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Mika, Mika Anonymous 19/06/30(Sun)04:34 No. 26107 ID: 273d8d


Inspired/influenced by the biggest masterpiece of our time, "Roommates", is an attempt at the genre of my own (though nowhere as good as Roommates). Takes place in an unnamed Scandinavian country; it's my first story and English isn't my mother language so it's probably pretty stiff.

Day one

Like many other places around the world, Japanese culture had become rather popular in the capital of my country, so a number of years ago, a two-day open-air Japanese culture festival had popped up to be held every spring, in one of the bigger parks close to the center of the city. As a closeted weaboo, it was only natural for me to go there. The first year I went alone, not having any friends at the time also into Japanese stuff. The festival was pretty typical, I assume, with Japanese food stalls, different games for the kids, and performances of martial arts, dances and so on. In contrast to “real” festivals in Japan, however, this was held during the day.

The stalls and performances were okay, but what really caught my surprise - and interest - was all the cosplay taking place, so I spent most of the two days looking at that. It was a real thrill to see my favorite characters being brought to life, but I was too shy to approach any of the cute girls walking around. Talking with someone one-on-one would have been okay, but they were always in groups with their friends, so I didn’t know how to join in, especially just when I was just wearing plain clothes.

So with nothing much happening, I skipped out going for the next couple of years. Entering university, I made a circle of fellow weeaboo friends and one of them suggested that we go to the festival that year. Figuring it would be better to go with someone else than alone, I agreed. Barely anything at the festival had changed, perhaps for some furries having showed up for some reason. After making our round to visit the stalls, we kept our eyes out for any cute girls to chat up. However, even though we could now act as wing-men for each other, we didn’t have much luck in getting to know any of the cosplayers. First of all, most of them seemed to still be teenagers, while we were in our early twenties, and once we did find someone our age, they had obviously gone to the festival to flirt with strangers. It probably didn’t help that we were not cosplaying ourselves, but we thought that that would be overdoing it.

The following year, my friend suggested we go again, and with nothing else to do, I agreed. An extraordinarily warm day for spring, I showed up earlier than planned, and wandered around while waiting for my friend. That’s when I saw her for the first time. In the midst of the sea of middle-aged people studying the exhibit of a Japanese garden, and the cosplayers with their big, complicated costumes, I caught a glimpse of a simple and traditional sailor school uniform. The pureness of its whiteness was glittering between the orange jumpsuits and pink fursuits. She seemed out of place, seemingly wandering around alone. I discreetly followed behind her, but my eagerness to talk to her faded when I saw her face. Oh, not that there was anything wrong with it, quite the opposite. She had long, dark brown hair that was tucked behind her ears, revealing a cute face, with small lips and soft eyes that darted nervously around, scanning her surroundings. No, the problem was that she seemed far too young for me, probably barely even a teenager yet. Even then, I still couldn’t keep my eyes off of her - I had always had a thing for those sailor uniforms, and she was so beautiful in hers. A white short-sleeved shirt, red ribbon on her chest, navy blue skirt that stopped mid-thigh, and black shoes and socks. It must have been the real thing.

She squeezed herself past a line of people waiting for a free tasting of sake, when my phone suddenly vibrated. My friend had texted me to say that he had made an error in his calendar, something about an aunt’s birthday in the other end of the country he had to go to, using up both days of the festival. I rolled my eyes at his forgetfulness, and put my phone back in my pocket to continue following my new object of admiration. Alas, she had disappeared in the crowd, and despite being taller than average, I couldn’t catch sight of her again. Oh well, she was way too young for me anyways, I thought. Being stood up, I considered going home, but now that I was here, I might as well look if the festival has anything new to offer this year.

After watching a few rounds of people duking it out in inflatable sumo suits while I munched down some melon bread, I got bored and decided to head back to my bike. The festival wasn’t that interesting anymore - my obsession with Japan was fading; I still do watch some animay now and then even today, but turning 24 years old, adult responsibilities and university was requiring most of my mental energy. I had also decided to spend my time exercising rather than binge-watching cartoons, as I wanted to get as far away from the stereotype of the neckbeard weeaboo as possible. Luckily, my parents had passed on their slim builds on to me, and I made sure to keep my hair kept short, in addition to using contact lenses instead of glasses.

I walked behind the main stage to head to my bike when I suddenly saw the girl again, standing alone in the shadow of the festival’s big stage screen. There wasn’t any performance on at the moment on the stage, and the small area behind it was surrounded by tall bushes, so we were pretty much alone in the narrow clearing - there was only a dad trying to feed his toddler some sweet bread on a bench nearby. She stood with her hands clasped behind her, still looking seemingly anxiously around. I slowly stepped closer - my bike was in that direction anyways - my eyes again fixed on her, on her slim, bare legs disappearing up under the skirt, on her dark hair glittering in a ray of sunlight, and her cute little nose. I then realized that she was now looking at me, having noticed my gaze.

Pretty uncomfortable at having been caught staring, I figured that it would be best to at least make some kind of comment, instead of creeping away in silence. Meeting her eyes, I tried to crack a smile, and said the first thing on my mind.

“Nice uniform, on your way to school?”

She giggled a little, nervously glancing down over her attire.

“No... not today.”

Her voice was soft and sweet, spurring me on to drop my plans of darting to my bike, instead stopping up to stand with my hands behind my back as well, facing the same direction as her. We both glanced sideways at each other, and I quickly thought of more small talk to justify stopping up besides her.

“Is it a real one?”

I lowered my eyes to her uniform. While the ribbon and collar made it a bit hard to judge, she barely seemed to have much of a chest under the shirt.

“Yeah… My dad got it for me, in Japan.”

“Oh really? Cool, I’ve actually been there, you know.”

As I hoped, that seemed to impress her, as her eyes widened slightly. I had backpacked around in Japan before entering university, just doing normal tourist stuff.

She kept looking at me, with a somewhat airy expression - she reminded me a bit of Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, only with dark brown hair. After a few seconds of silence between us, I thought that I might as well get the cat out of the sack, and face my one concern about her.

“So um… How old are you?”


She replied without any hesitation, and I quickly had to turn my face the other way to hide how I winced at realizing that she was about as young as I had guessed.


I turned back to her, still with a somewhat crooked smile.

“Um… twenty-four”.


I had expected my answer to end the conversation, by her being grossed out by a guy my age hitting her up, but she seemed completely unfazed. A few more seconds passed as I stood somewhat bewildered, until she glanced at me with a “What now?” expression on her face. I was about to excuse myself, but she was faster than me.

“What’s your name?”

“David… And yours?”


Oh wow. Either she was deep in-character in a cosplay, or her parents had actually given her a Japanese name. She was definitely not Japanese, not even a halfu.

“Really? That’s pretty cool.”

“Thanks...So... do you wanna walk around, or something?”

We walked back around the stage and over towards the stalls again. I couldn’t think of much to say, shocked that this strange, beautiful girl had asked if I wanted to hang out like this. It was too hard to talk in the crowds around the stalls, so after picking up some sandwiches for lunch, we agreed on heading away from the festival area, instead going over to the other end of the park. It was much better to be away from the noisy festival, and I was happy to get a better look at Mika. She was very petite, and only tall enough to reach up to my chest.

“So your dad’s been in Japan? What did he do there?”

“Some kind of business trip. He’s like a consultant on all things Japanese. Oh, do you know that anime convention they hold over in the Culture Centre every winter? He actually started it.”

“Wow, really? Yeah, I’ve been to that con once, some years ago”.

That explains her Japanese name, I guess. Her dad must be a pretty big weeaboo as well. She continued talking about her dad, and how he had dragged her along to that convention as soon as she could walk, so she had pretty much grown up to be immersed in Japanese pop culture. We aimlessly made circles around the park, Mika still doing most of the talking, which she seemed to loosen up a bit. Apparently, she had been stood up as well, having agreed to meet with a cosplaying friend who was running late. I silently thanked both of our friends for bringing us together like this, even though I was just keeping Mika company for the sake of it. Surely she was only talking with me because she was still naive about what guys wanted from pretty girls like her, right?

After some time, Mika complained that her legs were getting tired, and I remembered there used to be a café in the corner of the park, where we could sit down and get some rest. We made our way over there, but it was closed down for the weekend, so instead we headed over to sit down by the edge of a pond next to the café.

Mika sat down with her legs bent to one side, kinda like The Little Mermaid, and I sat cross-legged close next to her. The hem of her skirt were still sitting at the middle of her thighs, her white legs glowing in the sun. We unpacked our sandwiches, and ate them while throwing chunks of the bread to ducks in the pond. Yes, I know it’s bad for them and for the water, but she liked the cute ducks, so what could I do?

“I kinda wanna cosplay too, actually. Maybe just a normal guy’s school uniform, they’re pretty cool.”

“Yeah, that would be cool. I made a presentation about cosplay at school, but nobody really cared. Even dressed up in a bunch of ‘em.”

Mika gazed down at the ducks gathered in front of us. It sounded like she were pretty alone with her interests; she lived with her mom in a smaller town outside the capital, and didn’t know anyone in her town that also liked anime. Her mom and dad were divorced, and her dad was traveling most of the time; it was only because he was home for the weekend at his apartment here in the capital that she could come to this festival, as she could then sleep there.

“Ow… My leg still hurts…” Mika frowned a bit and rubbed her calves.

“It probably doesn’t help to sit like that… Come here, I’ll give you a massage.”

I patted my lap, and she nervously obliged by stretching her legs out, putting one of them in my lap.

“It’s only this one..”

I immediately went to work, carefully rubbing my fingers up and down over her shin and calf. Mika leaned back, supporting herself on her elbows, looking at my hands. I ran my eyes up to her skirt again, but even with her legs spread slightly apart, they skirt still did its job of keeping everything covered.

“Thanks…. I guess I’m not used to all that walking.”

She spoke softly, watching the ducks compete to get the last crumbs of our sandwiches.

“Me neither. Well, these aren’t exactly hiking shoes either.”

I patted the black loafer sitting on her foot.

“No, but it’s part of the uniform. Ugh, that reminds me, it’s not the only problem I have with it… When I bike, the wind can often… you know… and on the way here, an old man commented on it, saying he could see my…”

She pointed to her skirt, glancing up at me with an embarrassed look.

“But he couldn’t have, because I’m wearing shorts underneath.”

“Oh, really?” I raised an eyebrow, looking back at her with a devilish smile. “That’s pretty clever. Can I see?”

Mika hesitated for a second, and then slowly pulled the front of her skirt up to her hips, revealing a pair of very short shorts, black and covering the upper part of her thighs.

“Wow, I’ve never thought about that,” I said, “You’re actually pretty smart, aren’t you?”

Mika smiled shyly and let the skirt fall down on her thighs again.

“I think my leg is okay now.”

She began to pull her leg back, but I immediately grabbed on to it with both hands, keeping it on my lap.

“It’s fine, better safe than sorry. Besides, you’ve got nice legs.”

Mika blushed a bit, but accepted having her lower leg in my lap for me to rub.

“Hey, do you… Have a boyfriend?” I tried to ask as nonchalantly as possible.

She looked shyly at me, her head tilted slightly down, causing some of her hair to fall down to her chin.

“No, but… I have had one… What about you?”

“Yeah, I’ve had a couple of girlfriends.”

I shrugged, and returned my attention to her smooth leg, my hand slowly sliding up and down over her skin. It would be so easy to push my fingers up under her skirt, but I thought that I better not rush things too much.

“Should we get up and see if it’s good to walk on again?”

I patted her leg before standing up, stretching my body. Man, I’m getting too old to sit on the ground. Mika nodded and I helped her up.

“Should we circle around the pond and then go back to the festival? Maybe your friend has arrived.”

Mika nodded and we walked back to the path of the café, but she started out on the trail leading out of the park.

“Wait wait, it’s this way.”

Instead of just pointing to the right path we were supposed to take, I took the opportunity to wrap my arm around her waist, rotating her to point in the right direction.

“Oh, r-right…”

She didn’t move right away, but kept to my side, not opposing my arm around her. I took this as a sign that I could leave it there, and I began leading her down the trail going around the pond, holding her body close against me. She felt very warm, even through our clothes, and she let me guide her way as we walked together.

One side of the pond was pretty overgrown, with large willow trees keeping a portion of the trail hidden in shadows. I stopped up in the middle of the trail, turning to Mika.

“There’s just one thing I wanna do before we head back,'' I said, my heart now pounding in my chest.

I had never been this direct with a girl before, but for some reason Mika seemed to accept me being completely in control. She looked up at me, also a bit flustered. I quickly leaned down and kissed her, and she immediately kissed back, much more than I had expected from a girl her age. I broke the kiss and looked down at her in surpise.

“Not your first kiss, I guess?”

Mika giggled lightly. “No… I told you, I’ve had a boyfriend before… but we didn’t do anything else, I only dated him for a week or so.”

I nodded and went back down to kiss her again, my arms wrapping around her slender body. She did not seem shy at all anymore, and we kissed deeply for what seemed for a long time. Her lips were softer and sweeter than anything else I had known; it was like her mouth sent pure pleasure into me. I slowly ran a hand down over her back, then over her behind before pausing at the bare skin of her thigh. I slowly broke the kiss, gazing down into her eyes.

“Hey, sweetie… You’re… gonna be here tomorrow too, right?”

Mika nodded slowly, looking questioningly up at me. I smiled reassuringly down to her, and whispered, “It’s not proper part of the uniform, so tomorrow…”

I slid my hand up under her skirt, and lightly tugged at the fabric of her shorts.

“I don’t want you to wear these… Okay?”

She gulped but nodded again, and I rewarded her with a smile and another kiss. Then, grabbing her hand, I lead her back to the festival. I didn’t really wanna stick around any longer, I sensed I better not overwhelm Mika in one day, and she probably had a friend to find.

“I gotta go home for today, but here’s my phone number… Text me tomorrow when you’re here again, alright?” Mika coded my number into her phone while I unlocked my bike. We looked at each other, and she genuinely seemed saddened that I was leaving already.

“See you tomorrow, sweetie”. I gave her one last hug to cheer her up, and couldn’t resist but kissing her again. She kissed back just as before, and I actually felt a little bad at how attention-starved she must have been. It was hard to let go, but I got up on my bike and set off, my stomach full of butterflies and my head full of confusion.

Surely, I shouldn’t get my hopes up of seeing her tomorrow; she most likely will go home and realize how crazy it was for her to make out with someone ten years her senior. Well, even then it was fun, and as I sped down the streets of the city, the blissful image of Mika in her school uniform standing nervously behind the stage remained on my mind.

