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My First Story Gragnost 19/12/19(Thu)08:52 No. 26536 ID: 80a9b5

Tags : Incest, Spanking, Mf, Future ff, Mff

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow makes fifteen years since the day that things changed for my sisters and myself. My parents were going to Hawaii for their twentieth wedding anniversary and they had left me in charge of the house and had told my two sisters Milly and Mandy the night before at dinner that while they were gone my authority was absolute and my word was Law around the house.
It was the second monday of summer vacation and I awoke to the smell of blueberry muffins. After glancing over at my alarm clock, I momentarily wondered what was going on. My parents’ flight had been scheduled to depart at 5:30 that morning, and since my alarm clock told me that it was 10:37, my parents had to be somewhere over the Pacific Ocean at that time. That left my sisters as to the reason I was smelling muffins. The problem was my mother didn’t like my sisters to use the stove because they almost always left a huge mess afterwards that she had to clean up after they left the kitchen. I sighed and got out of bed to see what mischief Milly and Maddy were up to.
After throwing on a pair biking of shorts and a tee shirt, I always slept in just my jockey shorts, I went downstairs. I pushed open the kitchen’s swinging door and walked into what looked like a white hurricane had blown through the room. There was flour all over the counters and stove, as well as on the floor and the kitchen sink. The sink held a half-dozen mixing bowls, plastic spatulas, and various other batter covered utensils. There were two muffin pans filled with muffins sitting to the left of the stove and an open tub of butter sitting in front of the pan. Four muffins were missing from the pan on the left and standing about three feet away from the pan stood my sisters; each of them buttering the two halves of a blueberry muffin, their clothes dusted with flour.
Before I say anything more about what happened after I walked into the kitchen and my sisters‘ mess, I think I should give a bit more context to what the situation was here. It was June 26, 1996; just a little over a month until my eighteenth birthday. Milly was thirteen and Maddy was twelve, and both were as rambunctious as redheads are supposed to be.
I think I should give a bit of background on myself and my sisters before I go any farther in this story. The three of us were something of a mystery to our parents. There had been no redheads on either side of the family for generations, and yet all three of our parents’ kids had red hair. (Trying to figure out where our hair color came from was one of the main reasons why I chose a career in genetics when I went off to college after I turned nineteen.) Our parents were also a bit unusual when it came to naming us as well. For instance, I was named after my parents’ favorite actor and my middle name is my father’s middle name. Until I went off to college, Harrison seemed to me to be a horrible name, so I went by Daniel or Danny most of the time. (Yes, my parents were Star Wars nuts.) Milly was named after the favorite character of a book my parents were both reading right before she was born, and her middle name was the first name of a great-aunt on my mother’s side of the family. Maddy was named after the two main female characters of my patents’ favorite TV show at the time she was born.
Anyway, as I was saying, all three of us have red hair, and I thankfully am not covered in freckles like my sisters were and still are. Another interesting trait that the three of us have is our particular hair and eye colors. As I stated before, all three of us have red hair, but each of us has a different shade of red on our heads. My hair is dark red, Milly has copper colored hair, and Maddy is what they call a strawberry-blonde; her hair is a very light red with blonde highlights (in the right light it looks pink). And yes, before you bother asking, on all three of us the carpet matches the drapes; although in Maddy’s case, her pubes are a few shades darker than what’s on her head, sort of a light rust color. My eyes are yellowish-brown, the color that the refer to as amber. Milly has green eyes, almost jade in color. And lastly, Maddy has what can only be described as sapphire blue eyes .
At the time this happened both of my sisters had already started puberty. Milly had started developing the bubble-butt that she still has today, and her breasts were between an A and a B Cup in size; although I learned at that time her chest was still at the “cone stage” of its development. Maddy barely had any womanly shape to her body at that time. Her legs, hips, and butt hadn’t developed any curves yet. Hell, the only way you could tell she was developing into a woman at all were her egg-sized breasts she had. (I swear, her boobs were the size and shape of a pair of hard-boiled eggs; they were almost as firm as eggs as well.)
I looked at my sisters standing by the stove and shook my head in exasperation. Both of them were still dressed in their pajamas. Milly was wearing plain green bottoms with a blue top. Her top had a cartoon bird sitting in a tree in the middle of her chest. Maddy was wearing a pink and white striped set of PJs that had with zebras on her butt and chest. The fact that they had been rough-housing as they baked was apparent by the dual white handprints on Milly’s back and the white handprint on Maddy’s left butt-cheek.
Deciding that I was going to use my new authority to its fullest, and to hopefully prevent the mess I was seeing from ever happening again, I made a plan to punish my sisters that if it worked, would make them obey me without question for the whole duration that our parents were gone. Taking a deep breath, I bellowed out their full names to get their attention, “Millicent Agnes Barrymore and Madeline Farrah Barrymore, what the hell do you think you are doing?” Both of them jumped at the sound of my upraised voice, and Milly dropped the butter knife she was holding. Maddy answered in a shaky voice, “Uh, making breakfast?”. I tried not to smile as I asked, “Does making breakfast usually involve being covered from head to toe in flour with a mess in the sink and all over the stove?” Maddy looked sheepishly around her and then asked in a very uncertain voice, “Uh. Yes?”. I shook my head and said, “Wrong answer. Want to try that again?”
Both of them looked at me nervously as I said, “Do the two of you remember what mom and dad said last night about me being in charge while they are gone and I get to choose what your punishments are if you misbehave?” Both of them looked down at their feet and slowly nodded. I cleared my throat and said, “Well? I’m waiting for an answer. Do you remember what they said?” Both of them continued looking down at their feet as Milly said yes and I heard a muffled, “Yeah”, come from Maddy.
I glanced up at the kitchen clock noting the time and said, “Here’s what’s going to happen. The two of you have earned a spanking for this mess and that is what you are going to get as a punishment every time you misbehave while mom and dad are gone. It is 10:42, you have one hour to clean the kitchen, take your showers, get dressed, and meet me in the living room for your punishments. You’re both going to get fifteen swats on your rears as punishment for this mess. Every minute that one or both of you is late will result in the both of you getting two more swats on your rears. Am I understood?” Milly’s head raised up from her feet and she stared me in the eye as she said, “A spanking? What do you think we are? Little kids or something?” I cleared my throat and said, “And for back-talking Millicent, you’ve just earned both of you a bare-assed spanking instead of the clothed one you were going to originally get. Maddy, you can thank your sister for this change. Since Milly decided to back-talk me, you won’t be getting dressed after your showers. Instead, you will put on your robes only and meet me in the living room at 11:42. If one or both of you is wearing anything besides your robes, you will be getting an additional five swats on your bare butts per piece of clothing. Any questions?”
Milly glared at me angrily, but said nothing more. Maddy shot Milly an angry look and said, “Way to go Mill.” Milly started to say something back to her but caught my staring at the two of them and wisely closed her mouth. I glanced at the clock and said, “You now have fifty-nine minutes to finish the task I’ve set for you. Get to work.” I then walked over to the stove, picked up three muffins and walked into the living room to watch some TV and wait for my sisters’ arrival.
