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Mikey Part 1 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/05/25(Mon)23:48 No. 26763 ID: efd76d

This is one chapter of a larger work in progress. The plan is a series of vignettes based upon my real life experiences as a preteen. The chapters will be connected by an overarching thread. Word count on this chapter is just short of 7,500. Comments are welcome. Could use an editor.


Mikey Part 1

“Come to church with me. We'll get laid.”

Jeez, where did it start with Mikey?
Church, I guess. Ain't that ironic?
See, Mikey was home-schooled so he didn't know any of the in-school kids I knew, except those who lived near us. That's how we met. Hanging around the neighborhood playground park.
But he wasn't lonely. His Mom was like super-religious, and their family hung out with a big church-going crowd that I didn't know.
When I say Mikey's Mom was super-religious, I mean not only was he not allowed to cuss, but he couldn't even use “soft” cussing like “Gosh darn!” or “Golly Gee” because those were all really Jesus' name, disguised sort of, but still very much taken in vain. Which was a sin. So he had no language stronger than saying “Wowwee!”
But as strict as she sounded, she was always really nice to me when Mikey brought me over. She helped us set up a little clubhouse by cleaning out a tool shed in the yard, and she furnished it with blankets and pillows in case we wanted to nap. She even suggested a name for our club. “How about 'The Golden Knights?'” We didn't adopt that, or any other name. We were just "us friends".
I was, like, two years older that him, maybe. I think two grades ahead, but I don't really know how grade levels work for home schooled kids. I found the younger kids easier to hang around with than those my age or older. The big kids were always trying to be cooler and tougher and braver and I just didn't want to deal with that. I was no good at it. The younger kids were easier to deal with. I didn't have to try to be cool. Me just being a year or two older made me cool enough in their eyes.

So one day they invited me to church. Not just regular Sunday morning church, but some sort of big get-together with all the church families that would last from afternoon to evening. I didn't know any of these people. I didn't even know what church holiday it might be. But that's okay, Mikey didn't know hardly any of my school friends either.
But yeah, his Mom came out to the clubhouse and told Mikey about this get-together. He seemed excited and asked if I could come along. “If it's okay with your mother. You'll be back late.”
I wasn't really thrilled with the idea of going to church. But Mikey had the ace. He whispered secretly in my ear: “Come to church with me. We'll get laid.”
Laid in church? I got no idea how that might work. I had never been laid. I only had the vaguest notion of what the even meant. I just knew the big kids talked about it like it was the greatest thing to happen to anyone. I heard it involved getting naked with girls and doing something with my dick, so I was in.

Mom's response when I asked her for permission: “Are they gonna save your soul for Jesus? Sure, go ahead. Let's see how that works. Don't forget your house key. And put on your good clothes.”

Pressed for details as we were leaving in their car, Mikey said we would be meeting his aunt, uncle, and cousin at the church. Then we'd go to dinner at their house and stay late while the adults threw a party. Sounded fun to me. And while I didn't really believe in all this God and Heaven stuff, I thought the whole story of Jesus thing was actually kind of interesting, and wanted to learn something more about it.
It was a pretty big church, with lots of cars parking outside and people chatting with each other. We met up with Mikey's relatives on the sidewalk. He introduced me to his cousin Shelly.
"Don't call me Shelly," she said. "I'm not a baby anymore. My name is Michele."
Michele had brought her friend Freddie along. Despite having a boy's name, Freddie was a girl. I guessed it was a nickname for some more girly name like Fredwina or Winifred or something. We kids exchanged hellos to each other while the adults hugged and gabbed with each other. Mikey and Michele talked a bit about whatever between themselves, while Freddie and I just looked quietly around at everyone else, and each other.
Michele looked maybe a year younger, and a little shorter than Mikey. She struck me as looking perfectly straight. By that I mean as if she were drawn by ruler, using straight, up-and-down, parallel lines. Her blonde hair hung long and straight, almost to her waist. She held her arms down at her sides, sort of like a soldier at attention. That seemed a bit odd, but she was smiling and seemed happy enough. Her plain black t-shirt and pants were the same size from top to bottom, like a human Pringles can. Flat blue sneakers. Nothing fancy about her tonight.
Freddie was the same size (and I presume, same age) as Michele, maybe a bit heavier. But she had a girly pink dress with white lace and bows. She even had a small flower tucked into her wavy, light brown hair. Her legs were covered in white stockings that ended with low, white heels that went “clock clock” when she walked. She was dressed much fancier than Michele, who didn't seem to care.
I listened to just enough of the adults chatting to get their names. Aunt Sandy. Uncle Ray. I never knew Mikey's Mom's name until Aunt Sandy called her "Christie." Sounds like a real Christian name to me. I finally figured out that Christie and Sandy were sisters, and Ray was the married-in guy.
After so much chatting, everyone filed inside and found seats. I had been in a couple of churches before, but not like a regular thing. We spent the next hour or so doing what I guess are the usual things Christians do in church: listening to a preacher talk, singing songs, and reading from the Bible. I didn't have a Bible, but they had some there in the pews. I only knew one of the songs, that one about "Onward Christian Soldiers" that always made me wonder what the Christian soldiers would be fighting a war for. Weren't Christians all about peace and love?
Other than that, I just stayed quiet. Mikey and Michele poked each other and giggled a couple of times until Sandy told them to shush. Michele smiled at me once or twice, which was nice. Freddie seemed totally absorbed in the service and never said a word.

