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Leprechaun Gashnaw 21/05/20(Thu)06:26 No. 27248 ID: 6de480

Posting first chapter. See the response I get.


F/F, BDSM, Gangbang, Non-con, underage

Chapter 1:

Look at her, that sweet sixteen-year-old girl asleep in my arms. Hard to believe it has only been a year. I really do love Alicia, sure I may have resented the arrangement at first, after all our parents did not truly respect me, and Alicia, well she was their golden child. Everything was easy for her. Even getting into a prestigious school. When I was called up and told that they could not afford the dorm costs, I almost laughed an hung up. Was even closer when they ask if I could arrange a place for Alicia to stay during her time at the school. It wasn’t until they offered to pay part of the rent. We did not exactly have the room, four roommates already crammed into a three-person apartment, bringing a fifth was not appealing.
“Is Alicia free to play?” My roommate asked opening my door.
“I think she’s asleep” I responded calmly. Even if the girl was not, I did not want to let go of her. Like I said I love Alicia, and even if Alicia does not mind getting fucked by my roommates on a daily basis, I do have a slight issue.
My roommate frowned and left.
“Jade, I’m not asleep” Alicia responded. I looked down at this crystal blue eyes looking back up at me. Those eyes were huge, I always seemed to lose myself in them.
“It’s okay babe, just get some rest” I responded quietly kissing her. Maybe I should back up a bit though. You see, Alicia and I did not always see eye to eye. As I said I didn’t even want to take her in. This story would be different if I said no. If I told them, we just did not have the room, they may have told Alicia no. The first time they would ever say that to her, simply due to not being able to afford it. But I said yes. I agreed to take in my sister despite my resentment towards her. Thankfully, I don’t regret it at all, not anymore. So How about I go back to that point, as the story before than was not really in interest…

“You don’t get a free ride, even if mom and dad are paying for your part of the rent, you are still going to have to pull your weight. Five people living in a three-person apartment is not going to go over well.” I said as I continued my drive down the road. A sweet 1969 mustang. Car prices for these babies were over half a million, but I could never part with it. Too bad, it would have put a very nice down payment on a house, a larger place. Sadly, the cost to restore it and sell it, I would barely break even.
“So, am I sleeping on the couch?” Alicia sked. Her voice pissed me off. It always did, when she was younger, she had an annoying sing song voice, and now, fifteen, and her voice now just radiated with disgust. Spoiled brat. But that is what you get when your parents spoil you rotten never once saying no. Maybe they just wanted a daughter who would love them. Well, I would have, if they did not treat me like a cancer.
“For now,” I told her. “I got you a cot, but Maggie is not going to be back for another week, so you can use the couch until her return.
“Maggie?” Alicia asked and I handed her my phone.
“Scroll through, Maggie is the redhead. I’ll introduce the other when we get home.”

While I could not see her face, I could hear Alicia eyes roll as she scrolled through the photos.
“She’s a butch”
I damn near slapped the brat, but held my cool. She was right, Maggie was a butch. Maggie however also did not take shirt from anyone. That was why I was putting Alicia on the couch. If Maggie came home and saw Alicia on her pull out, ell only one of two things would happen, and given Alicia’s mouth, it would not be pretty.
“She’s cute” Alicia added scrolling to another picture. I stopped the car and looked over.
“he doesn’t love here anymore. College. You might see her some weekends though.”
“So, six people to an apartment.” Alicia asked.
“Kinda. She will share a bed with Maggie. That is actually why Maggie is gone right now, she is helping her move into her dorm.”
I guess Alicia caught the toxicity in my voice.
“I would prefer a dorm too. It’s not like I wanted to move across the country and be crammed into a tiny apartment,” Alicia began and I could already feel my cheeks burning “I would much rather be on campus with one roommate, not four, and have my own bed and loving space. Add on this stupid bussing system I will have to take very morning-”
She was cut off as I slapped her across the face. I seldom ever did that, but ready at the moment I resented my sister. If not for the additional pay to rent. I would have crushed her dreams. After all, I had the power. Green Oaks only accepted one hundred new students a year. A maximum of four hundred students from freshmen to seniors. If I told her to go home, she would have to. She did nothing but talk about Green Oaks whenever I was kind enough to visit. So, I knew how important the school was to Alicia.
“Well, you are not getting a dorm, so unless you want me to send you home and let you go back to public school, you will shut the fuck up and show some goddamned respect.
While Alicia did have tears in her eyes, probably from how hard I slapped her, since I could see the handprint, she was smirking. That damn brat was smirking.
“This must have been some party” She snickered holding up my phone to show me another picture. This one had one of my roommates eating out Maggie. “But not as good as this one” And she ran her thumb along the screen showing me eating out Maggie.
“Bitch” I snapped slapping Alicia again and grabbed my phone back. “I will have to teach you some boundaries and privacy too. I lent you my phone to see who Maggie was. I did not give you permission to scroll through other photos.”
“Tch” Alicia sneered. That attitude, it was infuriating.
“Give me your phone.” I said sternly.
“What?” Alicia responded sounding confused.
“Give me your phone, so I can add my number and my roommates’ and register it so you scan your phone to get inside.” I smirked.
Alicia sighed and handed her phone to me. That was her mistake.
“You will also get this back when you’ve earned it. I said I will have to teach your respect, Well, you don’t start school until Monday, that gives us tonight and all weekend, let’s see how fast you learn.”
“And if I don’t learn?” Alicia asked sounding pretty smug.
“I’ll drop it in the toilet.” I laughed. “Then you can pay or your own new phone.” He smirked “by the way, we are here” I added gesturing the apartment building we were parked in front of.

