnking so I didn’t really want to trust them behind the wheel either. I figured I would just called Jade and explain the situation.

“What do you mean they are drunk?” Jade asked
“They aren’t drunk, but they have been drinking, so I think it may be better to just stay the night” I explained.
“How old are these girls you’re not drinking are you?”
“No, and they are seventeen, they just got in daddy’s liquor cabinet.”
It took a bit more convincing but eventually Jade caved. She had offered tc come pick me up but I talked her out of it. there really was no reason for he rto drive all the way here just to pick me up. I wasn’t in danger. I wasn’t, I mean I was gonna be in trouble, but that would be my own doing. And triuble I got into stripping form the clothes I had on and crawlingtop of Ivy straddling her with my naked body. I think Kelly really fucked me up. As I kiss Ivy she tossed me onto the ground sliding two of her fingers inside my virgin cunt. I felt her pumping at me and I ground against her fingers.
“You are gonna get me in a lot of trouble” She huffed.
“Then maybe you should shut the fuck up.” I hissed and we locked lips again.
It did not take long for her to make m cum, I was already on the edge already. And when Ivy had finished we sort of just passed out. Only for me to be awoken by Cadence pulling me out form under Ivy to fun with me herself. I was hoping to get a hat trick but that did not pan out. Only two of the three fucked me that night.

Gashnaw 24/07/29(Mon)14:05 No. 28013 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 6

It had been a week since I slept with the trio, and while we were still friends it had been weird. Especially for Kendra since she had missed out on screwing me that night. I felt bad and had planned to give her a chance to screw me. Sadly the lack of spontaneous sex was making the whole planning process weird. The awkwardness had even gotten me to agree to eat lunch with Padme. She was still under the impression that we were friends, we weren’t.

“So Bent-con, in November”
I had no idea what Bent-con was. I was certain she had been talking about it and I had not heard a word of it. Granted, most things that came out of Padme’s mouth I fully ignored.
“What the fuck is Bent-con” I asked frustrated with her speaking.
“The ComiCon for LGBT people.” Padme huffed. Maybe she had been explaining it. I looked over at the trio, I really wished I was sitting there right now.
“I have never gone to ComiCon, why would I go to this?”
“If you do, I’ll pay for your ticket” Padme quickly suggested.
“What not just bring Katana and Codi?”
“Oh, they are coming” Padme explained. “It will be the three of us, Plus you, the four musketeers.”
I really think Padme was delusional. She had some weird fantasy that we were close. I mean did she not know I grabbed a random girl just to get away from her?”
“Separate rooms?” I asked, that would at least be a saving grace, I was running out of reasons to say no”
“Two and two, I will let you pick which girl you want to bring to bed.”
Codi probably, she may have bene the only one I could go a full night without fucking, and if I did fuck her, well at least it would not be a total loss. She was cute, I had a weakness for redheads. Sure I liked Katana too, she was hot, but she also seemed more likely to be down to fuck, which meant I needed to avoid her. Padme, I was worried she would jump me. One thing I had managed to catch from her conversation was that she and her boyfriend broke up, so she was single.

Of course, that was in November, and my birthday was just around the corner. I however had business to attend to.
“You want to see my dark room?” Kendra asked. No, I had asked to see her room. I wanted to get her into bed, but I just smiled and nodded. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least curious. I needed to fuck her though, just to get us back to being normal. I hated this awkwardness, and it had gotten to the point where talking to Padme was not the worst.
“All right, I guess i can show you after school. Do you have track tonight?”
I didn’t, it was actually a free pass, Meanwhile soccer had not been cancelled. So we had every reason to not leave with ivy and Cadence.

“I don’t really have any photos to develop right now though.” Kendra explained as we entered he bedroom. The place was set up like a goth girls wet dream, shackles, stone interior, the bed looked like it belonged to a vampire. Along with the black and red décor.
“Well I guess we could take some photos.” I suggested. Kendra grabbed her camera and smiled.
“That is the plan.” She quickly took a photo of my face. “I have a few outfits for you to try on. But lets start with you taking this one off.”
I didn’t realizing with was child pornography at first. I mean I was stupid I understood what it was, but I didn’t see it as that at first, I saw it as a girl stripping. Don’t forget I was messed up, Kendra taking pictures of my nude body did not register as wrong. It did eventually but it was way past too late when it finally did.

Kendra emptied her roll. Probably photos of innocent things and then a ton of pictures of me. My tits, my pussy, my ass, School girl, French maid. Nurse, well candy striper. While the frnch mid was an actual costume, the School girl was just my school uniform and it turned out Kendra was a candy striper a couple years prior and just kept the uniform. It fit me fairly well. I looked at a few of Kendra’s old photos A lot of our features were similar, at least in body shape.

“Well we have some time to wait” Kendra sighed as she hung up the photos to dry. She led me back to her room and towards the bed. We were alone, Her parents were not home yet and we were about to screw. At least that was my thought. She had me back to nothing and on her bed, then I heard the long clang of a chain being wrapped around my arm. She had shackled me to her bed. I struggled with the chain as she walked to her wall pulling down a flog
“the more to struggle, the more I will make it hurt” Kendra spoke calmly.

Melisa was livid when I returned home. She wanted to spank me but when she saw how raw my ass was she opted out and was willing to kill Kendra for ruining me. We still fucked, I wasn’t going to tell Melissa no, but still it was not as amazing as the first time. Kendra was a sadist and enjoyed inflicting pain. I can say in confidence I was not a masochist. I can also say that excluding the pain Kendra was amazing as asexual partner. Her control, it was a huge turn on. I hated not having control, but for some reason not having it was also a turn on. Kendra had take control from me which left me helpless and at her mercy. And I loved it.

Eventually my birthday arrived. It was a gloomy day, I mean it didn’t rain in California often, or at all, but it looked like it would. I was sitting outside hoping the rain would start and Jade eventually joined me, She had an umbrella on her, which was probably an indication that it looked far more threatening to a Californian than a New Yorker.
“What’s up” Jade asked the wind whipping her hair around. I had my hoody pulled up to prevent that.
“Just thinking: I sighed
“About?” Jade asked.
I looked at her and rolled my eyes.
“Well just tell them you have homework. I will be the only one who knows the truth.”
“Jade, you are my cousin, by blood” I growled “Why do you want to fuck me?”
“One, I could be your sister, it doesn’t matter, because we can’t have kids together, two it is legal to marry your first cousin. And three, You’re hot.”
She grabbed my hands t stand me up and began to pull me toward te pool house. I did not move.
“Come on Natalie, we gonna do this or not? I mean it is gonna happen, the longer you fight it.”
“Your bed” I said. “I should have one place today where I feel safe. Your bed. I don’t want my room soiled.”
Jade was hesitant but eventually shook her head in defeat
“Okay, my room. I can work with that.” She said and steppe closer “But I have toy sin my room, and I don’t want to hear you complain when I bring them out.”
Jade may have though she was being scary, but Kendra had already done a far worse number on me.