When the sermon and singing were done, everyone got up and milled around chatting some more. We all got a cup of some fruit punch from big glass bowls at the back of the room. The preacher came around to thank everyone for coming. He even said hello to me, and asked me if I had my own Bible. I did not, so he gave me one from the pews.
"This is for free," he said. "But you have to promise that you'll read it."
"Okay, I promise." I looked at the book. "Umm, Mister Preacher? I have a question."
I knew that there were different religions, and even different religions that were still all Christian. I didn't have a clue how that worked. I didn't even know which one this very church was. So I asked what I thought was the key to understanding it all.
"What religion was Jesus?"
Michele busted out laughing. Even the grownups grinned at the question.
The preacher thought a moment before answering, "Religion is how we worship God. Jesus is a part of God, and He doesn't worship Himself. That would be kind of silly, wouldn't it? So Jesus isn't any religion."
That sounded reasonable enough, so I thanked him for the Bible and he moved on. But I think I liked my Mom's answer better when I asked her the same question later: "He was Jewish."

After everyone made a trip to the bathroom, we all piled back into the cars to go to Aunt Sandy's house for dinner. It was now dark outside.
In the back seat, I whispered to Mikey what had really been on my mind the whole time, "You said if we came to church we'd get laid."
He put his finger to his lips in a silent "Shh!"

The house wasn't far away, so we got there pretty quickly. More cars arrived, and everyone gathered in the back yard. There were a bunch more adults and a few more kids. The adults got drinks and talked with each other, while Uncle Ray got the charcoal grill going. We kids played yard games like Tag and Ring Toss. Since this was Michele's house, all the kids knew her and she knew all of them,. So she was the popular playmate, running and yelling with everyone. Freddie looked uncomfortable in her nice outfit. I guess she didn't want to get it dirty. Or maybe her good shoes weren't much good for running around in.
Soon enough Ray had hamburgers and hot dogs ready for everyone. There was potato salad and cole slaw and chips and I don't remember what else. We ate from paper plates (those good Chinette ones) while sitting in folding lawn chairs.
One of the adult guests had brought a guitar. After dinner, he played some songs that he said he wrote himself. I had never met a real musician in person. He said he had just made his own record and handed out copies for people to take home. I even got one myself, because I have a record player at home. I liked his songs. They sounded good. I didn't care that they were about God and Jesus and other churchy things. My big brother would probably make fun of me for it but so what. He was stupid and would tease me no matter what.
After that, it was getting late and the families with kids packed up and left. Freddie, whose family was not there, stayed behind. Apparently she was staying the night with Michele. The rest of the adults started pulling out bottles of hard liquor and making alcoholic drinks.
Ray gave a cup with Coke mixed with rum to each of us four kids still there. He said it would help us sleep while the adults stayed up late. But Mikey's mom said that Mikey couldn't have his drink. Ray argued a little with her but she stood firm. Michele and I sort of giggled drinking ours. We pretended we were getting silly drunk, acting like the drunks on TV did. Freddie didn't seem to like it at all, but she sipped it down anyways because Ray told her to.
Then they said it was time for us to go to bed. Mikey's mom would take us home in a couple of hours.