One hour and three minutes later Maddy walked into the living room with a sheepish look on her face and wearing her green Tweety Bird robe. I was sitting in the living room’s recliner and after turning off the TV, I motioned her over to the couch with my right hand. She sat down on the couch and stared at her feet instead of looking at me. Three minutes later, Milly walked into the living room wearing her white robe with red hearts on it. I made a show of looking over at the clock next to the entertainment center before I met Milly’s gaze, and shook my head. Looking over at Maddy, I said, “Madeline, you can thank your sister for the additional swats you are going to get in a moment. Between the two of you, you are six minutes late; that means each of you will be getting twenty-seven swats on your bare behinds. Milly, since it’s your fault that the punishment is so late, you can go first. Take off your robe, then bend over with your hands on the arm of the couch and your butt in the air.”
Milly glared at me and then wordlessly untied the sash of her robe, opened it fully, and let it drop to the floor. I wasn’t surprised when I saw that she had put on a pair of panties and a bra after showering instead of following my orders. I took a deep breath and let out an exaggerated sigh. I then, looked over at Maddy and asked, “You at least did you what I told you to do, or did you put on underwear like your disobedient sister did?” Maddy glared at Milly for a moment before turning to me and said, “I did what you said to do. I may not want to be, but I’m naked under my robe.” Milly glared at her and said, “I thought we agreed to put on underwear.” Maddy sighed, and said, “And you thought Danny wasn’t going to keep his word and just let us get away with wearing undies? You insisted that we should put on our underwear and since I didn’t argue, just took my silence as agreement. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one of the three of us, Mill.”
I locked eyes with Milly and keeping her gaze, said, “Maddy, since you obeyed my orders, I’m going to let you off with just the twenty-seven swats coming to you for lateness. Milly, you however, are wearing two pieces of clothing more than you are supposed to be wearing. You will be getting ten more swats for wearing your underwear instead of obeying me. And since you tried to make Maddy disobey me as well, you’ve earned a further punishment. You are going to strip, and I’m going count while you are doing it. For every second that I count and you aren’t naked, that will be one more swat on your bare ass that you are going to get. Am I understood, Millicent?” I then started counting out loud.
I made it to fourteen before Milly had stripped herself naked. I know that brothers aren’t supposed to look at their sisters that way, but I carefully scanned Milly’s body from head to toe as she walked over to the couch and placed her hands on its arm, her butt sticking into the air. Milly’s body was almost entirely covered with freckles and I’ll admit that I liked the way they decorated her chest, belly, and legs. Milly’s breasts, as I said before, jutted out from her chest like two upright cones. Her nipples stood out from the centers of her breasts proudly. Although they weren’t erect, her nipples did extend about a half inch from the center of each breast and her areolas were the size of silver dollars and were a lovely dark pink color.
Milly’s copper colored pubic hair was thicker than I expected it to be and it shone brightly in the muted sunlight coming through the window from across the room. Because the living room was in the back of the house and we didn’t have any neighbors behind us, I wasn’t worried about any neighbors seeing her naked through the window. From where I sat in the recliner, I had been able to see Milly’s bush, but I hadn’t been able to see anything that it covered. I decided then, that it was time to rectify that oversight.
Now my initial intention of having my sisters nude was to embarrass them into obeying me for the rest of the time that our parents were gone, but as I said earlier, Milly was in the process of developing the wonderful bubble-butt that she now possesses, and I have to say her rear looked very nice to me as it stuck out from the way she was standing. I stood up and slowly walked over to where my sister was bent over; ogling her body the whole trip there.
Stopping a foot behind Milly, I set my left hand down on the small of her back. I’m not going to lie, her skin of her back felt wonderful under my touch; her skin felt warm, supple, and smooth. I cleared my throat and said, “Millicent, do you know why I’m about to give you fifty-one swats on your bare butt?” She sighed and said, “Because I made a mess in the kitchen and was late for my spanking that you said that you are going to give me.” I slowly traced my fingers in circles around the small of her back and said, “That is incorrect. I am giving you fifty-one swats because you decided to disobey me and wear underwear for your punishment; as well as the additional time you took stripping off your clothes. If you had obeyed my orders and had only been late, you would be getting twenty-seven swats like Maddy is going to get when your spanking is finished. I am going to tell you one last thing before I begin. You will count out each swat that I am about to give you. Every swat that you get that you don’t count aloud won’t count towards your fifty-one. Am I understood Millicent?” She sighed and said yes.
The whole time that I had been talking to her and stroking her back, I had leaned over and had been visually examining her pussy from the rear. Her bent over position had spread her outer lips a bit and her inner lips were clearly visible. I had the urge to lower my head and give her pussy a lick right then, but I fought the urge and instead took a deep breath and stood straight to administer her punishment.
As I pulled my arm back to give Milly her first slap across her rear, I made eye contact with Maddy. The smirk on her face told me that she had seen my staring at our sister’s vulva. I met her gaze and mouthed, ‘Keep quiet about me checking her out and don’t say anything to her about it, and you’ll only get fifteen instead of twenty-seven. Agreed?’ Maddy’s smirk widened into a full toothed grin as she nodded at me. I then pulled my arm back, and then I swung away as hard as I could at my lovely freckled target.
The first swat across Milly’s rump left my whole hand stinging and she gasped loudly at the sharp impact on her rear. She jumped and let out a pained moan from the contact of my hand. I saw that there was a red imprint of my hand across both cheeks of my sister’s rear as I pulled my hand back for the next spank. I swatted her across both buttocks twice more, both swats a little less severe that the first swat and then I said, “You’re not counting Millicent. Until you count them aloud, these swats don’t count against your total.” I smacked her lovely bottom a fourth time and Milly let out a pained groan and said, “F-f-four.” I pulled my hand back, and smacked her freckled buns a fifth time, and said, “You just started counting, so this is number one.” She then let out a pained, “Wah....one”.
In total, Milly got a total of sixty-three swats across her bare backside. Once I hit ten swats I began switching back and forth between her butt-cheeks. Milly’s ass was crimson, my hand was throbbing, and she was crying intensely as she finally counted out fifty-one. As she sobbed uncontrollably over the arm of the couch, I took pity on her. I gingerly put my arms around her waist, and gently lowered her down to the living room carpet. Milly seemed to collapse in on herself as her body crumpled to the rug. I stroked her back with my left hand and telling her that it was all over and that she could rest for a bit. Milly sobbed into the carpet’s thick nap curled into a fetal ball, as I motioned for Maddy to follow me to the kitchen with my left hand.
My youngest sibling followed me to the kitchen as I turned on the sink’s faucet and lowered my aching hand into the cold water. Letting out a contented sigh at the water’s ability to take the stinging out of my hand, I looked Maddy in the eye. “I’ll make you a deal, help Milly to her room and put some aloe on her butt, and when you come back, I’ll give you only give you ten swats.” Maddy looked over at me and asked in a teasing voice, “Are you going to look at my crotch like you looked at hers?” I chuckled and said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think say want me to look at you like I was looking at her.” Maddy looked down and off to her left as she said, “Maybe.” I snorted and said, “If you agree to help me with Mill or not, you’re still getting a spanking Mad. The only difference is the number of smacks that you’re going to be getting on your bare butt. It’s your choice; ten or fifteen.” She sighed and said, “Okay. Fine, I’ll help you with her.” I nodded and said, “Get her upstairs to her room, treat her butt, and meet me in the living room in a half hour.” Maddy nodded and I playfully swatted her on the rear as she turned to leave the kitchen. Laughing, I said, “That one doesn’t count.” Maddy just rolled her eyes and walked off to tend to Milly’s rear.
