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A Man No More Gamer 09/07/14(Tue)11:02 No. 265 ID: 5ab7b1

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Hey guys, I know no one ever reads the opening up here, but this is the first time I've submitted anything to /elit/, so constructive criticism is welcome. I'll post the first two chapters tonight, and try to write them each day or two and have them posted for you guys. Thanks!

A Man No More
[TF, MF, MMF+, FF, slave, etc.]

Chapter 1: Man Up

“Come on, Sam, it’ll be fun, and you need to relax anyway!” My girlfriend was quite stubborn. More so than myself, which means I would end up losing this argument.
“Hun, it’s a salon,” I argued back. “It’s my eighteenth birthday, I don’t think spending it in some fruity salon is what I’ve been waiting years for.” That’s right, Clarissa, my girlfriend, was trying to drag me to some salon and spa for men. She had gone to a salon for her eighteenth birthday two weeks ago, and had it in her head that I would love it too. Obviously, I’m not quite as interested.
“Please, baby? I just want us both to feel perfect.”
“Clarissa, I feel perfect already,” I replied.
“I know, but if you do this, I’ll make sure that I do WHATEVER you want tonight…” Dammit, now she had my balls in a vice. She’d hinted at us losing our virginity on my birthday, and now she’s practically admitting it. But if I don’t go into this ‘man-salon,’ I can kiss those dreams goodbye.
I sighed, admitting defeat. “Fine, fine. Let’s just get this over with.” With that, she clapped like a giddy school girl and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the door and rushing inside. Inside the salon, the walls were white, fairly ordinary and almost plain. It didn’t really feel like a salon, which is good, considering it was for men, and I’m sure pink and flowers should be saved for ‘real’ salons.
“Welcome to Man Up Masculine Grooming and Salon, how may I help you today?” the man behind the counter asked. Man Up? God, this place even sounded gay.
“Yes, my boyfriend here needs to be groomed and fixed up for a nice dinner this evening,” Clarissa said. I kept quiet; I already felt out of place, even if this joint was for guys.
“Oh, a nice celebration tonight, huh? Sure thing, we’ll fix him right up.” The man smiled, waving me over. I sighed again, looking at my smiling lady one more time before following. “He should be ready in the next two hours or so.”
“Good, that gives me time to get ready, too,” Clarissa replied, I guess deciding to go to her own salon. “Bye, Sam, I love you!”
“I love you too, babe,” I said, before heading to the back with this strange man in this strange place. There was a cushioned chair with a dome above it, like a hair dryer that fits around the head, like a typical woman’s salon, and a computer terminal nearby. The man and two other guys were getting the chair ready, so I took a look at myself in the wall mounted mirror nearby.
I’m not conceited, but I wouldn’t say I’m ugly. My emerald green eyes practically shine, though I needed a shave, as my five o’clock shadow was starting to really show. I kept my hair parted on the right, like I always did, and my jaw line was strong but not really defined. I was a little heavy set, but not ‘fat;’ maybe I should hold my shoulders up more. I’d look a little less fat then. I was broken out of my mirror trance when one of the guys spoke to me.
“Alright, may I have you take a seat, please?” Although I didn’t want to, I did so anyway, trying to get comfortable. They lowered the hair dryer over my head, even though my hair wasn’t wet, and I heard it start to hum. The three men were paying attention to a nearby monitor. I couldn’t see it, as the dryer was low enough to block most of my vision.
“Interesting,” I heard one of them say. “Innocent. Fairly quiet. This one will be good. What do you guys think?” What the hell was he talking about?
“Yes, let’s go for it.” I heard another of the men messing with the terminal and typing on a keyboard.
“So… what are we doing?” I asked.
“Saying goodbye,” one of the men said.
“What? Goodbye?” I was confused. Goodbye?
“Goodbye!” all three men exclaimed, and with that, the man on the terminal hit a key, causing the chair to flatten diagonally , causing me to slide down it like a slide. Instead of landing in a heap on the floor like I expected, I fell down through a hole in the floor, screaming as I slid down a dark slide into what I can only guess was the basement. It was a long, winding ride, and I thought it would never end.
Once I hit the bottom, though, I rolled out onto the floor in a room with a blinding spotlight aimed just at me. I tried to shield my eyes, but couldn’t see past the light. “Hello?” I called out, to no response. I leaned forward, trying again to see past the light. “Is anyone there?!” This was getting ridiculous. Where the hell did I fall to?
I took a few steps forward, and felt the floor shift beneath my feet, which triggered a machine to start. The next thing I knew, two mechanical arms had lashed out and grabbed my wrists, jerking them down by my sides. “Hey! Let go!” I shouted instinctively, as if it could hear me anyway. I struggled to free my arms, but it was no use. I heard more machinery grinding away, and the floor beneath me opened up directly in front of and behind me. Two large steel blocks rose from the floor, and as I looked closer, it looked like a mold of a human body up to the shoulders. The back piece slid up to me as two more arms grabbed my ankles, forcing my legs apart to fit in the mold. Then the front piece connected to it, and I’ll never forget the next moments for the rest of my life.
As soon as the front and back latched, I heard them lock together, and the most intense pain I’ve ever experienced shot through my entire body from the neck down. It felt as though every atom in my body was being placed on the sun, I didn’t even feel solid anymore. I let out the loudest and most agonizing scream I could have thought imaginable, but it was cut short, as another mold had dropped down from above to clasp around my head. In this mold, however, was a large shaft or cylinder that completely filled my mouth, muffling my cries of pain. No matter how hard I fought, I could escape this pain. And then it hit my face.