Aunt Sandy showed Mikey and me to a guest bedroom with a queen-size bed we would share. It had an adjoining bathroom. Another door led to Michele's bedroom, which she would share with Freddie for the night.
Mikey got to brushing his teeth. I hadn't brought a toothbrush, so I swished some mouthwash. We each took a turn at the toilet. Then the girls took their turn in the bathroom, while Mikey and I took our pants off and climbed under the covers.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Mikey asked me.
"Yeah," I replied. "Nice time. Food was good, people were nice."
"I told you Christians aren't all as nutty as you might think."
"You're right," I agreed. "Everyone was real friendly to me. Nobody tried to 'save my soul' or get me to accept Christ into my heart or whatever. Now, I have met some pretty nutty Christians, just not here. But I still think your Mom is kind of over-strict. She wouldn't let you drink the rum and Coke, even when your uncle gave it to you."
"Yeah, she's kind of over-protective like that. But it really doesn't bother me. I hope all the churchy stuff didn't bother you too much?"
"Naw. It's kind of an interesting story they tell about Jesus, and the things he did. I still don't get how it's supposed to save your soul, but hey. But, umm..." I paused.
"But what?"
"Well, if everyone's being so nice and good and stuff, how does anyone get laid? You said we would."
"Hang on," Mikey said. "Watch this."
Freddie and Michele walked out of the bathroom in their long nightshirts, carrying bundles of their clothes they had just changed out of.
"Hey, Michele," said Mikey. "Wanna get balled?"
"Sure," she answered. "Give me a couple of minutes." She and Freddie went into her room and closed the door.

At first I thought he had said "Wanna get bald?" which sounded weird. Then I realized he had said "balled" like meaning "fucked" or "screwed." I had never heard anyone use that word like that.
I had also never heard a girl agree to anything like that. Her "Sure!" had to be the most surprising word I have ever heard up until then.
I looked at Mikey. "She actually wants to get 'balled'? I thought girls were really hard to talk into that."
"You don't know Michele," he said. "She's a little crazy. But in a fun way."
"So what do we do?" I asked.
"Like she said, just give her a couple of minutes."
So we just lay there waiting under the covers. I realized I was getting a stiff boner. "Is your dick getting hard? Mine sure is."
He chuckled. "Yeah. Real hard."