89 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 22/09/24(Sat)00:39 No. 27676 ID: 337dcf


+1 for Mika NOT being there.
I think that Josie first time should be more intimate, you could reserve more threesomes for later*

*I would also like a future chapter where David convinces the girls to do scissoring...

Anonymous 22/09/27(Tue)05:31 No. 27678 ID: 6e7373

Working to catch up so I can vote while informed.

Anonymous 22/09/27(Tue)07:18 No. 27679 ID: 272272

I vote for Mika being there, fits with the story better. Some solo play with Josie is definitely needed though.

Thanks for the update!

Gragnost 22/09/29(Thu)09:53 No. 27680 ID: 09c365

While the idea of a threesome with the girls for Josie's first time sounds good, I think one-on-one with Josie would be better.

Anonymous 22/09/30(Fri)04:36 No. 27681 ID: 4d38f4

So even though I think Josie and David alone would be best for Josie, it would go against the flow of the story if Mika wasn't there. I'm not saying a threesome, but having her there or at least her giving consent would feel a lot better and more natural.

Anonymous 22/10/01(Sat)16:47 No. 27682 ID: b559ca


I disagree. Mika had a proper first time without spectators, if Josie is not granted the same privilege it would only make her feel more insecure. I think she deserves to be a more independent character (originally OP wanted to write a spinoff about her), not just an appendix of the David&Mika relationship.

Anonymous 22/10/01(Sat)17:16 No. 27683 ID: d59a4e

They've already set some ground rules. Mika not being there or at least not giving explicit consent would make it cheating.

Anonymous 22/10/01(Sat)20:45 No. 27684 ID: 991c21

Just have mika pissing on josies face as Josie gets cummed inside of, I think Josie should really be solidified as their play toy.

Anonymous 22/10/02(Sun)00:26 No. 27685 ID: b559ca


The only rule that Mika set is that David must be her boyfriend, but she never minded leaving them alone, even naked in the bath tub. Everything else are just stupid morality clauses inside David's mind, but they were loosened many times.

Anonymous 22/10/05(Wed)18:34 No. 27688 ID: d0356a

While you discuss I can mention that I have begun posting that rewrite I mentioned earlier to AO3. It's currently done up to Mika's first sleepover. I'm afraid that moving the story forward here might take a backseat because of this.


Changes include:
Writing style now consistent with newer chapters
Story has been broken up into much, much smaller chapters, around 3000 words each
The story now actually has a proper title
I had to come up with a pseduonym :(

Several things has been expanded or changed, such as:
Mika now actually behaves like Mika
David now has more internal dialouge, reflecting on what the hell he is doing
Slightly more dialouge with Josie at the festival
Josie now joins Mika and David on their first date at the movies
And most importantly, Mika no longer takes the initiative with the sexual stuff. This delays all the sexual steps further down into the story, let's see how much it'll fuck it up. Speaking of when Josie should lose her virginity; I'm debating whether Mika's first time should also be postponed until Josie's sleepover.

Gragnost 22/10/08(Sat)06:50 No. 27690 ID: 09c365

I like the rewrite so far.

Anonymous 22/10/10(Mon)15:40 No. 27691 ID: d0356a

We’ve got to do something about global warming. Really. It’s not supposed to be this hot this early in the year. We’ve got to do something. Or… Well… Maybe not really. I almost changed my mind about that once the girls began pulling their clothes off. Maybe climate change isn’t so bad after all. Josie, bursting with excitement, had zipped off ahead and already spread out her picnic blanket on the sand. She had quickly dropped her backpack and her clothes onto it, and had rushed out into the water in her swimming suit while yelling for us to hurry up. After we had made our way to the blanket as well, Mika also put her backpack down.

I looked around while pulling my t-shirt off; Josie really had been right about this area not being crowded. We were all alone up here at the very end of the beach, I could only see a couple of people in the distance to the south, just small figures against the beige sand and blue water. I could see why nobody else had bothered coming up here, though: It wasn’t exactly the best beach in the world. The concrete wall to our north was hideously ugly, the coastline was littered with big rocks, and it was a pretty small area that was actually covered with sand, just a small strip between the water and an overgrowth behind us that was filled with prickly bushes. But it was fine, as long as we could have it all to ourselves.

Probably spurred on by Josie who was still yelling at us, Mika was quickly able to overcome her shyness and strip down to her bikini. She smiled bashfully at me when she noticed my stare, adjusting the straps of the top. When we had both left our clothes on the blanket, we held hands again and began walking out to Josie who was thrashing around in the water and yelling something about it not being deep enough. If it had been me, I would have been yelling that it wasn’t warm enough. The air and the sun might be hot, but the water was still cold. Both me and Mika gasped for air as the water climbed up over our legs.

“You okay?”


Mika smiled up to me, her body as tense as mine from the coldness of the water.

“I’m not scared of the water or anything, this… this is fine.”

Great, it seemed like there was nothing to be worried about. No people around us, nothing that made Mika anxious, Josie had gotten her wish and was having fun… I began having fun too. That is, until Josie sprinted - as much as she could sprint with the water reaching up to her knees - towards us.


Her movements sent waves of water splashing up on us, making Mika shriek briefly.


Looks like Mika thought Josie had done it deliberately, and she let go of my hand to playfully splash water up at her friend. Josie shrieked, just like Mika. It almost hurt my ears a little.

“AARGH! Hey!!”

Did I say something earlier about it being hot? I was wrong. Damn, it was cold. Especially now that I was caught in the crossfire of a splash-battle, the two girls circling around me trying to shovel as much water onto each other as possible. I tried to get away, but it’s pretty difficult moving in anything but slow motion when you have to wade through water. This caused me to collide with Josie, and we both fell down with a dramatic splash, Josie gleefully screaming and Mika laughing triumphantly. Just like most beaches on this side of the country, the water is pretty shallow unless you walk pretty far out into the ocean, so we both landed on our knees and elbows onto the sandy bottom. Just like her friend before, Josie got the impression that I had done this on purpose.

“Oh so that’s how it is?! Two against one?!”

With a murderous grin, Josie sat off against the sandy bottom and launched herself over me. I had only just had a chance to sit upright on my ass, the water reaching up to my chest, and now Josie came at me trying to dunk the rest of my body down under the water. Of course she was just playing around, but really, why had she gotten so violent this weekend? It must be all those darn video games she plays. Laughing, I fought back and had no trouble using my strength to withstand the weight of her body.

We quickly reached a stalemate, which I used to quickly check on Mika - after all, the most important thing to remember when going swimming with kids is to never leave them out of your sight - but she weirdly enough had shifted her attention completely away from us, and was instead bending over to look at something under the water a couple of meters away from us. I guess she had found a crab or something. The bikini really outlined the shape of her butt rather nicely, due to its small size it gave a completely different appearance compared to her regular underwear. It was riding up pretty far, making it look like--

Taking advantage of my distraction, Josie launched a new attack and this time jumped up to straddle my hips and tickle my ribs. Again I had no trouble defending myself against her attacks, grabbing her wrists and holding her arms straight out from her body. Panting for air, she kinda gave up and resigned herself to sit still on my lap, though she kept struggling to wrestle her arms free from my grasp.

“Ugh, this swimsuit is too goddamn tight…! Of course I can’t move around properly in this thing.”

She looked genuinely frustrated, glancing down over the fabric stretched across her body with a clear cameltoe visible down below. I could only agree, it didn’t look very comfortable.

“Yeah, I’m sure you would have gotten the upper hand if you hadn’t been wearing it.”

Josie stuck out her tongue at me, still trying to pull her arms back to herself.

“I’m not gonna go swimming naked!”

“I’m sure you would have won too if you had been wearing the bikini. I’m sure it looks really nice on you.”

There’s more than one way to attack your opponent. Josie stopped moving, and a faint blush flared across her cheeks.

“You… You’d think so?”

“Mhm. I’m sure you’d be really cute in it.”

Josie lowered her head with a sudden shyness, trying not to smile too broadly.

“Do you think I’d… Look cuter than Mika?”

“Come on, don’t say that. I can’t compare you two to each other. But I wanna see you in your bikini some other day too.”

I knew I had to shut down any rivalry between the two girls anytime it came up. Maybe something else could do the trick of satisfying Josie’s desire for affection. I glanced over at Mika, who was carefully wading around with her back towards us, still scanning the seabed. I then looked around us again to make sure that there still wasn’t anyone around close enough to see what we were doing.

“Hey, so Mika’s totally fine with us doing stuff now, right?”

Me and Josie looked at each other, Josie appearing a little perplexed by now.

“.... Uhuh?”

Keeping her body still with my grip on her wrists, I quickly leaned forward and kissed her lips. I don’t even know what I was doing, all of a sudden I could just feel a new attraction I had gotten towards Josie. She was so stunned that she barely kissed me back, and she broke off after a few seconds.

“Jeez…! We can do that kind of stuff in front of Mika, yeah, but not out in public.”

She was smirking at me, and I let her bring her hands in to press her palms against my chest.

“Later, okay? I’m hungry, I’m gonna get up and eat some of our food.”

“... O-okay. I’m gonna stay out here with Mika, we’ll probably join you in a bit.”


Josie stood up and headed back to the shore. I got up as well, thoughts swirling around in my head. Only now did I fully realize that the road had been opened to doing actual sexual stuff with Josie, just me and her. But surely that would be impossible, right? Actual sex with her, I mean. I hadn’t gotten a good, close-up look of her private area yet - like I enjoyed getting with Mika - but there was no way that an adult could fit his dick inside an eleven year old. Right? Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I went over to my girlfriend. Having already heard Josie walk away from us, she was standing up straight looking at me with a slightly worried look on her face.

“Are… Are you two okay? Did-- did something happen?”

“Huh? Oh, no no. She’s just going up to get something to eat.”

“Oh. Okay.”

I know I’m saying this a lot, but… Mika was just too cute, being worried about us. Her frown turned into a smile, and once I reached her position I put my hands on her hips.

“Having fun, sweetie?”


Mika nodded and adjusted the back of her bikini top before waving an arm out towards the water around us.

“There’s, like, small fishies and crabs and stuff, and seaweed over there, and some other kind of seaweed over there. But also rocks and I don’t like walking on ‘em.”

I remembered that Mika probably hadn’t been to the beach for years, and she probably hadn’t been out in the water either. I was happy she was enjoying herself.

“You wanna try going a bit more out where it’s deeper? So you can try to learn how to swim.”

Mika glanced nervously up at me, then past me to look up at the shore. I turned my head to follow her gaze, seeing Josie up on the blanket with a towel around her, rummaging through one of the backpacks.

“--- O-okay.”

I could guess that Mika didn’t want Josie to know that she didn’t know how to swim. Weird, maybe even best friends have embarrassing things they don’t want to tell each other. Taking Mika’s hand, we waded further away from the coast and stopped until the water had gotten deep enough that it was reaching Mika’s crotch. Damn, it was even colder out here. My girlfriend tilted her head to look expectantly up at me. Hmm, now that I thought about it, aren’t you supposed to show the movements up on land first? Oh well, too late for that. Mika looked up at me once more, her fingers pulling slightly on the fabric of her bikini top.

“What do I do…?”

“Hmm. Tell you what, I’ll keep my hands on your waist to hold you up, and you’ll try to swim, I guess.”

“... But what do I do?”

I didn’t feel very smart all of a sudden. I’m supposed to be the mature and wise one here, but what did I actually know? I let go of Mika’s hand and emulated the movements of the breaststroke with my arms.

“Like this. And then kick outwards to the sides with your legs.”

“... okay.”

I nodded and reached down under the water, but she stopped me and moved her hands to adjust her bikini top.

“W-wait… I have to…”

Pulling and tugging at the fabric, she gave an irritated sigh.

“It’s… not comfortable. It hurts.”

“Oh… Too small after all?”

She tugged at the front some more, nodding. I remembered how her nipples were sensitive right now, I guess that was the problem. I cast another glance at the coast behind us. Still only a few people far, far away. I also noticed that Josie had seemingly gotten started on the candy… Damn that brat, we were supposed to eat the sandwiches before the candy. I turned towards my girlfriend and spoke in a low voice.

“Hey, just… Take it off.”


Mika looked surprised up at me. I shrugged.

“There’s nobody around. And the people all the way up there are so far away that they can’t see if you’re wearing something up top or not.”


I shrugged again.

“And it’s normal for, uh, young girls to, uh, only wear the bottoms, you know.”

That was pushing it, obviously, I had never seen any kid over the age of ten being topless at the beach. Mika, blushing slightly, scanned the coast.

“Come on, it’ll just be in the way if you’re gonna try to swim.”

“... o-okay.”

Biting her lip, Mika was quick to take the bikini top off to leave her in just the bottoms. Her nipples did indeed look slightly swollen, but maybe it was just the coldness of the water. In any case, it was a delight to get to see her naked chest out in the open. I’ve always thought that girls, no matter the age, look so childish when they’re only wearing panties while not caring that their breasts are on display, and Mika looked doubly so, flat as she was. I didn’t want to embarrass her any further though, I had decided to be nice to her down here after all. Mika handed me the top and I was able to stick it into a pocket in my swimming trunks.

“Ready now?”


Moving a bit closer, I reached down under the water to get a firm grip on Mika’s hips.

“You’re… not gonna let go of me, right?”

“Of course not, sweetie. I’ll hold on to you.”


Trusting me, Mika slowly leaned forward and, with my assistance, floated in the water. She then, rather clumsily, tried to flail her arms and legs around. I shouldn’t be one to criticize her though, I’m sure I hadn’t been doing any better back when I had learned how to swim when I had been a boy, and it’s not like I had ever gotten especially good at it - or at any other athletic discipline. The important thing is that Mika tried, and she gradually began creating thrust with her movements. We splashed around like that for a couple of minutes until Mika began having trouble staying afloat. I don’t know why she didn’t just straighten up so she could reach the bottom again, but I pulled her in to me and she quickly latched on to my torso, wrapping her arms and legs around my body while catching her breath.

“Whoa, hey. You good?”


Mika nodded. I put an arm under her butt to support her weight, my other hand holding on to her back. Thankfully, since she was halfways immersed in the water she wasn’t heavy at all.

“It’s just my… Arms and legs, they’re tired already.”

“Oh, yeah. Swimming uses your muscles completely differently than what they’re used to, so they’ll wear out fast in the beginning.”


Obviously tired, Mika leaned her head on my shoulder.

“You were doing pretty good, sweetie. You’ll get the hang of it.”