“What the hell happened to your ass?” Was the first word out of Jade’s mouth when she got my pants off. While Kendra’s handy work had scabbed over, it still looked like it had been through a meat grinder.
“Don’t ask” I sighed as scooted up on Jade’s bed spreading my legs.
“What are you doing?” Jade asked
“Are we not gonna fuck?” I asked
“Oh we are, but I said in my room I have toys.”

She wasn’t joking about the toys, she had a fair number, and I discovered all four girls had toys in their room. Each one had at least one strap on but the sizes varied. Mack had several, from nine inches to sixteen. Jade had only one, ten inches, which was still deeper than I had ever had. However the you the wanted to use on me was luckily one that did not have to do with penetration. She brought out four leather cuffs, two for my wrists and two for my ankles. Then she brought out a steel rod and attached it to the ankles. It was called a spreader bar. I don’t know why she felt the need to use it as I was complying, but this was for her. Honestly, I was kind of annoyed I had to go through this, on MY birthday. I however knew it was gonna happen.

She attached the bar to her headboard, which forced my legs up over my head, and without hesitation began to lick my cunt. I was already dripping. I won’t lie, while I was hot happy about being violated, I had been anticipating Jade. I don’t know if it was kinship or something else but I was looking forward to this, to an extent. And even though my position was uncomfortable, I wasn’t hating it. So far it seemed I liked being dominated and the girls I have been with had been able to at least satisfy that desire. Kendra may have been a bit extreme, but I could probably calm her down eventually. I wasn’t giving up on her while my ass had seen better days, the sex was still good. All she had to do was tone down the abuse. I knew she was a sadist, but I wasn’t a masochist.

“NO” I ppat when I noticed Jade pulling out her starp-on.
“I told you no whining” She growled.
“And I am saying, NO, not that.”
Jade rolled her eyes. “Give me one good reason.”
“I still have my cherry. I have not been deflowered.”
Jade’s eyes went wide. ‘You said you have ben with Kelly since you were eleven”
“Yes, and the only thing that ever wet inside me was her tongue.”
“So you will still bleed…” Jade gave a slight laugh. “Now I really want to fuck you with this thing. Make you a real woman.”
“Jade please, no.”
I could see jade going over it in her head when she finally gave a huff.
“Fine, who are you wanting to take your virginity?”
“No one” I responded “I want to find a girl one day who I fall in love with and marry, I want her to be the one to finally deflower me. My ass, mouth, both can be violated, but want to keep my flower for them.”
Jade walked over to me and place a hand on my cheek. I was happy that she seemed to understand, until she spoke.
“What a load of shit, suck cock” And with that force the ten inches into my mouth.

I was glad she didn’t do it though. She did leave me my cherry. That was one, and I would have to get everyone on board. I kinda wish Kelly had taken my cherry, as then I would not need to protect it. When I was with her I never planned for the future. Since I was still a virgin in the sense that I have never been truly deflowered, I wanted to keep it. Cake had been served and I blew them out, My wish, well I just explained what it was. However the only way it would happen is if I set a ground rule.

“So I want to talk quickly” I said calmly as Melissa cut the cake serving us each a slice. “I know that today is when I am no longer off limits. Jade has already taken advantage of that.” I saw Amy and Melissa both glare at me while Mack smiled. She had been fucking Emily all morning, possibly giving me the day off since it was indeed my birthday.
“I just have one rule, no penetration. I mean for my pussy.”
“She hasn’t been deflowered yet, she wants to save that for a future wife” Jade explained quickly. "We can skullfuck her, we can drill her ass, but nothing goes inside there except our tongues.”
Jade could have said it better but I felt she was the one who called the shots, she was the one who had put me off limits until today. Sure I may have broke the rules anyway with Melissa, but that didn’t matter, I had one rule I wanted to include that hopefully they would follow.
“So Mrs. Natalie Hawthorn?” Amy asked. “I guess it sort of has a nice ring to it."
“Well I may end up taking their name instead.”
“What about kids?” Mackenzie asked.
“There are sperm doners. And maybe the girl I end up with is biologically a man. I would be okay with a transexual.”
“They chop off the testicles during a sex change. Those don’t grow back.” Jade sighed,
“look it doesn’t matter, I am only fifteen. I have a long way to go before I have to worry about that.”

It was a few hours later when Amy finally decided to take her turn. I had kinda hoped Melissa would jump in and take me for the rest of the day, but she wasn’t fighting for me. Amy had me tied to her bed. Like Jade I had to convince her but she was okay with that.
“You bring your tattoo gun home?” I asked seeing her equipment.
“Sometimes people want to get a tattoo and then fuck, sometimes they want to get one after fucking. I had one girl who would keep track of her conquests with a tattoo. He had a list on her leg of every person she fucked. I had started in the shop, but she had to add one more name, my own. So I added that after.” Amy Explained, I thought it was kind of funny, maybe I should get one as well, but decided against it. Don’t get me wrong I wanted a tattoo, but just never knew what exactly I would go for. After all, it was permanent, I needed something that represented me, or at least something I wouldn’t regret one day.

Amy then brought out oil. No, it wasn’t hot oil it was just oil that she rubbed onto my tits and pussy, she rubbed it along my though sand arms, my torso, butt, everywhere. Then ran it along my lips. I licked them, it tasted like cherries.
“Like it?” Amy asked when she saw me lick my lips and have a pleasantly surprised face. “Those who get a taste enjoy it.” She said as she rubbed her pussy covering it in oil as well before wiping her hands over her breasts. She walked forward keeping her pussy just a inch from my face, Instinctively I stuck out my tongue and lapped at her cunt.
“WHOA!” Amy yelped jumping back. “Didn’t know you were so eager.”
To this day I still don’t know what she was doing, but apparently it had distracted her from realizing just how close her pussy was to my face.

Amy licked every inch of my clean, everywhere she had put oil, she cleaned off with her tongue. My tits, pussy, ass, Stomach, legs, arms, Even my pits. It felt weird to get a tongue bath. Yeah that is what I am calling it. She then got me to lick her pussy clean. Her tits on the other hand were a different story. She had me suck on them as though I was some sort of child being breastfed. She cradled my head as I sucked on one breast before she moved me to the next. It was my first time sucking on tits in that way, but there is an even later on that I will have to get to.

Look I know I am kind of rushing through these sex scenes, but the thing is, not much happened. Nothing amazing, nothing interesting. Believe it or not, sex by itself is not all that insane. I do have some steamy sessions coming up, but my birthday wasn’t intense. Seriously, I ended up fucking Melissa again and just before midnight rolled around, Mackenzie screwed me. By that point, I was already half-conscious so I don’t even remember most of that one.