After about one more minute, Michele walked in. She left the door to her bedroom open and walked up to the side of our bed, on Mikey's side. He moved over to make room for her to get in.
"I'm sorry guys, but I can't," she said quietly. "Freddie says she's gonna tell if I do."
"Well, talk to her then!" said Mikey.
"I tried already!" she whined.
"Then let me talk to her," Mikey insisted.
"No, don't. I don't think she really likes you." She turned to go back to her room.
"Hey, Michele, wait." Mikey hopped out from under the covers, then stood up on the bed. "Look at this."
He pulled his white underwear down to his ankles, and hiked up his t-shirt. He really did have a stiff boner, poking out and up from his bare crotch and small ball sack.
Michele stared for a moment. She broke out smiling. "Give me another minute." She went back to her room and closed the door. Mikey pulled his underwear back up and got back under the covers.
We waited quietly another minute. Her door opened back up. Michele stepped into the doorway. She looked back into her room. "Come on, Freddie! You just said you would."
Freddie stepped out and stood beside Michele. She looked frightened.
"Relax," said Michele. "Nobody's gonna hurt you." She faced us.
"Tell you what, guys. We'll show you ours if you show us yours."
Mikey looked over at me. I wasn't understanding her. He got back out of covers and stood on the bed. "Come on," he beckoned to me. I got up and stood beside him.
We both dropped our underwear to our ankles and lifted our shirts. We both had stiff dicks pointing up high. I had never seen Mikey naked before just a minute ago. His dick was a little smaller than mine (he was a year or two younger), and his ball sack was smaller and tighter. I had the beginnings of some dark hair around mine, but his was completely hairless. I realized I was staring at him. I thought he was really good looking naked.
The light was off in the big bedroom, but enough light spilled out from Michele's room that we could all see each other perfectly well. Michele smiled and stared again. Freddie stared at us without smiling.
"Turn around," said Michele.
Mikey and I both did a slow, complete turn, which was a little awkward while standing on a mattress with our shorts around our ankles.
"Nice butt, Josh," she said to me. I had never gotten such a compliment. Nor did I have any idea what made my butt so nice. But it did charge my boner a little extra hard. I think she noticed that.
"Okay, now your turn," said Mikey.
Michele did just like us, dropping her panties to her ankles and hiking up her nightshirt to her armpits. Looking at her made my boner jump again. I had never seen a naked girl, either. Her chest was completely flat, with nipples just like a boy's. The folded slit in her crotch was completely bald, which made me think of how I misunderstood the word "balled" a few minutes ago. I thought she looked like a kid who was about to get into the shower.
We all stood there staring at each other for a few moments. Freddie's eyes were popped extra wide, and switching between us two boys' dicks. She had obviously never seen such a thing, either.
She also still had her night clothes on.
Michele looked at her. "Come on, Freddie! You said you would."
Timidly, Freddie pulled her nightshirt up to her waist, put her thumbs into her waistband, and pulled her panties down. She let them fall to her ankles. She also let the nightshirt fall back down to her knees.
"Oh Freddie!" Michele reached over and pulled Freddie's nightshirt up to her armpits. "Now hold that there!"
Freddie obediently held her shirt up. I couldn't tell if she was blushing, but one of her legs was shaking at the knee. She was clearly afraid of the situation. But that didn't stop us boys from staring at her naked body anyways. She was indeed a little heavier than Michele, as I had figured. But just like Michele, she had flat, boyish nipples for boobs, and a smooth, hairless fold of a pussy.
After maybe a minute of silently staring at each other, Michele turned to Freddie again. "Okay, that's enough." Freddie immediately dropped her shirt back down, pulled up her panties, and quickly disappeared back into the girls' room.
"You can turn the light off, okay? The grownups think we're in bed now." Both rooms went dark, save for the outdoor lights leaking in through the window. We could still hear the noise of the grownups partying in the yard.
Michele closed the door behind her, as she stepped into our room. She almost tripped and fell because she had forgotten the panties around her ankles. She regained her balance, giggling, kicked off her panties, then came over to our bed.
"Now she can't tell on us, 'cause she'll be in trouble, too." So Michele was a devious schemer, I noted to myself. "Move over, Mike." She called him Mike, not Mikey. Maybe because he was a little older than she.
He scooted over towards me to the middle of the bed. She crawled into the covers beside him. "I've been waiting for this all day," she whispered.
He was facing her, and she was facing him, and we were all under covers, so I couldn't really tell what they were doing. But the gasp in Mikey's breathing told me she had likely just grabbed onto his dick. Soon it was obvious that they were rubbing each others parts as they lay next to each other. They also started kissing on the lips.
After maybe a minute of that, she said, "Okay, now lay back." Mikey turned onto his back, then she climbed onto him and kissed him some more. They began humping their hips into each other. She lifted her mouth off of his and asked, "Are you ready?'
"Yes. Let's do it."
She sat upright on top of him, her legs on either side of his body. Of course, this threw the covers back from over them, exposing both of them completely, except for maybe Mikey's lower legs. Her nightshirt was already pulled up to her waist. I could see her rubbing her pussy slit along his hard little dick.
Then she reached her hand down into their grinding crotches and grabbed hold of his dick. She's putting it into herself, I realized. She moved it around a little bit. I heard her gasp as it went inside of her and she sat down slowly onto it.
She sat there still for just a moment or two, wiggling her hips a little. Then she began hopping up and down on him. Hopping surprisingly fast, it seemed. I thought fucking was supposed to be a little slower, like what I did when stroking my own dick. But she was going pretty quickly, like bap-bap-bap-bap. Her hair was tossing about her head and face. Their eyes were locked onto each other. Mine were locked onto them both, especially where the two of them met in between.
Mikey was smiling like he had just won a hundred dollars worth of candy. He wasn't pumping back at her, he was letting her do the work. "That feels so good," he whispered.
"You always feel good to me, too." I wondered just how many times they had done this, but did not ask. I just lay still and watched in silence, while stroking my own boner with my right hand.
They kept this up for a couple of minutes, then she slowed her bouncing, then stopped completely, sitting perfectly upright on top of him. She wiggled around on his dick for a bit. "I do like when you visit, Mike." She giggled and bent over to kiss him once more on the lips.
She lifted her hips up and off of him with another gasp of breath, and rolled over in between us boys. We were pretty close already, so now we were all rubbing skin and bodies together in the bed. We pulled the covers back up over us.
She turned to face me, laying on her right side.
"Hi, Josh." She giggled and smiled, looking me in the eyes. Her face was close enough to mine that I could feel her breath, which was kind of heavy from all that exercise. She sure looked pretty, especially close up. Even in the dark.
"Hi." What else could I say?
"You wanna play?"
"Sure." God I am bad with words sometimes. But I didn't need to say anything fancier.
She reached down and grabbed hold of my boner in her small hand. Nobody but myself had ever done that before. It felt so different having someone else stroke it.
"Put your hand on my pussy," she invited. "And kiss me."
When you're laying on your side, you really only have one arm free, as the other one is sort of trapped under you with only limited movement. So I put my free hand down there on her pussy, and felt her slit with my fingers. She lifted her knee a bit, allowing me to feel deeper down. I was surprised to find her wet and slippery there.
She on the other hand, used her "trapped" arm to take over rubbing my dick, and wrapped her "free" arm around my shoulders. She pulled me right up to her and planted her lips on mine. I sure didn't know how to kiss, but we pressed them hard together and made what I thought of as "fishy lips" movements, and that felt good enough for me.
My finger, exploring her wet, slippery parts, found the hole and pushed inside. Just up to the first knuckle. "Yes, do that," she whispered as her eyes closed.

