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Beguiling K.Lee Klee 20/02/29(Sat)16:45 No. 26632 ID: e15e9a

First writing, please be kind.

Beguiling K.Lee

Hi, My name is Kaylee! A pregnant newlywed of 18 years. I have a story so fantastic that anyone in their right mind wouldn't believe me. It starts 6 years ago. Well, it really started 26 years ago when I was 22 years as Kelly Lee. A man just graduating from college. See! I told you that it's hard to believe.

You see, I'm a scientist and evidently a very good one. When I was young I was raised by my grandparents because of a car crash claiming my parents lives. Growing up with my grandparents I learned what it's like to get old. I always had an interest in how things worked and am really exceptional in chemistry so when I went to college I first studied medicine but found I preferred research instead. My grandparents were able to see me through college but died shortly after my graduation. I was left alone inheriting my grandparents estate as well as my parents estate. I became a research assistant while at college and continued with the same job at a large pharmaceutical company after graduation.

But my real interest is in aging and so I found myself at home devoting all of my time in that pursuit. This left me no time for dating and I just settled on being content with my personal research. After many years of studying cell breakdown which causes aging I found a combination of proteins and antioxidants that actually reverses cell degradation and stimulates the cell regeneration process. I discovered this step to be easiest of all the steps. The body does this naturally each month replacing the body's cells with new cells. DNA determines how the cells are replaced using stem cells. I just provide the DNA with the instructions and accelerate the process. You may have read some of my published articles that I've written in science and medical publications. This is an entire body regrowth every month making the body immortal if desired. The moral implications though are staggering.

The next step was to control at what stage of life to stop the accelerated degeneration process. It was also this step that provided opportunity to eliminate some genetic precursors that damage health. Eventually I found that taking this step to near conception most optimum for stability and health of the body. Starting with two or six cells is easier to manipulate then billions. Fortunately by adding certain proteins to the body I was able to accomplish this but finding a procedure to introduce the proteins at the correct time eluded me for a few years. My patients usually didn't survive without a host to supply nutrients to the immature body. This required placing the patient in a bath with proper nutrients. Patients introduced to the bath were sedated to allow them to breathe the liquid negating the drowning defense mechanism of the body. The oxygenated bath was fed nutrients by computer automating the entire process. Each step could now be controlled by computer this way introducing the DNA instructions through the nutrients and temperature.

The next to last step is to start the acceleration of the regeneration of cells in the body to mimic quick body aging. This step turned out to be the most difficult in the process to achieve and I spent many years trying to discover how to increase aging. I discovered that linking into the natural body process during sleep of rebuilding the body I could increase the speed of aging exponentially and age roughly 2 years per hour. This included the growth process as well and the most critical part of the process due to the amount of nutrients required for the body in the stages of growth. The bath was automated to filter and eliminate waste while also introducing nutrients quickly.

The last step was fairly easy to determine by allowing the body to awaken stopping the natural rebuild body process. I considered introducing instructions at this point to stall aging but decided that it could become problematic and had little benefit since one could go through the process again to become younger. The computer would introduce the agent at the determined time to counteract the sedatives thus waking the patient. 9 hours was estimated to complete the process for a normal adult human if my findings of 1 hour was required for the mice I use in the experiment.

I thought I had it perfected and close to marketing a product. I mainly use mice since they are easily obtained and maintained. The obvious dilemma is I had it perfected to make younger mice but how would it work on the human body? Mutations with mice did occur but in final experiments I have gotten 1 in 100,000 success results. Normally genetics and damaged DNA caused this issue but I suspect this occurred at the early stage step and eliminated impurities discovered in the nutrients. I needed volunteers that knew the risks involved and whose quality of life has diminished. Getting frustrated with the length of the time for an individual to start drug trials, let alone the costs, I played with the idea to test it on myself since my lifespan was coming closer to an end. My near future looked to be retiring alone, no one to share it with, and working countless years trying to get a trial started on the product. By the time it finally starts I would probably have passed from old age. I am as far as I could go with my research.

I was able to convert a sleep chamber that I ordered that actually resembled a space age enclosed escape pod into the bath easily. I only had to introduce the intake and outtake for liquids using the same ports that the chamber uses for filtered air circulation. It is constructed to be airtight so I didn't even need to modify that aspect to be watertight. I had to enhance my computer system for the increased volume since the bath I used for the mice was much smaller. I tested an old chimpanzee suffering from arthritis and a German Sheppard that wasn't going to live another day at the dog pound. I ran tests for weeks to determine the failure rate and it appears to be very easy to maintain and very reliable. I donated the chimp to the local zoo and the German Sheppard was adopted by a neighbor with a small child. Both animals were very young but healthy and retained their knowledge surprisingly. Both remembered me at the end of the process and my experiments with their learned knowledge proved fascinating. I never considered that with the mice and just assumed that knowledge would have to be regained.

Tuesday: Early May -- The Process --
I decided I would be the first human test subject, taking the process to the point that I had first started my research at 20 years. This way if successful I would be able to regain some of the things I really missed doing while young like meeting my lover and raising a family. In summary, the process involves a procedure of drugs that start cell regeneration using stem cells combining with my DNA. The degeneration accelerates to early body cells taking the subject back to near conception. The degeneration is stopped short at that point to rebuild the body entirely. Then inducing accelerated regeneration or aging while the subject sleeps. The length the subject sleeps at this point determines relative age of the subject involving the body's healing process to the desired age. So in further summary, old cells are entirely replaced with the subjects new cells. I have determined each hour of sleep ages the body 2 years. So determining preferred age at 20 years means 10 hours of sleep.

In case I failed I left instructions with a colleague, a close friend, that upon my death to open it. I told him that it is my will and asked him if he would be my executor to which he agreed. He asked if everything was alright with me concerned that I might be dying or in ill health. I told him I was fine but not getting any younger which I really had to smirk at seeing the irony.

That night, Tuesday early May I had a nice dinner and set the process in motion expecting the next day to either continue with getting trials started with my success or having my friend research my errors with the instructions and research provided to him. Everything proceeded as planned and my vitals were taken before I entered the chamber naked to sleep. I manually took a fast acting sedative when I entered and did struggle momentarily with panic of drowning. Everything working perfectly I fell fast asleep.

Chapter 2 Klee 20/02/29(Sat)16:57 No. 26633 ID: e15e9a

Discovering my body:
I awoke and quickly pressed the button to fully empty the chamber. The chamber failed to extract the fluid and I panic. I unlatch the top of the chamber spilling liquid throughout my bedroom. Rolling onto my hands and knees I cough out fluid and start breathing normally. Turning to sit up and rest, I survey my surroundings in the dimly lit room. None of my equipment is lit with it’s usual power lights and the control console is off. I realize something went wrong and it appears that I woke too early. Weak, I pulled myself over the edge of the bottom portion of the chamber falling to the floor. I fell a few feet landing on my side and roll to sit up. Dimensions seem distorted and the chamber is taller then it was getting into it last night. I shakily pick myself up off the wet floor noticing my arms and legs appearing smaller. I move my much longer hair behind my head and rise on my weak wobbly legs. Looking down I couldn’t help but notice that my penis and scrotum are missing. I’m instantly alarmed and ready to panic. It appears the time is around dawn so there is just a little outside light to see by so I move slowly my legs weak and difficult to control to turn on the overhead light. Flipping the switch it appears that the power to the house is out. I go to the bedroom window to see if the neighbors lights are also out.

The bedroom window is much higher now and I confirm that the process was shortened by the power outage. That means that my sleep was cut short shortening my age to less then 20 years explaining my smaller form. Noticing flashing lights I see that a few houses down some firetrucks are trying to extricate somebody in a car accident. The car knocked over the power pole onto the car. I go to the workbench to pick up my phone checking for the time and discover by my estimate that I only slept 6 hours.

I must be around 12 years of age explaining my size. I move to the bathroom mirror to check the rest of my body and confirm my pubic hair, penis and scrotum are gone leaving a slight mound in its place. It’s difficult to see in the dim light so I inspect between my legs with my fingers finding a cavity where my male genitals used to be. I closely inspect the deformity and I have what feels to be a small hairless female vulva. Using my dainty fingers I explore the area sending chills up my spine and tingles throughout my hips and legs. I must be hypersensitive due to the newness but it feels incredible. I find a tight slit with a clitoral hood as well as a vagina. It hurts to insert my finger into the vagina so I check further down happy to discover that I have an anus worrying further mutation. Elated, I appear to have a normal female body although I’m confused how it happened and wish for male genitalia. What could have caused this to occur? Contemplating this for a few minutes, tracing my hands over my sensitive hips and chest I realize all human bodies start life originally female. The chromosomes of the father determine the sex early and then build the organs from a female foundation. I have the body of a lithe prepubescent girl aged at best guess around 12 years. With dawn approaching I discover I have thick light brown hair down to my rounded butt causing constant tickling of my back and chest when it moves around. My head appears to be proportionate to my body. I don't have any discernible muscle. They have not been built up yet given that my body is actually only 6 hours. I weaken easily but given time I should be able to build my muscles stronger. I saw the same muscle issue with my mice at the completion of the process. I still have the same steel Grey-blue eyes that I had yesterday. I have a cute small nose but similar in shape to my previous body. My mouth is small even I believe for a normal female child but it doesn't detract from my beauty and probably enhances it. My eyebrows are straight and light brown above my eyes. My cheekbones are prominent and I have a pretty face and I seem to have a lithe ballerina's body with a long neck, long arms and long legs. Testing my larynx my voice seems to be the sultry high pitch of small girl.

Surprisingly, it was at this point that I peed, it trickling down my legs, probably from fright or fatigue. I try to rush to the bathroom realizing that I need to sit on the toilet to pee but even that is something that would take a while to get used to. I nearly fall in, my body doesn't have the expanse to comfortably sit on the seat and then when the pee starts again I don't know how to aim into the toilet. With one hand balancing on the seat I open my labia with the other hand and try to aim but I miss peeing on the floor. My bedroom and bathroom floor still wet from fluid from the chamber combined with pee now smells musty. It’ll take days to dry out the floors and clean them. I take a shower to wash my new body and figure out what to do next. Now normally I have to shave and I feel very odd jumping into the shower without doing that first. That surprisingly is about the only thing that seems odd with this new body in morning preparation for the day. I don't seem to have any pains or dizziness from the process and actually feel better then I have for many years. I feel like I have too much energy and need to burn it off although my limbs feel very weak. I take a long warm shower tingles running from head to toe trying to discover this body that I am trapped in wishing now for the normalcy of my old body. My body has sensations that I'm not accustomed to and tracing my fingers anywhere seems to cause excitement no matter the location. I thoroughly wash my sex and cause shivers and tingles emanating from the area. A heavy throbbing in my labia urges me on. I wash my butt and inspect my rectum with a finger to make sure it's fully functional and I feel extreme tingling scaring me from continuing there. My entire body is highly sensitive right now and I decide to put off masturbating although I'm very curious how it feels to have a female orgasm.

I fix breakfast and everything is more of a struggle because of my height and coordination. I have to move a chair to get my coffee from a cabinet above the kitchen counter too short to reach the cabinet shelf that it is on. I drink coffee and it's stronger tasting even though I make it the same as I always have. Also the cereal has a stronger flavor to it. I also notice I am hearing things at ranges I was deaf to in my older body as well as clearer now in this little body. My vision is acute and I suspect I can see better then 20/20.

I discover I have no clothes that fit this body usually dressing after breakfast. I put on a large blue t shirt that hangs just below my butt. My hips are tiny and underwear falls off easily. I don’t even attempt shoes knowing my tiny feet won’t fill them. How am I going to get clothes for this little body? The closest store is a few miles living in a suburban residential area. I grab my car keys and proceed out of the house when I realize that I will get stopped by the cops before I ever get close to a clothing store. I pick up my tablet and try to order clothes on line but I am clueless to the size needed. I decide I have to go shopping to get correct clothing sizes. I decide against walking to the store my body is too weak to travel that far. The busstop is too far away for the same reason. Possibly a taxi would work but a friend told me about Uber and I decide to give it a try. I would have to talk to someone to get a taxi but Uber only requires an app. I suspect a young child would only get a laugh calling for a taxi.

I install the Uber app on my phone and I request Uber to pick me up at my home. I grab my wallet and house key and carry it in my hand outside waiting for Uber to pick me up. I see a surprised look on the drivers face when I open the back door and sit down. He’s a cute driver appearing to be college age. He looks at me strange but smiles and proceeds to the address I indicate. I get very nervous while he drives to the store with him adjusting his mirror to see me and we nearly run into a parked car in the process. He recovers quickly but it makes me uneasy wondering why he isn’t paying attention to the road. He's friendly though asking me just about everything about me keeping his eyes more on me then his driving. I’m near panic and I stiffen with the next near miss to oncoming traffic that occurs. I relax after a few minutes of his steady driving without him looking back at me as much but he continues to ask me questions and tells me about himself. It surprises me when he talks about how wonderful he is with women and their orgasms. We arrive at the clothing store to my relief. Collin, that's his name, jumps out of the car the second he parks it to help me out of the car and it surprises me until I realize he has his hand on my butt as he asks me if I'd like to meet him later at his place. I tell him that I can use a ride back to my house after I finish shopping for clothes but I don't want to go to his place. He has a big smile on his face as he caresses my butt under the shirt and says that he'll wait all day for me if I want him to. My labia throbs and feels like it’s on fire and I find myself to be really shy at this point knowing I only have a t shirt on and then realize as I walk into the store that I normally spread my legs sitting down. My face and chest feel hot as I blush realizing my mistake. The entire ride here must have been a peep show between my legs.

I feel horny and I feel something dripping down my upper thigh as I open the store door and enter. I don't feel like I have to pee again but as I get a chance to hide behind a clothing rack I wipe my leg and sniff it smelling something familiar. It doesn't smell like pee but I'm unsure until I brush my hand against my sex and it's really wet. I'm confused now, do girls always walk around wet? I never had a girlfriend tell me they had this problem but when I always got near their sex it was wet. I sure hope I don't have to deal with that much, it could really be embarrassing in public. The first thing I look at is panties. I guess at the size and feel like a pervert grabbing panties off the rack. I wonder if I risk a shoplifting charge by putting them on in the store. I don't want to take the chance because of my situation so I'll pay and take them home only wearing the t shirt out of the store. I try on some shorts and shirts though in a dressing room so after trying a few different sizes I determine the correct size. In the shoe department I was very self conscious because of the t shirt so I quickly try a few pair of different size sneakers on and grab the pair that seems to fit best. Anxious I want to get out of the store as quick as I can so I left the sneakers on and rush to pay for my items. Why do children's clothes cost just as much as adult clothes? True to his word, Collin is waiting for me outside and generously shows me how to get the Uber app to set him up to take me home. He sits on the passenger seat with the door open and asks me to sit on his lap to show me. I’m still horny and realize I like his attention so I do although I feel very uncomfortable while he holds me on his lap with one hand and fidgets with the app. I feel his penis poking between my butt cheeks and I can just about tell what size he is as he squirms between them. My hands are busy trying to keep my t shirt from riding up and holding onto the phone. I start wishing that I had risked wearing the clothes out of the store when his hand holding me on his lap slips under the t shirt causing me to gasp as it grazes my clitoral hood. I don't know how to respond. Fortunately an older guy walks past at that moment and looks at us curiously. Collin backs off and lets me stand up. He offers the front seat to me and I feel relief thinking it solves my displaying my sex to him in the backseat. As we drive to my house his hand goes between my legs very quickly and I don't know what to do to get him to quit. I push his hand away but his hand cups my thigh opening it as I push causing my t shirt to ride up above my hips. My butt is holding it under me or I'm sure I would be naked by the time we arrive home. I try to get as close to the passenger side door as I can but he quickly pulls my left leg into his lap as he rubs my labia trying to get me in the mood for whatever he wants to do. I seem to be getting mixed messages as my mind has no interest in what he wants to do but my body is in overdrive sending immense hot tingling through my body in waves making me extremely horny. Confused, I crave more feeling like I’m about to explode but I'm scared of getting raped. I groan uncontrollably breathing rapidly as I try to retrieve my leg from his lap trapping his hand between my legs putting heavy pressure on my clitoris and I suddenly feel defeated trying to get him away from me. My body is excited by his touch but my mind is repulsed by it. My muscles are very weak and can't put up any more fight. I'm exhausted by the shopping today and just want to get home and rest. I think I orgasm my body trembling and waves of tingles crash around my hips, I start crying, and I stop resisting him. This alarms him as I notice instead of driving me out of the way of my house he turns and starts driving me home. He reassures me that he thought I was interested in having some fun with him and hopes I will change my mind or at least stay quiet about what he was doing to me. He pleads to me not to tell my parents and I see he nearly starts crying thinking he has ruined his life molesting me. I tell him that I won't say anything and he doesn't need to worry about it. I feel I already gave him a tip with his molestation so the minute he stops at my house I run and open the door into my house.

No interest? Anonymous 20/07/26(Sun)15:08 No. 26908 ID: 845d55

I can see where this might lead but it doesn't look like you are being encouraged

Anonymous 20/08/08(Sat)23:39 No. 26939 ID: 6704da

This was written really well, please continue!

Anonymous 20/08/10(Mon)19:27 No. 26944 ID: 7b78bf

I am very interested in seeing where this goes, please keep writing

Finding My Age Klee 20/08/13(Thu)21:23 No. 26950 ID: e15e9a

Thank you all for being kind. I didn't get any response so I thought either my writing was horrible or no interest in this gender twist.
I went a lot further in this story then I expected so I hope it isn't found to be too boring. Here's the next chapter.

