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Roommates Continued OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/02/21(Thu)03:12 No. 25977 ID: b49468

Since the old thread finally hit the bump limit, I'm posting the entire story so far in a new thread, minus the comments, so that I can continue to work on the story.


It all started when I was 19, in my first semester at college. I'd moved away from home and into my first apartment, and got my first roommate as well. He was a year younger than me, but unlike me he hadn't spent a year after graduating highschool saving up his money for tuition and rent. His parents died in an avalanche at a ski resort, and between their considerable savings and the payout from the life insurance, he could afford college and not have to work for years. I hadn't known it when I met him at orientation and we decided to share an apartment, but he also had custody of his 11 year old sister.

The apartment was big, and nicer than I could have ever afforded on my own, so all three of us had separate bedrooms (hers was supposed to be a laundry room or something originally.). I also discovered my roommate was a bit of a dick who neglected his little sister.

I don't think it was intentional, more a result of losing his parents and having to adjust his plans for the future to revolve around caring for his sibling, and he probably wasn't ready for that sort of responsibility. But unless he needed to give her a ride or buy her something she needed, he basically didn't interact with her. He also barely did anything with me; maybe once a week he'd play video games with me, but he spent nearly all his time in class or shut in his room studying.

His little sister was cute, with her blue eyes, freckles, and short, light brown hair, but obviously way too young for me. She didn't play with dolls or anything, so I guess she was mature for her age, but she also spent all her time shut in her room when she wasn't at school. And I don't think she had any friends at her new school either.

After a month or so with my new roommates, we'd settled into a routine. If they weren't exactly friendly, they weren't bad either; quiet, clean, and they were the only way I could afford a really nice apartment just a block from campus.

I wish I'd known then what I know now. It'd have saved me a lot of grief.

One morning, I wandered into the kitchen for breakfast and poured myself a bowl of cereal, then sat at the table. As usual, my roommate was already there, eating toast and orange juice and engrossed in a textbook, oblivious to my presence. I wished I'd gotten juice too, but didn't feel like going to the effort of getting it and just dug into my cereal.

It wasn't long before his sister wandered in, with messy hair and sleepy eyes. I glanced at her and noticed she was wearing her usual morning attire: a nightshirt and panties, and nothing else. It startled me at first that she'd walk around the apartment like that, but I quickly ignored it; my family was always pretty relaxed about that sort of thing too, after all. Still, I wasn't family. I noticed that her panties today were white with a little blue ribbon on the front, then directed my inappropriate attention to my cereal.

After a couple minutes, she perched herself in the chair across from me, drew her knees up to her chest, and began nibbling on some frozen waffles without much enthusiasm. I finished my cereal, tossed it in the sink, then looked at my watch.

"Hey Bill, time to go."

My roommate nodded, closed his book, and carefully put his dishes in the sink, then gathered up his things and left. I went back to my room, grabbed my backpack, and headed for the door.

His sister was still nibbling at her waffles. I frowned and glanced at my watch again. Then I struggled to remember her name for a few seconds.

"Hey, uh, Sara, don't want to be late for the bus."

She nodded and continued nibbling. I waited around a little longer, then decided I had to go if I didn't want to be late for my first class. It wouldn't be the first time she'd been the last to leave the apartment, she had her own key, and if she was late for the bus that wasn't my problem. Besides, it was only a ten minute walk to her school anyway. It was a small town, and almost everything was in walking distance, which saved on gas.

I slipped my backpack on, locked up, and headed off for class.

By lunchtime, I decided I was just going to skip my one afternoon class for the day. It wasn't a habit I wanted to start, but I just couldn't must the motivation to sit through another monotone lecture. Universities should never hire a tone-deaf professor, I don't care what his credentials are.

So I left the cafeteria and walked the block back to the apartment and let myself in. I noted a half-eaten waffle remaining at the table with mild annoyance, but kids will be kids and she probably had to rush for the bus, so I let it slide. I tossed my backpack on my bed, shut the door to my room, and checked myself out in the mirror.

I was pretty skinny and had no upper body strength, so I'd decided to start working out. Partly it was so I could avoid the legendary Freshmen Fifteen, but mostly I was just hoping to attract some girls. I'd never had a girlfriend in high school, being the skinny nerdy type, so I was going to start working out to change that.

After doing a bunch of situps, pushups, jumping jacks, some bicep curls, and a grand total of one chin up (and I don't think it counts if you sort of hop to get started) on a chin up bar I installed in the closet door, I'd worked up a decent sweat and needed a shower. So I set out some clean clothes on my bed, stripped naked, and stepped out to go to the bathroom.

Oh shit.

My roommates little sister was frozen in mid-stride in the hallway, probably as surprised to see me home at this time as I was to see her. Did she skip school too? Probably, she was still in her night shirt and panties.

Then her eyes went down and I remember that I was standing stark naked in front of an 11 year old girl. Like I said, my family was always pretty relaxed about the dress code and they'd seen me walk to and from the shower naked countless times, but c'mon. Not the same thing, dude.

I quickly ducked back into my room and shut the door. After a few seconds, I heard the door to her room click shut and I stuck my head out; she was gone. I darted into the bathroom and shut the door, then got the shower started.

Dammit. I didn't have to look in the mirror to tell my face was red, I could feel it. I fretted about the accidental encounter for a few minutes, then decided to just not worry about it. Accidents happen, right? And I just pretended nothing had happened, she probably would too. It's not like she talked to her brother much anyway.

I finished my shower, carefully wrapped myself in a towel, and got back into my room and shut the door behind me. Ok, she was still in her room, good. I quickly got dressed, then headed into the living room. I really needed something to distract me, and some XBox sound like just the thing.

I'd only been playing for a few minutes when I noticed motion out of the corner of my eye and looked up to see Sara emerging from the hall. She looked at me, blushed, then went to the fridge to pour herself a glass of orange juice. I deliberately turned my attention back to my game, and after she'd finished her juice she went back to her room.

Bill got home a couple hours later and went straight to his room without saying a word. Typical.

They were decent enough roomies, but they could have at least tried to be a little more sociable. I didn't see either of them the rest of the day, but I heard one or both of them microwave dinner while I was in my room studying for an exam.

Breakfast the next morning was identical to the day before, except Bill's textbook had changed to a different subject and his sister's panties were pale pink. I made a deliberate effort not to look at her as I ate breakfast and headed off for class. I had only morning classes that day, but Bill didn't get in until evening because of his late biology class. I didn't see his sister until she emerged from her room for dinner.

Odd. She was still dressed in her night shirt and panties; normally she was only like that in the morning before she got dressed for school. And I didn't remember hearing her come in the front door; did she skip school today too? Bill acknowledged her presence with a grunt and a pat on the head, stuck her food in the microwave for her, then retreated into his room, nose buried in his book.

Damn, dude. I know you want to make a good impression on the professors your first semester, but maybe at least try to have some sort of life or social interaction?

Then again, I guess I wasn't much better.

I wish that'd stayed true.

By the end of the week, I'd become certain that Sara was skipping school since she never bothered to get dressed and I never saw or heard her go through the front door to the apartment at any time.

It wasn't any of my business though; it's not like I was her dad or brother, after all. So I said nothing.

The weekend went normally enough (dead silence, and rarely seen roommates. Relaxing, in its way, but also strangely... not, relaxing.), and when Monday rolled around again I noted Sara getting dressed for school and putting on her own backpack, so I decided not to worry about her skipping school. Hell, her parents had died only a few months ago; I could understand skipping school for a few days.

It wasn't until Thursday that the usual routine got screwed up again. I got home after lunch, enjoying my afternoon with no classes, and went through my workout routine again. I hadn't noticed any real gain from my exercise, but at least it didn't make me sore like when I first started, so I decided I was making some progress. I laid out clean clothes again, then tossed my sweaty ones into the hamper and went to the bathroom.

Crap. I normally kept my towel in the bathroom, but I'd tossed it in the hamper yesterday. And I wasn't about to use somebody else's towel. I turned around to get a clean towel out of my room and damn near ran into Sara as she emerged from her room with a dirty plate.

We both froze and I could feel my face turning red again. What the hell? I thought she went to school today? At least she was dressed this time. I, on the other hand, was naked as a jaybird. Again. In front of an 11 year old.

After a long moment of staring at each other in startlement, her gaze went down to my crotch again; a blush spread across her face, but she made no effort not to stare. Dammit, ok, play cool. It's no big deal. You walked back and forth from the shower naked at home all the time, she walks around in her panties all the time, this will only be a big deal if you make it a big deal. Ok, so...

"Uh, shouldn't you be in school right now?"

She was still staring at my junk. "Didn't feel like going today."

Ok, this wasn't working. I'm just going to casually walk into my room, grab a towel, and pretend like everything's cool.

It would have been nice if that had actually been how it went. Instead, Sara pointed and asked, "Is that your penis?"

Shit. Ok, just... no biggie. No biggie. Play it cool, man. Casual.

"Um, yeah."

After a moment, she met my eyes and blushed an even brighter shade of red.

"Ummm... Can I touch it?"

Hell no. I should've said hell no. I should have just gone to my room, or backed into the bathroom and shut the door. Instead, like an idiot, I just tried to play it off.

"Uh, sure. I guess."

After a few second's hesitation and a glance at my face to make certain it was ok, she quickly reached out and poked my penis with a fingertip for a split instance, then withdrew her hand like it was burned or something. She stared at it a few moments longer, then, childish curiosity fulfilled, she wandered off to put her plate in the sink and I quickly ran into my room and shut the door. I didn't leave again until I heard her door click shut, and I took my shower in record time.

I really hoped she didn't say anything to her brother. I strongly suspected he'd kill me or something.

I was still alive Friday and over the weekend, and Sara had gone to school Friday, so it was safe to assume she hadn't mentioned our encounter to Bill. Still, that was twice, and I wasn't eager to repeat those encounters, so I decided I had to be more careful and just go to the shower clothed from now on.

Gragnost 19/02/21(Thu)05:25 No. 25978 ID: a5112f

This is just the first part...

Anonymous 19/02/21(Thu)15:20 No. 25979 ID: f7d3f6

Good to see you back! Looking forward to the continuation.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/02/22(Fri)23:52 No. 25982 ID: b49468

This is a test post, because I kept getting autobanned due to some sort of glitch. If it works, I will resume posting the rest of the story.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/02/22(Fri)23:58 No. 25983 ID: b49468

From then on, I started wearing boxers when I went to take a shower. I ran into Sara a couple more times, usually on the weekends, but it wasn't a problem since I wasn't exposing my crotch to some kid.

No, what happened was probably worse. One Saturday, I got back from jogging and saw Bill sitting at the table working on a paper, said hi and got a grunt in return, then went to my room and stripped down to my boxers so I could take a shower.

Preoccupied with the thought that I should probably be studying too since I had an exam on Monday, I didn't notice the bathroom door was latched and the light was on and just waltzed on in.

Sara there, dripping wet from the shower and reaching for the towel on the rack, frozen in surprise as I walked in. Following the natural male instinct, I glanced at her chest (flat, mosquito-bite nipples) and crotch (hairless and smooth), immediately felt dirty, and backed out of the bathroom and shut the door all in one motion.

I must have slammed the door hard enough to get Bill's attention, because he looked up from his laptop and asked what was up. Dammit.

"I, uh, just walked in on your sister."

"Ha! Serves her right for taking so long in there. I think she used up all the hot water. Don't worry about it, she walked to the shower naked all the time at home. She'll be fine."

He dismissed it with a wave and went back to writing his paper.

Huh. Well, that went better than expected. And I guess their family was as relaxed about clothing as mine was. Hell, I still showered with my sister until I was 10 and she was 16; she'd finally convinced both my parents that I was old enough I wouldn't slip and drown if I showered on my own, and I'd learned that puberty did interesting things to a girl's body.

I guess Bill and I were more alike than either of us had realized when we met at orientation and decided to room together.

I waited around in the living room until Sara had finished drying off and then went into her room and shut the door. Since she was wrapped in a towel, and she always left her towel in the bathroom like I did, I guess she still did walk to the shower naked.

It was a couple days later that I made my first step in the wrong direction. Well, no, that's not quite true. Everything could have gone just fine from that point on, if I hadn't been such an idiot. But that was the first step down a long road to... well, I won't skip ahead.