We stood still for a few seconds while I wondered if this was enough for one day, or if she just wanted a break before we tried again. My heart then dropped when I felt that Mika’s body convulsed ever so slightly, a couple of small shockwaves emanating out from her core. Looking down at her face it wasn’t because she seemed to be scared or anything, it even looked like she was perplexed herself at a sudden outburst of tears. She brought a hand up to wipe her nose.

“Wha…?! Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What is it?”

Mika slowly leaned back a little and gulped an attempt to stop herself from crying.

“...‘s just.. How nobody’s ever been this nice to me… You’re the first one who’s… This patient with me.”

Oh… This again. My first instinct was to move my hand up to stroke Mika’s hair, but that probably wouldn’t have felt very nice as it was all wet and sticking to her back. Mika sniffled.

“Like… I never thought that I was gonna learn how to swim.”

“... Aw… Josie’s nice too, though. Sometimes.”

Mika half-giggled, half-sniffled.

“Y-yuh, but not like you. Like, it’s mostly about what she wanna do. And she’s not… patient with me.”

“Oh.. Aw, my poor girl.”

I hugged Mika in against me and gave her forehead a kiss. Even though I was beginning to get cold I stood still like that, holding her in my arms like she was a little child while the soft waves of the sea gently rocked our bodies.

“You’re… You’re not gonna let me go, right?”

Mika had calmed down again, and was resting her head on my shoulder.

“No… Well… At some point I’ll have to let go of you, when we get far enough up on the beach.”

Mika giggled.

“Nuh, I don’t mean like that.”

“I know. I’m not gonna let you go, sweetie.”

Anonymous 22/10/17(Mon)19:20 No. 27703 ID: 649a46

Thanks for this, didn't know I needed public beach sex in my life until now

Anonymous 22/11/03(Thu)00:08 No. 27716 ID: 477c5b

I'm writing the next chapter but I still haven't decided on whether Mika should be there for Josie's first time or not. Obviously there's gonna be some sexy stuff at the beach, but with whom depends on that decisions. If Mika is gonna be there the plan is for it to happen that same night, which means that sexy stuff at the beach also happens with Mika (so that the sex scenes will be Mika - Josie). But if Mika is not gonna be there, sexy stuff at the beach should be with Josie and then David is gonna do Mika during the night, and then Josie the next time (Josie - Mika - Josie). I have both scenes all planned out, just don't know which to choose...

Gragnost 22/11/04(Fri)10:00 No. 27717 ID: 09c365

I would go with Josie's first time being intimate and solo.

Anonymous 22/11/04(Fri)19:18 No. 27718 ID: ab33bd

Can't go wrong with any of those choices. Josie solo, Mika solo, then together? Thanks for the amazing work

Gragnost 22/11/05(Sat)10:07 No. 27719 ID: 09c365

I thought about this at work today.
Don't choose between them. Do BOTH.
Have this version solo with David and have the other version with Mika assisting him in deflowering her.

Anonymous 22/11/21(Mon)03:32 No. 27722 ID: 5b4c41

Finally caught up and putting my two cents in: have Mika be there.

While I do think being alone with Josie would add thrill and intimacy to her first time, Mika was still with David first, she is still the 'official' girlfriend. Josie can have time with David alone at a future date since they can get together more easily.

Anonymous 22/11/23(Wed)00:08 No. 27724 ID: b559ca


It's precisely because he has an official girlfriend that makes the situation more arousing. The relationship with Josie has a cheating aspect that could be explored: the first time she was alone with David she asked him for sex, then she came by herself to his house.
I'm not saying that David should neglect Mika, but I like the possibility that sometimes he could do things with Josie without telling her.

Anonymous 22/12/01(Thu)23:26 No. 27733 ID: e2f5a0

U ded?

Gragnost 22/12/02(Fri)02:26 No. 27734 ID: 587810

He's been writing the other version on Archive of Our Own.

Anonymous 22/12/25(Sun)19:22 No. 27756 ID: e2f5a0

Any estimated month or quarter for a new chapter OP? I'm checking every couple of days still and dying inside. Happy Xmas and NY!

Gragnost 22/12/26(Mon)05:15 No. 27757 ID: 09c365

He's been updating the one at Archive once or twice a week and is up to chapter 45. [The three are at David's Uncle's place.]

Anonymous 22/12/29(Thu)02:11 No. 27759 ID: e2f5a0

Aye, I keep an eye on that, I just wonder when there will be new content. Don't mean to sound entitled at all, people have things to do and I'm happy to wait, was just wondering if there's an ETA.

Gragnost 22/12/29(Thu)02:19 No. 27760 ID: 09c365

He's been updating it almost daily.

Gragnost 22/12/29(Thu)02:24 No. 27761 ID: 09c365

I just checked.
He's almost to where he left off on this version.

Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)18:43 No. 27765 ID: 92ac8f

There's not gonna be any more this year. Maybe next year.

Anonymous 23/01/01(Sun)20:13 No. 27768 ID: e2f5a0

Ok, it's next year now, I can't wait for the next few chapters!! The chapter with Josie is going to be so amazing.

Anonymous 23/01/01(Sun)23:53 No. 27769 ID: 58135d

Oh shit you're right.

I'm afraid that chapters are gonna be a lot shorter from now on, so they'll be in the same format as on the archive. The upside is that I can post them more frequently, though.


Josie was rummaging through something in her backpack when she noticed me and Mika coming back up from the water, hand in hand while shivering from having been submerged in the cold water. The warm air felt good on my skin, the sunlight quickly warming us up again.

Josie smiled at us for a second before she noticed that Mika was now topless, and she shot her arms out to the sides and made a “What the hell?!” expression. I don’t even know if Mika noticed, she was shyly looking off to the side while we sat down and grabbed our towels to dry us off. Josie turned to me.

“Wow, just… wow. You get your very own beach episode together with two cute girls, but that’s not enough for ya, huh David? You need to turn this into a hentai episode too?!”

I shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

“Hey, the top was too small. It doesn’t matter, there’s no one around us here.”

Josie narrowed her eyes, taking a quick look around us to confirm that there indeed were no other people in our vicinity. Then she stared at me again.

“... My swimsuit is too small too.”

I shrugged once more, or tried to shrug as much as I could while drying my hair.

“So just… Pull the top down. I don’t mind.”

Josie kept staring at me for a few seconds. She probably knew very well that this is exactly something I would like. Without saying a word, Josie then slipped the straps of her swimming suit down and off her arms so she could yank the fabric down to her stomach. I still pretended not to care, but internally I was celebrating that I had managed to get both of my girlfriends topless again. I mean--.... My girlfriend, and my… Friend, I guess. Very important difference.

Next came something I had been looking forward to: The almost ceremonial application of sunscreen. I accidentally overplayed the “not caring” part, though, and we ended up simply applying it to ourselves with the exception of our backs, where I did Mika’s, she did Josie’s, and Josie did mine.

That was probably for the best, though. We were still in public, and it wouldn’t have been good having been spotted having my hands on one of the girls’ bare breasts. As long as we weren’t touching each other, we could always just claim that we were… progressive, or half-nudists, or something. In principle there’s nothing illegal about public nudity.

We then had our lunch, eating the sandwiches we had bought while letting ourselves be grilled by the bright sun. Even though I had already ejaculated earlier today I had a hard time trying not to stare too much at the two pairs of bare breasts in front of me, the girls acting completely carefree about being topless.

Thankfully nobody ever came up to our part of the beach, and we spent a couple of hours alternating between lying on the blanket under the sun, and playing around in the water. Josie never bothered to strap her swimsuit back up over her upper body, and she was still eager to wrestle with me in the water with Mika occasionally joining in to help her friend.

Since me and Josie were much more active than Mika, we tired out faster and at one point had to retreat back up to the beach while Mika stayed behind in the water, wading around while looking at the tiny fish that swam around again. After drying ourselves off, me and Josie shared some candy while sitting on her blanket.

While Josie was mainly looking out over the water and at Mika walking back and forth along the coast, I took in the sight of Josie’s half-naked body for the 27th time that day. Her pale skin was almost glistening in the sharp sun, and her two tiny nipples were still slightly hard from having been in the cold water. Josie then began squirming around with an annoyed look on her face, glancing down at her swimming suit.

“... Ugh…! This is the last time I’m letting Mika borrow my bikini.”

Josie’s swimsuit had ridden up in her crotch, like it had been doing all day, and she reached down to pull the fabric outwards. In her frustration she pulled at the leg bands so much that she gave me a pretty clear view of her vagina. While I had already gotten more nudity today than I had bargained for, I felt myself get greedy.

“Hey, just… Take it off.”


Josie looked surprised up at me. I shrugged.

“There’s nobody around. And the people all the way over there are so far away that they can’t see if you’re wearing something or not.”

“... Pffh. Right.”

Dammit, what had worked on Mika hadn’t worked on her friend. Oh well. Even so, Josie kept her eyes on me.

“... If that’s the case, why don’t you strip naked yourself?”

“I can’t do it, since I’m a guy.”

“Huh? What does that have to do with it?”

Josie’s expression changed from her usual smugness to one of genuine curiosity.

“If I get naked, it’ll be pretty obvious that I’m surrounded by two cute girls. Even from a distance.”


I shrugged, and casually pushed the front of my swimming trunks down to show Josie my raging boner. Her eyes widened at the sight.

“Hey…! Those are my dads, you know…!”

“Yeah well… If you don’t like it, then you can help me get rid of it.”


Josie stared at me with wonder, but not exactly contempt. I pulled my trunks back up.

“Yeah… Since Mika isn’t around.”


Failing to find something clever to say, Josie fiddled with her fingers above her chest. I scooted over to her and put an arm around her shoulders.

“Come on. Just so it’ll go away.”

“But… I…”

I began pulling Josie’s upper body down towards my lap, and she only resisted for a couple of seconds before she surrendered. Resigning herself to her fate with a mix between a sigh and a grunt, she moved her torso down to hover her head above my crotch. Leaning back a little, I opened the fly in my trunks and let my penis pop straight up into the air.

I then put my hand on the back of Josie’s head, and pushed her down until her lips brushed against the tip of my hardness. Carefully, she opened her mouth and took me inside. Aahh… Nothing beats the feeling of having your junk enveloped by the mouth of a cute, little girl. Except for the feeling of having your junk sink into the pussy of a cute little girl, of course.

Using what Mika had taught her, she began clumsily sucking on the top of my penis. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. I enjoyed it so much that I didn’t even hear someone approaching, and only realized that someone was standing by my side when their figure cast their shadow down upon me and Josie. I opened my eyes and gazed up at Mika.

“Oh, hey.”

I spoke as nonchalantly as I could, as if it was supposed to be completely normal for Mika to come find her boyfriend getting blown by her best friend. I still had a hand on top of Josie’s head, and I felt her trying to move away - probably so she could say something to the two of us. Not wanting to hear her bratty complaints until I had talked with my girlfriend, I denied her the possibility of lifting her head. With a sigh, she kept on sucking.

“... whatcha’ doing?”

Mika had a tint of worry on her face, but I just smiled casually and stroked Josie’s hair.

“Josie wanted to protect her dad’s trunks from getting stretched out by my erection.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Taking that as a perfectly reasonable answer, Mika sat down on her knees next to me - dripping with water - and excitedly held out her hands to show me an assortment of rocks, shells, and dead crabs.

“There’s all kinds of funny stuff here.”

“Oh, yeah. Cool. You <i>are</i> sure that those are dead, right?”

I poked the dead shells of the crabs, and Mika giggled with a nod. Josie tried to move her head off of my dick again, but I only let her move up far enough so that she could glance up at us. Curling my fingers around her wet hair, I briefly smirked at her to let her know that I was gonna keep her down there until she had finished her job. With an angry grunt, she intensified her sucking.

I tried to keep attentively listening to Mika childishly telling me about the things she had seen in the water. After a little while the pleasure from Josie’s mouth became too much, and Mika noticed on the look on my face that she would have to pause our little conversation. Funnily enough, she just seemed pleased on my behalf that I was about to experience the joys of orgasmning, not a hint of jealousy in her pretty eyes.

Straining the muscles in my jaw to keep myself quiet, I finally dumped my load of semen into Josie’s mouth. She had probably been able to sense it too - by how me and Mika had stopped talking, by listening to my breathing, and from the fact that my grip on her hair tightened slightly. Even so, when the first stream shot up against the roof of her mouth she tried to recoil away but was stopped by my hand. Reluctantly, she stayed in place until I was done.

Flickering my eyes open, I looked down at Josie who was glaring up at me. Mika was also watching her, but she didn’t say a word. I kept my tight grip on Josie’s hair, needing a few seconds before I could speak.

“Careful, we… We don’t want any to spill out and get on your father’s trunks. Now do we?”


Josie’s eyes lit up, understanding what I wanted her to do. But she didn’t do it.

“... You don’t want to swallow?”


Josie shook her head - as much as she could, having a still hard penis stuck in her small mouth. Hmm… What to do.

“Well… It would be a waste to just spit it out on the sand, someone might come by and step in it.”

Josie raised her eyebrows in frustration, showing me that she thought I was speaking pure nonsense. Which I was, of course - it’s not like it was dog poop I was talking about. I glanced over at Mika with a casual smile.

“Hey, sweetie - you like drinking that stuff, right? Unlike Josie.”

My girlfriend immediately had her usual aura of shyness return to her, and she nodded hesitantly.

“U-uhm… Yeah…?”

I returned my attention to Josie with a devilish smirk. I saw on the look on her face that the gears were turning in her head, and it only took her a couple of seconds to understand what I was hinting at. She looked at me with a pair of eyes that clearly conveyed how she would have slung a bunch of profanities at me if she had been able to.

“Easiest thing is just for her to give it to you, then.”

Trusting that Josie would be careful with not spilling any of my semen on her dad’s swimming trunks or on her blanket, I finally let her slide my penis out of her mouth so that she could sit upright. Letting go of her hair, she kept staring at me with mistrustful eyes, her cheeks bulging ever so slightly outward as she tried to keep the liquids in her mouth from splashing around as much as possible.


Mika alternated her gaze between me and her friend. I put my softened penis back in the trunks, taking my sweet time while Josie endured having my jizz in her mouth.

“Easiest is just, you know - mouth to mouth. Like, when you kiss.”

I don’t know why Josie didn’t just spit the contents in her mouth out on the sand and tell me to go fuck myself. Maybe she was afraid that she would feel excluded from the relationship of doing naughty things with each other that Mika had let her join yesterday. She looked at her friend, slowly breathing in and out through her mouth. Mika returned the gaze, and then nodded again.