I was sitting on the couch watching a British comedy show as Maddy walked into the living room to stand between me and the TV. She met my gaze and then nodded to me before wordlessly untying her robe and letting it drop to the floor. Maddy stood with her arms outstretched as if to say. ‘Well here I am, look at me’. I did just that. I took in her boyish legs, hips, and thighs before stopping at her crotch. Maddy saw where I was staring and a smile spread across her face as she slowly parted her legs for me to get a better look. Her vulva had about thirty or so light rust colored actual hairs speckling it and a light covering of fine fuzz under her few pubes. My mouth watered a bit as I unashamedly leered at her crotch, before I moved my gaze up her flat belly to stop at her breasts. As I mentioned, her breasts were tiny. They resembled hard-boiled eggs in size and shape, and I fought my instinct to reach out and touch and feel them with my hands. Moving my gaze up to her face, Maddy looked into my eyes and nodded down at me. Turning slowly, she rotated her body until she was facing towards the TV and then she parted her legs and bent forward slightly. I got a great view of her pussy and the crinkled shape of her anus. After about twenty seconds of letting me visually examine her from the rear, she let out a satisfied sounding grunt, and then my youngest sibling turned back towards me, with a shit-eating grin on her face.
Maddy then walked over to the side of the couch, placed her hands on its arm, and raised her rump into the air. I stood up and walked around to stand at her side like I did with Milly. When I set down my left hand into the small of her back like I had with our sister, Maddy let out a contented sigh. I then raised my hand and brought it down sharply across both of her butt cheeks. Maddy let out a gasp and jumped with the impact, but said nothing. I spanked her rear a second, and then a third time, when I reached the fourth slap across her butt, I cleared my throat to let her know she should start counting. Maddy grunted back at me, but she continued to say nothing; so I resumed her spanking. After her twelthth firm swat across her rear, Maddy let out a pained sounding, “Wha....O-one.” I stroked the small of her back and resumed her punishment. When I had reached ten strikes, I began alternating back and forth between her buttocks like I had done with Milly.
When my baby sister finally counted out ten, she let out a contented sounding sigh and flopped bonelessly over the arm of the couch. Now I may have still been a virgin at that point, but I had played “stinky-finger” with my last girlfriend and I knew what an aroused female smelled like. From the point when I had struck Maddy’s rear the ninth time I had begun smelling the musky but tangy scent of wet pussy. Dropping to my knees, I grasped Maddy’s hips in my hands and leaned in towards her crotch and inhaled deeply.
My baby sister let out a groan and lifted her hips, arching her rear towards me. Maddy’s pussy was visibly wet and I decided to take a chance. Extending my tongue, I lightly grazed her vulva with the tip of it. Maddy’s response was to arch her back and lift her bottom a bit higher. Taking that as an open invitation, I took her hips in my hands and pressed my nose into her asshole as I slowly slid my tongue between her lower lips. I was rewarded with a tangy and slightly tart liquid sliding onto my tongue and Maddy moaning even louder.
I began licking my baby sister’s pussy in earnest. I’ll admit that I had no idea what-so-ever what I was doing, but I literally played it by ear. If Maddy groaned loudly, I repeated my last action; if she let out a less enthusiastic sound, I didn’t repeat my last action. After about five minutes of blindly licking my sister’s snatch, Maddy’s body stiffened and she let out a muffled scream into the couch cushions. After a moment, her whole body went limp and she let out a contented sounding groan. She then slid further onto the couch so that her body from the knees up was over the arm of the couch.
Emboldened by my ability to make my youngest sister orgasm, I threw caution to the wind and pulled down my shorts and underwear to my knees. I grasped Maddy by the hips and pulled her back up the couch, so her slightly red ass was pointed towards me and her vulva splayed obscenely open. I slid the head of my dick up and down her inner lips a few times and got nothing more than a few grunts and moans from her each time I slipped back to the opening of her vagina. On my sixth pass down to the mouth of her vagina I shoved my hips slightly forward.
I slid into Maddy’s pussy about maybe half an inch and immediately met resistance. I thought to myself, ‘Well she’s definitely intact at least’. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I grabbed Maddy’s hips in my hands and shoved my hips forward as I pulled her back towards me hard. I was rewarded with two things, my sister let out a pained screech and my dick slid into her pussy about an inch-and-a-half more. Knowing that neither of us was now a virgin, I began shifting my hips forward and back. After about twelve thrusts I had worked about another inch into Maddy’s body. She wasn’t fighting me, but she wasn’t helping me either; she just lay limply over the arm of the couch and made grunts each time that I slid back into her. By the time I had made about forty thrusts, I finally sheathed myself into my baby sister’s snatch all the way. I held still for a moment and reveled in the sensation of being buried to the hilt in my first pussy. I sighed and stroked her back as I wrapped my arms around her torso and held her, easing my body down on top of hers.
At seventeen, I was five foot eleven and weighed about one hundred and sixty-five pounds. Maddy on the other hand was four foot ten and weighed about eighty pounds. Slumped over her body as I was, my head easily rested on her right shoulder; I sighed and kissed her right cheek. After about a minute of laying my whole body on top of her, not moving an inch and simply staying fully buried in her, I asked her if she wanted to continue or should I pull out. Maddy let out a tired sounding, “Kuh...kup guh-whin.” I asked her if she was sure and she slowly lifted her left arm and extended her left thumb.
I lifted myself off her body, grasped her around the waist, and slowly began shafting her again. After about thirty seconds of slowly but steadily sliding in and out of her, I began to speed up my thrusts. Soon moving in her was much easier and I began fucking her as fast and as hard as I could. Maddy began moaning, grunting, and whining in time with each of my thrusts. I’d like to say that I lasted long enough to get her off, but I couldn’t have lasted more than two minutes. I bit down on Maddy’s left shoulder as I came in her and collapsed on top of her; my body going limp and I promptly passed out.
The next thing I knew, I was waking up feeling sated and realized three things. First, my shorts and underwear were around my ankles. Second, my dick felt slightly sore and my crotch felt very sticky. And third, I felt something soft and warm under my body. It was then that I realized that had actually fucked my baby sister, fell asleep afterwards, and that I was still laying on top of her.
My left arm was wrapped around her body, and I held her small left breast in my hand. My right arm was pressed under her belly, and both of our body weights were laying on top of it. It was the sensation, or actually the lack of sensation in my right arm that had woke me up. I glanced up at the clock. It had been almost one o’clock when Maddy had disrobed in front of me. The time was now 5:29; I had slept on top of her body for at least four hours. I slowly unwrapped myself from around my baby sister and slid off the couch. It was when I stood up on slightly shaky legs, that I noticed the large stain on the arm of the couch. The stain was about seven inches across and looked completely soaked into the fabric of the couch. Our combined sexual juices and a bit of blood had stained the arm of the couch. How was I going to get that out?
As I pulled my shorts and underwear back up and picked up Maddy’s robe to dress her in it, two thoughts occurred to me. The first thought was now that I’d had sex with my youngest sibling, there was no way in hell I wasn’t going to do that again with her. The second thought was, that I had to find a way to do Milly too. I smiled to myself as I picked a still sleeping Maddy up off the couch and carried her to her room.