I'd already passed the first exam for both of my Tuesday-Thursday classes and this was the first day of class afterward; we wouldn't be getting our exams back yet, but we wouldn't be covering much in the way of new material either. Besides, I was already one chapter ahead in both classes.

So, naturally, I decided to skip class. I don't want to give the impression that this was a regular thing for me, it wasn't. But that day I decided I was going to stay home and reward myself for all the hard work I'd put into passing both exams; I was pretty sure I'd made at least a 90 on both.

By the time I rolled out of bed, Bill was already gone and his dishes in the sink. I didn't bother getting dressed, just a t-shirt and boxers, poured a bowl of cereal, and sat down on the couch to play some video games.

Not two minutes later, Sara wandered out of her room, hair a tangled mess and a sleepy expression on her face. Her panties were green and covered in cartoon frogs; did she only have the one nightshirt though?

"Could you turn it down? I'm trying to sleep."

"What are you doing home? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

She paused and glanced to the left, then mumbled something about school being canceled today. Having been her age and having had younger siblings, I knew immediately she was lying, but it wasn't any of my business so I didn't call her on it. Still...

"Well, good. I'd hate it if you were skipping school so much. It's not good for you."

She shrugged and turned to go back to her room. I felt kind of sorry for her, since she always shut herself up in there, she didn't seem to have any friends at her new school, and her brother barely acknowledged her existence. Hell, he barely acknowledged my existence. I guess it was his way of coping with the loss of his parents. But still, I felt bad for her. So...

"You shouldn't sleep all day. It's not healthy. Why don't you join me? I've got plenty of two-player games. I'll even let you pick something."

There. Right there. That was it. Harmless on its own, but if I hadn't made that decision, if I hadn't acted on that emotion, none of this would have happened.

Who am I kidding.

She scratched her head, which left some of her hair standing up ridiculously, and glanced at the game consoles. Most of them were mine, and I'm proud to say it was a decent collection, but two were Bill's.

"Do you have Mario Kart?"

"Which one?"

"There's more than one?"

Ah. She was probably only familiar with the newest one.

"Have a seat. I'll set it up."

After I got the Wii set up and grabbed a pair of controllers, I turned and saw her sitting in the middle of the couch indian-style, rubbing her eyes with both hands and trying to wake up. The little frog directly over her crotch seemed to be staring at me accusingly, and I quickly averted my eyes and sat down next to her.

"You know how to play this one?"

She nodded and we started playing.

She kicked my ass, eight to three. By the last race, she was actually cackling triumphantly. Fucking blue shell. She wasn't just good at playing the game, it was obvious she actually had a talent for strategy, from the way she played. Bill seemed like a pretty intelligent guy; I guess his sister got the good genes too.

After that last humiliating defeat, Sara announced she was hungry and I remembered she hadn't eaten breakfast. Come to think of it, that bowl of cereal wasn't going to tide me over until lunch. So, I cooked us both some bacon, eggs, and fried toast, and we sat at the table eating. Sara seemed a little more animated than she usually was at breakfast; either she took a while to wake up in the morning, or she simply needed some human interaction. She hummed to herself as she ate, and I could feel the vibration as she rhythmically kicked the table leg with her bare feet.

"You wanna play something else?"

"Like what," she said, perking up as I broke the silence.

Yes, interaction was definitely what she needed. It wasn't healthy being secluded. For me or for her. So...

"I dunno. We got a lot of games. You pick."

She wandered over to the entertainment center and bent over to look at the stacks of games on the shelf. I stared at her butt, with the green panties conforming to it rather nicely. Another cartoon frog glared at me with condemnation.

Yeah. What the hell am I doing staring at an 11 year old's ass? It's completely inappropriate. She hasn't even hit puberty yet. But even if she had, it still wouldn't be appropriate. Hell, WHY am I staring at some kid's ass like that? Why do I care about what kind of panties she has on in the morning? What the hell is wrong with me? Am I that hard up, just because I've never had a girlfriend?

Still, she does have a pretty cute butt. Nice, shapely legs too. And... yeah, I'm burning in that special hell. The one they reserve for pedophiles and people who talk in the theater.

"How about this one?"

"Uh... I think that one might be a little too scary for you."

Doom 3 is definitely not for 11 year old girls.

"But it looks cool!"


"Fine. But if you get too scared, we're playing something else."

The batteries in the other XBox controller were dead, and I couldn't find the charger, so she watched while I played. The longer I played, the closer she scooted toward me on the couch. At one point, she jumped at a surprise-scare when a zombie jumped out of a storage locker and grabbed onto me.

"Ok, I think we should play something different."

"No, it's ok! I'm not scared!"

"Yeah, but I'm tired of Doom. Why don't you pick something else out while I go pee real quick?"

She got up and began going through the stacks of games again while I went into the bathroom and tried to will my growing erection away before it became noticeable.

Trying NOT to get a hard-on never works, in case you're curious. It's natural to get a chubby when some cute girl is practically in your lap, but she's a freaking kid!

After a while, things went back to normal and I decided to put some pants on to hide anything that might... come up, in the future.

Pants freshly donned, I returned to the living room and discovered that I was apparently in for a session of Left 4 Dead. Did she genuinely like violent horror games, or was she just picking them because they were "forbidden" in her mind? Restricted only for adults, or at least for older guys and not scaredy little girls.

Whatever. I picked up the controller and she made me pick Francis because "he has a funny name". Then she urged me to shoot Bill because he had the same name as her brother.

I glanced at her, giggling and squirming around on the couch, and decided she was just being a silly kid and not... you know, someone with issues.

Issues. Heh. I'm one to talk.

Anyway, after an hour or so of zombie slaying, Bill finally came home. He looked pissed.

"Uh, hey dude. How'd your-"

I didn't even finished before he slammed his backpack full of heavy textbooks onto the table.

"Some asshole keyed my car! I saw it when I walked back from campus. And that's just the icing on the cake! The damned TA in my biology class plagiarized my paper and then when he got caught, claimed I had copied HIS paper! Took me an hour with the dean to get everything sorted out."

He unzipped his backpack and started pulling things out so he could do his homework, and then bit off another curse.

"And apparently I've just shattered my TI-83+ slamming it into the table. You know what, I'm not in the mood for this."

He then stormed off to his room and slammed the door.

I turned back to the game just in time for Zoe to startle the witch and get me killed. On the couch next to me, sitting indian-style and staring at her crossed ankles, Sara muttered, "He didn't use to be so grouchy all the time."

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. After a while though, I reached one around her and gave her a hug, just to be nice. After a moment's hesitation, she hugged me back, then went to her room and closed the door. I didn't see her again until dinner.

After dinner, I worked out for a few minutes, took my shower, stuck my head out to make sure Sara wasn't around, and zipped into my room, having lapsed into my habit of walking to the shower naked.

How is it that on the day I did practically nothing, I'm the most exhausted? I flopped onto the bed naked, not even bothering to pull on my boxers, pulled a sheet over me, and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up late, rolled out of bed, and got dressed. Awkwardly, because I had incredible morning wood. Bill had already left for class, but I ran into Sara as she was heading out the door.

"You're gonna be late," I told her.

"Nah, the bus has to wait for ten minutes. I'll make it- Oh!"

She yelped as she picked up her backpack and spilled the contents all over the floor, having left it unzipped and grabbed it by the bottom. As she bent over to pick her things up, her skirt hiked up and I saw that her panties were yellow with little sunflowers on them.

I am such a pervert.

I was probably blushing, feeling guilt at staring a little girl's ass, and as she put the last pencil into her backpack and stood up, she noticed me and asked, "what?"

"Nothing! Um... your skirt is hiked up."

She flushed slightly, making the light dusting of freckles on her cheeks disappear for a moment, and tugged her skirt back down.


Feeling awkward, I saw her out the door, locked up, and walked off to my first class. I ended up being twenty minutes late, but I don't think anyone noticed me slip in.

Classes were boring. Professor Ben Stein kept droning the entire class (seriously, he has the same monotone and everything) and I nearly fell asleep, and my other classes were nothing spectacular either. At least my next paper wasn't due for another week, and I didn't have any other assignments for once.

I walked back to the apartment at a nice, leisurely pace, enjoying the cool weather, and noticed the bus letting the kids off. Sara was one of the last ones off the bus, spotted me, and waved, so I waved back and we walked back to the apartment together.

Without any prompting from me, she grabbed onto my hand as we strolled down the sidewalk and started telling me about how horrible her new school was, how the boys were jerks, the girls were mean and stupid, the teacher was boring, and basically how everything was the most terrible thing ever. She also had a bounce in her step, practically skipping, and was smiling the entire time, so I found the whole thing amusing and just went along with it, mmhmming and ahing and I seeing at the appropriate moments.

I didn't realize until much later that her cheerfulness was because of my company. I had a vague idea of how desperate she was for a friend, but didn't think much of it at the time.

Without even realizing it, I was hoist by my own petard. What started out innocent... Well, no single raindrop thinks it's responsible for the flood.

When we got to the apartment, Bill had already arrived, having driven his car (he was still pissed about it being keyed), and after a gruff acknowledgement of our arrival he disappeared into his room again.

The two of us settled at the table, I started reading the next assignment for my literature class: The Song of Roland. Holy shit, medieval poems are long. I was actually relieved when Sara asked for help with her math homework, and I scooted my chair to her side of the table and walked her through the problems she'd been assigned. When we finished, she was practically beaming.

"Thanks! It would have taken me waaaay longer if you hadn't helped!"

"No problem," I said, patting her on the head as I stood to fix dinner. "Any time you need a hand, I'd be glad to help."

Like I said, no single raindrop. But raindrops add up...

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/02/23(Sat)00:35 No. 25985 ID: b49468

Bill came back Sunday night and I finally found out that he went on some class trip to study salamanders; it hadn't occurred to him to, you know, inform us or make sure I didn't plan to go anywhere that weekend because he wasn't used to looking after Sara. He was still getting used to being the one to look after her instead of her parents.

Ok, that's understandable I guess, but still a dick move.

The week came and went, and since Bill didn't murder me in my sleep and Chris Hansen never showed up at my door, I decided Sara hadn't informed anyone that I'd touched her privates and I could stop worrying and get on with my life.

Saturday went fairly normally, catching up on my reading assignments and working on a paper that was due on Monday, then I went for a jog, did some working out in my room (I was still skinny and had zero visible muscle growth from all my exercise, but I wasn't struggling like I had been, so I guess that counted.), then stripped down and headed for the shower.

Yes, as you've probably guessed, I bumped into someone in the hall.

It was Bill.

I about shit out my heart, but he just carefully maintained eye contact rather than risk accidentally seeing my package, gave his usual grunt to acknowledge my presence, and kept walking to his room.

Then Sara emerged from her room, also stark naked and was reaching for a fresh towel from the hall closet before she noticed either one of us.

My heart stopped. I honestly believe that my heart literally stopped beating for several seconds, because I knew Bill was going to freak out about his sister and I seeing each other naked.

He just said, "Ha! Looks like you both had the same idea." Then he told Sara to run in and take her shower before I did and secluded himself in his lair again, leaving Sara and me alone in the hallway. Naked.

My heart started beating again and my I unclenched buttcheeks I hadn't realized were clenched in anxiety, and began to relax. He didn't freak out. Between this and the time I walked in on Sara in the shower and told him about it, I guess his family really had been as casual about nudity as mine was.

I looked over at Sara, who was blushing slightly and looking at my crotch with a mixture of curiosity and embarrassment, and cleared my throat.

"So... Who goes first?"

She didn't respond, so I took the initiative.

"Rock, paper, scissors. Winner goes first."


Now, a little known trick to rock, paper, scissors: Nine times out of ten, people pick rock first. Dunno why, but it's true. If you want to win, always pick paper the first time; you're guaranteed success nearly every time, unless you're up against a wily rock, paper, scissors expert who knows the same trivia you do.

So I picked scissors, she beat me with rock, and she went first.

I may have been hot, sweaty, and tired, but I'm enough of a gentleman to let a girl shower first. She ended up using all the hot water, but I was ok with that, being as I was, as mentioned, hot and sweaty and a cold shower worked just fine.

I waited in the hall while she showered, and when she got out she was still naked. I stuck my tongue out at her as she passed and she stuck her tongue out back at me as she slipped into her room.