It took us two trips up and down the stairwell to grab all her bags. I didn’t realize it when I picked her up from the bus stop, but the bitch had parked for a fucking arctic expedition.
“You will be living out of your bag.” I said coldly, there was not enough shelf space to add her things.
“So, this is your kid sister?” One roommate asked “Not so little anymore” she added poking Alicia in the breast. “Soft, just like yours”
I could tell Alicia recognized the face, after all she saw it eating out Maggie.
“Touch my boob again, and you will be eating out of a straw” Alicia spat angrily. I had to admire her attitude, but once again, that would be beaten out of her by Monday morning. Alicia had no idea what she was getting herself into. Maggie may have been a butch, and she was definitely the most dominant member of our apartment. But Rose, the one who had just poked Alicia’s breast, she was known as the Brat Tamer. I too could add that to my portfolio, but Rose was far better at it. I looked over at the Asian sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee, completely unphased. Lin, nice girl unless you piss her off. Alicia would not last long with her around.
“Little mouthy isn’t she” Rose snarled.
“Fifteen minutes” I smirked and patted Rose on the shoulder. That just made Rose smile. She really did like brats like Alicia, they were her bread and butter.
“Maggie will be home tomorrow morning” Lin said not even looking up from her tablet
“When were you planning to tell us?” I asked
“About seven seconds ago” Lin responded still not even looking up for her tablet.
“Why is she coming home early?” Rose asked.
“Because Jade’s kid sister is here.” Lin responded. That just got Alicia to start laughing
“Did she just call you, JADE?”
That got a quick glance from my roommates.
“Explain.” Lin said calmly taking a sip of her coffee, her full attention on me.
I was hesitant, my roommate only knew me as jade. I had legally changed it to Jade as well. However, Alicia and my parents still only knew me by birth name.
“I was named Diana, I changed it after I moved out of my parents’ house.”
There was a long pause as my roommates exchanged lances. I was ready for the insult. I was waiting for it.
“Good move, Princess” Rose laughed. “But I thought she was helping Chloe.”
“She was” Lin Responded putting her tablet down and walking up towards Alicia “She called Dave, he is gonna bring a few of his buddies by and help finish the move. A bunch of freshmen college girls. Even if Chloe does not put out, there is a floor they can prey upon.
“Hello, hi, I’m Alicia, can I please know your names?” Alicia spoke up. I wanted to hit the girl again, but held back.
“She is mouthy” Lin said calmly “My name is Lin, and the one who fondled your breast is Rose. Maggie is not home but you will meet her tomorrow.” She paused and then started at Alicia Mouth “I’m sorry, are you wearing braces?”
Alicia just smirked “Nope, I have perfect teeth, see” Alicia said opening her mouth. However, it was met with a handful of coffee grains. Lon then held my sister against the wall, her hand stopping Alicia from being able to spit the coffee grains out. The fifteen-year-old eyes were watering, I almost felt sorry for her. Almost. Lin held the girls mouth closed for about good while, until Alicia cough causing some of the power to spray out of her nose.
“Clean up that mess” She said coldly as Alicia sat on all fours, coughing and gagging. “That mouth of yours will get you in trouble. Phone.” Lin commanded.
“Already taken care of” I Laughed tossing her Alicia’s phone. Lin Opened it and flipped through it will quickly before tossing it into the fish tank.
“What the hell Lin? I told her she would get it back.”
“It is okay. I got her a phone. One that will allow us to keep tabs on her. All calls will be recorded and sent to us.”
“Bullshit” Alicia snarled. “that was a seven-hundred-dollar phone.”
“And now its broken. So, you can either use this phone, or no phone. You are fifteen, you need to be protected.” Lin’s voice was so soft, she could have convinced me she was looking out for Alicia best interest.
“From who exactly, you?” Alicia asked smugly.
“More likely me” Rose laughed grabbing the girl and pulling her into her room.

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