Gashnaw 24/07/30(Tue)06:12 No. 28014 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 7

Okay so let’s get to Halloween. Not much happened during October, It was Jade’s birthday, and as her gift I spent the entire day naked with a collar around my neck. Whenever she wanted to be pleasured I was there to lick her pussy. Turned out I was replacing Emily. I also learned Emily was being fucked by all four girls since she was sixteen. She started with Mack when she was fifteen, my age, which was probably why I had been off limits till then, but when she was sixteen, everyone got a shot with her. She had also been pregnant when she was seventeen, she had an abortion. There was a huge convoluted mess and I am not sure how a seventeen year old would get an abortion in California. I think it was probably some backwoods doctor who ran a private clinic out of his house. Probably realizing teens have sex and instead of calling the authorities, decided to just help people. I would give him credit for that. I wasn’t wrong either, just had the gender incorrect. I didn’t fuck her, the woman was straight and even though I tried, I don’t get anywhere. I probably won’t even bring that story up. I won’t even bring her up. I mean there have been a few older women I was with, Not older like Jade being twenty-eight. I man older like in their forties or even fifties. The oldest is Seventy-six, and yes I will explain when we get there.

“So?” Ivy asked as her strap was forcing its way into my ass.
“hurts a bit” I grunted. Ivy and I had been getting pretty close. While I still hung out with her friends, I was spending more time with her and sleeping over often. Some nights I wouldn’t even go home. I would go to school, sleepover at Ivy’s house, and then the next morning go to school. I know you are probably thinking the same thing I was, but I had a lot of freedom. Jade wasn’t my mom, and overall the girls did not want to ruffle too many feathers.
“So should I go back to number one?” Ivy asked pulling out of my ass. She was going as a teddy bear, with a cock. I had seen the sex toy before but didn’t expect someone to dress up as it.
“I don’t think size matters. I bet most girls would want the bigger one. I would if I wasn’t saving myself.”
Ivy gave me a soft kiss, which turned into a harder kiss as she pushed me down onto her bed on got on top. Her hand slid between my legs. It was a college party we were going to, Someone how she got us in. So she had picked a costume that could probably get her some pussy. I had gone for something simpler, a Playboy bunny. Of course, with it being Halloween I had one extra layer, I was a zombie Playboy Bunny. I had yellow contacts and had yellowed my teeth with food dye. As for the green skin, Amy had airbrushed the exposed parts with green paint. It would eventually wash off but not for a few days or not without a dozen showers of vigorous scrubbing.

“What about that convention you are going to?” Ivy asked breaking the kiss.
“Oh shit I forgot about that.” I really had, I mentioned it to Ivy when Padme had first proposed it, but it was in the back of my mind.
“You know you have to dress up?”
“I do?” I asked
“yeah, and playboy bunny is not gonna cut it.”
“Zombie playboy bunny” I corrected her. She just laughed and gave me another kiss. Ivy was slowly becoming a girl I would give myself to. Sure our relationship had started off a little weird but with how much time we spent, I really did feel like her girlfriend. I knew she felt the same way. Cuddling me at school, kissing my neck. Sure it may have been a little weird but it was not like she was showing me off or anything. Yes I was her girl, but she never acted like I was on display. I also knew Cadence was jealous, while I was with Ivy at the moment, Cadence had but effort into landing me. It just didn’t pan out. I still made out with her, but her hands had to stay to herself. It was a rule Ivy set in place. Cadence and Kendra could make out with me, if I was okay with it, but their hands had to stay to themselves. It was a pretty good rule in my opinion. It was what made me feel like Ivy really was becoming my girlfriend.

“I might end up fucking someone, at the convention” I admitted. Ivy kissed me.
“Babe, I am trying to fuck someone tonight. I’ll give you a free pass. Just don’t fall in love”
I leaned over and kissed Ivy’s neck “What about two girls?” I kissed the other side “Or three” I then kissed her chest “Or four.”
“At what point should I be cutting you off?” Ivy asked. “After four we will need to talk. I will give you a free pass but it is not so you slut it up in L.A.”
I laughed and gave Ivy another kiss on the cheek
“I won’t fuck anyone, I promise.”
“You know that free pass I am giving you can’t be saved for a rainy day. I saying go for it. I already know your housemates do what they want with you and I am okay with that, sorta. I would prefer the cops but you have begged me not to. So I allow you to go through with it even though you shouldn’t. With you, sex is a lot more trivial. But I know not getting involved is probably my best course of action, not doing so is salubrious for me.”
“Big word,” I laughed, “so you have bene reading the dictionary.”
“Every day” Ivy sighed “You are rubbing off on me.”

About a month ago I had used about four words in a row that Ivy did not know. Well actually all three of them did not know. Ivy however had been the only one to actually want to learn. Another reason I was starting to fall for her. I know I was smart, okay, already I was acing my subjects. I mean most students at the school were smart, but I still used words you never hear. I will admit, it is a weird flex.

“Dunno if I am rubbing off on you, but I could rub one off on you.”
Ivy pinned be down and kissed me again.
“You know, if we keep making out, we will never get to the party.”
“Well maybe we can stay in, watch a movie, have a couple drinks.” Ivy suggested pulling out a flask
“You are leaving that here.” I said gesturing the flask.
“Well no, I was gonna take it.” Ivy began
“I’m not asking, You’re driving, so that is staying here.” She put the flask down on her desk with a bit of a pout, but then she smiled.
“You are always looking out for me.”
In reality I was looking out for me. If Ivy didn’t care enough and ended up wrapped around a tree, fine, let her kill herself. I however was not gonna get into a car with a drunk girl.

The party itself was loud. I got separated from Ivy early on and had several frat guys rubbing up against me during the night. It irritated me. I don’t know why I agreed to this. I mean Ivy was looking for a chick to fuck so I wondered why I cared. I mean we weren't official, but I had also told her about my flower. She was okay with not taking it, preferring to use her strap-ons in my ass. It hurt the first few times and whenever she brought out a bigger one it would hurt again. Right now I was at about seven inches that I could take easily or at least without much pain. Eventually, I did see a giant teddy bear going upstairs with what looked like a catgirl. I decided to look around for someone as well. I know my free pass did not extend to other nights, but if Ivy was going to openly cheat, I wat least needed someone to make out with.

Everyone was a cliché, guys were dressed in football jerseys or something that had to do with sports. One guy had dressed up as a shower, so I was at least gonna give him credit for creativity. Girls Were even less creative with basically everyone dressed up as a sexy version of either a cat, rabbit or mouse. There was one girl I did however notice who had gone with a sexy angel. We got to talking and found ourselves outside.