You know what? I was ok with this. I had decided it wasn't a big deal if Sara saw me naked on the way to the shower since it obviously wasn't scarring her for life, I was definitely ok with seeing her naked, even though I really, REALLY should not have been, and the fact that Bill didn't seem to give a shit about nudity either way took a huge load off my mind about the issue. I was just glad that his was the master bedroom and came with its own bathroom, so I wouldn't ever see him naked.

Of course, my acceptance of the whole nudity issue was just one of the things that compounded to make everything get out of hand and- Nevermind, you know that already.

No single drop of rain thinks it's responsible for the flood...

But if it was the weekend where Bill disappeared into the wilderness that I crossed the line and touched Sara, it was the weekend I went into the wilderness myself that really put me over the line.

Anonymous 19/03/06(Wed)03:05 No. 25999 ID: fbdadd


Anonymous 19/03/09(Sat)19:32 No. 26004 ID: 1560ec

Come back OP

Anonymous 19/03/12(Tue)11:59 No. 26007 ID: b03598


The+Bard 19/03/18(Mon)04:21 No. 26012 ID: af33ee

Ok, which one of you blew up OP's computer again! See you guys later this summer when OP returns.

Anonymous 19/03/18(Mon)19:39 No. 26013 ID: 2bc535

Must be hard finding internet in the wastes

Anonymous 19/03/19(Tue)03:15 No. 26014 ID: 2796d3

Come baaaaaack!

Not OP; Just Helpin&!pImEwBuYfw 19/03/19(Tue)03:18 No. 26015 ID: 2796d3

A couple weeks passed, and by now it was late October. Halloween
was coming up in a little over a week, and more importantly I had
a three day weekend coming up. It was supposed to be so we could
study before midterms, but honestly, has ANY student ever
actually done that?

It was a five hour drive home, but I didn't intend to go home
until Thanksgiving; I was enjoying my independence too much. It
was also a two hour drive to our deer lease out in the country.
I'd gone there every deer season with my dad, camping, roasting
marshmallows over a fire, swimming in the pond (when it was warm
enough), and exploring the woods. He rarely got a deer, not
because they were scarce or because he was a lousy hunter, but
because he mostly went up there just to spend time with me;
hunting was purely secondary as far as he was concerned. When I
was fourteen, he passed up a twenty-point buck and handed me the
rifle instead; I still have the photo of myself posing with the
deer somewhere.

That place was full of happy memories for me, growing up. Now...
now, the memories are sort of mixed, but I still remember the
place fondly.

So, I'd decided I was going to head up to the place Friday
morning, pitch a tent, and head back Sunday afternoon. It was
unseasonably warm and the trees were only just beginning to turn,
so it would be a great way to spend the weekend.

So, at breakfast Thursday, I told Bill about my plan to go
camping that weekend.

He froze awkwardly, then glanced at Sara, then back to me,
cleared his throat, and slowly told me that he'd been planning to
go on another study trip for his biology class, and he absolutely
had to go because the professor was counting the trip as 20% of
their midterm grade.

Which meant he'd planned to ditch Sara at the apartment with me
all weekend again and I had just thrown a monkey wrench into his
intricately laid plans.

Shit. If the trip counted as part of his midterm grade, I
couldn't tell him "too bad, I'm leaving" and force him to find a
way to deal with Sara all weekend. And I really didn't want to
cancel my plans and stay here just because Bill was a dick who
just assumed I wouldn't have plans for the weekend.

That really left only one option.

"That's ok, I don't mind taking Sara camping with me."

She perked up at hearing that.

"I've never been camping before! That's cool! We can catch

"Fireflies are only around in the summer, it's too late in the
year for them. But there's lots of other cool stuff to do up

I gave her a list of things to bring for the trip (mostly clothes
and a spare blanket since she didn't have any camping gear) and
she was practically bouncing out of her chair with excitement;
partly this was because she'd never been camping before and
really wanted to go, and partly, I know now, because it meant
spending more time with me and I was pretty much the only person
who bothered to interact with her who wasn't a teacher. She
babbled on enthusiastically about the trip and practically flew
out the door when it was time for her to meet the bus, still
talking about it. Bill seemed to find the whole thing amusing and
had the decency to thank me for it. Then he slid me twenty bucks
to pay for her meals during the weekend.

Like I said, Bill wasn't a bad guy, just... in his own universe.
I have no idea what he was like before his parents died and he
got saddled with responsibility for his little sister, but I know
that has to be hard on someone, so I never tried to give him
grief over it.

So I went to class, dozed off during class while the tone deaf
professor droned on about... I forget. It was just review for
midterms, and I already knew the stuff pretty well, so I didn't
bother paying attention and basically slipped in and out of
awareness while he droned. If he noticed, he didn't say anything.

I got done with my last class for the day and walked back to the
apartment, arriving in time to meet Sara at the bus stop and walk
back with her. She was skipping down the sidewalk, holding onto
my arm, and jumping with excitement. Had she been this wired over
a camping trip the entire time she was at school? I pitied her
teacher if she was. Then again, my impression was that Sara was
pretty withdrawn at school, so maybe the teacher would like the

We got back to the apartment and she immediately dumped the
contents of her backpack all over the table and threw it onto the
couch, to store the things she was bringing with her. She then
insisted I inspect everything she packed, to make sure it was
appropriate for camping.

Canvas sneakers, two pairs of panties (white with a little blue
ribbon on the front, and pink with a heart over the butt.), two
pairs of socks, a pair of jeans that fit her quite nicely (not
that I should be appreciative of how well a pair of jeans fit an
11 year old's ass), a pair of cutoff shorts, two t-shirts, a
bucket hat, and a blanket, as I'd instructed.

"Not bad, kiddo. Why don't you grab a pillow and a book too."

She raced off to her room to do exactly that, and I packed my
camping gear, an extra flashlight, and some spare clothes. I was
going to pick up some snacks and bottled water for us on the way
out in the morning. Damn. I knew I was forgetting something, but
I couldn't figure it out.

We had ravioli for dinner, while Sara regaled me with various
children's stories about camping, proving that she only knew of
it through books and that she was as big a nerd as her brother,
even if she didn't admit it. Bill showed up after we ate, grabbed
his stuff for his study trip, and headed out, barely saying two
words to us.

And with that, we each went to our separate rooms and went to
sleep, looking forward to the trip.

And I took another step down the path of no return.

Anonymous 19/03/24(Sun)02:08 No. 26020 ID: 348880

Long time lurker, first poster. Been following this shit for years but it seems its time to stick a fork in the meat and call it done.
Most slow burn stories are like that, run with the risk of the author never getting to see the end but this right here was slow burn to the point of the absurd. Good run y'all, it was a nice story.

Also, RIP OP

Anonymous 19/03/25(Mon)03:47 No. 26021 ID: dc7721

This can't happen again especially now on a cliffhanger😭

Anonymous 19/03/25(Mon)10:56 No. 26022 ID: 119e69

I dont know, man. After seeing the Between Friends comic actually finish, I have hope in ridiculously long projects again. OP has always come back in the past.

Gragnost 19/03/27(Wed)05:37 No. 26023 ID: 92d600

Between Friends?

Anonymous 19/04/01(Mon)01:34 No. 26027 ID: 0774dd

Ignore this anon!
I know he might be trying reverse psychology to negatively motivate OP, but just in case OP takes him seriously I say ignore him and don't stop!
This story is amazing and deserves to be finished.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/04/08(Mon)00:30 No. 26041 ID: b49468

I keep getting autobanned every time I repost a previous chapter. It's very annoying.

Anonymous ## Mod ## 19/04/08(Mon)01:45 No. 26042 ID: 1e5fb7

I can't find the IP you are posting under in the ban log, do you have the ban message you received. If I knew what blacklisted term you were using I could make an exception so you can post it.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/04/11(Thu)05:15 No. 26045 ID: b49468


I got it fixed... three times. Every time I repost a chapter from the previous thread, I get autobanned. First and second bans, the term was "spam: little girls", third time was "spam:" and part of some random word (but not the entire word) in that chapter. Had two different mods helping me and neither could figure out why I kept getting autobanned.

Anonymous 19/04/15(Mon)02:05 No. 26052 ID: 0a182b

I think you can't repost old threads. Archiving it is the best option.

Anonymous 19/04/19(Fri)00:26 No. 26057 ID: 0deb37

However it needs to happen, I just want to be able to read the end!

Anonymous 19/04/21(Sun)11:23 No. 26060 ID: e6405a

Now that there's an archive, is there any chance for new content?

Anonymous 19/04/22(Mon)08:04 No. 26061 ID: 95b270

It'll come, this is their life's work. Have you seen how long they've kept updating it? It may take a long time, but I won't believe this story is dead unless the author specifically says so.

Anonymous 19/06/14(Fri)15:43 No. 26088 ID: 6d0371

Just here to say thank you again for everything OP.

By the way, how old is Sara in the story right now?

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/06/23(Sun)03:56 No. 26099 ID: 862daf


12. She's had one birthday since the story began.

And yes, I think it's about time to start work on the next chapter.


You. You're awesome.

Anonymous 19/07/14(Sun)16:52 No. 26124 ID: 9154db

Is this going to continue? Is OP going to paste the full story from the previous thread? Make new posts?

Anonymous 19/07/27(Sat)23:08 No. 26130 ID: 8062ab

I don't follow this thread but I see this story is only till chapter 14 here, and I know there is at least up to chapter 37.

If you want to see the rest check it out on asstr.

Anonymous 19/07/29(Mon)05:46 No. 26133 ID: 016dc1


What's the link for it on ASSTR?

Anonymous 19/07/29(Mon)07:00 No. 26134 ID: ff8abc

this one

Anonymous 19/07/29(Mon)21:41 No. 26137 ID: 0a182b

This thread is another one, since the past one had hit the bump limit. I archived the last thread, the one you say that is 'up-to-date'

Anonymous 19/07/31(Wed)01:39 No. 26138 ID: 4478de

its have every chapter to 37 only one missing is the last chapter Speaking of which does OP remember he had that ?

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/08/11(Sun)02:02 No. 26144 ID: b49468

So. I've got the next chapter mostly written, but I'm not liking it so far. Something about it is just bugging me; I dunno if it's the character interactions or what, but I'm just not happy with it.

I do have a couple chapters from another story I've been kicking around written up. Do you guys have any interest in that as a way of holding you over until I eventually get this chapter hammered out, or you wanna just wait?

Anonymous 19/08/11(Sun)07:29 No. 26145 ID: ffab45

Writer's block can crop in weird ways so don't feel bad about working on another story if you're having trouble with this one. As for posting it, I'd say go ahead but I'd suggest you post it in a new thread so that it's easier to follow along with and it does confuse this one.

Anonymous 19/08/12(Mon)11:57 No. 26148 ID: 9f8df2

yes please.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/08/16(Fri)03:31 No. 26151 ID: b49468




Anonymous 19/08/17(Sat)16:20 No. 26154 ID: 0a182b

Did Sara had a french kiss yet?

Anonymous 19/08/21(Wed)23:06 No. 26185 ID: 6d0371

I would go for some anal adventures.
Maybe have Sara ask why men love anal so much (domination), or other sexual acts. Make it a bridge to some forms of kink.
Or have a general conversation between the two of them about what they are doing and how they can't tell anyone.
Adding some real world dynamics into the relantionship can explore unknown plot developments.

Just throwing out my random ideas.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/08/22(Thu)01:46 No. 26186 ID: b49468


No anal in Roommates.

May turn up in Hiraeth eventually though.

Anonymous 19/08/22(Thu)03:00 No. 26187 ID: 0a182b

Answer my question, OP

Also, since Sarah is already growing her front assets... it's certain that she will menstruate soon enough. Excited for the condom part.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)01:42 No. 26194 ID: 865dce

Nooooo, no condoms.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)02:07 No. 26195 ID: 0a182b

It's the most realistic path the protagonist can take. Risking buying pills might warn Bill of their sexual endeavors, whereas condoms are easy to get rid off, and explaining their existence is easy. What boyfriend keeps the pills of a girlfriend around him at all times?

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/08/23(Fri)02:47 No. 26197 ID: b49468


We'll burn that bridge when we cross it.

And, according to my chapter notes, when we do cross that bridge, it'll finally be time for a joke I had in mind SIX YEARS AGO when I first started Roommates. Literally since the day I wrote the first chapter.