Anonymous 19/12/20(Fri)14:30 No. 26539 ID: d9318c

good story. will there be more?

Gragnost 19/12/21(Sat)12:19 No. 26540 ID: 80a9b5

That was the plan.
And the next time I'll make sure to put extra spaces between the paragraphs.

Nomad 19/12/21(Sat)14:45 No. 26541 ID: eff46c

> And the next time I'll make sure to put extra spaces between the paragraphs.

Thanks for doing that. It helps a lot with TTS readers.

Gragnost 20/01/23(Thu)06:38 No. 26575 ID: 13e6ce

Okay. Let's try this again.

Part 1

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow makes fifteen years since the day that things changed for my sisters and myself. My parents were going to Hawaii for their twentieth wedding anniversary and they had left me in charge of the house and had told my two sisters Milly and Mandy the night before at dinner that while they were gone my authority was absolute and my word was Law around the house.

It was the second monday of summer vacation and I awoke to the smell of blueberry muffins. After glancing over at my alarm clock, I momentarily wondered what was going on. My parents’ flight had been scheduled to depart at 5:30 that morning, and since my alarm clock told me that it was 10:37, my parents had to be somewhere over the Pacific Ocean at that time. That left my sisters as to the reason I was smelling muffins. The problem was my mother didn’t like my sisters to use the stove because they almost always left a huge mess afterwards that she had to clean up after they left the kitchen. I sighed and got out of bed to see what mischief Milly and Maddy were up to.

After throwing on a pair biking of shorts and a tee shirt, I always slept in just my jockey shorts, I went downstairs. I pushed open the kitchen’s swinging door and walked into what looked like a white hurricane had blown through the room. There was flour all over the counters and stove, as well as on the floor and the kitchen sink. The sink held a half-dozen mixing bowls, plastic spatulas, and various other batter covered utensils. There were two muffin pans filled with muffins sitting to the left of the stove and an open tub of butter sitting in front of the pan. Four muffins were missing from the pan on the left and standing about three feet away from the pan stood my sisters; each of them buttering the two halves of a blueberry muffin, their clothes dusted with flour.

Before I say anything more about what happened after I walked into the kitchen and my sisters‘ mess, I think I should give a bit more context to what the situation was here. It was June 26, 1996; just a little over a month until my eighteenth birthday. Milly was thirteen and Maddy was twelve, and both were as rambunctious as redheads are supposed to be.

I think I should give a bit of background on myself and my sisters before I go any farther in this story. The three of us were something of a mystery to our parents. There had been no redheads on either side of the family for generations, and yet all three of our parents’ kids had red hair. (Trying to figure out where our hair color came from was one of the main reasons why I chose a career in genetics when I went off to college after I turned nineteen.) Our parents were also a bit unusual when it came to naming us as well. For instance, I was named after my parents’ favorite actor and my middle name is my father’s middle name. Until I went off to college, Harrison seemed to me to be a horrible name, so I went by Daniel or Danny most of the time. (Yes, my parents were Star Wars nuts.) Milly was named after the favorite character of a book my parents were both reading right before she was born, and her middle name was the first name of a great-aunt on my mother’s side of the family. Maddy was named after the two main female characters of my patents’ favorite TV show at the time she was born.

Anyway, as I was saying, all three of us have red hair, and I thankfully am not covered in freckles like my sisters were and still are. I don’t have fair skin either. Milly has what they refer to as porcelain skin and she never tans, she just burns when she goes out in the sun. Maddy is fairly light skinned, but like me, she can actually tan and the more she tans, the darker her freckles seem to get.

Another interesting trait that the three of us have is our particular hair and eye colors. As I stated before, all three of us have red hair, but each of us has a different shade of red on our heads. My hair is dark red, Milly has copper colored hair, and Maddy is what they call a strawberry-blonde; her hair is a very light red with blonde highlights (in the right light it looks pink). And yes, before you bother asking, on all three of us the carpet matches the drapes; although in Maddy’s case, her pubes are a few shades darker than what’s on her head, sort of a light rust color. My eyes are yellowish-brown, the color that the refer to as amber. Milly has green eyes, almost jade in color. And lastly, Maddy has what can only be described as sapphire blue eyes.

At the time this happened both of my sisters had already started puberty. Milly had started developing the bubble-butt that she still has today, and her breasts were between an A and a B Cup in size; although I learned at that time her chest was still at the “cone stage” of its development. Maddy barely had any womanly shape to her body at that time. Her legs, hips, and butt hadn’t developed any curves yet. Hell, the only way you could tell she was developing into a woman at all were her egg-sized breasts she had. (I swear, her boobs were the size and shape of a pair of hard-boiled eggs; they were almost as firm as eggs as well.)

I looked at my sisters standing by the stove and shook my head in exasperation. Both of them were still dressed in their pajamas. Milly was wearing plain green bottoms with a blue top. Her top had a cartoon bird sitting in a tree in the middle of her chest. Maddy was wearing a pink and white striped set of PJs that had with zebras on her butt and chest. The fact that they had been rough-housing as they baked was apparent by the dual white handprints on Milly’s back and the white handprint on Maddy’s left butt-cheek.

Deciding that I was going to use my new authority to its fullest, and to hopefully prevent the mess I was seeing from ever happening again, I made a plan to punish my sisters that if it worked, would make them obey me without question for the whole duration that our parents were gone. Taking a deep breath, I bellowed out their full names to get their attention, “Millicent Agnes Barrymore and Madeline Farrah Barrymore, what the hell do you think you are doing?” Both of them jumped at the sound of my upraised voice, and Milly dropped the butter knife she was holding. Maddy answered in a shaky voice, “Uh, making breakfast?”. I tried not to smile as I asked, “Does making breakfast usually involve being covered from head to toe in flour with a mess in the sink and all over the stove?” Maddy looked sheepishly around her and then asked in a very uncertain voice, “Uh. Yes?”. I shook my head and said, “Wrong answer. Want to try that again?”

Both of them looked at me nervously as I said, “Do the two of you remember what mom and dad said last night about me being in charge while they are gone and I get to choose what your punishments are if you misbehave?” Both of them looked down at their feet and slowly nodded. I cleared my throat and said, “Well? I’m waiting for an answer. Do you remember what they said?” Both of them continued looking down at their feet as Milly said yes and I heard a muffled, “Yeah”, come from Maddy.

I glanced up at the kitchen clock noting the time and said, “Here’s what’s going to happen. The two of you have earned a spanking for this mess and that is what you are going to get as a punishment every time you misbehave while mom and dad are gone. It is 10:42, you have one hour to clean the kitchen, take your showers, get dressed, and meet me in the living room for your punishments. You’re both going to get fifteen swats on your rears as punishment for this mess. Every minute that one or both of you is late will result in the both of you getting two more swats on your rears. Am I understood?” Milly’s head raised up from her feet and she stared me in the eye as she said, “A spanking? What do you think we are? Little kids or something?” I cleared my throat and said, “And for back-talking Millicent, you’ve just earned both of you a bare-assed spanking instead of the clothed one you were going to originally get. Maddy, you can thank your sister for this change. Since Milly decided to back-talk me, you won’t be getting dressed after your showers. Instead, you will put on your robes only and meet me in the living room at 11:42. If one or both of you is wearing anything besides your robes, you will be getting an additional five swats on your bare butts per piece of clothing. Any questions?”

Milly glared at me angrily but said nothing more. Maddy shot Milly an angry look and said, “Way to go Mill.” Milly started to say something back to her but caught my staring at the two of them and wisely closed her mouth. I glanced at the clock and said, “You now have fifty-nine minutes to finish the task I’ve set for you. Get to work.” I then walked over to the stove, picked up three muffins and walked into the living room to watch some TV and wait for my sisters’ arrival.

One hour and three minutes later Maddy walked into the living room with a sheepish look on her face and wearing her green Tweety Bird robe. I was sitting in the living room’s recliner and after turning off the TV, I motioned her over to the couch with my right hand. She sat down on the couch and stared at her feet instead of looking at me. Three minutes later, Milly walked into the living room wearing her white robe with red hearts on it. I made a show of looking over at the clock next to the entertainment center before I met Milly’s gaze, and shook my head. Looking over at Maddy, I said, “Madeline, you can thank your sister for the additional swats you are going to get in a moment. Between the two of you, you are six minutes late; that means each of you will be getting twenty-seven swats on your bare behinds. Milly, since it’s your fault that the punishment is so late, you can go first. Take off your robe, then bend over with your hands on the arm of the couch and your butt in the air.”