She pushed me up against the wall of the frat house, We could see the street but the people out front were bus drinking to notice two girls slid around to the side.
“Shouldn’t we… have gotten.. a room?” I asked in between kisses.
“Why?” Angel asked, “Is doing it outside not hot? A chance of getting caught. Having to muffle your screams in case someone comes creeping.”
We stopped moving for a second as a guy walked up to take a leak and then head back obviously too drunk to notice us.
“That is kinda why, I rather not be fucking next to a puddle of piss.” I explained, Angel pulled be further towards the backyard where it was just as nuts and we darted back into the alley.
“So front yard is a no go and neither is the back.” I sighed “I guess this is the best place So anyway my name is Na-“ I was cut off by her covering my mouth
“No names. I will call you Bunny, and you can Call me Angel”
To be honest, that didn’t really fly with me, but I wasn’t going to argue.

I bit my lip to stifle a moan as she licked my pussy. A talented tongue hitting every spot I needed, taking extra care of my clit. Crisp night air teasing my tits. Angel kissed up my body and sucked one of my breasts.
“That is one clean pussy, never been with a girl who waxes before. Doens’t that hurt?”
“I wouldn’t know, I don’t wax.”
Angel cocked a brow “There is no way that is shaved.”
“It isn’t” I answered “I just don’t grow hair down there.”
“Holy fuck, you’re not a kid are you?”
Ivy told me that it was college students so I would need to keep my age hidden.
“No I am eighteen, I just have a condition that prevents hair growth on my body.”
She grabbed my hair and tugged it a bit.
“My hair is real, it is not a wig, hair eyebrows, eyelashes, the hair you see is real, but that is all that grows.”
Angel kissed me again “Had me worried that I was about fuck a kid.”
“You mean worried that the person you found was a kid.”
Angel kissed me again “No, I was still gonna fuck you. Why do you think I said no names. As long as it is anonymous so no one gives a flying fuck in the end. You came here looking to get laid, so you will.
I would come clean after the deed was done. Get laid and then reveal that I was actually only fifteen. By that point, my age wouldn’t matter. She undid a las on her costume that had the wings fall to the ground, then undid another buckle before unzipping the catsuit.
“Getting into this things i pain in the ass, I had to power my tits.”
“You should use baby oil.”
Angel thought about it for a minute and smiled. “I will give that a try. I wear these things a lot and go through a lot of powder.”.She explained.
I knew oil would work. I was dressed up in a latex suit a few days after Jade’s birthday. Emily had a dentist appointment and Mack wanted some slave play. So she dressed me up. Thing is, I am a lot larger than Emily, so the suits were a lot tighter. Oiling me up allowed me to slip in without much hassle.

More of her suit came off and then I saw a cock spring free. She pulled a condom out and rip it open with her teeth.
“WAIT, that isn’t real is it?”
“What you have a problem with cocks?” Angel asked
“I’m a lesbian.” I answered
“So am I, and every girl I have fucked. A cock doesn’t make you straight.”
“No you don’t get it, I’m a virgin.”
“Even better” Angel gleamed
Angel stopped. The condom had already been rolled down the cock .
“I thought you wanted sex.”
“I do” I explained “I just, look, my pussy is off limits.”
Angle sighed “What about your ass?”
“Go for it” I said turning to face the wall. “I will even suck you off after.”

It was real. She was born a he and grew up as a guy until she was fifteen, deciding that she preferred to be a female and swapped genders. While she identified as a woman and had gotten breast implants, the surgery to have her balls and penis removed was more costly. She opted out of getting it. It worked in favor for her, first off, she could pass as a girl, I had no idea until the cock sprang free. And she apparently fucked a lot of girls who were gay. She decided she would keep it as here was a market for women like her.

Anal was off the table when I broke down and admitted I was only fifteen. She said it didn’t matter originally but since i was taking pussy off the table she was getting uncomfortable with everything. I did blow her, which she did thank me for, but she was the one who back out of anal sex.
“You know. I am actually not from around here.” Angel said calmly “I am actually from Michigan. The age of consent there is sixteen.”
“So I guess you have fucked a lot of people.”
“I have since i was sixteen, So it has only been three years, but I probably have about three hundred fucks also pegged a few guys.”
“Pegged?” I asked
“It is when you stick your dick in a guy's ass.” She explained
That is not what pegging is. Its broadest definition, okay, but it is not. All she did was anal fuck them. I wasn’t going to fault her but still. At the time I didn’t know.
“I only turned fifteen a month ago. So I I end up in Michigan during Christmas I will still be underage.”
Angel kissed me and smiled “I will make an exception for you. So what is your name anyway?”
While she had been adamant about being anonymous, at this point I guess it didn’t matter.
She smiled “that is a beautiful name.”
I liked that. I asked her name and she told me to just keep calling her Angel claimed it was a nickname. I didn’t try guessing her real name. It could have been short for like Angela or Angelica, or it may have been some convoluted reason like her wearing a t-shirt that had the word angel on it once upon a time. I mean I had the name Blue for a while because I had come to school with blue jeans, a blue shirt and a blue hat. Like I said nicknames could come from anything.

Gashnaw 24/07/31(Wed)06:05 No. 28016 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 8

When I told Ivy about Angel she was pissed. Not because of what I did but because she would have loved to get fucked by a girl's cock. Used to being the dominant herself she wanted to be dommed.I thought maybe I could try to dom Ivy on her birthday or something. I mean I also liked to be dominated, so Ivy worked out in that regard, but since she also wanted to be a sub, I would need to flip it for her.

“Who are you going with then?” Amy asked as she sewed a patch onto the green leotard I found at a thrift shop. Ivy had said I needed to dress up I had to rush for a costume. Sadly, I didn’t know anime and the only game character I knew was my night elf from Warcraft. That was a little too much work in such a short amount of time. So I went to a thrift shop. I found a character online. Cammy, from a game called Street Fighter. I found everything I needed at a thrift shop. Well, two, the gloves we found at another. We also had to modify them. So we had a pair of boxing gloves that were cut up into the gloves Cammy wore. Of course, when we got home, we realized another problem. Cammy was blond and I was not, so my hair was being dyed.

Amy however was good with a sewing machine and sewing by hand. So she was a lifesaver, it did require payment but a night with her wasn’t a problem for me. I would have spent a whole night eating her out just to say thank you without even being asked. She lost a chance for a little extra.

“That should be long enough” Amy sighed as she finished seeing the patch and got back to my hair, pulling the tinfoil out.
“We are gonna have to do it again.”
“What do you mean?” I asked
Amy handed me a mirror, my hair was yellow. Not blond, like school bus yellow.
“Well you have dark hair, so it may take a few layers to get that nice blond color.” Amy explained.
“I should just shave it all off and wear a wig” I cried.