But there's more to cover between now and then, and I still gotta get over this writer's block. I'm just not liking how the newest chapter is turning out.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)03:27 No. 26198 ID: 602775

I don't even lurk this board and i'm anticipating this.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)03:52 No. 26199 ID: 0a182b

I have a degenerative disease. So, better if you finish it off before death comes.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)23:54 No. 26204 ID: 6d0371

Can you please give us some hints where the story is going?
Do you plan any plot twists or do you prefer Roommates story to be sex/comfy time oriented?
And can we expect only the vanilla lewd or is there something more you want to get to?

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/08/23(Fri)23:59 No. 26205 ID: ff0824


It's going to mostly remain vanilla lewd.

It's mostly comfy/sex, but there will be major developments and plot twists along the way.

As for a hint of where it's all going... dude, did you even notice all the foreshadowing?

Anonymous 19/08/24(Sat)00:48 No. 26206 ID: 0a182b

Possible plot twists and future events:
>Sarah had some attraction to Scott before the 'is that your dick?' incident.
>Bill knows Scott is fucking his sister, and that will come back later...
>Bill isn't the main cause for the 'foreshadowing', but one of the reasons.
>There will be a girl that starts to flirt with Scott, and Sarah almost tells her brother out of jealously. Will not be the cause of his downward spiral, but it will contribuite

And my personal prediction is...
>Scott might meet Sarah after his 'downfall' and continue their relationship. I think Sara will force herself onto him, as he is unable to do so out of guilt over her loss of innocence.

Anonymous 19/08/29(Thu)06:19 No. 26237 ID: 0a182b

Op are you ok? Are you okay, OP?

Anonymous 19/09/01(Sun)12:36 No. 26245 ID: e880d1

Op is a smooth criminal.

Anonymous 19/09/05(Thu)08:09 No. 26274 ID: 0a182b


Anonymous 19/09/11(Wed)08:27 No. 26299 ID: a24da7

How's the writers block going OP?

Anonymous 19/09/11(Wed)22:32 No. 26302 ID: 6d0371

OP, can you please talk a bit about yourself?

What do you think about kids?
How do you get your inspiration?
Are you doing this story for personal reasons?
Do you think AOC is wrong if love observed is truly genuine?

OP!T1tXaJv9os 19/09/11(Wed)22:50 No. 26303 ID: b49468


>what do you think about kids?

In what context? I would love to have children of my own some day. If you mean sexually, fuck no. This story is a modern day cautionary tale.

>how do you get your inspiration

Partly real life writes the story, and partly just being well read lets me imagine scenarios. Sara is based on my wife and her having been a late bloomer. No, the story is not based on real life; I met my wife in high school.

>are you doing this story for personal reasons?

No. It's just a slippery slope what-if story/cautionary tale. The main inspiration was a news article about a guy complaining that he was a pedophile, but he didn't want to be. I started wondering how someone even gets into that, and my wife said, "so write a story. A sexy story."

>I assume AOC is age of consent in your last question

I personally think children are incapable of making such decisions. They lack the maturity, experience, and knowledge. However, I think the historical model of letting parents decide when their child was ready for marriage and starting a life-long relationship, not casual sex, had its merits. Letting a child have sex, whether with another child or an adult, just for fun or 'because I'm in love' is just irresponsible and is going to lead to children being exploited and manipulated. Marriage, on the other hand, especially in the context of before easy, no-fault divorce, alimony, child support, etc. for a teenager whose parents have evaluated them and their would-be spouse on an individual basis, is perfectly fine.

Anonymous 19/09/25(Wed)05:47 No. 26361 ID: 3eee51

OP hows the writers block going, when should we expect an update to roommates?

Anonymous 19/11/10(Sun)06:46 No. 26479 ID: 0a182b

If OP doesn't post, I will curse him, his family, his descendants, his ancestors, his past and present lovers, and worse of all, his writing career

Anonymous 19/11/10(Sun)16:28 No. 26480 ID: 50b376

>If OP doesn't post, I will curse him, his family, his descendants, his ancestors, his past and present lovers, and worse of all, his writing career
Dishonor to you, dishonor to your ancestors, dishonor to your cow!

Anonymous 19/11/14(Thu)10:17 No. 26483 ID: 8fba52

>being this new
You have a much longer wait ahead of you than you think, but thankfully OP always delivers.

Anonymous 19/11/16(Sat)06:07 No. 26484 ID: 0a182b

It doesn't matter being new or not... it's a matter of nutting to this modern version of Lolita and waiting for the inevitable punishment our protagonist will receive. I will go to the deep end of wizardry to curse OP unless he posts as required by the enchantment.

Anonymous 19/12/29(Sun)17:56 No. 26551 ID: ecead9

Any chance of a new years update? Been waiting nearly a year to read about Sara going underwear shopping

Anonymous 19/12/30(Mon)02:13 No. 26552 ID: 0a182b

If there isn't any reference to the protagonist trying to buy lingerie, and succeeding without drawing attention... we should all drop it collectively.

And besides, OP, what about taking some surreal takes on the series? Like them being almost found by Bill, or Scott getting a female friend that makes Sarah jealous, etc. The attempt at realism is making the story stale.

Anonymous 20/02/28(Fri)05:55 No. 26624 ID: e35377

Only thing this should be taken is to the trash and OP to burned at the stake for wasting years of our lives.

Anonymous 20/02/28(Fri)06:15 No. 26625 ID: b4c072

You wasted your own time by caring about it. This story has never been anything but mediocre at best whereas you have AnonyMPC pumping out at least a few good tales to completion every year. I have zero idea why you guys care about this shit so much. It reads like the author is a mildly talented highschooler.

Anonymous 20/02/28(Fri)19:47 No. 26629 ID: 6247bd

AnonyMPC has only posted two or three stories about two partners when his niche is multiple partners and non-vanilla fetishes. OP, however, isn't excusable.

He should let any of us finish this story since he doesn't seem to care from what we saw with his new one.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/03/02(Mon)04:14 No. 26642 ID: c36f33

Roommates is pretty much dead. I've largely lost interest in the story, every time I've tried to finish up the next chapter I just stare at the text on the screen and then pound my head on the keyboard, and the attempt at realism made it drag unnecessarily.

So we've got two options:

1) I abandon the story and post a synopsis of where it was going and how it was going to end. If someone wanted to pick it up and continue it from there, following that outline, fine.

2) We wait until I feel like working on it again. Which probably isn't going to happen.

Vote now.

Anonymous 20/03/02(Mon)05:53 No. 26644 ID: 5200af

>the attempt at realism made it drag unnecessarily

It worked fine for me. The characters are well-defined and clearly your readers are invested either way. They've hung in this long and their appetite hasn't diminished. If chasing realism is dragging the effort down then drop it for a session and have fun with what you've built.

Anonymous 20/03/02(Mon)08:01 No. 26648 ID: 6247bd

Just write the ending, and leave it that way

Anonymous 20/03/03(Tue)04:18 No. 26649 ID: e1a6ed

Post the synopsis and go away.

Like another anon pointed out there is a lack of loli/adult vanilla stories with a direction and at least some basis in reality.

Anonymous 20/03/05(Thu)06:39 No. 26653 ID: 49bcd2

As someone who has followed the story from the very beginning I'd appreciate the ending. You've come a long way OP, no dishonor in throwing in the towel when you know the motivation has left you.

Gragnost 20/03/06(Fri)07:55 No. 26654 ID: 6e8f81

I say finish it.
Have him knock her up, get arrested after being caught by her brother, have her DPed by him and her brother...
Do whatever you plan on doing, but please finish the story.

Anonymous 20/03/06(Fri)08:59 No. 26655 ID: b79e81

Go ahead and post the ending. If you later get struck with the motivation to fill in the rest later I'm sure we'd all still love to read it.

Anonymous 20/03/06(Fri)18:14 No. 26656 ID: c72188

It's always been about the journey for me so the ending isn't that important to me but do what you feel is right. Where can we find your other work op?

Anonymous 20/03/06(Fri)20:49 No. 26657 ID: 2769a0


Meh any ended would be hack kneed. No reason to ruin something otherwise great.

Just say it's over and move on then. You clearly don't want to do this now, so I'd rather it end at a time you did

Anonymous 20/03/07(Sat)09:02 No. 26658 ID: 6d0371

I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I will tell you this.
Not all stories like this have to end badly. Not every kid suffers in the end and not all adults are monsters full of abuse.
Think about the legacy you created with your story and what kind of a message you want to send. Morals and laws change every ~50 years.

Be the beacon, not the dread.

Anonymous 20/03/07(Sat)14:23 No. 26659 ID: 27774f

>Think about the legacy you created with your story

You're joking right? This story is shit propped up by being on a dead board with basically nothing else on it.

Anonymous 20/03/15(Sun)02:52 No. 26671 ID: 6d0371


Anonymous 20/04/06(Mon)10:54 No. 26679 ID: 136f2f

I'd say just write down what was going to happen. Either it will give you enough motivation to continue a bit longer or it won't and then you'll be relieved of a project you don't want to continue.

Anonymous 20/04/11(Sat)00:12 No. 26682 ID: 8546fd

Post your synopsis and let someone else continue. If you're ready to give up on this story then it's unlikely you'll ever find the motivation/muse to continue, and in the event that you do you can always just write what comes to you and post it anyway.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/04/13(Mon)01:55 No. 26688 ID: b49468

Ok, here's a basic synopsis of where the story was going:

>Sara buys a sundress and hat on their shopping trip, partly because she likes it but mostly because Scott (MC) thinks it's cute, and she wears it on dates to the park and a trip to the beach
>Scott (MC) and Sara continue having sexy times until Sara stays home from school complaining of stomach cramps
>Sara freaks out and calls for Scott, then realizes she's having her first period and it's nothing to worry about; Scott takes her shopping for feminine products for the first time, both of them clueless, but a woman at the store helps Sara pick out what she needs
>Scott freaks out realizing he could have impregnated Sara with all the times he shot his load into her and they go back to blowjobs and fingerbanging for a while
>later, Sara gives Bill a letter from her school saying they need a parent-teacher meeting, but Bill is heading out of town that day and writes a letter authorizing Scott to go in his stead, assuming it's a routine thing
>school counselor meets Scott and calls him Mr Paxton (yes, the joke is that Bill's name is Bill Paxton. I had that joke in mind since literally the first chapter.) and Scott realizes she thinks he's Bill and doesn't correct her mistake or show the letter; counselor says Sara applied for free birth control through the school, which they provide, but have to inform her parents/legal guardian; Scott has a brief moment of panic which the counselor misinterprets as an older brother being embarrassed over his little sister's sexual activity, but tries to cover it by saying he doesn't think Sara is sexually active and just wants birth control pills because they reduce the length and amount of menstrual bleeding; the counselor buys this and the meeting ends
>sexy times resume
>Sara starts blossoming into a young woman, hips developing, breasts getting bigger, etc.; Sara is initially shy and awkward about puberty accelerating, but gradually gains confidence in her looks thanks to Scott
>at age 13 into 14, Sara distances herself somewhat from Scott, both romantically and sexually, when boys at school start paying attention to her; she's no longer the class pariah
>Scott is both heartbroken that their relationship, which has grown into a genuine romance by this point, seems to be ending and happy for Sara now that she's interacting with boys her own age and developing normal relationships with her classmates
>it all comes crashing down for Sara; first the girls at school that always picked on her escalate the bullying because they're jealous of her good looks and the attention it gets her from the boys, then she overhears a conversation between the boy she likes most in class and some others talking about how he plans on getting her to send him nude pics and then humiliating her by spreading them around the school
>thoroughly crushed, Sara comes home crying, Scott comforts her, they have sex again for the first time in weeks, and Sara announces seriously that she really does love Scott
>age 15, Sara very nervously tells Scott that they need to talk about something; Scott thinks it's about how he and Bill are about to graduate from college and how he'll have to think of some way for them to stay together if he has to move out of the apartment
>she decides to put off whatever she has to tell him until after they have sex
>they left the door open, not expecting Bill to come back for hours, but Bill returns to the apartment to grab something he forgot and discovers Scott banging his little sister doggystyle
>Bill beats the shit out of Scott while Sara frantically tries to stop him; Scott doesn't fight back, honestly believing that he deserves it
>Bill calls the cops and Scott is arrested
>Scott pleads not guilty, hoping to get off, while his lawyer urges him to plea guilty, say it was a one time mistake and he'll never do it again, so he'll hopefully get a lenient sentence
>Scott is once again heartbroken when Sara tearfully testifies that he 'raped' her on a regular basis since she was 11
>she also reveals what she was going to tell him before: she's pregnant
>Scott changes his plea to guilty and is sentenced to ten years
>Scott informs the reader, who is interviewing him, that he never got raped in prison but he did get in several fights, and that "big black dicks are a hoax perpetuated by the porn industry; you learn a lot in a prison shower"
>Scott starts to receive letters from Sara, saying that they wouldn't allow her to write him before but now they can't stop her since she's 18; she's sorry for what she said in her testimony at his trial and angrily says the prosecutor coached her on what to say and insisted she had to call it rape 'because that's the legal definition of what he did'; Bill pushed her to get an abortion, and then the state pushed her to give up her baby for adoption, but she fought to keep it
>Scott has a son named Matthias, after Sara's deceased father
>Scott, wallowing in depression, guilt, and self-loathing, never writes Sara back and declines to allow her to visit him in prison, but reads every letter she sends him; she writes him every month and sends him photos of his son growing up, and money he can spend in the prison dispensary
>Scott is finally released on good behavior after four years in prison; his parents and older sister have disowned him as a child molester, and all of his friends refuse to have anything to do with him, so he has nowhere to go
>Sara picks him up in the prison parking lot when he's released; she's now grown into a beautiful young woman, but is still very petite and pale, his 'porcelain doll'
>he breaks down crying and says he's sorry he ruined both their lives; Sara says her life hasn't been ruined and she doesn't regret their relationship one bit; she's only sorry for what it cost him
>Scott meets his son for the first time and breaks down crying again; Sara asks him to marry her and he agrees
>the reason Scott is being interviewed by the reader is because the reader saw an article about a young woman marrying the man who 'abused' her as a child and wanted to write a book about the case
>in the final interview, Scott admits that life is still hard since he's on parole and nobody wants anything to do with someone who went to prison for child molestation, he regrets his mistakes and how one bad decision led to another, but he's happy now
>Sara, wearing a sundress like the one he bought her before and visibly pregnant, comes in with their son and remarks that she's happy now too
>the interviewer writes an epilogue, the first time in the story we see anything from anyone's perspective but Scott's, and comments that while Scott obviously did a very stupid thing that could have easily damaged Sara for life, their love for each other was genuine and everything turned out ok in the end