I rest on the couch as the adrenaline wears off I start feeling better but a little confused about the whole ordeal with Collin. I still feel interested in women and can't see myself with a guy. But there seems to be a real thrill for me to make Collin as excited as I did. I start feeling really good about myself and how Collin responded to me. I pondered what it would feel like to have a penis inserted into me but quickly brush it off feeling perverted about it. I take my t shirt off and put on the shorts and the better fitting t shirt on. The panties I got must be too small for me. They ride up into me if I move wrong feeling like I have a thong on. I go online to purchase a pair of jeans and panties since I have a better idea of the size to get now. It still takes a little while for me to figure out how to get the right size and end up trying to approximate the size and take my chances. I take a tape measure and it appears to be close to my estimated age group so I feel better about my choices. I end up picking out clothes that are better suited for a boy of this age not feeling comfortable buying anything girlish. I use my credit card and have them overnight ship. Of course that doesn't mean that I am going to get them tomorrow! Oh no! that means I'll get them a day after because it seems they account for a days processing to pick the clothes from inventory and package them.

I have way too much energy and want to get out and get some business done such as go to the university library and see if I can find my errors in the process or confirm the errors to what I figure happened with my chromosomes. I go to the park to burn off energy hoping no one is there. Also, guessing it is the end of the school year kids will still be in class. It is a pretty spring day and I walk to the park uneventfully and get a few laps in around the park feeling great. I still have some coordination problems with my legs not being long enough and small feet. I fall while running getting attention from a middle aged guy. He comes over to see if I'm alright. He helps me up and I notice a little too late that he also keeps brushing my shorts off in the front and back getting feels of the new equipment I have. "Are you alright?" he asks.
"Yes, just wasn't paying attention and tripped" I say.
"What's your name sweetie" he says while still trying to brush things off of my chest and butt.
Not thinking I tell him "Kelly Lee" as I back away a step to discourage his continued petting.
"Kaylee" he said "My names Stanley" and chuckles a little.
He misinterprets my name but I like it so I go along with it. He guides me over to a bench and sits down with me telling me it looks like I need to rest.
Stanley asks me "Why aren't you in school today?" as he puts his arm around my shoulders.
"I'm out because my class didn't meet today for finals" I tell him before I realize my mistake.
He laughs and asks "What grade are you in?"
"I'm in 6th" I say trying to scoot my butt away a little.
"Oh! that's nice, but I didn't think 6th grade had finals" Stanley said.
He looks at my uncovered knees and then brushes them looking for scrapes but he leaves his hand on my knee afterwards not finding any.
I get up saying "Well, I've got to go home now" when he grabs my arm and says "Come on, sit with me for a while?"
I get angry and slam my fist as hard as a girl of 12 years can into his jaw telling him to let go of my arm. Shocked, he lets me run away. Looking back at the situation I didn't bring into account again, thinking like a 50 year male, that I had anything to worry about sitting with him. I’m hoping I'm still spooked about this morning with Collin otherwise if all guys are like this I’m going to be very busy protecting myself.

I run back to the house crying and watch TV. Bored, I explore my body to get an idea of what I have to work with. My exposed skin happens to be a little sunburned from the park. I have fair skin to start with and since it is new it was never exposed to the sun before. If my experience is worth anything I figure I'll get a little tan out of the burn if I put some aloe on it. I remove my t shirt and shorts and apply the aloe to the exposed spots on my face and limbs. I comment to my self "If I'm lucky I won't get any freckles this time" remembering my boyhood days being embarrassed by them.

I was surprised I didn't get scratched when I fell down but I considered myself lucky that I wasn't running that fast when I fell. I will have to work on building muscles because I wasn't running very fast at all. More like a slow jog. I look at my butt and it's pretty much a bubble butt. A very sexy rounded butt finding myself very pleased. The rest of my body is pretty skinny not really toned. With a hand mirror I find I really have a light complexion as my aureoles are a faint light pink as well as my rectum. I actually was shocked at that because my old self was much darker from what I remember. It might be that age might have changed it darker and I was remembering recent memories but I didn't know now what color I started out with. With the mirror I get a good look at my sex. It's very appealing with fat outer labia with hidden inner labia. I move the hood on my clitoris and it's smaller then I expected. I start massaging my labia sending chills through my body and the labia warms and swells throbbing. I get a heaviness feeling after about 10 minutes but I expect more to happen. I rub my clitoris and it just hurts. I tease my clitoris and get it slick from my vagina and it helps but I don't seem to be getting anything out of it. It’s pleasurable with tingles but not what I am expecting it to be like. My sex now seems sticky so I decide to take a cold shower to help with the burn and clean up. After the shower, I reapply the aloe afterwards and keep thinking about the encounter. Collin was able to get further with my sex then I am. At least my sex was more reactive to his hands. I know that I didn't feel aroused sitting by Stanley but then I was a little dazed at the time because of the fall. And anyway, I've never been aroused by a guy and I still feel like a guy....Trapped in a girls body.

I still have a lot of energy so I start cleaning the house and wash dishes nude. I have to reach again on a chair to put the coffee away. And decide I'd better move everything down to a low shelf or get used to using a chair to reach things. Coffee settled on the bottom shelf of the cabinet where I keep my coffee cups. With that done I go over my research notes again to see if anything will jump out at me but everything looks to be perfect except for the early wake up. It is getting dark as dusk settles so I decide it will be safe to stroll around the neighborhood and work some of the energy off. I grab my t shirt and shorts putting them on.

I leave the house and start walking a few blocks taking in the sites around me. People are mainly just finishing with dinner and getting outside to enjoy the warmer weather or sitting on lawn chairs in the back talking with each other. I never really noticed until now in my present condition that some houses do have kids playing in front of the house or in the backyards. I guess my old self was too preoccupied to see them although I know most of the people around here. I wave when people see me and they wave at me but I don't want to stop and talk not knowing what to say knowing I can't answer questions in my present state.

I turn right at the next block a few blocks from the house seeing a couple of cute young teenage boys in the street throwing a Frisbee to each other. Not thinking anything about it I pass by them and they start teasing me. They whistle and ask if I'm working. My crotch suddenly feels tingly, my nipples harden, and I'm blushing. I give them what I think is my angry face and keep walking by them. I hear one of the boys tell the other one "Hey Ray, why don't you kiss her and see if she wants to be your girlfriend?" Oh crap! I start running but not fast enough and Ray reaches out and catches my arm causing me to fall down on my back. Ray straddles me at my hips trapping me on the ground. Ray is putting pressure on my mound and every slight movement is sending little jolts through my body. The other boy stands over me looking up and down my body asking my name.
"Hi, I'm Kaylee, let me get up, please?" I say feeling my face and chest warm from blushing.
My sex feels wet and has started sending waves of tingles from my crotch and hip area emanating out getting bigger with each wave causing me to feel even more horny.
Ray, sitting on me smiles and says "Hi I'm Ray" "Sorry but before I get off of you, you need to answer some questions first". I notice Ray’s bulge in his pants sitting on me and I can’t help but smile.
The other boy says "Hi, I'm Lane" How come we haven't seen you around before?"
"I'm just visiting my Uncle for a while until some things get worked out" noticing his bulge also now.
Lane asks "Where are you going?" "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Quickly thinking I said "No, I just got here at my Uncles and don't know anyone." That sounded lame to me and I blush even more.
Ray then asks "Where ya from?" "What grade are ya in?" and "How long are ya going to be around here?" in rapid succession.
Things are progressively getting more urgent and pleasurable in my body and I feel like its showing. My mind starts getting distracted by the sensations and I get desperate "I'm from out of town, you wouldn't know the name of the school if I told you, and I don't know! Now let me get up!" I say embarrassed.
Ray steals a light kiss on my lips and it nearly sends my mind to a place I've never been before and he stands up still straddling over me. My lower body is wanting him to return but He offers a hand and pulls me up. It amazes me how easy it is for him to pull me up to my feet making me feel like I'm light as a feather.
I ask them both "What school do you go to?" wondering if they notice me feeling drips running down my legs.
Lane says "We both go to Elk Junior High and we're in the 8th grade."
Lane then says "Want to play Frisbee with us?"
Ray nods approval and says "Pleeease? Sorry about teasing you"
My legs feel wobbly from being nervous and turned on around them.
"That's OK, I'd better get back" I say with a sad coy smile.
I feel self conscious not wearing any underwear and I still feel moisture dripping down my thigh so I say "I wish I could stay and play but my Uncle will be wondering about me, but it is nice meeting you both"...that sounded lame I say to myself.
I start walking back home looking back and I see they both follow me with their eyes and they both say "Bye" smiling. I turn around walking backwards long enough to wave at them giving them a big smile, giggle and skip away.
I feel thrilled talking with Ray and Lane for some reason and decide once I get some less revealing clothes I might go back and play Frisbee with them, it sounds like fun. On my way home I think about Ray and Lane making me horny. There seems to be a part of me that has the emotions of a girl. I still feel like a guy but I didn’t get repulsed by the attention they gave me.
Ugh! I'm back home. I still have too much energy but I'm afraid to go outside feeling nearly naked in the t shirt and shorts.
In the living room I do a few push ups and some sit-ups to get rid of some energy and then sit down with a PB&J sandwich with some chips. The sandwich tasted pretty good but I grabbed a beer after and I don't remember it ever tasting this awful. Maybe tomorrow I'll order a pizza and a soda to be delivered.
I scan channels on the television and there is still nothing enjoyable on. I go online on the television and see a movie that I've been wanting to watch. I never had time before with my projects. My mind wanders, Oh! I need to feed the mice! I went into the back bedroom that I converted to my lab years ago and take the mice out to play with them and also to clean their cage. Right now I only have two, named RP2531 and RP2530 for their corresponding file folders. RP2531 hadn't gone through the process yet and is getting on in years. RP2530 however is now a youngster bouncing all over RP2531. All of the other mice that I experimented with either died in process or passed on due to old age after the normal cycle of life following the process. I get RP2530 and RP2531 water and put food in the cage for them.

Meeting Cassie Klee 20/08/13(Thu)21:27 No. 26951 ID: e15e9a

I go to bed having the mice squared away. I start thinking about Ray and Lane and realize I’m still horny. I’m confused about my thoughts trying to put it out of my mind. There’s just something about how they acted with me that gives me chills. Thinking about Ray and Lane I fondle my labia remembering how wet I got. In my past life I was pretty good at giving girlfriends orgasms but now that I have the same equipment I feel lost and clumsy. I rub my labia and around my clitoris for a while feeling tingles and heat waves coming from it but nothing like what my past girlfriends described. I think I might have something wrong down there that won't let me orgasm. I eventually fall asleep.

Thursday: -- Shopping --
The next day, Thursday I think, I stay in the house and do whatever I can find to do to work off all of the energy I have. I get a stunned look from the pizza guy delivering soda and pizza at my front door. He is cute about 18 years but doesn't say anything outside the door still looking like he’s dazed. I look and notice he’s hard. I give him what I owe him smiling and I don’t dare try to flirt with him. I’m starting to realize the situation I’m in with being alone in the house. I give him a big tip, grabbing the pizza and shut the door on him. While eating the pizza I contemplate starting something with a guy to see how I really feel about guys but it’s risky and dangerous. And besides, I feel a little strange about it having only liked girls in the past. My body sure gets excited with guys from my brief interactions with Collin, Ray, and Lance. In both cases I suspect that if their interactions had continued I would have experienced an orgasm. I suspect that my body is hypersensitive and I hope it doesn’t go away.

UPS delivers the package with my clothes. I'm anxious to get out of the house and go to the library to get answers and hopefully maybe correct this problem. I open the box and pull out the t shirts, panties and jeans that I ordered. Everything looks so tiny! At least the socks don't look like they will be too small. I tried the jeans on first and discover that although it looks tiny it did fit. The rear is a little baggy but it's comfortable. The panties were about the right size but still tight in in the crotch and hurt. I put on the tiny t shirt and it actually fit pretty well. My nipples stick out prominently in it. I only got two sets of jeans and t shirts because I wasn't sure about sizing but it looks like I can wear them for a while. The sneakers feel tight not having stretched much. I went to look in the mirror and I look more like a boy then I expected but no big deal. Having these clothes are giving me independence and I was ready to go.

I decide to walk to the business area first picking up my wallet and freeing my credit card and ATM card from it. I also grab my phone and put it in my back pocket. I put my house keys, cards and cash in my front pocket and take off at a trot to town. It was going on about 3 pm as I walk to town the school buses are starting to show on the streets. By the time I get to town an hour had gone by, normally I would have gone to a little men’s clothing store but I know they won't have anything suitable for me. I keep walking and find a sporting goods store where I get a baseball cap with the local high school mascot a tiger on it trying to fit in better. I pay with cash and stop by the bank to get some more cash from an ATM. I get $300 from the ATM and stop at the only kids store I know of. I go in feeling lost and I ask the woman behind the register to point me to clothes in my size. She tells me that the kids my age go to another store a couple of blocks away or at the mall which for me is a very long walk. I go to the store she suggests and immediately go to the shoe department. I don't know what to get so I keep looking around and see a little girl about my size pick up some pink sneakers and try them on. She looks to have about the same size feet so I pick up a box the same size, size 7, that she grabbed and sit down trying them on. The girl was admiring her shoes and is trying to step around in them when she looks over at me and has this confused look on her face. I notice and sheepishly ask her if I got the right shoes and she starts laughing. "Hi, I'm Cassie, I'm sorry for laughing but when I first saw you I thought you were a boy!" "You are a girl aren't you?" I'm sorry, that's rude" "In these times I guess it's alright if you're a boy and wear those but it caught me as funny since no boys I know wear anything that might look girly." she says quickly, to my dismay. Cassie is a cute girl with a similar physique to mine. Her hair is a dark brown hanging down past her shoulders. She has a very proportional round face and will be gorgeous as she gets older. She stands at my height and is very muscularly toned. She's very graceful in her gait and seems to float when she moves. She wears a white button down shirt with a short Grey wool skirt that covers her hips well.
I quickly say "Hi, I'm Kaylee!"
OMG! I'm soooo sorry! Cassie says. "I just saw what you are wearing and it looks like something a boy would wear" "Are you a tomboy?" "I'm sorry, that's not something you have to tell me" "You must have your reasons and I don't want to embarrass you".
"Cassie, can you slow down? I'm having a hard time answering all of your questions" I say.
I tell her that "I really don't know what to wear or how to shop."
Cassie got wide eyed and asks "I am an expert at shopping and if you want some help I'd love to help?" "My mom isn't going to pick me up for another hour so if you want we can go look" "How do you like those sneakers?" "I don't think I'm going to get these, I like them but I don't think my mom will let me get another pair" "I like the color and all but I already have the same pair in purple"
"Cassie!, Cassie, I'd love some help shopping and yes these shoes feel much better then the ones I have” I tell her.

"Lets go over to the girls dresses! I think I saw one that would look really cute on you!" She states. Ugh! I don't know if I can were a dress and not get embarrassed, I said to myself.
I quickly grab the sneaker's box and put the old ones in the box before Cassie grabs my hand and quickly heads towards the girls clothes. When we get there, she stops at the skirts and says "I bet this is going to look cute on you!" "Lets go try it on and see!" She grabs this short pleated light blue skirt in what looks like my size and also another skirt that is green and hauls me to the dressing room. We get into the dressing room and she hangs the skirts up and looks at me. When she stands there waiting I immediately blush and look at her and whisper to her that "I don't have any underwear on" Cassie sees my blush and pleading look on my face and she starts taking her skirt off saying "You know! I hope you don't mind if I try this skirt on and see how it looks" I notice her blushing a little while I'm standing there stunned not knowing what to do and then I blush even more realizing that this girl is taking her skirt off in front of me. My face feels like its on fire and its spreading down my chest. She notices I'm not moving and starts unbuttoning my jeans while she's just now in her button down shirt and panties and it jostles me out of my stupor and I start pushing my jeans down. I'm getting my jeans off and she starts putting on the green skirt and tells me that "You have pretty legs that this skirt is going to look fabulous and show them off but your legs look like they have never been tanned" "How would you like to come over this weekend and sunbathe with me?" "Do you have a swimsuit?" "If you want, lets stop and get some panties that will work with this skirt and then go look at swimwear". "Oh! How much money do you have?" "Can you afford to buy this?" "Oh, and that t shirt won't work with the skirt, do we need to look at shirts too?"
I'm just nodding while she's asking all of these questions still too embarrassed at not having underwear on and seeing her in her panties. And to add to it, I'm feeling a little wet down there. Almost like I peed a little. I hurry and pull up the skirt and Cassie is smiling at me and saying "OMG that looks so good on you!" "Here, try this skirt on" as she's taking it off. I look in the mirror and it does look good. By the time I get the skirt back off Cassie is watching me and smiling which makes me more comfortable even though I'm still busy trying to get the green skirt up as quick as I can. "Oh! That looks good on you too!" "I ask her if we have enough time to look at shirts and swim-wear before her mom picks her up?" And Cassie says that "We should if we hurry!" She then grabs me and pulls me with her to the shirts. She grabs a white button down like hers the same size from the rack and says "This will work for both skirts". "Lets go to the swimwear section!" Along the way we stop by and quickly grab a package of panties she thinks in my size and run off again to the swimwear. I'm stumbling along behind Cassie trying to keep up and scared somebody is going to see me without panties on when we stop at the bikini's. What little there is of them anyway. I swear she picks out the smallest one on the rack and holds it up to me. It's a light solid yellow bikini and she says that it looks good but then holds up a blue bikini and says "Wow! that really sets off your eyes!" "You have to get this one!" I look at it and it's the kind with strings on the sides of the bottom so there really isn't much left to the imagination. Cassie sees my apprehension and tells me "You'll really look cute in this one, I have
one similar so if you're bashful I'll be wearing practically the same thing!" That convinces me so I grab the bikinis and carry some of the items with Cassie carrying the rest
heading to the front. Then we realize I am still wearing the skirt without panties and scramble to the dressing room to change. While we head towards the front of the store I quickly grab some more socks. We get to the front and Cassie frowns. "What?" I ask her. Cassie says "Those pink sneakers aren't going to work with either of the skirts" "Come on! Lets get a different pair that matches!" "But I've been wearing these pink ones all over the store, Cassie!" "That's OK, they won't notice" she says. "I tell her I think I'll just get two pairs and that will fix the problem" She grabs the same sneakers in a white and we run to the front register. I pull out a wad of cash to pay and Cassie's eyes get large thinking there is thousands of dollars in my hand and then asks me "Do you have a purse that goes with the skirt?" I tell her that I don't have a purse at all and she grins and grabs a little purse she says she's been admiring for months and hands it to me. It's a light brown leather purse with a magnetic clasp on the top. I pay for the purse and put my keys, phone, cards and cash in the purse and then I grab the shopping bags and shoes and leave the store still in a rush.