490 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 11/11/10(Thu)09:13 No. 14278 ID: 3308bd

bump for moar!

Anonymous 11/11/17(Thu)10:55 No. 14326 ID: 409c24

Amazing :'( I could wait forever and ever

Gamer 11/11/18(Fri)10:58 No. 14334 ID: daefad

I haven't forgotten guys, heh. I got halfway through the chapter when I hit a dry spell. I then started working on a story for NaNoWriMo, and between work and gaming (which the latter shouldn't be an excuse) I am terribly behind on. After this month, I'll get back to AMNM, and whenever I finish my NaNoWriMo story I'll post it as well.

Anonymous 11/12/10(Sat)14:08 No. 14524 ID: c91b76


Anonymous 12/02/01(Wed)23:12 No. 15039 ID: f212f0

Still hoping for more.
Always.. waiting.

Anonymous 12/03/12(Mon)08:18 No. 15455 ID: 3308bd

Hopeful bump.

Anonymous 12/03/18(Sun)23:35 No. 15518 ID: b5fbe6

Anonymous 12/03/27(Tue)15:04 No. 15637 ID: d66348

Wow, another chapter. Well, I guess I'm a bit late, but still. I await the completion of the next chapter eagerly :D

BAMP Anonymous 12/06/25(Mon)17:43 No. 16528 ID: f35dc9


Anonymous 12/10/18(Thu)14:05 No. 17450 ID: 581556


Anonymous 12/10/24(Wed)05:30 No. 17494 ID: ce04f2

NO WAY! Gamer is still around? I read this when it first came out, and it's never fallen off? I would have expected 7chan to have crashed and been wiped between then and now, but the pictures prove this is the original thread. This series used to be it man! POST MORE!

Anonymous 12/11/08(Thu)03:34 No. 17622 ID: 80a993

i dont know if you are alive gamer, but i want you to know that there are people waiting on chapter 15

anyways, thanks and best wishes

Anonymous 13/01/24(Thu)14:31 No. 18187 ID: c91b76


Anonymous 13/01/26(Sat)17:07 No. 18199 ID: 780c44

I read it when it first came out too but at this point....after 4 years, nty.

Anonymous 13/04/16(Tue)05:32 No. 18707 ID: 581556


Anonymous 13/06/03(Mon)19:26 No. 19087 ID: 94d89b

its been two years since last contact

Anonymous 13/12/04(Wed)03:03 No. 20382 ID: 19588b


Anonymous 14/01/31(Fri)00:51 No. 20991 ID: 6ef6c8

I wish Gamer came back and finished it.

Gamer 14/02/15(Sat)11:11 No. 21144 ID: f30f4a

Hey... guess what...

Gamer 14/02/15(Sat)11:17 No. 21145 ID: f30f4a

I have no excuse. I hit writer's block. Life's been hectic. But there's no excuse for there having been YEARS between these chapters (About two and a half or so). And so, I forced myself to sit down and think.

I've known what the next big plot point I wanted to have happen was. I know how I want to end the entire story, honestly. But I was stuck on how to actually get to that plot point. And so the story disappeared.

But I never stopped thinking about it. I'd lie in bed at night and think about all the horrible things I've put Sammy through, all the things I'd like to have happen to and for her, and even the things you'd like to have happen tonight.

I've tried writing this chapter about seven or eight times. I never got very far, maybe a page or two in. And I'd get stuck. And that's how it was consistently. But I'm tired of not finishing a single thing I start, especially story wise.

I'm gonna finish this mother fucking story.

And so, snowed in and sick, I sat at my computer and pecked away for most of Valentine's Day to create something that I'd hope you guys would like. I won't say it's my best chapter. I won't say it's worth the wait. But it does involve something a lot of you guys have been begging me for. And so, I give to you, after far too long of a wait, Chapter 15.

Gamer 14/02/15(Sat)11:19 No. 21146 ID: f30f4a

Chapter 15: What Did I Get Myself Into...?