“O… Okay…”

Sending me one last glare, as if telling me “You’re finally gonna get to see what you want, you sicko!”, Josie crawled over my legs to sit on her knees in front of Mika. My two little topless friends became all shy again, and only hesitantly leaned forward towards each other. I quickly checked our surroundings again, confirming that we were still alone - the girls were all clear to share a sweet, little kiss.

Putting their hands on each other’s shoulders, Josie and Mika tilted their heads and carefully brought their lips together. They closed their eyes and opened their mouths, and I saw their jaws and cheeks move ever so slightly while Josie transferred the mixture of her spit and my semen to my girlfriend. It kinda looked like they were making out, and perhaps from force of habit, maybe they did a little bit.

“Come over here and show me your mouths when you are done.”

I saw Mika make a few gulping motions, her throat contracting a couple of times. They then broke off from each other and crawled over to sit right next to me on their knees, a visible blush painted on both of their faces in the orange glow from the sun. It was getting late in the afternoon now. Mika, with her usual look of embarrassment, opened her mouth wide to show me that it was empty - though very moist and wet. Josie, with a displeased look, did the same. I nodded in approval.

“Goob job, girls. Teamwork made by DreamWorks, and so on.”

Mika closed her mouth with a pleased look on her face, but Josie had finally had enough.

“YOU… YOU…!”

Suddenly launching herself forward, Josie tackled me to the ground. I don’t really know what she was trying to do, but it quickly became obvious that she really wasn’t mad. We play-wrested for a while, thrashing around on the blanket while Mika began digging around in her backpack. She got started on a sandwich, and then took her phone up from her backpack as well. What she said next stopped both Josie and I dead in our tracks. Not only from what she said, but from how she said it.

“My… My mom…!”

Anonymous 23/01/02(Mon)11:02 No. 27771 ID: 5ade6d

Oh man this is just golden, a perfect scene... loving the free use vibes

Anonymous 23/01/03(Tue)13:18 No. 27773 ID: c1e532

Mika had a look of pure terror on her face. She had dropped her sandwich on her lap, the bread having fallen apart. Clutching her phone, she was holding her hands up in front of the lower half of her face, staring at me and Josie with panic in her eyes. This was the first time I had seen her like this. Josie got off of me and somehow immediately understood what had shocked Mika, as she mirrored her by putting her hands up over her mouth as well. A few seconds passed by while we sat still like this, the girls staring at each other in shock.

“What… What is it?”

Utterly bewildered, I alternated my gaze from one girl to the other. What the hell was going on that could make them freeze up like this? Finally, Mika spoke out in a quivering voice.

“My mom… My mom texted me two hours ago… Asking where I am…”

It slowly started to click inside my head. The orange glow on Mika’s hair. The sun. The sun was going down… It was late. Today was Sunday. Mika should probably have been well on her way home by now. My blood froze to ice. How could we have forgotten? But even so, why was it such a big deal? Mika would arrive home late in the evening, was that a problem?

“Shit… Well… Can’t you just text her that you’ll be home late today?”

“Ugh, David!”

Josie grunted and slapped my arm.

“Are you livin’ under a rock or something?! They are doing maintenance on the train tracks this weekend! They stop running super early, like…”

Josie felt around on her legs to check for her phone out of habit, forgetting that she wasn’t wearing pants. Realizing this, she looked at Mika who returned her attention to her phone to look up today’s train schedule. After ten seconds or so, she spoke out.

“The last train today will leave in… half an hour…”

Public transport… Just… why? As much as I hate all the cars everywhere, I can certainly understand people choosing to buy one - even with the 180% tax on them. An hour, okay… It’ll take maybe fifteen minutes to cycle back to Josie’s house. Then Mika gotta pack her stuff, and get to the train station… Yeah, that’s gonna be a problem. Especially with Mika now being absolutely out of her mind, looking like she’s on the verge of a panic attack.

How could I have fucked this up? Even if I hadn’t known about the track maintenance on Mika’s line, I should have thought about this earlier. <i>I’m</i> the adult here. I looked at Josie; maybe she knew what to do? … No. She was just as incapacitated as Mika, just staring at her friend with a hard look on her face. I had to do something.

“Okay, okay… Listen.”

The girls turned their heads to me.

“Mika, you’ve gotten sick. That’s why you couldn’t go home today. You’ll have to miss out on school tomorrow, but that's how it is - since you’re spending an extra night at Josie’s place.”

Both of the girls slowly nodded, agreeing to my plan.

“Okay. Call your mom, Mika… Or, text her, I guess. And let her know.”

Mika didn’t nod. She just kept staring at me. I guess she was too stressed out to be able to lie to her mom right now. I sighed, and thought for a couple of seconds.

“... Mika, has your mom ever talked with Josie’s dad?”

Both of the girls shook their heads.

“Alright… Josie, get your phone and call Mika’s mom.”

Josie, having calmed down a little, tilted her head.

“Why? I can’t sound like my dad, I--”

“Just do it!”

I almost ended up yelling, startling both of the girls. But it worked - Josie quickly crawled over to her backpack, fished up her phone, and had Mika dial the number to her mom. She then handed me the phone, and with my heart going a million kilometers an hour, I held it up to my ear. I turned to Josie while it rang.

“What’s your dad’s name?”


For some reason, the name of Josie’s father sounded really funny in my head. I tried to picture how Kalle’s voice might sound… It probably does not sound like a duck. Finally, someone picked up the phone.

“..... Hello?”

The voice on the other side belonged to a woman. She sounded very, <i>very</i> tired - it reminded me of how my mom sounded when she had had a bit to drink late in the night.

“A-ahem, yes, hello? This-- This is Kalle. Joe-- Josephine’s father.”

“Oh… Hello.”

I gulped. This was more difficult than any exam I had ever sat through.

“Yes, um… I’m terribly sorry to be calling you this late, but the thing is… Mika has fallen a bit ill I’m afraid.”

“... Oh?”

“Yes - nothing serious, just a slight fever. So, we thought it would be bad for her to have to take the train home alone today.”

“... Oh…”

Hmm. Just like her daughter, Mika’s mom seemed to be a woman of a few words. Very well… I continued.

“I’m sure it’s nothing, and Josie-- Josephine is taking care of her, so I’m sure she’ll be able to go home tomorrow.”

“Oh… Yes.”

“It’s a shame that she’ll miss school tomorrow, but. Well. Yeah.”

I gestured widely in the air, as if the person I was talking to could see me. The girls sat completely still, listening to me in tense anticipation.




“A-actually… Now that I have you… You know, I’ve been thinking…”


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Josie mouth a “What?!” to me. I had succeeded in telling a lie about why Mika wouldn’t be coming home today, and she was bewildered why I continued. But an idea had suddenly popped up in my head.

“So, uh, as you might know, we often travel abroad with our daughter. Right?”


I heard a faint tinge of harshness in Mika’s mom’s voice. But I continued.

“Yes. And summer vacation is coming up. Right?”


“And we always go somewhere far away - Thailand, New Zealand, uh, New Foundland, you know.”

I noticed Josie struggling to keep herself quiet, looking like someone who had to listen to someone saying something very dumb. I guess I didn’t sound like her dad at all. Mika’s mom sighed; I had better make this quick before she got annoyed with me.


“Yes. So we’re planning what to do for the upcoming summer vacation. But then… Yesterday, I looked at my wife and I said honey, I said honey I said to her, I said… Honey I said to her, I…”

Josie put both of her hands on her forehead, shaking her head in frustration at my stuttering. I took a deep breath.

“I said honey, I said…. Why don’t we just stay home this year?!”

“... oh?”

“Yes - to save on, you know -- greenhouse gasses, and such. And see some of our own, beautiful country.”

“Yes… That’s… What we usually do…”

Oh, that’s right. Mika didn’t really get to go on trips abroad, like Josie.

“So, then Josephine asked -- that smart little girl! -- if Mika doesn’t have any plans for the summer, she could just come with us. On a road trip ‘round the country.”

“Oh… Hmm…”

Josie finally sat still, now that she had heard where I had been going with all this. Mika hadn’t moved a muscle and was still staring at me, but she seemed to have calmed down now. There was silence for a bit while Mika’s mom thought it over.

“I don’t see… Why not…”

“Great!! Well, I’m sure that Josie can-- that Josephine can tell the details to Mika later, if she wants to come with us. We thought that we had better go over it with you before getting her hopes up, y’know?”

“Oh… Of course… But if you are willing to bring her along, that is fine with me.”

Yesss… I had to use the entirety of my willpower to not let my excitement show over the phone. I bid Mika’s mom farewell, and hung up. I looked at my girlfriend with a huge smile on my lips, and she slowly began smiling too. We both knew what this meant. More than an entire month - six weeks to be exact - where Mika would be free to be together with me. Somehow. We just needed to figure out <i>where</i>, but I could think about that later.

I handed Josie her phone, and her earlier frustration had been replaced with being impressed by how I had swindled Mika’s mom to hand her teenage daughter over to me for more than a month. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Josie then crossed her arms.

“... Just so you know, I <i>am</i> actually going with my parents somewhere for the summer.”

“Sure, you can join us whenever you’re not traveling around.”

I couldn’t keep my eyes away from Mika; her smile grew more and more. Man, this is gonna be the best summer ever… So many possibilities. So much sex. In fact, I was already considering just setting Mika down on my lap on the first day of summer vacation, burying my dick in her, and then having her sit there for six weeks straight. I would be perfectly happy with that.

We biked home in the light of the setting sun, our tiredness overcoming our excitement. My tiredness was then overcome by paranoia when we arrived back at Josie’s house, and I again felt like a predator sneaking into someone else’s home. Josie told me that her parents would get home tomorrow around noon, which sadly meant that I couldn’t stay around for long tomorrow. But I still had another night together with the girls.

We all separately took a quick shower to wash the salty seawater and all the sand off of our bodies and our hair. Still no hot shower sex or anything, unfortunately, we were all too tired. It had been a long day at the beach. Josie fixed us some easy microwave meals for dinner, and after eating Mika practically passed out from sleepiness.

Me and Josie had to fix our sleeping arrangements on the floor of her room ourselves. At least I didn’t have to struggle with getting Mika undressed, she had not bothered to put on anything more than her panties and a t-shirt after her shower. With all three of us comfortably lying under Josie’s duvet again, my girlfriend was fast asleep after just a minute. Her first attempt at swimming had really tired her out.

The same couldn’t be said for me and Josie, however. We were also tired, yes, but not exactly sleepy yet. We easily found something we could do, though. What we did felt a little… Wrong. Only a little. Even though Mika had given us her blessing, it still felt naughty to do this right next to her in her sleep. Oh, of course, it was also very wrong in itself. A 24 year old guy is not supposed to be making out this heavily with a pre-teen.

“Grrr….! First you are so mean to me at the beach, and now you’re taking advantage of me in my own very room…!”

Josie’s words were very contrasting to what we were doing right next to her sleeping friend. She was trying to sound angry in a low voice, but she was kissing me back with the same lust and passion as I was kissing her with. I already had a hand up under her t-shirt, pressing my thumb down upon her nipple, while my other hand had shot down under her pyjamas pants to hold tightly onto her bony hips. She was firmly stuck underneath the weight of my body.

“Just be happy that I’m drained for today, otherwise you’d have to take Mika’s place again now that she’s asleep.”

“You… You despicable…!”

Even while saying this, Josie was grinning widely and eagerly kissing my lips. She had her hands pressed up against my chest, not in an attemt to push me away from her, but to feel up my body. Not that there was a lot to feel - I’m not exactly super muscular - but I guess this was the first male body she were able to really get to touch. We kinda had a battle going on, where we were both trying to talk while preventing the other one from talking by kissing them. Josie managed to continue.

“As if I’d let you get away with it again!”

“Oh? I think I can manage to get away with quite a lot.”


I had abruptly slid my hand on Josie’s hip around to the front, and were pressing my fingers directly down against her crotch. Only the fabric of her panties prevented me touching her most private place directly. She involuntarily arched her hips, which only allowed me to grope her groin even harder.

“You… You wouldn’t dare…!”

Josie clenched her thighs tightly together to keep my hand from dipping further down between her legs, but with a few strokes up and down over the front of her panties she were quick to reverse direction and open her legs for me a little bit. We kissed some more, my fingers eagerly rubbing up and down over the tiny slit I could feel through her underwear. Besides us, Mika stirred ever so slightly. Even with me and Josie thrashing around right next to her, she was out cold.

“I can dare quite a few things, my naughty little friend.”


Josie grunted up against my lips, and were both arching her back from the pleasure my fingers gave her and wriggling her hips from side to side in a feeble attempt to shake me off at the same time. Gasping, she spoke out again.

“I wouldn’t let you!”


With that, I used my knees to force her legs apart some more. I slid my fingers under the legband of her panties and forcefully yammed a finger up into her, only needing a few rubs up and down to find her tiny entrance. Just as I had suspected from the damp feeling on her underwear, she was nicely wet.

“Ow…! That… That hurt…!”

Josie pulled away from my face and looked up at me with a slightly - and now genuienly - annoyed look.

“Ah, sorry.”

I glanced down at my hand buried in Josie’s pyjamas pants and concentrated on what I was doing down there. Being more careful, and using what little experience I had with using my fingers on Mika, I began softly moving the finger I had buried in her body back and forth. It seemed to do the trick, as Josie closed her eyes while her facial expression became soft again. I leaned my head back down to her, and we resumed kissing.

It was weird to suddenly be doing something like this with someone who was as excited as Josie now was. With Mika, she had always just been lying there, more or less passively letting me touch her however I wanted to. Not that there was anything wrong with that, quite the contrary - one of the things that turns me on the most about Mika is how she is like a delicate toy I can play with.

But with Josie, it was different. Her hands were all around on my chest and my shoulders and my arms, and she was moving her hips and her legs around constantly. Not much, but it matched her usual energetic personality. And her mouth - now that she had the green light to kiss me, it was like she couldn’t get enough. Maybe she was trying to catch up with all the kissing she had seen me and Mika do.

Despite her eagerness to finally be doing this kind of stuff with me, I really had to be careful with this girl. Not only was she even smaller than Mika, I had to start from scratch again with getting her used to having my fingers inside her warmest and hottest place. For now, just a single finger would do - adding another would probably turn this experience from a pleasant to a painful one. One finger also seemed to be enough for Josie; while she wasn’t as audiable as Mika, she was humming up against my lips.