I sit with Cassie waiting for her mom thanking her for her help and to say hi to her mom when she arrives. I open the Uber app on my phone and it says a ride is 15 minutes away. Cassie's mom shows up and I say hi and she asks if I'm waiting for my mom and I lie saying that she is on her way and should be here in 15 minutes. Cassie's mom says it's getting dark and she really doesn't like me waiting alone so she says "We have time to wait and I would like to get to know Cassie's new friend in the meantime". Cassie's mom asks all of the normal questions that a mom asks such as the school I attend and where I live and what my parents names are. I tell her "I just moved here and haven't started school yet since it's so short till summer break and I live just west of here about 3 miles" My Mom's name is Betty Lee and my father is John Lee" which is the truth. About that time the Uber car pulls up and I say "Here's my ride!" Cassie's mom is confused thinking she was going to meet my mom but I tell her that "She must be running late and sent this car to pick me up instead" "It's alright, we've done this before" I say "bye" and hurriedly get in the car and we take off. Thankfully this driver isn't Collin and doesn't pay attention to me.

I go into the house with the entire haul and sit down trying on the panties and skirt and feel like I'll eventually get used to it. The bikini I lift up and there is no way I'm ever going to get comfortable in public in that! I try it on and it fits nice but I notice there is nothing being hidden by it. In fact, I notice if I'm not careful there is a hint of camel toe but since I don't have much on top I don't have to worry much there. If I wore shorts right now I could pass as a boy. OMG! I should have gotten some shorts while I was with Cassie. I got Cassie's phone number while we waited for her mom and talked so I'll call her tomorrow and see if we can meet before this weekend to do a little shopping. I feel bad because she spent the entire time on me and didn't get to look at anything for herself. I decide I'll buy her those sneakers for her and maybe some other stuff to thank her for her help picking out my clothing.

Developing relations Klee 20/08/13(Thu)21:41 No. 26952 ID: e15e9a

I proofread and proofread again and I still missed errors...Sorry about that.

Friday Morning: -- Pool at Cassie's --
Friday morning I wake and text Cassie asking if she would like to do some more shopping with me since I forgot to get shorts last night when she helped me with her fashion sense. A little later she texted me back saying her mom would like me to come over for dinner tonight if possible and we could spend a little time at the mall if I like after school? I text back saying I'd love to and I'll meet her at the food area when she arrives. The day goes uneventful and I decide to take Uber again today to the university library. It feels very odd walking through the university campus with everyone looking at me. I almost walk into the boys bathroom, and quickly turn into the girls bathroom to make sure my skirt isn't revealing anything and it looks fine. Almost going into the boys bathroom made me think I have to watch what I do because those kind of things could be embarrassing or get me into a lot of trouble. I think everyone finds me unusual being on a college campus at such a young age alone and that is why I get the curious looks. I get to the library and head towards the medical section. I once studied pre-med here a long time ago. It hasn't changed much and I get down to learning everything about chromosomes that I can. I learn what I can but I don't get any closer to solving why I changed genders during the process. None of my mice ever experienced this to the best of my knowledge. I checked regularly for defects and mutations and the later process experiments never seemed to reveal this occurring. In fact in the last hundred or so runs everything ran perfectly.

Time goes quickly and I find Uber can take me immediately over to the mall. I guess they hang out at the campus or they are students here. Anyway, I take Uber to the mall and I'm a little early so I stop by some shops looking for a better hat. I sit a few minutes at the food court and Cassie runs to me and hugs me and then drags me to every girl store in the mall. I get some loose running shorts and a pair of jean shorts that fit tighter and not baggy in the rear. Who knew! girl jeans fit differently then boy jeans. Then I notice the pockets are tiny in the jean shorts! Whats up with that! I looked for regular jeans that fit better and Cassie gave me her approval on my choices. The pockets are small on the jeans too! Cassie said "You look cute in the shirt and skirt today and then lifted my skirt to see if I had panties on! OMG! We were out in the walkway between shops when she did that and I blush and let out a little squeal looking around to see if anyone else saw. Cassie of course was laughing her head off and then I start giggling. That's strange, I normally don't squeal or giggle I thought to myself. But on the other hand, I don't look like a boy with a skirt. We go looking around for some sneakers for Cassie. She finds a pink pair just like mine and I buy them for her. She takes me over to the underwear and we look at some lacy panties and bras and I tell her if she wants some I'll buy them for her. She giggles a little and we walk over to the dresses. She holds a white knee length one up to herself and I tell her that she's gorgeous. She smiles and holds it up to me and says I would look gorgeous in it too. Next thing I know she's dragging me into a dressing room again to try everything on. She immediately starts taking off her t shirt and shorts and tries on the dress. I blush looking at her and she looks good even without the dress on. Cassie's prepubescent body is like a slinky supermodel wearing just panties. Her body is very well toned like a gymnasts body is with strong legs and rounded butt. We both end up getting a dress and I pay for both thanking her for her help yesterday. The rest of the time we walk around talking about boys in her school and looking at boys in the mall. She tells me that I'm going to have so much fun in school next fall with her. She tells me about Cayse who she likes but she thinks he doesn't know she exists.
We leave the mall with Cassie's mom picking us up and take me to her house. Cassie asked in the car if I could stay the night the minute I got in the car and Cassie's mom said it would be alright with her. Cassie's mom then asked where I live to go pick up some stuff for the pool and to stay the night. I directed Cassie's mom along the way to my house. I ran in saying I'd just be a minute and grabbed an old duffle bag and threw the bikini, t shirt, pink shoes and jeans in it along with a toothbrush and hairbrush. Cassie curiously looked at my duffle bag when I threw it in the car and then asked if my mom was good with me staying the night. I told her "She said it was fine" and jumped in the car. We got to Cassie's house and it was a nice looking ranch style house with a pool in the back. Cassie took me back to her room so we could try on the clothes we brought back from the mall and her room looked like any girls room with stuffed animals around the room and on her queen size bed. There was a big dresser with a mirror along the front wall by her bedroom door. I decided to wear the pink shoes with the running shorts and a t shirt feeling a little more comfortable then wearing the skirt and after trying on the new clothes Cassie put the t shirt and shorts she had worn back on with her new pink shoes. We talked about what we wanted to do when we grow up and Cassie isn't sure but likes animals so she thinks she'll become a vet. I talk about biology and how things happen in the human body. The conversation about the body brings about how puberty occurs and Cassie really got excited on how boys bodies change. She asks about what triggers a boys body to change and how a boys penis grows. Then she describes a time when she caught her brother playing with himself and how it was standing out from his body while he stroked it. She giggled a little while describing what she saw. It was just a quick glimpse as she entered his room and she quickly left when she realized what he was doing.

We left Cassie's room when her mom called us to dinner so we went in and helped to set the table in the kitchen. Cassie and I sat at the kitchen table and Cassie introduced her dad Randy and her mom Carol to me and Randy asked me what my dad did for a living. I told him "My dad is a sales manager for a pharmaceutical
company (the one I worked for) and got transferred to this area to assist in the sales teams here". "My mom is a real estate salesman and had odd hours never knowing when someone wanted to look at a house". "Because of this my parents are usually gone a lot". Cassie's brother came in for dinner and sat down. He looks at me and says "Hi" "My names Randy, whats your name squirt?" "I'm Kaylee" I tell him. He then tells me he goes by RJ for Randy Jr otherwise it gets confusing around the house with his dad having the same name. RJ has short black hair almost a military cut with a cute face and strong jaw. He's got a lanky body almost too skinny with short legs but it fits his body well and he stands around 5 foot 8 inches. Dinner was fish and chips.

After dinner Cassie drags me back to her room to change into our bikinis so we could play in the pool. Changing into our bikinis was the first time I see Cassie completely nude. She has a lovely body and I notice that her vulva is more pronounced then mine. Mine seems to just disappear between my legs where hers is actually more full standing out a little bit from between her legs. I'm finding it easier now to look without blushing but when Cassie looks at my body I blush a little. Are girls always wet there? I ask myself. I can't tell if she is but I have been wet through dinner and I still feel very wet.

We run out to the pool and pick out lounge chairs. We talk about everything from boys to school to the proper maintenance of hair and take in the sun. My body looks brilliantly white and I feel self conscious. Cassie throws a bottle of sunscreen my way and while I'm putting it on RJ comes out and stands in over me looking at me. The sunburn has faded a little and I have a slight tan on my arms and legs up to above the knees and RJ asks me about it. I told him that I don't get out of the house much and this tan was from just the other day when I walked to the park. He keeps staring at me for an eternity but really for a few seconds until Cassie yelled at him to go away and jump in the pool. Cassie told me that RJ is 13 and in 8th grade at the Jr High School that we will be going to next fall. She goes on saying he acts like a dork and it's his mission to tease Cassie's friends when he sees them. Cassie grabs me and drags me to the pool and pushes me in and jumps in after me. We splash each other and swim back and forth chasing each other. RJ tries catching us as we try to swim away from him. He's a faster swimmer and catches Cassie and throws her into the air. I'm watching them laughing when he grabs me and does the same with me. I feel like I'm really high up in the air when he tosses me and he put his hand on my butt when he throws me. My butt feels like his hand encompasses it. I feel him grazing my crotch when he does this putting pressure on my lower labia. My sex lets me know it likes the activity by throbbing before I hit the water and go under. This happens a few times with Cassie and me before she climbs out of the pool and I follow her to the lounge chairs. I'm feeling horny but not sure how to react to the attention. RJ shows he's disappointed and gets out and sits on a chair a little distance away getting sun and listening to us. I ask RJ if he knows Ray and Lane. He says he knows them but they aren’t in the same circles as he is. He says he thinks they are nerds but nice guys. He asks me how I know them and I just tell him that I saw them playing Frisbee the other day. Cassie starts talking about boys at school and RJ gets bored and walks off. After a short while the sun starts setting and we go in to get ready for bed.

I don't have any pajamas and tell Cassie that I usually just sleep in my underwear. She laughs at that telling me she planned to sleep in the living room in sleeping bags so we could watch a movie. I'm self conscious about being in the living room only in panties so I hurry into my sleeping bag. Her mom and dad had gone to their bedroom to watch their television. We talk about our dreams in life and boys until we can't keep our eyes open any longer and fall asleep. In the morning Cassie wakes me saying we better get to the shower before everyone wakes up using all of the hot water. It doesn't work as planned. Her dad and mom are walking to the kitchen to make breakfast when we turn the corner in the hallway to the bedrooms and we run into them. I squeal and run past Cassie to her bedroom. Randy follows me with his eyes and laughs at my squeal and then continues to the kitchen with Carol. Cassie and I put on bikinis to lay by the pool this morning and get a tan and I put running shorts over the bikini bottoms to give me more modesty. After a light breakfast of orange juice and cereal we go out to the pool to tan. I take the shorts off finding myself silly wearing them with a bikini. My body is getting a little darker and the tan is evening out on my arms and legs with the rest of my body. We hear RJ mowing the lawn out front so Cassie suggests we take our tops off to get a fuller tan and I reluctantly agree. Her mom and dad had taken off to do some grocery shopping and Cassie thinks we won't be bothered. We lay on ours stomachs for a little while and Cassie suggests we turn over so our front can also get tanned. I feel self conscious but we can hear RJ mowing the lawn out front so it seems we alright. After about 10 minutes though we hear the lawn mower engine stop and assume it ran out of gas with RJ filling it. A few minutes later I hear RJ wolf whistle as he's pushing the mower to the back. He stands gaping at me with a smile and I quickly grab my top to hide behind. I notice his bulge in his shorts. "Are you hiding something in your shorts?" I ask teasingly as I blush. He smiles and mentions that he forgot something in the front and runs out the way he came. Cassie just sits next to me laughing her head off and fell out of the lounge chair. I smile at her saying "You set me up!". She denies it but says since she's been a little girl she's run around topless around the house. She tells me "It's not a big deal". I agree but I feel embarrassed with anyone seeing me topless. Then she says "Did you see his wiener?" and laughs. I blush and say "I got a glimpse of it!" and giggle. I fasten my top and lay back on the lounge chair. We spend the entire morning sunbathing while RJ finishes mowing the lawn. RJ keeps looking over at us every time he comes through the backyard but doesn't say anything. He eventually leaves with some friends so the pool area is peaceful with Cassie and me. We get a little tired of laying around and change our bikinis to shirts and shorts to walk to the park near her house planning on hanging out there for a while. It's getting late in the afternoon so I tell Cassie that I need to get home before my parents starts wondering if they have a daughter so I grab my stuff and walk back to my house. It's fortunate that she only lives about a mile from me to the east. I didn't see Cassie for a few days but we kept in contact through texts.

Camping Klee 20/08/13(Thu)23:54 No. 26953 ID: e15e9a

Wednesday Next Week: -- Full week in current state --
On Wednesday Cassie texts me saying that her parents decided to go camping on the lake and wonders if I would like to go with them Friday night? "I guess" I text. I have nothing better to do and I really enjoy Cassie's company.

Friday: -- Camp Trip --
On Friday I walk to Cassie's house with my duffle bag and she asks my why I carry that instead of a backpack? I tell her that I never really thought about it and I had always used this bag. She lets it go and we throw our things into Cassie's dad's truck and we take off in the truck. Randy stops at a storage place and picks up their boat and we head for the lake. RJ sits on the drivers side back seat with me sitting between him and Cassie. RJ's hand falls on my knee sending tingles through my leg to my crotch. It actually causes me to shiver a little with his touch. He notices and jerks his hand away quickly feeling a little embarrassed about it. I look at him and smile coyly. It seems very innocent but makes me extremely excited confusing me. I sneak a look at my crotch to make sure I don't have a wet spot and look and see RJ's shorts are indented with his penis. Cassie didn't notice and kept talking about this little place she likes on a trail above the lake from where they normally camp. Cassie's dad Randy asks me if I've ever water skied before and I tell him no. He says he thinks I'm going to really love it and we can do it tomorrow if I like. I smile saying "It's sounds like fun". RJ tells me about the time Cassie fell and lost her bikini bottoms when the water pulled them off her. He starts laughing seeing Cassie blush and then Cassie laughs about it. I go quiet and hang my head worrying about it so Cassie plays it down telling me that nobody saw anything since she stayed in the water to retrieve them. RJ then says that he saw her butt when she swam back to get them to put them on. Cassie says "You liar RJ, you're just trying to scare Kaylee!". RJ winks at me when she says that and smiles at me. I giggle and Cassie shuts up looking over at him curious if he really did.

Friday Night -- Camping --
We get to the camp site and unload with Carol and Randy helping us to set up the tents. Really it's more them setting up the tents while we watch and grab parts of the tents for them. Then Randy takes truck and boat to the ramp to unload the boat. He comes back driving the boat docking it down from our campsite. He strolls up and kisses Carol and they watch us while we start moving sleeping bags and our stuff into the tent that Cassie and I have. After we feel everything is situated Cassie drags me running up the trail to show me her spot that overlooks the lake. RJ follows us and every
chance he has he teases us saying our butts swing and they sure will look nice in the water going back to pick up the bottom bikini. He’s getting annoying but there isn't anything we can do about it. RJ keeps telling us "Look! there's a deer over there!" and he points
it out to us and then says "Oh, its gone now". As it gets darker he tells us that there are a lot of bears around here and goes on about hearing about someone getting attacked on a trail "just last week" he says. I have to admit that we both get spooked so we stop at the lookout for a few minutes and turn around to go back to camp. RJ takes a small branch about 3 feet long from a tree and starts lightly touching my shoulders tickling me. I thought it was a bug and try to swat it away. He doesn't play favorites and does the same to Cassie. Cassie is telling me about coming back tomorrow if we can and get some more tanning in. Cassie swats at the bug and continues talking. She always has a lot to say. RJ gets a lot bolder and runs it down my hip. I jump away from it thinking it's a snake or something and hear RJ laugh behind me. Cassie turns around and tells him to stop it and go away. He just stops and looks at her with a smile on his face. Cassie turns to me and says "Just ignore him, he'll get bored and leave". We continue to walk and he has the nerve to goose me with the stick. I squealed and turn around and slug him on the shoulder. He was taken aback for a second until he caught me smiling at him when I punch him. He acts like he's dying and it makes me giggle. I turn around and skip ahead a ways with Cassie catching up with me. We get back to camp and RJ goes off to go with his dad in the boat to get in a little fishing. They come back after dark with nothing caught.
We all relax after eating around the campfire and I get questioned a lot about where I came from which I state was St Louis and what I liked to do when I was there. I remember a short time when I went to a conference once so just said I took some boat rides on the river and visit the arch and museums in the area when I could. "How are your grades in school?" Cassie's mom asked. I told her "That I enjoy school and always excel at my studies." "My favorite subjects are math and science" and I notice that Cassie's mom raised her eyebrows with a smile and looks over to Cassie who notices her mom's look and says she's working on it. Earlier the subject of school work came up and Cassie told me when I slept over that she struggles with math and science. I told her then that I would love to study with her whenever she feels like it. We both tire after talking a while with Cassie's family so we leave for the tent leaving her parents and RJ at the fire.