The second layer was enough. I headed downstair, naked. I started walking around the house naked, I would wear an apron to the table for dinner, just for hygiene reasons. But the girl had been ambushing me enough times that I felt clothes were a nuisance.
“Looking hot” Mack said being the first to see me as a blond, after Amy. Bed me by the hair and spun be around slamming me against the wall. I kinda wished she had a dick to do me in the ass right then and there. I was still thinking of Angel and her offer. Michigan. Michigan was a big state, I doubted I would ever see her again.
“So when is Ivy picking you up, how long do we have you for?”
“Ivy isn’t.” I said
“Oh, so are you meeting her somewhere?” asked jade getting a look at my hair
“Ivy’s not going.”
“Well then who are you going with?” Amy asked she asked earlier, and I didn’t answer.
“Padme, and her friends”
“Who?” Amy asked
“Wait Padme, wasn’t she the crazy chick who tried to hook you up with her friends?”
I nodded “And she is going to succeed. I plan to fuck both of them. Well At least Codi.”
“And Codi is a girl…” Jade began. I nodded
“A redhead.”
Emily perked up. “Redhead?”
“Oh no, you triggered her weakness. ”Melissa laughed pulling Emily back down on top of her. The two had been humping while watching a movie on TV.
“Wait hold on, Natalie your hair. Is sexy” Melissa said and pushed Emily off of her and stood up. :What I wouldn’t give to get you in bed right now.”
“Get in line” Mack said
“She is my cousin” Jade interrupted
“I did all the work I should reap the rewards.” Amy chimed in.
“STOP IT” I shouted, “In deadlocks like this I choose” I gave a heavy huff “Emily” Emily pumped her arm “Mind if I steal Melissa from you?”
“OH, that is cheeky, I am gonna give you so many spanks tonight.” Melissa began
“No spanking:” I interrupted “Leotard doesn't cover the ass, can’t have pink cheeks”
I could see Melissa pout but it quickly turned into a smile. “By that logic, I can leave marks as long as the fabric covers it.”
“I guess,” I said with a shrug. “Does it matter?”
“It will” Melissa smiled and grabbed my hair dragging me to the pool house.

I had bite marks all over my chest and back. While I had not allowed Melissa to spank me, she decided to bite and scratch me instead. I had some major claw marks down my spine and Jade had spent an hour applying ointment to it. I knew she would chew out Melissa for it. I had thought Melissa was originally pretty tame but she was a wildcat in bed. The one who thought would have been the most insane, Mack, seemed to be the tamest of all. They all had their quirks, Jade-like bondage, I kinda liked that. I would never ask for it, but if I was given a choice to be tied up I would say yes. I mean, one of the hottest days of my life was when I had to spend all day in a catsuit. With the restrictive latex, most sensations of touch cut off. A ball gag, blindfold, and noise-canceling earphones, the final sense left would be smell, that too could be shut off. I wondered what that would be like having no senses available. Time would probably take forever to tick by as you would slowly go crazy.

I soon learned a costume was not required. Ivy had been wrong, and I was wondering if she was even aware that she had been. I bet she was hoping to get a peek at the cosplay and I was debating sending her a photo.
“So who are you guys?” I asked.
“I am playing Princess Azula, Katana is playing Mai and Codi is Ty lee” Padme responded
Mind you I never made it through the first season of Avatar, so I had no idea who thse characters were. I decide to just smile and nod. Of course a bunch of people did know who they were and were taking photos. One girl asked if I could kick the air. I thought she was being a pervert until Padme reminded me I was Cammy, who was a kicker was glad I brought a change of clothes I could probably swap out of this stupid costume when we got to the hotel room. Although, at the same time, this was an option to go on the prowl. It was an LGBT community, I was given a free pass, why not?

“So have you decided on a roommate?” Padme asked
“I think Codi will be the easiest to sleep with.” I sighed which got a chirp form her. “I mean actually sleep, not the other thing.”
Of course the other thing was an option, she was cute, so yeah, I planned to screw her.

“So you don’t want to sleep with me?” Codi asked as we unpacked out bags. We had three days here and while we planned to leave early, we still had time to get adjusted.
“No, I do. I mean Codi, you’re not just cute, you’re also hot really hot. So yeah, fuck you is something I am really down for. The issue is that you are shy, and I don’t want to push tour further than you are willing. Which is why my actually plan is to find some hot cosplayer on the floor and get them in bed tonight.”
It was not like I had ever been given the choice to say no. I mean I guess I was at one point, but it had been a month since i turned fifteen, the girls had given me a single day all to myself since. Well I mean I had a lot of days to myself, that I spent with Ivy, but I meant when I was home, I usually had someone fucking me.

You know the term, um, well actually I can’t remember the exact phasing but it is something on the streets but a freak in the sheets. Well, that was Codi. Shy as fuck in public but behind closed doors, she was a freak. I was bound and tied up pretty much the second i stepped out of the shower. This is also where Codi became my mortal enemy. You see, she didn’t know my limits, and gagging me was preventing me from saying them.
“Struggle all you want Natalie, but this is still happening,” Codi said, her shy voice had turned into quite the seductive one. It didn’t match the character she was playing either. The voice would have suited Padme’s character far better. The voice wasn’t the issue though, it was the vibrator in her hand. The one that in a few minutes would be deflowering me. Yes, this is where I get deflowered. Codi taking it just a little too far and popping my cherry. What is even worse I that seeing me bleeding, she quickly ran to the door of our conjoining room and asked for help. Katana was on top of things, Grabbing a towel and checking my pussy.
“Were you a virgin?” Padme asked. While I was still gagged I nodded.
“OH MY GOD! I’m so sorry Natalie, I didn’t know.” Codi apologized.
I couldn’t accept it. she took the one thing I had left. Was it on purpose, yes, she planned to screw me with the dildo? Would it have been an accident had she known, probably not. I think the only reason he apologized was because she had been caught. I was trying to tell her to stop. Now, I could have forgiven this, had the next event not taken place. Padme and Katana left me there with Codi.

“Well seeing as how you are no longer a virgin, no reason to stop now” And she slid the vibrator back inside me, turning up the intensity. She was able to get me past the pain by forcing me to orgasm. It felt good, and I hated it. I was in pain from my hymen being torn, and instead, Codi was forcing me to experience an orgasm

There was a very small silver lining in no longer having my cherry, I no longer had to worry about it. Wa sit enough of a trade-off to forgive them? No. I mean I know it was Codi who had taken it, not Padme or Katana, but I did plan to include all of them with it, guilty by association. And they expected me to spend two more days with them?