I think Mikey, on the other side of her, had been rubbing her butt at the same time. But then he said, "I'll be right back," and rolled out of bed. I figured he had to go to the bathroom. I heard him walk across the room, and open and close the door.

That was when Michele rolled on top of me. She sat up on my dick, but not straight up. She was leaning over me, holding my upper arms with her hands.
Without really trying to, I started humping my dick up into her body. She began rubbing her slick pussy along my dick. This was new and different to me. Her slippery pussy juice felt completely different from the Vaseline or Jergens lotion I had used to beat myself off with before. Whatever it was made of, it was the right stuff.
But my humping and her rubbing weren't at the same speed, so it was kind of not working right.
"Hold still," she whispered, and reached one hand down for my dick. It was harder than I had ever felt it. She moved it around under her until she found just the right spot to place the tip.
Then it just sort of popped inside of her.
She lowered herself about halfway down onto it. Her slippery juice felt extra warm, certainly warmer than any lotion I had ever jacked off with.
Again, I started humping up into her pussy.
And she began bouncing up and down on it, rather quickly, just like she had done with Mikey.
We were not at the same speed, so our movements didn't mesh well. My dick slipped out of her. She stopped, reached down, and put it back in.
Same thing again. I humped, she bounced, it came out. She put it back in.
This time I held still, just holding my hips up into her a little, and let her do the fucking.
God damn, this was a new and different feeling. My dick was being stroked up and down, perhaps a little too quickly, with a warm and slippery girl hole. I was actually feeling with my dick up inside of her body. And she not only liked it, but was doing it herself. With me! No girl had ever come this close to me.
She wasn't taking my entire dick into her, but maybe half of it. That was good enough, of course, but somehow I felt like I should be pushing it further inside, like all the way. So I started to hump up into her. But again, her rhythm fell apart, sort of, and I slipped out of her again.
"Hold still, I said." Okay, so I held still again, while she got back to her fast bouncing up and down, in and out.
She kept this up for a couple of minutes, then she leaned down to kiss me on the lips again. Her movements changed from bouncing up and down to sliding back and forth. This made her slow down her fucking motion. With her feet she kicked the covers the rest of the way back off of us.
"Do you know how to kiss like a grownup?" she asked, her face just an inch above mine.
"What do you mean?"
"We push our tongues into each others' mouths, and tongue-wrestle with them while we kiss."
"Okay, let's try it."
So we opened our lips and tongue-wrestled while she fucked me slower. I liked this. I wrapped my arms around her body and hugged her while we did this. This all felt just so perfect. I could do this forever.
After a couple of minutes of this most perfect bliss, she stopped her fucking, but kissed me harder. In fact, her tongue pulled on mine so hard that I thought she might pull it right out. She closed her eyes tight and moaned like, "Mmmmm..."
I felt more of her warm slippery-juice spill out around my dick and run down my ball sack. She held absolutely still, like she had frozen up, including her grip on my tongue.
Then she rolled over, off of me, breathing heavily.
When she had caught her breath a bit, she looked at me. "You're real good at this. I like you."
I had no idea how or why I was real good at this, but I liked that she liked me. So I kissed her again. Like a grownup.
I had to ask. "Where did you learn all this stuff?"
She looked away. "Don't ask."