Since I had slowed down it took a little while, but eventually I managed to touch Josie enough in just the right spot. Matching the intensity of my finger inside her to the increasing stiffness in the movements of her body, I kept at it until she clenched all the major muscles in her stomach and legs for a second. She then hummed extra-loudly into my mouth, her entire body rocking backwards and forwards as it tried to curl together but was stopped by my laying on top of her.

Lifting my head away from her face so that she could breathe, I looked down at the girl underneath me. I felt slightly weird again… It was kinda like I was together with Mika, but I could also see that I wasn’t. Most of all, Josie was grinning widely up at me with hazy eyes - a stark contrast to Mika’s expression of having run a marathon that she had whenever she had orgasmed.

Smiling back to my little playmate, I slowly pulled my finger out of her vagina and my hand out of her pyjamas pants. I had previously seen the outside of Josie’s privates, fondled them for quite a bit, and now fingered her to a climax. But I still hadn’t gotten to see her up close. I reached both of my hands down to grab onto her pants, which made her open her eyes fully in surprise.

“You’re still not done?!”

Anonymous 23/01/08(Sun)12:59 No. 27776 ID: d0356a

Josie put up a fight again, but it was still mostly just for show. Giggling in the dark, we play-wrestled some more while I tried to strip her off her clothes. Of course, I succeeded in the end - leaving her completely naked underneath me. Coming to a rest, she looked up at me with slightly parted lips and smiling eyes, waiting for what I would do now that I had left her without a thread on her small, skinny body. She didn’t have to wait long - I leaned down and placed my mouth over one of her flat breasts.


Josie watched me for a few seconds before she moved her head back, closing her eyes while I lightly sucked on her soft nipple. She brought her hands up to my head, running her fingers through my short hair.

“N-nnhh… What is even fun about… Doing that… When there’s nothing there…”

I shrugged, switching to her other breast.

“I don’t know. They’re just delicious.”


I could hear on Josie’s voice how she rolled her eyes. I guess she was too young to really feel anything from having her breasts kissed like this. So even though they were nice to lick and smooch, I moved on after half a minute and slid further down on the mattress. Josie propped herself up on her elbows to follow along with where I was going, lips slightly parted again in apprehensive excitement. Grabbing onto her knees I firmly spread her legs up and wide open to the sides, exposing her completely to me.

It really did barely look like anything. Just an area between her legs where her skin, as if by chance, bulged up ever so slightly with a thin line going down in the middle. I took in the view for a few seconds before I leaned closer down, bringing my hands to her privates to spread the tiny vagina in front of me open. Josie bent her legs into a comfortable position, watching me intensively.

And I watched her intensively too - not her face, of course, but the area between her legs. Again, she looked very much like Mika, just slightly smaller. A tiny hood at the top, a neat pair of labia that ran down through the length of her slit, and a small depression at the bottom where her entrance was. Josie took a deep breath, probably knowing that she had no right to complain about what I was doing since she had very much done the same to my girlfriend. But even so, she still couldn’t keep herself from coming up with something to say to me.

“Jeez… Really… How long are you gonna look at it like that…”

“I don’t know… For the rest of the night, maybe?”

Josie sighed and laid her upper body back down, apparently steeling herself for spending a long time in this position.

“But you’ve looked at Mika’s so many times already, why is it interesting to look at me…”

“Hmm, I guess you’re right. I better try out something I haven’t done with Mika, then!”

Completely by impulse, I then brought my mouth down directly on Josie’s opened vagina. She inhaled sharply and immediately raised her head to look down at me again, but lowered her head back as I got started between her legs. I was pretty inexperienced with this, but Josie probably couldn’t tell - I had a general idea of what to do, and it worked. Focusing my tongue on the knob at the top, I quickly had her squirming around and making small, murmuring sounds.

I can’t describe it, really - it’s like you’re licking a complicated array of skin that has its own distinctive taste and smell. There was barely neither on Josie, though, as we had all just showered less than an hour ago. While I mostly rubbed my tongue against the top, I also dipped down and attempted to push my tongue into her. I only succeeded very little, as she was so small and tight. But I could tell that she was getting wetter, so I thought of something else I could put inside her again.

No, not that, I’m afraid. Just my fingers again. Starting with one, I gently pushed it halfways inside her warm body while keeping my lips pressed down on her clit - with my other hand, I had pulled her labia aside enough to partially uncover it. I then, slowly, added a second finger. It was tight, but by using a little bit of force I was able to get it inside her too.

Josie had at this point put both of her hands on the top of my head, gripping onto my hair. Her breaths became deeper and her movements stiffer, her back arching again and again in response to what I was doing. She was surprisingly quiet, only the tiniest hoarse moans escaping from her mouth. Even when she came - her fingers curling around my hair almost to the point of hurting me - she mostly just exhaled rapidly, her thighs squeezing against my head and her stomach muscles contracting.

I licked her clean before I moved back up, keeping her legs spread out while I pressed my body down on her. If it wasn’t for the boxers I was still wearing my hardness would have been in direct contact with her reddened private area. Recognizing this position, Josie opened her eyes to gaze nervously up at me.

“W-wait…. Are… Are we… Are you…”

I considered it, I really did, but I was tired and nervous and… Mika was right there, next to us. It just… Didn’t feel right. I tried to hide my insecurities by grinning down at Josie, shaking my head.

“I think this is enough for you today. I’m also still drained from before, at the beach.”

Josie breathed out, then smirked back up at me.

“... I wouldn’t have let you either!”

“Hah. I wouldn’t have let you have a say in it.”

I lowered my head to kiss her, just to show her that I could do whatever I wanted. She snorted through her nose in disagreement, but accepted my lips and we made out for a few seconds. I then rolled off of her so she could straighten her legs, and she then rolled up on her side to cuddle against my chest. I pulled her in for a hug, stroking her hair.

“... You’re weird, David.”

“... Look who’s talking.”

Josie giggled quietly. We could both feel that we were done for today, and that it was time to sleep. I felt… Weird, still. I couldn’t really figure out what I thought about all this. I wasn’t in love with Josie, and I didn’t feel that she was in love with me either. We just… Had fun together. Friends with benefits, I guess. Good enough for me… Except for the fact that I wished I could stop listening for any signs of her parents coming home to find me in bed with their naked daughter.

Once Josie had fallen asleep, I laid still with her for ten minutes or so before I moved away and rolled over on my other side. Mika still had her back towards us, and I moved in to spoon her. Yep… This is the girl I love. Damn, her body was warm… With her help, I fell asleep.

I had set an alarm on my phone so that I could leave early the next morning. It felt so wrong to get out of bed so early, but I had to get out of there before Josie’s parents would return. Knowing that I was leaving, both of the girls also woke up to kiss me goodbye. I think Mika was simply too sleepy to really feel sad about it yet, but we still kissed deeply before I left. I also kissed pretty deeply with Josie, Mika just sleepily smiling as she watched us. I then got the hell out of there and biked home through the cold morning air. Monday… Fuck Mondays. I didn’t go to class that day.

Tuesday was alright I guess, nothing much happened. Then Wednesday rolled around, and in the middle of my afternoon class a message came in on my phone. Josie asked if she should come over later today. Sure, I replied, and told her when I would be home. I then tried to concentrate on my lecture again, even though it was hard. I couldn’t wait until I graduated from this tedious bullshit.

Once Josie showed up to get “help” with her homework, we both knew that things would be different compared to last time. After I let her in through the back stairs and we entered my room, she took her jacket and shoes off and plopped down on the bed. I sat down on my chair, and we looked at each other. She was wearing a fluffy, beige sweater - it had been a little chilly today - and the usual dark-blue jeans. She stared at me, her mischievous smile already telling me that she was in the mood to tease me.

“Got any papers to write today, David?”

“Why, yes I do. So you better sit completely still, and not move a muscle or make a sound.”

Josie stuck her tongue out at me, and in retaliation I leaped over and began my assault. We wrestled around on my bed, each trying to get the upper hand and get on top of the other - I barely had to hold back, as she was surprisingly energetic today. We tried somewhat to be quiet, as my landlady was home as well in her part of the apartment. After a minute, I had Josie lying on her back with me sitting on top of her, holding her wrists in a tight grip. She breathed out heavily, looking a little uncomfortable.

“Ugh, it’s too hot…!”

“Oh, I can help you out with that!”

I don’t even think it was a trick or anything, my room was nice and warm and we had really gotten into it with our play-wrestling. And, most obviously, she was wearing a thick sweater - so, of course, I helped her get that off of her body. She was wearing a black t-shirt underneath, which I also stripped off of her.

“Hey…! You don’t have to go that far!”

“Oh, I think I do!”

We both laughed and resumed our wrestling, with me not shying away from putting my hands all over Josie’s now bare torso. My hands looked so large, pressing down on the skin on her chest. When we had tired ourselves out, we laid still for a moment before Josie asked if I wanted to watch some anime. I said yes, and this time we watched it together in my bed. It was just like with Mika… Josie sat up in my lap, and let me freely touch her non-existent breasts while we watched.

We didn’t do much else, other than some more kissing, light wrestling, and just relaxing. The next time Josie came over, I noticed that her backpack looked heavier than usual. Had she really brought some homework with her this time? No, of course not. Putting her bag down on my bed, she hauled a thick, large laptop out of it.

“Look what my parents got for me in Berlin!”

Beaming with smug pride, Josie placed her new laptop on my desk and opened the lid. It was a real gamer laptop, top of the line.

“Wow, looks pretty cool. The… The letters are all wrong, though…!”

I tried my best to hold back my laughter, but Josie immediately took offense. Putting her hands on her hips, she snorted.

“Yeah yeah, I know! It’s still cool though, now I can play games over here without haulin’ my Wii over here again.”

“Sure, just keep it down if I have to write a paper or something.”

“Hah! Make me!”

Another play-fight ensued, during which Josie’s clothes came off again. This time, all the way down to her panties - plain black cotton, just like Mika’s. Hmm. Well, it didn’t stop me from shoving my hands down underneath them, and holding my pillow against her face to stay quiet, I fingered Josie to an orgasm. Afterwards, we did exactly the same stuff as last time - watch anime together and relax. Josie also played some games on her new laptop while I got some reading done for my courses.

The next couple of visits continued in this fashion. It was basically Josie who made my life worth living those weeks - coming over two to three times a week to hang out, make out, snuggle, and getting herself fingered into orgasms. I did still enjoy texting with Mika, and it was still her I thought about when I cranked one out. But apart from a single trip out to meet her in the woods, we didn’t see each other for a while. But it was okay. She was doing fine in school, and we both knew that we were gonna spend all of the upcoming summer vacation together. We couldn’t wait.

A small change happened between me and Josie after some time. She had, as usual, texted me that she was coming over one day, and shortly after I had arrived home from university, I heard my landlady go out through the front door. I didn’t think much of it, she was probably just going shopping or something. A minute later, I then heard the doorbell. Weird, I thought. It couldn’t be for me - the back door that I used didn’t have a doorbell. But any visitors to my landlady must have run into her on the stairway. It rang again. Thinking that my landlady might have locked herself out of her apartment or something, I opened the door to her living room and passed through it to get to the hallway so I could let her back inside.

Of course, it wasn’t my landlady who was standing on the other side of the door. It was Josie. I wasn’t even surprised, I just shrugged in a “What the hell?” fashion. With a big grin, Josie entered the apartment.

“I ran into your landlady down on the street just as I was goin’ around to get to the back door! She told me that she’s goin’ out to dinner with some family, and that I could just come up through here. She’s gonna be away for a couple of hours, at least.”


So that’s why Josie was using the main stairwell of the building this time. Going through my landlady’s living room and entering my apartment, Josie got her gaming laptop ready right away. Guess she mostly wants to play some games today, fine with me. I sat down at my desk as well - we had figured out how we could both sit at my desk using our computers at the same time.

“Y’know, I’ve started playing some new games after I got this laptop.”

“Oh? Which ones?”

“Some Counter-Strike ‘n Battlefield ‘n stuff. That’s the kinda games you play, right?”

Josie looked excitedly up at me while I waited for my desktop computer to boot up. I nodded.

“Yeah. I mostly play shooters.”

“I think I’ve gotten quite good at them already, so… Maybe I can even beat you!”

If I had had any liquid in my mouth, I would have spit it out into a fine mist at hearing those words. Trying my best not to laugh, I nodded.

“S-sure…! Maybe!”

Picking up on how I didn’t believe her, Josie frowned.

“I mean it! I’ve been playin’ them a lot!”

“Yeah…! Sure, that’s nice…!”

I had the biggest, smuggiest smirk on my face. I just couldn’t help it, the idea was absolutely ridiculous. I had been playing that kind of games since I was a baby. I loaded up Steam, not even bothering to look at Josie. She got more mad.

“Alright then…! I’ll show you!”


Agreeing on a game of Counter-Strike, we both started it up on our computers and - with some difficulty - adjusted our seating positions and my monitor so that we couldn’t see each other's screens. Starting a private 1-on-1 game, I barely put any effort into it as I ran around the map. Then suddenly, she was there, and after a quick gunfight, she got me. I stared at my screen in disbelief. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a huge smirk on Josie’s lips. She didn’t even have to say “I told you so!”, it was already obvious.

“... Bah, I wasn’t paying attention. Beginner’s luck.”

We played again, and I now put a bit more effort into it. But not much, I mean… An 11 year old girl, beating me at CS? Get the fuck outta here.

One headshot later, and Josie had the biggest shit-eating grin on her face. I leaned forward in my chair, getting into a proper posture.

“Alright, you’ve been practicing. But now I’m gonna get serious.”

We kept playing, and I really had to give it my all to get any kills. We both really got into it, and began loudly reacting to the results of our battles - since my landlady wasn’t home, we could be as loud as we wanted to. Eventually I managed to get the lead, but just barely. Once I reached the kill limit, I was in shock. She was actually really good, especially after only having played for a couple of weeks. Even though Josie had lost out in the end, the smirk of superiority hadn’t left her face. She had proven her point sufficiently.

“Aww, I was close. But what’s the matter, Daaaviiiid? Are your reflexes falling behind now that you’re getting oooold?”

I glared over at Josie, who just kept smirking at me.

“Grrr! As if I’ll let you talk shit to me in my own room!”

Jumping off of my chair, I threw Josie over on my bed and began a tickle-assault on her. She screamed and laughed loudly, and we wrestled around a bit rougher than usual. As always, this made us get pretty hot and I quickly had both Josie’s t-shirt and my own stripped off of us. But once I put my hands on Josie’s jeans she grabbed onto my wrists and looked up at me, still smirking with the feeling of her almost-victory fresh on her face.