And there I stood. Face to face with the one scientist that looked like he belonged in a gym as a spotter instead of somewhere intelligent people worked. My exit wasn't going to happen. I'd lost my one opportunity. Game over.

“Alright, we gonna do this the easy way, or--” he began, looking ready to knock me back should he need to.

“No need to even finish, man,” I said, turning and starting down the hallway. “You win.”

He caught up with me in a hurry, walking side by side with me as we started to head back towards my room. “Win?” he asked, confusion in his voice. “And what exactly have I won?”

“My broken spirit,” I sighed, keeping my head down. “You've beaten and battered me down enough, there's practically nothing left. You so desperately want me to be a woman, despite the fact that inside I'm still a man, then fine. I'll give you what you want.”

“Look, little one, I never said that. We never wanted to crush your--” His words were cut off again as we neared the hallway I'd neglected to go down.

“What's that sound...?” I feigned ignorance, trying to act as confused as West looked.

“I don't know, let's go,” he replied, starting to head down the hall. He stopped, realizing nothing was holding me back, and reached back, grabbing me roughly by the wrist and dragging me along.

“Ow, hey! Not so rough!” I scolded, but he didn't listen. His goal was to prevent me from leaving. He swiped his keycard to the room the fight was happening in, and almost as if on cue two of the girls flew out, slamming directly into the doctor. And as they did, my arms slipped right out of his grasp.

As the three of them tumbled to the ground, I realized this was it. Fortune had finally smiled upon me! I turned and darted down the hallway, hearing the commotion behind me. The last thing I heard was West, calling into his radio. “Security, get here now, we've got one running!”

But it was too late. Thanks to Betty's distraction and the fight overflowing into the hallway, things looked bright, and I ducked into the now empty elevator. As the doors closed, I looked out and saw the ever familiar security guard and a few of the doctors, including Chilton himself, trying to cut me off. But it was too late, the doors were closed and the only elevator in the establishment was taking me back to the surface. I was gonna be free!

The elevator ride felt like the longest one ever, like I was traveling up 500 floors, but finally the doors opened to an eerie sight. It was the salon I hadn't seen in... months...? How long had it been? I couldn't begin to tell you, but seeing the moonlight creep into the dark building was a welcome scene, and I rushed up and unlocked the back door before bolting outside.

I shit you not, fresh air had never felt so wonderful in my entire life.

The night felt wonderful, and I found myself screaming at the top of my lungs, laughing like a maniac. It was about that time that I realized that they'd be hot on my heels if I didn't start running. I rushed out of the alley that I was in, trying to think of how I'd get back home. I walked for what felt like forever (but was practically only about fifteen minutes), before I came across someone.

A grungy looking older homeless man who reeked of alcohol was pushing a bicycle along. His clothes were tattered, and he wore a blanket over himself like a cape or jacket. I needed to get away faster, and so I approached him, a little anxious as I spoke to him. “Hey, sir, I need your bike. I'll try to bring it back to you.”

He looked over at me, then back at his bike. “Ah'll shell it to ya fer fitty bucksh.” If whiskey were a gas, he had practically air vomited it all over me. I actually coughed at the fumes, his speech incredibly slurred.

“I... I don't have any money...” I said sheepishly.

He looked me over, his eyes constantly squinting and widening, as if trying to focus. His gaze rested on my breasts. “Well... Ah think we can werk shomthin' out...” He licked his lips, chuckling quietly.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Seriously...?” I asked. He shrugged, and began to turn back to his bike. I panicked, looking about and seeing no other option readily available. “Alright, alright! Fine... Just your hands, just my tits. And I get the bike.”

“Shirt up,” he demanded, cracking his knuckles with each excited squeeze of his fists.

I groaned and obliged, lifting my shirt. My face reddened as I felt my nipples get a little hard from the fresh night air, and wanted to crawl in a hole as I heard the drunkard excitedly giggle at the lovelies before him. I'd suddenly feel his hands roughly grab each of my breasts, the rough texture of his fingerless wool gloves scratching against my nipples while his fingers kneaded my boobs hard.

“Geez, not so rough...” I whined a little, feeling like an idiot as I continued holding my shirt up. He ignored me, squeezing and groping away, his calloused fingers sliding down and roughly gripping my nipples. He squeezed them painfully, tugging on them roughly, making me whine and cry out noises that sounded far more sexual than I wished.

“Ya like dat, don'cha?” he asked, proud of his work.

“Not really...” I grumbled under my breath. That's when I felt one of his hands slide down my slim belly towards the waist band of my pants. I slapped his hands away, jerking my shirt back down and shoved him away. “Hey! That was not part of the deal!” He started to charge at me again, so I did the noble thing.

I grabbed his bike and quickly started to make a getaway.

“Hey, that'sh not how thish wash shupposed ta happen!” he shouted after me. “Ah wash shupposed to trick ya and do more!”