We heard the door open.
Michele quickly pulled the covers over her head.
Shit, I thought. It's a grownup. We're busted. My heart thumped hard.
Then I realized it was just Mikey coming back into the room.
Michele poked her head out from under the covers. "You were in the bathroom a long time."
"No, I wasn't in the bathroom."
"Well, where'd you go then?" she asked.
He grinned and crawled back under the sheets with us.
"I fucked Freddie."

"You didn't!" Michele laughed.
"I did."
"How'd you do that? She doesn't fuck."
"She does now," Mikey replied. "I talked her into it. I told her that nobody would ever tell, and that it would feel really good, especially for the girl. It does, doesn't it?"
"Well, yeah," she said. "But not the first time. Second time is better." Michele was a treasure trove of knowledge about sex, I thought.
"Hey Josh, you should go fuck her," Mikey suggested. "Then it would be her second time."
"You think she would?" I asked, looking at Michele.
"Ask her, not me." She turned to face Mikey. They began touching and kissing again.
So I got out of bed and put my underwear back on. I had to go to the bathroom first. Leaving the bathroom, I saw Michele climbing back on top of Mikey. I quietly opened the door to the other room.
It was much darker in there. The only window faced the other side of the house, where no lights were shining in. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. I saw two twin beds, one near the door and one near the window. Between them was a small table with a lamp. The nearer bed was empty, with the sheets thrown back. Freddie was in the other bed, curled up underneath her covers.
I walked over to the far bed, slowly so I wouldn't trip over anything. I knelt down by her.
She was crying.
Michele had said the first time didn't feel so good. Freddie must be hurting. Or still feeling whatever that first time feels like to a girl.
Now I didn't want to fuck her. I really didn't want to anyways. I was only in here because Mikey suggested it. Now I just wanted to console a sad little girl who was hurting and crying.
I gently touched her covered shoulder, and whispered, "Freddie."
"Eeeee!" Her crying rose up to a sudden, high pitched squeal. She jerked away from my touch and curled up even tighter under the covers. She kept crying, now even louder.
There was nothing I could do but leave her alone. I stood up and left the room, closing the door quietly behind me.

Mikey and Michele were fucking at a pretty fast pace, hard enough to make the bed springs squeak. Only now, Mikey was on top and Michele was on her back, humping back up at him. The covers were all pushed back, so I could see both of them head to toe in the better light of this room.
I looked at Mikey's butt. His tight and round buns were flexing with every push. I had an urge to go rub them with my hands. But I had a stronger urge than that.
I shoved Mikey hard on his shoulder, knocking him over and off of Michele. "You little shit!"
"What?" He looked at me from the other side of the bed.
"You hurt a little girl, and she's crying! And you don't even know it!" I wasn't shouting, but whispering as loud as I could.
"She's hurting and crying in there. You shouldn't have fucked her like that, and you need to go apologize. Right now!"
"But Michele and I are fucking right now," he protested.
"Go," said Michele. "Make it better. She might tell on us now."
"Mmrrrr," he growled. "Okay." He got up without putting his underwear back on. His little boner wagged back and forth as he walked into the other room and closed the door behind him.
I looked at Michele. She was still lying on her back, legs spread open. Her pussy, which before looked like a mere slit or fold, was now wide open, and shiny from her slippery juice.
She held out a hand to me. "You're turn."

I wasn't about to turn down another round with this pretty girl. I pulled off my underwear and got into bed with her, kneeling between her legs.
My dick had gone totally limp after the encounter with Freddie, then yelling at Mikey about it. But now seeing this little blonde cutie naked and spread from waist down brought it right back. She still had on her nightshirt, hiked up above her waist.
"Show me your boobs," I said.
"I don't have real boobs, but okay." She pulled her shirt up to her armpits, revealing those two cute little buttons inside their round, pink circles.
I sat back on my heels and stared. Just to take the whole sight in, even in the dim light. I had truly never seen such a sight. To me, it was beauty beyond everything hanging in every art museum in the world.
I saw one small improvement to make.
"Take the shirt off."
"Okay." She lifted her head, grabbed her sleeves, pulled the shirt up and over her head, and tossed it to the floor beside the bed.
I took a couple more moments to take in the sight of this now completely naked little girl, just waiting for me to fuck her. My boner was back to full charge.