Milly glared at me and then wordlessly untied the sash of her robe, opened it fully, and let it drop to the floor. I wasn’t surprised when I saw that she had put on a pair of panties and a bra after showering instead of following my orders. I took a deep breath and let out an exaggerated sigh. I then, looked over at Maddy and asked, “You at least did you what I told you to do, or did you put on underwear like your disobedient sister did?” Maddy glared at Milly for a moment before turning to me and said, “I did what you said to do. I may not want to be, but I’m naked under my robe.” Milly glared at her and said, “I thought we agreed to put on underwear.” Maddy sighed, and said, “And you thought Danny wasn’t going to keep his word and just let us get away with wearing undies? You insisted that we should put on our underwear and since I didn’t argue, just took my silence as agreement. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one of the three of us, Mill.”

I locked eyes with Milly and keeping her gaze, said, “Maddy, since you obeyed my orders, I’m going to let you off with just the twenty-seven swats coming to you for lateness. Milly, you however, are wearing two pieces of clothing more than you are supposed to be wearing. You will be getting ten more swats for wearing your underwear instead of obeying me. And since you tried to make Maddy disobey me as well, you’ve earned a further punishment. You are going to strip, and I’m going count while you are doing it. For every second that I count and you aren’t naked, that will be one more swat on your bare ass that you are going to get. Am I understood, Millicent?” I then started counting out loud.

I made it to fourteen before Milly had stripped herself naked. I know that brothers aren’t supposed to look at their sisters that way, but I carefully scanned Milly’s body from head to toe as she walked over to the couch and placed her hands on its arm, her butt sticking into the air. Milly’s body was almost entirely covered with freckles and I’ll admit that I liked the way they decorated her chest, belly, and legs. Milly’s breasts, as I said before, jutted out from her chest like two upright cones. Her nipples stood out from the centers of her breasts proudly. Although they weren’t erect, her nipples did extend about a half inch from the center of each breast and her areolas were the size of quarters and were a lovely dark pink color.

Milly’s copper colored pubic hair was thicker than I expected it to be and it shone brightly in the muted sunlight coming through the window from across the room. Because the living room was in the back of the house and we didn’t have any neighbors behind us, I wasn’t worried about any neighbors seeing her naked through the window. From where I sat in the recliner, I had been able to see Milly’s bush, but I hadn’t been able to see anything that it covered. I decided then, that it was time to rectify that oversight.

Now my initial intention of having my sisters nude was to embarrass them into obeying me for the rest of the time that our parents were gone, but as I said earlier, Milly was in the process of developing the wonderful bubble-butt that she now possesses, and I have to say her rear looked very nice to me as it stuck out from the way she was standing. I stood up and slowly walked over to where my sister was bent over; ogling her body the whole trip there.

Stopping a foot behind Milly, I set my left hand down on the small of her back. I’m not going to lie, her skin of her back felt wonderful under my touch; her skin felt warm, supple, and smooth. I cleared my throat and said, “Millicent, do you know why I’m about to give you fifty-one swats on your bare butt?” She sighed and said, “Because I made a mess in the kitchen and was late for my spanking that you said that you are going to give me.” I slowly traced my fingers in circles around the small of her back and said, “That is incorrect. I am giving you fifty-one swats because you decided to disobey me and wear underwear for your punishment; as well as the additional time you took stripping off your clothes. If you had obeyed my orders and had only been late, you would be getting twenty-seven swats like Maddy is going to get when your spanking is finished. I am going to tell you one last thing before I begin. You will count out each swat that I am about to give you. Every swat that you get that you don’t count aloud won’t count towards your fifty-one. Am I understood Millicent?” She sighed and said yes.

The whole time that I had been talking to her and stroking her back, I had leaned over and had been visually examining her pussy from the rear. Her bent over position had spread her outer lips a bit and her inner lips were clearly visible. I had the urge to lower my head and give her pussy a lick right then, but I fought the urge and instead took a deep breath and stood straight to administer her punishment.

As I pulled my arm back to give Milly her first slap across her rear, I made eye contact with Maddy. The smirk on her face told me that she had seen my staring at our sister’s vulva. I met her gaze and mouthed, ‘Keep quiet about me checking her out and don’t say anything to her about it, and you’ll only get fifteen instead of twenty-seven. Agreed?’ Maddy’s smirk widened into a full toothed grin as she nodded at me. I then pulled my arm back, and then I swung away as hard as I could at my lovely freckled target.

The first swat across Milly’s rump left my whole hand stinging and she gasped loudly at the sharp impact on her rear. She jumped and let out a pained moan from the contact of my hand. I saw that there was a red imprint of my hand across both cheeks of my sister’s rear as I pulled my hand back for the next spank. I swatted her across both buttocks twice more, both swats a little less severe that the first swat and then I said, “You’re not counting Millicent. Until you count them aloud, these swats don’t count against your total.” I smacked her lovely bottom a fourth time and Milly let out a pained groan and said, “F-f-four.” I pulled my hand back, and smacked her freckled buns a fifth time, and said, “You just started counting, so this is number one.” She then let out a pained, “Wah....one”.

In total, Milly got a total of sixty-three swats across her bare backside. Once I hit ten swats I began switching back and forth between her butt-cheeks. Milly’s ass was crimson, my hand was throbbing, and she was crying intensely as she finally counted out fifty-one. As she sobbed uncontrollably over the arm of the couch, I took pity on her. I gingerly put my arms around her waist, and gently lowered her down to the living room carpet. Milly seemed to collapse in on herself as her body crumpled to the rug. I stroked her back with my left hand and telling her that it was all over and that she could rest for a bit. Milly sobbed into the carpet’s thick nap curled into a fetal ball, as I motioned for Maddy to follow me to the kitchen with my left hand.

My youngest sibling followed me to the kitchen as I turned on the sink’s faucet and lowered my aching hand into the cold water. Letting out a contented sigh at the water’s ability to take the stinging out of my hand, I looked Maddy in the eye. “I’ll make you a deal, help Milly to her room and put some aloe on her butt, and when you come back, I’ll give you only give you ten swats.” Maddy looked over at me and asked in a teasing voice, “Are you going to look at my crotch like you looked at hers?” I chuckled and said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think say want me to look at you like I was looking at her.” Maddy looked down and off to her left as she said, “Maybe.” I snorted and said, “If you agree to help me with Mill or not, you’re still getting a spanking Mad. The only difference is the number of smacks that you’re going to be getting on your bare butt. It’s your choice; ten or fifteen.” She sighed and said, “Okay. Fine, I’ll help you with her.” I nodded and said, “Get her upstairs to her room, treat her butt, and meet me in the living room in a half hour.” Maddy nodded and I playfully swatted her on the rear as she turned to leave the kitchen. Laughing, I said, “That one doesn’t count.” Maddy just rolled her eyes and walked off to tend to Milly’s rear.