“Hey, you didn’t beat me enough to let me allow you to take those off!”

Anonymous 23/01/09(Mon)00:22 No. 27777 ID: d0356a

“Ha, as if I will let you think you can let me be stopped by what you think you can let me do!”


Josie laughed at my nonsense, a fact I used to pull her pants off of her. We wrestled a bit more, with my hand slipping down between her legs as usual. She squeezed her thighs together, and grabbed onto my wrist again.

“I mean it!”

Her grin told me that she didn’t mean it. I leaned my head down to kiss her, using my body weight to keep her from squirming away from me while I enjoyed her lips. I also enjoyed the softness of her cotton down below, my fingers rubbing up and down over the fabric. And, as usual, my touch made her open her legs back up. She was still feigning resistance towards me, but I put my knees down and slightly out to the sides between her legs to keep them spread.

I could feel her panties getting moist, so following my usual routine I slid my fingers down under the waistband to touch her directly. But unlike previously, Josie tried to close her legs again and began squirming around even harder than before, so I broke our kiss to look down at what she was trying to do. She just grinned up at me, her naked chest rising and falling as she breathed for air in the midst of our wrestling.

“Nuh-uh! You’re too much of a noob to keep touchin’ me there!”

“Noob?! Me?!”

Nobody calls me a noob - nobody who I’ve won over, at least. I sat back up on my knees, and using so much strength that I in the back of my head got nervous that I would tear her underwear, pulled her panties off of her in one, firm sweep. Josie yelped and immediately shot her hands down over her crotch, trying to hide her privates. She looked slightly nervous now, but still had a smug grin on her reddening face.

“Hey!! I--I told you, I won’t let you!”

“It doesn’t matter what you’ll let me, I do whatever I want!”

To prove my point, I laid back down on top of her now naked body and forced her legs apart with my knees yet again. She fought back by pushing her hands up against my shoulders, but she welcomed my kisses just the same as always. Oh yeah, she enjoyed this. I could also tell that she enjoyed having my fingers between her thighs once more, and that she enjoyed having a finger sliding into her tight, warm entrance. Even so, we were both still thrashing around on my bed while she tried unsuccessfully to fight against my weight, her body getting hotter and hotter as I stimulated her.

“I… I wont…! Nnhh…!”

She kept trying to speak, but I shut her up with my lips. Just to show her who was the boss, I added a second finger to join the first one inside her vagina - something I hadn’t done before. She tensed up and I could tell it stung a little, but then she kept kissing me and stopped trying to push me off of her. Still using my weight to tell her that I wasn’t going to let her get out of this situation, I began rubbing my fingers back and forth inside of her. Slowly in the beginning, but gradually picking up speed as I felt her loosen up ever so slightly.

At this point of fingering her I knew that I would have to let her get some air, so I broke off our kiss and let her tilt her head backwards to focus on the feelings of pleasure I was bringing into her small body. Now that my landlady wasn’t home I could be as rough as I wanted - I had found out that Josie likes it rougher than Mika - and Josie likewise was also slightly louder than normal, but still not moaning outright by any means. Holding tightly onto my shoulders she spread her legs wide for my hand to do its work, and after a minute or two she suddenly raised her eyebrows as she came, her stomach muscles pulsating a few times.

I didn’t bother pulling my fingers out of her, even after she was done. I just moved my body up a little, so that I could look down at her with a smirk that told her that I could do whatever I wanted with her. She met my gaze with a - slightly tired - smirk that told me that she likes it when I do whatever I want to do with her. But we still kept up the facade, of course - that we were rivals that were fighting over who got to dominate the other one.

“You’ve learned your lesson yet?”

Josie just narrowed her eyes in defiance, shaking her head. In turn, I laid down on top of her again and pushed her legs apart by pressing my crotch down against hers. I knew that I was risking getting a stain on my jeans, but I didn’t care. Josie giggled and kept shaking her head, and again tried to push me off.

“I-- I won’t let you!”

“Oh, you’ll let me! I’ll MAKE you let me!”

I began humping her, the bulge in my pants pushing down on just the right spot. She gasped out and struggled some more, still with a grin on her lips.

“Nuh-uh…! I’m not gonna let you do it!”

“Hah, try to stop me!”

To prove that there was no stopping me, I reached down and pushed both my jeans and my underwear down. I was just gonna show her who’s in charge, that’s all. I wasn’t gonna do it. Or, that’s what I had intended. Josie raised her head in an attempt to look down at what was going on, but with my body in the way it was impossible for her to visually confirm that I had just done what she thought I had done. So I made sure that she could feel what I had done, by slapping my hardness against the outside of her privates.


“I told you…~”

I sang mockingly down to her, not willing to give up until she would admit total defeat and apologize for calling me a noob. But she just doubled down, gritting her teeth while she found the strength to thrash around underneath me again. But I was too heavy to let her close her legs, and I continued to press the tip of my penis down against her vagina to show her that if I wanted to do it, I could easily do it.

“You’re not… You’re not….!”

“Ohh…! Maybe I am!”

“No you’re not…! You’re…”

The more she protested, the more eager I became to prove her wrong. And, probably by instinct and reflex, I pointed myself towards the right place. And thrusted forward. Josie gave a loud yelp, and then froze up. I froze too, feeling the well-known sensation of having my tip poke into a warm, wet and tight place. Shit… I had gone too far.

I hadn’t gone very far at all, actually. Just half of the crown of my penis had penetrated her, but that was still too far. We looked at each other, tense and breathing heavily. She seemed… Surprised. But then she made that tiny movement with the muscles under her eyes that I had come to recognize she makes whenever she thinks something like “Ha! I dare you!”.

After three extremely tense seconds, with us staring into each other’s eyes, I made another push forward. Josie gasped in pain, but she didn’t struggle. Instead, she just closed her eyes with her lips slightly apart. I gave another push, forcing the tip of my penis into her body. Damn, she was small… And I could tell that she could feel that too. She was braving the pain. But she still didn’t do or say anything, so… I thought that I would have to continue until it hurt enough for her to stop me. Until she would apologize for calling me a noob.

So continue I did. I didn’t really think about the fact that I had actually progressed to trying to have real penetrative sex with an eleven year old girl, I was actually just thinking of trying to make it as non-painful as I could. Which was ironic, because that was counterproductive to the whole idea of making her admit defeat, right? But we had probably both discarded that little game by now. Using the movements I had learned from doing this with Mika, I let go of my penis and began gently alternating between moving my hips backwards and forwards, slowly pushing a little bit deeper into Josie every time.

She still had her eyes closed, and I watched intensely at how her face distorted into flashes of pain every time I made progress. It was clear how she was concentrating on relaxing, trying to accomodate my size. After a couple of strokes, I felt myself hitting some kind of resistance that wasn’t just the tightness that I had so far been battling against.

But I didn’t stop, and with a forceful thrust I pushed beyond it. Josie yelped loudly again - this sort of activity is the only way to make her make that sound - her eyes shooting open to first stare up at the ceiling, then at me. I had never seen her like this before, she looked really vulnerable.

“You okay?”

Even thought I had started doing this to punish her, I couldn’t hide my concern for my little friend. I’m such a softie. She struggled not to squeeze her eyes closed from the pain she was feeling, and hesitantly nodded. I brought a hand up to stroke her hair, hoping it wouldn’t be too weird to show some real compassion for her.

“... I’m gonna keep moving.”

Josie didn’t react, but closed her eyes again in preparation of me doing so. It felt like an impossible task, her body was so small. But with a lot of gentle rocking of my hips, I was able to force myself deeper and deeper into her. Mentally, I felt super weird. I knew this was wrong and that this was bad, but that just made it feel good - she was my bratty “enemy” after all, so she deserved having ended up in this situation.

While I felt bad that I was hurting her, it felt right as well. And of course, physically… I was in heaven. She was tighter than Mika - not by an extreme amount, but I could clearly feel that she was super-young. That her vagina was in no way mature enough to take an adult penis. But take it, she did. She took it without complaints. After a couple of minutes, I managed to bottom her out - I felt it not so much down below, but it was obvious by how Josie yelped and had her face distorted by pain again. I paused.

“Shit… Sorry.”

Josie opened her eyes to gaze up at me, still obviously nervous but not exactly looking like she was displeased with losing her virginity to me. I immediately began moving backwards to then push inside her again, being careful to not go too far. This had the effect I had hoped for, as Josie shut her eyes once more and resumed her attempt to relax and enjoy this, focusing on how it felt to have a penis inside of her body for the first time. I wonder if she had been looking forward to it.

I got into a firm but still gentle rhythm, counting on repeating the success I had had with taking Mika’s virginity. Josie still wasn’t making any sounds, so to help her relax and feel safe I wrapped my arms around her torso in a hug, snuggling her while my hips kept moving. She hugged me back, putting her arms around me as well. She also angled her hips upwards to press her thighs against my upper hips, her legs now sticking straight up into the air.

We thus held tightly on to each other while I worked on getting her used to having sex despite her young age, and little by little, I could feel that it worked. Her breathing became slower and deeper, and then had a vibrating sound of humming added to it, and then finally developed into real, but soft moaning.

This gave me the courage to move a little faster, and while I could feel that she had occasional shocks of tenseness that made her dig her nails into my bare back, she was also beginning to feel more pleasure than pain. I was likewise beginning to feel more pleasure than anything else, my nervousness and guilty conscience being gone for now.

I really had to concentrate on holding back, all I wanted to do at this point was to let loose and completely dominate her. Show her that she was powerless against my strength and pound her with all my might. But I resigned myself to doing that another time - for now, I had to make sure that it wouldn’t be so bad for her that there wouldn’t <i>be</i> another time.

I was even able to restrain myself when I felt the pressure building up in my body, and I only pushed a tiny bit too deep for a second - making her yelp in pain again - when I came. She had obviously noticed on my breathing and my movements that it was coming, and we both squeezed each other’s bodies while I unloaded my semen into her. Once I was done I stayed in place on top of her body, the both of us catching our breaths.

“That’s… what you get… for calling me… a noob…!”

Josie made a tiny giggle - she probably didn’t have the strength for a real laugh - and planted a kiss on my ear.

“... Maybe you should stop sucking so much at Counter-Strike, then!”

Holy shit… Bratty to the end. I punished her by making a small thrust against her, knowing that it hurt when her cervix got bumped by the tip of my penis. She barked an almost comedic “Ow!”, and then grumbled protestingly. Chuckling to myself, I moved back and got off of her. We both looked down at her crotch.

This could be said to be one of our shared interests, after all - wanting to see how a vagina looks like after getting creampied. Even though Josie had tried it before - up at the summerhouse - it now looked slightly different. There was a streak of pink in the whiteness that flowed out of her. Dammit… My poor sheets.

“Ugh…! It almost hurt so much that I wanted you to stop.”

I chuckled again and reached over to pat her hip.

“I don’t know if I could, if you had done that. It would have been too late at that point.”

“... dummy!”

Josie stuck her tongue out of me before turning her attention back to her privates.

“... Want a mirror?”

“You got one?!”

She was just as curious as always. Nodding, I pulled my pants back up and went out to the bathroom to grab the small mirror that my landlady used for putting in her contact lenses. I returned and handed it to Josie, who then began to study her vagina. I sat down by her feet and shoved a tissue down under my jeans to clean myself, keeping my eyes on Josie’s pussy as well.

She was using her index and middle finger to spread herself wide open, angling the mirror to see everything in detail. It looked… Well, you can probably guess how it looked. Very much like whenever me and Mika had done it, except with the addition of a little bit of blood. Thankfully that wouldn’t be there again.

After she had satisfied her curiosity, Josie then also tried to clean herself up with some tissues before telling me that she was gonna take a shower instead. Good idea - she would be going home to her parents in a little bit, it could be catastrophic if they in any way were able to discover that she had just had her cherry popped. I changed my sheet while she cleaned herself, and when she returned to my room she had gotten fully dressed. She sat up sideways on my lap, put her arms around my neck, and gave my cheek a kiss.

She didn’t even say anything, and she didn’t look at me with a smug grin anymore, but a genuine smile. I guess she was happy that it hadn’t been as bad as she had feared. Whether she was also happy because she had beaten Mika by losing her virginity at an age earlier than her, or because she had been wanting to do it with me for a while, or because this had opened the door for her to begin trying out the sex she had read about in hentai, I don’t know. The only thing that mattered was that we were still on good terms.

And on good terms we were. It was really fortunate that Josie was the quiet type in bed, because that meant that we could stealthily have sex even when my landlady was home. The next time Josie came over, we ended up doing it doggie-style after watching anime together. The time after that, I had her flat on her stomach. And so on. She didn’t only come over to have sex, of course, but from now on that was pretty much the main event of her visits. I quickly grew tired of having to go all the way down to street level to open the back door for Josie every time she came over, so I had copies of the keys made to give to her. Yeah, that’s how much I trusted her by now.

One time, when my landlady ran into us in the hallway while we were going to my kitchen for snacks, she mentioned how diligent Josie was to come over so often to get help with her homework. I replied that yeah, it was because she wanted to get into med school but she was so dumb that she needed a lot of help with her studies. That resulted in an array of curse words and light kicks and punches once we were in bed again, which of course spiraled into play-wrestling and eventually into me pinning Josie down on her back and holding her arms up above her head while I thrusted into her nether regions.

I honestly don’t know when she told Mika, or how. I still texted with Mika, and we all still texted in our group chat, as if nothing had changed. I trusted Josie to know how Mika should be made aware that her boyfriend had begun having sex with her best friend. It quickly slipped from my mind, and I spent the last couple of weeks before the summer break with a happiness I had never felt before. I didn’t even feel paranoid anymore, everything just felt so right. Daily lovey-dovey texting with Mika, and visits from Josie a few times a week. Nothing could go wrong.

Gragnost 23/01/09(Mon)16:56 No. 27779 ID: f1dca2

I honestly don’t know when she told Mika, or how. I still texted with Mika, and we all still texted in our group chat, as if nothing had changed. I trusted Josie to know how Mika should be made aware that her boyfriend had begun having sex with her best friend. It quickly slipped from my mind, and I spent the last couple of weeks before the summer break with a happiness I had never felt before. I didn’t even feel paranoid anymore, everything just felt so right. Daily lovey-dovey texting with Mika, and visits from Josie a few times a week. Nothing could go wrong.