In the tent we get undressed and slip into our sleeping bags and start talking about RJ. She asks me if I like her brother and I tell her I do but not in that way. She gives me a smirk and says "I saw how you looked at him" and giggles. I feigned ignorance and tell her that I don't have any experience with boys in that way. "Have you ever kissed a boy?" I asked. She says "A year ago Bobby from school kissed me after school while I waited for mom, but it wasn't very long and he didn't know what to do with his tongue and I about gagged!" "He tried to stick his entire tongue in my mouth!" Then she giggles and says "It was sweet though" "Have you ever kissed a boy?" I told her "No, I don't find any of the boys all that appealing". She asks me "Do you like girls?" I honestly told her that "I find girls attractive but I don't think I'm a lesbian if that's what you're asking?" She asks me "Would you like to practice kissing with me?" "I need to know if I'm doing it right and I'm too embarrassed with any boys" "I'm afraid if I kiss a boy I'm going to slobber or accidentally bite him or something" I stop her talking when I lean over to her and lightly kiss her on the lips and gently insert my tongue and explore her teeth. She gives out a little mewl and then smiles while we kiss so I broke from her kiss but lightly bite her lower lip before parting. "Oh my God! you're a great kisser!" "How was I?" "Could we try again?" "I really liked the little nip you gave me at the end" Smiling I lean over on top of her and put my hand behind her head and kiss her again but more passionately drawing her body over the top of me and let her explore my mouth between my explorations with hers. I pull my tongue back drawing her tongue to my mouth and then advance forcing hers to tangle with my tongue. My girlfriends used to tell me that my tongue fights got them hotter then anything else and I was a great kisser. With my one hand on the back of Cassie's head my other hand needs something to do so I let my hand wander over Cassie's body without me even realizing it. Cassie starts breathing really hard and breaks the kiss to catch her breath. "Wow that made me horny!" she says after catching her breath. "I am too!" I tell her. She asks me "How far will you let a boy touch you if he is cute and you like him?" "I really don't know and it would depend upon the circumstances, I guess" I ask her the same question and she says "If we are alone and it's dark I probably would allow him". "Have you ever touched yourself?" Cassie asks me. "I tried but I really don't know what I'm doing down there" I say. Cassie then says "I have, and I think I even orgasm a few times that I tried. It feels really good" "Come over to my bag and I'll show you" I move over to her bag and lay to the right of her on my left side. She grabs my right hand and guides it to her panties and has me lightly stroke the labia outside her panties. She then tells me about her clitoris and guides my hand to it and just puts a little pressure on it and rubs it. In a whisper she says "I don't spend a lot of time on this button initially but when I start feeling really good I start concentrating on it a lot". She lets go of my hand and moves her hand to my panties and starts running her fingers over my labia. I am really getting excited now and I work on Cassie's sex. I dive my hand underneath her panties and get direct contact on her sex hearing a gasp from Cassie. I draw a finger from her vagina to her clitoris over and over again getting it really slippery and Cassie's breath is getting really heavy. I'm breathing hard already as she's really got me hot now and I'm just about panting. Tingles and heat are centered where she touches me. I'm mimicking her strokes on my sex with hers and in between the strokes I dive a finger into her vagina trying to find that little spot inside to set her off. I then intermingle drawing over her clitoris and my other fingers are drawing along her labia. She's panting now and realizing what I'm doing to her and she's trying the same on me. I put pressure on her clitoris with my palm and now drawing my finger inside her on what I hope is her spot and she's next to me moaning now with every touch. Her touch on me is causing me to squirm and I am about to explode now and then a burning sensation seems to start from my tummy and quickly rises up my body all the way to my head. I quickly put my face on Cassie's shoulder to muffle my scream. She immediately starts grinding and shaking against me and grabs my pillow behind me to put over her mouth and lets out a scream. "Wow that was amazing!" I whisper to her. We both kiss afterwards for just a few seconds too exhausted and I keep telling her excitedly how amazing that was smiling. I finally quiet and rest my head on her shoulder falling asleep.

Water Skiing Klee 20/08/14(Fri)00:36 No. 26955 ID: e15e9a

Saturday -- At Camp --
The next morning I wake with Cassie looking at me smiling and I get up and get dressed replacing my panties and put on a new t shirt and jean shorts while she watches me. I feel a little guilty about last night but she doesn't look like she had any problem with it. She smiles again and says "You're a fast learner" "You aren't going to have any problems with boys" I think to myself that I think I'll have a lot of problems with boys since I still think like a guy. I tell her "You're sweet but I don't think I'm ready for boys". She gets up and puts on her t shirt and then new panties and jean shorts. We both are wearing our pink sneakers without socks and head out to the fire that Randy made. He hands us coffee and I relish the taste but Cassie wrinkles her nose at hers and goes into the cooler for a soda and hands it back to her dad. He takes it and chuckles. I sit down next to Randy enjoying the coffee and looking out over the lake. I always enjoy this quiet time of morning when camping. Randy grabs my shoulder lightly and points out a hawk gliding over the water and I smile at him. He asks me "Are you ready to try water skiing today?" "The water is still as glass so it'll be smooth and easy for you." "I'm looking forward to it, I've always wanted to try it" I say. He says "Once you get the hang of it, I should be able to get you and Cassie on skis together and you both can have fun". I smile at him and say "Really? that sounds great!" A little later Cassie excitedly drags me off to feed a chipmunk she sees a little outside our camp. "Isn't he cute?" she says. I tell her "Yes" and I then roll my eyes at her. She's the cute one when she gets excited like this. As we are feeding the chipmunk I realize that I've have never been more happy in my life and I found a precious friend to share it with. Her family makes me feel like I'm part of it and I hope it never ends. Cassie runs out of crackers for the chipmunk and we stroll back to join her mom and dad at the picnic table with RJ making his appearance rubbing the sleep out his eyes as he sits down. He looks a little rough this morning and I guess it's because he slept under the stars forgoing the use of a tent. "I'm alright, I had some mosquitoes bothering me when I went to bed and the buzzing kept me up" RJ says. "I have some bug spray you can use tonight if you like" I tell him. "I'll take you up on it" "I could really use some now if you have it?" he says. "I'll
go get it" I say and notice when I get up he follows me with his eyes. I return with the spray and hand it to him and he sprays a little on his body and then motions to me to turn around. I look at him weirdly and I jump a little as he starts spraying my arms and legs with it. He rubs it into my arms to make sure that I'm evenly covered and then rubs my legs up to my crotch where my jeans stop and gooses me. I jump at the touch and he says "Thanks!" and hands it back to me. "Anytime" I awkwardly say with a smile. Cassie looks over at me and grins at me giggling. "You do like him!" she whispers to me when I sit back down next to her. I look at her dumbfounded and tell her "I'm only being nice!?" "Yeah, right!" she says. I think about it while we eat cereal and sip my wonderful coffee and realize that I actually do enjoy the attention that I get from him and Randy. But especially from RJ. I feel like I have a power that I've never experienced before. I test it and coyly look over at RJ and he quickly looks away at the lake with a little grin on his face. He jumps up and walks slowly towards the lake admiring it. I then realize that when I was his age when a girl looked at me like that my jeans would immediately get very tight and uncomfortable. Cassie grabs me after we finish eating and we stroll around the campgrounds looking at everyone's campsites for a while. I know Cassie is looking to see if there is anyone she knows camping. We go through all the sites and she doesn't find anyone so we head back to camp. We get back to camp and Randy asks "Are you ready to try skiing?" It's a little sudden and I don't have a suit on but he says he can wait for us to change. It's only 10am but he says "We need to get out there while the water is still smooth. Cassie and I quickly go to the tent and change into bikinis and step out and go down to the boat. RJ and Randy are getting things ready and checking the lines on the ski ropes. RJ whistles making Cassie and me smile. Randy tells me "Cassie and I will be in the boat and RJ will show you how to put on the skis and sit in the water." "Cassie is going to be my spotter in case you run into problems or fall and I'll drive the boat". I stand by RJ waiting for him to help me and he shows me the skis and has me step into them holding my waist to make sure they feel right. Then he leads me out to the water and shows me how to sit while he puts on the skis for me. I jump a little when I enter the water as it feels ice cold. RJ laughs and says "You'll get used to it!" "And anyway, you are only in the water for a short time until you get pulled up by the boat". He stands in the water in front of me and puts the skis on my feet and notices my nipples poking at the bikini top when he looks up and says "See! You're already enjoying it!" I look down and see my nipples and blush smiling at him. He moves over to my side to hold me steady and putting his hand on my butt to steady me because my body wants to tip over with the skis on. He grabs my knees underwater and makes sure I'm in a sitting position correctly and I notice he still has his hand on my butt. Then Cassie gives me a thumbs up and RJ responds with his free hand and the next thing I know I'm yanked by the rope and I am on top of the water on the skis flying a million miles an hour still in a sitting position. Cassie motions to me that I should stand up so I start straightening out my body and then it seems the skis are going to far forward and I fall in the water. The boat comes around me and Cassie yells to get back into position and we'll try again. I grab the ski rope as it comes around to me and hurry and get in position and Cassie gives me a thumbs up and I guess I nodded because all of a sudden I'm on top of the water again. I get straight up after a few more attempts and start enjoying it. It's exhilarating and I even was able to turn and get almost along side the boat a few times before I fell. I tire and crawl into the boat. Cassie jumps into the water next and I am lookout for her. She skis like a pro and shows me some things I didn't know you could do on water skis. She gets tired and trades with Randy who skied for awhile until he indicates the campground and skis right up to shore. He trades off with RJ so Cassie and I pull RJ around the lake a few times before he tires. He is a daredevil on skis and tries to race the boat and almost get ahead of us a few times before he falls and says he's tired. He climbs into the boat and grabs a soda and asks if we want one so we all sit in the boat for a little while drifting until RJ asks me "Are you ready to do it again?" I said yes and he helps me get over the side. Well, that's what I thought he was going to do but he actually slaps me on the butt while I'm balancing on the edge of the boat holding onto his hand and I jump into the water from shock. He smiles when I come back up in the water and then throws me my skis to put on. RJ grabs the controls and comes around teasing me with the rope just out of reach until I tell him that I want to come back into the boat so the next time he comes around he makes sure the rope gets really close to me. Cassie gives me a thumbs up and off we go flying faster then I thought possible in the water. I actually stay up for a few minutes until I get too tired to hold the rope any longer and fall into the water. I fall in head first this time and I guess because we are going so fast I feel the bottom of my swimsuit disappear behind me. Cassie's laughing and RJ pulls the boat around close to me and asks me "You ready to come in?" I'm embarrassed and give him a look like he's crazy and shake my head NO!. He tells me to go get the bottoms and points about 30 yards away while Cassie is doubled over laughing. I tell him "Oh no you don't! Go get them for me!" Cassie still laughing grabs the skis from me and pulls the ski rope into the boat. RJ runs the boat over and Cassie snags the bottoms with a ski. RJ pulls the boat a few yards away and teasingly says "swim over" but he knows I'm not going to do it. Cassie throws me the bottoms still laughing her head off and I feel their stares the whole time I'm trying to put them back on my body.

It takes a while because it's hard to tell if I have them correct under water but I got them on and make sure they aren't going to fall off again when I get into the boat. I'm pretty tired by the time RJ helps lift me into the boat along with a nipple rub with his thumb. I get in and before I am able to sit down RJ smiles with a twinkle in his eye when he notices that I have a distinct camel toe showing. I notice where his attention is and I immediately
blush and quickly pull the sides of my front and rear down a little situating the bottom bikini. RJ says "WOW! Nice camel toe! It's a shame to hide it!" I quickly run over to him as he is going to guide the boat into shore and try to push him overboard. He is too heavy and quick for me and grabs me in his arms and lifts me off the deck holding me on his side with one arm. I'm dangling on his side with my feet in the air and he tickles my knees and armpit. I squirm out of his grasp saying I am going to pee if he keeps doing it so he lets me go. Cassie is still laughing her head off looking at me as we go to shore. I can't help but start laughing as well and tell RJ that I forgive him for teasing me but promising payback. As we unload the boat RJ is tying up the boat to secure it and Cassie runs up behind him and yanks his shorts down. He’s got a nice muscular butt but needs a tan. He pulls up his shorts and chases us with us screaming to Randy and Carol having had a once peaceful talk at the picnic table to save us. They both see what happened laughing and ask when we all get up to them what that was all about? We share the story with them from the time I lost my bottoms to the payback at shore. Cassie, RJ, and I all laugh at the retelling of the story. Cassie and I quickly go to the tent to get out of our bikinis and change back into shorts and t shirts. We are tired but Cassie says we can grab a blanket and go to her favorite place to sunbath. I tell her that we just got out of our bikinis but she says with a twinkle in her eye "It'll work out alright, you'll see!" We quickly head off on the trail with Cassie carrying a blanket rolled up and after about a half hour walk up the trail we arrive at her spot. I look out at the lake and say "Yeah it looks nice but how are we going to sunbathe here?" Cassie winks at me and parts some tall bushes and steps through them revealing a secluded little spot right off the trail. We sit right off a cliff edge about 10 feet away but it looks like we are well protected from being seen from the trail or out on the lake when we lay down. We both strip down and lay down on the blanket and then Cassie looks over and asks "You might as well get some sun on your butt so you'll quit blinding me when you change clothes". I get the hint and pull my panties off. We fall asleep after a short time and spend way too much time on our stomachs. Cassie doesn't seem to burn as much but my body hasn't had much exposure to the sun and I feel it right away when she wakes me. I turn over on my back and my butt felt like it is getting stung by a thousand bees. Cassie tells me that if we don't stay on our backs for a while we will look silly not as much color on our fronts. So I tough it out while Cassie and I get our fronts tanned. I have to keep lifting my butt off of the blanket because it keeps getting more uncomfortable the longer it makes contact. After about 30 minutes Cassie calls it quits and I thankfully get up and start putting my panties on. I realize my mistake the minute I get them on and yank them off crying. Cassie giggles and then tries to console me saying I can leave the panties off and just put on the shorts. It's slightly better without panties and I gingerly walk down the trail behind Cassie hoping to jump in the lake the minute we get there. The minute I see the lake I run as fast as I can into it and sit basking in the relief for what seems like an hour. Cassie joins me for a little while but then leaves asking her mom within sight what I can use to help the burn. Giggling the entire time. Carol goes to get aloe for me to use on my burn. That brings me out of the lake and I go into the tent to apply it. I get it applied and come out still without panties on but I feel a lot better. I stand only sitting for short periods to eat dinner and right before bedtime. Cassie is nice enough to apply the aloe to my backside giggling the whole time and I do the same for her butt but I can clearly tell hers is already turning into a tan. I sleep on my stomach and awake feeling the heat of the burn the next morning.

Sunday Klee 20/08/18(Tue)14:01 No. 26961 ID: 62cce3

Sunday -- Sunburn --
I awake and I reapply aloe and step out to greet Randy who grabs a coffee cup and offers it to me. He asks me how I am handling the sunburn and I lift up the bottom of my shorts to show him. He winces in sympathy seeing how red my red butt cheek is. He acts very concerned and asks me "Would you like me to go into town and pick up some spray for it?" I decline thinking I can go swimming after awhile to cool it off. The aloe is helping with removing the sting. He tells me "Go get the aloe and I'll do your back for you". So I run into the tent and grab the aloe for him. Cassie is waking and gets dressed and comes out while Randy is rubbing aloe on my back. Randy also applies aloe to my arms and legs and when he finishes Cassie asks him to do her back as well. When he finishes her back she surprises me by dropping her shorts in the back so he can apply aloe there as well. Cassie looks at me and says "He's seen my butt all of my life so it's not a big deal" Randy says to Cassie "I even changed your diapers when you were a baby" and winks at me. When he finishes with Cassie's arms and legs I figure why not and ask him to put aloe on my butt also. He gingerly applies the aloe while wincing and asks me again if I'd feel better with the spray. I decline saying "We're heading back this afternoon anyway so I can wait. I'll just swim today and the cool water will help."