I was sitting on the couch watching a British comedy show as Maddy walked into the living room to stand between me and the TV. She met my gaze and then nodded to me before wordlessly untying her robe and letting it drop to the floor. Maddy stood with her arms outstretched as if to say. ‘Well here I am, look at me’. I did just that. I took in her boyish legs, hips, and thighs before stopping at her crotch. Maddy saw where I was staring and a smile spread across her face as she slowly parted her legs for me to get a better look. Her vulva had about thirty or so light rust colored actual hairs speckling it and a light covering of fine fuzz under her few pubes. My mouth watered a bit as I unashamedly leered at her crotch, before I moved my gaze up her flat belly to stop at her breasts. As I mentioned, her breasts were tiny. They resembled hard-boiled eggs in size and shape, and I fought my instinct to reach out and touch and feel them with my hands. Moving my gaze up to her face, Maddy looked into my eyes and nodded down at me. Turning slowly, she rotated her body until she was facing towards the TV and then she parted her legs and bent forward slightly. I got a great view of her pussy and the crinkled shape of her anus. After about twenty seconds of letting me visually examine her from the rear, she let out a satisfied sounding grunt, and then my youngest sibling turned back towards me, with a shit-eating grin on her face.

Maddy then walked over to the side of the couch, placed her hands on its arm, and raised her rump into the air. She looked back at me and winked before facing forward. I stood up and walked around to stand at her side like I had with Milly. When I set my left hand down onto the small of her back like I had with our sister, Maddy let out a contented sigh. I then raised my right hand and brought it down sharply across both of her butt cheeks. Maddy let out a gasp and jumped with the impact but said nothing. I spanked across both cheeks second, and then a third time, when I reached the fourth slap across her buttocks, I cleared my throat to let her know she should start counting. Maddy grunted back at me, but continued to say nothing; so, I resumed her spanking. When I had reached ten strikes, I began alternating back and forth between her buttocks like I had done with Milly. After the twelfth firm swat across her rear, Maddy let out a pained sounding, “Wha....O-one.” I stroked the small of her back and resumed her punishment.

When my baby sister finally counted out ten, she let out a contented sounding sigh and flopped bonelessly over the arm of the couch. From the point when I had struck Maddy’s rear the thirteenth time, I began smelling the unmistakable musky but tangy scent of aroused pussy. Now I may have still been a virgin at that point, but I had played “stinky-finger” with my last girlfriend and I knew what an aroused female smelled like. Dropping to my knees, I leaned in about an inch from her crotch and inhaled the lovely musky scent. I then reached out and grasped Maddy’s hips in my hands, took a deep breath, pursed my lips, and gently blew on her vulva.

My baby sister jerked in my grasp, let out a moan, and lifted her hips, arching her rear towards me. Maddy’s pussy was visibly wet and I decided to go with my instincts and take a chance with my baby sister. Extending my tongue, I lightly grazed her from her rectum with the tip of it and licked down her groove as far as I could; my tongue parting her folds at the end of my lick. Maddy’s response was to arch her back, let out a surprised sounding squeal, and move her bottom back towards my tongue. Taking that as an open invitation to continue, I took her hips in my hands and pulled her body back towards me. I pressed my nose into her asshole as I slowly slid my tongue further between her lower lips. I was rewarded with a tangy and slightly tart liquid sliding onto my tongue and Maddy moaning even louder.

I began licking my baby sister’s pussy in earnest, lapping up and swallowing her juices as rapidly they oozed out of her crotch. I’ll admit that I had no idea what-so-ever what I was doing to her, but I literally played it by ear and tried many different things to her. If Maddy moaned or groaned loudly, I repeated the last action that I did; if she let out a less enthusiastic sound, I didn’t repeat the lick, rub of her rectum with my nose, or nibble on her vulva with my lips. After about five minutes of blindly rubbing my nose against her rosebud and licking and sucking my sister’s snatch for all I was worth, Maddy’s body stiffened and she let out a muffled scream into the couch cushions. After a moment, her whole body went limp and she let out a contented sounding groan. She then slid further onto the couch so that her body from the knees up was over the arm of the couch.

Emboldened by my ability to make my youngest sister orgasm, I threw caution to the wind and pulled down my shorts and underwear to my knees. I grasped Maddy by the hips and pulled her back up the couch, so her slightly red ass was pointed towards me and her vulva splayed obscenely open. I slid the head of my dick up and down her inner lips a few times and got nothing more than a few grunts and moans from her each time I slipped back to the opening of her vagina. On my sixth pass down to the mouth of her vagina, I shoved my hips slightly forward.

I slid into Maddy’s pussy about maybe half an inch and immediately met resistance. I thought to myself, ‘Well her cherry is definitely intact; but not for much longer’. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I grabbed Maddy’s hips in my hands and shoved my hips forward as I pulled her back towards me hard. I was rewarded with two things, my sister let out a pained screech as I felt her hymen tear and my dick slid into her pussy about an inch-and-a-half more. Knowing that neither of us was now a virgin, I began shifting my hips slowly forward and back. After about twelve thrusts, I had worked my dick about another inch into Maddy’s body. Maddy wasn’t fighting my progress into her, but she wasn’t helping me either; she just lay limply over the arm of the couch and made grunts each time that I slid back into her. By the time I had made about forty thrusts, I finally sheathed myself into my baby sister’s snatch all the way; her butt pressed into my crotch. I held still for a moment and reveled in the sensation of being buried to the hilt in my first pussy. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around her torso and tenderly held her to me. I felt her shallow even breaths against my arms and my crotch as I embraced her from behind. Slowly, I eased my body down on top of hers until both of us were at rest, her over the arm of the couch and me fulling covering her body with mine.

At seventeen, I was five foot eleven and weighed about one hundred and sixty-five pounds. Maddy on the other hand was four foot ten and weighed about eighty pounds. Slumped over her body as I was, my head easily rested on her right shoulder; I sighed and kissed her right cheek and nibbled her right ear with my lips. After about a minute of laying my whole body on top of her, not moving an inch and simply staying fully buried in her, I asked her if she wanted to continue or should I pull out. Maddy let out a tired sounding, “Kuh...kup guh-whin.” I asked her if she was sure and she slowly lifted her left arm and extended her left thumb.

I lifted myself off her body, grasped her around the waist, and slowly began shafting her again. After about thirty seconds of slowly but steadily sliding in and out of her, I began to speed up my thrusts. Soon moving in her was much easier and I began fucking her as fast and as hard as I could. Maddy began moaning, grunting, and whining in time with each of my thrusts. I’d like to say that I lasted long enough to get her off, but I couldn’t have lasted more than two minutes. I bit down on Maddy’s left shoulder as I came in her and then I collapsed on top of her; my body went limp, and I promptly passed out still buried in her pussy.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up feeling sated and realized three things. First, my shorts and underwear were around my ankles. Second, my dick felt slightly sore and my crotch felt very sticky. And third, I felt something soft and warm under my body. It was then that I realized that had actually fucked my baby sister, fell asleep afterwards, and that I was still laying on top of her.

My left arm was wrapped around her body, and I held her small left breast in my hand. My right arm was pressed under her belly, and both of our body weights were laying on top of my arm. It was the sensation, or actually the lack of sensation in my right arm that had woken me up. I glanced up at the clock. It had been almost one o’clock when Maddy had disrobed in front of me. The time was now 5:29; I had slept on top of her body for at least four hours. I slowly unwrapped myself from around my baby sister and slid off the couch. It was when I stood up on slightly shaky legs, that I noticed the large stain between her feet on the arm of the couch. There was a similar stain on the cushion under her crotch. The stain on the couch’s arm was about seven inches long and about five inches across and looked completely soaked into the fabric of the couch; the one under her crotch was a circle about four inches across. Our combined sexual juices and a bit of blood had stained the arm of the couch and the cushion she was laying on. How was I going to get those stains out of the upholstery?