Or so I thought. It was a Wednesday, four days before her twelfth birthday. Josie had come over for our now three times a week sex romp and I was happy to see her as usual. Today she was wearing a sleeveless tee-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I kissed her hello and was about to pull her into my lap when she stepped back from me an anxious look on her face. I was about to ask what was wrong when she pulled what I thought was two oversized Sharpies from her back pocket.

"David, I have something to tell you and I'm not sure how to say it,". I chuckled and said, "Don't worry, just say what you need to say,". She nodded, swallowed twice, and then turned the Sharpies towards me revealing divots on both with two horizontal pink lines on each. "David, I'm pregnant,".

Anonymous 23/01/09(Mon)17:40 No. 27780 ID: d0356a

I'm... I'm gonna be a dad? I couldn't believe it. Furthermore, I didn't understand why Josie was showing me two pregnancy tests.

"Why is there two of them? Are you having twins?"

Josie exploded into a fit of cute, but real rage against me. She threw the tests in my face and stormed forward to bang her fists against my chest.


I still couldn't believe it. I had never seriously thought about having kids. Mika was on the pill, so there was no reason to imagine such a scenario. But now it had happened with Josie. I had thought that she was too young, but guess not. Kids really grow up fast these days.

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad. I thought it over. Of course, it would be quite troublesome due to the age of the mother. But I had a plan. Remember how I bought some bitcoin around a year ago? They had increased dramatically in price. Actually, I was quite rich now.

I used the money to buy a small house far out in the countryside. The location was perfect; had been an old forest ranger's residence and was located just inside the border of a small forest. No neighbors. We could be alone. Me and Josie. And Mika, of course.

It wasn't easy. Josie basically had to run away from home - I think it took her drunken parents a week to realize it. It was a little easier with Mika; I think her mom was honestly glad to be relieved of her responsibility for her. Both of the girls moved in with me, and Josie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Even though Mika was only 14, she was surprisingly able to feed the baby. I think being so close with a pregnant Josie had confused her hormones and had made her produce milk already, even though her boobs had barely grown. We also agreed that Mika should stop taking the pill - after all, it was unfair if only Josie had a child with me.

It took a little while, but finally Mika got pregnant too. Me and Josie's daughter got a little baby half-sister. We continued living in the house, a happy little family, even though the money was tight. Both Mika and Josie had dropped out of school in order to hide their pregnancies. But it was okay, I had graduated and gotten a high-paying job in a bank. I could provide for us.

So that's where the story ends, I guess. Polygamy... What a life. It's amazing it worked out. Josie and Mika almost became wifes to each other as well, loving and helping each other. And of course loving me, doubly so at night.

No more babies, though. I got a vasectomy. Two daughters were enough, combined with my two girlfriends I had to take care for. Four cute girls in total. I couldn't have been happier.

The end.

Gragnost 23/01/10(Tue)06:58 No. 27781 ID: 09c365


Anonymous 23/01/14(Sat)13:10 No. 27783 ID: 97e84e

Gragnost... did you just applaud yourself? Why write up a fake ending? OP hasn't written past chapter 69 which ends with the sentence, "Daily lovey-dovey texting with Mika, and visits from Josie a few times a week; Nothing could go wrong."

Anonymous 23/01/14(Sat)14:31 No. 27784 ID: d0356a

The day finally arrived… For me, at least. The last lectures of the semester. The only thing remaining for me was to finish up the exam papers I had been working on, and hand them in before the deadline. I was, for maybe the first time in my life, very sufficiently prepared to have everything done on time. I could relax now. I just needed to wait for Mika’s last day in the 8th grade.

Josie too, of course - her last day in the 6th grade. Oh man, my little girls are growing up so fast. Mika’s birthday is coming up too, falling near the end of summer break. She had hated this fact as a child, since she never got to hand out chocolate covered marshmallows to her classmates on her birthday as is customary. Now, becoming 14 years old, it didn’t matter so much.

I only had one problem. I still hadn’t figured out where me and Mika could be alone for the summer. But then a miracle happened. Truly - this story holds two miracles, I believe. First, that I met Mika. Secondly, that my landlady pulled me aside one day and told me that she and some of her family had been spontaneously invited to come spend the summer with one of her sons. The one who lives in Switzerland. She would be gone for a full month - almost perfectly lining up with Mika’s vacation days. I couldn’t believe our luck. We wouldn’t have to go anywhere.

Mika and Josie figured it all out. My landlady would actually be leaving a few days before Mika’s last day of school, so the girls convinced Mika’s mom to let her go to stay with Josie the very next day. I didn’t really know what to think of Mika’s mother back then, it was almost unimaginable to not want to spend summer vacation together with your family - just look at my landlady. But Mika’s mom was probably just doing what she thought would be best for her daughter - to go on a fun holiday road trip together with her best friend, instead of being stuck in her apartment. Of course, Mika would instead be spending her summer in my room.

The day finally came. It was hot, barely any wind, the sunlight making the world seem alive and inviting. I picked up Mika at the train station, and neither of us could stop smiling. But we couldn’t do any more than that - not until we got back to my place. And when we did that, we were all over each other. We had only seen each other that one time in the woods since our sleepover at Josie’s house. And we hadn’t been physical, except some kissing, since then either. I was starved, and Mika knew this.

Even so, I paced myself. I savored the moment, the anticipation. I took my time getting her undressed - she had funnily enough still been wearing one of her black hoodies, despite the warm weather. But that quickly came off of her. The rest of her clothes did too. Then came my hands, my fingers, roaming around everywhere on her body as if I had to re-learn the shape of her body from scratch. Then came my lips, and my tongue, likewise having to explore her sensitive areas anew.

Her chest had really gotten bigger. Just barely - if you stretched her t-shirt out over her torso, it was clear that there were now two small points that stuck out. Luckily, her breasts weren’t that sensitive any more, giving me the opportunity to lightly kiss my way around and across her nipples. Then I kissed my way downwards. I had used my tongue on Josie a couple of times by now, and now I could use that experience on Mika. She thought it felt weird at first, but I quickly showed her how good it can feel to be licked down there.

After I had made her come, I moved back up and embraced her. It felt so, so good to finally push myself inside her again. It wasn’t even like we were having sex, we didn’t act as if we were horny or anything, we just… Cuddled. And kissed. With my hardness buried as deep inside her vagina as I could. The sunlight was streaming in through the window, and I had to stop to get up to open it to let in some fresh air. We then got back to it, holding on to each other while we rocked back and forth.

Still no simultaneous orgasms, I’m afraid. But we’d have plenty of chance to try again. After I had ejaculated and painted the inside of her body white, we just stayed in that position for an hour or so. Just… Existing. It was liberating. We both knew how much time we had - five full weeks before my landlady would come home. There was no reason to get up, no reason to do anything else. No reason to do anything but just lie together in bed, completely naked, as close as physically possible.

Josie came over the next day for a sleepover. She could only stay for two nights before she had to fly away to some far-away country with her parents. She texted us in the morning, and I told her that we would be home all day and that she could just drop by whenever she wanted - now that she had keys to my place, she could let herself in.

She came over at around midday. She entered my room without knocking or anything, like she owned the place. I was sitting up against the wall in my bed, playing a platformer on my TV. With the help of an USB extension cable, I had hooked a controller I had bought up to my computer. Mika was sitting in my lap, slumped backwards against my chest with closed eyes and my duvet pulled up to her waist despite the summer heat. Josie took her shoes off and plopped her backpack down on the floor, tilting her head at the sight of us.

“Hey? Is she nappin’ already?”

“Heya. Huh? Oh… No, haha. Not exactly.”


Watching us with a puzzled expression on her face, Josie stepped over to us after a couple of seconds and climbed up on the bed. Slowly, she reached over and grabbed onto my duvet to pull it down.

“Oh…. oh mah gawd…! Jeezuz, you guys!”

Josie sighed deeply and rolled her eyes at seeing that Mika was only wearing a t-shirt, being completely naked down below. My penis was sticking straight up into the air - or, more correctly, was sticking straight up into Mika. We had been sitting like this for twenty minutes or so, Mika just “relaxing” with having my penis inside her while I played my game.


I shrugged as if it was the most natural thing in the world, not taking my eyes off the TV. Mika briefly opened her eyes and acknowledged the arrival of her friend, but was probably too embarrassed to do anything else. Josie, for some reason, didn’t bother putting my duvet back in place to hide what we were doing.

“Jeeeeezus…! How long are you gonna stay like that?”

“Oh, I don’t know. It should only be a couple of minutes until I’m done with this level.”

“What!? No, that’s not what I’m talkin’ about! I mean that you… you…!”

“Ooooh. I dunno. What do you think, sweetie? Do you wanna get off now that we’ve got visitors?”

Mika opened her eyes to glance at Josie again before turning her head to look back at me.

“N-nuh… I don’t wanna get off until you’ve… you’ve…”

I chuckled and nodded, regretting that I couldn’t pat her head since I had to use both of my hands to play my game.

“Alright, I know sweetie. I’ll finish with you once I’m finished with this level. Okay?”


Mika nodded and leaned back against me, closing her eyes yet again. Josie not only rolled her eyes, but her entire head.

“Is this what you’re gonna be doin’ all summer?!”

“.... Yeah. Pretty much.”


Josie sighed and sat down next to us to watch me play. Once I had completed my the level, I rolled around with Mika so that she was lying on her tummy, and after a quick pounding from behind we were free to do something together with Josie. Of course, Josie wanted to inspect Mika’s semen-filled vagina first. But after <i>that</i> did we do something together.

No, not that. Just the usual stuff - playing video games, watching anime, eating snacks. It wasn’t until evening that we did any of <i>that</i> kind of stuff. Except if you count me fondling Mika’s chest under her t-shirt while we watched anime as that kind of stuff, of course. I was really excited to see what the night would bring - I still didn’t know how much Josie had told Mika about what we had been doing together. I trusted that Mika would be accepting of it all. She had, after all, given Josie permission to do stuff with me.

Mika did indeed accept all of it. When night arrived, it was just like at the sleepover at Josie’s place - we all knew that we were gonna do something together while we brushed our teeth and got ready for bed. It was so obvious what was gonna happen that the girls didn’t bother putting any pyjamases on. At around midnight, we had all gotten into my bed with Mika and Josie lying next to each other on their sides, completely naked. I sat down by their feet to take in the view, naked as well. It was a hot summer night and even with my window slightly open, none of us were cold.

You can probably imagine all the crazy sex and all the different positions a guy and two girls can do together. I’m afraid reality might disappoint you. The girls were still newbies at sex, and it’s not like I was exactly an expert either, so we were too awkward to jump straight into a hot semi-lesbian threesome. I did get Josie to snuggle up against Mika, though, while my girlfriend was lying on her back with her legs spread out while I made love to her. I even got them to kiss a few times, with myself also kissing with both Mika and Josie while I thrusted against my girlfriend.

After a nice little cuddle-pause, it was Josie’s turn. Here I managed to spice things up a bit, actually. Mika, sleepy by now, remained on her back while I got Josie to get up on her hands and knees on top of her. The girls could then hug each other tightly to comfort the smaller one of them while I took her from behind. This time I didn’t even have to prompt them to get them to kiss, I guess they couldn’t deny how it feels quite nice to be enjoying someone’s lips while having sex - even if the lips belong to your best friend of the same sex.

After both of the girls had received a load of my sperm, it was time for more cuddles. And a bit more than cuddling, too - even though I had been nervous in the beginning, fulfilling the fantasy of having an actual threesome had made me not last very long with either of them. Thus, since only I had been the one who had orgasmed, we each snuggled up with Josie in the middle while we criss-crossed our arms underneath my duvet to rub some pleasure into both of the girls at the same time. After both Mika and Josie had been shaken by their muscles contracting in waves of pleasure, we stayed in that position until we fell asleep.

Of course, I couldn’t just stay asleep the whole night. Not when all limits were now off with the two small, naked girls in my bed. Alas, I cursed myself at having to suffer the real life limits of the male physiology. No matter how much I wanted to keep going, I could feel that my body was almost out of fuel. I had already ejaculated three times since Josie had come over, so I limited myself to just one more time that night.

Mika, that poor girl, had to endure being woken up in the middle of the night by being hugged a bit tighter than normal from behind. Spooning up against her, I readjusted my hard-on so I could enter her. The only resistance was her natural tightness, she was still slick from before - none of the three of us had bothered cleaning ourselves. Accepting me with a sigh that was a mix of sleepiness and strained pleasure, she pressed herself back against my chest and let me spend a long time with my shaft just buried inside her, only nudging my hips against her butt to keep myself hard.

We continued the next morning. Not me and Mika, no, you know how it is with her and mornings. But Josie, as usual, woke up early. So did I, when I felt her stir around. We barely had to say anything - once Josie noticed I was awake too, she climbed up on top of me to press her naked body against mine. She seemed… Different, that morning. She wasn’t in a teasing mood, or smug or anything. She just seemed happy. We kissed for a while, my hands enjoying the softness of her back and butt.

It wasn’t even me who pushed for it. After a couple of minutes, I could feel Josie begin to grind her crotch down against my hardening penis. She then, breathing slowly and carefully, reached down between us to grab onto my dick. She couldn’t really get it to work in that position, though, so she let go and sat up straight, straddling my hips. She didn’t care that this left her completely exposed to my gaze, the sunlight falling in through my window to paint an almost white rectangle on her flat chest. She was so beautiful. She grinned at seeing my admiring eyes, and then got back to work.

Moving up to hover above my crotch, she took hold of my penis again and leaned forward so she could see what she was doing. I raised my head to do the same, and watched as she carefully brought the tip of my hardness up against the tiny slit between her legs. She rode me, slowly at first, but eventually enough to bring first herself to an orgasm, and after a brief pause, until I came too. Only after we had ceased moving did we realize that we had woken Mika up. She was lying on her side towards us, looking at us with a happy smile. She <i>really</i> didn’t mind that me and Josie had sex. It even looked like she was happy for us.

I was happy for us too. I could go on like this for quite a while - I pushed myself to my limits during those three days Josie was staying over. Of course, most of the time we just relaxed with the usual stuff; video games, food, anime, and occasionally going into my landlady’s living room to play with her cat. But even though I couldn’t get my dick to perform as many times as I wanted it to, I could still have fun lying with one of the girls in my bed while I fingered her to an orgasm. The following night, I wasn’t even always sure which one of them I had in my arms, at least not until I had them moaning into the darkness.