"Don't touch me!"
The squeal came from the other room. Mikey wasn't having any luck consoling Freddie, apparently.
"Get away from me!"
We looked to the door. About two seconds later, Mikey came out and closed the door behind him. His stiff little boner was still swinging in front of him as he walked back to the other side of the bed and climbed back in.
"I don't think I'm gonna make her feel any better," he said. "You guys go ahead. Don't mind me."

"Just leave her alone, then," said Michele. Then she looked at me. "Fuck me now?"
So I leaned forward, looked her straight in the eyes, and planted a lip kiss on her. I fumbled around in her crotch with my dick, feeling for the hole. She reached her hand down to guide me to the entrance.
And suddenly we were fucking again.
I started to move in and out of her slowly. But she went right into high-speed humping up onto my dick. It wasn't working well.
"Hold still," I said. "Let me do the fucking now."
She laid back and relaxed. I got to fucking her at my own speed. I don't know how I came up with this speed. It just felt right. About one full second in and one second out.
I tried to push it all the way into her, but her pussy just wasn't that deep. I seemed to be hitting the very back of her pussy or whatever was deepest inside of her. Not that I had a huge dick or anything, but she was so little. I didn't want to hurt her, so I just stuck with fucking her with half, or maybe most, but not all of my dick. It was still perfectly fine by me.
She seemed to be enjoying my slower pace as well.
With one hand I twisted on one of her little nipples. It was actually poking up a little, as if she was getting a little nipple boner. I didn't know girls could do that.
I looked over at Mikey. He was laying on his left side watching us, stroking his hard, little dick pretty firmly.
Turning back to Michele, I marveled at the look on her face as she was getting fucked my way. She was looking directly at me, but her eyes were half closed and she seemed to be somewhere off in La-La Land. Her mouth was a little bit open, and her tongue was licking her upper lip.
Still fucking on her, I put my head down to hers and gave her that grownup-type kiss she liked so much. She wrapped both her arms around me as we got back to tongue-wrestling. Her eyes closed. Her legs, which had been laying spread out on the mattress, lifted to wrap around me. I felt her feet pushing into the back of my thighs.
I need to breathe harder, so I released her mouth from mine. She started breathing hard too. I pushed up on my arms so my chest was off of hers.
Mikey was jacking himself pretty hard now. We could feel it in the mattress movements. Michele reached her right hand over and grabbed hold of his dick.
"Huuhh!" he moaned, as his whole body stretched out tight. I wasn't watching him closely, but I'm pretty sure he was having an orgasm in her hand.
I was fucking her harder now. Not deeper, but harder. Moving my whole body over hers, not just my hips. Her pussy made a little slurping sound as more warm slippery-juice came out.
She squeezed her eyes tight. Her body jerked a couple of times as she bit her lower lip.
I felt a familiar feeling rising in my dick as I pumped her. That feeling I got from jacking myself off, just before I was about to shoot sperm into a towel or whatever. It started in the center front of my dick, then spread to my entire groin.
So this is how it all works, I realized. We fuck, get this feeling, then that will make me cum inside of her. Suddenly the whole process made sense to me.
Just a few more seconds. Pump faster and harder. Here it comes. Look at her face!