“You must be pissed” Pixel said as she heard my story. The girl was a professional cosplayer and had actually taken the time to talk to a girl who seemed pretty upset. I was. I mean pissed may have even been an understatement but I can not think of a word that would work better. Livid? Nah that didn’t really have enough oomph either.
“If you want, you can chill with me.”
I blinked as I looked at pixel, she was nice and while she was in costume, she looked cute.
“I dunno, I may just stay here and avoid my abusers,”
“Do you want me to call the cops, or have the organizer ban them?” pixel asked. I shook my head.
“No, it’s fine.” I really was non confrontational when it came to rape, at least if it involved me. I didn’t want cop or authorities involved. It allowed m to move past it, sorta.
“Well if you tell me who they are portraying I can at least usher them away from this area.”
I was tempted to no answer, as it sounds like ratting them out but eventually caved.
“I can’t remember the names but they are playing characters from avatar.” I responded.
“Are those them?” Pixel aske point to a group of three girls,
“Yes” I groaned and sunk deeper into the chair I was sitting on.
“All right well just chill out, I will make sure they continue on their way.”

Pixel did just that. When the girls approached and called me by name Pixel stepped in, told them I didn’t want to hang out with them. They tried to intimidate her claiming to be my friend and that she had no authority. Pixel apparently had quite a bit authority and warned them that she could have them thrown out in seconds and ban them from future events. It was enough.
“So how are you getting home?” Pixel asked
“Bus” I groaned.
“Absolutely not.” Pixel responded and pulled me into the back of the event so she could take a quick break. She handed me a can of Pepsi. I cracked the tab and drank it.

I never had Pepsi before, Codi had done enough damage for me to break my won rules about non natural sugars. I could have told Pixel I didn’t drink soda, but instead I wanted to drink it. It was delicious. I hated that I liked it. All this time I had missed out on soda because I had refused to drink it.
“Oh, my insides hurt.” I groaned
“Well yeah, you killed that thing, you aren’t supposing to chug soda. The carbonation will give you gas. Just burb a few times and you should be fine.”
Burping wasn’t very ladylike but I didn’t care and gave a huge one. It made Pixel laugh which in turn made me laugh.

“So is Pixel your real name?” I asked as she took me to her car later. She had a hotel room up the street and she told me I could stay there.
“It’s real enough. It is not the name I was born with but people don’t call asking for Kimberly, they ask for Pixel.”
“Kinberly?” I asked
“Please don’t make a big deal about it.” She pleaded
“I was just gonna say it is a nice name. Can I call you Kimberly.”
Pixel sighed and caved, Saying I could call her Kimberly, Kim, pixel, just not Kimmy. I agreed to that. We got to her hotel room, she let me shower first and ordered up an extra bath robe since I ended up taking hers. She then explained that she would give me a ride home. I thought she was being nice for a reason and made a pass at her, she however shut that down.
“What are you doing?”
“I thought that, oh fuck I shouldn’t be here.”
I was going to leave but Kim grabbed me.
“You can’t leave in just that. Look, Natalie, you are a hot girl, I can see why they did what they did. But you are fifteen, I’m nineteen. There is a little thing called the law. I can’t have sex with you, I can’t pleasure you, I am not even sure if I am allowed to kiss you.”
She was, the law had to do with sex, which meant there were a lot of things she could do that danced on the edge of sex. She however had set ground rules.
“I mean don’t get the wrong idea, you’re cute and the exact type of girl I would go for, but I don’t want you to feel violated even more than you already do. I mean I get you are hurt, but sex just for the sake of sex. Rape doesn’t count.”

That was probably the best thing she could have said to me. Rape didn’t count. This meant Kelly, Jade, Melissa, Amy, Mackenzie, Emily, Ivy, Kendra, Cadence, Padme, Katana and Codi didn’t count. It was a little too much to not count. However, all those girls had been me saying yes to, well Not the last three, but everyone else had been mutual. Maybe not mutual as in I didn’t want to be fucked five times on my birthday, or come home from school and pinned down to have my ass violated, but at least with them I was okay with it. Then again I kinda said yes to Codi. Could I include some rape and not include others?

I didn’t dwell on it too much. Kim ordered a movie, for the life of me I can’t remember which one, I passed out quickly.

Gashnaw 24/08/01(Thu)06:11 No. 28017 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 9

Kimberly drove me home after the event closed down on the third day. She let me camp out in her hotel room and order a movie or two. I slept for most of it. Kimberly had been very responsible though, driving me home and introducing herself to my housemates to explain who she was. I think Jade tried to coax her inside for some fun but Kimberly shot her down. Melissa however offered to cook her dinner as thanks, Kim at least agreed to that.

“So what do you do for work?” Amy asked as we ate spaghetti.
“I’m a professional cosplayer” Kim answered. She had only introduced herself as Pixel to the girls I liked that, I was the only one who knew her as Kimberly.
“That’s a job?” Emily asked
“Well yeah, why what do you do?” Kimberly asked
“I’m a live in sl-“
“Housekeeper” Jade said quickly. “She is a live in housekeeper.” Mack could see Kimberly questioning that and quickly changed the subject
“So where are you from?“
“Well I was born in Japan, but my father is white so I am only half Japanese. Then I live in New York for a while before moving-“
“NEW YORK” Mack laughed. “Which part?”
“Um, Manhattan.”
“Aww, too bad, Nat is from Queens.”
I have a weak wave,
“What about now?” Jade asked
“Chino” Kim said half heartedly.
“Whoa, that is kinda far.” Melissa cough.
“I guess, but I get paid pretty well. All my gas is covered if I drive and for some events I just fly or take the train. I get reimbursed. Then I get a h=good paycheck and all I have to do is dress up for eight hours a day.”
“And that works?” Amy asked.
“I have my own house” Kim smirked
“Yeah, but in Chino” Emily mocked “I mean you can polish shit all you want but it is still shit”
“Emily, shut up” I growled I mean I understood where she was coming from, she grew up with money. Chino was a city with low income but Emily never had to worry about that. At least while growing up. She had it made. Mack, Amy, Jade, they all came from backgrounds that were less cozy. Melissa had a lot of money growing up as well. And when her father died she was set for life. Which was why she decided to go into cooking instead of finishing law school. She knew enough to represent you in court if you needed a lawyer, but usually told people t get a real lawyer.
“You can spend the night if you want, “ I offered and got a look from the girls. “I mean it beats driving all night to get home.”
“Do you even have the room?” Kim asked

We did, me stupidly offering got me to “offer” up the pool house. Which meant I was going to be spending a night with one of the girls. I ended up picking Jade, it seemed the most believable that I wasn’t fucking them for Kimberly’s sake. I was pretty sure she had caught on though. Even if she had I doubted she would get involved. And she left the next morning. I gave her a hug good bye and she handed me her business card.
“If you ever need to talk, just give me a call, alright.” I nodded and waited for her to pull out of thd driveway before I relaxed.
“Looks like someone has a crush.” Mack laughed.
“Natalie and Pixel sitting in a tree” Emily began
“K-I-S-S-I-N-G” they all sang in unison.
“Shut up” I laughed. Okay I had a crush, which made me feel bad because I was kinda dating Ivy. I added Pixel to my phone and asked if she had a personal number. Which she didn’t So I quickly changed the name to Kimberly. I had trouble sleeping, and had omitted the whole thing about Codi taking my flower.