I felt dirty as I rode that man's bike down the street, feeling cheap and used. My breasts still hurt from his rough touch. And my pride would hurt more as I'd make it about two blocks further to find a bike propped up against a building, practically begging to be taken. What an awful experience...

But that's alright! Because things were about to be better. I had escaped hell, and was on my way back towards heaven. Or as close to heaven as one could get, anyway, when trapped in a body you never asked to have. It had been what felt like forever, but I was headed back to Clarissa, my Clarissa, the only bright light that left me with hope.

During the assaults, during the rapes, during the negotiations and sex pacts and tests and tortures... Through it all, one thing kept me whole. One thing kept me from wanting to end it all. And I'd finally get to see her again.

I rode that busted bicycle all the way back to her house, dropping it on her front lawn. I took a few deep breaths, trying to regain my composure. And then I made the long walkway up to her house, climbed the three stairs onto her porch, and knocked on the door loudly.

And she opened the door, her beautiful face seen by me for the first time in ages. It was just like my dream.

Except, simply seeing her nearly choked me up, and I couldn't speak right away. I just stood there like an idiot, almost gawking at her, simply happy to set my eyes on her again.

“...May I help you...?” she finally asked me.

“I, uh, y-yeah,” I stammered, before clearing my throat. “I've really missed you.”

“Um, I think you have the wrong house...” she said, looking around, likely making sure she wasn't being pranked.

I started to panic. What do I do? I have to let her know it's me. “It, it's me,” I said, before shaking my head. “Here, let me show you...” And without properly explaining myself, I leaned in and kissed her right on the lips.

And it was wonderful, and magical, and everything I wanted it to be.

...Until she shoved me away.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell?” she asked, looking at me like I'd lost my mind. “I'm not a lesbian, you're at the wrong house.” She started to turn to step back inside.

“Wait, Clarissa, no! I'm not!” I cried out, making her stop and look back at me even more confused.

“Hey, babe, who's this?” a guy's voice called from inside, before he walked up behind her. My jaw dropped at the sight of him.

Chad McLassiter. A guy that made my life a living hell through middle school and most of high school. He was like a jock that wasn't good enough to make it onto the football team, so he just kinda wore a Letterman jacket and hung around with the rest of them. He was stacked, a bigger guy, and always went out of his way to make fun of me or embarrass me in front of the student body.

What the hell was this asshole doing in my girlfriend's house?

“I don't know who she is, she just kissed me for no reason,” Clarissa said, looking up at him.

“Oh, sweet! Maybe we can try that threesome we talked about.” Threesome...? Wait, was Chad McLassiter talking sex with my girlfriend?!

“What the hell is CHAD doing in your house?!” I couldn't help but blurt out, catching both of their attention.

“Yo, sugartits, I'm her boyfriend.” I nearly lost it. I froze up, clenching my teeth and trying not to murder someone on my first day out in the real world.

“But what about me?!” I shouted, ignoring Chad and looking at Clarissa. Seeing he was no longer being talked to or about, Chad wandered back inside.

“Lady, I don't even know who you are...” she said back to me, and started to walk inside.

I knew she wouldn't believe me at this point if I said who I was, so I tried a different approach. “What about Sam?!”

She froze. Finally, she'd understand me a little better now. I let out a sigh of relief, but must have missed the anger that was clearly visible on her face as she stormed up to me. Before I knew it, I took a hard slap to the face. Stunned, I looked at her, and she was seething.

“Don't you try to guilt trip me, bitch! I don't even know who you are, but you're not worthy enough to speak his name!” I had never seen Clarissa like this before, never in my life. Even when we fought or had arguments, she had never exploded like this.

“But Clar--” I began to try to reason with her, but she backhanded me, and hard. Her knuckles caught me right on the cheek bone with enough force to throw me off my balance, sending me falling down the steps of her porch. I landed hard, my head slamming back against the concrete sidewalk leading up to her house. God, I hope that's not a concussion.

She stormed down each step with fury, before standing over me. She grabbed my shirt by the collar, lifting me up and slapping me again. “I didn't do anything to him! We went to a salon two years ago, and he ran off before I got back! Next thing I know some skinny little police officer comes up to my door and tells me he's dead! And you think you have the nerve to talk to me about him?!”

My eyes widened, despite the beating I was taking at the hands of my girlfriend. “Two years ago?! D-DEAD?!” I shouted, only to take another backhand, straight to the mouth.

“I've had police at my door day in and day out, interrogating me, questioning me, watching me... I've been arrested for the murder of a boy that meant the world to me, a murder I didn't do! A murder they couldn't pin on me because there wasn't any evidence to do so, because I loved him, and he's gone!” She gripped my shirt with both hands now, lifting my face closer to hers as her voice got low. “And you want to come up here, try making out with me, criticize me for who I'm dating, and bring up the most stressful situation I've ever dealt with?”