Carol comes out and gets breakfast started. She grabs a cup of coffee from Randy and he tops my cup as well. We're having bacon and eggs today and the bacon smells wonderful while it is cooking. RJ gets up smelling the bacon and notices my arms and legs and says teasingly "Every time I see you you're blushing!" and I smile at him. I quip "If you look at yourself you'd blush too!" I blush realizing what I just said. What I tried to imply and failed was that that his looks should embarrass him. "That didn't come out right" I said to Cassie while she giggles. RJ smiling glibly grabs a soda and sits down still smiling at me. Trying to redeem myself I say "What I meant to say RJ is that it's difficult to look at you without blushing" Everyone starts laughing when I realize my mistake. I really feel myself blushing now. Carol pipes in trying to defend me and says "It's alright Kaylee, RJ is a very handsome boy!" "It's understandable if girls your age feel an attraction to him" I just want to crawl under a rock while everyone is roaring with laughter. I giggle with them realizing it is hopeless for me to get out of this. Cassie gives me a knowing smile. I blush even more. Cassie tells me "Kaylee, why don't you grab the aloe and put it in the cooler for later?" "It'll really help relieve your burn later after we get out of the lake." That helps to change the subject so Randy asks RJ if he wants to go fishing with him after breakfast and RJ says that sounds like fun. "Maybe we can have fish for dinner tonight when we get home" RJ says. I go and put the aloe in the cooler and ask Carol if she'd like some help. "No, I'm fine dear but if you'd like why don't you grab the plates and utensils for breakfast and put them on the table". happily I did what she asks and then gingerly sit down at the table to await breakfast. "Hows your backside?" Randy asks. "Better I guess, it doesn't sting near as much as last night" I say to him. "If you find that you can't bear it any longer just let me know, OK?" Randy told me looking concerned. "Thanks Randy, I will" I say. Carol gets the eggs done and starts telling everyone to grab some bacon while she put eggs on our plates. Carol sits by me and tells me "I sure hope this doesn't discourage you from coming with us the next time we come here camping?" "We just met you but we all really enjoy your company and consider you one of us, dear" I turn to her and hug her while a few tears fall. "Thanks, Carol" I say. While eating, I thought back to my old life and really felt that I missed out on all of the important things in life. I really do feel accepted and a part of their family. For the first time I really start feeling like coming out of the process as a girl might be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel a connection to Cassie like she's my sister and more then a friend to me. I see RJ as the brother that I never had. Randy and Carol make me feel like their daughter and I can come to them for anything. I wonder for a second if I should explain to them what happened to me but immediately feel that it won't ever go well and they will see me as a freak if they believe me or a nut if they don't. It's better going along with the current plan and try to work it all out as it comes along.
With breakfast done Cassie and I run to the tent to change to go swimming. I relent and put on my bikini since it doesn't cover much area anyway and impatiently wait for Cassie to get her bikini on. We run to the lake and jump in screaming from the cold water but I feel immediate relief from my sunburn. After floating around in the water for a few minutes I decide to take the bikini off for a little while so I don't have anything touching my skin. What does it hurt? We are fully immersed and no one can see anything. Cassie sees me holding my bottoms in my hand and does the same thing. She points out a limb that reaches low out over the water. We swim to the limb and we put our bikinis on it so we don't have to keep holding them. We enjoy the cool water for about 10 minutes when RJ walks down carrying his fishing rod and tackle to take to the boat. He yells at us "Hows the water?" Cassie yells "It feels wonderful!" He hangs out for a minute or two waiting for Randy when he notices
something hanging on the limb and walks towards it. I looked
at Cassie and we both start swimming towards our bikinis thinking that if we grab them he won't run off with them to tease us. RJ gets there at the same time we do and he realizes what they are as he gets closer and turns to us and says "You know? Maybe it would be more fun if I join you both in the water." "What do you think, girls?" I tell him "No!, you promised your dad to go fishing and he'd be disappointed" He says "You know, dad likes to go swimming as much as we do so maybe I ought to ask him if he'd rather spend some time with you girls as well in the water" "I bet I could talk him into it!" Cassie shaking her head says "RJ, you know he always likes to go fishing with you?" RJ quips "Well, I see a couple of big fish that look like they can be caught right here!" Cassie makes a move towards our bikinis and RJ jumps in the water to chase Cassie. RJ is wearing only t shirt and shorts that he really doesn't mind getting wet. Cassie screams and starts swimming away while I have a little lead on her and swim the same direction in front of her. We're about 30 yards from shore in the lake treading water and RJ quits his pursuit and walks back to shore telling us "Nice little butts squirts!". Dad shows up carrying his tackle box while RJ is going back to shore and calls out smiling "Hey girls, how about if RJ and I join you?" "It looks like you both are having fun!" Cassie and I both yell "NO!" and Randy realizes we are skinny dipping when RJ points out the bikinis out on the limb. "All right, we'll see you when we get back" Randy calls out. We swim back to our bikinis and put them on. We swim for a little while longer and then grab the aloe and go back to the tent. Stripped, we apply the aloe to each other and then lay down on top of our sleeping bags. We talk for a while and take a nap enjoying the quiet and cool air off the lake. I wake a little later and Cassie is sleeping across from me so I grab the book Cassie gave me out of my duffle bag and start reading. I continued to read for about an hour and Cassie wakes. We decide to go entertain her mom so we get dressed again. The cold aloe helps a lot and I'm able to at least put on my shorts and t shirt without pain now. We head over to Carol's tent and she is reading when we pop in to chat for a while. Randy arrives in the truck having loaded the boat on it's trailer on their way in. They didn't have any luck fishing and decided it's pointless to continue and returned they tell us. We all breakdown camp and load it into the back of the truck and return to town. Along the way we stop for lunch at a burger place and talk about our experiences at camp like we are conquering heroes. Done with lunch Randy and Carol drop me off at my home with me thanking them for everything. I jump into the shower and take a cold one cooling my skin and then drop my laundry into the washer and take a nap. Later that night I text Cassie thanking her for taking me camping with her and I really enjoyed it and wanting to do it all again except taking a timer with us next time for sunbathing :). She texts me back saying she loves having me with her and also RJ teased her at dinnertime that "Kaylee kept flashing me in her shorts at the burger place". I had worn the loose fitting running shorts today and didn't even think to keep my legs closer together when I sat at the table. Did any one else see me? I texted Cassie. She says she doesn't know. "Everybody looked normal to me" ;), she texted me. Arrrg! Being a girl can be difficult.

Monday Klee 20/08/18(Tue)14:08 No. 26962 ID: 62cce3

Monday -- End of Week 2 --
I'm sitting nude in my kitchen drinking coffee contemplating recent occurrences. I notice this morning my sunburn is fading but my butt still feels scratchy wearing anything. I'm fortunate that I didn't blister and it will eventually tan. My front now isn't white but more of a light coffee with a hint of cream color. I can now see more definition in my muscles and my body is starting to look better toned. I'm nowhere near the deep tan that Cassie has but if we keep sunbathing maybe my tan will be rich like hers. I think I might go into my backyard once the burn is gone and sunbathe.

I currently have plenty of money to live on for at least the next few years. I got a notice in the mail Friday that the company I work for has let me go for not contacting them or coming in to work. They asked that I transfer my benefits elsewhere in the coming months. I setup an IRA on line and send them an email with the information to transfer my money to this account. I also email my friend that I gave my instructions to in case of my demise and tell him to destroy them as I am working on new instructions and believe I'm past that point in my life giving the new instructions to a lawyer to provide to him if the time comes. I thank him for being my lifelong friend and hope to explain it to him sometime in the near future. He knows me well and considers me eccentric so none of this surprises him.

This is the last week that Cassie is in class. I'm afraid I am really enjoying her company too much. Do girls this age spend that much time together? I don't want to overstep my welcome with her but she's very exciting and I'm actually feeling like a girl when I'm around her. She texted this morning saying she wants to go hang out at the mall tomorrow and show me off to her friends. same time same place? I text her back telling her "Yes!" I decide to go out today and purchase a bicycle so I can get around more independently. Also, taking Uber isn't exactly the safest way to get around. I haven't had any real problems yet but I realize the position I'm in and it could be disastrous if I get the wrong person like Collin.

Cassie calls and tells me that she'd like to go out this Friday night to watch the High School boys baseball game. Her mom is willing to pick me up and she and Randy figure it would make a nice night out for us with them. They want to know if my parents would like to join them but I tell Cassie to let them know it looks like they are going to be busy all weekend. Me on the other hand I'm free and can't wait to go.
I don't seem to be as motivated to find a solution to changing my situation with the process. I don't see myself in the future becoming a lesbian and I have to admit that I was thrilled with both RJ's and Randy's attentions this weekend.

Monday afternoon I take Uber to a bike shop near the clothing shop where I first met Cassie. Collin actually picks me up but doesn't say anything about the other day. He does keep complimenting me on how pretty he thinks I am. I smile but tell him that it won't work out. A sales guy about 20 years is very sweet and helps me pick out a blue mountain bike and put a rack on the back wheel that I can strap things to. Bill, that's his name I think, is hesitant to help me without my dad present but I show him cash and tell him that my dad dropped me off to pick out the bike. He did everything he can to make sure that I fit the bike properly and I think I was in a constant blush the whole time knowing I'm not wearing panties. He makes sure the seat fits me looking very closely from different angles as well and has me straddle the bike while he checks to make sure that the bike's middle bar doesn't 'ride too high for me'. I ride off with the bike with a wave to Bill smiling. I ride over to the university library again and do a little research but my mind isn't in it and I leave shortly afterwards. As I ride home I take the quiet roads through middle income residential areas that I normally don't see when I drive and I realize that the area although getting aged with older homes everyone keeps their homes looking good. Most of the homes have been here as long as I can remember but it's a nice quiet area to live in. I arrive home dropping my bike in the garage and go in the house to reapply aloe to my skin after a cool shower.

Monday evening I ride over to where I saw Ray and Lane playing Frisbee but I don’t see them around. Disappointed, I ride to the nearby park and ride the trails leisurely for awhile when I see them walking towards me. I stop and say “Hi” to them straddling my bike. Ray comes over to me and puts his arm around me tightly and says “How’s my girlfriend doing?”. I smile at him and say “I’m fine” coyly. He says “You’re better then fine, you’re gorgeous!” and he starts caressing my shoulder tickling me. I lean my head towards his hand on my shoulder smiling and he leans in for a kiss. I kiss him and he licks my lips lightly and sticks his tongue in my mouth sending a shiver through my body. I play tongue tag with him and notice his hand is behind my head and the one around my shoulder is stroking a nipple. I put my arms around him hugging him and sigh a little. His hand doesn’t have room between us so it travels down to my butt and caresses it instead. Lane says “Hey, do I get a welcome kiss too?”. I reluctantly break my kiss with Ray and lean over and kiss Lane. Ray is still rubbing my butt and I groan a little in Lane’s mouth as I play tongue circles with him. Lane rubs my nipples groaning himself as I start stroking up and down on his butt. Ray starts caressing my hips and thighs sending chills up my body. I feel really wet and the crossbar on the bike is starting to put pressure on my labia parting them. I don’t even realize I’m rocking my bike back and forth until I break the kiss for air. Ray leans over and kisses me and my legs start to wobble. Lane has started tweaking my nipples and has a hand on my tummy caressing it. I’m having a hard time standing up and break the kiss with Ray to get much needed air. I swing my leg over the crossbar thinking that I’ll fall if I don’t and then put the kickstand down and sit back on the crossbar to get balance. Ray and Lane are both still sending my mind into a place I’ve never been before and I start getting worried that this is going too far. I look around and tell them “We’ve got to stop, somebody is going to see us” but I don’t have much conviction in my voice and they don’t pay attention. Ray lifts me and slowly carries me to the grass a few feet away and gently lays me down. Lane lays on the left of me so Ray lays on the right and continue to caress my body. Lane has worked his hand underneath my shorts while Ray has his hand under my t shirt playing with my nipples. I’m starting to pant with excitement as tingles start traveling my body in waves. My labia is throbbing and I know if they continue much longer I’m going to orgasm. I want it so much but I know if I do I will lose my composure and I’ll end up naked in a public park before I know what’s going on. The minute I break a kiss with one the other starts kissing me keeping me from being able to say anything. Lane is rubbing up and down between my legs inside my shorts and spreading wetness across my labia. The throbbing is getting more intense and I’m starting to panic that if I don’t break this now I’m going to lose my virginity to them in the park near my house and have a crowd watching it happen. I break the kiss with Lane and jump to my feet nearly pulling my shorts down with Lane’s hand down them. Pulling my shorts back up I tell them “This has to stop, I can’t do this in the park with everyone watching us”. They both quickly get up and have their arms around me still trying to kiss me but I turn away saying “It’s too fast!” “I can’t do this out here”. Lane picks me off the ground and tells me “It’s OK baby” “We’ll protect you” and carries me towards some bushes with flowers around them. I tell him “No!” “Put me down right now!” getting angry. He puts me down to my relief. Not because I don’t want to do it but because I do want to do it and I can’t live with myself knowing it is with someone that doesn’t even know me or really care about me. “I’ve got to go now” I tell them with conviction as I walk to my bike to ride home. Ray and Lane both catch up to me and tell me “We really like you and want to see you again” Ray says “Can I get your phone number?”. I tell him “I know where you live. I’ll stop by sometime” as I ride off. As I ride off I wonder if they even remember my name since they never mentioned it. I feel dirty.

Riding with Randy Klee 20/08/18(Tue)14:19 No. 26963 ID: 62cce3

Tuesday Afternoon -- Mall to meet friends --
I arrive at the Mall on my bike and find Cassie with a friend waiting for me in the food court. The girl has a plain face with light eyebrows and small nose but nice skinny body with long blond hair. Her hair makes up for her plain face and makes her look pretty. They are both sipping on small soda's purchased from one of the food vendors along the side. Cassie stands up and hugs me and turns to introduce her friend to me. "Kaylee, this Sue!" "Susan Fredrick" "Hi" we both say. "I've been telling her all about you and wanted you to meet her". "We are in the same grade at school and I've known her since I was little in the first grade" "She and I hang out a lot together in school" "She likes to dance so I hardly see her outside of school because of dance class" I notice when she stands that she's slightly shorter then Cassie and actually looks a little younger as well. Cassie drags us both through the mall to go look at clothes and boys along the way. We all pick out some clothes 'we just have to have' and then go back to the food court and watch people as they go by. Cassie noticing that my sunburn is about gone, tells Susan how I got sunburned and what happened camping with all of us giggling with the way she tells it. We sit talking with Cassie doing the most of it for about half an hour when Susan gets a text from her mom telling her that she's here to pick her up. She leaves and Cassie says her mom should be here in a few minutes to pick her up. "Are you having dinner with us?" Cassie asks. "Sure! I would love it!" "Your mom is a good cook, I'll never turn that down!" Cassie texts her mom and lets her know that I'm coming to dinner. Her mom texts back "Great! but we're only having hot dogs and chips :(" I show Cassie my new bike and she likes it. She says there are some trails near the park we could ride on. We load the bike in Carol's car and head home.
We eat hot dogs and take off to go riding. I'm worn out by the time we get back to Cassie's house and so we go in her room so I can show off my tan butt to her. The sunburn almost completely gone. I lift up my running shorts and she slaps my butt and I jump from surprise but it doesn't sting. She looks at me impishly. We go out to watch some television with her mom and dad and sit down on the floor in front of them. Cassie's
dad asks me what I'm doing during the day since I'm not going to school yet and I tell him that I watch a little television and clean the house. Randy says "Kaylee, it sounds like you need to get out of the house a little more, why don't you come with me to check out my job sites?" "I'll pick you up in the morning and we'll do lunch afterwards". By the time we're finished we'll pick up Cassie from school and go have some ice cream?" Of course that sounds better then what I've been doing so I say "Sure, that sounds like fun!" I have no idea what he does for a living but he's nice and I enjoy talking with him. A little later I ride my bike home and text Cassie "Good Night, I hope you have fun in school tomorrow :)" teasing her. She texts back "I want to go too, but daddy won't let me because of school!" "Good Night".

Wednesday -- Ride along with Randy --
I wake and hurry to shower and put on my jeans, t shirt and pink sneakers not knowing when Randy will be picking me up this morning. I eat cereal and drink coffee and he texts me saying he should be in front in 5 minutes. I go bouncing out to his pickup and climb into the passenger seat and he says "Good Morning! Are you ready to see what I do?" I say "Good Morning" and I nod smiling and hug him and off we go. We first stop by a little coffee stand and get some coffee. I get a small latte, his is large black. The first place we stop at is a construction site for a new house. It's on the other side of town and from what he tells me is he contracted to build this house and needed to check with his subcontractors to make sure it is still on time for completion. We jump out of his truck and Randy holds my hand while we head towards some guy talking to another guy holding a hammer. Still holding his hand I notice that Randy's hands are huge compared to mine and are calloused. I smile at him thinking how much alike he is to my father. The house has the floor done and only the basic walls put up without a roof. So to me it looks like it's barely started. Randy goes up to this guy and shakes his hand and starts talking about the plumbing and electricity and from what I gather the electrician hasn't shown up yet and is stalling the building of the house. Randy gets on the phone and calls this guy and finds out he's planning on starting on the house tomorrow. Randy talks to him about another job he's got and hangs up with him and takes me for a tour explaining what has been done and what has to happen for the house to be completed. I can see what he's talking about but most of it goes over my head. He grabs my hand again and we jump into the truck and he tells me about the next house that he has to check out. I guess it's close to completion but the carpet guys got the wrong carpet put down and he has to check it to make sure its the right one this time. He grabs my hand getting out of the truck and we go towards the house. There are some guys on the roof hammering shingles and we go inside and there isn't any one there. The roofers are making a lot of noise so we don't stay very long there. We go sit in the truck while he calls to find out when the carpet is supposed to arrive.

It's nearly lunchtime when he finishes that call so we head towards a taco stand that he likes and we eat tacos on a picnic table by the taco stand. I sit right next to him and he hands me two tacos. They taste good and we chat with him telling me that he's working on six projects right now with two of them close to completion. One of them we just came from. He asked me what I thought about camping with them and that it looked like my sunburn is gone now and maybe if I like we could go again in a couple of weeks. It all sounds great to me and I tell him that as I smile and hug him. He hugs me and pats my butt saying we have to get going to check out another site. We take off and go to this place a few miles away and stop. This site only has a hole dug and it looks like some guys are there pouring cement into it. He grabs my hand and shows me what they are doing and what happens after the cement 'cures'. A guy comes up and talks with Randy and tells him what is going on and it sounds like everything planned is on time. We stroll with him holding my hand around the place and he explains how the house will look when it gets completed and I can visualize what he describes. We go back to his truck and head off to Cassie's school. He asks me if I'm excited about going to a Jr High in the fall which I say I'm nervous about it. He says Cassie is also and then talks about how much Cassie likes me and admires me. He says RJ really likes me too and he hopes he isn't being a bother a to me. I explain "No, RJ is fine and I like him like a brother". He looks as though he doesn't quite agree with me but doesn't say anything. We arrive at the school and we are a little early so we have to wait until Cassie comes out. Randy says that RJ likes the Jr High school and there are a lot more activities to participate in after school so he expects that I'll enjoy it. A bunch of kids start piling out the door and I see Cassie coming out with a couple of girls next to her. One of them is Sue and Cassie sees us and waves to both of them as she skips over to get into the truck. I scoot over to the middle of the seat to let Cassie in and once seated she excitedly tells us about her day. She talks the entire drive to the ice cream shop. She is really excited that Friday is the last day of school and about seeing the older boys playing baseball Friday Night. It's a city league and they play every weekend against other teams in the area. Cassie wants to go to all of the games she says. She's also excited because she doesn't have anymore homework and her last tests are done. She thinks she did good on most of the subjects but just passing on math and science. Friday after lunch she has graduation to attend and then she's 'free!'. She asks me and “of course I'll be there to meet all of her friends”. Randy said he and Carol could stop by and take me out to lunch before graduation and I can sit with them.