The end.

If someone wants to continue the story following that basic outline, go ahead. If you want to end it there, fine. I don't think I'll be picking up and finishing Roommates any time soon, if at all, so there you have it.

Anonymous 20/04/13(Mon)08:11 No. 26690 ID: aa9a4b

Well shit OP, thanks for the closure. I've commented randomly over the years but I read this from when you first posted, or very shortly thereafter, and it's crazy to see it finished, even in an incomplete way. It was a fun ride these past...fuck I don't even know how many years.

Wish you the best OP.

Federal Bureau of Investigation 20/04/16(Thu)02:49 No. 26695 ID: 6247bd

I will try writing the rest. However, not in the same quality as OP offered us.

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/04/16(Thu)03:44 No. 26696 ID: a16bf5


8 years. Honestly, I'm amazed it lasted that long. Both that it took that long to write out that much of the story, and that people stuck around and read it.

Anonymous 20/04/19(Sun)05:17 No. 26703 ID: 44bf56

Jeez. I know you've been telegraphing the 'bad end' the entire time, but I've got to say that I'm kinda happy I'll never have to read that.
Depressing as hell, even if the ending is... bittersweet?
Hope you keep up your other projects. I liked this one a lot.

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/04/19(Sun)08:18 No. 26704 ID: 6247bd

OP, this is a sad day for /elit/, as you have no more creative juices to offer us...

But I will try to keep your legacy on. I never tried to write. I suck at writing. My attempt at continuing your work will not give the same quality as you do.


I must try

I must try to fulfill your magnum opus.

A new testament for ROOMMATES.

I thank thee for giving this sweet nectar. And I will continue the legacy.


As the shopping mall was somewhat distant, I suggested to Sara that we go there by car, which she reacted by happily rushing towards the car door and opening it. I sighed and went to the opposite door.

The trip was kind of fast, but it was nice. Seeing my little girlfriend talk nonstop about what we should do was refreshing in away. She suggested we eat in some fast-food restaurant, then buy some new games and movies, and check whatever cute clothes she wanted. And well, it was the idea I had in mind.

We ate at Burger King, checked Gamestop for some games where I bought two games as Sara kept looking around, mesmerized. Blockbuster was empty, as always, so we moved on.

The receptionist at the clothes store asked me if Sara was my sister, and there, I almost had the biggest heart attack in my life. “No, he is my-” I was fast enough to interrupt her and say that yes, she was my sister and that our mother asked us to buy some clothes and underwear. Sara, in a way, shrugged her shoulders in the realization of what situation they almost got themselves into.

Getting home was easy. Sara smiled brightly, excited to try her new underwear, and the clothes she bought. Yeah, mostly with my own money, but whatever. By the way, she chooses to buy a cute hat when I told her she looked cute in it. I was starting to realize Sara's love for me by that point.

But it was no quick realization. It took years for me to... realize what I felt for her.

And I think those feelings I had for her were still in me.

When we got home, I placed the shopping bags in the table, while Sara went into her room to put whatever she bought into place. She was beaming with energy, maybe because it was our first date in away. I felt happy too, and somewhat, the smell of her perfume made me go a little crazy.

Well, putting my sausage on her bum was already crazy.


I turned around, and what stood in front of me was beautiful. To see something so divine, equal to the act of seeing God in the flesh, should be sinful. Her breasts, conforming nicely to the nylon sports bra that she bought, and her frilly panties tucking nicely to her butt and her puffy vulva.

“You... look so beautiful.”

It was no bluff. She made me blush intensely for the first time. I was witnessing the puberty of my lovely girlfriend, and I would be there to see how her body grows; her first period, her cramps, the widening of the hips, fat depositing on her legs, buttocks, waist, and breasts...

And she too, had a deep red blush in her face, so red that it was obfuscating her freckles.

And, without my prompt, she hugged me. Not the innocent hugs you normally would give to anyone, mind you. It was that hug, where the arms reach behind your neck, and the girl goes to kiss you.

She didn't try.

So, I asked her.

“Kiddo, do you know what is a french kiss?”

“Uh... a mouth kiss?”

Ugh! Her innocence was making me crazy, together with the perfume invading my nostrils as in to tell me it is finally time to let go of my inner consciousness and embrace the feral monsters inside me.

And it was at that point that I fell straight into the path where my life couldn't return to normal.

I reached for her chin with my right hand, whereas the other hand landed on her bum as I tried to bring her towards me. Our lips touched. But, she didn't open her mouth or try to interact with mine.

It is my job, as her boyfriend, to do so.

Without warning, I intruded into her closed lips using my tongue, which elicited a sudden intake of breath from her part. But it didn't stop me from exploring her lips with mine. I kept moving my tongue until I fished hers with mine. Her reaction was a moan, which resonated inside my mouth.

The kiss went for about two minutes, so I withdrew my tongue and put her down.

“What did you think?”

Sara was red as a tomato, and she kept licking her lips in what looked like to be an attempt at keeping the lips moist. But, she was just weirded out by the new sensation, one that she never felt before.

And she didn't want to look at my face. She kept moving her eyes away from my gaze.

Before I could ask if she is okay, she hugged me and said. “I never felt something like this...”

“Well, it was my first time too...”

I moved my tongue around inside my mouth, feeling the taste of her mouth which my tongue was inside for two minutes. It tasted like ice cream; she asked me for some during our date.

She, on her part, just nestled her face in my chest. My arms simply moved around her, and we kept embraced. Sometime after, she asked me if I wanted to watch some movies together.

“Sure. Go to my room while I get something for us to eat.”

“I love you, Scott...”

“I do too...”

OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/04/24(Fri)03:31 No. 26710 ID: b49468


>no more creative juices for us

Wrong. Read Hiraeth. I'm much more into that story than I was with Roommates; I can do more with it, and I don't need to drag it out for realism because it's a sexy isekai with foxgirls.

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/04/24(Fri)08:32 No. 26711 ID: 6247bd

It's fine, really. Sometimes, a writer gives up.

Just give your opinion on my writing. I want to try finishing this at least, as this story interests me.

Anonymous 20/05/03(Sun)20:09 No. 26719 ID: 0f9d72

Keep going, please...

Anonymous 20/05/10(Sun)22:46 No. 26725 ID: 7ec314


Like people are going to trust you on a new story

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/05/11(Mon)06:06 No. 26727 ID: 6247bd

I will, soon enough.

By the way, men of 7chan, do you know why we want to have sex with girls in their room? A territorial ritual?

Federal Bureau of Investigation 20/05/15(Fri)03:18 No. 26738 ID: 6247bd

OP, OP, OP...

I will change the story if you drop Hiraeth too...

A curse may befall your old story if you do.

After her first tongue kiss, and the hug she gave me minutes ago, she retreated to her room in what appeared to be embarrassment, as her face was still hot red. I could tell even from behind her head, as the ears shared the same coloration. It was the first time she was that embarrassed, too.

Yes, more embarrassed than the first time we had sex, and that other time she got wet and mistook it for pee. And calling me by my name... it got me hard, just as when I admire her porcelain body. Hng!

I retreated back into my room, where I exercised some sweat away. Now, instead of doing all the exercises I was doing beforehand, I focused on doing crunches, as my abs were still undeveloped.

Five minutes of crunching and Sara entered my room which door was still open. She focused on my bare chest, my crotch, and then my face as she went to ask what I was doing.

“Why do guys do that?”

In retrospect, I mentioned that my intention with exercises was to attract girls. While my mind kept telling me to lie or make up something, my lower brain went the other way and forced me to say the truth.

“I... uh... crap.”

Self-control took over once again. But I couldn't lie to those sky blue eyes.

“Guys do it to attract other girls.”

“I see...”

“So... girls like guys with muscles?”

“Some do. Don't you, kiddo?”

She looked away from me, in clear embarrassment, and focused her sights on the bed, where my notebook was. Instead of answering my question, she asked something else.

“C'mon, there isn't any new movie in your notebook?”

“Sure there is.”

I downloaded the Austin Powers trilogy before I went to the date, with foreknowledge that she would get bored of re-watching movies. Sara leaped in the bed, and I got to the kitchen to make popcorn.

Yeah, watching Austin Powers with a minor might seem wrong, but I was her age when my father bought me a copy of the movies. Nowadays, with this PC culture, watching it with your kid would land you straight into jail. Combine it with the fact that I really tried to avoid taking away her childish innocence; but since she had sex, there was no reason for me to not watch movies with risky writing.

What started here was the moment I took no restrains with her.

No, she never let me have anal. When I tried to go down on her some time before our first date, I tried to eat her ass too, with the mindset she would like it instead. Her answer was 'my poop comes from there!' with audible disgust. So yeah, no restraints didn't mean 'want me to stuff your butt?'.

I wasn't seeing Sara as a naive kid. I really wanted to make it special for her.

And well, she and I watched it regardless.

“Crap, it's almost midnight.”

She said, clearly copying my choice for words.

And crap isn't really the straight definition of a 'swear word'.

I didn't swear next to her because she doesn't like to hear swearing. Bill does seem to swear very frequently, and she hates when he does. I believe their family reprimanded them for that.

Sara leaped off the bed and slowly went to her room, stopping just near the doorstep to collect her clothes. I had another devilish idea at that moment. Bill wasn't home, and she was still in my room...



“Wanna sleep with me?”

“Like... like we did at the tent?”

“Yeah. What do you say?”


She almost jumped into my bed, and let her clothes fall back into the ground. I stopped her as she did, reminding Sara that Bill could get home tomorrow, and even if we slept together, he would say nothing as long she had clothes on. So, she put them on, and then went to my bed.

I placed the covers on top of her, and took her little body to mine, as we snuggled into a spooning position My crotch was now glued to her butt, and my arms around her in a hug.

“Goodnight, sweetie.”

“Good night... and I love you.”