“Clarissa, I--”

“No, fuck you! Get the fuck out of here, or I'll call the police on your crazy stalker ass!” She stepped back, which gave me the perfect cue to scramble up to my feet and back away.

“...I'm sorry...” I said as I backed towards my bike, feeling myself choke up a little.

“Yes, you are sorry,” she said to me as she backed up towards her porch. “You're one sorry, pathetic person that needs to bring up drama like this to make herself feel better.” She turned back towards her house, running up the stairs to head back inside. She was unable to hide a sob before slamming the door shut behind her.

And I did the same. I sobbed as I got on the bike and pedaled to the only other place I could think to go. I rode my bike home. I could hardly see where I was going as tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision and streaming down my face. I finally got to my front yard, throwing my bike down on the edge of the sidewalk and running up to the door.

I opened it up, finding it unlocked, and looked around. I knew my folks wouldn't recognize me, but I figured I could just run up to my room, maybe I could explain myself in the morning. I ran upstairs, bursting into the bathroom and closing and locking the door behind me. I sat on the toilet and cried, maybe for an hour or more.

Being back in my house, oddly enough, felt surreal. It was nice to finally be home. But it felt so incredibly different, as well. Like I was someone new, someone on the outside looking in. And I knew it wouldn't be so nice having to explain to my parents who I was. But at least they'd likely listen to me; they had plenty of experiences that only they would know about me, having raised me and all.

I finally stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a wreck. My hair was messed up, the back of my head was throbbing, my cheeks were bright red from the slaps they took, and I was unaware I had been bleeding from one of my nostrils. Great; I got my ass kicked by my girlfriend.

Or, I guess, my ex-girlfriend.

Just thinking those words to myself set me off again, and I was a whirlwind of emotions, bawling once more. And each thing I thought about had me crying harder. Why Chad? Why did people think I was dead? How had two years really passed? And WHY THE FUCK DID SHE CHOOSE CHAD?!! That fat-headed piece of shit probably still had no idea how to tie his shoes, how could anyone have any sort of positive emotions towards him?!

I finally regained control of my emotions, and cleaned myself up. I headed across the hallway back to my old room. It was just how I left it; my game collection was still there, same posters on the wall, even the same comforter on the bed. I laid down, taking a deep breath and trying to relax, before the entirety of everything hit me hard and all at once, leaving me to cry myself to sleep.

“Ma'am...?” I had heard off in the distance from my dreamless sleep.

“Excuse me, ma'am...?” I heard again. I peeked through heavy eyelids to see some strange woman in a suit in my room, along with a very confused looking couple behind her.

“Huh...? What...?” I grumbled, sitting up on my bed.

“Ma'am, you can't sleep here,” she said to me, looking back and nodding to the couple, the latter of which left the room for a moment.

“And why the hell not...?” I asked, shooting this well-dressed woman a glare.

“Because this house is up for sale.” The news hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked her over, seeing the name of the realty company on her name badge.

“Wait... what?!” I asked, looking around my room. My stuff was still in there!

“After their son was found floating face down in the river, the Harris' have had a hard time living in this area,” the realtor explained to me. “This house has been on the market for eight months now, they've moved away just over a year ago.”

“Moved away...?” I clenched my teeth hard, feeling those stupid emotions returning. I cleared my throat, looking back at the woman. “But what about my room...?”

“This room belonged to their son, Sam. Well, before his girlfriend killed him and threw his body in the river.” The realtor shook her head. “They couldn't bare to change it or take anything along with them, so they decided to leave it for the next homeowners to do with what they please.”

I felt my emotions overwhelm me to the point that I felt empty. I stood up and nodded, not saying another word to the woman before stepping out into the hallway. The couple were apparently in the middle of touring my house. Now I had nowhere to live, and my home was going to be sold to someone else.

As I walked downstairs, I noticed all of the pictures were gone. The furniture was slightly different, likely to help boost the value of the sale. I stepped out of my house, noticing the “For Sale” sign in my yard I had missed in the dark the night before. The bicycle had also been hit by one of the cars, no longer rideable.

With a heavy sigh and heavy heart, I started to walk back to town. My hope was shattered. My will was gone. There was nothing left for me. Everyone thought I was dead. My girlfriend is dating the one guy in school I hated more than anyone else. My parents moved away to God knows where... What was left for me?

There was only one place I knew of. And a thought came to my mind. I could end it all. I didn't need to continue living in this kind of hell anymore. Dr. West had told me something months, or apparently YEARS, ago; if I tried to go through the same process that changed me into the bombshell I was now, I wouldn't be able to handle it. It would kill me.

And that's where I had gone to in my mind. Suicide. And while I used to fear death, it seemed like the only answer for me now. And so, I returned to the salon.