After I pulled my shorts and underwear back up and gently picked Maddy up from the couch, two thoughts occurred to me. The first thought was now that I’d had sex with my youngest sibling, there was no way in hell I wasn’t going to do it again with her. The second thought was that I had to find a way to have sex with Milly too. I smiled to myself as I carried a still sleeping Maddy up the stairs and carried her to her room.

Gragnost 20/01/23(Thu)06:46 No. 26576 ID: 13e6ce

Part 2

I set Maddy down on her bed and kissed her forehead before running my eyes down her body, my gaze lingering on her tiny breasts and peach fuzzed crotch a little longer than necessary. I then pulled her bedspread up to her neck, kissed her forehead once more; then went to the garage to try and find my mother’s steam cleaner.

My father was an engineer at the time this happened, he retired twelve years later, and he was all about practical gifts that the person could need/use, instead of gifts that the person getting them wanted. My mother wasn’t too happy when he gave it to her on their fifteenth anniversary, but she mentioned that it was the thought that counted. She had used the steam cleaner maybe a dozen times in the five years that she owned it, so she stored it in the garage.

It took me about fifteen minutes of rummaging around to find the steam cleaner; I found it buried under a pile of tarps that my father used to protect the lawnmower and other yard equipment in the winter. I then lugged the steam cleaner into the kitchen. Finding the cleaning solution for the steamer under the sink, I filled its tank with water and added the solution before hauling the cleaner to the living room.

As I looked at the stains on the couch, I noticed Maddy’s robe where she dropped it in front of the couch and Milly’s robe and underwear about two feet from Maddy’s robe. Without thinking about it, I picked up Milly’s panties and raised them to my nose. I had sniffed the crotch before I realized that she hadn’t worn them long enough to leave any scent of herself on the fabric. Sighing to myself, I tossed the panties, followed by her bra, and both robes onto the recliner. I then plugged in the steam cleaner and began cleaning the stain on the couch’s arm.

It took me about twelve minutes to clean the couch. Although the couch’s arm and cushion were visibly wet when I finished with the steam cleaner, I wouldn’t know if the stains would be completely gone until the couch dried. I was just glad that the stains were able to be removed at all as I turned off the cleaner.

As I emptied the collection tank, I wondered how I would be able to seduce Milly. I was pretty sure that wouldn’t have any trouble convincing Maddy to have sex with me again, but the older of my two sisters might be a problem. I figured if I was going to take Milly’s virginity, I was going to have Maddy onboard with my plans. I just wondered what I would need to do to convince her to help me seduce our sister. I ran a few things that I’d say to Maddy before dinner in my head as I returned the cleaner to the garage.

As I walked into the kitchen to make dinner, I glanced up at the clock on the wall. The clock said that it was 6:47 and I wondered if it would take too long to cook something. Saying, “The hell with it,” I picked up the phone and ordered two large cheese pizzas. Our parents had left us $200 in twenties and told us to use the money wisely. Ordering pizza was using it wisely as far as I was concerned.

Once the pizza was ordered, I went upstairs to check on my sisters. Since Milly’s room was closest to the stairs, I went to look in on her first. The door to her bedroom was closed, but when I slowly turned the knob, I found the door to be unlocked. I turned the doorknob all the way and slowly and as quietly as I could, opened the door.

What I saw when I opened the door told me that I needn’t have tried to be stealthy. Milly lay face-down on her bed and had on a pair of earphones listening to music. She had put on a periwinkle tee-shirt but was bottomless. Her butt was no longer a dark crimson; instead it was a bright pink in color. Her buttocks also were shiny and reflected the light of the ceiling fan in her room. I surmised that the shininess was a sheen of aloe vera that Maddy had applied to her rear like I’d asked her to do. It looked like my baby sister had kept her word in Milly’s punishment aftercare.

I walked to the foot of her bed and decided to visibly linger on her lower body for a bit before announcing my presence. Whatever music Milly was listening to must have had a beat to it for she had her right leg bent at the knee and was bouncing her right foot in the air in time with what she was listening to. I hadn’t noticed when she was naked in the living room, but she had neon green polish on her toenails. I watched her right leg dance around for a moment before running my gaze up her legs to her nicely rounded rear. Her buttocks flexed as her leg swayed back and forth and I thought to myself that I could watch her ass move all day long. Her position on the bed only allowed a tentative view of her vulva and I could just make out a bit of copper hair covering her crotch.

I watched her legs and ass move for about two minutes before I asked, What’cha listening to Mill?”. Milly jumped and noticing me, rolled over onto her back, and quickly covered her crotch with a pillow. This gave me another look at her coppery bush for about a second before it was covered and she shouted, “Danny, what the hell are you doing in my room?”. I chuckled before saying, “I just came to tell you that I ordered pizza for dinner and it’ll be here in about twenty minutes.” Milly blushed and turned red, about two shades darker than her butt had been before she flipped over. Looking me in the eye, she yelled, “Well you’ve told me. Now get the hell out of my room!” I chuckled at her embarrassment and gave her a wink before turning and striding out of her room; purposefully leaving her bedroom door wide open.

I walked down the hall to Maddy’s room and opened her door. (My bedroom and the bathroom were between Milly’s bedroom and Maddy’s bedroom.) Locking the door after entering her boudoir, I looked over at Maddy’s bed. She had rolled onto her left side, so she was facing away from the door and as far as I could tell, she was still asleep; she wasn’t moving and she was breathing deeply and evenly. The sheet had slid down a bit exposing the skin of her shoulders and upper back.

I sat down on her bed behind her and set my hands down on her right shoulder and her left hip. Gently, I pushed down on her shoulder and pulled up on her hip; this rolled her face down on the mattress. Slowly, I pulled the sheet down to just below her rear.

I leaned down and kissed her between her shoulder blades, her skin warm on my lips. Maddy let out a groan and a sigh, but from what I could tell, she was still asleep. I smiled to myself as I slowly traced my fingers up and down her skin from between her shoulders to the top of her butt. After the fifth pass of my hand up and down her back, I extended my tongue and licked her left side from her left shoulder to the dimple just above her butt. As I traced my tongue around and around the dimple, Maddy let out a contented sounding sigh and a giggle. “That feels nice. I wouldn’t mind waking up like that more often.” I let out a chuckle and then began licking her back from the dimple across to her left buttock, and then down to the crack of her ass. Maddy shivered and let out another sigh as I ran my tongue up and down the top of her ass-crack.

I couldn’t believe what I was doing as I let out a growl, grasped her ass in my hands, slowly pulled her cheeks apart, and then licked down her crack to her rectum. Maddy squealed and tried to pull away from me as I slowly traced her butthole with the tip of my tongue. I didn’t taste anything besides the slight saltines of her skin as I leaned on her legs and pressed down on her with my body weight to hold her in place. Satisfied that she was now prone and immobile, I began licking her rectum in earnest. Maddy arched her back as much as my body pressing down on her would allow, and she groaned loudly into her pillow.

I continued eating my baby sister’s ass for about another twelve or so minutes. (The sounds she made and the shivers my licking caused were such a turn on that I was hard as a rock and I was leaking so much pre-come that my underwear felt like I’d peed them.) I probably would have kept licking her asshole for a lot longer and had actually started worming my tongue into her rectum when I heard the sound of the doorbell. I sighed as I raised my head from between her buttocks, my chin wet from her dripping pussy and said, “Oh yeah, I ordered pizza. Get dressed and come down to dinner.” I then playfully slapped her butt and rolled off her bed.