I moved my lips closer to the nape of her neck, and kissed the area, as I went to sleep. The first thing I felt from Sara before being knocked up by a dose of sleepiness was the goosebumps of her neck hair.

Everything was good... and it would take a very long time for it to be perfect.

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/06/01(Mon)05:56 No. 26777 ID: 6247bd

Three chapters on a period of two months.


By the way, I need reviews, criticisms, as I have imperfections!


I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night as the result of a noise of a key, and of the door creaking open. Bill was back, and his sister was calmly sleeping on my arms with a hint of a smile on her face.

She wasn't awake, from what I could tell. Her breathing was still shallow, and her muscles relaxed. And yeah, the fact her brother was back, and my fear of him founding out my dick went inside her this weekend. Yeah, it was not helping my case at all.

What made me more afraid was this: before she came to sleep with me, did she close the door to her room? Did we put our shopping bags away? What if he finds the stuff I bought for his sister?

My worries, however, were what woke Sara from slumber.

I made no point in trying to get her back to sleep, so I shushed her and asked for her silence as my pointing finger went up my lips, or what is known as the universal sign of the phrase 'keep quiet'.


Sara croaked as she nodded. Good girl.

As I came from my room, what first caught my attention was Bill still in the kitchen, putting his stuff away and preparing something to eat. And good, she put her stuff away, and closed the door.

There was nothing to worry about at this point, so I tried to make my best impression of someone that just woke up as I went to the bathroom. He saw me as I came out, clearly worried.

“Oh, uh... sorry for arriving late. The study group was fucking hell, and some shit happened.”

“Sara really got worried about you, dude.”

“Yeah... by the way, did she give you trouble?”

“Not at all.”

“Thanks for taking care of her... my words keep getting slurred, so yeah, need some sleep.”

He went back to the kitchen to grab what appeared to be a sandwich, ate the rest, and retreated back into his room without giving any more signs of his existence for the day.

And as I returned to my room, Sara was sitting on the edge of the bed, worried expression stamped on her face, as she whispered very quietly. “When will he go to sleep?”

“Really soon. Just keep quiet until then, kiddo.”

Sitting next to her, it took little for Sara to grab my hand and lie her head on my shoulders. And in a way, that action was one of many that made me start to realize my own feelings for her.

I'm lying to myself at this point. I always wanted to see my actions as manipulative, all in an attempt to hide what I did. I wanted to run away from my emotions, as my love for her grew steadily.

I started to have genuine feeling for her. I just saw her as a object of sexual relief, but from that point forward, my view of her changed. She was hurt by the dead of her parents, and this guy suddenly appears and starts to show her attention. It all begin with her curiosity about sex, and grew into love.

It was one-sided. I saw her as a little sister, she saw me as a lover. But it had to change at some point.

And that change was carved in stone as I murmured in a whisper.

“I'm really falling in love with you...”

Why all that, you say?

When she suggested that we had sex, back when she, out of breath, declared her love? That memory still lingered on me. And while my feelings of romantic love were no longer being hidden by my guilt...

I also came to regret how it all began.

If there is something I regret more than starting all of this... was that I abused her curiosity for sexual gratification. And I was too much of a coward to not tell her before 'it' happened.

I wonder if this is why I always hear 'stop blaming yourself' all the time.

Well, enough of this inner monologue. She went to her room after snoring could be heard, not before I gave her another kiss, her little tongue now trying to keep up with the rhythm. She really wanted to kiss, since she was pouting at me when my mouth retreated from hers.

“Tomorrow, ok?”


I too, went back to mine and closed the door in tandem to hers. Now, there was no going back: the path was set, and my future changed. And even when there was a chance for one, nothing could be done.

You can't change the past, nor the future, as they say.

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/06/10(Wed)04:24 No. 26787 ID: 6247bd

I'm writing more chapters. My English isn't the best one available, but I pump more chapters.

I might finish it faster, or make some changes to not get people bored since we all know what will happen...

But oh well, a new chapter.


I woke up again in the morning, this time without the presence of my young girlfriend. Realizing that I was on my side, with the arm outstretched in the same direction as if there was a person that needs my embrace. Yesterday, we had what could be called our most intimate of moments, the first moment we exchanged our emotions and feelings with each other.

And comparing her to when we met for the first time...

At the start, Sara was a really shy girl. When Bill introduced me to her, the first reaction she had was to run straight into her room as she said her name... and that sweet memory kept bugging me as of late. Maybe that is because she approached me on her own, talked with me, and showed more of herself? I then realized my presence has caused an enormous change to her.

From not talking with her, to having a sexual relationship... and now, to falling in love for real?

Did I... really love Sara as my girlfriend?

My feelings for her, at least from what I was aware, were like those from a brother towards his sister; but, only on anime, this sort of thing happens. In what world, on what reality, does a brother destroy the pussy of his sister? I had to justify this in the right way.

From that moment onward.

"This is so wrong..."


Breakfast was being made by me. Eggs and some toast, and for Sara, bread, and grapefruit, which became her favorite fruit for some reason. Not me, right? Well, enough of this dense idiot realizing the small details he never realized before. Bill, realizing how poor my attention spam was when compared to an autistic child, interjected.

"Dude, are you OK?"

"Nothing, it's just..."

I needed to make some excuse...

"I ate out yesterday, and I think it made me sick."

"You went out? Well, what about Sara?"

"She bothered me to come, so..."

Bill looked at me with the eyes of a predator, and my poor mind had executed many scenarios resulting from that, all in record time. Him finally deciding to finish the circumcision process by tearing off my member? A punch to my chest, which will result in my immediate death, and a reason for that cliche 'younger sibling wants to kill older siblings for revenge' plotline?

"Scott, you realized my sister has a crush on you, right?"

"I think you should not give her the wrong idea. She has no friends, and well..."

"But don't worry. I know you won't do... anything to her, right?"

Of course, I realized she has a huge crush on me. She said 'I love you' many times before, and we just had sex this weekend. But what worried me is that Bill himself might have realized something fishy was going on and has asked me to not give her the wrong idea to get me to confess...

Or maybe he thought I would reject her by being a good person by heart, and cause her some distress.

"I know. She is always too cheerful around me, and my presence has caused her to change somewhat. But I would never do that since I see her as I would see my sister."

"Sorry for asking that. It's just... the world is a dangerous place nowadays."

"Are you two talking about what?"


Sara arrived from her slumber, still with the usual combo of green frog panties and a T-shirt. She looked at me, then at Bill, and me again.

"Oh... uh... we were talking about..."

"Cars, right?"

"Yeah, those jockeys overdo their little races nowadays..."

"Right. So, is breakfast ready?"

She sat down and went to gobble the breakfast I prepared, as her brother ate Cup Noodles. Finishing it, he takes the backpack from the ground and goes for the door, not before tapping me in the shoulder and whispering to my ear; "Yeah, so... make sure to not give her the wrong idea, right?" He relaxed somewhat, thinking I was aware of the implications behind his words. Bill didn't suspect me, he just didn't want her to feel sad when I reject her feelings as a responsible adult. And I had to break the promise we made...

Bill opens the door and closes it as he leaves for the stairs. Sara waited until the noise of boots crashing on the concrete stairs were no longer audible to ask me what we were discussing.

"He said you got a little crush on me, and that I shouldn't give you the wrong idea."


Of course, her expression changed from curiosity to shyness instantly, followed by a flushing of her cheeks and nose bridge.

"Wrong idea?"

"I... will explain after school. It's complicated, kiddo."


After a while, she came out of her room wearing a pink skirt, leggings, and some type of sweater. I must say, she looked beautiful regardless of her choice in clothes, even if they were an ugly combination. Still, she didn't go to the sink or to the side of the table where the plates were. She went for my side, with one hand on the bottom of the sweater. Well, well, well...

I already knew what it was.

"Are you wearing it?"


She lifted the sweater, revealing her small buds being firmly held by a pink sports bra. And boy, it was sexy. It made them stand out, and appear somewhat more like breasts, not just little swellings on her chest and nipples. My hands went to them automatically, groping them slowly and carefully so she won't feel sore.

"Does it hurt?"

"No. But it feels weird."

"It always does, kiddo."

I took my hands away, and she lowered the hem of her sweater back into place. In time, since the bus could be heard coming closer. Before she went to the door, I hugged her from behind and gave a little peck on her lips, and as we separate, she opens the door and prepares to go down the stairs.

"So, when you get home, I will explain everything."


"I love ya."

"Me too!"

After there were no more signs of her silhouette, the weight on my body was gone. Bill realized something he should never have, and now I had to explain to my girlfriend about how wrong our relationship was, and that Bill would not just kill me, but send me to jail and let everyone know about my crime. My friends, family, career, it would be all over instantly.

But that little scare? It wasn't the first time it would happen...

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/06/14(Sun)02:40 No. 26789 ID: 6247bd

The last chapter was awfully bad. I'm sorry for deviating THAT MUCH from the original.

I want to make some changes, but that was too unrealistic. Even for an attempt at making this fun.

So yeah, please forgive me. I won't do that again, if possible. Let's retcon it as a dream...



As I arrived at the apartment and opened the door to the dormitory, Bill was waiting for me alongside his sister as they both sat at the table.

"Care to explain this bullshit?"

Sara appeared to be crying, as she confessed to her brother all the awful things that happened to her this weekend.

"He... he... he had sex with me this Saturday... and..."

Reality seemed to distort as Bill jumped straight at me, tackling me down to the ground while preparing for a mighty punch...

And it was at that moment where I realized...

Everything was a sickening dream.

I woke up in a panic, rushing my hands desperately towards the alarm and checking the clock. Yeah, it was a dream, or else it wouldn't be noon. Well, everything seemed weird when Bill said to my face that his sister had a crush on me, pointing to the fact it was all just a weird dream. If he realized that, for sure he would punch me at the first opportunity.


That dream was too weird for words. I couldn't describe it. It was either too realistic or very weird. But for one thing, it made me somewhat relaxed, as I didn't have to explain everything to my poor girlfriend. However, it sent me a powerful message; that we had to be more careful from now on.

It even gave me a boner. Weird.

"Now I'm too late for class. Might have to send a message..."

My classes started at 10 AM, and Sara goes to school at 9 AM. Bill goes to his classes at the same time as me. Yeah, all alone at home because of oversleeping, and more reason to get yelled at by the biology teacher. Great, second day of the week and it goes straight to shit. No wonder Garfield hates Mondays, shit always happens on this day.

And my inner monologue was broken by a knock. It meant only one thing.

I got out of bed and went to the door. Instead of opening it at first, I just asked the person on the other side the following.

"Sara, why didn't you go to school?"

As I opened it, a distraught Sara greeted me with a little punch to my stomach. I fell into my knees, trying to fake that the punch had its intended effect.


"I didn't want to."

"Come on, if you stay at home too much, your brother will suspect us."

We were always careful with that, but after that nightmare, taking more precautions as necessary. I wonder if this was what led to her ignoring me...

Enough of that, right?

After getting up, and giving my girlfriend her deserved pat to the head, I headed for the shower as I undressed on the corridor. As her boyfriend, I couldn't fathom giving sexy times while I was dirty and sweaty. Sara just stared at my junk, then at my legs and finally, at my chest, and casually asked me.

"Is hair supposed to grow this much in guys?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"On this weekend, there was some hair in my mouth, so I just wanted to know."

"Hair from my crotch?"

Oh boy, how much I loved seeing that redness over those cute freckles when she got embarrassed. I became able to tell when she wanted to say something embarrassing, and I always say it out loud, just to get that reaction from her. Yeah, our talks went from innocent to more lewd ones as time went on, but this will be relevant later.

"Yeah, it's getting hairier. I will shave it, then."

"Can... I help you with it?"

And so, we went together to the bathroom. While I sat on the border of the bathtub, she readily approached my crotch area, only possible because my legs were wide open, her little hands checking out some of the hair growing there. Soap was being spread all around the balls and the crotch, only the penis being spared from the soaping.

I approached my nether regions with the razor after Sara helped to spread the soap bar, getting the hair shaved while she watches intently.

"I have to do that when I get all hairy?"

"Guess so."

"Will you help me when it happens, then?"

"Of course. After all, you helped me as well."

My crotch still had some sparse hairs left, but at her insistence, she had to get it completely shaved, leaving only the balls intact.

"Great, now you won't get my hair on your mouth."