It was sad when Josie had to go, but not much. Unlike Mika, she actually <i>do</i> want to do other things than just laze around all day, and she was looking forward to her trip with her parents. Me and Mika weren’t too sad either, because we still had each other. And that’s how we spent the rest of the summer vacation - with each other. We didn’t even go anywhere, Mika was basically a hikikomori during those weeks. Me too, I guess - only when she napped did I go outside to buy groceries.

I think it would get quite monotonous to tell you what we did during those summer weeks. It didn’t become monotonous for us, no matter how many times we did it - and we did it a lot. Mika really did spend a whole month with her vagina - and occasionally her stomach - constantly filled with my cum. We did spice it up now and then - I did also get to do it with Cat Mika, Dog Mika, and of course, schoolgirl Mika. But mostly, we just did it au natural. Mika didn’t even bother putting anything else than a t-shirt on most days.

When Josie came back towards the end of summer vacation, she came over to visit us again. Both for, you know, but also to celebrate Mika’s birthday. Fourteen years old… My little girlfriend has taken another step into teenagehood. We celebrated with sushi and a proper birthday cake we all worked together to create. Then it was time for presents. Josie had gotten her a matching set of bra and panties on her trip abroad - white with light-teal stripes. Super cute, as cliché as it was. The bra was of course the smallest size available, but it had become obvious by now that Mika would be able to use it soon.

Then came my gifts. First, I gave her one of those gift baskets of high quality candy and alcohol you can get in the supermarket. I had switched the two bottles of wine out for a plushie of her favorite Pokemon. Then came my second present. It wasn’t as physically impressive, and probably pretty cringy, but it was the best I had been able to come up with.

I showed her a Powerpoint on my TV I had been working on whenever she had been napping. I had designed it first like a voucher, telling her that I would take her to Japan as soon as I could. The rest was like a travel advert, showing her all the things I would take her to see - Akiba, the Ghibli museum, shrines, temples, and so on.

She was in tears. While I’m sure Josie had given her nice birthday presents before, I don’t think she had ever had a birthday like this. We also celebrated in the evening, with Mika receiving extra attention from me and Josie - she finally found out how it felt like to have both of her nipples sucked on by two playful mouths at the same time. I think we had made her cum three times before we closed our eyes to sleep, along with a fresh load of sperm in her vagina.

In the end, it all seemed to have gone by in a flash. Mika had to go home, and my lectures were starting up again. But it was okay. We were all - me, Mika and Josie - hopeful. Mika was starting the final year of school, and she wasn’t scared. I wasn’t scared either - sure, I was still pretty paranoid, but we had been dating for almost half a year by now without anyone becoming suspicious of us. The future really did look bright.

Gragnost 23/01/14(Sat)22:57 No. 27785 ID: 67574a

I applauded the person who posted AFTER ME.
Whomever he is, he made me laugh.

And going by what he posted on the other site I think this is almost wrapped up. (Chapter 70/71.)

Anonymous 23/01/15(Sun)12:00 No. 27786 ID: d0356a

So, well…. Uh…


So that’s how I met your mother.

… I guess I could say. If we had had any children.

Of course, we didn’t. Just the very thought of pregnancy and childbirth was repulsive to Mika, and I didn’t feel any need to have any offspring either.

Anyways, that’s the story about how I met my wife. And how I - almost immediately - began a sexual relationship with her, despite her being underage. And how I then began a sexual relationship with her best friend, despite <i>her</i> being <i>extremely</i> underage. Josie actually had somewhat of a crisis once she got older and was able to realize just what the broader society actually thought about small girls having intimate relationships with grown men. The real world isn’t like the manga she had read.

Only after a lot of introspection, and some late night talks with Mika, did she come to peace with what she had been doing with us. She was able to accept it since she knew that she had herself, after all, been proactive and played a key role in it all too. And she knew that I had never actually done anything to her that she had found unpleasant.

Funnily enough, Josie grew up to become a psychologist. Unfortunately, just like I had had a hard time being a nerdy boy during my teenage years, Josie also had trouble with the other sex as she grew older. Apparently, teenage boys don’t really appreciate being teased and mocked by girls who are vastly smarter than them. Thus, Josie continued to have sex with us throughout her youth, only pausing whenever she was in a relationship of her own with a boy or a girl.

Thankfully, it took a few years before Josie began dating. I thus had plenty of access to her pre-teen, and later, teenage body during most of the following years, and she often spent her nights together with me and Mika. We kept it very vanilla, with only one small development happening. Half a year after that summer vacation, around the time of my birthday, the girls came over to celebrate it a weekend my landlady was away.

Josie could barely stop giggling when she presented their gift to me: Mika’s anal virginity. They had me wait outside in the hallway for a few minutes, and when I entered my room again, Mika was lying naked on her stomach on my bed, only a red ribbon wrapped around her hips and thighs. On top of her butt, Josie had placed a star made out of the ribbon.

That’s how they showed me what my present was: Mika’s butt. Josie’s present was a bottle of lube, which sure came in handy. It was… fun to try. But we both prefer to do it the way nature intended. Oh, and for my next birthday, the girls switched roles. Even though I didn’t think it was possible, I then took Josie’s anal virginity when she was twelve.

Even when I finally secured myself a student job, I still had to pull up with the bullshit of not being able to have my girlfriend over whenever my landlady was home. It was too risky, even if we were to pretend that I also tutored Mika. Then, one day, I came across an article about bitcoins and how they had seen a crazy increase in value. I had completely forgotten - I had bought a few almost a year ago. I looked at the price; I had bought them at around 13 dollars, and they were now at 700.

The additional year I had spent as a finance student told me that this was ridiculous. Thinking about it, it all seemed like a scam - there was still nothing you could actually buy with them. I sold them all, convinced that they could not possibly increase in value any more. I didn’t exactly become rich, but I made a nice sum of money that I put into a traditional index fund, just like the rest of my savings.

This came in handy almost a year later. I finally graduated, and moved on to get a real job. With a steady income and quite a lot of money saved up, I was able to permanently fix my living situation. I had enough money to make a down payment to get a mortgage, and I bought a small house quite far out in the countryside. The location was perfect; it had been an old forest ranger's residence and was located just inside the border of a small forest. No neighbors. We could be alone. Me and Mika.

Oh yeah. What about Mika? Things went well for Josie. Things went well for me. I wish I could say the same about my girlfriend.

Mika breezed through 9th grade without a problem, and was set to moving on to high school. She was nervous, of course - her anxiety still made life difficult for her. But she had both me and Josie to support her. She should be able to get through it, right?

She lasted one day. Her first day in high school went fine, and she texted me all about it when she got home. Only the day afterwards did I learn that she had had a panic attack that evening. She took the next day off, planning to go back the day afterwards. But she was simply unable to do it. Her mom, thankfully, could see how serious it was and didn’t force her to go. She dropped out after the first week. I was heartbroken when Josie told me all of this through texts.

I don’t mind giving up a big part of my paychecks to taxes - not to mention the taxes I had to pay when I sold my index funds to buy the house. There are many advantages to living in a socialist paradise. We have a strong social safety net that can help you when you are in need. Unfortunately, it’s just not that good at helping people who are difficult to help. I’ve now seen this first hand.

Mika’s life turned into one long battle of evaluations, diagnoses, appointments, and attempts at apprenticeships and such. In a way, I don’t blame the system; you can’t just give up on a 15 year old kid without trying to get them back on track, right? But nothing worked. It was impossible for Mika to attend any kind of educational or vocational track for more than a few days before it became too much. More panic attacks. She became more and more desperate. We all did.

It’s not that she didn’t <i>want<i> to get an education, to get a job, so she could live a normal life where she could make a living herself. She really tried. But in the end, much to her regret, she had to give up - which was probably a good thing, because I don’t think our relationship could have survived much longer. Of course, the system refused to give up on her and insisted that she kept applying for jobs and shit in order to receive benefits.

That is why I feel so blessed to have picked - by chance, actually - a career in finance. I convinced Mika to give up on the system, and rely on me. The timing was pretty good - when Mika had turned 15, what we did together was no longer illegal. Nobody could stop us any more. I guess her parents <i>could</i> have forbidden her to see me, but she was now old enough that nobody could actually do anything to prevent us from being together.

I think that Mika’s mom had had a suspicion for quite some time that her daughter was seeing someone. So, when she was 15, Mika told her parents about me. As per Josie’s advice, she didn’t tell them how old I was - it would be another couple of years before they found that out about me. This made everything easier, as the girls didn’t have to lie to Mika’s parents anymore. With all the hardships their daughter was going through, I think they were just happy that there was <i>something</i> positive in Mika’s life that brought her happiness - her boyfriend.

So, with the blessing of Mika’s mom, she basically moved in with me when she turned 16. That’s what I bought my house for. And that’s kinda what Mika became - a housewife. While she spent the first month sulking in my bed, depressed over her life, she slowly became content with the prospect of living a simple life that consisted mostly of video games, being on the internet, and taking care of the house - not outright being a complete tradwife, but she helped me with all the cooking and cleaning. Thankfully, she did discover one new interest: Gardening. From spring to fall, she spends a lot of time in our small garden tending to the plants and some vegetables she’s growing.

Money is sometimes tight, being two people living on one income, but it’s okay. We’ve got what we need. Mika is an extremely low-maintenance woman: She just needs a new video game now and then, along with a new game console when they come out. I was even able to save up money again, which I used on that trip to Japan I had promised Mika back then. It took longer for us to go than I had hoped - Mika was 17 when we went - but better late than never. It was a little difficult, Mika still having a hard time being out in public, but being able to cling onto my arm and have me take care of everything made it possible. She had the best time of her life, finally visiting the land of the rising sun.

We got married just a few weeks after Mika turned 18. We didn’t have a wedding or anything, we just went to the municipality together with Josie to get it over with. Oh yeah, Josie is still a big part of our lives. Actually, and I’m a little ashamed to admit this… Not only is she Mika’s only friend. But mine too. I sometimes wondered if Mika “infected” me with her social anxiety, as I never really became able to make any new friends again. I guess I didn’t want to risk people asking me about my wife, and how I met her.

So… That’s pretty much where we are today. Oh, one thing did happen. That damn pandemic. It did bring <i>one</i> good thing to our society, though: When our country went into lockdown, we were all forced to switch to working from home. Some of us never stopped. Since then, I only go to the office maybe once a week, or once every second week. The rest of the time I’m working from home, often with Mika sitting right next to me gaming on her PC. It’s pretty sweet.

Other people might disagree, and think that this is a sad life for my wife. But I really think that this is what’s best for her. Mika has almost completely checked herself out of our society. She doesn’t have to worry about politics, about the climate, about the economy, about… anything. She only worries about the weather, and how it will affect her garden. She leaves everything else up to me… In a way, you could say that she never grew up - she’s very much living her life like a young child. Cartoons and video games, without any real responsibilities.

And the sex? Well.. You know how after you’ve gotten over the honeymoon period in a new relationship, things often cool off? That never happened with us. Not only because Josie has been regularly coming over to “get some cuddles” from us, but mostly because Mika never grew very big - not in height, or in width, or… nn her chest or hips. Even today, she can easily pass as a teenager. I don’t know what it says about me - that her youthful appearance is one of the reasons that I am still so attracted to her. Especially when she puts her school uniform on.

Yep, her genuine, high quality, one hundred percent real, exclusively imported, white and navy blue Japanese high school sailor uniform. It still fits her - it doesn’t cover her midriff anymore, and it leaves most of her legs exposed, but it still looks amazing on her. I’ve gotten her a couple of other uniforms and various cosplay costumes throughout the years, but it’s still that one uniform that suits her best.

It’s funny how a single set of clothing can have such an impact on your life. It was that school uniform that brought us together back then, it was that school uniform Mika lost her virginity in, and it’s still that school uniform she puts on whenever she wants to be my little schoolgirl again. Today, looking back at all that has happened, I think that I can only say one thing…

In conclusion, sailor uniforms are cute.

Anonymous 23/01/15(Sun)12:39 No. 27787 ID: d0356a

It's... over. I barely know what to say.

Time to write: Three and a half years (Roommates was six and a half years)

Word count: 210.645 (Roommates is 60.352)

I set out to write this thinking that if just ten people enjoyed it, it would be worth it.

I don't think I'll write any other stories... In the near future, at least. The only other things I have are catgirl bullshit fantasies that are even more cliché and cringy.

Thank you for commenting.

Anonymous 23/01/15(Sun)19:39 No. 27788 ID: 97e84e

Good Story. And thank you for listening and not cutting Josie out or side-lining her. She made the story much more interesting.

Thanks for the entertainment, OP.

Gragnost 23/01/16(Mon)07:38 No. 27789 ID: 6b0cbd

I'm not going to lie, this ended 180* from where I expected it to end.
I fully expected David to have fathered children with both of the girls. While I expected him to marry Mika when she came of legal age, I also expected him to have a three-way-relationship with both of them.

Anonymous 23/01/17(Tue)03:03 No. 27790 ID: 2170a0

Wow. an end of an era.

Gotta admit, it seems a bit abrupt, but there's not really any good way to end things some times. at least it is finished.

congrats. and thanks for all the fish.

Shadow 23/01/17(Tue)04:50 No. 27792 ID: 99106b

The fact that you finished is more than a lot of writers can say about their projects, so take a bit of pride in that.

I'm a little sad that things didn't turn out better for Mika, but I understand and appreciate what you've presented. Reality isn't always so kind to give us a perfect ending, after all. However, I'm glad that it was a happy ending for all involved, when it could have easily been otherwise.

I also like how Josie's first time was as playful as it could be while also keeping the gravity of the moment. I would have liked a little more to happen during the vacation, but hey, I don't do a lot when I have a day off, so I can't really complain. I agree that the ending was a little abrupt, but there isn't really a better way to summarize years passing.

I hope you do decide to write again when the right idea comes along. Thanks for sharing, sir, and take care.

Also, props to going along with the troll pregnancy post for a little.

Anonymous 23/01/18(Wed)01:29 No. 27795 ID: 02d0a2

If you don't mind sharing... What's the other site? I've been reading from here for well over a decade, and have seen many sites come and go. Asstr is the only other that I know of

Gragnost 23/01/18(Wed)04:11 No. 27796 ID: e59552

Scroll up.
I posted a link to it about six or seven posts up.

Anonymous 23/01/18(Wed)09:19 No. 27797 ID: d0356a

It's not possible for a mod/admin to edit the original post and put the link up at the top, right? It would be a shame for new readers to read the first chapters in their original form when they are so... inferior.

Anonymous 23/01/18(Wed)21:14 No. 27798 ID: 02d0a2

Ah! So you did. I appreciate that.


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