We head home and Cassie drags me to her room to sit and chat. She tells me she hopes that she'll see a certain boy at the game Friday night because he's so 'hot'. Sue wants to go too so she said we would meet her at the game. Cassie and I go to her park to hang out for a while and stroll around the park. I tell Cassie what happened with Ray and Lane shocking her. I told her that it was exciting at first but I don’t think I’ll see them again feeling really dirty afterwards. Cassie gets really mad at them saying “I bet we could get RJ to beat them up?”. I tell her “I just want to forget it ever happened”. We see RJ at the park with a buddy of his and they come over to tease us. RJ and his friend walk up and RJ says to his friend "See, this is the runt I was telling you about" and they both start laughing. While RJ's friend is laughing I can see him checking us both out making me feel even dirtier. Cassie sees it also and we quickly go back to the house to sit and watch television. I stay for dinner and thankfully RJ is over at his friends house so I don't have to be embarrassed in front of him.

expanding relations Klee 20/08/18(Tue)14:39 No. 26964 ID: 62cce3

Friday -- Cassie's graduation --
Randy and Carol pick me up in Carol's car for lunch and take me to a pizza place that has a buffet. I get salad and a couple slices of pizza and sit across from them. I trade small talk with them both and tell them I'm excited to see Cassie's graduation and the game tonight. "Do I look OK?" "I didn't know how to dress today for the graduation" I say. I'm just wearing my jeans and t shirt today and Carol tells me "You look nice dear, you'll fit right in". We leave and arrive at the school and sit in the back waiting what seems forever for Cassie's class to get their diplomas. I see Sue go up and get her diploma wearing a t shirt and jeans and then a little later Cassie steps up and get hers. She also is wearing a t shirt and jeans. She's all smiles and sees us and waves. We hear a speech about how the future with these astonishing students will change the world and then it's over. Cassie runs up to us and hops around showing us all her diploma. Sue and her parents stop and chat and Sue is all smiles saying she can't wait to start the summer. A cute boy stops and says "Hi Cassie" and Cassie says Hi" to him. While he's walking away she looks at me and giggles. She then says "He's sooo cute!" "Cayse is in my class and I hope we see him at the game tonight" "Did I look OK?" I smile and say "You look cute". Randy and Carol and I help Cassie clean out her locker and we head home. We all sit at the kitchen table and talk about school and boys and next fall's new class where we will get to meet new people. Cassie and I help Carol make egg salad sandwiches for an early dinner. I've been ignoring RJ too embarrassed to even look at him. I sit next to Cassie on the left and RJ sits next to me on my right at the kitchen table and he says "I'm sorry Kaylee about teasing you the other day". "What did you tell your friend about me!" I say. "Nothing much, just that we had a good time at the lake and that I caught you both swimming naked" he says. "Is that all?!" I demanded. He says "Well, I kinda mentioned something about your shorts when we ate at the burger place". I am ashamed! I could barely sit at the table, afraid to look at anyone so I just look at my sandwich and chips. Cassie put her arm around me and hugs me. I eat the rest of the sandwich but I really don't feel hungry anymore and I still can't look at any one's face. It is pretty quiet for the rest of the meal and I leave the table and sit on the living room couch. Cassie follows after telling RJ what she thinks of him and comes into the living room and sits with me. "Boys are mean" she states. We sit there for a few minutes when RJ comes in and sits across from me looking hurt. He finally says "Kaylee, I really am sorry." "Can you forgive me?" I tell him quietly but still hurt "Yes" still looking down at my toes. He asks me for a hug and sits next to me so I turn to him and hug him softly crying. "You're like the sister I never had" he jokes. Cassie whacks him with a pillow and
I giggle. We all
sit watching the animal channel about lions and get bored.

Cassie asks "You want to go out to the pool for a little while and catch some rays?" "I have a bikini you can wear" "Sure" I say as we get up and head towards her room to change. She hands me a white bikini to wear and she's got her red bikini. "I don't wear that bikini much since I got this red one" Cassie says. We put our bikinis on and go out and lay in the pool chairs. Cassie turns on the radio set to some local radio station which plays current rap and pop music and we relax enjoying the sun. With my sunburn finally gone and I now have a light tan from it I don't feel so self conscience about being in a bikini. I hope to catch up to Cassie's tan but she has a better head start with hers. We spend about an hour out at the pool and then go back in to see what we are going to wear at the game. It's nice that Cassie and I are the same size because she really enjoys sharing her clothes with me. We decide she's going to wear really short blue jean shorts and I'm going to wear her short white shorts. She wears her school mascot t shirt and I wear the t shirt I wore today. She grabs her purple sneakers and I get my pink sneakers. We go out and sit on the couch to wait for her mom and dad. RJ is already sitting on the couch grabs Cassie before she can sit down and starts tickling her. He stands up to be able to maneuver around Cassie and continues his attack tickling Cassie. Cassie sits down at the corner of the couch to give her some protection from RJ’s tickling. I of course come to Cassie's defense and jump on RJ's back tickling him. RJ is already leaning over tickling Cassie defending herself sitting on the couch so it's easy for him to lean over more dropping me head first onto the couch. I'm upside down on the couch with my head on the seat of the couch and my legs are dangling in front of my head almost in the fetal position. RJ takes advantage of my position pushing my legs down with his body so my feet are on the end of the seat and my knees are nearly behind my head. My butt is sticking out in front trapping me while RJ is tickling my sides and everywhere else he desires. He has full access to me and takes me prisoner. I'm laughing my head off to the point I can't breath and can't tell him to stop. His body movements put pressure on my butt and crotch causing my sex to throb and it's making me really horny. Cassie is still tickling him and he counter moves his body away from her and he puts one leg over my legs to keep me trapped. He uses his other leg to maneuver on the floor facing Cassie to tickle her. I'm still trapped upside down on the couch with my butt right in front of him and he starts lightly whacking my butt right in the center of my sex. He alternates between whacking my butt and tickling my sides when I cover my butt with my hands or my sides. I'm losing my mind in pleasure as tingling and heat start traveling in waves from the center of my sex out through my body. And he's still tickling Cassie with one hand. Cassie moves off the couch to his side and must have gained ground because he squirms away releasing me from my predicament allowing me to topple over on my side and right myself. I stand up wobbly next to Cassie to prevent my getting trapped on the couch again and ready to run. Cassie and RJ end up in a standoff with all of us trying to catch our breath. RJ offers peace to Cassie and hugs her and then offers peace to me and we hug but he takes his hand and gooses me saying "Cute butt!" with his head near my ear and then pats my butt. I fully blush smiling as a little orgasm crashes through my entire body so I let him know by pinching his side and hold him tightly to keep from falling. Cassie teases "Get a room!" We smile at her still hugging but shyly part. We go back to Cassie's room to check our hair. Cassie asks me "You have a crush on my brother, don't you!?". I say "NO!, he's your brother!". Cassie doesn't believe me and I'm clueless to why she thinks that I do. I tell her confessing myself "I almost came when he had me trapped on the couch". "Kaylee, I love you but sometimes you're an airhead!" Cassie says smirking.

Baseball and boyfriends Klee 20/08/18(Tue)14:43 No. 26965 ID: 62cce3

Randy and Carol come in the front door from visiting neighbors next door and ask if we are ready to go. We jump into the car and take off for the baseball game. RJ leaves to meet up with his buddies to go to a movie and hang out in the mall. Cassie and I jump out of the car when we get to the baseball game so Cassie can find Sue. Randy and Carol go into the bleachers and sit down to watch the game. Cassie finds Sue hanging out at the concession stand and we all go into the bleachers to watch the boys. I know baseball and I am keeping up with what is going on in the game but Cassie and Sue are clueless so I don't say anything. I'm not really interested in "checking out the boys" but I have to admit that some of them are attractive. Cassie sees Cayce and yells "Hi" to him waving and he comes up to talk with her. He really looks nervous so he just asks her the basics like what she's doing for the summer, if she's going to Elk Jr High rather then a different Jr High in town, and "Who's your friend?" "I haven't seen her around before" "Oh, hi Sue" Cassie introduces me and Cayse says "Hi" and gets distracted by his buddies and leaves. Poor guy, he should have sat down next to Cassie but I remember how 3 girls can intimidate a boy. After a couple of minutes I decide to see if I can help their relationship along since Sue and Cassie are catching up on what has happened between school today and the present so I ask if Sue or Cassie wants a drink and take off to see if I can find Cayce. I find Cayce wandering along the walkway and catch up to him. I tell him that if he likes Cassie to go back and sit down next to her. Once he gets her in conversation to just take her hand and hold it for a little while. I leave him and go to the concession stand and wait in line to get 3 cokes for Sue, Cassie and myself. By the time I get back I see Cayse sitting next to Cassie smiling away and Cassie with a slight blush smiling at him. Sue is watching the game and smiles when she sees me. I hand a coke to her and Cassie and sit down next to Sue. Sue tells me she is a dancer and that for as long as she can remember she liked to dance. This year she's been training in Jazz dance and likes it because she has to be precise and quick. It's very challenging I'm told and they are practicing for a competition out of town in a couple of weeks. She originally studied ballet but found she doesn't have the body for it. She said that I had the perfect body for ballet and asked if I dance. I told her that I don't and she said "that's too bad because you would probably be good at it. Ballet has helped me with Jazz though so I can be graceful but quick." We look over at Cassie and she's still talking with Cayce and watching the game and I notice she's leaning into him every chance she gets. "Anyway, what do you like to do Kaylee?" Sue asks me. I come back to realizing Sue is still talking. "Oh, I enjoy science mainly in symbiotic cell interactions in bodies." That stopped her from talking for a little while until she asked me what that is. I explained how the body works with the different systems and that if one fails it all fails. I told her that it occurs at the cellular level and if a widespread failure starts occurring at the cellular level, one of the systems would eventually fail and collapse the body. We started watching the game more after that. Once in a while Sue points out a boy walking by that she knows and tells me about him. She did this with the girls also when they walked by. After a little while I figure out who she likes and dislikes.

There are 3 cute boys that she points out from her grade that are hanging out just down from us that I notice she keeps looking back to. I also notice that Cassie is still busy with Cayce so I tell Sue that we ought to go take a little walk around and see who else she can point out to me. We step down the bleachers to the walkway and head towards the boys she pointed out. They were just standing in the walkway talking and watching the game when we walk by and I kinda crowd and then bump Sue into one of the guys. She apologizes to him and the boy says "Hi Sue" "Aren't you glad we're out of school?" She says she is and another boy asks Sue "Who's your friend, I don't think I've seen her before" Sue introduces me to the boys. Colby, Mike, and Bobby. She tells them that I just moved here. I say "Hi" and smile at them. "So are you in the same class as Sue?" I ask. One of them, I think, Bobby says "Yeah, we are going to Elk this fall" "Sue, you're going to Elk too, aren't you?" Sue tells him "Yeah, I hear they have a lot more to do there". Colby asks me "Kaylee, Are you going to Elk also?" I tell him "I think so, I haven't found out yet". He has a big smile. We chat for a little bit longer with them and the talk starts dwindling down so I say "Bye" and grab Sue's arm and start walking off. When we get a little distance away I ask Sue if they are watching us and she turns to look and gives them a smile when she sees they are and tells me so. I tell her "They're interested". We walk around the other side and come back to sit with Cassie. Sue asks "Where's Cayce?" and Cassie says "He said his buddies were waiting for him and had to get back" I hadn't paid attention to the game and look up and it's 2 for Home and 1 Visitor in the 9th. Aah, boring game. I notice Ray and Lane walking our way along the walkway. I point them out to Cassie and she notices how scared I look. Cassie says “Come on, lets go sit with mom and dad”. We walk over to Cassie's parents and sit with them the rest of the game. On the way home Randy asks us what we thought of the game and Cassie says "It was exciting" and Randy smirks and shakes his head. Then he asks me "Are you staying over tonight Kaylee?" "I wasn't expecting to" I say. "If you want to, call your parents and check". I text a random number asking if it's alright to sleepover? I get a
text back saying "Who is this?" and I tell Randy that my mom says it’s
I text back saying "Sorry, wrong number :("
We get home. Cassie grabs me and drags me to her room. Cassie grabs a couple of nighties and hands me one. "Here put this on. You'll be more comfortable in it." she says. We strip and put the nighties on. She tells me about Cayce. "Cayce sat down and grabbed my hand and I thought I was going to faint!" "Cayce said I hope you don't mind? I've been wanting to do that for a long time." "He then tells me that he'd like to see me again and asked me for my number" We exchanged our phone numbers and he plans on texting me later. "What should I do?" Cassie says. "I don't know, let him text you?" I say. "Did he kiss you?" I ask. "No, I hoped he would" "Do you think he will?" she asks. "If he's smart he'll eventually get around to it" I say. I told her what Sue and I did while she was with Cayce. I left the part out about me running Sue into Mike though figuring it would make a better story. "Really?" "I didn't think Sue had the guts to go up to a boy and start talking let alone 3 boys" Cassie said giggling. "What were the boys names?" she asks. I tell her "Colby, Mike and Bobby? I think?" I say. "Oh yeah! I've seen her looking at Mike before like a lost puppy dog" Cassie says. "Well, good for her! They're cute!" "What about you? Did you like any of them?" she asked. I told her that "I really don't know them well enough, but they are really cute!" "All three watched us walk away!" I said.

Cassie and I sit down with her parents who are watching a scary movie. The movie immediately goes to commercials so Cassie asks her parents if they want pop corn and goes into the kitchen to make some. I go to help. Cassie asks me while waiting for the corn to pop in the microwave "If one of them asked, would you go out with one of them?" "I guess so" I say. "Which one?" she asks. "I don't know, maybe Colby?" "But I really don't know them" I plead. Cassie smiles and grabs the pop corn and puts it into a bowl and heads into the living room. She grabs a handful and offers it to me and I grab some and then she gives it to Randy to share with Carol. We go sit on the floor and watch the movie. Cassie looks over at me and smiles and then turns and watch the movie. The next commercial she gets up and runs out of the room. I'm thinking shes going to the bathroom so I don't follow. She comes back and lays down beside me and smiles after what seemed a long time. "Did I miss anything?" "No, just some teen girl in a dark room who forgot that electric lights were invented" is all I said.

The movie finishes and we kiss Cassie's mom and dad goodnight. We head to Cassie's bedroom and lay on her bed. Cassie tells me "I texted Cayce" "I told him that maybe we could go to a movie if he could talk to Colby to make it a double" and she winks at me. I groan and say "But what if he doesn't want to go with me?" "He will" she says. Cassie goes and turns off the light and we jump under the covers. Cassie starts telling me about Cayce again at the ballpark "When Cayce sat down and grabbed my hand it was all sweaty and as he talked I pulled his hand into my lap because it wasn't comfortable where we had our hands." "I saw him get a hard on!" "He had jeans on but I could tell because his crotch got larger and he had to shift around in his seat." "Then when he got up to leave he still had it and it really showed!" "It was only inches from my face because he had to scoot past me in the bench seating" I start lightly caressing her shoulder and arm and work my way to her chest. She lets out a shiver and kisses me lightly. I brush her nipples and she responds and does the same with mine. After a few minutes I start rubbing her labia and concentrate on her clitoris until she has a minor orgasm. Cassie mimics my actions and I have a little orgasm and some relief from today's excitement. We fall asleep shortly after hugging each other.

Exploring new emotions Klee 20/08/18(Tue)14:51 No. 26966 ID: 62cce3

Saturday -- after sleepover --
Cassie wakes very happy and bounces me awake jumping up and down on her knees on the bed trying to get me up. "Hey! Lets shower together and go out to the pool and work on our tan!" I get up reluctantly and she drags me off to shower. We take our nighties off and wait for the water to come to temperature. She steps in and drags me still sleepy in with her. She starts soaping my body quickly and I do the same with her body while she shampoos my hair. She finishes my hair and I finish soaping her down. I'm awake now and shampoo her hair. We both rinse off and climb out of the shower giggling. We brush our hair and wrap towels around our bodies and run back into her bedroom and put on her bikinis. I still wear her white one while she puts her red bikini on.

We run downstairs without shoes on and pass through the kitchen and we both say good morning with a smile to Randy and Carol who are sitting at the kitchen table talking. Randy pours me a cup of coffee and Cassie grabs OJ out of the refrigerator and pours it into a glass. We sit down at the table with them and tell them we plan on sunning this morning. Carol asks Cassie why she is so happy this morning and Cassie says "It's the first day of summer break!" RJ slowly strolls in and grabs the OJ on the counter and pours himself a glass and sits at the table next to his mom and across from us and says "Good Morning". Cassie says "Good Morning sunshine!" with a smile and I giggle. He clearly looks tired still. After a few more minutes of us listening to Carol and Randy talking with each other Cassie hops up and drags me out to the pool. Cassie turns on the radio and we sit down to sunbathe. She grabs the suntan lotion and spreads it on herself and then tosses the bottle to me and I do the same. We lay back and enjoy the rays of the sun and about the time I'm dozing off she tells me it's time to turn over on our stomachs. I ask her to put some on my back and I have her turn around and I apply it to her back. I lay on my stomach for a few minutes and fall asleep. Cassie was timing it to 20 minutes so we didn't burn this time so after 20 minutes she wakes me by slapping my butt. "Hey! Time to turn over" she tells me. We turn over on our backs again. "I didn't realize how much work this takes" I say and Cassie giggles. Another 20 and we roll over on our stomachs again.