She smiles at me, her hands moving through my member up and down, as she masturbated me with all of her efforts. When she went to suck it, she took her mouth away from my dick, saying how much it tasted like soap. After some washing up, she went downtown, giving it some taste with her tongue, and then...

Sara went to give some small kisses to the glans and got to lick the sides of my shaft before going back to sucking, now at a faster rate. I didn't teach her that, so either she figured it out on her own, or she watched something naughty without my knowledge. Now that I remember, one of those pictures I showed to her, it had a girl doing this...


Semen flooded her small mouth as I ejaculated vigorously, the head of my dick still on her lips as she took the shaft out. Finishing it, she removed her mouth from my dick as she swallowed my load. God, it was the BEST blowjob she ever gave me, and it prompted me to ask what needs to be asked; where the hell did she learn that?!

"God, where did you learn this?"

"I searched it up..."

Holy mother of all that is sacred. My little girlfriend searched for a new way to please me...

Wait a minute.

Did she just... search for pornography? Sara was too innocent for-

But to be fair, I watched some hardcore stuff when I was her age. She was growing up, and I had to understand she won't stay a child forever. In today's society, girls her age already talk about having boyfriends, some are already saying all sorts of profanity. And well, it isn't fair to treat her like a child, we just had sex this weekend: twice, even!

Sara said so before. She didn't want to be treated like a child: she wants to be treated like a person.

People see that kind of stuff.

Yeah, a pedophile having a moral dilemma about teenage girls with porn access, while at the same time, he has sexual relationships with a little girl...

"Did you watch naughty stuff?"

Ouch. The way which she looked at me, with guilt on her eyes...

"Don't worry, it's okay for people to do that. I did it too."

What a crazy day it was. Way better than that weird dream I just had...

And it goes even crazier from that day forward.

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/06/27(Sat)04:47 No. 26829 ID: 6247bd

A new chapter, but treat it as a continuation from this last one I posted. As always, criticize some of my mistakes, or else I won't know what errors to avoid from now on. Words said, let's get to it.


After our bath together, we went to my room almost immediately. Sara got on the bed first, and I joined in, with her body lying on top of mine as we cuddle together. She smiled at me, one hand on my chest while her head lies on my shoulder while she tried to hear my heartbeat. After placing mine on top of hers, she snuggled to my neck, appearing to be satisfied with my presence.

"Good girl," I whispered.

I got her hands intertwined with mine, and moved them slowly towards my crotch. I was making sure that her fingers could feel the outline of my not-so-apparent abdominal muscles. After all, why waste those gains if my little girl doesn't like them? From her part, she plucked her lips as her face moved to my general direction, waiting for my kiss. I obliged, of course.

"Wanna do it?"

Her little nod, the smile she gave me as her face retreated, and the way she squeezed my rod, signaled to me that yes, she wanted to have sex again. I wanted to try something else today, attempts at new positions so that Sara would try more than just Doggystyle. "Can we do that another way?

"Sure, but how?"

"Sit on my lap, as if you are riding a horse."

She raised herself over my lap, and sat straight at where my dick was. Her hands moved up to my shoulders, a grin stamped on her face as she started to hump the shaft with her labia, the wetness of the vagina apparent after her juices lubricated it all. Was she trying to get my dick jelled before it entered her entrance? Smart girl...

She was getting too smart for my liking...

I lowered her body to me, growing tired of the humping. As much as I loved that, my growing fascination with foreplay had me with other interests. I started to go bold with my cuddling, moving my head towards her neck, full of freckles just like her face, where I kissed and gave small licks, which she appreciated since she gave a high moan. It didn't end just there, my lecherous hands giving her butt a little squeeze as they moved from their stationary position at her hips, which I placed there while she moved her little hot dog bun over my sausage, towards her behind.

"You like that?"


My lips lowered to her chest, planting kisses as I went towards those cute, little breasts. Unlike my attempts to get down on her, she welcomed my mouth as it moved down on her breasts, licking the nipples and giving a very delicate suck. "Hmm!" My curiosity satiated, I nibbled on her pointy nipples, earning me a slap on my shoulders from her part. "Don't do that!"

A few moments after some cuddling and tongue kissing, we moved to the main attraction. My left hand held the shaft of my dick, while my other hand rested on her back, while she lowered herself slowly until my head contacted the entrance to her wet pussy. Her hands now reaching for mine, Sara then lowered herself, requiring no further assistance as the head and half of my pole went in.

"So, does it feels good?"

"Too good."

I guess she meant it, lowering herself over my dick a little too quickly, which resulted in what I would call... well, you know, those moans from porn videos? I used to think they were fake until then. But my little girlfriend proved to me how much I was wrong. Her left hand went for her mouth, and she let out a muffled but very sexy moan that wouldn't normally come from a twelve-year-old.


"That's so hot..."

Sara smiles at my remark, my dick still fully burried on her pussy. Putting all of her weight on my hands, she made a small effort at riding my penis, giving sweet little moans along the way. And well, she did move in a very shallow way, not very fast while being enough to make me feel good. I wanted to go faster, to test if she can take it hard, but the way she did it was good enough.

She bit her lower lip, apparently too tired to continue moving. So, my hands went from hers, towards her shoulders, where I placed them, all in order to push her body to mine, dick still on her. "Scott-" There it is, my opportunity to test my hypothesis.

I kissed her lips, tongue going inside and fighting with hers, whereas my hands moved from her shoulders to her bottoms, which I grabbed. My hips went into a frenzy, pumping my dick inside of her, going faster each time my head slams straight into her cervix. Sara's moans resonated inside my mouth as I fucked her hard, and her vaginal walls got thigher as the result.

She was cumming. I was feeling her muscles tense up, the thighness of her entrance too much for my rod, and her mouth distancing away from my own as she let a high moan. Yeah, let me tell you, she moans too loud at times: even if Bill wasn't around, there were the neighbors to worry about as well.

But whatever.



I came deep inside of her, my little descendants swimming around the pool of white liquid that formed inside her uterus while being unable to ovulate my undeveloped girlfriend. Sara laid on top of me, her head on my chest, breathing heavily as she looked at me with those beautiful eyes. No expression on her face, just her looking at me while gasping for air.

"Let's take a bath again."

Which of course, we did. Bath is done, we both dressed up in our clothes and went to the couch, where we cuddled together and watched TV, some documentary called Ancient Aliens being broadcasted. Sara looked up at me after the documentary ended, asking wholeheartedly; "Those guys that believe in aliens are so dumb."

"I agree."

Aside from her remark on the Alien Guy having a funny hair, and ufologists being dumb, nothing noteworthy happened that day, unless Sara kicking my shins while we ate on the table is considered noteworthy. Well, not like we expected THAT from happening the next day, which is important for this story. A very important happening, indeed.

Federal Bureau of Investigation 20/07/20(Mon)05:55 No. 26883 ID: 6247bd


Cunny is forever.

I woke up early in the morning, not wanting to skip class like yesterday, with a morning wood so big that my penis sneaked out of its housing, which are my boxers. Well, had sex for the third time, so of course my dick got hard while I slept. Or maybe, it was my bladder reflex making it stand up?

Okay, okay, enough of medical trivia. I will leave this for later.

After jumping out of bed and putting some old clothes I had scattered around my room, I went to the kitchen. Some bread and strawberry jam for my girlfriend, and the usual toast and eggs for Bill. For myself, just some ham and fruit, not wanting to get carbohydrates this early in the morning. Sara got out of her room exactly at the same time I placed the breakfast onto the table. Oh my. She was using one of my T-Shirts, possibly mixed from when we got them from the washing machines on the condominium floor. They hanged over her left arm, which showed part of her sports bra. As for her privates, they were covered in cute pink panties, which were getting really small for her since they were caving into her butt. Welp, there goes another boner.

"Why aren't you eating?"

As she sat on the chair, I realized she hadn't been eating any of the breakfast I prepared for her.

"My belly hurts..."

"Wanna take a painkiller?"


Taking a glass of water, I fill it up while I search for some paracetamol in the balcony. I gave a pill to Sara, alongside a glass of water, which she drank half of it. Realizing that her pain could be due to how rough I fucked her the day before, my left hand moves towards her right cheek, caressing the region before hugging her body to mine. I got guilty, thinking the pain was because of me.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie. Was I too rough?"

Sara blushes, apparently knowing what I meant, and then shyly denies it. Of course, she returned my hug back.

"N-no... it's not because of you."

"Yeah, now that you say it... the dinner from yesterday tasted funny."

She giggles at my choice of words, and goes rushing to the bathroom. I wait for her to finish before going in as well. Bill aparently had to leave a bit earlier, probrably for his study group.

Sara steps out of her room at the exact moment I step out of the bathroom, dressed in a long skirt, pink sweater, and a dark hoodie. Yeah, winter was getting close, and it was a bit chilly as well. Before going to my room in order to get dressed, I go over my little girlfriend and give her butt some good squeeze, which she answered with a grin, and a slap in my chest.

"Are you wearing it?"

"Yeah, but it feels weird on my chest."

"Well, you will get used to it."


"Kiss me, like we did yesterday."

And so we did, my lips sucking hers slowly before my tongue forces its way inside her mouth, searching for the little tongue residing there. With the target found, we moved both of our tongues in unison. While at it, she grasps at my shirt, and my hands wander down to her butt, not squeezing it, just landing them here. Sara was eager, putting more force into her tongue and tucking my shirt, afraid that maybe her boyfriend was going to run away from her grasp.

"You like when I use my tongue?" I ask, minutes after removing my lips from hers, a trail of saliva following and vanishing away as we both retreated our heads. My angel was blushing in deep red, mouth agape, with a glint on her blue eyes so bright I could see my own reflection.


"Would love to kiss you some more, but I got to go, and so do you."

She snickered at my comment, and followed me to the door, and then to the outside of our apartment. We walked across the sidewalk for a bit, her arms around my left one, until we could see the school bus across the street. After hugging me, she got inside the bus and then got on my way. Classes were boring, and there was this worry for my little girlfriend, since she woke up with pain on her stomach. Was it because of how we had sex yesterday?

I didn't really control myself back then. Even if she really liked it, my impulsiveness...

Ok, enough of blaming myself. But still, one of my many mistakes.

I arrived somewhat late, having to explain to one of the teachers about me not giving full attention to my classes and being on their office for almost one hour. Sara still hadn't arrived from school, as it seemed. Well, enough time for me to drop some sweat with exercising, and take a refreshing bath after such an stressful day. And just minutes after leaving the shower, the distinctive noise of keys could be heard, alongside the hinging of a door. My girlfriend has arrived, but instead of greeting me like always...

"Sara, so do you wanna play or do-"

She ignored me, and rushed to the bathroom, one of her little hands grasping the shirt she was wearing at the stomach level. Of course. All of that pain was-


There was a trail of blood across the hallway, going from the kitchen right to the bathroom! I knew it! I did hurt her yesterday...

But before going for any of my famous self flaggeling monologues, I heard her scream my name.


"Oh shit."

When I opened the door, horror overcame me. Sara was pressing a towel on her crotch, and the floor was filled with sheets of blood-soaked toilet paper. It wasn't a olympic amount of blood, rather just small to medium blood spills, which still made me completely terrorized. From her part, she dropped the towel and went straight into my direction, and hugged me on the waist. My girl's face was bloated, tears coming out of her eyes, alongside some residual snout, and with the expression of fear and aprehension.

You know, that was one of the moments that had completely changed her. It changed me as well, making me appreciate our relationship, even if resulted on... this...

I said I wasn't going to blame myself, but you know, it has been just two months since then. But to say that didn't hit me hard... you would be lying. It got me so worried.


"Oh shit, shit... take off your clothes, quick."

I... honestly don't know why, but I was willing to take her to an hospital, bleeding from her vagina and everything.

Believe me, that idea was fucking dumb. A habeas corpus waiting to happen.

My body moved on its own towards the bathtub, turning the water on and rushing Sara to step inside. I took her clothes, and tossed them straight into my room, and returned to clean some of the mess up. Wait a minute... that blood really looked weird. Oh. Oh. Fuck.

I was too dumb to realize what was really happening...

It was her first period.

Breath in, breath out.

