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V-Trigger (TF) fdisk 20/12/04(Fri)07:26 No. 27085 ID: bf04ce

I was inspired by a story on here previously called "The Three Amigos" to write my own X-Change story. since OP seems to have vanished I figure now is as good a time as any. This is my first piece.


You know, I never really got how stupid horniness made you until what happened to me last summer. Me, Duncan, and Nam played Street Fighter Alpha at my house while my parents were at work. We were inseparable, always playing fighting games, reading comics, or doing other mindless teen shit. Being young, dumb and horny brought us together in many ways. Nam always had connections to seedy underground Korean shit he got from his uncle. This meant we’d always have the hook up to all types of imported smut, comics, and games native to the country at the time. Duncan and I were 90% sure the shit was illegal but that only made it better.

One of the things Nam had that piqued our interest was X-Change. He had a bottle full of the stuff, stolen from his uncle’s trash after, according to Nam, his uncle got cold feet and decided to pass on them. Nam, who was a real chatter-shit when he knew about something, told us all about it.

“I’m telling you guys, this shit is the real deal! I saw one tape where a man took 1 pill” He shoves his finger into Duncan’s face. “JUST 1 PILL! Next thing you know this fuckin’ guy looks like Kate Winslet! If I take this shit, I’m gonna look like Hee-Sun!” “Who the FUCK is Hee-Sun, Nam?” Duncan blurts out jokingly in-between mashing nonsense on his controller. Now, I’m not the best fighting game player on the planet, but I definitely was the best player in the room. Nam and Duncan had a nasty habit of button-mashing with no strategy involved. Days would go by where I’d clean house, only to finally be beaten by Nam, with lots of grabs from Birdie on his side. Maybe I had a hidden talent for virtual tactility, or maybe it was because they didn’t have a PlayStation at home. In any case, today was shaping up to be no exception, as I nail the finishing rapid-kicks and K.O Duncan for the win.

“Fuckin’ hell! You see that Nam, your gay yappin’ cost me the damn game!” Nam and I were used to Duncan’s outbursts after losses, so Nam only responded with snickers. This, of course, only made Duncan more riled up. “I mean seriously, if you love those pills so fucking much just take one!” “Yeah, why not?” I chimed in. I normally don’t interject as much when the 3 of us are riffing. It’s not necessarily out of any fear or something, I just never feel the need to really get all that worked up. Nam took our questions with a very sly grin only a questionably raised Korean kid could pull off.

“How’s about a bet on the next game? Loser takes a pill and let me and the winner tear a hole into their newly minted snatch?” Duncan looked at him like he was an alien. “How’s about kiss my ass? Luke’s a goddamn crackhead when it comes to this game, you’re basically asking me to get fucked. LITERALLY!” It was then when I started falling over in laughter. Truth be told, I was kinda sorta interested at this point but mainly in a way a person is interested in seeing two trains crash into each other. “I’ve beaten Luke before, you just gotta focusss.” Nam liked to do this really stupid fucking gesture with his hands, turning his index and thumb into circles, and putting them over his eyes like a jackass. It was funnier than it had any right to be in person, though.

Nam looked over at me and gave me an ultimatum. “OK, what about we go at it? Me vs. You for the X-Change Pill?” Normally, I’d brush him off and end this whole thing, but something about this summer day changed my outlook on things a bit. I want to say I was just a too agreeable, but that wouldn’t be the whole truth, I was horny. Not massively popping boners or anything, but enough. “Just enough” was all I needed to throw that little sliver of rationality, morality, and other smart people shit away.

“Eh sure, why not?” Duncan was floored. He laughed, handing the controller over to Nam. “HAHA, Luke you’re a real case, y’know that? Someone can ask you to kill the president and you’ll go ‘WhY nOt’, its hilarious.” Truth be told, I was confident in my abilities. I’ve bested Nam enough times to know how, and when, to beat him again. I just needed to do it. Part of my mind said “You got this, and if this pill crap does work you’re going to be knee-deep into some puss”. Although, part of me also said “I wonder how it would feel if I did lose, what would I look like as a girl?”

fdisk 20/12/04(Fri)08:17 No. 27086 ID: bf04ce

Nam goes for Birdie, while I choose Chun-Li, a character I always chose when I wanted to be at my best. The first round starts, and I can tell that this game was different. Nam played a lot smarter, blocking my combo attempts, and grabbing me while my character ended her move for a painful drop. My mind raced as I kept walking into his hits, and it wasn’t long before the first round ended.

“Holy shit Nam, you won the first round!” Duncan belted. “Now just do it again, and we can give ol’ Luke here rabies.” “Yeah yeah, after this don’t expect me to share the spoils” Nam interjects. I’d prefer challengers who didn’t pre-emptively declare victory, but for some reason the cocky, gun-sure attitude Nam had made me feel a lot weirder than normal. The second round felt longer, as I pulled out combos and juggles that seemed a little too tryhard considering the skill level of my opponent. Maybe it was the inner conflict I was having that pushed me to inevitably take the next win, or maybe it was adrenaline from the fear of the unknown; of what would happen next.

“Uh oh, 1-1. I think Nam is about to become our personal little Sailor Moon.”Duncans quips fall on deaf ears as we both focus for the final round. We both play in a way that was rare for anyone in the house. Perfect blocks, parrys, reversals, punishes, it seems almost robotic. It all culminated in something neither of us expected. An outcome that, in all my years of playing before or since, has never occurred again.

“What the fuck! No way.” We all sit there speechless.“A fucking draw.”

“Cheeky. Very cheeky.” Duncan laments.“Well, that wasn’t planned. When did you get so good, Nam?”I had to ask. Truthfully, I wouldn’t know if it was skill, luck, or my warped mindstate, that caused such an odd outcome. What I did know, however, was that I wanted that feeling again. It was the most fun I ever had playing Alpha and, arguably, video games in general. “HAHA a man such as myself always has a trick up his sleeve.” Nam's arrogance was something to behold, surely. Some would even call it cute.

“Bullshit. Hey, you know what?”Duncan grabs the bottle and shakes it around, as if it was a magic 8-ball giving him the answer to his own question. “How about this, if Luke beats you this time you gotta take this pill and let us both rail you?”After hearing him say that out loud I stared to think the couch and carpet had been laced with some horny powder. There was no way the Duncan from 10 minutes ago would have been so on-board with this scenario. “What’s in it for me, assbrain?” Nam matter-of-factly spat out at Duncan’s proposal. “Duh, Luke’s gotta take the pill. Then we can both rail him.”The pat on my shoulder he gave me immediately after should’ve rubbed me the wrong way. Alas, like the passing fart I am, I just said “That’s basically the same deal as before.”

Just then, Duncan runs over to his bag. He rummages for a bit and pulls out a Polaroid. “Then let's add pictures into the pot!” The dumb grin on his face really cemented his seriousness in this second battle, and considering my internal build-up of questionable thoughts was growing, I agreed. “Fine, OK. Luke, you better give it your all, or you’re fucked, HAHA!” his guy. I really wanted to teach him a lesson. Funnily enough, something in my mind responded.

“Maybe they should teach you a lesson.”

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