Maddy rolled onto her back, let out a disappointed sounding moan, and said, “Give me a few minutes. Okay?” I grinned and wiped my chin on her sheet, just then noticing the two-inch-wide wet spot on her bottom sheet where her crotch had been. I smiled wider and said, “Don’t take too long Mad or Milly will think something is wrong with you. Remember, she knows just how much you love pizza.” I swear, Maddy seemed to love pizza more than anyone else that I’ve ever known and her not showing up when pizza was on the menu would sound major alarm bells as far as Milly was concerned. She sighed and slowly rolled out of bed before walking to her dresser.

I looked her in the eye, blew her a kiss, (this earned me an eye roll from her), and then strode to her door. After unlocking it, I checked to see if the coast was clear. Seeing that the hallway was empty, I quickly exited her room, closed the door behind me, and went to go pay the pizza guy.

I paid for the pizzas and was setting the boxes down on the kitchen island counter when Milly walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a powder blue robe, and I could make out the tee-shirt I saw her wearing upstairs peeking out of its neck. Her feet were bare and this time I did notice her green toenails. I saw her left leg was bare as she gingerly sat down on one of the four chairs at the island. From her bare leg and the way she sat down, I wondered if she was still sans panties under her robe. As Milly opened the pizza boxes, I grabbed two bottles of pop from the fridge and grabbed three glasses from the cupboard that they were kept in.

Milly and I were both on our third slices of pizza when Maddy walked into the kitchen wearing a set of turquoise baby-doll pajamas. She grabbed a paper plate off the counter and filled the plate with five slices of pizza. Grinning to herself, she plonked down in the chair next to Milly and dug into her first slice with gusto; letting out a loud, “Mmmm,” and then smacking her lips after each bite.

Milly shot her a look as she ate noisily but said nothing as she resumed eating her own pizza. Milly finished the slice she was eating and glanced up at the clock before saying, “Oh shit, I’m missing my show,” she then grabbed two more slices of pizza and dashed out of the room with her plate and glass of pop. Maddy stood up and as she reached for her plate, I grabbed her left wrist. “Before you go to the living room to join Milly, I have two things that I want to talk to you about.” She looked down at my hand still holding her wrist as she asked, “Just what do you want to talk about?”

I sighed as I let go of her wrist and said, “Well, for starters, I want your help with Milly.” She cocked her head to the side and asked in a slightly mocking tone, “You want me to help you do what exactly with Milly?” I grinned at her as I leaned forward and grabbed the crotch of her PJs, and after giving her vulva a soft squeeze, said, “I’ll give you three guesses, From what I could tell, you enjoyed what we did this afternoon and I want to do it with Milly too. The thing is, I’m pretty sure she won’t do anything with me like that without your help>” I continued to firmly but gently caress her vulva through her PJs as I said this. She pulled away from me and sat back down.

She stroked her chin and asked, “What’s in it for me?” I snorted and said, “Help me get into her pants and I’ll make it worth your while.” Maddy grinned and said, “Tell you what; if you promise to chauffer me around for the rest of the summer, I’ll consider helping you. But you said you wanted to discuss two things. What’s the second thing you wanted to talk about?”

I laughed and asked, “You up for a repeat of this afternoon sometime tonight?” Maddy shook her head and said, “Not tonight; I’m still a bit sore down there. I might be up to doing it tomorrow night though. If you want to do something tonight, I wouldn’t mind continuing what you were doing to my butt earlier. Although the idea of you licking my butt sounds gross, I really liked it when you did it. Feeling you lick my but definitely wasn’t gross though.” I grinned back at her and said, “Sure, as long as you’ll do something for me in return.” “Do what for you?”, she asked slightly nervously. I looked her dead in the eye, and then directed my gaze down to my crotch. She rolled her eyes and said, “You want me to play with your dick, huh?” I chuckled and said, “Not exactly, but I’ll give you a hint.”

I then raised my right hand and gently set it down on her left cheek, caressing her face for a moment. I then slowly slid my hand down her cheek until my thumb rested on her lips. I parted her lips with my thumb and slowly slid it inside her mouth. Staring her in the eye, I simply said, “Suck,”. Maddy stared at me and I repeated my order louder and with a firmer voice and stroked her inner cheek with the pad of my thumb. Maddy sighed, and then closed her eyes. She wrapped her lips around my thumb and began sucking on it.

In one motion, I wrapped my left arm around her torso, sat back down, and pulled her into my lap. Maddy passively settled into my chest as she began sucking my thumb like a baby with a bottle. There was no bobbing her head like if she was fellating me, she simply leaned back into my chest, and contentedly sucked my thumb; she made little cooing noises as she sucked. I held her in my lap with my left arm and slowly stroked her hair as she sucked.

After about two minutes of her contentedly sucking on my thumb, I said, “Good girl. You do that well, only later tonight, you’ll be sucking my dick instead of my thumb.” Maddy opened her eyes and stopped sucking after I said this. She never took my thumb from her mouth as she looked up at me with a slight expression of fear on her face as she met my gaze. I kissed her on the forehead and said, “Don’t worry Mad, you’ll do just fine. Continue sucking my thumb if you agree to at least try sucking my dick tonight.” She slowly nodded her head, closed her eyes, and resumed sucking my thumb; her coos starting up again as she leaned back into my chest.

I leaned back in the chair as Maddy reclined in my lap, sucking on my thumb without a care in the world. My baby sister was now mine to do with as I chose, now all I had to do was claim Milly as well.

Gragnost 20/01/27(Mon)05:54 No. 26581 ID: 13e6ce

I'd appreciate any feedback; good or bad.
Should I continue with part three, or just let this story die?

Anonymous 20/01/27(Mon)09:07 No. 26582 ID: a40a13

Keep it going! Great stuff!

Gragnost 20/02/04(Tue)10:02 No. 26588 ID: d7a9e5

I'm about to start part 3, but I was wondering if anybody here would be willing to proof-read for me.

Ulfin 20/02/05(Wed)04:27 No. 26589 ID: de0c4d

Sure I can proofread it

Gragnost 20/02/05(Wed)06:27 No. 26590 ID: 273064

I appreciate it.
I'll ask for your e-mail when I have something for you to proof ready.

Gragnost 20/02/21(Fri)08:56 No. 26606 ID: d7c867

I'm presently at about 85% done with Part 3 of the story, at 13,200 words, and should have something ready for you to proof by saturday night if you are still interested.
The story will have five or six parts. (Possibly more if readers want me to continue.)

Gragnost 20/03/01(Sun)11:30 No. 26637 ID: 4fe076

I've been sick over the last week, the flu is a bitch, but I finished typing up part 3 last night. The story came to 17,888 words at the end of part 3 and I've already started part 4.
If you are still interested in proofing my story give me an e-mail addy to send it to.
Oh, one last thing. How do I italicize something on here? The story is much better if I'm actually able to have the italics that I wrote from the very beginning.

Ulfin 20/03/01(Sun)18:20 No. 26640 ID: 9916a5

Awesome email is elit.story@mail.com
You add italics buy putting an [i ] writing your text and finish with[/ i] no spaces

Gragnost 20/03/02(Mon)07:09 No. 26647 ID: 4fe076

And the e-mail has been sent.

Gragnost 20/03/08(Sun)05:10 No. 26664 ID: 6e8f81

Should I wait to hear back from Ulfin or just upload part 3?

Gragnost 20/03/14(Sat)00:25 No. 26670 ID: 3b0779

I'm uploading part 3 as well as my updated parts 1 and 2 With Italics this weekend. (Part 4 is almost finished and I'll most likely be typing it up on saturday night or sunday morning. I'll be starting a new thread using the story's name, Beat Like Red Headed....)

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