Her eyes popped wide open. She froze absolutely still.
"Somebody's coming!" she whispered.
At first, I thought she meant me. Then I realized she meant someone is coming to the door.
I don't know what she heard that I didn't, but I believed her.
Shit, I thought! Just give me five more seconds!
I had all my weight on her, and my dick as deep inside her as it would go. I don't know how, but somehow she flew out from underneath me, disappeared into her room, and closed the door before the other door opened.
Mikey quickly yanked the covers up over us both.
I heard Michele's door close at exactly the same time as the other door opened.
Mikey and I both froze stiff in bed with our eyes closed.
"Michael? Joshua?" It was his mom. She always used our formal first names.
"Yes, Mom?" He tried to sound like he had just woken up.
"Did I hear someone yelling in here?"
He rolled over to face her. "Oh, that was the girls, Mom. Josh went to the bathroom but opened the wrong door, and they yelled at him to get out. Everything's okay." I had never heard him tell a lie before. He was pretty good at it.
"All right, then. Stay here for another half hour, then we'll go home." She backed out and closed the door.
Mikey turned back to face me. "That was close!" he whispered.
"Yeah," I said. "I was afraid she would see Michele's clothes on the floor."
"You weren't finished fucking her, were you?"
"Almost, not quite." Hell, I think I would have liked to fuck her for another whole week.
"You're still hard? Your dick, I mean."
Why would he ask that? I wondered. "Yeah. I am."
"Let me feel." He reached over under the covers and curled a hand around my boner. "You sure are."
He squeezed his fist around it once, then began pushing and pulling his hand up and down on me.
"You're bigger than me," he noted.
"I'm older than you."
"I bet you really want to come now." This was actually a new word to me. I knew the word 'orgasm', but 'come' seemed more to the point and less scientific. I had no idea where he learned it. I would find out later that he spelled the word 'cum,' at least in his head.
"I have an idea," he said. "Pretend I'm Michele. Just for a minute."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean get on top of me, kiss me, and pretend your fucking me. But you'll be fucking my hand."
"That sounds weird." I didn't quite get what he meant.
"Yeah, I know," he said. "But just do it. I want you to. It'll be good."
So I rolled over on top of him. He spread his legs apart, enough for me to lay in between. He put his hand down to grab my still-hard dick again. This time he held it more loosely.
"Okay, now fuck me like I'm Michele."
So I began humping my dick in and out of his loose fist. It wasn't slippery or wet like Michele's pussy, but it was warm and it fit just right. And his fingers were doing a little gripping motion that felt pretty good.
"Kiss me," he said.
"Kiss you? But your a guy." Could a guy kiss a guy?
"You're pretending I'm Michele, remember?" He was looking me right in the eyes. And he was right.
Still sliding in and out of his hand, I bent my head down and gave him a short kiss on the lips.
"I mean kiss me like you were kissing her."
"Grownup kiss?"
"Yeah. Grownup kiss."
So I put my lips to his again, then opened them to reach my tongue into his mouth.
He opened his mouth, wrapped his arms around my neck, and curled his tongue around mine. His eyes closed. Mine did too.
Just like Michele had, he lifted his legs to curl around me.
I reached one hand under his shirt and pushed it up to his nipples. I rubbed one nipple between my fingers. It was up and stiff just like Michele's were. I felt his other nipple; it was the same.
We kissed. I humped his hand. My balls were rubbing on his dick. I twisted on each of his nipples. He wrapped his arms and legs tighter around me.
That feeling came back. My dick seemed to take on a life of its own. I couldn't stop it, and didn't want to.
A wave of feeling crashed over me. I kissed him so hard that our teeth clacked. Our tongues gripped each other. My dick jumped, then jumped again. His hand gripped it tighter.
I tensed up tight as I felt several gobs of my own juice spurt out into his hand, spilling onto his belly. Oh God! how that felt. I had never jacked off this good.
We held still and tense for maybe twenty seconds as my orgasm subsided.

Suddenly, the bed covers flew back off of us. My head whipped around.
Michele had the biggest grin on her face.
"Now that's the best thing I've seen all night!" She laughed and laughed as she gathered her nightshirt and panties off the floor. "You guys don't mind me. I just wanted to get my clothes and say thanks for the fun. Thanks! See you next time."
We watched her, stunned, as she went back inside her room, still giggling, and closed the door.
Mikey and I looked at each other for about two seconds before we both spewed out laughing. I collapsed onto his warm body.
I felt the wet globs of sperm slurp between us as we laughed.
"Let's get this goo off of you," I said. "We gotta get ready to go soon."
"Yeah," he agreed.
We both got up from the bed. He wet a small towel in the bathroom with hot water, and used it to wipe the white stuff off of our bellies.
Then he walked to the girl's bedroom door, creaked it open, and tossed the wet, gooey towel in at Michele. I heard a wet "Plop!" as it landed on her.
"Aggh!" she yelled. "You little shit!"
"Bye Shelly!" He laughed and waved at her.
"Don't call me Shelly!"

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