“You seem over the moon.” Ivy laughed when I got to school. “Why are you blond?”
I forgot I dyed my hair, yea it was for the cosplay that I ended up only wearing for one day.
“The costume I wore, the character has blond hair so-“
“It suits you” Ivy laughed giving me a soft kiss. I quickly pulled out a keychain. I had gotten everyone care about one, various characters, For ivy, I had gotten a keychain with Poison Ivy, the Batman villain, on it. she quickly attached it to her phone. I didn’t put as much thought not Kendra and Cadence, giving Kendra Batgirl and Cadence Harle Quinn. The girls at home all got old-school game characters such as Pacman or Mario. They all liked them as well. I would have bought nicer things if I had the money.
“So photos?” Ivy asked.
“Oh, I didn’t take any.” I sighed.
“What, did you spend the whole time getting laid?” Ivy asked, it was a joke but I immediately got defensive
“Whoa, Natalie, calm down, I just teasing,” Ivy stated, her voice soft and I could tell she was concerned.
“Yeah, you alright?” Kendra asked, it was kind of out of character for her to sound that concerned.
I sighed “If I tell you something, you have to promise to not get angry or flip out.”
“Yeah sure no problem” Ivy responded quickly.
“No” I began “I need a guaranteed promise.”
“Natalie, we promise,” Ivy said holding my face. “We will not get mad or freak out.”

I could tell that they were trying their best not to scream. I knew all three of them wanted to kill Codi and probably drag Padme and Katana through the streets. Ivy especially, since she wanted my flower. I told them rape didn’t couldn’t and she explained that it didn’t matter it wasn’t sex that mattered, it was claiming my cherry. Something I could not get back. I mean I guess I could, but I wasn’t going to have surgery just so Ivy could pop my cherry all over again.
“The good news is, I don’t have to worry about it anymore. My pussy is no longer off limits.”
“After school, you are all coming over” Ivy insisted.
“I can’t tonight,” I said calmly I have plans.
“Do you not know what today is?” Cadence asked.
“No?” I questioned
“It’s her birthday” Ivy explained. “She is turning eighteen.”
“Well, at least it is not a sweet sixteen.”
“Cancel your plans” Kendra growled. “Do you not get it?”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re not my girlfriend, just make sure that you don’t forget about Ivy, January seventh” Cadence sighed. I tell she was upset.
“No, I will be there, I promise. After school. I will cancel my plans before lunch.

That was easier said than done. It was the only day all the girls could get off work early and we could go see a movie and go out to dinner. I got an earful from Jade when I canceled and eventually, Melissa and Mackenzie called to yell at me. I had to explain multiple times why I had to cancel and how Cadence’s birthday was important. I think Amy was the only one who was calm about it, but even then I could tell her temper was rising.

Candence’s gift was what she called a two foot gang bang. It laymen’s terms, it meant the recipient would have twenty-four inches of cock inside them A first I thougt it was weird for he to want that much inside her, but no. She was going to be one of the ones giving it. I saw all three girls wearing eight inch cocks.
“originally it was just gonna be sixteen inches in your ass, but seeing as how you pussy is now free.” Cadence explained. Ivy pushed me down on top of cadence who slipped her dildo into my ass. Which was followed by Ivy entering my pussy. It still hurt a bit, I wasn’t use to vaginal penetration and was just glad she used lube. Kendra fucked my throat, Triple penetration, it was a little much. Not really my thing. I am not opposed to it, but If I had my choice, I rather fuck three girls in a row than all at once.

“You’re bleeding.” Ivy said when she pulled out. I was, not a lot but there was a slight trickle.
“Wait but, Codi..” I began confused
“Maybe you healed?” Ivy asked. We had to look it up. Apparently your hymen can repair itself a bit, It can bleed again. Especially if you had penetrative sex only once.
“I guess you get my second cherry?”
Ivy laughed don’t think the claim of my flower mattered to her anymore. I think giving her toe day to chill was enough for her to rationalize what actually mattered. Me, Cadence Kendra, her friends, not some scumming know lives she could destroy.
“you know, I think you may have just broken the law.” I said to Cadence. “You are eighteen now.”
“We have been through tis already, the law, doesn’t matter. Not with us since we are all doing something illegal, plus your home life. I mean you should be the last one to care.” Kenda sighed
“I don’t care, just pointing it out.”

The rest of the night was fairly normal. I mean it took me back to our first night as Cadence had been playing with me for most of it, That was Ivy’s gift. Letting Cadence do pretty much anything she wanted with me, my gift was not complaining about it. Kendra’s gift was a photo album. Remember those photos she took of me, the nudey ones. Well she put a photo album together filled with my naked pictures, alone with the candy striper uniform, the French maid and of course the school unform.
“When were these taken?” Ivy asked noting the brown hair.
“Before we started dating” I admitted. “First time I fucked Kendra.”
“How was it? I know she is a little intense.” Ivy stated.
Kendra was but no more than what I endured at the house. She may have felt like she was badass, but she wasn’t. There have been a few more who were far more intense than she was. Jade already had her beat. And Jade was not even the top contender. No, the top contender comes a little later on; I won’t spoil it for you though.

Gashnaw 24/08/02(Fri)10:39 No. 28018 ID: 8e243f

Chapter 10

I was in the hospital. Ivy had given her car to Cadence so she and Kendra could go home. I had a broken leg, a compound fracture, after tripping. Yeah, I tripped. Here I am, a track star, and I fucking tripped. Ivy wanted to stay with me but when Jade got there she told her to go home. There was nothing she could do and it was not like she needed to stay with me. It took a bit of convincing but she agreed and caught a bus home.
“They took my morphine away” I sighed when Jade was setting up a cot.
“That’s alright, got you something better.” She said handing me a bottle of oxycodone.
“I am not allowed to take anything not given by the doctors. In case I have a bad reaction to the drugs they need to know what is in my system that could cause it.
“You have a broken leg, what are they giving you?” Jade asked
“I dunno, they are keeping me overnight, maybe they are gonna give me my morphine back. Right now I am on some bullshit painkillers.” I explained
“Will you be able to sleep, if you are in pain?”
“Well, they did me some knockout pills, which should have kicked in by now. That si why Ivy stayed, she was gonna stay until I fell asleep.“
“She doesn’t need to be here. There is nothing she can do and there is no reason for her to miss out on her own bed. It is better for her to rest up and then come see you instead of running herself ragged.” Jade saw me frown and then added “She really cares about you though.”
“I know she does. I guess I will be missing Melissa’s party.”
“Well if you can come home tomorrow I will make sure you get some cake, but you are gonna be off limits till that leg heals up.”
“That’s like, two months. Maybe more.”
“Okay, we’ll compromise, off limits for a month and then until you decide you are ready.”