I almost relaxed, knowing it was nothing serious, just her first menstruation... and my body quickly recoils in more terror. I fucked her yesterday, and came inside as much as I could. And she had a period. That means I almost got her pregnant. I got more worried as time passed on, thinking of ways to explain this to Sara without scaring her...

"Are you OK?! Please, tell me this isn't bad..." Sara asks me, almost crying. Maybe she got worried, seeing how I was standing right at the door, just looking at her blood.

"I have good and bad news, sweetie."

"What?! I... will... uh..."

"You won't die... but I might."


"You know, when a girl is ready to get pregnant..."

"H-her body prepares a little room inside the body. It's already there, but it needs something more."


"You know the vagina, right? There is more stuff inside there..."


"The cervix, a little wall that separates the inside from the outside, and the uterus..."


"Like I said, there is a room already. It's that."

"And when the body prepares a little room, it's like... putting a little blanket on it."


"So, that's the good news. You aren't."

"When the body sees there is no baby, it destroys this little room... and it comes out like that."

"This is called menstruation. Or period for short. It's... not going to last forever, if you're worried."


"S-so... what happens when it ends?"

"Your body prepares to get pregnant. It can happen when I... uh... cum inside you without protection..."

"We... will have to stop doing it?"

"No. I can use condoms, or pills. You know what a condom is, right?"

"So you don't get those, uh... SDT?"

"STD, but yeah... you can also use it to avoid having babies."

"Ok. But what are pills?"

"A drug that stops you from getting pregnant."

"B-but... what if I want a baby?"

"If you stop taking it for some time, you can."

Quick tangent. Yeah, that part wasn't because of this. Those drugs, believe it or not, can still fail.


"Where can I get them?"

"You... have to talk with Bill about that."

Part 2 soon. Text is too fucking long.

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/07/26(Sun)06:45 No. 26906 ID: 6247bd

Part 2 didn't get this long, but oh well. Period chapter out.


"While at it, just... use toilet paper until tomorrow. We will buy some stuff when you come back from school."

I instructed her to do the same thing she did on the camping trip; make some 'baseball mittens' with the toilet paper, and use it temporarily. She then placed it on her panties as she dressed herself up with one of my shirts. Bill didn't seen to mind when she wore my clothes, maybe because she also wore his sometimes. Yeah, that was my suggestion. So that he won't get weirded out.

"Why not now?"

"Your brother will get suspicious."

"Won't... he get suspicious if I ask about the pills?"

Sara was right. Her brother would get just as suspicious if she suddenly asked him to get contraceptive pills. But still, going with her to the pharmacy to buy essentials without telling her brother is a ticket to having my dick ripped off. So I just told Sara to wait for me to find a way. Not that I needed, by the way. That's for later, though.

"I will do something about it."

She went to her room while I got stuck with cleaning the mess on the bathroom. Bill would ask about the blood, then ask Sara, then call the police after she confesses that I took her virginity, and get me into a gigantic mess, and... okay, enough of thinking about the future. Even if it ended up happening anyways. And well, speaking of the devil, I could hear the sound of the door hinging open. He just tossed the backpack on the table after I walked to the bathroom's doorstep. Bill inquired about my presence there, and I just said his sister had a nasty vomiting frenzy after yesterday's diner.

When the day came, I just went to the nearest pharmacy, my girlfriend following suit. I did nothing from my part, as the pharmacist helped Sara with picking the stuff she needed: tampons, pads, wet wipes, all that stuff. We went home afterwards, with Bill asking me about the plastic bag on her hands. After some explaining, he thanked me and gave some cash to cover for what I bought.

Good way to make me feel like a piece of shit.

Some days had passed, and my birthday was this friday. Sara got into a melancholic mood, since she had nothing to give me. "I'm sorry..." "Crap, there is nothing I can give you." Luckily, her boyfriend was enough of an smartass to suggest the following; "what if you just dress yourself with your clothes while I watch?", which got her face into a shade of red.

I love when she gets embarassed...

Nothing stopped her from doing it for me, not even her embarassment. However, what happened when she did it got imprinted in my mind.

Sara, wearing some really tiny short shorts, the ones where the gluteal folds are clearly visible from behind. She got those after trying to cut her normal shorts up, but it resulted on them showing more than what they were allowed to show. From her part, she got really embarassed, more than she did before, after she realized my eyes gazing at her little, firm buttcheeks. Other than that, we threw those shorts away, a decision made mostly by her. Sara never liked wearing clothes that revealed her features, and she went to dress herself more conservatively as time went on.

After a long weekend overdue, where we just had mutual masturbation sessions, my girlfriend decided that enough is enough.

That monday just got me to agree more and more with a certain lasagna-loving cat.

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/08/03(Mon)03:30 No. 26933 ID: 6247bd

Sorry for the quality. Being ESL is suffering. But the shitty grammar is a sacrifice I must make for fast, big, and constant posts.


Today... or better said, that Monday, three unusual surprises came. First in the morning, second in the afternoon, and the final and most significant one at night. You can already guess what the last one entails, with all of the foreshadowings. Regardless, one of them already happened the moment I woke up. Sara, snuggled at my side quite nicely while hidden deep inside of the bedsheets, her hair spreading all over my bare chest, and arms. I woke her up by moving a little, and my devious mind came up with the idea of giving her a little scare.

My eyes kept themselves shut, arms and legs immobile, while I felt Sara sitting on my lap; of course, with a little wriggling, as she could feel the sudden volume at my boxers. Yeah, she was wet, but not with the sacred secretions of her nubile vagina, but with the unholy ones. Thankfully, the toilet paper kept it from dirtying my underwear with blood.

"Hey, Scott."

I didn't say anything, just waiting to see what would be her reaction.

Her hands retreated from my shoulders, and went somewhere else, possibly her hair. I couldn't handle it anymore, my hands moving instinctively towards her bare butt. Since she was on her menstrual days, just groping her cheeks would be enough to make the blood move around and make a mess. My primal lust, not wanting to waste this moment, acted for me.

I give her ass some good smacking, slowly but still somewhat strong, which resulted in a yelp, and a slap on my chest which carried the same amount of force as mine.


"Why did you do that?!" She whispered, not really angry since she was smiling mischievously.

"To teach you a lesson. Next time, don't come into my room without telling me first."

She pouted and gave another slap on my chest as she left the covers and jumped out of the mattress, landing safely on the wooden floor. Sara went to her room afterward, not before sticking her tongue out at me. Where the hell does that much energy comes from? Oh well, maybe it was time to wake up and prepare breakfast before I left for college.

Sara came up from her room as soon as I prepared to leave, walked towards me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek as she went downstairs, which was appreciated. The day was exhausting like always, with teachers that either doesn't care or just stopped giving a shit, jocks being the stereotype that they are, some wiggers and mudsharks hanging around with bad elements of the black community. Yeah, that place stopped caring for education a long time ago, now it's just someplace where you join by paying some mediocre loans, and where you leave with a huge debt. American education, fuck yeah. But enough of social commentary, the issue we must discuss is of a worse threat to societal rules.

As I got home, Sara hugged me, and we did our usual kissing-and-groping before her brother comes back. She got really good at tongue kissing but preferred to just suck on my lips and let me take control. My hands moved up and down on her spine and went below the shirt, their destination being her budding, still-in-development breasts, which were covered in the fabric of her sports bra. From her part, no more sensitive breasts, but her nipples became just as sensible to my touch. I was never a nipple fan, so whatever. We kept doing that for one hour, but not on the same spot. We moved to the couch, then to the walls in the hallway, and finally to my bed, where our usual masturbation and blowjob section started.

After we took a bath together and dressed, Bill arrived somewhat late but didn't bother to explain why. His sister gave a letter to him, as instructed by her teacher, and said that there was a class meeting next Saturday. She didn't tell me about it for some reason, a clue telling to what the aforementioned class meeting was all about.

"Crap. I have a class meeting that day."

"Want me to go to your place?" I offered.

"Are you sure? I... don't want you to bother with it."

"I don't have anything to do, so whatever."

Bill nods in agreement and handles me the envelope before returning to his room and turning his music on. Sara looked at me quite often, an expression of fear and apprehension on her face, as I took the letter out. The more I gave it a read, the more my fears came to fruition. Honestly, describing my emotions at the occasion would be complicated, so...

Imagine that I did read it aloud. "To the one responsible for Sara Paxton, we of the prestigious [redacted] institution want to let you know the following. She has requested our local infirmary for contraceptive medication, which we give, but not without your agreement. So, this Saturday, we arranged for a meeting, so that we can talk about this issue."

"Sara... what a hell did you just do?" I said, angry.

Tears almost came out of her, her voice trembling as she realized I got angry at her for the first time.

"I... uhm... I'm s-sorry! I wanted to... to have sex, so I asked them for it, so we could do it..."

"Ask me beforehand! For fucks sake, what if your brother reads it? What would he say?!"


"Let me say this straight; if he finds out, he will beat the shit out of me, call the police, and get me on jail."

Sara looked at me in fear, which I didn't know why until later. She didn't like the idea of someone she loved so much having to suffer because of her, and this is easy to understand why if you look at it from the angle of someone that lost both parents at a young age. Sara hated the fact Bill was more or less ignoring her presence, and the only person that cared about her existence was me. With these factors in mind, that is why she got so obsessed with me, even if said obsession was what made everything work out...

"I was going to ask you, so... who cares. Bill would suspect us if he found condoms on our trash either way." I assured her, still somewhat angry. "But we will have to wait. Your period ends this Sunday since its just five days, so we can only do it on Monday." She bit her lower lip and looked down at her own feet as she kicked my shins since we were still sitting on the table. Well, we ate our food, played some games, and went to our respective rooms for a while, because she kept pestering me to sleep with her again. Of course, I did.

Time passed on, and it was finally Saturday when I went to her class meeting.

"Are you Bill Paxton?"

"Oh, uh... yeah. I am."

"Great. So, you must be aware of what this meeting pertains to."

"Yeah... somewhat," I said, still trembling in fear of being found out. The school supervisor just asked me to calm down, thinking it was just a brother worrying about his sister. But of course, anyone would get nervous over their young siblings asking for something so intricately linked to sexual relations. This educational system is screwed, not caring that prepubescent teens are having sex that young. I had the belief that school handled them over for menstrual cycles, not because they wanted to avoid pregnancy.

"Straight to the matter. Do you think she is... having illicit sexual contact with someone?"

"Of course not. I mean... she just stays home playing games and watching stuff online."

"Are you sure? Nowadays, with the internet and all of that, kids are living on dangerous times. Do you keep watch of what she does online?"

"Yeah. I even blocked stuff like Google and Bing, so that she couldn't search for inappropriate stuff."

I kept inventing stuff on the run, still nervous and anxious that she would find out about my relationship with Sara. But since she thought I was Bill, maybe none of that will happen. The supervisor just nodded as she wrote on a stack of paper on a ring binder, and asked some more questions about her health, where I told about the bleeding and everything else, making sure to not talk about the other stuff. Like hell, I would tell about how much she likes having my fingers on her pussy, or my dick on her mouth.

"So, I just need you to sign this up."

"Sure. There you go."

Yeah, putting the name of her brother on a document that covered up my crimes was a scummy thing. Not that it did work to do its intended job.

"Thanks for having you. We will deliver it this Monday."

"To where?"

"She will take it home if you don't mind."

"Oh, cool. Well, is this everything?"

"Yes. You may leave now."

"Thank you."

After that, we waited patiently until Monday, and we returned to sexual activity. I don't think it's very interesting to talk about the stuff we did. Pretty sure it wasn't like hardcore pornography; our sex was still awkward by that point, more so by my attempts at trying to spice it up. Sara didn't like to cuddle while doing it, but that changed over time. At that point forward, my love for her steadily grew, and I just wanted to cuddle with her, talk all day about what she liked, and just enjoy her presence in a non-sexual way. When love is genuine, you stop caring for sex and start to yearn for more of the preliminary stuff, like hugging and sleeping together, and this happened for us as well. Yes, this will be important.

Since the fall approached fast, my plans to take her to the beach this year were gone. Thankfully, there was something else for us to do.

Federal+Bureau+of+Investigation 20/09/18(Fri)04:41 No. 27000 ID: 6247bd

Should I keep going, or drop this disaster and start another similar work? I mean, my grammar is too shitty, and my abilities are that of an ESL, so my writing will never get to OP's level.

14 posts omitted. First 100 shown.

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