I opened the door and headed straight to the back, towards the chair I was in before. Dr. Wright was messing with the computer, when she looked up and saw me. Her eyes widened, the redheaded woman completely in shock. “Sammy!”

“Goodbye, Dr. Wright,” I said emotionlessly as I stood in front of the chair, leaning forward and slapping a key on the keyboard. I apparently hit the right one, because before I fell the lady scientist started to panic at what I had done. And I fell through the dark on the terrifying slide that would lead me to my death.

And when I finally hit the bottom, I stood up, looking around the dark room. I heard a door open somewhere, but it was too late. I had already stepped forward and felt the shift of the floor beneath me. As I embraced the end, I suddenly felt something slam into my chest with intense force, hurling me backwards. I opened my eyes, and was horrified at what I saw.

Dr. West had run into the room and shoved me out of harm's way, the machine instead grabbing him instead. I could hear the other scientists' panicked cries over the intercom system into the room, unable to stop the machine as the two blocks slapped around him like a mold.

“NOOO!!!” I shouted and ran over, trying to pry them apart despite hearing them lock. They burnt my hands, way too hot to the touch, but hearing West's screams wasn't going to stop me. “SHUT IT OFF!” I shouted, still trying to pry the blocks apart to no avail.

I felt someone pull me away, looking up to see Dr. Hutchison had grabbed me. I was unaware of how burnt up my hands were, and together we were forced to endure watching the head mount close around West's head.

“Michael!!” Hutchison cried out, before looking over at the glass where the others were at. “There HAS to be some type of emergency shut off!”

“We didn't create one because this type of shit shouldn't happen to start with!” Chilton yelled back as he stepped into the room, glaring a hole through me. “If we unplug it now, there's a chance he'll die in there!”

And shortly after, the human mold casings unlatched and pulled away, and Dr. West was no more. In his place was perhaps one of the most gorgeous blondes I'd ever seen in my entire life. And she slumped limply down to the floor, landing in a pile much as I had years before.

“Get her up, get her up!” The group of them rushed over and scooped up the gorgeous woman and carried her over to make sure she was ok. I sat there in the room, now depressed, lost, and filled with guilt to top it all off. A few seconds later, Dr. Wright rushed into the room.

“Sammy, you're alright!” she cried out as she rushed over and hugged me.

I sniffled softly, shaking my head. “But... But Dr. West...” As I stared at the floor, I heard her gasp, realizing what I had meant. She helped me to my feet, gently rubbing my back.

“Come on, we'll worry about him shortly. Let's get you a little bit of rest, ok?” She walked me towards another room, bandaging my hands up with a first aid kit, before heading back to my room, the two of us in complete silence. I think neither one of us knew what to say about the situation. As we reached my room, she swiped her badge, the door opening. “Think you'll be ok from here on out?” I nodded and stepped into my room and she rushed off to check on her colleague.

I did everything I could to keep from sobbing once more, slumping on my couch. A million thoughts rushed through my mind when suddenly I made a connection... Clarissa said a skinny little cop had given her the news of my death. They must've also spoken to my parents as well! And then I thought back to the day that Chilton had walked into the lab dressed as a police officer...

Chilton had posed as a cop to tell my family and girlfriend I was dead! He had basically erased me from existence!

As I sat there in shock, trying to think of how he managed to plant a decoy body that looked like me in the river, I glanced up towards the door to find someone standing in the corner of the room, waiting for me. “B... Betty...?” I called out.

“Nope,” the voice called out, and as she stepped out of the dark corner, she revealed herself. Busted up, bruised, and bandaged, Roxy slowly walked up to me. “Time for a little payback for your little stunt last night, kid...”

Anonymous 14/02/15(Sat)23:17 No. 21147 ID: d38f2a

Thanks gamer

Gamer 14/02/20(Thu)21:24 No. 21193 ID: f30f4a


Yeah, still alive and kicking. Like I said, I'm going to try to finish this story. I'm working on Chapter 16 now. Glad to finally get another one up, though, it's been too long.

Anonymous 14/03/03(Mon)11:42 No. 21285 ID: 6ef6c8

Well I'm glad I bumped this when I did and got your attention. Thanks for the chapter, glad you're still alive. Hope all your problems have been resolved and that you're living more stably.

Gamer 14/03/10(Mon)10:02 No. 21332 ID: f30f4a

Oh, things are as awful as ever. Heh, well, not exactly. I suppose I can't complain too much; I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, wheels on my car, and while I can't say I have any savings, I'm not broke or going hungry. I'm just not at a place in my life that I'd like to be at.

That's likely going to be my biggest excuse for such a long wait. I haven't progressed anywhere in my life, and I've tried resolving every issue at once and in the end nothing gets solved. Henceforth, no progress on anything. Including my story.

I am very glad you enjoyed it, though, and once yet ANOTHER PC issue gets resolved (this time being my vid card), I'll get another chapter up. I'm already working on it, as well, so no more three year waits.