RJ sneaks over to us with a bucket of cold water and throws the water on both our backs and runs to the pool and jumps in. We scream and give chase jumping in the pool. Cassie says "Lets dunk him" and directs me to go to my right while she goes to the left and we slowly move towards him. He stays in the middle of the pool with just his head above water and the last few feet we lose the bottom of the pool and start swimming towards him. He turns his side to Cassie paying most of his attention to me and Cassie gets to him and tries to push him down and I'm at him a second later going to do the same thing. He stands up and grabs me and lifts me high in the air and throws me 5 feet back to where I started. I went under water and came up looking at RJ grabbing Cassie on her side and doing the same thing with her. She flies over close to me and I step back to give her room. Cassie comes back up and we start advancing on him again together this time and he's now backing away from us. He starts moving over to the right side of the pool trying to work his way around us to better footing and we get close and he grabs me again and throws me back into the air and I only go a few feet this time. This time while he was throwing me Cassie goes deep and grabs his trunks and yanks them down. She's swimming away from him while I come back up and I see Cassie swimming towards me as fast as she can and I start advancing on RJ while he's not paying attention not knowing what Cassie did and he looks up seeing me coming towards him and starts advancing on me. I see him coming after me. I squeal and turn around and start swimming to where Cassie's going but I've gotten too close to him and he catches my leg and pulls me to him. I try to splash him but he already has me around the waist and lifts me up and with the incentive Cassie gave him, he hooks a finger on the top of my bikini bottom holding my butt and tosses me pulling my bikini bottom nearly off. I fall in the water with a squeal with the bottom of my bikini at my ankles and I pull them up before I surface. While this is happening Cassie is climbing out of the pool laughing. I'm backing up to the edge of the pool seeing him advance on me trapping me at the edge. I know I can't get out or he'll pull my bottoms off. I tell him "Don't do what you're thinking of doing" shaking my head no to him. He gets to a few inches in front of me with a big smile on his face. He puts his hands on both sides of me on the pool edge to deter escape. I quickly drop down underwater and yank his trunks down. I get a really good look at his hard on before I swim past him. I swim as fast as I can to the other side of the pool and climb out. Cassie and I are laughing our heads off. He got his trunks pulled back up and is swimming towards me but isn't fast enough.

Cassie and I lay back down on the pool chairs feeling triumphant. I'm having spurts of giggling when he grabs a chair and sits in front of us with a great big grin on his face. Cassie asks him "Do you want a rematch?" "Fight with the best and you die like the rest" and we both laugh. He keeps smiling at us. I'm still giggling while I tease RJ smiling at him. A few minutes later RJ says to me "Do you know why Cassie quit wearing that white bikini?". I hear Cassie gasp and start giggling next to me. RJ continues "Because when it gets wet it turns invisible!" and raises his eyebrows at me and smiles. I shriek and grab a towel to cover my torso. After a few seconds I decide it's too late and I pull the towel off grinning at him. He winks at me and says "I really like seeing your beautiful body." I counter with "I can tell!". Cassie and I giggle. Curious, I look down at my bikini to check what's showing and it is nearly dry now. RJ asks us "Do either of you want something to drink? Cassie and I both ask for a coke so he goes in and grabs 3 cokes and brings them out to us. He hands a soda to Cassie and me and sits down. I thank him and smile. He says "Anytime, babe". He then asks us if we want him to reapply suntan lotion on us. Cassie says "I do". He grabs the bottle and pours some out and spreads it on her uncovered areas on her front and she turns over on her stomach so he can do her back. He finishes quickly and slaps her butt. "You're next" he says to me. He takes his time and makes sure everywhere is covered well with lotion working his way down paying particular attention to my legs and thighs. Then he tickles my feet and tells me to turn over. I'm relieved because he's starting to make me feel hot. I'm really enjoying his touch on my back giving me a back rub while he applies the lotion causing me to really relax. My whole body tingles with his touch and I shiver. He then starts at my feet and gives me a massage up my legs working on my calves and tickles me behind the knees and I jump a little. I lay back down wondering whats next and he starts massaging my thighs really well relaxing me even more. He's puts a lot of grip into my thighs moving up and down slowly getting his fingers really close to my crotch. He gets me excited for his next touch and then he finishes before I want him to. I stand up and give him a little kiss to thank him. He tells me he missed a spot and puts his arms around me and gives me a really passionate kiss with tongue exploring my teeth. He puts his hands into the bottom of my bikini and massages my butt. I react pressing my tummy into his hard on. I give out a little mewl and break off the kiss biting his lower lip and look into his eyes (brown I notice). I sit down and lay back on my chair. "Wow!" he says smiling. He sits down in his chair and puts lotion on himself. The massage got me excited and I'd glance over at him every once in a while.
Cassie tells me it's time to turn over so I lay on my stomach and she's now on her back. I look at Cassie facing me and she smiles at me closing her eyes. The sun went behind the clouds 30 minutes later so we jump in the pool to cool off. We both swim a couple lengths of the pool. RJ joins us in the pool with a small beach ball and throws it to Cassie. We throw the ball back and forth for a little while until we lose interest and sit by the shallow edge of the pool. We talk about plans for the summer. Cassie asks RJ if he knows when we are going to go camping again. He doesn't know. Cassie's phone chirps indicating a text so she jumps out of the pool to check it. While Cassie is on her phone I poke RJ and say "Tag! You're it!" and swim away from him to deeper waters. He watches me swim away to give me a little lead and then follows. He catches me quickly when I turn around at the edge of the deep end. He puts his hands up next to my shoulders on the pool edge and kisses me. "Tag!" he says and kisses me more passionately. My body's' buoyancy causes my lower body to move towards RJ's body. I wrap my legs around RJ's body pulling his body to me. My crotch touches his hard on and he pushes his hips in for more contact. This puts more pressure on my crotch and he starts gently moving up and down rubbing against me while he kisses me. I explore his mouth with my tongue and then retreat drawing his tongue into my mouth exploring with his tongue. I push his tongue back and then explore his mouth again. Fireworks go off in my head while kissing him. My lower body is very warm enjoying the feeling of my labia rubbing against his hard on. He takes his right hand off the edge of the pool and starts exploring my body. He starts on my back caressing up and down and then his hand travels towards the front lightly caressing my tummy and grazing my breasts. We break our kiss both breathing hard and I smile at him demurely. He smiles while still exploring my body. By accident my hand slips off the edge of the pool and I wrap my arms around him hugging him so I don't go under. That causes us to drift away from the edge causing RJ's grip to slip and we drop below the water. I release him and swim to shallower water. Cassie comes up to me as I arrive at the shallow edge and says she got a text from Cayce. She motions me to follow her. I reluctantly climb out of the pool. Looking back I see RJ following me with his eyes. I smile at him exaggerating my gait swinging my butt side to side following Cassie into the house knowing the bikini is revealing everything.

First Date Klee 20/08/18(Tue)14:59 No. 26967 ID: 62cce3

We get to Cassie's room and she says that Cayce had talked with Colby. They are going to meet us at the movie entrance at the mall this afternoon for a movie that starts at 3:30.
We strip out of our bikinis and shower. Cassie loans me a red halter top, white panties, white ankle socks, and red satin running shorts. She wears a white halter top, light blue panties, light blue ankle socks, and black satin running shorts. Cassie and I go out to the kitchen to help her mom fix lunch. Carol is grilling chicken and peppers. She asks us to make salads. We are going to have a southwest chicken salad for lunch I am told. Cassie asks her mom if we can go to the movie playing at 3:30 today. Carol tells her that’s fine but see if your dad can take you. Once lunch is ready Carol calls RJ and Randy to the table and we all eat lunch. Cassie asks her dad if he can take us to the movie and he says it's fine but asks us what movie is playing. We both say that we don't know but we are told that it is a good one. He shakes his head saying "Sure". We take off walking for the park after lunch to kill some time and anxious energy. Along the way Cassie tells me about Colby. She says "He played football last fall and he's very athletic. He's really good in school, I think he gets A's. Oh, and he's kinda shy" "So what's Cayce like?" I asked Cassie. "He's sooo cute!, and he's funny." "He gets in trouble a lot in class making jokes and clowning around but he makes good grades" "Since we started school he's always been nice to me". "He's got green eyes and the cutest little butt." We continue to walk the park watching the little kids play on the swing set and head back to mess around in Cassie's room looking at school pictures. She shows me pictures from a few years ago of Cayce and Colby and they are so young they look like babies.

Saturday -- afternoon movie --
Randy calls to us saying if we want to make the movie we'd better hurry. We run out to his truck to wait for him. Cassie jumps in first so I get the window. Randy follows right behind and drives us to the theater. Cayce and Colby are standing against the wall of the theater talking with each other. We can tell they both look really nervous and fidgety. Randy asks us if we have enough money and I tell him that "I've got it since I practically live at your house anyway". Randy asks us "Who are those boys against the wall?". We realize that he knows we're meeting them here. Cassie says "That's Cayce and Colby, they go to my school" Randy says "OK, but you girls be careful, call me to come get you if anything happens, OK?" "OK" We both nod our heads and jump out of the pickup. We run up to Cayce and Colby and say "hi" everyone is smiling. They look like they are about ready to bolt. Cayce and Colby say they are going to get tickets and I tell them I've got money for Cassie and my ticket. We walk up to the booth and the only movie playing at 3:30 is some action movie. I roll my eyes, stupid boys. We purchase the tickets and walk in handing our tickets over to get a scrap handed back to us. We find the right movie and walk in. The boys look like they expect a firing squad to appear. We sit about 10 rows back in the middle with Cassie on my left and Colby to my right. The seats are fairly full so it must be a pretty good movie. Looks like we are the youngest group though looking around to see if we recognize anyone. It seems we all have the same fashion sense because we all have running shorts on. The boys have t shirts on with football logo's. The movie starts playing and it's something about alien robots that transform into things. It actually is exciting but Cassie keeps turning her head my way whispering stuff to me. I can't make it out but it sounds like she's bored with the boys concentrating on the movie. I motion with my eyes to watch what I do and she sees me take my right hand and place it on Colby's thigh on my right. Immediately we see him twitch and get stiff as he shuffles around in his seat. He looks over at me and Cassie turns her head away stifling a laugh with a big grin. He leans back feigning a stretch and puts his arm over my shoulder. Cayce is on the left of Cassie and she puts her hand on Cayce's thigh and he jumps a little. Cassie giggles and Cayce
smiles sheepishly at her. He tries to hide his hard on with his left hand on the side of it but it ends up accentuating it. Cassie starts moving her fingers in circles on his bare thigh and it looks like he is about to explode. Cayce puts his arm around Cassie and keeps watching ahead like he's paying attention to the movie. Seeing the effect that Cassie's having I do the same with Colby moving my fingers around his thigh and I see him breathing hard. He's really having a hard time with the pretense of concentrating on the movie now. He moves his hand down my shoulder lower and lower sweeping his hand on my arm back and forth. This goes on for a few minutes and he gets up enough courage to
turn to me and ask "Are you enjoying the movie?" "It's pretty good" I say "And its got some funny parts" I say. He leans in to kiss me and pounces on my nipple sweeping his left hand across it. He kisses me lightly and I gasp with his fingers moving my nipple around. My hand ventures up slowly under his shorts still making light traces across his skin. I notice that he doesn't have any hair on his thigh and wonder if I'll find the same thing higher up. It feels as smooth as a babies bottom. Curious I keep venturing north to find out. I guess I scare him because he kisses me and asks me if I'd like for him to go get us some popcorn. I say "sure" and he jumps up and goes. He seems gone a long time and I worry if he's going to come back.

I'm watching Cassie and Cayce in my peripheral vision. Cayce has his hand under Cassie's halter top kissing her. She's still lazily stroking his thigh back and forth. Cayce notices that I'm watching and pulls his hand out of Cassie's halter top and asks me "What happened to Colby?" "He went to get popcorn" I say. Cayce says "That's a good idea, Cassie you want a drink?" She nods her head and says "Coke". He scoots by me and runs out. I ask Cassie how she's liking the movie and she says "It great!" Her right nipple is poking her halter top. "What happened to Colby?" she asks. I told her "I think I scared him". "How?" she asks. "Well, his thigh is so soft without hair I wondered if he has any at all" "So my hand went under his shorts" I said. "Well, does he?" she asks. "I don't know, that's when he took off for popcorn" We watched the movie for a few minutes when Cassie taps my arm and points to Colby and Cayce coming back. Carrying sodas and popcorn they look more relaxed but determined as they work their way back to us. Before they sit down they hand Cassie and me a soda. They both put their arms over our shoulders right away this time but timidly so I guess things got worked out all right. Cayce leans in for a kiss from Cassie and Colby seeing Cayce's move does the same with me. We kiss briefly and I take a sip of coke and offer it to him. He doesn't have a free hand holding the popcorn so I take the popcorn and put it in my lap and hand him the coke. I can't help but see how vulnerable he is now with his left hand over my shoulder and his right hand holding the soda cup. I take a piece of popcorn and put it in his mouth and then one in my mouth. I keep doing this giving him a smile and twinkle in my eye. He leans over and kisses me after a few pieces force fed to him. After a few times of this routine I guess he can't keep up and won't open his mouth up for the new one. He had starts stroking my shoulder again working around my nipple occasionally and toying with the top of my halter with his finger. When he won't open his mouth for the new popcorn I drop the popcorn innocently and go to search for it. With low visibility of course I can't see the popcorn so I innocently start searching for it with my hand. He is watching what I am doing the entire time and his attention on my halter top increases. I put my hand on his stomach feeling around for the popcorn and keep working my way down slowly. I am sweeping my hand back and forth to find it really not knowing where it went. I am really getting close to his hard on and I look up at him as he moves his head toward me giving me a really long kiss. He timidly places his tongue in my mouth not really doing much so I start sword fighting him with my tongue. While doing this I still sweep my hand across him going lower. I hesitate when my hand is at his hard on in his shorts but he is enjoying our kiss so I sweep my hand across his member and trace my fingers down it to cup his scrotum finding the piece of popcorn. I break our kiss in triumph showing him the popcorn piece with a smile and put it in his mouth. He takes a sip of soda and offers it to me and now without qualm he sneaks his hand under my halter top and starts fondling my nipple directly. Seeing his confidence grow I lean towards him kissing him while I put my hand back on his thigh making circles and strokes back and forth but I am hesitant now to go further not wanting to scare him off again. Between occasional kisses I feed him popcorn and then I eat some watching the movie. He offers me a sip of coke now and then not relinquishing the cup. He progresses with my nipple and lightly pinches it but he doesn't have a lot of room to work with. I am really enjoying the tingles he is giving me from his play and am frustrated when he stops. With his hand now free he grabs popcorn from the bucket between my legs and offers the piece to me and seeing that I finished the popcorn piece he kisses me and then offers a sip of coke. This goes on for a few minutes until it gets old and he places his left hand on my thigh sending tingles through my lower extremities. I don't realize how turned on I am until he does that and when he continues stroking my thigh it is like a lightning bolt traveling from his touch through out my body to my head. I have to kiss him and lean into him for a kiss. My legs part from his touch and I don't realize it but when I kiss him the bucket falls out of my lap to the floor. Cassie and Cayce turn to see what happened but seeing us kissing turn back to the movie and what they are doing to let us be. I back out of the kiss and timidly say "I'm sorry" and he turns and sets our cup down below the seat next to him and hugs me saying "It's alright" and kisses me. He releases the hug and his left hand goes back to my thigh and squeezes it and then start lightly moving his fingers from my knee to the bottom of my shorts. After the hug I had also put my hand back on his thigh but it isn't comfortable now that he has his hand on my leg so I move my arm to the armrest. I move my hips forward in the seat giving him more access and lean in and kiss him every once in a while enjoying his touch. He's making me hot and I want to do more. Building up my nerve, I whisper "Colby, can I sit in your lap?". His face looks shocked for a second and then motions to me to come join him. I move over to his lap not knowing how to sit on his lap and finally settle with my left arm over his shoulder and I am seated on his lap angled toward Cassie and Cayce's direction with my knees draped over Colby's legs. With his right arm he has access to my right nipple now and his left he is holding my right leg near the bottom of my shorts. I am kissing him almost continually now and he works his way under my halter top to put his fingers on my nipple stroking them. His left works it's way under my shorts towards my butt cheek. He misses going over my panties and went right under them to massage my butt. I can feel his hard on under my left butt cheek and wished it was more centered. He must think so too having my weight on it becomes too much because he shifts me to center me so my back is on his chest. I straddle his legs opening my sex for him. I can feel his hard on between my butt cheeks now and his left hand is holding my left hip under my panties with his right hand pressing on my nipple on the inside of my halter top. I lean my head back to kiss him now and I feel so alive and excited. I am feeling the tingles and heat from my crotch and he is making tiny little movements forward and backward with his lap that are sending shivers through my body. His thumb on his left hand still has a grip on my hip but I can feel my outer and inner labia get light touches from the end of his fingers making me wetter. He is lightly squeezing my thigh every few seconds and it starts driving me wild. I still can't do anything with my hands so I just try to concentrate on the feelings he is giving me. Then all of a sudden the movie ends and everyone is getting up to leave. I am stunned and don't recognize what is going on until he takes his hands away from me. I reluctantly jump off his lap and look around and it doesn't look like anyone in the crowd notices us. But when I glance towards Cassie and Cayce they are both looking at us smiling. They both get up and I turn to Colby and step back to my seat to allow him up. I give him a little smile and his face lights up with a great big smile. We have to wait for everyone else to leave before we can move into the aisle so Cayce put his arms around Cassie in front of him and I lean into Colby's back and put my arms around him. He holds my arms to him which feels really sweet. We finally get out to the lobby and try to talk but mainly keep looking at each other saying nothing. Colby asks me for my number and he texts me a happy face. Cassie has already texted her dad so we have to wait for him outside the theater. The boys say they have to go so we hug and they walk towards the entrance to the mall talking and laughing. Once the boys leave Cassie turns and puts her face right up to mine and says "OMG!" and bounces up and down. I smile with her and share her excitement and we hug. She asks me what it felt like to be on Colby's lap and I was trying to figure out how to describe it when Cassie's dad pulls up and honking at us. We bounce into the pickup and Randy smiling seeing our excitement asks "How was the movie?". Cassie tells him "It was sooooo gooood!" "I want to see it again next week!" Randy smiling asks me "Kaylee, did you enjoy the movie too?" I tell him "I loved it!". Then Randy asks us both "So what was the movie about?" Cassie said "It was about some robots going around shooting at things." I help out the best I can and say "There were these alien robots and they were fighting bad robots". Randy laughs and tells us "I'm glad you both had a good time!" About halfway home Randy asks "So those boys you were with, how long have you been seeing them?"
A first for Cassie, she has trouble saying anything so I say "Just today, well, Cayse stopped to talk with Cassie last night at the game and I just met Colby last night when Sue and I were walking around at the game". Randy said "You girls are too young to date right now so I don't want you getting serious about anyone. I don't want you getting hurt. I don't mind if you girls go to an afternoon movie with boys but don't expect your mom and me to let you go out on an evening date" "OK dad" Cassie says. I don't think either of us had thought that far ahead. "OK" I say. The moment we get to the house we run to Cassie's room to tell each other what happened at the movie. Cassie tells me "Well, we didn't go as far as you two but when Cayce and Colby got back with the drinks Cayse started where he left off. He had his fingers on my thigh for a while and stroking my leg and eventually he worked up my shorts and was petting me outside my panties. It felt so wonderful and he made me really horny. Oh! and I'm pretty sure that Colby doesn't have any hair there." and she winked at me! "Really?, what was it like?" I ask. "Well, right before the movie ended I had my hand on Cayce's thigh and he twisted a little in his seat to get comfortable and my hand ended up under his shorts. I figured I was already there so I slowly got my fingers under his underwear and felt his thing. I didn't stay very long though because he jumped when I touched him there." "We kissed some more and then the movie ended".