I woke up not just to Jade but to my parents. They flew in on a last-minute flight and came to check up on me. I didn’t know I was awake yet, my mom and Jade were talking, and my dad was reading the paper.
“The best headline you are gonna get is people in Cali are not smiling enough.” I finally said.
“Yeah, Cali news is crap.” My dad said before realizing I was awake. “Natalie how are you.”
“In pain.” I groaned.
“Okay but other than that?” My mom asked.
“I have a great support team behind me” I did, The girls at the house and my best friends. Yeah, Ivy Cadence and Kendra were indeed my best friends.
“If you two don’t mind me leaving for a bit, I was hoping to take a quick shower.” Jade began
“Go right ahead.” My mom encouraged
“So, Nathan?” I asked
“At home, he couldn’t get out of work, plus there really is no reason for him to be here. It’s a broken leg, not life or death surgery.”
“Then why are you here?” I asked
“Well, l can we say it is because we also miss you?” My mom asked. I sat up and gave them both a hug.
“What about Kelly?”
“Nathan called her, let her know.” My dad explained. “I saw no need for it.”
“Well, she is like a big sister, plus she is in North Dakota. She needs some excitement” I laughed. I really did not like North Dakota. I didn’t like South Dakota either. I mean come on, just make it one state. Dakota. Same bullshit with Carolina. Oh well at least it is not like Canada, they have three provinces not even called provinces. Northwest territories, it doesn’t even have a real name. It is a location. At least Nunavut and Yukon have a name.
“So how is school?” My Dad asked.
“Top of my class” My dad raised a brow “Okay. Okay, top of my class if three other people were not there.”
“So that’s good?” My dad asked.
“Yeah, I’m still on the dean’s list.” I explained. May have not been the top marks, but having over 80 in every subject put you on the dean’s list. I also had a little extra since I was a celebrity.
“We also spoke to the school. We will let you finish the year, but with your leg being messed up-“ My dad began
“No” I itnterupeted..
“Sorry?” He asked
“I’m not leaving.”
“Natalie, this isn’t up for debate. They are offering independent study. But for three and a half years? You came here to become an athlete, not to be a reporter.” My mom exclaimed.
“No, I came her because it was a great opportunity, I’m not going back to New York.”
“Natalie this is not a discussion we are having. We are already compromising to let you say for the year, but when summer comes around-“
“What if I find a way to pay for tuition?’
“Excuse me?” My father asked
“If I find a way to pay for tuition myself, can I stay? I have good grades, maybe I can apply for a scholarship. I already have a place to stay so that is not a problem. I just need to cover tuition costs.”
“The answer is still no.” My Dad spoke
“Dad, if you ever want to speak to me again. You will let me stay. You force me back to New York, I will never speak to you ever again. I will never smile at you, and as soon as I turn eighteen, I will be gone, you will never see me again.”
I knew i struck a nerve, my dad looked like he was about to cry and left the room, with my mom following. I had to be mean, but Cali had been healthy for me. Friends, family, not to mention all the sex. Okay maybe it wasn’t healthy for me, but I liked it here. It wasn’t even the school, I mean fuck I would have changed schools if it came down to it. Not like I would miss much. I guess i would miss out on lunch with Ivy, but I had a phone, she could text me or call me during lunch, see if we could hang out after school. And if I went to public school, I would be rocking the grade point average. I would be fine no matter where I ended up.
“Well maybe you should go home” Jade said after I explained it to them. “You just expect us to pay for your school?”
“Well no, I was just thinking maybe if you pooled some cash together for a few months.”
“You’re nuts” Mack laughed “We can’t afford that”
“She’s right, with the two grand we give to Jodie each month, we barely have enough for groceries and internet.” Amy added
“Well then I can get a job.” I suggested.
“Yeah Any job you can do and get paid for, you won’t be able to do with a broken leg.” Jade spoke
“Plus no where would hire her until she is sixteen anyway” Melissa added.
“Well there is one” Emily said calmly. We all looked at her “Jodie would pay good money for it, maybe drop the rent. Then you can use that extra money to save up.
“Yeah, but that would be once or twice a week, not once a month” Jade sighed.

I still hadn’t met Jodie, I had heard about her, the girls spoke about her but I never met her. I had managed to avoid every visit form her so far. Ither by being at Ivy’s or at school.
“Yeah and she would have to be here” Amy added.
“Well then just pick a day, I dunno, Wednesdays? Natalie comes home does what needs to be done and we work out a way for her to stay in school.” Emily continued
“Y-you’re talking about pimping me out” I stammered.
“Yeah” Jade said “it would be the only way you can make money.”
“If we open the gates to a private event we could make a lot more, get people we trust, have Natalie be the main course.”
“Yeah but not everyone we know would be okay with a fifteen year old,” Amy interrupted.
“Well no, we will invite the ones who are, and if they get cold feet but still want to fuck, we can let them have a go with Emily.”
“Wait what?” Emily asked but was ignored.
“I’m still one person, I can’t go with like twenty people a night.” I explained
“No, no, it will be a bidding war. We will make it a masquerade so it was be anonymous, and during the night we will have a bid for you. They will be able to take you to your pool house and fuck you all they want.” Said Mack
“I’ll make some calls” Melissa stated
“Yeah we can do it this weekend”
“STOP!” I yelled. “Hello, I still have a broken leg. Little too early.”
“Yeah calm down. And maybe think about not including me in this” Emily pleaded.
“Emily, we own you, don’t start acting like a bitch.” Mack groaned.

“So let us get this straight, they are your pimps now?” Ivy asked as she signed my cast. Adding little hearts to her name. It was just Ivy, she had told the others to give use time alone today. I was glad she did I don’t think I could have managed all three girls today.
“Pretty much, they just thought I was a good way to make some extra money.”
“You need cash, I could loan you some” Ivy suggested.
“No, I would never be able to pay you back.”
“You wouldn’t have to, I could be your sugar momma.”
“Could you afford tuition fees?” I asked which made Ivy recoil a bit.
“How bad is it?” She asked. I explained what my father had said and she looked defeated. She looked like how I felt. I didn’t want to go back to New York. There was nothing for me there.
“Well I could talk to Cad- what is that?” Ivy asked seeing me pop a pill into my mouth.
“Oxy, Jade got it for me.” I said
“How bad is the pain?” Ivy asked
“No so bad, but these help a lot.”
“No, no, you don’t get it, Oxy goes for a lot on the street, you can sell it.”
Drug dealing? Not exactly something I wanted to do, but I did have to find a way to make money. As long as she could find me customers I supposed I could get away with it.

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