Anonymous 14/07/15(Tue)15:39 No. 22077 ID: c91a45

Holy crap, this story's been updated since I checked last! Awesome!

Anonymous 15/01/08(Thu)11:55 No. 23088 ID: 943e26

i want to see sammy watch clarrisa be fucked by chad and id love to see him spend time evading their search squads whoring for hiding places

Anonymous 15/06/01(Mon)01:49 No. 23624 ID: b703de


Anonymous 15/11/04(Wed)13:49 No. 23950 ID: c91a45


Anonymous 16/04/17(Sun)17:10 No. 24204 ID: f0bc0d


Anonymous 16/04/17(Sun)17:10 No. 24205 ID: f0bc0d


HigherMoose 16/04/18(Mon)10:40 No. 24207 ID: 62b1d7

It's been over a year. Stop.

Anonymous 16/04/18(Mon)11:36 No. 24208 ID: af135f

No, and bump.

HigherMoose 16/04/19(Tue)08:35 No. 24210 ID: 62b1d7


You're the cancer that's killing this board.

Anonymous 16/04/26(Tue)08:49 No. 24223 ID: 0f3d7a


Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)21:02 No. 24766 ID: 57b8e2

Bump bump bump

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)03:42 No. 24767 ID: 738f66

Please. Stop. He could've been nicer but you are seriously one of the factors killing the board.

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)03:42 No. 24768 ID: 738f66

Please. Stop. He could've been nicer but you are seriously one of the factors killing the board.

bump Anonymous 17/05/29(Mon)08:17 No. 25043 ID: 57b8e2

Bump bump bump bumpbump

Anonymous 17/10/30(Mon)00:52 No. 25181 ID: 55cc6b

Bump mafakas

Anonymous 17/12/17(Sun)19:32 No. 25230 ID: 37426e

Whoa, this is still on the front page?

Anson Anson 17/12/19(Tue)14:05 No. 25237 ID: bf01da


What Happened? Gamer 18/09/16(Sun)05:15 No. 25785 ID: 17d734

So, it's been over four and a half years since my last update. I know people really liked this story, so I'm sorry I've let you all down.

I've sat down and attempted to go on with the next chapter about half a dozen times on and off over the years. I may get about halfway through the chapter before I run out of steam or ideas. Typically re-reading what I had written left me cringing or unhappy, and it would go deleted while I brainstorm and attempt to write again.

I did have a direction and even an ending in mind. I've just had the hardest time getting there, and I've grown very unhappy with myself when it comes to my writing for this story. If you'd like, if any of you would like to continue the story, you may; alternatively, I can state how I wanted it to continue and end, for anyone that was interested.

Again, nearly half a decade too late, I'm incredibly sorry guys.

Anonymous 18/12/29(Sat)05:30 No. 25908 ID: a33a9a

Hey Gamer, first time poster here. I've been following this since the beginning. I appreciate you letting us know whats up. I for one would love to know what your vision was for the ending.

Pulling back the curtain Gamer 19/04/16(Tue)16:43 No. 26053 ID: f4f0f1

So a lot has changed in my life, but for anyone that still cared about this story, this is what I had planned:

Roxy would attack Sammy and hand deliver her to the other girls to torture to their hearts' content. After quite a bit of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, Betty of all people would come in and make the save, ending her pacifist ways temporarily to help save Sammy and get her back to her room.

Betty would help Roxy and Sam make up, but things would never quite be the same between them. Meanwhile, we'd see Dr. West adjusting to his new life; while getting exponentially better treatment than anyone else that had gone through testing, Sammy would come to learn a little about his, or now her, home life; West had a wife that would now have to be alerted about his irreversible change, and their unborn child would never know their father.

Sammy starts to break down by this point. She'd have no one left in her life, become depressed, further lose her will to live. Finally, one night, someone breaks into her room and knocks her out. She wakes up in the trunk of a car, wrists tied behind her back, riding for some ways before feeling the car pull off the edge of the road. Dr. Chilton would open the trunk, yanking our protagonist out of the car and dragging her into the woods. He'd monologue about how she threatened to ruin everything he'd created and his chance of being immortalized, before dropping her to her knees. She'd hear the cock of a gun behind her and feel the barrel against the back of her head, and would plead for her life terrified before hearing a gun shot. (Definitely a chapter cliffhanger)

Sammy would realize as she screamed that she wasn't dead. She looked behind her to see Chilton dead, gunshot wound to the head, before looking over to see a man a fair distance away. He'd seen the whole thing, saving Sammy's life on his way back from a long day of hunting. Offering to go to the police with her, Sammy realized she likely didn't have any records, much less a past, and insisted they don't. The two would bury the doc out in the woods, before he'd offer to take her home. Having no idea what else to do, she played amnesia, claiming not to remember anything other than her name until she could think of something. He instead took her to his home to allow her to clean up and take care of her until she could remember anything.