Playing pool Klee 20/08/28(Fri)15:00 No. 26971 ID: 36b4b1

Cassie and I go in to help mom with dinner. Spaghetti with salad and garlic bread. Carol has the spaghetti simmering. "Hi mom!" Cassie says as Cassie hugs her mom. "What can we do?" Cassie says. "Why don't you girls get started on the Garlic bread and when you're done with that get out the tomatoes and lettuce and toss the salad." Carol says. I hug Carol and run over to Cassie to get the bread ready. Carol asks the girls "Did you both have fun today?" I say "It was sooo much fun, first we sunbathed and RJ teased us but we got him back, and then took a little walk around the park, and then we went to the movie and watched a robot movie. We met Cayce and Colby there and watched it with them. "They're sooo cute!" We both say. Carol asks "Oh that’s wonderful honey!" "So what are the boys like?" I say "Colby is really shy in a sweet way, he has a really cute face with dreamy hazel eyes. He's athletic and a little taller then me" Cassie says "And Cayce is shy too, and really cute, he's smart and makes good grades, he has really cute green eyes, and he's sooo nice" Carol says "I'm so happy for you girls, they sound like really nice boys, why don't you invite them over some time for a swim?" Cassie's eyes light up and look at me and giggle. Cassie and I set the table.

Dinner made, Carol has me go call the guys in for dinner. I find Randy in his study reading reports and tell him "It's time for dinner" Randy starts putting his papers away and says "Thanks sweetie". I knock on RJ's door and tell him "dinner time" and RJ responds "OK runt". As I am walking back to the kitchen Randy comes out of his study and puts his hand on my shoulder and asks "Is everything OK with you and your parents?" Yeah, they're just gone a lot" "I hope I'm not a pest" Randy and I enter the living room area that adjoins the kitchen and Randy stops me and has me sit on the couch. He sits next to me and puts his arm around me and says "If you ever need to talk, you can talk to us" "I know you make us happy, you're such a sweet girl" "You have brightened Cassie's life since she met you. When you're at home with your parents all she talks about is you" "Have you talked with your parents today? Do they know that you're still here?" "I texted mom earlier and she knows I'm here. I told her that I might stay another night if that's alright?" I lie. Randy says "Of course, You know, I'd love to have you live here all the time, but I know how your parents would miss you if they didn't see you" I'm sobbing as I hug Randy. We both walk into the kitchen holding hands and sit down at the table. Cassie seeing that I had cried asks "You OK?" "I'm just happy" "Your parents are so nice" I say smiling.

After dinner Cassie and I do dishes and clean up the kitchen. After we finish we get a soda and go out to the pool with Randy and Carol and chatting about what we are going to be doing this summer. RJ went to a friends house to watch a movie his friend rented and play video games. Carol says that a carnival is coming for a week next weekend. "Randy? When do you want to go camping again?" Carol asks. "I don't know Carol, I love going to the lake but I have a couple of subcontractors schedule conflicts holding up a house and that carpet replacement got back ordered." "How about next weekend? You can take Monday off and we'll make it a 3 day trip" Carol asks. Randy says "I'll try but I can't promise anything" laughing he says "Kaylee, you want to burn your butt next weekend?" Smiling, I blush and say "Yeah?".

Sunday -- Morning sunbathe --
Cassie wakes again very happy. Bouncing me awake by jumping up and down on her knees on the bed trying to get me up. "Hey! Lets shower together and go out to the pool and work on our tan!" "Oh no! I'm in ground hog day!" I grumble to Cassie and then smile. "OK, OK, I'm up" I say slowly getting up. I walk behind Cassie to the bathroom still not fully awake. I sit on the toilet to pee while she turns on the water for the shower. Cassie takes her nightie off and throws it on me. "Hey!" I say smiling. I throw her nightie on the counter and then take my nightie off and throw it on top of hers. I flush the toilet. She smiles at me. "You're so adorable when you wake up in the morning Kaylee" she says. I smile at her. "Come on sleepy head, lets get in the shower" I walk into the shower and I enjoy the warmth of the water when she walks in behind me grabbing the soap and gooses me with the soap. I turn around and give her a light kiss and she continues to scrub my body with the soap. Cassie finishes my body with the soap and grabs the shampoo to shampoo my hair and says "With your long hair you could totally get away with coloring it with a bright color". She starts shampooing my hair. Appreciating the thought I say "I'll do it if you do too!". "OK!" she says. "But I get to pick your color alright?" "I promise you'll love it and you'll look hot!". "OK, but it better look good!" I tell her. I rinse off the shampoo and soap on my body. I grab the shampoo and start shampooing her hair. "You know, your hair is so pretty but what do you think about being a blond?" I ask her. I grab the soap and start soaping her body. Standing in front of Cassie I look her in the eyes with an impish grin and start rubbing her privates vigorously with the soap. Cassie jumps a little, smiles and then hugs me saying "I love you". She turns in the shower to rinse off the soap and we walk out of the shower to towel off each other. We run back to bedroom and she hands me the white bikini with a twinkle in her eye. I figure why not, I seem to have shown the guys in this family everything anyway.

We run downstairs to the kitchen and greet Randy and Carol sitting at the table smiling at us. We smile back and in unison say "Good Morning!". Randy had coffee ready for me and hands me the cup. Cassie grabs OJ and pours a glass. "Mom, can we get our hair done today?" says Cassie. Carol says "I think that sounds good!" "We'll make it a girls day out this afternoon". Carol starts cooking oatmeal for breakfast. RJ walks in to the kitchen looking groggy. "Good Morning" he says sleepily sitting down at the table. He sees me in the white bikini again and pokes me in the ribs and asks with a huge smile "Runt, Are you going swimming this morning?!" I smile back at him and say "Maybe!" "Well, let me know if you do and I'll join you again". I smile at him provocatively and keep quiet. Carol says to everyone "Grab your bowls and get some oatmeal". Carol hands a bowl of oatmeal to Randy and sits down. Cassie, RJ and I get up and line up to get our oatmeal with RJ in front of me. Waiting for Cassie to put oatmeal in her bowl RJ turns to me smiling and traces his fingers up my inner thigh and turns back around sending a shiver through my body. Cassie done filling her bowl goes and sits down. I poke RJ in the lower back causing a tickle and grunt as he steps forward getting a bowl and filling it. He hands it to me and I smile thanking him and I go sit down next to Cassie in my seat. RJ fills his bowl and joins us at the table. We all eat breakfast finishing quickly and Cassie says "Kaylee and I will clean up" RJ says "I'll help too". RJ goes and fills the sink with hot water and starts washing. I walk next to RJ to dry the dishes and bump him with my hip. Cassie is clearing the table bringing the dishes to RJ and pokes him in the ribs smiling at him. RJ smiles at her and turns around and tickles her sides getting her sides soapy as she scampers back to the table to get the cups and glasses. RJ turns and continues washing. RJ starts humming while he washes and bumps me with his hips and smiles at me. We finish and RJ turns around and picks up Cassie smiling saying "Hey Runt, lets go out to the pool?" "Put me down RJ, I don't want to get wet!" Cassie says laughing. RJ puts her down reluctantly and then turns to me. I squeal and run around the table behind Cassie to protect me. RJ chases us out to the backyard growling with us squealing and then turns around going back inside to put his trunks on.

We spread lotion on each other and lay down on the pool chairs to enjoy the sun. Cassie's tan is a mocha latte and mine is the color of a light latte. Cassie turns on the radio and
Katy Perry
is singing. After 20 minutes we lay on our stomachs facing each other talking about hair colors and what effect it has on our looks. We talk about the girls at her school with their looks and hair. Cassie's hair is down to her shoulders and I ask her "Have you ever had long hair?" She answers "Yeah, but it's hard to take care of" "I like short hair because it's easier to manage". "I love Sue's long blond hair but I bet she spends half her day taking care of it". "I like the color of your hair too Kaylee, and the length makes you look sexy". "Yeah, me too" I say. "At least you don't look so much like a boy now!" Cassie teases smiling. "In fact, when I first saw you in the store and I was trying on shoes I thought you were cute and was hoping you would come over and talk to me". She says while giggling. continuing "I was a little sad when you told me you were a girl cause I wanted you to grab me in a hug and passionately kiss me". She teases still giggling. I smile closing my eyes enjoying her being my friend. "Time to roll over" Cassie says. We change to laying on our backs again. RJ comes out and grabs the pool net and starts clearing the pool of leaves. He finishes and asks us "You want a drink, runts?" Cassie says "I'll take an iced tea?" "Me too" I say. RJ goes into the house and brings us both iced teas and hands them to us. He goes back in grabbing a coke and comes back out. "Hey runt" He says looking at me. "Can I get a massage?" "You got one yesterday?". "I smile at him saying "I'll give you a massage but you have to give me one first!" "You want a massage Cassie?" I ask. Cassie says "No, I'm fine, thank you".

RJ walks over and picks up the suntan lotion and squeezes some out on my tummy startling me. He wipes off the lotion on my tummy and starts a slow massage rubbing my shoulders and arms. He rubs my tummy moving his fingers slightly under my bikini top teasing me. He works his way lower on my tummy and moves his fingers under my bikini bottom from my hip into the center and across to the other side. He gets some more lotion and moves his fingers under the bikini bottom at my hip and moves it towards the crotch and withdraws his fingers from the fabric when he gets close to the inside of my thigh and rubs his hand on the inside of my thigh down to my crotch grazing it with his fingers. He rubs down my thigh working to my feet and rubs each toe. He starts on the toes of my other foot and then massages my foot. He works his way up from my calve to my thigh and finally to the top of my thigh running his fingers again underneath the fabric of my bikini bottom from my hip to my crotch again grazing it. I'm quite excited at this point when he lifts me and turns me over on my stomach. He starts at my neck and shoulders and then my arms using a lot of pressure. He unties the back of my bikini top and works on my back and sides with heavy pressure. He works his way down my back frustrating me with his slowness. He startles me when he unties my bikini bottom but I hesitate to see where this leads and he flips the back of my bikini down exposing my butt. I look over at Cassie and she has her eyes closed. He squirts lotion (a lot) on my butt and massages my butt working his way to and down the sides of my hips. With the edge of one hand he works from the top of my crack and rubs down to my crotch sending intense tingles and heat through my body. My rectum wishes for his return as I slightly wiggle it but he flips the bottom of the bikini back up disappointing me. He starts on the outside of my thigh working his way in to the inside and moves his hand deep into the crevice between my legs grazing my sex with the edge of his hand and works his way down my thigh with his hands. My sex feels soaking wet now. He massages my calve down to my foot. He moves to my other foot and massages it and works his way up my calve. I'm getting really excited as he slowly works his way back up my leg. He gets to my knee and he tickles them both and then he massages my thigh still working his way up. He gets to the top of my thigh and he grazes my crotch again working his hand deep and finishes. He flips my bikini bottom down again, slaps my butt, lifts me up and turns me over causing my bikini top and bottom to fall under me and says "My turn!". I’m laying on my back totally naked as he walks over to his pool chair and sits down looking at me smiling wryly. I smile at him coyly and tie my bottoms and sit up to try to tie my bikini top but I can't do it with it behind me so I ask "RJ, please tie me?" He comes over gives me a long kiss and sneaks a hand onto my nipple and breaks the kiss saying "You look better without it" but then relents and ties it for me. "My turn" he reminds me and goes to his pool chair and lays on it face up. Cassie turns over on her stomach and looking at me asks "Did he do a good job?". "Oh, Yeah!" I say.

I get up and walk over to RJ and say "You ready for the best massage of your life?!". He smiles and says "I can't wait!". I squirt lotion on his chest and put all my weight into rubbing his chest and shoulders. He's watching me and we lock eyes for a few seconds and we smile at each other. I work my way down his arms squeezing them and notice he's got some guns! I work on his tummy in circles and pull his trunks down a little and work on the lower area of his tummy and belly button to the sides of his hips. I go as low as I dare going a little underneath his trunks like he did me and feel some hair. I go to his left thigh and his trunks are really low so I work my hands underneath the leg of his trunk up to almost where his legs join and work my way down his thighs. He's got a lot of hair on his legs and I find it attractive. I massage his calve and down to his foot using all my strength. I move to his other foot and massage it and work my way up his calve to his thigh. I work my way slowly up his thigh as far as I can go and accidentally graze his scrotum with my hand seeing his penis twitch. I poke him in the side to get him to turn over and he says "You're doing great, babe". I smile and wave my hands to get him on his stomach. I squirt a lot of lotion on his back and work it into his neck. He's got a muscular neck. I straddle his butt sitting on it and I put all my strength and weight into rubbing his back and shoulders. I rub his sides and lower back. I pull his trunks down to his knees exposing his butt and I pat it a few times and he laughs. Cassie, seeing what I did giggles. I massage his butt and hips and he's got a muscular butt. I rub his butt in circles and pat it again and then move to his thighs. I push his trunks down and off putting them next to him leaving him naked on his stomach. I squirt some lotion on his left thigh and rub his thigh up to his butt cheek and rub his thigh between his legs. He opens his legs a little giving me room and I see his scrotum hanging down. His thighs seem massive and I put everything I have into massaging his muscles. I work his calve and then his foot. I start on his other foot and move my way up his right leg and get to the top of his thigh and I'm worn out. I pat his butt and say "All done, big boy!". I walk over to my chair and lay down. I notice RJ is sleeping.

Cassie smiling, gets up and turns so she's laying on her back and jokes to me "So that's how to shut him up!" "Who knew!". I smile. After 20 minutes it was time to turn over again. I saw RJ still sleeping and motion to Cassie. I asked her "What do you think?" "Should we wake him so he doesn't burn?". "His butt should burn so he knows how we felt". Cassie says. I say "I can't do that, he's been nice today". I call over to RJ "RJ wake up!" But he doesn't respond. Cassie yells "RJ, you're late for school!" RJ mumbles something. I walk over and kneel in front of him rubbing his shoulders. I kiss him on the cheek and say softly "honey, my big stud, it's time to roll over or you'll get burned". He smiles at me with his eyes closed and turns over not noticing his trunks laying next to him. I walk back and lay on my stomach. Cassie and I both stare waiting for him to realize his penis is flying free and can't stop laughing because he fell back to sleep. We lay out for another turn and then let RJ know his penis is in danger of burning. He blushes and we go into the kitchen to get something to drink giggling.

We change our clothes to t shirts and jean shorts with both of us wearing our pink sneakers. We go into the living room with Randy and Carol and watch some television until lunch. RJ goes over to a friends house to eat lunch with him. We all make our own sandwiches with chips and soda for lunch. Once finished Carol says "Lets go girls, our appointment is in 30 minutes". We jump into Carol's car and go downtown to the hairdressers. Cassie gets her hair cut to just below her ears and takes my advice to go blond. She convinces me to dye my hair pink "no one will think you're a boy! she told me. I decide to cut my hair to just above my shoulders causing Cassie to groan but I tell her pink hair to my butt would look weird. Carol does her usual and gets her hair clipped and gets rid of her gray. Once done, Carol pays after I try to argue that I have the money and we go hit a few clothing stores to see what they have to compliment our wardrobe. We all find a few things we can't live without and I really needed some more panties and socks so I get a few different pastel colors with light blue, green, yellow, and pink panties. The socks are matching pastel ankle socks. We go for ice cream afterwards and chat.

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