This man (shit, let's call him Vince, I don't know if I ever came up with a name for him) covers her naked body with his jacket, and never appears to try to take advantage of her. He doesn't sneak a peek other than what he couldn't help but see while saving her, and turns his head away out of respect when he can. He seems genuinely interested in making sure she's ok over all else, offering her residence on his couch until she can remember where she lives, while giving her some lounge pants and a loose shirt to sleep in. When Sammy wakes up the next day, she'd find a few change of clothes laid out for her, as Vince had gone out to purchase them while she slept.

As time passes, Vince doesn't mind her living with him. He'd make enough space in his office for a twin bed so she'd have somewhere better than the couch to sleep. He was fine with Sammy not working as long as she helped keep the house neat or cooked a little extra food for him when she made a meal, but even that wasn't expected. The two would get to know each other, Sammy eventually weaving real stories from her past without revealing she was male. By this point, it would all seem incredibly odd and embarrassing to admit something like that. It's during these chapters that it needs to be hammered in that Vince is above all looking out for his new roommate's best interests.

It's because of this that Sammy's internal conflicts heighten. No one had ever treated her as well as Vince, nor shown the concern or compassion he had without expecting something in return. She felt like she was falling in love with him. But she couldn't, because she'd continue to tell herself she wasn't "gay," despite being female. She had never really been attracted to men before, but she was attracted to his qualities and how he treated her. Over time, she'd see little things like the way he looked at her or smiled, the way his hair curled over his forehead... Little things that would further fuck with her mentally. All the while, he'd never force himself on her, not even for a kiss. Eventually, while a little freaked out, she would be the one to initiate, first freaked out by leaning in to kiss him, and even more so by not being disgusted as she thought she would. From that point, a relationship would bloom between the two.

Epilogue flashes forward several years. Sammy's making breakfast. Vince comes down with a warm greeting, before she calls for three more people to join them. It's revealed that they'd have three children together. As she'd get the kids ready for school, a news report would play on the television, showing off Antietam Laboratories making a scientific breakthrough with their feminization program to help women and transgender women change aspects of their physical characteristics. While every women she knew was on stage, all "fixed" and looking their best, the project was deemed a success due to Dr. Maria West, who had undergone the experiment herself before helping subjects that had tried and failed previously. Dr. Hutchison dedicated the success to his friend Samantha, whom he had lost years before. Sammy would smile at her mention, even bigger at the lack of mention for Chilton, as Vince would come in to ask if anything big had come up on the news. She'd brush it off, keeping her secret as the first truly successful member of the project and living out her days with the person who saved her life and from the labs.

I know that's likely not at all how anyone would've seen it end, but trying to connect the dots to get there was hell, and while I personally like the ending, I simply couldn't figure out how to get there. Hopefully this fills a little hole that my absence left, and if anyone else doesn't like how the story went and wants to continue it themselves, I give you the go ahead to do so. Thanks for giving my silly little genderbending story a shot for all these years.

Anonymous 19/06/21(Fri)06:45 No. 26095 ID: e6350c

hey Gamer, thanks for coming back to tie things up. I read this story since day 1 and then forgot about it for years. and... still love it. Ten years! Damn.

This story made me trans. On the subject, quick question: are you a girl yet?

(no not really but that’s my favorite joke, shut up)

Gamer 21/05/02(Sun)11:56 No. 27232 ID: b735b9

It's been nearly twelve years... I can't believe this is still even here. (And I'm sorry for bumping down all the stories more recent than mine.)

So, uh... it's funny you should say that...

I'll be going to a doctor for my first appointment to officially begin my transition. So, um, yeah! I'm going to finally be a girl! Who could have EVER imagined from reading this shoddily made smut filth that I'd have internal confusion about my own identity and gender that needed to be explored and better understood to truly know who I am, right?

That said, I do wish to keep writing, likely more genderbending along with actual trans fiction, both erotic and not. Perhaps I'll post a little short elit story here in the near future and see how it goes.

Thanks for everything, to everyone that's read this over the past decade and to anyone that has offered me kindness for doing so.

Anonymous 21/05/06(Thu)07:00 No. 27235 ID: 2297a1


It really is just a fetish

Williamina 21/08/27(Fri)14:24 No. 27375 ID: 87cfd0

If there is interracial communication, then only on the site https://www.cupid.com/en/interracial/ . I guarantee here you will find everything you want for yourself. Everything is understandable here, very sociable people and a warm atmosphere. Online communication seems to me modern and progressive, why go somewhere if you can communicate without leaving your home.

Anonymous 22/09/01(Thu)22:48 No. 27653 ID: 36cf2c

I wanna see pics of your trap nudes dude


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